import os from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory from launch import LaunchDescription from launch_ros.actions import Node import launch ################### user configure parameters for ros2 start ################### xfer_format = 0 # 0-Pointcloud2(PointXYZRTL), 1-customized pointcloud format multi_topic = 0 # 0-All LiDARs share the same topic, 1-One LiDAR one topic data_src = 0 # 0-lidar, others-Invalid data src publish_freq = 10.0 # freqency of publish, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, etc. output_type = 0 frame_id = 'livox_frame' lvx_file_path = '/home/livox/livox_test.lvx' cmdline_bd_code = 'livox0000000001' cur_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/' cur_config_path = cur_path + '../config' user_config_path = os.path.join(cur_config_path, 'MID360_config.json') ################### user configure parameters for ros2 end ##################### livox_ros2_params = [ {"xfer_format": xfer_format}, {"multi_topic": multi_topic}, {"data_src": data_src}, {"publish_freq": publish_freq}, {"output_data_type": output_type}, {"frame_id": frame_id}, {"lvx_file_path": lvx_file_path}, {"user_config_path": user_config_path}, {"cmdline_input_bd_code": cmdline_bd_code} ] def generate_launch_description(): livox_driver = Node( package='livox_ros_driver2', executable='livox_ros_driver2_node', name='livox_lidar_publisher', output='screen', parameters=livox_ros2_params ) return LaunchDescription([ livox_driver, # launch.actions.RegisterEventHandler( # event_handler=launch.event_handlers.OnProcessExit( # target_action=livox_rviz, # on_exit=[ # launch.actions.EmitEvent(, # ] # ) # ) ])