lidar: - driver: pcap_play_synchronization: false # pcap play rate synchronize with the host time udp_port: 2368 #UDP port of lidar ptc_port: 9347 #PTC port of lidar device_ip_address: #host_ip_address #pcap_path: "Your pcap file path" #The path of pcap file #correction_file_path: "Your correction file path" #The path of correction file #firetimes_path: "Your firetime file path" #The path of firetimes file source_type: 1 #The type of data source, 1: real-time lidar connection, 2: pcap, 3: packet rosbag frame_start_azimuth: -1 #Frame azimuth for Pandar128, range from 1 to 359, set it less than 0 if you #do not want to use it. #transform param x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 roll: 0 pitch: 0 yaw: 0 ros: ros_frame_id: hesai #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message ros_recv_packet_topic: go2/lidar_packets #Topic used to receive lidar packets from rosbag ros_send_packet_topic: go2/lidar_packets #Topic used to send lidar raw packets through ROS ros_send_point_cloud_topic: go2/lidar_points #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS send_packet_ros: false #true: Send packets through ROS send_point_cloud_ros: true #true: Send point cloud through ROS