
627 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright(c) 2021 to 2022 ZettaScale Technology and others
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
#include "dds/ddsrt/align.h"
#include "dds/ddsrt/static_assert.h"
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* @defgroup serialization (Serialization)
* @ingroup dds
* Opcodes for (de)serialization of types generated by idlc. Isolated in a
* separate header to share with idlc without the need to pull in the entire
* Eclipse Cyclone DDS C language binding.
* One opcode is a uint32 and depending on which code it is can contain several uint32 arguments.
* @anchor DDS_OP_MASK
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the OP
#define DDS_OP_MASK 0xff000000
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the OP type flags
#define DDS_OP_TYPE_FLAGS_MASK 0x00800000
* @anchor DDS_OP_TYPE_MASK
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the OP type
#define DDS_OP_TYPE_MASK 0x007f0000
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the OP subtype
#define DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_MASK 0x0000ff00
* @anchor DDS_OP_JMP_MASK
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the OP jump
#define DDS_OP_JMP_MASK 0x0000ffff
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the OP flags
#define DDS_OP_FLAGS_MASK 0x000000ff
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the JEQ type flags
#define DDS_JEQ_TYPE_FLAGS_MASK 0x00800000
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the JEQ type
#define DDS_JEQ_TYPE_MASK 0x007f0000
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the PLM flags
#define DDS_PLM_FLAGS_MASK 0x00ff0000
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Mask for the KOF offset
#define DDS_KOF_OFFSET_MASK 0x0000ffff
* @anchor DDS_OP
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the DDS OP from a uint32 as a \ref dds_stream_opcode
#define DDS_OP(o) ((enum dds_stream_opcode) ((o) & DDS_OP_MASK))
* @anchor DDS_OP_TYPE
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the DDS OP_TYPE from a uint32 as a \ref dds_stream_typecode
#define DDS_OP_TYPE(o) ((enum dds_stream_typecode) (((o) & DDS_OP_TYPE_MASK) >> 16))
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the DDS OP_TYPE_FLAGS from a uint32
* DOC_TODO: possible values?
* @anchor DDS_OP_SUBTYPE
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the DDS OP_SUBTYPE from a uint32 as a \ref dds_stream_typecode
* Used for collections, the OP_TYPE is array/sequence
#define DDS_OP_SUBTYPE(o) ((enum dds_stream_typecode) (((o) & DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_MASK) >> 8))
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAGS
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the DDS OP_FLAGS from a uint32
* DOC_TODO: possible values?
#define DDS_OP_FLAGS(o) ((o) & DDS_OP_FLAGS_MASK)
* @anchor DDS_OP_ADR_JSR
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the ADR JSR from a uint32
* DOC_TODO: meaning?
#define DDS_OP_ADR_JSR(o) ((int16_t) ((o) & DDS_OP_JMP_MASK))
* @anchor DDS_OP_ADR_PLM
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the ADR PLM from a uint32
* DOC_TODO: meaning?
#define DDS_OP_ADR_PLM(o) ((int16_t) ((o) & DDS_OP_JMP_MASK))
* @anchor DDS_OP_LENGTH
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the LENGTH from a uint32
* DOC_TODO: meaning?
#define DDS_OP_LENGTH(o) ((uint16_t) ((o) & DDS_OP_JMP_MASK))
* @anchor DDS_OP_JUMP
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the JUMP from a uint32
* DOC_TODO: meaning?
#define DDS_OP_JUMP(o) ((int16_t) ((o) & DDS_OP_JMP_MASK))
* @anchor DDS_OP_ADR_JMP
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the ADR_JMP from a uint32
* DOC_TODO: meaning?
#define DDS_OP_ADR_JMP(o) ((o) >> 16)
* @anchor DDS_JEQ_TYPE
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the JEQ_TYPE from a uint32 as a \ref dds_stream_typecode
* DOC_TODO: meaning?
#define DDS_JEQ_TYPE(o) ((enum dds_stream_typecode) (((o) & DDS_JEQ_TYPE_MASK) >> 16))
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the JEQ_TYPE_FLAGS from a uint32
* DOC_TODO: meaning?
* @anchor DDS_PLM_FLAGS
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the PLM_FLAGS from a uint32 as a \ref dds_stream_typecode
* DOC_TODO: meaning?
#define DDS_PLM_FLAGS(o) ((enum dds_stream_typecode) (((o) & DDS_PLM_FLAGS_MASK) >> 16))
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Topic encoding instruction types
enum dds_stream_opcode {
/** return from subroutine, exits top-level
[RTS, 0, 0, 0] */
DDS_OP_RTS = 0x00 << 24,
/** data field
[ADR, nBY, 0, f] [offset]
[ADR, BLN, 0, f] [offset]
[ADR, ENU, 0, f] [offset] [max]
[ADR, BMK, 0, f] [offset] [bits-high] [bits-low]
[ADR, STR, 0, f] [offset]
[ADR, BST, 0, f] [offset] [max-size]
[ADR, SEQ, nBY, f] [offset]
[ADR, SEQ, BLN, f] [offset]
[ADR, SEQ, ENU, f] [offset] [max]
[ADR, SEQ, BMK, f] [offset] [bits-high] [bits-low]
[ADR, SEQ, STR, f] [offset]
[ADR, SEQ, BST, f] [offset] [max-size]
[ADR, SEQ, s, f] [offset] [elem-size] [next-insn, elem-insn]
where s = {SEQ,ARR,UNI,STU,BSQ}
[ADR, SEQ, EXT, f] *** not supported
[ADR, BSQ, nBY, f] [offset] [sbound]
[ADR, BSQ, BLN, f] [offset] [sbound]
[ADR, BSQ, ENU, f] [offset] [sbound] [max]
[ADR, BSQ, BMK, f] [offset] [sbound] [bits-high] [bits-low]
[ADR, BSQ, STR, f] [offset] [sbound]
[ADR, BSQ, BST, f] [offset] [sbound] [max-size]
[ADR, BSQ, s, f] [offset] [sbound] [elem-size] [next-insn, elem-insn]
where s = {SEQ,ARR,UNI,STU,BSQ}
[ADR, BSQ, EXT, f] *** not supported
[ADR, ARR, nBY, f] [offset] [alen]
[ADR, ARR, BLN, f] [offset] [alen]
[ADR, ARR, ENU, f] [offset] [alen] [max]
[ADR, ARR, BMK, f] [offset] [alen] [bits-high] [bits-low]
[ADR, ARR, STR, f] [offset] [alen]
[ADR, ARR, BST, f] [offset] [alen] [0] [max-size]
[ADR, ARR, s, f] [offset] [alen] [next-insn, elem-insn] [elem-size]
where s = {SEQ,ARR,UNI,STU,BSQ}
[ADR, ARR, EXT, f] *** not supported
[ADR, UNI, d, z] [offset] [alen] [next-insn, cases]
[ADR, UNI, ENU, z] [offset] [alen] [next-insn, cases] [max]
[ADR, UNI, EXT, f] *** not supported
d = discriminant type of {1BY,2BY,4BY,BLN}
z = default present/not present (DDS_OP_FLAG_DEF)
offset = discriminant offset
max = max enum value
followed by alen case labels: in JEQ format
[ADR, e | EXT, 0, f] [offset] [next-insn, elem-insn] [elem-size iff "external" flag e is set, or flag f has DDS_OP_FLAG_OPT]
[ADR, STU, 0, f] *** not supported
s = subtype
e = external: stored as external data (pointer) (DDS_OP_FLAG_EXT)
f = flags:
- key/not key (DDS_OP_FLAG_KEY)
- base type member, used with EXT type (DDS_OP_FLAG_BASE)
- optional (DDS_OP_FLAG_OPT)
- must-understand (DDS_OP_FLAG_MU)
- storage size, only for ENU and BMK (n << DDS_OP_FLAG_SZ_SHIFT)
[offset] = field offset from start of element in memory
[elem-size] = element size in memory (elem-size is only included in case 'external' flag is set)
[max-size] = string bound + 1
[max] = max enum value
[bits-..] = identified bits in the bitmask, split into high and low 32 bits
[alen] = array length, number of cases
[sbound] = bounded sequence maximum number of elements
[next-insn] = (unsigned 16 bits) offset to instruction for next field, from start of insn
[elem-insn] = (unsigned 16 bits) offset to first instruction for element, from start of insn
[cases] = (unsigned 16 bits) offset to first case label, from start of insn
DDS_OP_ADR = 0x01 << 24,
/** jump-to-subroutine (e.g. used for recursive types and appendable unions)
[JSR, 0, e]
e = (signed 16 bits) offset to first instruction in subroutine, from start of insn
instruction sequence must end in RTS, execution resumes at instruction
following JSR */
DDS_OP_JSR = 0x02 << 24,
/** jump-if-equal, used for union cases:
[JEQ, nBY, 0] [disc] [offset]
[JEQ, BLN, 0] [disc] [offset]
[JEQ, STR, 0] [disc] [offset]
[JEQ, s, i] [disc] [offset]
[JEQ4, e | nBY, 0] [disc] [offset] 0
[JEQ4, e | STR, 0] [disc] [offset] 0
[JEQ4, e | ENU, f] [disc] [offset] [max]
[JEQ4, EXT, 0] *** not supported, use STU/UNI for external defined types
[JEQ4, e | s, i] [disc] [offset] [elem-size iff "external" flag e is set, else 0]
e = external: stored as external data (pointer) (DDS_OP_FLAG_EXT)
s = subtype other than {nBY,STR} for JEQ and {nBY,STR,ENU,EXT} for JEQ4
(note that BMK cannot be inline, because it needs 2 additional instructions
for the bits that are identified in the bitmask type)
i = (unsigned 16 bits) offset to first instruction for case, from start of insn
instruction sequence must end in RTS, at which point executes continues
at the next field's instruction as specified by the union
f = size flags for ENU instruction
Note that the JEQ instruction is deprecated and replaced by the JEQ4 instruction. The
IDL compiler only generates JEQ4 for union cases, the JEQ instruction is included here
for backwards compatibility (topic descriptors generated with a previous version of IDLC)
DDS_OP_JEQ = 0x03 << 24,
/** XCDR2 delimited CDR (inserts DHEADER before type)
[DLC, 0, 0]
DDS_OP_DLC = 0x04 << 24,
/** XCDR2 parameter list CDR (inserts DHEADER before type and EMHEADER before each member)
[PLC, 0, 0]
followed by a list of JEQ instructions
DDS_OP_PLC = 0x05 << 24,
[PLM, f, elem-insn] [member id]
for members of aggregated mutable types (pl-cdr):
f = flags:
- jump to base type (DDS_OP_FLAG_BASE)
[elem-insn] = (unsigned 16 bits) offset to instruction for element, from start of insn
when FLAG_BASE is set, this is the offset of the PLM list of the base type
[member id] = id for this member (0 in case FLAG_BASE is set)
DDS_OP_PLM = 0x06 << 24,
/** Key offset list
[KOF, 0, n] [offset-1] ... [offset-n]
n = number of key offsets in following ops
offset = Offset of the key field relative to the previous offset, repeated n times when key is
in a nested struct. In case of inheritance of mutable structs, a single offset of
the key member relative to the first op of the top-level type (index 0).
DDS_OP_KOF = 0x07 << 24,
/** see comment for JEQ/JEQ4 above */
DDS_OP_JEQ4 = 0x08 << 24
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief datatypes as recognized by serialization VM.
enum dds_stream_typecode {
DDS_OP_VAL_1BY = 0x01, /**< one byte simple type (char, octet) */
DDS_OP_VAL_2BY = 0x02, /**< two byte simple type ((unsigned) short) */
DDS_OP_VAL_4BY = 0x03, /**< four byte simple type ((unsigned) long, float) */
DDS_OP_VAL_8BY = 0x04, /**< eight byte simple type ((unsigned) long long, double) */
DDS_OP_VAL_STR = 0x05, /**< string */
DDS_OP_VAL_BST = 0x06, /**< bounded string */
DDS_OP_VAL_SEQ = 0x07, /**< sequence */
DDS_OP_VAL_ARR = 0x08, /**< array */
DDS_OP_VAL_UNI = 0x09, /**< union */
DDS_OP_VAL_STU = 0x0a, /**< struct */
DDS_OP_VAL_BSQ = 0x0b, /**< bounded sequence */
DDS_OP_VAL_ENU = 0x0c, /**< enumerated value (long) */
DDS_OP_VAL_EXT = 0x0d, /**< field with external definition */
DDS_OP_VAL_BLN = 0x0e, /**< boolean */
DDS_OP_VAL_BMK = 0x0f /**< bitmask */
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief primary type code for DDS_OP_ADR, DDS_OP_JEQ
* Convinience pre-bitshifted values.
enum dds_stream_typecode_primary {
DDS_OP_TYPE_1BY = DDS_OP_VAL_1BY << 16, /**< one byte simple type (char, octet) */
DDS_OP_TYPE_2BY = DDS_OP_VAL_2BY << 16, /**< two byte simple type ((unsigned) short) */
DDS_OP_TYPE_4BY = DDS_OP_VAL_4BY << 16, /**< four byte simple type ((unsigned) long, float) */
DDS_OP_TYPE_8BY = DDS_OP_VAL_8BY << 16, /**< eight byte simple type ((unsigned) long long, double) */
DDS_OP_TYPE_STR = DDS_OP_VAL_STR << 16, /**< string */
DDS_OP_TYPE_BST = DDS_OP_VAL_BST << 16, /**< bounded string */
DDS_OP_TYPE_SEQ = DDS_OP_VAL_SEQ << 16, /**< sequence */
DDS_OP_TYPE_ARR = DDS_OP_VAL_ARR << 16, /**< array */
DDS_OP_TYPE_UNI = DDS_OP_VAL_UNI << 16, /**< union */
DDS_OP_TYPE_STU = DDS_OP_VAL_STU << 16, /**< struct */
DDS_OP_TYPE_BSQ = DDS_OP_VAL_BSQ << 16, /**< bounded sequence */
DDS_OP_TYPE_ENU = DDS_OP_VAL_ENU << 16, /**< enumerated value (long) */
DDS_OP_TYPE_EXT = DDS_OP_VAL_EXT << 16, /**< field with external definition */
DDS_OP_TYPE_BLN = DDS_OP_VAL_BLN << 16, /**< boolean */
DDS_OP_TYPE_BMK = DDS_OP_VAL_BMK << 16 /**< bitmask */
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAG_EXT
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief This flag indicates that the type has external data
* (i.e. a mapped to a pointer type), which can be the case because of (1) the \@external annotation
* in idl or (2) the \@optional annotation (optional fields are also mapped to pointer types as described
* in the XTypes spec). This flag is stored in the most-significant bit of the 'type' part of the
* serializer instruction.
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_EXT (1u << 23)
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief sub-type code
* - encodes element type for DDS_OP_TYPE_{SEQ,ARR},
* - discriminant type for DDS_OP_TYPE_UNI
* Convinience pre-bitshifted values.
enum dds_stream_typecode_subtype {
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_1BY = DDS_OP_VAL_1BY << 8, /**< one byte simple type (char, octet) */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_2BY = DDS_OP_VAL_2BY << 8, /**< two byte simple type ((unsigned) short) */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_4BY = DDS_OP_VAL_4BY << 8, /**< four byte simple type ((unsigned) long, float) */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_8BY = DDS_OP_VAL_8BY << 8, /**< eight byte simple type ((unsigned) long long, double) */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_STR = DDS_OP_VAL_STR << 8, /**< string */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_BST = DDS_OP_VAL_BST << 8, /**< bounded string */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_SEQ = DDS_OP_VAL_SEQ << 8, /**< sequence */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_ARR = DDS_OP_VAL_ARR << 8, /**< array */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_UNI = DDS_OP_VAL_UNI << 8, /**< union */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_STU = DDS_OP_VAL_STU << 8, /**< struct */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_BSQ = DDS_OP_VAL_BSQ << 8, /**< bounded sequence */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_ENU = DDS_OP_VAL_ENU << 8, /**< enumerated value (long) */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_BLN = DDS_OP_VAL_BLN << 8, /**< boolean */
DDS_OP_SUBTYPE_BMK = DDS_OP_VAL_BMK << 8 /**< bitmask */
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAG_KEY
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief mark field as key
* applicable to {1,2,4,8}BY, STR, BST, ARR-of-{1,2,4,8}BY.
* Note that when defining keys in nested types, the key flag should be set
* on both the field(s) in the subtype and on the enclosing STU/EXT field.
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_KEY (1u << 0)
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAG_DEF
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief For a union:
* -# the discriminator may be a key field;
* -# there may be a default value;
* -# and the discriminator can be an integral type (or enumerated - here treated as equivalent).
* What it can't be is a floating-point type. So DEF and FP need never be set at the same time.
* There are only a few flag bits, so saving one is not such a bad idea.
* union has a default case (for DDS_OP_ADR | DDS_OP_TYPE_UNI)
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_DEF (1u << 1)
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAG_FP
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief floating-point,
* applicable to {4,8}BY and arrays, sequences of them
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_FP (1u << 1)
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAG_SGN
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief signed,
* applicable to {1,2,4,8}BY and arrays, sequences of them
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_SGN (1u << 2)
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAG_MU
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief must-understand flag,
* as defined by the XTypes spec.
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_MU (1u << 3)
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAG_BASE
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief jump to base type,
* used with PLM in mutable types and for the TYPE_EXT 'parent' member
* in final and appendable types
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_BASE (1u << 4)
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAG_OPT
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief optional flag,
* used with struct members. For non-string types, an optional member
* also gets the FLAG_EXT, see above.
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_OPT (1u << 5)
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Enum and bitmask storage size (shift amount)
#define DDS_OP_FLAG_SZ_SHIFT (6)
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Enum and bitmask storage size
* -# 00 = 1 byte,
* -# 01 = 2 bytes,
* -# 10 = 4 bytes,
* -# 11 = 8 bytes (bitmask only)
* @anchor DDS_OP_FLAGS_SZ
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the Enum and Bitmask storage size from flags
#define DDS_OP_FLAGS_SZ(f) (1u << (((f) & DDS_OP_FLAG_SZ_MASK) >> DDS_OP_FLAG_SZ_SHIFT))
* @anchor DDS_OP_TYPE_SZ
* @ingroup serialization
* @brief Extract the Enum and Bitmask storage size from an uint32
* @defgroup topic_flags (Topic flags)
* @ingroup serialization
* There are several flags that can be added to dds_topic_descriptor_t by the IDL compiler.
* @ingroup topic_flags
* @brief Don't optimize the opcodes to quick memcpy's.
* If a topic includes only plain types and directly nested structs,
* it can be that a simple copy+optional byteswap can produce the right
* C memory layout straight from CDR. If this flag is added it means that
* there is pointer 'magic' involved in decoding the type and no shortcuts should be taken.
* @deprecated Optimizability is determined runtime when creating the sertype_default
* for the type, this flag is not used.
#define DDS_TOPIC_NO_OPTIMIZE (1u << 0)
* @ingroup topic_flags
* @brief The XCDRV1 serialized key fits in 16 bytes.
* If statically determined that a key always fits in 16 bytes
* the spec specifies that the key of a sample is the resulting CDR.
* If it is longer we must use MD5 to hash the resultant key CDR.
#define DDS_TOPIC_FIXED_KEY (1u << 1)
* @ingroup topic_flags
* @brief at arbitrary deep nesting the topic type contains at least one union.
#define DDS_TOPIC_CONTAINS_UNION (1u << 2)
// (1u << 3) unused, was used for DDS_TOPIC_DISABLE_TYPECHECK
* @ingroup topic_flags
* @brief The size in memory of a sample of this topic type is fully fixed.
#define DDS_TOPIC_FIXED_SIZE (1u << 4)
* @ingroup topic_flags
* @brief The XCDRV2 serialized key fits in 16 bytes.
* If statically determined that a key always fits in 16 bytes
* the spec specifies that the key of a sample is the resulting CDR.
* If it is longer we must use MD5 to hash the resultant key CDR.
* This is separate from the XCDRV1 version because it can differ due
* to the change in alignment of 8byte types.
#define DDS_TOPIC_FIXED_KEY_XCDR2 (1u << 5)
* @ingroup topic_flags
* @brief Set if XTypes meta-data is present for this topic
* @ingroup topic_flags
* @brief Set if data representation restrictions for the top-level type are present in the topic descriptor
* @ingroup topic_flags
* @brief Max size of fixed key
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* DDS_OPCODES_H */