FROM ros:humble ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends \ libglvnd-dev \ libgl1-mesa-dev \ libegl1-mesa-dev \ libgles2-mesa-dev \ libxext6 \ libx11-6 \ freeglut3-dev \ git \ python3-pip \ python3-tk \ curl \ vim \ libcgal-dev \ libcgal-demo \ ros-humble-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp ros-humble-rosidl-generator-dds-idl \ libyaml-cpp-dev \ ros-humble-xacro \ libboost-all-dev\ build-essential \ cmake \ git \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN curl -s | bash RUN apt-get install git-lfs # Cheange the ROS2 RMW to CycloneDDS as instructed by Unitree RUN cd / && git clone && cd /unitree_ros2/cyclonedds_ws/src && \ git clone -b humble && git clone -b releases/0.10.x &&\ cd .. && colcon build --packages-select cyclonedds && source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash && colcon build # Install Python dependencies RUN pip3 install scipy ipykernel warp-lang RUN pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url RUN pip3 install matplotlib opencv-python proxsuite RUN pip3 install isort black RUN pip3 install warp-lang scikit-learn casadi mujoco pin RUN pip install jupyter ipykernel RUN pip install cyclonedds pygame RUN pip install pynput pygame RUN pip install onnx onnxruntime # Set environmental variables required for using ROS RUN echo 'source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc RUN echo 'source /unitree_ros2/cyclonedds_ws/install/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc RUN echo 'export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp' >> ~/.bashrc RUN echo 'export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///home/Go2py/Go2Py/assets/cyclonedds.xml' >> ~/.bashrc # Env vars for the nvidia-container-runtime. ENV NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES all ENV NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES graphics,utility,compute