# Unitree Go2 Description (MJCF)
Requires MuJoCo 2.2.2 or later.
## Overview
This package contains a simplified robot description (MJCF) of the [Go2
Quadruped Robot](https://www.unitree.com/go2/) developed by [Unitree
Robotics](https://www.unitree.com/). It is derived from the [publicly available
## URDF → MJCF derivation steps
1. Converted the DAE [mesh
to OBJ format using [Blender](https://www.blender.org/).
- When exporting, ensure "up axis" is `+Z`, and "forward axis" is `+Y`.
2. Processed `.obj` files with [`obj2mjcf`](https://github.com/kevinzakka/obj2mjcf).
3. Added ` ` to the URDF's
`` clause in order to preserve visual geometries.
4. Loaded the URDF into MuJoCo and saved a corresponding MJCF.
5. Added a `` to the base.
6. Manually edited the MJCF to extract common properties into the `` section.
7. Softened the contacts of the feet to approximate the effect of rubber and
increased `impratio` to reduce slippage.
8. Added `scene.xml` which includes the robot, with a textured groundplane, skybox, and haze.
## License
This model is released under a [BSD-3-Clause License](LICENSE).