
55679 lines
6.0 MiB

"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"RL policy based on the [SoloParkour: Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Visual Locomotion from Privileged Experience](https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.13678). "
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Flat Ground"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Test In Simulation"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"pygame 2.6.1 (SDL 2.28.4, Python 3.10.12)\n",
"Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html\n"
"source": [
"from Go2Py.robot.fsm import FSM\n",
"from Go2Py.robot.remote import KeyboardRemote, XBoxRemote\n",
"from Go2Py.robot.safety import SafetyHypervisor\n",
"from Go2Py.sim.mujoco import Go2Sim\n",
"from Go2Py.control.cat import *\n",
"#from Go2Py.control.cat_rnn import *\n",
"import torch"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from Go2Py.robot.model import FrictionModel\n",
"friction_model = None\n",
"Fs = np.zeros(12)\n",
"mu_v = np.zeros(12)\n",
"#mu_v[[2,5,8,11]] = np.array([0.2167, -0.0647, -0.0420, -0.0834])\n",
"#Fs[[2,5,8,11]] = np.array([1.5259, 1.2380, 0.8917, 2.2461])\n",
"#mu_v[[0,3,6,9]] = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.])\n",
"#Fs[[0,3,6,9]] = np.array([1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5])\n",
"#mu_v[[2,5,8,11]] = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.])\n",
"#Fs[[2,5,8,11]] = np.array([1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5])\n",
"friction_model = FrictionModel(Fs=1.5, mu_v=0.3)\n",
"#friction_model = FrictionModel(Fs=0., mu_v=0.)\n",
"#friction_model = FrictionModel(Fs=Fs, mu_v=mu_v)\n",
"robot = Go2Sim(dt = 0.001, friction_model=friction_model)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Put your stick at reset and do not touch it while calibrating\n"
"source": [
"remote = XBoxRemote() # KeyboardRemote()\n",
"safety_hypervisor = SafetyHypervisor(robot)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def getRemote(remote):\n",
" commands = remote.getCommands()\n",
" commands[0] *= 0.6\n",
" commands[1] *= 0.6\n",
" zero_commands_xy = np.linalg.norm(commands[:2]) <= 0.2\n",
" zero_commands_yaw = np.abs(commands[2]) <= 0.2\n",
" if zero_commands_xy:\n",
" commands[:2] = np.zeros_like(commands[:2])\n",
" if zero_commands_yaw:\n",
" commands[2] = 0\n",
" return commands"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"class CaTController:\n",
" def __init__(self, robot, remote, checkpoint):\n",
" self.remote = remote\n",
" self.robot = robot\n",
" self.policy = Policy(checkpoint)\n",
" self.command_profile = CommandInterface()\n",
" self.agent = CaTAgent(self.command_profile, self.robot)\n",
" self.hist_data = {}\n",
" def init(self):\n",
" self.obs = self.agent.reset()\n",
" self.policy_info = {}\n",
" self.command_profile.yaw_vel_cmd = 0.0\n",
" self.command_profile.x_vel_cmd = 0.0\n",
" self.command_profile.y_vel_cmd = 0.0\n",
" def update(self, robot, remote):\n",
" if not hasattr(self, \"obs\"):\n",
" self.init()\n",
" commands = getRemote(remote)\n",
" self.command_profile.yaw_vel_cmd = -commands[2]\n",
" self.command_profile.x_vel_cmd = commands[1]\n",
" self.command_profile.y_vel_cmd = -commands[0]\n",
" self.obs = self.agent.get_obs()\n",
" action = self.policy(self.obs, self.policy_info)\n",
" _, self.ret, self.done, self.info = self.agent.step(action)\n",
" for key, value in self.info.items():\n",
" if key in self.hist_data:\n",
" self.hist_data[key].append(value)\n",
" else:\n",
" self.hist_data[key] = [value]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"{'q': array([-0.02489972, 1.26249508, -2.82800513, 0.04556739, 1.25053519,\n",
" -2.79318037, -0.3062963 , 1.28285276, -2.82290189, 0.26406768,\n",
" 1.29357252, -2.84247318]),\n",
" 'dq': array([ 0.05639392, -0.00138966, 0.26148655, -0.06824655, -0.00160641,\n",
" 0.1753318 , -0.05681151, 0.01524675, 0.2468449 , 0.06539485,\n",
" 0.01677717, 0.29524517]),\n",
" 'tau_est': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])}"
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"/home/Go2py/Go2Py/control/cat.py:100: FutureWarning: You are using `torch.load` with `weights_only=False` (the current default value), which uses the default pickle module implicitly. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling (See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/SECURITY.md#untrusted-models for more details). In a future release, the default value for `weights_only` will be flipped to `True`. This limits the functions that could be executed during unpickling. Arbitrary objects will no longer be allowed to be loaded via this mode unless they are explicitly allowlisted by the user via `torch.serialization.add_safe_globals`. We recommend you start setting `weights_only=True` for any use case where you don't have full control of the loaded file. Please open an issue on GitHub for any issues related to this experimental feature.\n",
" actor_sd = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=\"cpu\")\n"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Exported model has been tested with ONNXRuntime, and the result looks good!\n",
"p_gains: [20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20.]\n"
"source": [
"from Go2Py import ASSETS_PATH\n",
"import os\n",
"# what we tested\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/trainparamsconfigmax_epochs1500_taskenvlearnlimitsfoot_contact_force_rate60_soft_07-20-22-43.pt')\n",
"# new one\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/dof_vel_3_10-00-05-00.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/actuator_net_17-21-28-47.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/motor_friction_randomization_18-16-13-06.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/motor_friction_randomization_cornomove_18-16-41-52.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/motor_friction_randomization_morenoise_18-20-04-09.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/dof_pos_nmove_20-23-40-47.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/dof_pos_nomove_acrate120_21-16-02-48.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/dof_pos_nomove_friction05125_21-19-46-53.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/nomove_4footcontact_21-22-30-50.pt')\n",
"##checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/HFE_1_21-23-55-16.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/faster_gait_22-16-56-56.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/no_max_airtime_22-19-29-20.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/stand_still_rew_4_RNN_LOG_19-17-28-53.pt')\n",
"# Best policy, friction from 0.5 to 1.25\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/TEST1_no_max_airtime_airtime025_22-20-13-45.pt')\n",
"# Friction from 0.15 to 0.8, friction motor model\n",
"checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/frictionRange015to08_23-22-28-13.pt')\n",
"# Friction from 0.15 to 0.8, NO friction motor model\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/frictionRange015to08_noRandomizeMotorFriction_23-22-38-07.pt')\n",
"controller = CaTController(robot, remote, checkpoint_path)\n",
"decimation = 20\n",
"fsm = FSM(robot, remote, safety_hypervisor, control_dT=decimation * robot.dt, user_controller_callback=controller.update)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Slippage Analysis"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"contacts = []\n",
"feet_vels = []\n",
"while True:\n",
" if remote.xbox_controller.digital_cmd[1]:\n",
" break\n",
" contact_state = robot.getFootContact()>15\n",
" sites = ['FR_foot', 'FL_foot', 'RR_foot', 'RL_foot']\n",
" feet_vel = [np.linalg.norm(robot.getFootVelInWorld(s)) for s in sites]\n",
" contacts.append(contact_state)\n",
" feet_vels.append(feet_vel)\n",
" time.sleep(0.01)\n",
"feet_vels = np.stack(feet_vels)\n",
"contacts = np.stack(contacts)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"image/png": 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"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"start = 300\n",
"end = 1200\n",
"plt.legend(['contact state', 'foot velocity'])\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"**To Do**\n",
"- Train a policy without any actuator friction and check the plots for friction 0.2 and 0.6 \n",
"- Do the same experiment for the walk-these-ways policy\n",
"- While testing the walk these ways, check the output of the adaptation module for various friction numbers, any correlation?"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Foot Contanct Analysis"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"np.array(controller.hist_data[\"body_pos\"])[0, 0, -1]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"plt.plot(np.array(controller.hist_data[\"body_pos\"])[:, 0, -1])"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"# Assuming 'controller.hist_data[\"torques\"]' is a dictionary with torque profiles\n",
"torques = np.array(controller.hist_data[\"body_linear_vel\"])[:, 0, :, 0]\n",
"# Number of torque profiles\n",
"torque_nb = torques.shape[1]\n",
"# Number of rows needed for the grid, with 3 columns per row\n",
"n_cols = 3\n",
"n_rows = int(np.ceil(torque_nb / n_cols))\n",
"# Create the figure and axes for subplots\n",
"fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(15, 5 * n_rows))\n",
"# Flatten the axes array for easy indexing (in case of multiple rows)\n",
"axes = axes.flatten()\n",
"# Plot each torque profile\n",
"for i in range(torque_nb):\n",
" axes[i].plot(np.arange(torques.shape[0]) * robot.dt * decimation, torques[:, i])\n",
" axes[i].set_title(f'Torque {i+1}')\n",
" axes[i].set_xlabel('Time')\n",
" axes[i].set_ylabel('Torque Value')\n",
" axes[i].grid(True)\n",
"# Remove any empty subplots if torque_nb is not a multiple of 3\n",
"for j in range(torque_nb, len(axes)):\n",
" fig.delaxes(axes[j])\n",
"# Adjust layout\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"# Assuming 'controller.hist_data[\"torques\"]' is a dictionary with torque profiles\n",
"torques = np.array(controller.hist_data[\"torques\"])\n",
"# Number of torque profiles\n",
"torque_nb = torques.shape[1]\n",
"# Number of rows needed for the grid, with 3 columns per row\n",
"n_cols = 3\n",
"n_rows = int(np.ceil(torque_nb / n_cols))\n",
"# Create the figure and axes for subplots\n",
"fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(15, 5 * n_rows))\n",
"# Flatten the axes array for easy indexing (in case of multiple rows)\n",
"axes = axes.flatten()\n",
"# Plot each torque profile\n",
"for i in range(torque_nb):\n",
" axes[i].plot(np.arange(torques.shape[0]) * robot.dt * decimation, torques[:, i])\n",
" axes[i].set_title(f'Torque {i+1}')\n",
" axes[i].set_xlabel('Time')\n",
" axes[i].set_ylabel('Torque Value')\n",
" axes[i].grid(True)\n",
"# Remove any empty subplots if torque_nb is not a multiple of 3\n",
"for j in range(torque_nb, len(axes)):\n",
" fig.delaxes(axes[j])\n",
"# Adjust layout\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Extract the joint position data for the first joint over time\n",
"joint_pos = np.array(controller.hist_data[\"joint_vel\"])[:, 0]\n",
"# Number of data points in joint_pos\n",
"n_data_points = len(joint_pos)\n",
"# Since you're plotting only one joint, no need for multiple subplots in this case.\n",
"# But to follow the grid requirement, we'll replicate the data across multiple subplots.\n",
"# For example, let's assume you want to visualize this data 9 times in a 3x3 grid.\n",
"n_cols = 3\n",
"n_rows = int(np.ceil(torque_nb / n_cols))\n",
"# Create the figure and axes for subplots\n",
"fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(15, 5 * n_rows))\n",
"# Flatten the axes array for easy indexing (in case of multiple rows)\n",
"axes = axes.flatten()\n",
"# Plot the same joint position data in every subplot (as per grid requirement)\n",
"for i in range(n_rows * n_cols):\n",
" axes[i].plot(joint_pos[:, i])\n",
" axes[i].set_title(f'Joint Position {i+1}')\n",
" axes[i].set_xlabel('Time')\n",
" axes[i].set_ylabel('Position Value')\n",
"# Adjust layout\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"# Assuming 'controller.hist_data[\"foot_contact_forces_mag\"]' is a dictionary with foot contact force magnitudes\n",
"foot_contact_forces_mag = np.array(controller.hist_data[\"foot_contact_forces_mag\"])\n",
"# Number of feet (foot_nb)\n",
"foot_nb = foot_contact_forces_mag.shape[1]\n",
"# Number of rows needed for the grid, with 3 columns per row\n",
"n_cols = 3\n",
"n_rows = int(np.ceil(foot_nb / n_cols))\n",
"# Create the figure and axes for subplots\n",
"fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(15, 5 * n_rows))\n",
"# Flatten the axes array for easy indexing (in case of multiple rows)\n",
"axes = axes.flatten()\n",
"# Plot each foot's contact force magnitude\n",
"for i in range(foot_nb):\n",
" axes[i].plot(foot_contact_forces_mag[:, i])\n",
" axes[i].set_title(f'Foot {i+1} Contact Force Magnitude')\n",
" axes[i].set_xlabel('Time')\n",
" axes[i].set_ylabel('Force Magnitude')\n",
"# Remove any empty subplots if foot_nb is not a multiple of 3\n",
"for j in range(foot_nb, len(axes)):\n",
" fig.delaxes(axes[j])\n",
"# Adjust layout\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Extract the joint acceleration data for the first joint over time\n",
"joint_acc = np.array(controller.hist_data[\"joint_acc\"])[:, 0]\n",
"# Number of data points in joint_acc\n",
"n_data_points = len(joint_acc)\n",
"# Number of feet (foot_nb)\n",
"foot_nb = joint_acc.shape[1]\n",
"# Number of rows needed for the grid, with 3 columns per row\n",
"n_cols = 3\n",
"n_rows = int(np.ceil(foot_nb / n_cols))\n",
"# Create the figure and axes for subplots\n",
"fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(15, 5 * n_rows))\n",
"# Flatten the axes array for easy indexing\n",
"axes = axes.flatten()\n",
"# Plot the same joint acceleration data in every subplot (as per grid requirement)\n",
"for i in range(n_rows * n_cols):\n",
" axes[i].plot(joint_acc[:, i])\n",
" axes[i].set_title(f'Joint Acceleration {i+1}')\n",
" axes[i].set_xlabel('Time')\n",
" axes[i].set_ylabel('Acceleration Value')\n",
"# Adjust layout to prevent overlap\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Extract the joint jerk data over time\n",
"joint_jerk = np.array(controller.hist_data[\"joint_jerk\"])[:, 0]\n",
"# Number of data points in joint_jerk\n",
"n_data_points = len(joint_jerk)\n",
"# Number of joints (assuming the second dimension corresponds to joints)\n",
"num_joints = joint_jerk.shape[1]\n",
"# Number of columns per row in the subplot grid\n",
"n_cols = 3\n",
"# Number of rows needed for the grid\n",
"n_rows = int(np.ceil(num_joints / n_cols))\n",
"# Create the figure and axes for subplots\n",
"fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(15, 5 * n_rows))\n",
"# Flatten the axes array for easy indexing\n",
"axes = axes.flatten()\n",
"# Plot the joint jerk data for each joint\n",
"for i in range(num_joints):\n",
" axes[i].plot(joint_jerk[:, i])\n",
" axes[i].set_title(f'Joint Jerk {i+1}')\n",
" axes[i].set_xlabel('Time')\n",
" axes[i].set_ylabel('Jerk Value')\n",
"# Hide any unused subplots\n",
"for i in range(num_joints, len(axes)):\n",
" fig.delaxes(axes[i])\n",
"# Adjust layout to prevent overlap\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Extract the foot contact rate data over time\n",
"foot_contact_rate = np.array(controller.hist_data[\"foot_contact_rate\"])[:, 0]\n",
"# Number of data points in foot_contact_rate\n",
"n_data_points = foot_contact_rate.shape[0]\n",
"# Number of feet (assuming the second dimension corresponds to feet)\n",
"num_feet = foot_contact_rate.shape[1]\n",
"# Number of columns per row in the subplot grid\n",
"n_cols = 3\n",
"# Number of rows needed for the grid\n",
"n_rows = int(np.ceil(num_feet / n_cols))\n",
"# Create the figure and axes for subplots\n",
"fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, figsize=(15, 5 * n_rows))\n",
"# Flatten the axes array for easy indexing\n",
"axes = axes.flatten()\n",
"# Plot the foot contact rate data for each foot\n",
"for i in range(num_feet):\n",
" axes[i].plot(foot_contact_rate[:, i])\n",
" axes[i].set_title(f'Foot Contact Rate {i+1}')\n",
" axes[i].set_xlabel('Time')\n",
" axes[i].set_ylabel('Contact Rate')\n",
"# Hide any unused subplots\n",
"for i in range(num_feet, len(axes)):\n",
" fig.delaxes(axes[i])\n",
"# Adjust layout to prevent overlap\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Test on Real Robot (ToDo)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"pygame 2.6.1 (SDL 2.28.4, Python 3.10.12)\n",
"Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html\n"
"source": [
"from Go2Py.robot.fsm import FSM\n",
"from Go2Py.robot.remote import XBoxRemote\n",
"from Go2Py.robot.safety import SafetyHypervisor\n",
"from Go2Py.control.cat import *"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from Go2Py.robot.interface import GO2Real\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"robot = GO2Real(mode='lowlevel')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Put your stick at reset and do not touch it while calibrating\n"
"source": [
"remote = XBoxRemote() # KeyboardRemote()\n",
"safety_hypervisor = SafetyHypervisor(robot)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"{'q': [-0.040094852447509766,\n",
" 1.2600136995315552,\n",
" -2.7834506034851074,\n",
" 0.06813183426856995,\n",
" 1.2577126026153564,\n",
" -2.797952175140381,\n",
" -0.3646908402442932,\n",
" 1.267819881439209,\n",
" -2.810795307159424,\n",
" 0.3436927795410156,\n",
" 1.2759947776794434,\n",
" -2.800922155380249],\n",
" 'dq': [0.011626571416854858,\n",
" -0.05813286080956459,\n",
" 0.0,\n",
" -0.011626571416854858,\n",
" -0.023253142833709717,\n",
" -0.028308173641562462,\n",
" -0.046506285667419434,\n",
" -0.046506285667419434,\n",
" -0.0040440247394144535,\n",
" -0.023253142833709717,\n",
" 0.011626571416854858,\n",
" -0.02022012509405613],\n",
" 'tau_est': [-0.024738281965255737,\n",
" 0.024738281965255737,\n",
" 0.0,\n",
" -0.12369140982627869,\n",
" -0.049476563930511475,\n",
" 0.0,\n",
" 0.0,\n",
" 0.024738281965255737,\n",
" 0.0,\n",
" 0.024738281965255737,\n",
" 0.0,\n",
" 0.09483008086681366],\n",
" 'temperature': [23.0,\n",
" 23.0,\n",
" 24.0,\n",
" 23.0,\n",
" 23.0,\n",
" 24.0,\n",
" 23.0,\n",
" 23.0,\n",
" 24.0,\n",
" 23.0,\n",
" 23.0,\n",
" 24.0]}"
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Make sure the robot can take commands from python. The next cell should make the joints free to move (no damping)."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 12,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "KeyboardInterrupt",
"evalue": "",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[12], line 13\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 11\u001b[0m tau[\u001b[38;5;241m0\u001b[39m] \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;241m0.0\u001b[39m\n\u001b[1;32m 12\u001b[0m robot\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39msetCommands(q, dq, kp, kd, tau)\n\u001b[0;32m---> 13\u001b[0m \u001b[43mtime\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43msleep\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m0.02\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n",
"\u001b[0;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m: "
"source": [
"import numpy as np\n",
"import time\n",
"start_time = time.time()\n",
"while time.time()-start_time < 30:\n",
" q = np.zeros(12) \n",
" dq = np.zeros(12)\n",
" kp = np.ones(12)*0.0\n",
" kd = np.ones(12)*0.0\n",
" tau = np.zeros(12)\n",
" tau[0] = 0.0\n",
" robot.setCommands(q, dq, kp, kd, tau)\n",
" time.sleep(0.02)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def getRemote(remote):\n",
" commands = remote.getCommands()\n",
" commands[0] *= 0.6\n",
" commands[1] *= 0.6\n",
" zero_commands = np.logical_and(\n",
" np.linalg.norm(commands[:2]) <= 0.2,\n",
" np.abs(commands[2]) <= 0.2\n",
" )\n",
" if zero_commands:\n",
" commands = np.zeros_like(commands)\n",
" return commands"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"class CaTController:\n",
" def __init__(self, robot, remote, checkpoint):\n",
" self.remote = remote\n",
" self.robot = robot\n",
" self.policy = Policy(checkpoint)\n",
" self.command_profile = CommandInterface()\n",
" self.agent = CaTAgent(self.command_profile, self.robot)\n",
" self.hist_data = {}\n",
" def init(self):\n",
" self.obs = self.agent.reset()\n",
" self.policy_info = {}\n",
" self.command_profile.yaw_vel_cmd = 0.0\n",
" self.command_profile.x_vel_cmd = 0.0\n",
" self.command_profile.y_vel_cmd = 0.0\n",
" def update(self, robot, remote):\n",
" if not hasattr(self, \"obs\"):\n",
" self.init()\n",
" commands = getRemote(remote)\n",
" self.command_profile.yaw_vel_cmd = -commands[2]\n",
" self.command_profile.x_vel_cmd = commands[1]\n",
" self.command_profile.y_vel_cmd = -commands[0]\n",
" self.obs = self.agent.get_obs()\n",
" action = self.policy(self.obs, self.policy_info)\n",
" _, self.ret, self.done, self.info = self.agent.step(action)\n",
" for key, value in self.info.items():\n",
" if key in self.hist_data:\n",
" self.hist_data[key].append(value)\n",
" else:\n",
" self.hist_data[key] = [value]\n",
" "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Exported model has been tested with ONNXRuntime, and the result looks good!\n",
"p_gains: [20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20.]\n"
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"/home/Go2py/Go2Py/control/cat.py:100: FutureWarning: You are using `torch.load` with `weights_only=False` (the current default value), which uses the default pickle module implicitly. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling (See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/SECURITY.md#untrusted-models for more details). In a future release, the default value for `weights_only` will be flipped to `True`. This limits the functions that could be executed during unpickling. Arbitrary objects will no longer be allowed to be loaded via this mode unless they are explicitly allowlisted by the user via `torch.serialization.add_safe_globals`. We recommend you start setting `weights_only=True` for any use case where you don't have full control of the loaded file. Please open an issue on GitHub for any issues related to this experimental feature.\n",
" actor_sd = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=\"cpu\")\n"
"source": [
"from Go2Py import ASSETS_PATH \n",
"import os\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/trainparamsconfigmax_epochs1500_taskenvlearnlimitsfoot_contact_force_rate60_soft_07-20-22-43.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/actuator_net_17-21-28-47.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/motor_friction_randomization_cornomove_18-16-41-52.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/dof_pos_nmove_20-23-40-47.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/dof_pos_nomove_friction05125_21-19-46-53.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/HAA_01_21-20-57-43.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/nomove_4footcontact_21-22-30-50.pt')\n",
"###checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/HFE_1_21-23-55-16.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/faster_gait_22-16-56-56.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/no_max_airtime_22-19-29-20.pt')\n",
"# Best policy\n",
"checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/TEST1_no_max_airtime_airtime025_22-20-13-45.pt')\n",
"#checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'checkpoints/SoloParkour/frictionRange015to08_23-22-28-13.pt')\n",
"controller = CaTController(robot, remote, checkpoint_path)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"1730322537.391391 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.411704 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.432047 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.452373 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.472698 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.492945 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.513160 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.533410 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.553664 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.573918 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.594120 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.614405 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.634749 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.655000 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.675245 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.695493 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.715750 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.735998 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.756364 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.776871 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.797563 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.818268 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.835057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.838745 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.859002 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.879463 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.900225 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.920996 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.941483 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.962119 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322537.982731 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.003304 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.024086 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.044723 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.065068 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.085308 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.105722 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.125985 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.146501 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.167150 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.187784 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.208394 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.229182 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.249746 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.270134 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.290519 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.310807 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.331226 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.351715 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.372262 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.392872 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.413358 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.434017 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.454516 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.474854 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.495405 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.516060 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.536691 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.557372 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.578076 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.598877 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.619501 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.640229 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.660820 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.681112 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.701397 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.721620 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.741896 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.762181 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.782661 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.803186 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.823881 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.844471 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.865005 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.885380 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.905678 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.926163 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.946363 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.966660 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322538.986930 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.007163 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.027490 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.047964 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.068347 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.088691 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.109016 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.129408 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.149985 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.170577 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.191360 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.212032 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.233014 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.253630 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.274019 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.294274 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.314716 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.335075 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.355404 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.375855 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.396408 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.417055 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.435154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.437613 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.458216 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.478722 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.499025 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.519293 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.539646 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.559983 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.580628 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.601248 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.621958 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.642559 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.663201 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.683635 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.704040 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.724270 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.744595 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.764956 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.785363 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.805949 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.826593 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.847165 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.867772 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.888563 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.908983 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.929278 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.949624 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.970111 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322539.990668 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.011423 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.032099 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.052881 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.073663 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.094255 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.114608 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.135006 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.155333 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.175601 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.196091 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.216675 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.237234 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.257782 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.278425 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.298960 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.319300 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.339753 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.360123 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.380594 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.401218 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.421937 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.442653 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.463302 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.483979 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.504456 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.524791 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.545144 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.565479 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.585850 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.606263 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.626787 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.647342 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.668015 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.688641 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.709173 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.729480 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.749797 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.770115 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.790374 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.810751 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.831303 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.851966 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.872549 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.893168 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.913632 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.933961 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.954257 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.974664 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322540.994890 [0] pt_main_th: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322542.534019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322550.534098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322558.534185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322566.534319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322574.534480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322582.534640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322590.534767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322598.534934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322606.534915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322614.535080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322622.535158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322630.535316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322638.535472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322646.535625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322654.535776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322662.535869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322670.535951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322678.536087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322686.536096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322694.536221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322702.536386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322710.536530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322718.536683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322726.536823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322734.536997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322742.537136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322750.537267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322758.537418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322766.537557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322774.537709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322782.537888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322790.537982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322798.538064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322806.538147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322814.538303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322822.538456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322830.538587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322838.538722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322846.538872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322854.539013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322862.539099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322870.539185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322878.539287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322886.539416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322894.539485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322902.539644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322910.539713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322918.539905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322926.540025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322934.540163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322942.540337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322950.540463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322958.540606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322966.540686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322974.540823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322982.541039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322990.541122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730322998.541210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323006.541342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323014.541487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323022.541643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323030.541721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323038.541886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323046.542009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323054.542103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323062.542234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323070.542371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323078.542525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323086.542656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323094.542812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323102.542968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323110.543069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323118.543218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323126.543372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323134.543529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323142.543602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323150.543739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323158.543921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323166.544034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323174.544119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323182.544247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323190.544387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323198.544552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323206.544624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323214.544775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323222.544930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323230.545059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323238.545138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323246.545216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323254.545343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323262.545498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323270.545653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323278.545781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323286.545924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323294.545989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323302.546125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323310.546237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323318.546364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323326.546517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323334.546692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323342.546957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323350.547004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323358.547095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323366.547256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323374.547413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323382.547546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323390.547749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323398.547938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323406.548024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323414.548146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323422.548276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323430.548388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323438.548545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323446.548682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323454.548791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323462.548929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323470.549058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323478.549077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323486.549332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323494.549459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323502.549615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323510.549799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323518.549950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323526.550045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323534.550199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323542.550330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323550.550486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323558.550629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323566.550788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323574.550941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323582.551159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323590.551298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323598.551482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323606.551636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323614.551793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323622.551950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323630.552097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323638.552178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323646.552305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323654.552465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323662.552594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323670.552730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323678.552809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323686.552961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323694.553098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323702.553257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323710.553426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323718.553552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323726.553689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323734.553880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323742.554000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323750.554009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323758.554146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323766.554302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323774.554465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323782.554597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323790.554720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323798.554914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323806.554993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323814.555066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323822.555157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323830.555281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323838.555394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323846.555559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323854.555711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323862.555848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323870.556015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323878.556150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323886.556289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323894.556447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323902.556608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323910.556750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323918.556906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323926.557015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323934.557150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323942.557279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323950.557412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323958.557545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323966.557677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323974.557765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323982.557854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323990.557992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730323998.558017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324006.558144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324014.558297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324022.558455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324030.558598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324038.558761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324046.558945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324054.559072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324062.559165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324070.559244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324078.559379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324086.559528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324094.559658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324102.559701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324110.559895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324118.559944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324126.560073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324134.560203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324142.560352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324150.560508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324158.560668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324166.560854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324174.560909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324182.561048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324190.561170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324198.561238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324206.561387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324214.561605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324222.561729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324230.561883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324238.562004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324246.562132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324254.562260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324262.562376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324270.562520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324278.562645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324286.562803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324294.562935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324302.563027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324310.563150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324318.563265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324326.563395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324334.563527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324342.563679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324350.563810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324358.563953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324366.564044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324374.564217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324382.564356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324390.564497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324398.564682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324406.564864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324414.564975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324422.565055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324430.565160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324438.565266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324446.565421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324454.565514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324462.565665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324470.565802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324478.565959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324486.566097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324494.566217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324502.566377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324510.566507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324518.566659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324526.566805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324534.566963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324542.567090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324550.567237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324558.567359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324566.567496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324574.567634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324582.567703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324590.567845 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324598.568010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324606.568091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324614.568245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324622.568400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324630.568528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324638.568726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324646.568871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324654.569004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324662.569080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324670.569213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324678.569339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324686.569480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324694.569598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324702.569733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324710.569899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324718.570125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324726.570259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324734.570400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324742.570555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324750.570706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324758.570824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324766.570997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324774.571125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324782.571252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324790.571375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324798.571474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324806.571625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324814.571669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324822.571909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324830.572018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324838.572153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324846.572282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324854.572434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324862.572596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324870.572754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324878.572917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324886.572937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324894.573068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324902.573120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324910.573251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324918.573481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324926.573622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324934.573935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324942.574038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324950.574133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324958.574254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324966.574387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324974.574536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324982.574663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324990.574815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730324998.574974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325006.575063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325014.575149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325022.575294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325030.575413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325038.575543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325046.575696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325054.575857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325062.575961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325070.576091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325078.576243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325086.576393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325094.576549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325102.576704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325110.576893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325118.577018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325126.577218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325134.577427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325142.577556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325150.577691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325158.577856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325166.577970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325174.578100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325182.578248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325190.578413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325198.578570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325206.578701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325214.578860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325222.578960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325230.579100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325238.579263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325246.579403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325254.579570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325262.579727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325270.579867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325278.580025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325286.580111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325294.580276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325302.580425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325310.580578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325318.580713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325326.580885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325334.581016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325342.581032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325350.581223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325358.581385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325366.581541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325374.581695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325382.581887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325390.581971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325398.582115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325406.582312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325414.582457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325422.582623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325430.582779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325438.582939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325446.583052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325454.583188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325462.583298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325470.583429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325478.583552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325486.583680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325494.583813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325502.583949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325510.584072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325518.584149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325526.584267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325534.584384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325542.584525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325550.584673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325558.584780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325566.585072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325574.585215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325582.585440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325590.585585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325598.585740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325606.585901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325614.586067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325622.586220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325630.586358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325638.586509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325646.586641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325654.586745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325662.586944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325670.587022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325678.587174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325686.587276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325694.587347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325702.587473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325710.587584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325718.587636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325726.587774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325734.587893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325742.588021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325750.588113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325758.588269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325766.588406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325774.588559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325782.588715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325790.588745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325798.588931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325806.589032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325814.589119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325822.589226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325830.589277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325838.589462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325846.589721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325854.589866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325862.590005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325870.590155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325878.590249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325886.590373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325894.590529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325902.590667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325910.590750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325918.590922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325926.591048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325934.591189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325942.591337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325950.591471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325958.591619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325966.591739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325974.591812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325982.591950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325990.592065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730325998.592200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326006.592353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326014.592438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326022.592504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326030.592584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326038.592733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326046.592870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326054.592999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326062.593080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326070.593247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326078.593399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326086.593534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326094.593689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326102.593752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326110.593916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326118.594027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326126.594116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326134.594208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326142.594349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326150.594368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326158.594506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326166.594606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326174.594746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326182.594909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326190.595002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326198.595119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326206.595244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326214.595371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326222.595512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326230.595646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326238.595784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326246.595943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326254.596088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326262.596226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326270.596378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326278.596546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326286.596671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326294.596825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326302.596938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326310.597014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326318.597107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326326.597262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326334.597414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326342.597566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326350.597729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326358.597898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326366.598015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326374.598143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326382.598265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326390.598411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326398.598568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326406.598721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326414.598917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326422.599024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326430.599167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326438.599294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326446.599426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326454.599561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326462.599689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326470.599880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326478.600027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326486.600103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326494.600261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326502.600503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326510.600620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326518.600775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326526.600924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326534.601024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326542.601157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326550.601263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326558.601410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326566.601573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326574.601708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326582.601884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326590.602014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326598.602018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326606.602222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326614.602376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326622.602529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326630.602658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326638.602819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326646.602954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326654.603021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326662.603156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326670.603278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326678.603518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326686.603646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326694.603744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326702.603937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326710.604074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326718.604206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326726.604426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326734.604541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326742.604702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326750.604854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326758.604968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326766.605096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326774.605282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326782.605446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326790.605543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326798.605789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326806.605939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326814.605994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326822.606140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326830.606283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326838.606429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326846.606564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326854.606650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326862.606806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326870.606946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326878.607163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326886.607284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326894.607444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326902.607593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326910.607749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326918.607898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326926.608028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326934.608162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326942.608308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326950.608463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326958.608602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326966.608686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326974.608883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326982.609033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326990.609190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730326998.609340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327006.609499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327014.609652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327022.609807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327030.610003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327038.610184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327046.610330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327054.610474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327062.610647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327070.610797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327078.610950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327086.611073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327094.611212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327102.611354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327110.611499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327118.611612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327126.611745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327134.611918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327142.612032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327150.612167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327158.612293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327166.612436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327174.612586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327182.612734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327190.612892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327198.613043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327206.613133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327214.613260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327222.613469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327230.613537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327238.613695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327246.613825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327254.613961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327262.614112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327270.614185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327278.614330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327286.614441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327294.614675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327302.614810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327310.614899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327318.615022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327326.615103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327334.615234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327342.615377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327350.615516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327358.615653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327366.615804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327374.615955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327382.616100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327390.616232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327398.616351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327406.616497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327414.616654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327422.616803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327430.616968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327438.617065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327446.617144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327454.617295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327462.617418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327470.617543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327478.617690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327486.617872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327494.618024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327502.618148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327510.618305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327518.618436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327526.618552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327534.618677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327542.618827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327550.618963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327558.619099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327566.619244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327574.619370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327582.619494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327590.619631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327598.619744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327606.619925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327614.620034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327622.620194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327630.620341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327638.620496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327646.620646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327654.620766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327662.620904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327670.620939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327678.621030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327686.621121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327694.621263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327702.621405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327710.621654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327718.621770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327726.621927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327734.622074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327742.622166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327750.622299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327758.622454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327766.622585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327774.622721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327782.622916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327790.622978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327798.623107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327806.623203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327814.623343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327822.623495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327830.623651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327838.623774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327846.623932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327854.624077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327862.624226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327870.624384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327878.624528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327886.624688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327894.624861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327902.624996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327910.625119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327918.625256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327926.625406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327934.625573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327942.625692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327950.625819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327958.625959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327966.626035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327974.626128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327982.626285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327990.626400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730327998.626555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328006.626705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328014.626887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328022.626954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328030.627046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328038.627194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328046.627331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328054.627467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328062.627617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328070.627754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328078.627927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328086.628063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328094.628139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328102.628298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328110.628434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328118.628542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328126.628672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328134.628950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328142.629039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328150.629118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328158.629216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328166.629363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328174.629496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328182.629629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328190.629753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328198.629923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328206.630049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328214.630187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328222.630312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328230.630465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328238.630624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328246.630760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328254.630943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328262.630958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328270.631089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328278.631219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328286.631345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328294.631501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328302.631624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328310.631775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328318.631932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328326.632060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328334.632131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328342.632259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328350.632392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328358.632525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328366.632600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328374.632739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328382.632882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328390.633026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328398.633154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328406.633228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328414.633322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328422.633458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328430.633539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328438.633673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328446.633818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328454.633948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328462.634097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328470.634274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328478.634398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328486.634528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328494.634671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328502.634867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328510.634969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328518.635058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328526.635248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328534.635372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328542.635526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328550.635658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328558.635800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328566.635972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328574.636076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328582.636222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328590.636352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328598.636503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328606.636684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328614.636675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328622.636914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328630.636998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328638.637081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328646.637185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328654.637299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328662.637446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328670.637605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328678.637744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328686.637826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328694.637958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328702.638081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328710.638217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328718.638375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328726.638506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328734.638639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328742.638769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328750.638928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328758.639083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328766.639218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328774.639376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328782.639534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328790.639672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328798.639864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328806.640006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328814.640135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328822.640253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328830.640421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328838.640575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328846.640713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328854.640877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328862.640968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328870.641128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328878.641287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328886.641420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328894.641527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328902.641663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328910.641808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328918.641898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328926.642029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328934.642172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328942.642292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328950.642485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328958.642546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328966.642702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328974.642885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328982.643024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328990.643162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730328998.643237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329006.643385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329014.643539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329022.643693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329030.643872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329038.643973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329046.644111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329054.644121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329062.644303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329070.644459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329078.644592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329086.644722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329094.644914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329102.645016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329110.645225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329118.645379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329126.645519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329134.645650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329142.645703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329150.645952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329158.646081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329166.646231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329174.646390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329182.646540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329190.646703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329198.646861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329206.646959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329214.647054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329222.647137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329230.647140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329238.647345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329246.647511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329254.647606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329262.647741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329270.647922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329278.648013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329286.648142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329294.648295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329302.648382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329310.648528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329318.648656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329326.648867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329334.648961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329342.649100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329350.649258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329358.649407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329366.649522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329374.649646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329382.649792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329390.649917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329398.650041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329406.650042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329414.650184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329422.650347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329430.650480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329438.650675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329446.650808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329454.650959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329462.651095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329470.651227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329478.651367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329486.651504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329494.651617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329502.651799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329510.651955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329518.652094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329526.652249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329534.652396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329542.652548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329550.652703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329558.652887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329566.652997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329574.653119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329582.653280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329590.653490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329598.653644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329606.653781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329614.653945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329622.654027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329630.654156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329638.654271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329646.654430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329654.654562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329662.654686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329670.654828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329678.654923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329686.655029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329694.655105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329702.655203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329710.655271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329718.655402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329726.655528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329734.655671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329742.655825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329750.655908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329758.656099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329766.656232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329774.656386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329782.656526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329790.656654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329798.656808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329806.656935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329814.657032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329822.657115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329830.657244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329838.657480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329846.657615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329854.657769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329862.657924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329870.658069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329878.658159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329886.658290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329894.658447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329902.658627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329910.658698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329918.658879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329926.658982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329934.659104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329942.659270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329950.659497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329958.659632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329966.659771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329974.659863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329982.659984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329990.660111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730329998.660235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330006.660396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330014.660558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330022.660695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330030.660864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330038.660974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330046.661105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330054.661243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330062.661376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330070.661447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330078.661552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330086.661715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330094.661853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330102.662007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330110.662057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330118.662172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330126.662318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330134.662474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330142.662629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330150.662786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330158.662924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330166.662994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330174.663085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330182.663230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330190.663374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330198.663520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330206.663673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330214.663855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330222.663967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330230.664032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330238.664225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330246.664388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330254.664536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330262.664676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330270.664793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330278.664934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330286.665004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330294.665109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330302.665268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330310.665418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330318.665546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330326.665689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330334.665823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330342.665982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330350.666049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330358.666128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330366.666280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330374.666284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330382.666428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330390.666569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330398.666720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330406.666887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330414.666937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330422.667047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330430.667106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330438.667234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330446.667366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330454.667519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330462.667652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330470.667789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330478.667936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330486.668033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330494.668119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330502.668279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330510.668426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330518.668557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330526.668761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330534.668936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330542.669061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330550.669161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330558.669201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330566.669404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330574.669556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330582.669690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330590.669864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330598.669958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330606.670034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330614.670102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330622.670251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330630.670461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330638.670587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330646.670738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330654.670903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330662.671023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330670.671092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330678.671174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330686.671325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330694.671475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330702.671564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330710.671693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330718.671872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330726.672019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330734.672166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330742.672215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330750.672380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330758.672505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330766.672661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330774.672784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330782.672960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330790.673077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330798.673221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330806.673354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330814.673488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330822.673607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330830.673736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330838.673916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330846.673991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330854.674116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330862.674270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330870.674425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330878.674545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330886.674725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330894.674913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330902.675023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330910.675106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330918.675130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330926.675304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330934.675387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330942.675546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330950.675692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330958.675817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330966.675985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330974.676067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330982.676202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330990.676352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730330998.676489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331006.676507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331014.676703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331022.676826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331030.677007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331038.677138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331046.677293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331054.677529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331062.677654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331070.677733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331078.677934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331086.677990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331094.678109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331102.678194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331110.678326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331118.678473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331126.678600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331134.678695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331142.678815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331150.678970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331158.679111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331166.679194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331174.679351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331182.679481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331190.679662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331198.679814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331206.679976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331214.680117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331222.680205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331230.680353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331238.680507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331246.680689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331254.680766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331262.680912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331270.681000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331278.681135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331286.681256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331294.681391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331302.681500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331310.681625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331318.681734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331326.681905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331334.682034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331342.682125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331350.682256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331358.682391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331366.682549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331374.682692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331382.682871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331390.682952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331398.683020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331406.683111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331414.683270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331422.683417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331430.683546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331438.683664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331446.683824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331454.683976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331462.684048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331470.684129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331478.684226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331486.684344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331494.684511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331502.684668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331510.684801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331518.684934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331526.685028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331534.685111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331542.685213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331550.685295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331558.685410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331566.685546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331574.685680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331582.685868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331590.686012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331598.686139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331606.686299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331614.686398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331622.686566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331630.686746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331638.686905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331646.686969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331654.687058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331662.687209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331670.687339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331678.687488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331686.687652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331694.687792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331702.687967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331710.688047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331718.688131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331726.688297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331734.688443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331742.688599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331750.688726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331758.688873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331766.689009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331774.689173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331782.689308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331790.689441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331798.689588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331806.689723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331814.689880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331822.689967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331830.690060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331838.690152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331846.690259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331854.690383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331862.690526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331870.690653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331878.690786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331886.690950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331894.691092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331902.691183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331910.691347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331918.691493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331926.691613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331934.691741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331942.691915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331950.692047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331958.692125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331966.692282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331974.692451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331982.692580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331990.692728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730331998.692914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332006.693032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332014.693118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332022.693266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332030.693346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332038.693553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332046.693644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332054.693783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332062.693915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332070.694011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332078.694146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332086.694272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332094.694428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332102.694582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332110.694744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332118.694921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332126.695032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332134.695128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332142.695256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332150.695404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332158.695554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332166.695652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332174.695771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332182.695942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332190.696071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332198.696208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332206.696359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332214.696502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332222.696640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332230.696794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332238.696933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332246.697038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332254.697139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332262.697267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332270.697357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332278.697552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332286.697648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332294.697719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332302.697893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332310.698017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332318.698121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332326.698240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332334.698240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332342.698452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332350.698581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332358.698726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332366.698925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332374.699013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332382.699098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332390.699221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332398.699346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332406.699497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332414.699625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332422.699757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332430.699907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332438.700034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332446.700169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332454.700312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332462.700438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332470.700561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332478.700705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332486.700862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332494.701007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332502.701085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332510.701190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332518.701323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332526.701482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332534.701622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332542.701767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332550.701922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332558.702050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332566.702177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332574.702257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332582.702488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332590.702619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332598.702888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332606.702921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332614.703059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332622.703156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332630.703279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332638.703436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332646.703596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332654.703752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332662.703922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332670.704011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332678.704125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332686.704173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332694.704254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332702.704409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332710.704613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332718.704775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332726.704932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332734.705060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332742.705200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332750.705353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332758.705499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332766.705654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332774.705806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332782.705937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332790.706084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332798.706224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332806.706364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332814.706518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332822.706718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332830.706888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332838.707033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332846.707137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332854.707212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332862.707344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332870.707487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332878.707643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332886.707772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332894.707938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332902.708036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332910.708136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332918.708257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332926.708364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332934.708515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332942.708654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332950.708784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332958.708934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332966.709089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332974.709237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332982.709391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332990.709508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730332998.709640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333006.709769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333014.709886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333022.710008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333030.710101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333038.710256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333046.710405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333054.710564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333062.710723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333070.710908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333078.711021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333086.711207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333094.711333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333102.711466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333110.711668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333118.711909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333126.712019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333134.712045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333142.712223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333150.712384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333158.712518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333166.712670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333174.712804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333182.712948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333190.713092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333198.713227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333206.713318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333214.713487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333222.713627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333230.713749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333238.713909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333246.714030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333254.714112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333262.714270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333270.714420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333278.714551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333286.714683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333294.714828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333302.714926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333310.715017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333318.715098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333326.715182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333334.715303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333342.715440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333350.715563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333358.715689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333366.715887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333374.715980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333382.716071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333390.716116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333398.716334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333406.716493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333414.716621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333422.716713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333430.716890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333438.717023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333446.717125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333454.717267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333462.717414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333470.717569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333478.717726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333486.717929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333494.718018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333502.718130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333510.718280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333518.718413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333526.718528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333534.718665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333542.718751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333550.718935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333558.719023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333566.719159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333574.719280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333582.719521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333590.719656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333598.719806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333606.719954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333614.720083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333622.720247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333630.720338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333638.720433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333646.720464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333654.720617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333662.720757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333670.720934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333678.721026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333686.721174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333694.721313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333702.721548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333710.721543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333718.721702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333726.721889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333734.722036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333742.722182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333750.722322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333758.722481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333766.722581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333774.722694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333782.722892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333790.722996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333798.723097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333806.723188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333814.723342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333822.723495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333830.723628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333838.723799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333846.723934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333854.724018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333862.724109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333870.724259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333878.724388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333886.724523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333894.724607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333902.724742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333910.724913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333918.724858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333926.725020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333934.725109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333942.725264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333950.725399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333958.725489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333966.725639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333974.725954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333982.726084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333990.726173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730333998.726261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334006.726406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334014.726548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334022.726642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334030.726782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334038.726932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334046.727054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334054.727208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334062.727317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334070.727445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334078.727595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334086.727749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334094.727897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334102.728032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334110.728129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334118.728262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334126.728412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334134.728570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334142.728726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334150.728900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334158.729038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334166.729180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334174.729349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334182.729504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334190.729628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334198.729782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334206.729940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334214.730053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334222.730187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334230.730303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334238.730458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334246.730588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334254.730715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334262.730916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334270.731094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334278.731282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334286.731445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334294.731566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334302.731709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334310.731861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334318.731971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334326.732102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334334.732254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334342.732548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334350.732671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334358.732805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334366.733009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334374.733159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334382.733320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334390.733476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334398.733633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334406.733763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334414.733939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334422.734060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334430.734210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334438.734233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334446.734351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334454.734500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334462.734631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334470.734788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334478.734939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334486.735056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334494.735194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334502.735337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334510.735496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334518.735631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334526.735758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334534.735922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334542.736017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334550.736086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334558.736236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334566.736365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334574.736519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334582.736662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334590.736816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334598.736975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334606.737061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334614.737221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334622.737320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334630.737484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334638.737611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334646.737740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334654.737925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334662.738044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334670.738203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334678.738331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334686.738473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334694.738603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334702.738754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334710.738937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334718.739004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334726.739123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334734.739266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334742.739416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334750.739566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334758.739719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334766.739908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334774.739935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334782.740043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334790.740173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334798.740305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334806.740454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334814.740602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334822.740765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334830.740942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334838.741062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334846.741169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334854.741315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334862.741443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334870.741586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334878.741710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334886.741721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334894.741956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334902.742089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334910.742246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334918.742399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334926.742530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334934.742667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334942.742791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334950.742942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334958.742991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334966.743118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334974.743241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334982.743395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334990.743543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730334998.743667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335006.743811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335014.743942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335022.744039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335030.744165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335038.744291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335046.744457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335054.744567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335062.744731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335070.744897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335078.745046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335086.745105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335094.745237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335102.745400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335110.745553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335118.745691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335126.745797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335134.745945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335142.746038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335150.746113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335158.746261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335166.746422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335174.746572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335182.746723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335190.746912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335198.747038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335206.747107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335214.747231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335222.747367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335230.747501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335238.747600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335246.747695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335254.747875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335262.747989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335270.748080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335278.748220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335286.748346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335294.748484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335302.748644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335310.748862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335318.748991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335326.749067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335334.749156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335342.749241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335350.749363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335358.749507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335366.749645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335374.749791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335382.749951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335390.750098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335398.750235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335406.750407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335414.750536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335422.750713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335430.750882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335438.751035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335446.751156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335454.751226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335462.751330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335470.751469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335478.751603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335486.751755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335494.751925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335502.752013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335510.752132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335518.752283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335526.752441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335534.752561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335542.752720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335550.753013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335558.753102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335566.753236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335574.753379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335582.753527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335590.753664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335598.753805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335606.753951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335614.754020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335622.754109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335630.754240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335638.754390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335646.754545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335654.754682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335662.754862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335670.755076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335678.755235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335686.755376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335694.755683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335702.755819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335710.755965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335718.756050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335726.756131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335734.756284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335742.756440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335750.756590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335758.756720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335766.756913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335774.757031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335782.757107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335790.757237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335798.757385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335806.757544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335814.757816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335822.757963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335830.758086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335838.758219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335846.758342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335854.758487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335862.758636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335870.758798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335878.758935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335886.759084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335894.759170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335902.759332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335910.759459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335918.759608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335926.759825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335934.759946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335942.760096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335950.760088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335958.760269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335966.760413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335974.760565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335982.760729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335990.760887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730335998.761003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336006.761131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336014.761227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336022.761366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336030.761437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336038.761578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336046.761708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336054.761879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336062.761935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336070.762064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336078.762189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336086.762347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336094.762493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336102.762752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336110.762948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336118.762994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336126.763083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336134.763162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336142.763301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336150.763464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336158.763617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336166.763751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336174.763853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336182.764137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336190.764278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336198.764413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336206.764539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336214.764686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336222.764881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336230.764943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336238.764998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336246.765135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336254.765250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336262.765379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336270.765490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336278.765609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336286.765750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336294.765910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336302.766029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336310.766100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336318.766187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336326.766257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336334.766345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336342.766464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336350.766602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336358.766755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336366.766917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336374.767025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336382.767203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336390.767337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336398.767468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336406.767599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336414.767762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336422.767945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336430.768068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336438.768198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336446.768353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336454.768490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336462.768656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336470.768781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336478.768939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336486.769067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336494.769100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336502.769238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336510.769370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336518.769525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336526.769656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336534.769801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336542.769931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336550.770023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336558.770102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336566.770196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336574.770341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336582.770412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336590.770576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336598.770704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336606.770956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336614.771033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336622.771128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336630.771255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336638.771409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336646.771543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336654.771683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336662.771869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336670.771976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336678.772068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336686.772161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336694.772315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336702.772462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336710.772663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336718.772786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336726.772945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336734.773043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336742.773184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336750.773351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336758.773480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336766.773608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336774.773763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336782.774068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336790.774153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336798.774266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336806.774384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336814.774539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336822.774663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336830.774825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336838.774961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336846.775089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336854.775214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336862.775328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336870.775445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336878.775594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336886.775725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336894.775910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336902.776022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336910.776142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336918.776272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336926.776407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336934.776579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336942.776767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336950.776944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336958.777068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336966.777160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336974.777262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336982.777408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336990.777565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730336998.777693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337006.777881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337014.777992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337022.778072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337030.778168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337038.778385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337046.778501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337054.778643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337062.778800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337070.778936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337078.779036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337086.779122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337094.779254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337102.779415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337110.779558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337118.779699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337126.779884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337134.780042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337142.780166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337150.780297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337158.780445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337166.780601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337174.780766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337182.780952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337190.781055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337198.781143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337206.781270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337214.781417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337222.781569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337230.781720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337238.781889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337246.782031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337254.782180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337262.782326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337270.782466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337278.782623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337286.782750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337294.782889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337302.783004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337310.783091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337318.783176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337326.783337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337334.783482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337342.783609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337350.783769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337358.783891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337366.784016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337374.784112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337382.784252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337390.784409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337398.784513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337406.784669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337414.784809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337422.784971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337430.785106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337438.785189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337446.785327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337454.785455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337462.785580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337470.785719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337478.785902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337486.785999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337494.786134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337502.786281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337510.786455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337518.786579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337526.786736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337534.786907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337542.787007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337550.787137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337558.787141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337566.787367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337574.787506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337582.787661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337590.787793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337598.787944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337606.788007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337614.788130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337622.788276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337630.788426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337638.788553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337646.788691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337654.788904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337662.789039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337670.789131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337678.789284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337686.789436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337694.789581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337702.789720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337710.789890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337718.789948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337726.790041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337734.790186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337742.790309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337750.790451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337758.790592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337766.790757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337774.790928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337782.791005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337790.791097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337798.791232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337806.791355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337814.791484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337822.791647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337830.791887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337838.792021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337846.792147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337854.792277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337862.792371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337870.792527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337878.792656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337886.792808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337894.792952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337902.793080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337910.793223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337918.793391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337926.793612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337934.793754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337942.793925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337950.794151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337958.794215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337966.794356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337974.794492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337982.794645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337990.794776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730337998.794941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338006.795048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338014.795136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338022.795262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338030.795408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338038.795533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338046.795688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338054.795883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338062.795982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338070.796117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338078.796260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338086.796475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338094.796620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338102.796771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338110.796943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338118.797030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338126.797115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338134.797303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338142.797434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338150.797591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338158.797748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338166.797924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338174.798014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338182.798148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338190.798329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338198.798486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338206.798623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338214.798772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338222.798938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338230.799092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338238.799169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338246.799299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338254.799415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338262.799576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338270.799594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338278.799762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338286.799922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338294.800165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338302.800303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338310.800449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338318.800603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338326.800762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338334.800914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338342.801020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338350.801154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338358.801163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338366.801433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338374.801546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338382.801681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338390.801825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338398.801965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338406.802119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338414.802278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338422.802374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338430.802526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338438.802671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338446.802751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338454.802920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338462.803011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338470.803104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338478.803197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338486.803330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338494.803472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338502.803622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338510.803776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338518.803964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338526.804080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338534.804168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338542.804198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338550.804407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338558.804555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338566.804685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338574.804814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338582.804940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338590.805011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338598.805148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338606.805294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338614.805418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338622.805572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338630.805581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338638.805765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338646.805922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338654.806028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338662.806133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338670.806199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338678.806323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338686.806444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338694.806596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338702.806921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338710.807007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338718.807017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338726.807163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338734.807262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338742.807418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338750.807570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338758.807706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338766.807896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338774.808002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338782.808135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338790.808291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338798.808446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338806.808576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338814.808708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338822.808901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338830.809025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338838.809167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338846.809304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338854.809443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338862.809553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338870.809661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338878.809809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338886.809976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338894.809984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338902.810174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338910.810340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338918.810486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338926.810639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338934.810782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338942.810932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338950.811075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338958.811202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338966.811334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338974.811482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338982.811485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338990.811686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730338998.811827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339006.811983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339014.812102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339022.812234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339030.812370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339038.812507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339046.812586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339054.812714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339062.812877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339070.812984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339078.813111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339086.813265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339094.813395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339102.813552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339110.813702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339118.813874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339126.813975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339134.814070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339142.814221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339150.814370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339158.814512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339166.814641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339174.814795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339182.814931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339190.815080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339198.815160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339206.815300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339214.815444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339222.815598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339230.815722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339238.815912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339246.815995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339254.816115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339262.816266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339270.816415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339278.816549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339286.816696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339294.816887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339302.817020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339310.817169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339318.817317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339326.817484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339334.817599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339342.817731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339350.817908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339358.818025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339366.818111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339374.818242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339382.818396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339390.818538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339398.818631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339406.818736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339414.818903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339422.819100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339430.819177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339438.819318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339446.819438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339454.819597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339462.819752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339470.819909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339478.820013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339486.820109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339494.820268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339502.820487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339510.820615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339518.820780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339526.820932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339534.821053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339542.821154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339550.821290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339558.821441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339566.821594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339574.821669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339582.821815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339590.821955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339598.822032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339606.822201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339614.822375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339622.822509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339630.822663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339638.822827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339646.822973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339654.823110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339662.823237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339670.823392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339678.823545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339686.823612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339694.823764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339702.823952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339710.824087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339718.824202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339726.824309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339734.824414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339742.824542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339750.824697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339758.824826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339766.825005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339774.825090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339782.825213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339790.825290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339798.825407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339806.825561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339814.825727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339822.825917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339830.826008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339838.826144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339846.826317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339854.826508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339862.826649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339870.826838 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339878.826983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339886.827076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339894.827215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339902.827328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339910.827462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339918.827605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339926.827757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339934.827901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339942.828027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339950.828163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339958.828292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339966.828334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339974.828547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339982.828686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339990.828826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730339998.828984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340006.829125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340014.829190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340022.829330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340030.829465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340038.829602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340046.829750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340054.829922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340062.830026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340070.830119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340078.830269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340086.830393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340094.830541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340102.830693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340110.830891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340118.831005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340126.831162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340134.831269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340142.831477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340150.831616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340158.831747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340166.831939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340174.832031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340182.832161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340190.832323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340198.832448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340206.832609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340214.832713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340222.832888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340230.833016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340238.833149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340246.833267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340254.833420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340262.833561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340270.833721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340278.833880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340286.833982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340294.834076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340302.834228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340310.834368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340318.834514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340326.834661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340334.834808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340342.834936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340350.835088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340358.835213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340366.835364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340374.835516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340382.835651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340390.835805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340398.835963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340406.836110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340414.836233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340422.836367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340430.836491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340438.836647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340446.836809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340454.836943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340462.837071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340470.837198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340478.837352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340486.837499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340494.837662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340502.837937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340510.837998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340518.838158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340526.838288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340534.838445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340542.838578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340550.838762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340558.838944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340566.839078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340574.839231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340582.839369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340590.839512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340598.839649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340606.839767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340614.839935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340622.840048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340630.840180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340638.840303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340646.840380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340654.840509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340662.840639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340670.840722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340678.840949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340686.841078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340694.841211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340702.841369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340710.841456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340718.841596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340726.841703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340734.841854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340742.841980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340750.842110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340758.842262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340766.842422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340774.842563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340782.842710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340790.842871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340798.842980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340806.843020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340814.843130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340822.843256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340830.843413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340838.843542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340846.843692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340854.843826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340862.843981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340870.844115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340878.844259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340886.844370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340894.844489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340902.844610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340910.844747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340918.844904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340926.845034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340934.845166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340942.845293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340950.845426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340958.845560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340966.845700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340974.845884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340982.846030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340990.846186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730340998.846341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341006.846475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341014.846623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341022.846635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341030.846853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341038.847014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341046.847101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341054.847191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341062.847346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341070.847472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341078.847662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341086.847807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341094.847923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341102.848037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341110.848159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341118.848292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341126.848385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341134.848499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341142.848651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341150.848781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341158.848940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341166.849022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341174.849155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341182.849293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341190.849409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341198.849562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341206.849732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341214.849884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341222.850017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341230.850108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341238.850223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341246.850325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341254.850453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341262.850604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341270.850777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341278.850936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341286.851037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341294.851116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341302.851214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341310.851358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341318.851522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341326.851672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341334.851827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341342.851982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341350.852099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341358.852324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341366.852463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341374.852615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341382.852742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341390.852752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341398.852964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341406.853029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341414.853166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341422.853241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341430.853398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341438.853539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341446.853700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341454.853861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341462.854004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341470.854122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341478.854275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341486.854390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341494.854639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341502.854720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341510.854891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341518.855021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341526.855105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341534.855196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341542.855359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341550.855481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341558.855635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341566.855760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341574.855916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341582.856060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341590.856135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341598.856266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341606.856398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341614.856536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341622.856695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341630.856876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341638.856978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341646.857104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341654.857183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341662.857321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341670.857459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341678.857596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341686.857726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341694.857861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341702.857989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341710.858129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341718.858265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341726.858365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341734.858457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341742.858496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341750.858701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341758.858878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341766.859009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341774.859136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341782.859294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341790.859451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341798.859595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341806.859759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341814.859926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341822.860020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341830.860101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341838.860233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341846.860386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341854.860540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341862.860669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341870.860809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341878.860962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341886.861109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341894.861201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341902.861335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341910.861489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341918.861498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341926.861674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341934.861782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341942.861956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341950.862077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341958.862169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341966.862322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341974.862458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341982.862615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341990.862758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730341998.862941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342006.862903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342014.863024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342022.863100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342030.863170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342038.863264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342046.863403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342054.863480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342062.863616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342070.863745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342078.863878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342086.864021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342094.864034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342102.864161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342110.864262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342118.864404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342126.864531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342134.864682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342142.864847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342150.865030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342158.865115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342166.865193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342174.865289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342182.865368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342190.865516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342198.865655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342206.865808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342214.865978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342222.866046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342230.866133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342238.866266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342246.866383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342254.866532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342262.866672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342270.866802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342278.867000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342286.867084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342294.867166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342302.867315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342310.867457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342318.867580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342326.867711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342334.867858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342342.867930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342350.868016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342358.868099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342366.868186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342374.868337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342382.868491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342390.868605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342398.868748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342406.868893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342414.869004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342422.869084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342430.869167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342438.869318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342446.869440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342454.869596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342462.869732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342470.869905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342478.869989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342486.870126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342494.870249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342502.870408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342510.870561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342518.870699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342526.870881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342534.871013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342542.871019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342550.871150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342558.871288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342566.871426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342574.871568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342582.871738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342590.871912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342598.871993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342606.872069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342614.872151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342622.872278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342630.872319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342638.872442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342646.872577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342654.872736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342662.872903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342670.872998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342678.873087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342686.873173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342694.873271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342702.873411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342710.873550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342718.873698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342726.873877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342734.874024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342742.874112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342750.874205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342758.874328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342766.874485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342774.874629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342782.874786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342790.874898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342798.875031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342806.875173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342814.875302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342822.875389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342830.875542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342838.875670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342846.875809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342854.875943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342862.875999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342870.876085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342878.876169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342886.876323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342894.876424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342902.876569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342910.876718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342918.876865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342926.876972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342934.877053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342942.877138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342950.877308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342958.877434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342966.877573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342974.877716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342982.877875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342990.877995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730342998.878078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343006.878213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343014.878359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343022.878491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343030.878650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343038.878781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343046.878931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343054.879067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343062.879065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343070.879208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343078.879350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343086.879494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343094.879578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343102.879724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343110.879917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343118.880003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343126.880166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343134.880266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343142.880433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343150.880618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343158.880769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343166.880934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343174.881049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343182.881203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343190.881303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343198.881437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343206.881587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343214.881745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343222.881875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343230.881990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343238.881996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343246.882129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343254.882271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343262.882428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343270.882555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343278.882699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343286.882853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343294.882968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343302.883078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343310.883224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343318.883319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343326.883443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343334.883616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343342.883764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343350.883940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343358.884020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343366.884120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343374.884184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343382.884301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343390.884459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343398.884612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343406.884764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343414.884806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343422.885007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343430.885136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343438.885269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343446.885417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343454.885578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343462.885657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343470.885798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343478.885947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343486.886056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343494.886139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343502.886268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343510.886403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343518.886541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343526.886702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343534.886803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343542.886972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343550.887026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343558.887138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343566.887243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343574.887316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343582.887560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343590.887692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343598.887875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343606.888008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343614.888142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343622.888302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343630.888441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343638.888587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343646.888745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343654.888914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343662.889027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343670.889131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343678.889249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343686.889397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343694.889460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343702.889663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343710.889820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343718.889983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343726.890110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343734.890229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343742.890380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343750.890536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343758.890684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343766.890874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343774.891033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343782.891188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343790.891334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343798.891471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343806.891617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343814.891782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343822.891921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343830.892174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343838.892292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343846.892419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343854.892548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343862.892695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343870.892992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343878.893107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343886.893270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343894.893401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343902.893471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343910.893612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343918.893767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343926.893926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343934.894071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343942.894166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343950.894306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343958.894312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343966.894491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343974.894653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343982.894899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343990.895057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730343998.895113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344006.895206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344014.895326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344022.895464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344030.895595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344038.895753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344046.895903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344054.896026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344062.896107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344070.896256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344078.896396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344086.896535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344094.896682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344102.896819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344110.896945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344118.897091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344126.897230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344134.897386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344142.897519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344150.897659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344158.897792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344166.897949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344174.898087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344182.898241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344190.898404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344198.898543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344206.898694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344214.898867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344222.898963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344230.899101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344238.899232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344246.899328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344254.899484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344262.899600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344270.899749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344278.899941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344286.900026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344294.900166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344302.900313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344310.900448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344318.900583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344326.900743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344334.900917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344342.901035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344350.901189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344358.901332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344366.901482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344374.901635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344382.901791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344390.901948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344398.902107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344406.902243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344414.902340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344422.902472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344430.902618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344438.902769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344446.902892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344454.903011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344462.903141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344470.903269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344478.903410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344486.903557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344494.903691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344502.903870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344510.903988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344518.904120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344526.904267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344534.904446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344542.904577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344550.904683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344558.904810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344566.904959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344574.905021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344582.905114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344590.905237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344598.905327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344606.905466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344614.905628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344622.905785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344630.905950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344638.906073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344646.906256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344654.906425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344662.906544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344670.906660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344678.906783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344686.906904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344694.907000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344702.907134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344710.907292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344718.907450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344726.907576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344734.907703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344742.907828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344750.908006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344758.908054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344766.908251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344774.908415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344782.908582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344790.908681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344798.908802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344806.908948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344814.909079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344822.909161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344830.909283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344838.909437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344846.909585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344854.909739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344862.909934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344870.910028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344878.910148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344886.910285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344894.910461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344902.910577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344910.910705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344918.910884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344926.911032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344934.911150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344942.911277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344950.911441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344958.911592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344966.911731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344974.911896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344982.912019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344990.912098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730344998.912185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345006.912340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345014.912412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345022.912557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345030.912683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345038.912897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345046.913040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345054.913127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345062.913252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345070.913395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345078.913538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345086.913669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345094.913850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345102.913970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345110.914057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345118.914154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345126.914284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345134.914414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345142.914540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345150.914670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345158.914797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345166.914882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345174.914997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345182.915070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345190.915155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345198.915268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345206.915415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345214.915582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345222.915720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345230.915872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345238.916018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345246.916140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345254.916309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345262.916455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345270.916603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345278.916726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345286.916893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345294.916984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345302.917071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345310.917205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345318.917353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345326.917517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345334.917666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345342.917810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345350.917968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345358.918093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345366.918251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345374.918386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345382.918527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345390.918687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345398.918868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345406.918953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345414.919098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345422.919192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345430.919323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345438.919469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345446.919624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345454.919720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345462.919827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345470.920026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345478.920215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345486.920368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345494.920528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345502.920655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345510.920804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345518.921022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345526.921102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345534.921237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345542.921374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345550.921502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345558.921671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345566.921810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345574.921944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345582.922082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345590.922186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345598.922365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345606.922509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345614.922666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345622.922797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345630.922945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345638.923087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345646.923122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345654.923280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345662.923444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345670.923601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345678.923729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345686.923926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345694.924017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345702.924081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345710.924237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345718.924378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345726.924524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345734.924670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345742.924822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345750.924986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345758.925135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345766.925294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345774.925457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345782.925577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345790.925710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345798.925917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345806.926031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345814.926174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345822.926256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345830.926399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345838.926554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345846.926683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345854.926867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345862.926954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345870.927009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345878.927145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345886.927273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345894.927425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345902.927577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345910.927731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345918.927885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345926.928015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345934.928151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345942.928255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345950.928412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345958.928578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345966.928704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345974.928885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345982.929025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345990.929162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730345998.929292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346006.929402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346014.929563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346022.929686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346030.929823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346038.929969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346046.930060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346054.930135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346062.930238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346070.930400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346078.930550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346086.930695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346094.930862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346102.931009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346110.931164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346118.931314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346126.931443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346134.931566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346142.931707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346150.931898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346158.932016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346166.932098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346174.932262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346182.932397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346190.932532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346198.932601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346206.932751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346214.932828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346222.932986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346230.933062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346238.933140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346246.933297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346254.933446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346262.933603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346270.933740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346278.933927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346286.934056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346294.934209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346302.934354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346310.934485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346318.934615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346326.934751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346334.934919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346342.934998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346350.935093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346358.935164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346366.935259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346374.935401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346382.935552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346390.935674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346398.935857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346406.935966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346414.936094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346422.936177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346430.936254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346438.936346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346446.936500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346454.936663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346462.936755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346470.936914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346478.937021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346486.937099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346494.937238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346502.937401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346510.937549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346518.937702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346526.937872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346534.937962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346542.938054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346550.938145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346558.938218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346566.938372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346574.938528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346582.938651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346590.938786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346598.938943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346606.939014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346614.939139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346622.939292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346630.939323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346638.939487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346646.939593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346654.939752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346662.939923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346670.940022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346678.940174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346686.940325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346694.940462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346702.940591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346710.940758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346718.940929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346726.941018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346734.941108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346742.941237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346750.941363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346758.941508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346766.941629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346774.941763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346782.941906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346790.942003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346798.942140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346806.942272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346814.942451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346822.942588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346830.942754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346838.942920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346846.943029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346854.943185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346862.943340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346870.943499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346878.943650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346886.943785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346894.943921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346902.944081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346910.944239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346918.944381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346926.944543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346934.944707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346942.944888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346950.945010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346958.945138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346966.945284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346974.945449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346982.945596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346990.945752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730346998.945922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347006.946022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347014.946174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347022.946306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347030.946431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347038.946563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347046.946712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347054.946877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347062.947023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347070.947032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347078.947203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347086.947361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347094.947496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347102.947611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347110.947744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347118.947932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347126.947932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347134.948061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347142.948221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347150.948374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347158.948509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347166.948634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347174.948780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347182.948945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347190.949088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347198.949241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347206.949398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347214.949553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347222.949700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347230.949856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347238.949970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347246.950102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347254.950198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347262.950377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347270.950525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347278.950669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347286.950821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347294.951006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347302.951104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347310.951172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347318.951330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347326.951458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347334.951594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347342.951753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347350.951916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347358.952018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347366.952147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347374.952300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347382.952434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347390.952560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347398.952716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347406.952860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347414.953007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347422.953115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347430.953107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347438.953251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347446.953397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347454.953550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347462.953705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347470.953823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347478.953959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347486.954087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347494.954160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347502.954273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347510.954503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347518.954627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347526.954799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347534.954961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347542.955077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347550.955236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347558.955398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347566.955536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347574.955693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347582.955868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347590.956012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347598.956156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347606.956316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347614.956460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347622.956618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347630.956744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347638.956912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347646.956995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347654.957147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347662.957304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347670.957399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347678.957547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347686.957636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347694.957862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347702.957983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347710.958054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347718.958210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347726.958350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347734.958509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347742.958641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347750.958780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347758.958944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347766.959076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347774.959081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347782.959300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347790.959388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347798.959635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347806.959785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347814.959930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347822.960000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347830.960082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347838.960211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347846.960377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347854.960496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347862.960665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347870.960880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347878.961022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347886.961107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347894.961271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347902.961392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347910.961544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347918.961699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347926.961886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347934.962010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347942.962144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347950.962297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347958.962399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347966.962641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347974.962770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347982.962933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347990.963026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730347998.963120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348006.963245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348014.963316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348022.963440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348030.963517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348038.963701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348046.963869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348054.963975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348062.964129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348070.964272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348078.964422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348086.964554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348094.964686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348102.964810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348110.964955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348118.965090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348126.965241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348134.965366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348142.965490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348150.965649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348158.965805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348166.965972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348174.966041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348182.966210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348190.966334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348198.966488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348206.966644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348214.966771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348222.966914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348230.967039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348238.967122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348246.967269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348254.967408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348262.967561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348270.967719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348278.967883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348286.968025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348294.968051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348302.968242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348310.968394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348318.968536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348326.968696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348334.968880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348342.969016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348350.969148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348358.969307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348366.969465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348374.969568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348382.969613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348390.969804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348398.969950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348406.970051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348414.970191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348422.970327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348430.970476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348438.970627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348446.970788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348454.970947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348462.971086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348470.971105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348478.971307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348486.971463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348494.971583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348502.971752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348510.971898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348518.972041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348526.972181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348534.972315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348542.972483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348550.972627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348558.972784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348566.972946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348574.973038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348582.973198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348590.973293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348598.973461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348606.973603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348614.973748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348622.973940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348630.974069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348638.974151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348646.974275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348654.974432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348662.974561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348670.974716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348678.974880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348686.975025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348694.975143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348702.975265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348710.975415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348718.975571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348726.975694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348734.975870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348742.975983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348750.976129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348758.976196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348766.976354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348774.976507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348782.976648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348790.976795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348798.976961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348806.977094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348814.977239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348822.977248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348830.977427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348838.977584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348846.977719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348854.977896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348862.978008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348870.978098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348878.978272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348886.978400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348894.978533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348902.978660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348910.978801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348918.978998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348926.979096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348934.979235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348942.979387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348950.979536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348958.979819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348966.979970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348974.980113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348982.980271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348990.980398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730348998.980538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349006.980663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349014.980813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349022.980965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349030.981085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349038.981247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349046.981379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349054.981522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349062.981653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349070.981788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349078.981947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349086.982116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349094.982277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349102.982404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349110.982538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349118.982695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349126.982823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349134.982960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349142.983068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349150.983143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349158.983288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349166.983442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349174.983583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349182.983788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349190.984003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349198.984139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349206.984264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349214.984416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349222.984571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349230.984728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349238.984909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349246.985025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349254.985165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349262.985310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349270.985388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349278.985569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349286.985693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349294.985780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349302.985923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349310.986028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349318.986163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349326.986294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349334.986436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349342.986589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349350.986672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349358.986818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349366.986976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349374.987111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349382.987243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349390.987397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349398.987550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349406.987703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349414.987873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349422.987996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349430.988132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349438.988257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349446.988392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349454.988514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349462.988653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349470.988871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349478.988969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349486.989107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349494.989195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349502.989260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349510.989402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349518.989547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349526.989681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349534.989843 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349542.989995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349550.990087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349558.990169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349566.990330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349574.990479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349582.990642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349590.990794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349598.990957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349606.991083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349614.991162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349622.991324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349630.991464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349638.991615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349646.991752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349654.991911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349662.992044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349670.992199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349678.992330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349686.992482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349694.992613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349702.992735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349710.992890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349718.992991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349726.993137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349734.993288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349742.993438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349750.993587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349758.993732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349766.993910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349774.994033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349782.994158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349790.994294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349798.994437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349806.994594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349814.994749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349822.994907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349830.995023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349838.995163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349846.995302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349854.995463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349862.995590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349870.995722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349878.995881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349886.996008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349894.996140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349902.996284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349910.996488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349918.996635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349926.996754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349934.996896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349942.997049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349950.997121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349958.997270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349966.997410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349974.997532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349982.997658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349990.997788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730349998.997951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350006.998101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350014.998254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350022.998399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350030.998544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350038.998698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350046.998874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350054.999015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350062.999093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350070.999252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350078.999406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350086.999534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350094.999659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350102.999814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350110.999983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350119.000121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350127.000276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350135.000426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350143.000560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350151.000686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350159.000850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350167.001032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350175.001159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350183.001313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350191.001445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350199.001588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350207.001729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350215.001927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350223.002043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350231.002183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350239.002323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350247.002481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350255.002609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350263.002764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350271.002880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350279.003023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350287.003114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350295.003240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350303.003406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350311.003556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350319.003706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350327.003912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350335.003915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350343.004096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350351.004247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350359.004369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350367.004522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350375.004650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350383.004779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350391.004942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350399.005045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350407.005168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350415.005324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350423.005364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350431.005565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350439.005640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350447.005804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350455.005953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350463.006098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350471.006250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350479.006404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350487.006523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350495.006681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350503.006855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350511.007075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350519.007215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350527.007341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350535.007499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350543.007755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350551.007915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350559.007930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350567.008078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350575.008233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350583.008366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350591.008514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350599.008639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350607.008799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350615.008947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350623.009089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350631.009221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350639.009427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350647.009579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350655.009737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350663.009924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350671.010019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350679.010159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350687.010315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350695.010476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350703.010662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350711.010806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350719.010944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350727.011066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350735.011145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350743.011284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350751.011373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350759.011513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350767.011671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350775.011804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350783.011849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350791.012027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350799.012161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350807.012284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350815.012405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350823.012568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350831.012714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350839.012910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350847.013026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350855.013154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350863.013308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350871.013462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350879.013620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350887.013703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350895.013863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350903.013966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350911.014063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350919.014196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350927.014347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350935.014504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350943.014635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350951.014765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350959.014941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350967.015063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350975.015138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350983.015269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350991.015395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730350999.015557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351007.015636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351015.015791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351023.015951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351031.016100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351039.016331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351047.016456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351055.016597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351063.016681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351071.016824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351079.016991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351087.017114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351095.017190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351103.017300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351111.017417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351119.017561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351127.017700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351135.017866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351143.017994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351151.018130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351159.018272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351167.018427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351175.018566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351183.018710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351191.018873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351199.019013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351207.019148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351215.019285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351223.019360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351231.019485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351239.019642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351247.019806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351255.019966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351263.020044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351271.020145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351279.020289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351287.020448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351295.020597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351303.020744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351311.020907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351319.021027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351327.021145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351335.021273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351343.021412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351351.021562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351359.021709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351367.021874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351375.022005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351383.022092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351391.022247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351399.022369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351407.022516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351415.022656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351423.022778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351431.022875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351439.023020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351447.023163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351455.023292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351463.023404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351471.023553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351479.023683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351487.023821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351495.024045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351503.024152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351511.024306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351519.024459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351527.024688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351535.024965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351543.025031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351551.025096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351559.025230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351567.025374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351575.025534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351583.025631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351591.025725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351599.025917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351607.025964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351615.026055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351623.026118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351631.026282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351639.026445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351647.026592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351655.026747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351663.026887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351671.027071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351679.027262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351687.027422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351695.027557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351703.027671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351711.027823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351719.027970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351727.028068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351735.028218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351743.028370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351751.028375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351759.028522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351767.028678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351775.028811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351783.028961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351791.029033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351799.029118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351807.029195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351815.029348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351823.029496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351831.029644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351839.029714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351847.029825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351855.029961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351863.030025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351871.030151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351879.030304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351887.030455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351895.030608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351903.030738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351911.030896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351919.031000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351927.031128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351935.031249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351943.031386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351951.031535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351959.031689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351967.031872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351975.032012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351983.032111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351991.032203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730351999.032318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352007.032458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352015.032604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352023.032759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352031.032934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352039.033027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352047.033147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352055.033263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352063.033349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352071.033486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352079.033630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352087.033783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352095.033938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352103.034000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352111.034137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352119.034291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352127.034456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352135.034607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352143.034756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352151.034929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352159.035064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352167.035215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352175.035343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352183.035499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352191.035631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352199.035780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352207.035948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352215.036074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352223.036233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352231.036398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352239.036534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352247.036680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352255.036880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352263.036995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352271.037144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352279.037301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352287.037445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352295.037574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352303.037689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352311.037827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352319.037969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352327.038058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352335.038152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352343.038267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352351.038422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352359.038572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352367.038726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352375.038875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352383.039013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352391.039143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352399.039317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352407.039473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352415.039627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352423.039774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352431.039925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352439.040052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352447.040185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352455.040342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352463.040498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352471.040645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352479.040795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352487.040929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352495.041060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352503.041147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352511.041301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352519.041455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352527.041610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352535.041757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352543.041902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352551.042009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352559.042144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352567.042285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352575.042439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352583.042584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352591.042742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352599.042924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352607.042965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352615.043098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352623.043234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352631.043372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352639.043388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352647.043693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352655.043819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352663.043986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352671.044127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352679.044230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352687.044315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352695.044439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352703.044592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352711.044748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352719.044944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352727.045058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352735.045160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352743.045307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352751.045448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352759.045601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352767.045754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352775.045932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352783.046036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352791.046165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352799.046293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352807.046416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352815.046549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352823.046707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352831.046876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352839.047003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352847.047153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352855.047326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352863.047459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352871.047630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352879.047762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352887.047931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352895.048022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352903.048115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352911.048215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352919.048371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352927.048517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352935.048676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352943.048816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352951.048983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352959.049079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352967.049164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352975.049314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352983.049437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352991.049602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730352999.049758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353007.049958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353015.050014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353023.050161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353031.050305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353039.050433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353047.050567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353055.050742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353063.050894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353071.051028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353079.051164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353087.051303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353095.051439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353103.051569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353111.051686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353119.051779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353127.051926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353135.052017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353143.052100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353151.052252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353159.052411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353167.052561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353175.052716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353183.052888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353191.052995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353199.053120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353207.053256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353215.053398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353223.053536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353231.053695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353239.053877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353247.054014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353255.054151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353263.054305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353271.054440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353279.054588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353287.054687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353295.054764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353303.054909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353311.055004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353319.055138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353327.055263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353335.055361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353343.055487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353351.055643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353359.055827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353367.055966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353375.056061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353383.056220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353391.056310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353399.056455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353407.056605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353415.056697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353423.056779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353431.056874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353439.056874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353447.057070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353455.057162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353463.057281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353471.057431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353479.057605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353487.057704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353495.057827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353503.057986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353511.058136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353519.058281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353527.058425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353535.058578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353543.058708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353551.058827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353559.059002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353567.059141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353575.059247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353583.059387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353591.059484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353599.059616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353607.059766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353615.059905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353623.060004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353631.060171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353639.060221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353647.060383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353655.060532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353663.060672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353671.060819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353679.060976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353687.061116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353695.061237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353703.061363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353711.061530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353719.061679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353727.061870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353735.061997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353743.062112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353751.062227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353759.062249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353767.062411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353775.062536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353783.062697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353791.062888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353799.063024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353807.063146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353815.063194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353823.063395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353831.063538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353839.063670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353847.063772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353855.063923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353863.064059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353871.064211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353879.064337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353887.064448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353895.064524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353903.064725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353911.064879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353919.065025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353927.065161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353935.065311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353943.065473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353951.065625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353959.065784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353967.065934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353975.066067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353983.066200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353991.066365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730353999.066492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354007.066629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354015.066768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354023.066923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354031.067026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354039.067155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354047.067299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354055.067457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354063.067599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354071.067757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354079.067943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354087.068036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354095.068163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354103.068316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354111.068457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354119.068620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354127.068776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354135.068940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354143.069090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354151.069168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354159.069306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354167.069382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354175.069512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354183.069642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354191.069777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354199.069925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354207.070013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354215.070175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354223.070300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354231.070425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354239.070588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354247.070737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354255.070902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354263.070965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354271.071098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354279.071234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354287.071349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354295.071473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354303.071634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354311.071790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354319.071882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354327.072023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354335.072154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354343.072156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354351.072338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354359.072470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354367.072591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354375.072677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354383.072858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354391.073015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354399.073143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354407.073276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354415.073494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354423.073731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354431.073887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354439.074084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354447.074169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354455.074294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354463.074497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354471.074671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354479.074825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354487.075009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354495.075215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354503.075404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354511.075608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354519.075745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354527.075915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354535.076028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354543.076251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354551.076447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354559.076588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354567.076727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354575.076946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354583.076995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354591.077195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354599.077286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354607.077358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354615.077431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354623.077560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354631.077643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354639.077790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354647.077939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354655.078089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354663.078243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354671.078395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354679.078520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354687.078652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354695.078803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354703.078969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354711.079039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354719.079174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354727.079327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354735.079493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354743.079634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354751.079788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354759.079952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354767.080096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354775.080250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354783.080399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354791.080543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354799.080684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354807.080826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354815.080974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354823.081063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354831.081137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354839.081265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354847.081410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354855.081539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354863.081690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354871.081813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354879.081945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354887.082061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354895.082209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354903.082359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354911.082518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354919.082666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354927.082795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354935.082956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354943.083012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354951.083087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354959.083179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354967.083339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354975.083458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354983.083593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354991.083742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730354999.083909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355007.084019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355015.084147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355023.084301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355031.084407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355039.084494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355047.084611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355055.084748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355063.084894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355071.085034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355079.085116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355087.085246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355095.085377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355103.085526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355111.085658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355119.085792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355127.085950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355135.086084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355143.086241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355151.086284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355159.086493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355167.086631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355175.086872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355183.087016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355191.087137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355199.087276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355207.087437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355215.087592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355223.087742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355231.087879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355239.087932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355247.088031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355255.088164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355263.088327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355271.088475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355279.088576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355287.088709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355295.088829 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355303.088970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355311.089105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355319.089239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355327.089252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355335.089430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355343.089589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355351.089732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355359.089879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355367.090027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355375.090152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355383.090267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355391.090401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355399.090535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355407.090682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355415.090826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355423.090971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355431.091101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355439.091252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355447.091381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355455.091510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355463.091672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355471.091795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355479.091953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355487.092056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355495.092166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355503.092317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355511.092441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355519.092567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355527.092703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355535.092869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355543.092984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355551.093106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355559.093190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355567.093293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355575.093437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355583.093572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355591.093717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355599.093899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355607.094070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355615.094202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355623.094330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355631.094486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355639.094629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355647.094741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355655.094903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355663.095018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355671.095027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355679.095211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355687.095351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355695.095512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355703.095665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355711.095790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355719.095923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355727.095991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355735.096135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355743.096244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355751.096337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355759.096518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355767.096668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355775.096820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355783.096954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355791.097091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355799.097224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355807.097362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355815.097568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355823.097719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355831.097883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355839.098029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355847.098149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355855.098286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355863.098431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355871.098595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355879.098716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355887.098879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355895.099010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355903.099131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355911.099292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355919.099438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355927.099576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355935.099734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355943.099910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355951.100045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355959.100146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355967.100242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355975.100374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355983.100545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355991.100693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730355999.100781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356007.100939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356015.101065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356023.101203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356031.101311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356039.101470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356047.101606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356055.101746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356063.101930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356071.102036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356079.102152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356087.102297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356095.102454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356103.102589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356111.102708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356119.102928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356127.103055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356135.103175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356143.103318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356151.103386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356159.103535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356167.103672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356175.103766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356183.103946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356191.104090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356199.104241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356207.104409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356215.104458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356223.104619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356231.104778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356239.104932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356247.105045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356255.105185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356263.105306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356271.105451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356279.105606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356287.105720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356295.105708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356303.105927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356311.106078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356319.106210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356327.106341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356335.106598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356343.106730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356351.106915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356359.107033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356367.107164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356375.107324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356383.107470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356391.107666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356399.107758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356407.107935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356415.108037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356423.108103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356431.108195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356439.108344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356447.108503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356455.108652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356463.108775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356471.108848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356479.109027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356487.109172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356495.109266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356503.109406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356511.109556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356519.109644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356527.109781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356535.109926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356543.110061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356551.110188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356559.110291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356567.110405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356575.110612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356583.110762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356591.110908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356599.110987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356607.111077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356615.111170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356623.111319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356631.111472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356639.111608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356647.111753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356655.111916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356663.112030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356671.112111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356679.112231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356687.112391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356695.112541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356703.112705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356711.112873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356719.112948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356727.113060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356735.113198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356743.113322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356751.113455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356759.113533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356767.113669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356775.113828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356783.113972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356791.114031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356799.114121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356807.114245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356815.114400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356823.114529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356831.114683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356839.114861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356847.115008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356855.115153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356863.115307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356871.115464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356879.115613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356887.115768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356895.115946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356903.116085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356911.116173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356919.116306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356927.116457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356935.116609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356943.116755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356951.116924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356959.117075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356967.117233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356975.117386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356983.117516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356991.117635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730356999.117797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357007.117961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357015.118042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357023.118174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357031.118331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357039.118476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357047.118609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357055.118733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357063.118901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357071.119031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357079.119250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357087.119396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357095.119536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357103.119700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357111.119818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357119.119946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357127.120082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357135.120169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357143.120336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357151.120480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357159.120630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357167.120923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357175.121023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357183.121155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357191.121304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357199.121456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357207.121613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357215.121716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357223.121885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357231.121983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357239.122085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357247.122231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357255.122387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357263.122521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357271.122674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357279.122796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357287.122953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357295.123096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357303.123250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357311.123409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357319.123550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357327.123714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357335.123886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357343.123969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357351.124061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357359.124149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357367.124289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357375.124453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357383.124576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357391.124727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357399.124919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357407.125021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357415.125162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357423.125297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357431.125544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357439.125669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357447.125802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357455.125922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357463.126041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357471.126129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357479.126293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357487.126426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357495.126557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357503.126719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357511.126914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357519.127021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357527.127156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357535.127294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357543.127431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357551.127576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357559.127723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357567.127886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357575.128027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357583.128169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357591.128294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357599.128442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357607.128566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357615.128730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357623.128884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357631.129012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357639.129141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357647.129266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357655.129392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357663.129537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357671.129613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357679.129758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357687.129935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357695.130057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357703.130147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357711.130300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357719.130416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357727.130579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357735.130725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357743.130881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357751.131022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357759.131092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357767.131191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357775.131300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357783.131407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357791.131567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357799.131687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357807.131860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357815.131942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357823.132004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357831.132127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357839.132234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357847.132369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357855.132524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357863.132669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357871.132825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357879.132960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357887.133098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357895.133199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357903.133337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357911.133493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357919.133614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357927.133772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357935.133942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357943.134063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357951.134195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357959.134322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357967.134470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357975.134610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357983.134769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357991.134934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730357999.135078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358007.135209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358015.135346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358023.135482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358031.135610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358039.135756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358047.135941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358055.136056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358063.136196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358071.136287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358079.136426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358087.136563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358095.136704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358103.136877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358111.137017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358119.137104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358127.137214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358135.137411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358143.137539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358151.137683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358159.137860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358167.137992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358175.138118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358183.138241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358191.138358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358199.138454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358207.138540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358215.138702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358223.138865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358231.138941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358239.139082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358247.139166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358255.139305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358263.139456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358271.139580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358279.139739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358287.139906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358295.139997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358303.140085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358311.140216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358319.140403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358327.140547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358335.140640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358343.140729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358351.140809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358359.140933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358367.141055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358375.141177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358383.141332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358391.141481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358399.141639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358407.141722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358415.141918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358423.142154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358431.142229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358439.142360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358447.142438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358455.142571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358463.142694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358471.142888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358479.143022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358487.143128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358495.143267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358503.143421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358511.143556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358519.143705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358527.143882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358535.144167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358543.144286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358551.144427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358559.144584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358567.144738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358575.144921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358583.145013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358591.145158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358599.145317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358607.145471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358615.145623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358623.145755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358631.145902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358639.145996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358647.146125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358655.146250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358663.146383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358671.146539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358679.146635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358687.146787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358695.146947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358703.146998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358711.147132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358719.147283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358727.147437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358735.147599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358743.147734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358751.147878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358759.148022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358767.148149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358775.148275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358783.148431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358791.148562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358799.148714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358807.148869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358815.148981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358823.149125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358831.149252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358839.149380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358847.149504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358855.149601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358863.149755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358871.149938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358879.150012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358887.150097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358895.150214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358903.150345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358911.150443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358919.150577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358927.150730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358935.150907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358943.150898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358951.151079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358959.151182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358967.151319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358975.151429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358983.151585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358991.151699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730358999.151855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359007.152006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359015.152152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359023.152313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359031.152351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359039.152538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359047.152670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359055.152807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359063.152962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359071.153011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359079.153167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359087.153321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359095.153445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359103.153582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359111.153734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359119.153910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359127.154026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359135.154151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359143.154284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359151.154439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359159.154598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359167.154735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359175.154916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359183.155075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359191.155221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359199.155349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359207.155440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359215.155565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359223.155717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359231.155896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359239.156025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359247.156174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359255.156339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359263.156489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359271.156647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359279.156782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359287.156841 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359295.157036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359303.157117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359311.157204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359319.157344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359327.157495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359335.157630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359343.157785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359351.157933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359359.158079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359367.158185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359375.158232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359383.158417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359391.158541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359399.158695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359407.158891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359415.158967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359423.159099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359431.159226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359439.159372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359447.159526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359455.159679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359463.159773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359471.159924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359479.160026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359487.160192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359495.160307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359503.160461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359511.160603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359519.160762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359527.160943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359535.161045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359543.161196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359551.161353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359559.161446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359567.161604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359575.161751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359583.161942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359591.162062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359599.162212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359607.162371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359615.162500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359623.162622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359631.162767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359639.162903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359647.162994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359655.163130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359663.163279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359671.163410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359679.163565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359687.163643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359695.163754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359703.163883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359711.164026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359719.164179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359727.164234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359735.164425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359743.164562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359751.164714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359759.164812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359767.164951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359775.165088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359783.165215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359791.165375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359799.165513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359807.165683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359815.165871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359823.165970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359831.166101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359839.166179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359847.166346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359855.166495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359863.166622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359871.166760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359879.166915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359887.167021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359895.167153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359903.167311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359911.167400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359919.167553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359927.167696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359935.167827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359943.168004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359951.168127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359959.168288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359967.168418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359975.168532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359983.168678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359991.168812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730359999.168992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360007.169195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360015.169341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360023.169487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360031.169635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360039.169715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360047.169847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360055.170015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360063.170151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360071.170340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360079.170465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360087.170593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360095.170733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360103.170889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360111.171026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360119.171158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360127.171319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360135.171458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360143.171609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360151.171768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360159.172083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360167.172187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360175.172189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360183.172360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360191.172509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360199.172647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360207.172808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360215.172970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360223.173089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360231.173228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360239.173380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360247.173511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360255.173647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360263.173777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360271.173939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360279.174075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360287.174230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360295.174354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360303.174492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360311.174618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360319.174771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360327.174930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360335.175071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360343.175159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360351.175263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360359.175390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360367.175532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360375.175685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360383.175856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360391.176019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360399.176132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360407.176241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360415.176373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360423.176508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360431.176643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360439.176786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360447.176937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360455.177057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360463.177190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360471.177284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360479.177419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360487.177570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360495.177697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360503.177868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360511.177977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360519.178073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360527.178188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360535.178326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360543.178459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360551.178610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360559.178722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360567.178904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360575.179006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360583.179083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360591.179236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360599.179383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360607.179499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360615.179639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360623.179777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360631.179874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360639.180002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360647.180132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360655.180259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360663.180415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360671.180547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360679.180692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360687.180877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360695.181025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360703.181155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360711.181254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360719.181379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360727.181542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360735.181697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360743.181890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360751.181994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360759.182116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360767.182272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360775.182414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360783.182550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360791.182701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360799.182884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360807.183009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360815.183129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360823.183234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360831.183359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360839.183511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360847.183649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360855.183797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360863.183963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360871.184141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360879.184278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360887.184431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360895.184589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360903.184746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360911.184920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360919.185028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360927.185122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360935.185279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360943.185410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360951.185543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360959.185688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360967.185869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360975.185937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360983.186070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360991.186154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730360999.186292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361007.186416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361015.186542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361023.186671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361031.186884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361039.186977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361047.187128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361055.187271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361063.187421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361071.187553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361079.187705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361087.187867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361095.188013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361103.188094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361111.188104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361119.188312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361127.188445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361135.188586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361143.188729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361151.188950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361159.189021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361167.189115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361175.189226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361183.189357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361191.189512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361199.189549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361207.189734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361215.189911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361223.190037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361231.190171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361239.190318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361247.190470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361255.190606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361263.190743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361271.190928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361279.191029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361287.191123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361295.191300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361303.191439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361311.191695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361319.191866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361327.191926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361335.192059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361343.192191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361351.192321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361359.192446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361367.192598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361375.192792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361383.192938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361391.193091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361399.193177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361407.193330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361415.193481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361423.193638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361431.193797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361439.193936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361447.194074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361455.194214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361463.194375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361471.194504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361479.194658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361487.194793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361495.194933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361503.195034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361511.195185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361519.195321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361527.195468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361535.195632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361543.195763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361551.195917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361559.195998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361567.196138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361575.196291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361583.196448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361591.196607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361599.196743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361607.196886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361615.197004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361623.197140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361631.197345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361639.197471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361647.197554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361655.197741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361663.197926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361671.198028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361679.198124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361687.198203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361695.198287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361703.198383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361711.198551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361719.198702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361727.198816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361735.198885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361743.199073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361751.199233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361759.199447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361767.199651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361775.199813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361783.199976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361791.200070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361799.200162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361807.200284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361815.200440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361823.200449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361831.200572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361839.200711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361847.200899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361855.200986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361863.201067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361871.201156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361879.201310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361887.201434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361895.201546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361903.201681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361911.201732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361919.201941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361927.202033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361935.202155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361943.202320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361951.202447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361959.202601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361967.202735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361975.202864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361983.202948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361991.203031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730361999.203181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362007.203251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362015.203382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362023.203513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362031.203648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362039.203796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362047.203930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362055.204061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362063.204208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362071.204362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362079.204518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362087.204663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362095.204811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362103.204984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362111.205074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362119.205205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362127.205258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362135.205419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362143.205556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362151.205712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362159.205906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362167.205980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362175.206109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362183.206218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362191.206340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362199.206469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362207.206601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362215.206747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362223.206872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362231.206979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362239.207066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362247.207152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362255.207387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362263.207509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362271.207668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362279.207763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362287.207884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362295.207940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362303.208065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362311.208220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362319.208361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362327.208516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362335.208655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362343.208791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362351.208951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362359.209100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362367.209261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362375.209389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362383.209516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362391.209645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362399.209823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362407.209933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362415.210048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362423.210132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362431.210265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362439.210469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362447.210660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362455.210810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362463.210945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362471.210989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362479.211147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362487.211296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362495.211448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362503.211587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362511.211745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362519.211896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362527.212005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362535.212165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362543.212322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362551.212479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362559.212611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362567.212769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362575.212968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362583.213181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362591.213322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362599.213477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362607.213622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362615.213662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362623.213894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362631.213941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362639.214056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362647.214190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362655.214263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362663.214369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362671.214528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362679.214664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362687.214820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362695.214982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362703.215033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362711.215163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362719.215336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362727.215428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362735.215574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362743.215704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362751.215883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362759.216029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362767.216114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362775.216238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362783.216381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362791.216501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362799.216663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362807.216814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362815.216978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362823.217111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362831.217259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362839.217394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362847.217552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362855.217678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362863.217870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362871.217965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362879.218054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362887.218175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362895.218327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362903.218476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362911.218617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362919.218919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362927.219023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362935.219101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362943.219264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362951.219391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362959.219514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362967.219670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362975.219853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362983.219976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362991.220107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730362999.220268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363007.220387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363015.220522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363023.220686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363031.220820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363039.220984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363047.221067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363055.221032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363063.221210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363071.221348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363079.221435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363087.221569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363095.221673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363103.221856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363111.222006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363119.222085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363127.222215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363135.222297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363143.222327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363151.222513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363159.222678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363167.222874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363175.222991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363183.223065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363191.223142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363199.223275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363207.223368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363215.223521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363223.223661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363231.223814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363239.223969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363247.224107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363255.224189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363263.224333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363271.224424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363279.224498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363287.224634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363295.224733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363303.224911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363311.225027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363319.225159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363327.225312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363335.225409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363343.225535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363351.225675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363359.225806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363367.225943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363375.226031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363383.226106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363391.226199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363399.226350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363407.226500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363415.226645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363423.226766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363431.226935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363439.227013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363447.227091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363455.227182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363463.227330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363471.227481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363479.227630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363487.227785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363495.227913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363503.227993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363511.228076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363519.228160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363527.228285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363535.228359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363543.228516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363551.228642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363559.228800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363567.228937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363575.229069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363583.229193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363591.229334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363599.229509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363607.229654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363615.229735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363623.229922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363631.230025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363639.230158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363647.230296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363655.230450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363663.230612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363671.230764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363679.230841 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363687.231034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363695.231173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363703.231262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363711.231403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363719.231555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363727.231688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363735.231896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363743.232022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363751.232137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363759.232267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363767.232398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363775.232439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363783.232635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363791.232767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363799.232968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363807.233094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363815.233253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363823.233384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363831.233546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363839.233703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363847.233884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363855.234010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363863.234134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363871.234291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363879.234425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363887.234685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363895.234819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363903.234964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363911.235096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363919.235253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363927.235406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363935.235571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363943.235692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363951.235920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363959.236051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363967.236170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363975.236295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363983.236456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363991.236601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730363999.236730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364007.236950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364015.237076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364023.237158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364031.237313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364039.237453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364047.237610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364055.237741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364063.237895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364071.238022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364079.238151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364087.238304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364095.238458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364103.238567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364111.238691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364119.238895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364127.239028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364135.239161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364143.239284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364151.239411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364159.239552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364167.239677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364175.239811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364183.240124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364191.240239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364199.240352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364207.240465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364215.240621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364223.240710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364231.240887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364239.241032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364247.241119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364255.241236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364263.241390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364271.241558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364279.241713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364287.241725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364295.241943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364303.242083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364311.242234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364319.242389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364327.242546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364335.242681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364343.242827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364351.243004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364359.243123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364367.243282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364375.243414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364383.243674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364391.243816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364399.243949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364407.244079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364415.244157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364423.244288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364431.244443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364439.244519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364447.244644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364455.244802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364463.244817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364471.244982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364479.245118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364487.245267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364495.245384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364503.245522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364511.245764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364519.245916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364527.246026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364535.246149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364543.246304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364551.246448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364559.246650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364567.246884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364575.247019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364583.247107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364591.247258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364599.247385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364607.247525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364615.247684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364623.247815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364631.247927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364639.247981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364647.248114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364655.248259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364663.248414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364671.248618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364679.248716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364687.248885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364695.249012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364703.249144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364711.249298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364719.249440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364727.249574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364735.249737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364743.249912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364751.250012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364759.250086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364767.250181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364775.250328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364783.250464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364791.250588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364799.250710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364807.250874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364815.250959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364823.251014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364831.251103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364839.251189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364847.251337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364855.251483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364863.251629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364871.251732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364879.251805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364887.251940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364895.252022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364903.252115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364911.252129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364919.252311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364927.252458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364935.252612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364943.252759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364951.252922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364959.253015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364967.253087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364975.253174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364983.253300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364991.253419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730364999.253560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365007.253713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365015.253802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365023.253924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365031.254038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365039.254117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365047.254223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365055.254364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365063.254571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365071.254701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365079.254871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365087.255014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365095.255133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365103.255235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365111.255383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365119.255536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365127.255620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365135.255720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365143.255898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365151.256027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365159.256115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365167.256201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365175.256337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365183.256495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365191.256698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365199.256826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365207.256983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365215.257115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365223.257255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365231.257403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365239.257560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365247.257693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365255.257883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365263.258009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365271.258106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365279.258266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365287.258387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365295.258520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365303.258665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365311.258828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365319.258960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365327.259102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365335.259179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365343.259337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365351.259470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365359.259593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365367.259752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365375.259892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365383.260006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365391.260092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365399.260185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365407.260301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365415.260470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365423.260622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365431.260694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365439.260882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365447.260945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365455.261096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365463.261246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365471.261409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365479.261545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365487.261693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365495.261865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365503.261960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365511.262047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365519.262195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365527.262314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365535.262444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365543.262603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365551.262736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365559.262895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365567.263000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365575.263091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365583.263232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365591.263358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365599.263508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365607.263657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365615.263777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365623.263942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365631.264081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365639.264165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365647.264327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365655.264453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365663.264606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365671.264761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365679.264930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365687.265064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365695.265154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365703.265308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365711.265467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365719.265612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365727.265773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365735.265931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365743.266080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365751.266205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365759.266391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365767.266530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365775.266680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365783.266821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365791.266953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365799.267081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365807.267209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365815.267352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365823.267460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365831.267596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365839.267684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365847.267884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365855.268036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365863.268192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365871.268346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365879.268479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365887.268549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365895.268699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365903.268849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365911.268946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365919.269042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365927.269119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365935.269239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365943.269329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365951.269483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365959.269556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365967.269728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365975.269910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365983.270160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365991.270266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730365999.270391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366007.270547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366015.270721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366023.270882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366031.271003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366039.271090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366047.271214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366055.271359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366063.271519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366071.271656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366079.271805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366087.271948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366095.272053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366103.272169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366111.272329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366119.272461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366127.272587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366135.272632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366143.272856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366151.273004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366159.273138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366167.273291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366175.273419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366183.273594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366191.273731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366199.273821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366207.273948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366215.274101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366223.274139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366231.274294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366239.274425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366247.274564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366255.274716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366263.274929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366271.275034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366279.275147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366287.275312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366295.275449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366303.275603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366311.275726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366319.275896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366327.276024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366335.276184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366343.276310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366351.276468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366359.276571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366367.276712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366375.276876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366383.277011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366391.277141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366399.277174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366407.277297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366415.277449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366423.277589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366431.277713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366439.277813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366447.277984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366455.278100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366463.278254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366471.278415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366479.278567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366487.278705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366495.278873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366503.278980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366511.279112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366519.279256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366527.279410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366535.279534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366543.279668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366551.279821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366559.279960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366567.280104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366575.280249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366583.280399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366591.280558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366599.280712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366607.280874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366615.281010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366623.281134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366631.281264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366639.281429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366647.281582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366655.281712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366663.281897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366671.282030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366679.282107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366687.282244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366695.282370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366703.282482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366711.282623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366719.282760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366727.282929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366735.283006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366743.283132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366751.283264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366759.283348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366767.283478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366775.283616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366783.283763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366791.283928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366799.284025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366807.284097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366815.284236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366823.284382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366831.284535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366839.284686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366847.284809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366855.284935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366863.285086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366871.285239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366879.285383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366887.285490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366895.285640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366903.285790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366911.285959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366919.286097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366927.286246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366935.286360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366943.286507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366951.286579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366959.286731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366967.286903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366975.287028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366983.287176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366991.287330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730366999.287469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367007.287630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367015.287768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367023.287922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367031.288075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367039.288154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367047.288283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367055.288443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367063.288591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367071.288745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367079.288909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367087.289025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367095.289174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367103.289317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367111.289467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367119.289623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367127.289764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367135.289926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367143.290054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367151.290184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367159.290301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367167.290453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367175.290587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367183.290737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367191.290922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367199.290992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367207.291079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367215.291164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367223.291319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367231.291461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367239.291556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367247.291682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367255.291768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367263.291944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367271.292036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367279.292181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367287.292338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367295.292343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367303.292542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367311.292699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367319.292881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367327.292977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367335.293125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367343.293251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367351.293396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367359.293523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367367.293610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367375.293746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367383.293904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367391.294070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367399.294206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367407.294361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367415.294515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367423.294653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367431.294801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367439.294926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367447.295068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367455.295218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367463.295367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367471.295422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367479.295604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367487.295756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367495.295927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367503.296038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367511.296088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367519.296269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367527.296417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367535.296506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367543.296658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367551.296790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367559.296948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367567.297085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367575.297219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367583.297362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367591.297499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367599.297646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367607.297769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367615.297927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367623.298042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367631.298108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367639.298197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367647.298335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367655.298469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367663.298590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367671.298752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367679.298914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367687.299033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367695.299180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367703.299336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367711.299448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367719.299518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367727.299676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367735.299809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367743.299942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367751.300028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367759.300188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367767.300332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367775.300441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367783.300561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367791.300655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367799.300787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367807.300938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367815.300977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367823.301113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367831.301255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367839.301404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367847.301536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367855.301673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367863.301800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367871.301976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367879.302127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367887.302276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367895.302431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367903.302556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367911.302703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367919.302893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367927.302935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367935.303083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367943.303205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367951.303362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367959.303491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367967.303634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367975.303771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367983.303884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367991.304029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730367999.304166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368007.304338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368015.304439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368023.304503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368031.304642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368039.304704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368047.304886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368055.305020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368063.305146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368071.305278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368079.305405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368087.305554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368095.305700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368103.305869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368111.305970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368119.306110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368127.306262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368135.306392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368143.306505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368151.306517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368159.306706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368167.306877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368175.307004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368183.307135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368191.307256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368199.307416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368207.307529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368215.307614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368223.307772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368231.307924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368239.308047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368247.308147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368255.308226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368263.308347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368271.308483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368279.308610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368287.308758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368295.308933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368303.309012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368311.309147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368319.309294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368327.309424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368335.309631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368343.309758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368351.309915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368359.310045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368367.310180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368375.310312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368383.310448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368391.310593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368399.310751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368407.310915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368415.310973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368423.311115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368431.311280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368439.311365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368447.311530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368455.311658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368463.311808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368471.311966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368479.312010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368487.312155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368495.312305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368503.312433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368511.312564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368519.312721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368527.312877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368535.313009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368543.313142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368551.313293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368559.313433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368567.313570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368575.313728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368583.313734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368591.313902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368599.313979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368607.314062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368615.314220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368623.314352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368631.314501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368639.314660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368647.314792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368655.314916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368663.315014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368671.315020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368679.315155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368687.315286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368695.315423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368703.315571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368711.315727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368719.315883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368727.316013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368735.316168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368743.316325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368751.316439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368759.316485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368767.316668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368775.316869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368783.316978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368791.317110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368799.317193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368807.317335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368815.317499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368823.317627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368831.317760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368839.317932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368847.318090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368855.318240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368863.318394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368871.318535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368879.318613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368887.318768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368895.318931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368903.319078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368911.319227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368919.319357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368927.319443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368935.319616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368943.319759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368951.319974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368959.320100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368967.320235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368975.320394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368983.320519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368991.320641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730368999.320800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369007.320933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369015.321036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369023.321124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369031.321262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369039.321381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369047.321512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369055.321649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369063.321730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369071.321884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369079.321992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369087.322134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369095.322287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369103.322406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369111.322431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369119.322633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369127.322790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369135.322945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369143.323086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369151.323167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369159.323245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369167.323378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369175.323517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369183.323704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369191.323861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369199.324005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369207.324131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369215.324293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369223.324440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369231.324593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369239.324718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369247.324871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369255.324981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369263.325111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369271.325240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369279.325366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369287.325513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369295.325671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369303.325808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369311.325968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369319.326095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369327.326233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369335.326369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369343.326504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369351.326624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369359.326689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369367.326783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369375.326821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369383.327017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369391.327118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369399.327239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369407.327366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369415.327498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369423.327634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369431.327786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369439.327942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369447.328069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369455.328152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369463.328211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369471.328379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369479.328529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369487.328672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369495.328815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369503.328976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369511.329124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369519.329253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369527.329377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369535.329529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369543.329679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369551.329916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369559.330073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369567.330193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369575.330323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369583.330450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369591.330582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369599.330712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369607.330899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369615.330995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369623.331154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369631.331262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369639.331427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369647.331630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369655.331761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369663.331893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369671.332065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369679.332126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369687.332218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369695.332375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369703.332530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369711.332686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369719.332823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369727.332873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369735.333052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369743.333169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369751.333298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369759.333430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369767.333594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369775.333742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369783.333878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369791.334006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369799.334113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369807.334225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369815.334372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369823.334557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369831.334719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369839.334904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369847.335016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369855.335151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369863.335296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369871.335455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369879.335578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369887.335713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369895.335899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369903.336010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369911.336122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369919.336239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369927.336371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369935.336515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369943.336646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369951.336788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369959.336925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369967.337024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369975.337121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369983.337251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369991.337396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730369999.337558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370007.337738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370015.337873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370023.337949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370031.338047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370039.338197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370047.338314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370055.338454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370063.338575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370071.338714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370079.338749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370087.338939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370095.339090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370103.339214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370111.339368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370119.339439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370127.339584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370135.339879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370143.339981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370151.340061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370159.340217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370167.340386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370175.340585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370183.340716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370191.340867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370199.341008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370207.341144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370215.341274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370223.341427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370231.341529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370239.341684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370247.341851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370255.341884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370263.342030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370271.342124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370279.342263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370287.342401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370295.342514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370303.342577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370311.342719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370319.342892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370327.343015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370335.343144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370343.343256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370351.343406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370359.343533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370367.343686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370375.343811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370383.343976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370391.344102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370399.344178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370407.344334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370415.344469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370423.344613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370431.344766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370439.344922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370447.345047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370455.345200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370463.345336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370471.345480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370479.345632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370487.345787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370495.345938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370503.346094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370511.346169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370519.346226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370527.346424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370535.346562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370543.346717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370551.346884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370559.346951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370567.347004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370575.347114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370583.347257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370591.347381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370599.347533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370607.347683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370615.347859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370623.348062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370631.348222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370639.348356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370647.348471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370655.348610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370663.348755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370671.348928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370679.349050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370687.349205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370695.349339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370703.349485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370711.349612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370719.349749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370727.349941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370735.350085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370743.350242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370751.350384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370759.350458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370767.350610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370775.350769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370783.350922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370791.351035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370799.351109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370807.351261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370815.351396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370823.351546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370831.351692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370839.351789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370847.351934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370855.352062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370863.352157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370871.352341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370879.352493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370887.352646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370895.352768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370903.352910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370911.353045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370919.353162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370927.353240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370935.353373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370943.353514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370951.353670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370959.353801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370967.353966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370975.354116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370983.354266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370991.354417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730370999.354563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371007.354828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371015.354975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371023.355109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371031.355270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371039.355427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371047.355599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371055.355735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371063.355900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371071.356010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371079.356167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371087.356308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371095.356419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371103.356561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371111.356695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371119.356815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371127.356943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371135.356953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371143.357136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371151.357285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371159.357366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371167.357522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371175.357677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371183.357828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371191.357998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371199.358112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371207.358248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371215.358408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371223.358454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371231.358584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371239.358727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371247.358937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371255.359038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371263.359175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371271.359318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371279.359484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371287.359569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371295.359716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371303.359886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371311.359910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371319.360017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371327.360146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371335.360269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371343.360402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371351.360539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371359.360677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371367.360828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371375.360978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371383.361103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371391.361233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371399.361379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371407.361582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371415.361711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371423.361899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371431.362033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371439.362153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371447.362312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371455.362470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371463.362619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371471.362742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371479.362928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371487.363063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371495.363213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371503.363364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371511.363492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371519.363645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371527.363802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371535.363965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371543.364098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371551.364269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371559.364391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371567.364537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371575.364673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371583.364863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371591.364914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371599.365018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371607.365185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371615.365298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371623.365415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371631.365521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371639.365627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371647.365759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371655.365935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371663.365902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371671.366089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371679.366222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371687.366341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371695.366480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371703.366618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371711.366771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371719.366933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371727.367056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371735.367209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371743.367346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371751.367495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371759.367655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371767.367769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371775.367933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371783.368026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371791.368116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371799.368267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371807.368413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371815.368539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371823.368697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371831.368857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371839.368999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371847.369119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371855.369205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371863.369326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371871.369468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371879.369618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371887.369798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371895.369947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371903.370089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371911.370222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371919.370344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371927.370504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371935.370573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371943.370706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371951.370885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371959.370985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371967.371073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371975.371201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371983.371335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371991.371478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730371999.371633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372007.371796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372015.371987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372023.372125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372031.372264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372039.372384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372047.372637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372055.372769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372063.372938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372071.373023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372079.373149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372087.373282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372095.373407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372103.373582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372111.373657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372119.373801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372127.373941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372135.374091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372143.374196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372151.374322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372159.374479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372167.374623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372175.374786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372183.374923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372191.375105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372199.375188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372207.375339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372215.375582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372223.375720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372231.375874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372239.376008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372247.376140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372255.376300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372263.376450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372271.376588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372279.376884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372287.377016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372295.377134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372303.377274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372311.377420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372319.377577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372327.377713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372335.377809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372343.377939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372351.378065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372359.378191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372367.378328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372375.378482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372383.378611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372391.378766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372399.378945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372407.379032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372415.379101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372423.379229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372431.379385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372439.379537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372447.379686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372455.379793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372463.379936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372471.380081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372479.380205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372487.380346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372495.380498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372503.380644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372511.380825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372519.380940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372527.380989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372535.381123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372543.381199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372551.381359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372559.381461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372567.381530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372575.381650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372583.381814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372591.381976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372599.382100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372607.382260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372615.382401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372623.382490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372631.382619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372639.382772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372647.382938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372655.383085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372663.383245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372671.383402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372679.383564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372687.383711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372695.383893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372703.383983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372711.384077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372719.384206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372727.384374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372735.384500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372743.384633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372751.384787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372759.384952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372767.385077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372775.385221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372783.385347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372791.385477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372799.385634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372807.385764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372815.385941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372823.386021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372831.386102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372839.386245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372847.386383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372855.386512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372863.386647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372871.386771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372879.386871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372887.387010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372895.387146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372903.387290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372911.387460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372919.387590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372927.387741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372935.387909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372943.388042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372951.388189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372959.388351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372967.388506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372975.388652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372983.388800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372991.388877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730372999.389009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373007.389103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373015.389249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373023.389381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373031.389520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373039.389638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373047.389906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373055.390003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373063.390100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373071.390179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373079.390239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373087.390405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373095.390536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373103.390633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373111.390764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373119.390924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373127.391031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373135.391109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373143.391254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373151.391368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373159.391522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373167.391670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373175.391863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373183.392009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373191.392135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373199.392260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373207.392402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373215.392539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373223.392633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373231.392884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373239.393011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373247.393137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373255.393296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373263.393423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373271.393545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373279.393703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373287.393891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373295.393998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373303.394109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373311.394259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373319.394392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373327.394576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373335.394655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373343.394802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373351.394945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373359.395029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373367.395155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373375.395306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373383.395442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373391.395584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373399.395603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373407.395782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373415.395962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373423.396070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373431.396240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373439.396402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373447.396526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373455.396655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373463.396784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373471.396943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373479.397096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373487.397103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373495.397277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373503.397438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373511.397563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373519.397715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373527.397891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373535.397948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373543.398090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373551.398160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373559.398300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373567.398385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373575.398536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373583.398677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373591.398760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373599.398926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373607.399043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373615.399195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373623.399317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373631.399462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373639.399626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373647.399786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373655.399936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373663.400085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373671.400145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373679.400289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373687.400430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373695.400579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373703.400736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373711.400888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373719.401021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373727.401144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373735.401232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373743.401467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373751.401611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373759.401720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373767.401881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373775.401961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373783.402008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373791.402099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373799.402253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373807.402426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373815.402555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373823.402715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373831.402861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373839.402968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373847.403091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373855.403215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373863.403319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373871.403463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373879.403625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373887.403772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373895.403934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373903.404086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373911.404167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373919.404317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373927.404467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373935.404623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373943.404754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373951.404921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373959.405029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373967.405107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373975.405265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373983.405412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373991.405544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730373999.405617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374007.405700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374015.405887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374023.405961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374031.406092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374039.406252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374047.406396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374055.406540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374063.406690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374071.406884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374079.407030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374087.407111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374095.407185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374103.407325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374111.407468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374119.407481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374127.407656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374135.407796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374143.407946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374151.408084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374159.408211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374167.408346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374175.408495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374183.408648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374191.408798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374199.408952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374207.409047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374215.409127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374223.409283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374231.409439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374239.409592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374247.409742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374255.409901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374263.410029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374271.410179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374279.410302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374287.410491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374295.410598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374303.410749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374311.410910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374319.411036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374327.411163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374335.411311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374343.411444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374351.411600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374359.411729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374367.412018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374375.412079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374383.412207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374391.412370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374399.412528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374407.412650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374415.412781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374423.412940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374431.413073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374439.413223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374447.413378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374455.413423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374463.413611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374471.413678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374479.413872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374487.414019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374495.414157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374503.414298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374511.414369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374519.414486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374527.414618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374535.414696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374543.414822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374551.415099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374559.415277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374567.415511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374575.415637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374583.415784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374591.415902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374599.416013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374607.416153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374615.416307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374623.416462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374631.416602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374639.416738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374647.416936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374655.417049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374663.417189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374671.417333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374679.417418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374687.417557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374695.417718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374703.417898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374711.418032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374719.418119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374727.418267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374735.418416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374743.418512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374751.418785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374759.418931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374767.419068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374775.419193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374783.419373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374791.419528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374799.419669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374807.419761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374815.419931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374823.419951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374831.420146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374839.420278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374847.420381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374855.420532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374863.420663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374871.420796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374879.420930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374887.421083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374895.421167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374903.421258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374911.421425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374919.421620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374927.421758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374935.421942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374943.422076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374951.422206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374959.422356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374967.422511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374975.422642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374983.422797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374991.422938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730374999.422941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375007.423076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375015.423168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375023.423293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375031.423421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375039.423542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375047.423683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375055.423798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375063.423957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375071.424039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375079.424202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375087.424330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375095.424467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375103.424628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375111.424926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375119.424937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375127.425063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375135.425155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375143.425300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375151.425452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375159.425604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375167.425741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375175.425937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375183.426028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375191.426161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375199.426308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375207.426483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375215.426629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375223.426771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375231.426924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375239.427052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375247.427168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375255.427327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375263.427473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375271.427483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375279.427683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375287.427872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375295.428006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375303.428159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375311.428256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375319.428386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375327.428519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375335.428649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375343.428786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375351.428955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375359.429007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375367.429130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375375.429255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375383.429404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375391.429524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375399.429621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375407.429765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375415.429929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375423.430074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375431.430233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375439.430387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375447.430517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375455.430670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375463.430825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375471.430986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375479.431080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375487.431207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375495.431341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375503.431466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375511.431602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375519.431741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375527.431926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375535.432089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375543.432094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375551.432278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375559.432411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375567.432541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375575.432681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375583.432828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375591.432965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375599.433101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375607.433227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375615.433456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375623.433568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375631.433694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375639.433803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375647.433983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375655.434012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375663.434089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375671.434180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375679.434302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375687.434464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375695.434608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375703.434763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375711.434924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375719.435051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375727.435206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375735.435332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375743.435473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375751.435606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375759.435741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375767.435925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375775.436102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375783.436242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375791.436313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375799.436474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375807.436600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375815.436725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375823.436916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375831.437035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375839.437125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375847.437252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375855.437412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375863.437543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375871.437690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375879.437827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375887.437956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375895.438121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375903.438250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375911.438375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375919.438526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375927.438662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375935.438809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375943.438974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375951.439021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375959.439107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375967.439196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375975.439239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375983.439409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375991.439535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730375999.439679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376007.439811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376015.439944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376023.440010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376031.440137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376039.440257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376047.440414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376055.440544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376063.440696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376071.440879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376079.441018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376087.441173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376095.441332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376103.441458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376111.441599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376119.441748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376127.441905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376135.442018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376143.442178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376151.442318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376159.442386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376167.442521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376175.442777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376183.442905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376191.442992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376199.443133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376207.443296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376215.443412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376223.443553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376231.443693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376239.443870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376247.443954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376255.444004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376263.444136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376271.444270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376279.444395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376287.444554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376295.444679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376303.444788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376311.444928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376319.445032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376327.445168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376335.445298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376343.445431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376351.445551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376359.445641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376367.445764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376375.445948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376383.446076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376391.446204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376399.446322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376407.446462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376415.446571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376423.446764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376431.446963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376439.447084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376447.447245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376455.447370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376463.447479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376471.447594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376479.447752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376487.447943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376495.448016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376503.448150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376511.448221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376519.448387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376527.448511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376535.448650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376543.448721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376551.448901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376559.448990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376567.449123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376575.449210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376583.449347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376591.449480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376599.449519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376607.449705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376615.449867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376623.449969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376631.450193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376639.450305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376647.450441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376655.450591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376663.450696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376671.450849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376679.450963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376687.451032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376695.451151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376703.451254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376711.451395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376719.451502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376727.451642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376735.451800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376743.451966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376751.452182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376759.452301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376767.452392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376775.452568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376783.452702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376791.452896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376799.453023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376807.453164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376815.453319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376823.453489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376831.453612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376839.453741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376847.453882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376855.454005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376863.454136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376871.454253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376879.454391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376887.454482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376895.454633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376903.454767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376911.454920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376919.454983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376927.455055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376935.455221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376943.455341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376951.455499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376959.455650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376967.455782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376975.455947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376983.456071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376991.456207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730376999.456327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377007.456443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377015.456578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377023.456730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377031.456738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377039.456948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377047.457059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377055.457191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377063.457335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377071.457476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377079.457610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377087.457694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377095.457852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377103.457961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377111.458086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377119.458111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377127.458303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377135.458457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377143.458615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377151.458760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377159.458945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377167.459080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377175.459210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377183.459345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377191.459502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377199.459628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377207.459767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377215.459957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377223.460104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377231.460243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377239.460385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377247.460501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377255.460658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377263.460779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377271.460933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377279.461059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377287.461196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377295.461353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377303.461508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377311.461650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377319.461796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377327.461944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377335.462036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377343.462146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377351.462293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377359.462442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377367.462592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377375.462748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377383.462909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377391.463164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377399.463285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377407.463489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377415.463623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377423.463781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377431.463891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377439.464037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377447.464114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377455.464196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377463.464333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377471.464415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377479.464575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377487.464727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377495.464918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377503.465020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377511.465133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377519.465219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377527.465333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377535.465490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377543.465644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377551.465762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377559.465937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377567.466068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377575.466215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377583.466349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377591.466459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377599.466628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377607.466758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377615.466941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377623.467016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377631.467147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377639.467297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377647.467456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377655.467587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377663.467713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377671.467864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377679.467971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377687.468050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377695.468175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377703.468317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377711.468390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377719.468515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377727.468680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377735.468885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377743.469007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377751.469082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377759.469158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377767.469288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377775.469413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377783.469564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377791.469707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377799.469863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377807.470001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377815.470134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377823.470293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377831.470449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377839.470573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377847.470718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377855.470914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377863.471026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377871.471108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377879.471234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377887.471413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377895.471522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377903.471694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377911.471820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377919.471992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377927.472158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377935.472304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377943.472452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377951.472607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377959.472763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377967.472909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377975.473021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377983.473154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377991.473294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730377999.473429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378007.473567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378015.473723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378023.473904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378031.473980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378039.474055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378047.474227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378055.474345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378063.474505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378071.474650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378079.474794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378087.474864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378095.475041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378103.475191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378111.475340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378119.475585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378127.475656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378135.475794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378143.475939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378151.476067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378159.476225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378167.476378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378175.476522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378183.476663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378191.476816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378199.476965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378207.477067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378215.477192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378223.477346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378231.477492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378239.477620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378247.477771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378255.477909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378263.478018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378271.478163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378279.478311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378287.478483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378295.478616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378303.478745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378311.478896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378319.479024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378327.479176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378335.479261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378343.479421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378351.479544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378359.479672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378367.479810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378375.479951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378383.480024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378391.480142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378399.480267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378407.480384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378415.480593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378423.480757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378431.480927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378439.481003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378447.481194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378455.481353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378463.481484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378471.481630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378479.481787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378487.481957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378495.482016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378503.482146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378511.482239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378519.482380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378527.482445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378535.482612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378543.482733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378551.482874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378559.483025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378567.483113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378575.483264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378583.483440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378591.483536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378599.483650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378607.483813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378615.483976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378623.484126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378631.484257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378639.484392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378647.484532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378655.484720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378663.484915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378671.485029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378679.485112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378687.485230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378695.485391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378703.485517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378711.485693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378719.485848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378727.485966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378735.486056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378743.486178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378751.486314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378759.486470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378767.486503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378775.486678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378783.486824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378791.486861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378799.487034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378807.487158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378815.487313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378823.487476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378831.487684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378839.487822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378847.487967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378855.488035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378863.488114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378871.488221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378879.488225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378887.488392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378895.488575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378903.488779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378911.488937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378919.489024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378927.489174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378935.489296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378943.489453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378951.489596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378959.489784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378967.489896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378975.490031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378983.490120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378991.490246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730378999.490398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379007.490450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379015.490757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379023.490934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379031.491026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379039.491126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379047.491147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379055.491333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379063.491486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379071.491637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379079.491791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379087.491949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379095.492097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379103.492183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379111.492306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379119.492461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379127.492599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379135.492734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379143.492888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379151.493021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379159.493155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379167.493274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379175.493435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379183.493562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379191.493718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379199.493901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379207.494021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379215.494170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379223.494331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379231.494460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379239.494614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379247.494651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379255.494892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379263.495005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379271.495135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379279.495287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379287.495440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379295.495596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379303.495723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379311.495904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379319.496025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379327.496112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379335.496201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379343.496339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379351.496466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379359.496626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379367.496754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379375.496951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379383.497033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379391.497170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379399.497323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379407.497452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379415.497585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379423.497726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379431.497914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379439.498008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379447.498103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379455.498229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379463.498446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379471.498592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379479.498742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379487.498922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379495.499162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379503.499275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379511.499405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379519.499554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379527.499659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379535.499802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379543.499935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379551.500036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379559.500166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379567.500314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379575.500481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379583.500610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379591.500728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379599.500920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379607.501035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379615.501186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379623.501337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379631.501494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379639.501650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379647.501802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379655.501964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379663.502012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379671.502137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379679.502292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379687.502413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379695.502541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379703.502663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379711.502902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379719.502965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379727.503101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379735.503232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379743.503312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379751.503464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379759.503655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379767.503818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379775.503975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379783.504114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379791.504243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379799.504374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379807.504499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379815.504657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379823.504793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379831.504954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379839.505004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379847.505186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379855.505346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379863.505494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379871.505635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379879.505776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379887.505935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379895.506067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379903.506174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379911.506226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379919.506370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379927.506510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379935.506670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379943.506820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379951.506976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379959.507159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379967.507295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379975.507444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379983.507532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379991.507670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730379999.507816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380007.507983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380015.508077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380023.508193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380031.508352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380039.508470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380047.508610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380055.508756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380063.508930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380071.509020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380079.509173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380087.509316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380095.509435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380103.509451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380111.509663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380119.509801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380127.509941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380135.510072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380143.510222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380151.510381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380159.510495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380167.510622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380175.510694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380183.510828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380191.510987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380199.511115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380207.511239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380215.511311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380223.511435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380231.511596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380239.511740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380247.511944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380255.512012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380263.512126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380271.512265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380279.512385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380287.512546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380295.512680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380303.512853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380311.512955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380319.513033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380327.513169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380335.513320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380343.513451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380351.513585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380359.513751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380367.513915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380375.514029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380383.514127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380391.514273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380399.514412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380407.514528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380415.514683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380423.514817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380431.514954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380439.515103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380447.515262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380455.515395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380463.515527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380471.515688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380479.515878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380487.516015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380495.516135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380503.516240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380511.516394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380519.516544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380527.516655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380535.516708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380543.516899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380551.516983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380559.517081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380567.517222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380575.517331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380583.517478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380591.517734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380599.517906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380607.518024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380615.518108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380623.518181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380631.518345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380639.518472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380647.518630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380655.518784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380663.518939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380671.519030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380679.519158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380687.519239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380695.519395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380703.519542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380711.519813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380719.520012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380727.520164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380735.520298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380743.520451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380751.520584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380759.520737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380767.520874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380775.520997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380783.521082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380791.521186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380799.521213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380807.521418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380815.521565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380823.521646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380831.521799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380839.521928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380847.521999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380855.522065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380863.522201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380871.522354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380879.522469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380887.522642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380895.522770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380903.522931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380911.523024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380919.523167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380927.523302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380935.523455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380943.523533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380951.523684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380959.523773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380967.523934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380975.524029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380983.524173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380991.524267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730380999.524385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381007.524588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381015.524744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381023.524919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381031.525033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381039.525106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381047.525233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381055.525304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381063.525457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381071.525608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381079.525766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381087.525926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381095.526044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381103.526193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381111.526287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381119.526446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381127.526604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381135.526758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381143.526813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381151.527016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381159.527151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381167.527299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381175.527462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381183.527616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381191.527772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381199.527940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381207.528090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381215.528240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381223.528402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381231.528552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381239.528708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381247.528901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381255.529033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381263.529132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381271.529287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381279.529426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381287.529564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381295.529702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381303.529876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381311.529920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381319.530092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381327.530250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381335.530352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381343.530493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381351.530663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381359.530787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381367.530933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381375.531044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381383.531138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381391.531250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381399.531343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381407.531469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381415.531537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381423.531675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381431.531825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381439.532000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381447.532100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381455.532201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381463.532270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381471.532423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381479.532515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381487.532665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381495.532793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381503.532935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381511.533021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381519.533155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381527.533312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381535.533436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381543.533570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381551.533690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381559.533821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381567.533960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381575.534089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381583.534224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381591.534370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381599.534519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381607.534661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381615.534813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381623.534960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381631.535098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381639.535229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381647.535356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381655.535582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381663.535730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381671.535919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381679.536015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381687.536125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381695.536216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381703.536330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381711.536482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381719.536610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381727.536737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381735.536929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381743.536948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381751.537116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381759.537260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381767.537397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381775.537546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381783.537670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381791.537956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381799.538086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381807.538171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381815.538322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381823.538469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381831.538479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381839.538681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381847.538873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381855.539008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381863.539142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381871.539226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381879.539346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381887.539503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381895.539763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381903.539931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381911.539983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381919.540086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381927.540241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381935.540387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381943.540507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381951.540656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381959.540818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381967.540981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381975.541130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381983.541270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381991.541431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730381999.541586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382007.541736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382015.541924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382023.542042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382031.542196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382039.542349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382047.542499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382055.542647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382063.542782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382071.542937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382079.543064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382087.543196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382095.543340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382103.543469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382111.543597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382119.543731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382127.544037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382135.544137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382143.544249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382151.544334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382159.544481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382167.544605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382175.544765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382183.544950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382191.545078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382199.545209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382207.545354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382215.545485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382223.545557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382231.545720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382239.545900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382247.545995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382255.546125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382263.546278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382271.546515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382279.546633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382287.546779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382295.546933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382303.547026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382311.547149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382319.547302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382327.547391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382335.547534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382343.547701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382351.547857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382359.547970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382367.548102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382375.548258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382383.548413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382391.548566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382399.548701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382407.548874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382415.549002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382423.549064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382431.549195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382439.549341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382447.549416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382455.549594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382463.549760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382471.549862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382479.549996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382487.550063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382495.550199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382503.550311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382511.550477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382519.550606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382527.550742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382535.550881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382543.551065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382551.551181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382559.551312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382567.551451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382575.551598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382583.551730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382591.551906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382599.552033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382607.552130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382615.552216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382623.552388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382631.552541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382639.552707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382647.552808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382655.552976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382663.553114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382671.553266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382679.553413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382687.553571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382695.553695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382703.553852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382711.553959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382719.554107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382727.554259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382735.554417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382743.554576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382751.554718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382759.554891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382767.555018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382775.555185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382783.555327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382791.555453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382799.555533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382807.555686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382815.555866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382823.555987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382831.556120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382839.556270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382847.556429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382855.556593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382863.556740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382871.556903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382879.557021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382887.557028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382895.557224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382903.557350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382911.557499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382919.557647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382927.557793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382935.557933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382943.558024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382951.558099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382959.558192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382967.558361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382975.558523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382983.558700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382991.558887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730382999.558951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383007.559094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383015.559178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383023.559324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383031.559478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383039.559633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383047.559785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383055.559953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383063.559954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383071.560087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383079.560182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383087.560252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383095.560383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383103.560520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383111.560596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383119.560730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383127.560906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383135.561112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383143.561206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383151.561317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383159.561450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383167.561590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383175.561727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383183.561894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383191.562007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383199.562072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383207.562223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383215.562336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383223.562491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383231.562643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383239.562738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383247.562928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383255.563051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383263.563137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383271.563295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383279.563419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383287.563580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383295.563699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383303.563871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383311.564005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383319.564207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383327.564286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383335.564478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383343.564623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383351.564740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383359.564901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383367.565016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383375.565101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383383.565261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383391.565496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383399.565606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383407.565747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383415.565912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383423.565984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383431.566105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383439.566197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383447.566326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383455.566465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383463.566674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383471.566857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383479.567143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383487.567291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383495.567384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383503.567510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383511.567707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383519.568070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383527.568165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383535.568320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383543.568463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383551.568734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383559.568916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383567.569022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383575.569097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383583.569231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383591.569374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383599.569499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383607.569658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383615.569806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383623.569900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383631.570027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383639.570103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383647.570214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383655.570371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383663.570493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383671.570581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383679.570723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383687.570903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383695.571034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383703.571105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383711.571237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383719.571367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383727.571521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383735.571673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383743.571815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383751.571970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383759.572116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383767.572245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383775.572384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383783.572528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383791.572684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383799.572869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383807.573017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383815.573142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383823.573279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383831.573357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383839.573481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383847.573626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383855.573759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383863.573939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383871.574037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383879.574165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383887.574286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383895.574435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383903.574585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383911.574711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383919.574868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383927.575011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383935.575154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383943.575289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383951.575434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383959.575539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383967.575681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383975.575817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383983.575986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383991.576113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730383999.576206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384007.576332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384015.576472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384023.576602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384031.576773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384039.576943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384047.577078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384055.577146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384063.577289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384071.577423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384079.577569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384087.577714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384095.577882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384103.578012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384111.578127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384119.578241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384127.578364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384135.578506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384143.578644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384151.578766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384159.578932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384167.579061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384175.579226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384183.579376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384191.579409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384199.579604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384207.579742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384215.579905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384223.580020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384231.580094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384239.580186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384247.580322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384255.580459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384263.580600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384271.580756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384279.580932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384287.581028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384295.581128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384303.581353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384311.581428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384319.581552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384327.581688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384335.581871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384343.581981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384351.582112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384359.582274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384367.582420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384375.582545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384383.582677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384391.582784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384399.582936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384407.583036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384415.583173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384423.583325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384431.583455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384439.583514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384447.583669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384455.583816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384463.583962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384471.584021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384479.584104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384487.584249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384495.584396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384503.584555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384511.584693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384519.584872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384527.585131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384535.585200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384543.585360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384551.585489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384559.585563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384567.585699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384575.585858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384583.585962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384591.586104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384599.586263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384607.586415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384615.586556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384623.586684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384631.586865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384639.586932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384647.587001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384655.587075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384663.587211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384671.587363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384679.587513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384687.587663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384695.587757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384703.587936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384711.588014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384719.588040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384727.588225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384735.588371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384743.588442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384751.588592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384759.588724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384767.588881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384775.589003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384783.589140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384791.589274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384799.589426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384807.589554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384815.589749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384823.589899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384831.590030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384839.590180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384847.590358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384855.590446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384863.590583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384871.590720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384879.590888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384887.590997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384895.591124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384903.591275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384911.591430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384919.591568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384927.591657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384935.591774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384943.591937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384951.592019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384959.592168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384967.592315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384975.592462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384983.592637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384991.592796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730384999.592942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385007.593091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385015.593221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385023.593351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385031.593602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385039.593675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385047.593807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385055.593956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385063.594079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385071.594095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385079.594277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385087.594432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385095.594566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385103.594719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385111.594857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385119.594979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385127.595070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385135.595198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385143.595351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385151.595507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385159.595509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385167.595705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385175.595982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385183.596058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385191.596209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385199.596296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385207.596536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385215.596665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385223.596824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385231.597004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385239.597084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385247.597235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385255.597393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385263.597516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385271.597654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385279.597807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385287.597943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385295.598073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385303.598202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385311.598331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385319.598450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385327.598593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385335.598757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385343.598917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385351.599021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385359.599149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385367.599271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385375.599339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385383.599496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385391.599641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385399.599725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385407.599920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385415.600029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385423.600117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385431.600278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385439.600356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385447.600487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385455.600618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385463.600751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385471.600919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385479.601026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385487.601164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385495.601314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385503.601339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385511.601536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385519.601673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385527.601812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385535.601941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385543.602027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385551.602098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385559.602239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385567.602368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385575.602533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385583.602659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385591.602740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385599.602945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385607.603062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385615.603200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385623.603323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385631.603412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385639.603544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385647.603678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385655.603799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385663.603943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385671.604069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385679.604198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385687.604349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385695.604474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385703.604600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385711.604754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385719.604924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385727.605005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385735.605117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385743.605280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385751.605431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385759.605569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385767.605716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385775.605915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385783.606024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385791.606155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385799.606312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385807.606476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385815.606632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385823.606780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385831.606924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385839.606976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385847.607141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385855.607271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385863.607390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385871.607539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385879.607691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385887.607879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385895.608025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385903.608154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385911.608279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385919.608415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385927.608568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385935.608587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385943.608765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385951.608926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385959.609024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385967.609159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385975.609273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385983.609429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385991.609584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730385999.609736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386007.609911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386015.610027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386023.610178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386031.610334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386039.610484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386047.610637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386055.610785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386063.610924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386071.611020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386079.611119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386087.611265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386095.611380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386103.611541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386111.611702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386119.611883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386127.611996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386135.612066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386143.612200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386151.612337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386159.612481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386167.612639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386175.612804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386183.612965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386191.613115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386199.613122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386207.613321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386215.613454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386223.613584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386231.613721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386239.613915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386247.614033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386255.614165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386263.614294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386271.614458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386279.614611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386287.614765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386295.614930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386303.615022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386311.615184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386319.615332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386327.615488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386335.615639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386343.615774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386351.615889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386359.616026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386367.616172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386375.616332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386383.616338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386391.616545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386399.616699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386407.616872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386415.617007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386423.617146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386431.617278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386439.617412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386447.617552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386455.617687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386463.617869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386471.617888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386479.618033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386487.618165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386495.618318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386503.618440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386511.618540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386519.618703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386527.618867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386535.618969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386543.619080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386551.619192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386559.619320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386567.619473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386575.619627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386583.619784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386591.619941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386599.620081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386607.620213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386615.620371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386623.620504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386631.620595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386639.620746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386647.620930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386655.621019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386663.621171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386671.621327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386679.621475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386687.621602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386695.621904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386703.622019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386711.622239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386719.622390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386727.622541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386735.622667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386743.622820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386751.623001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386759.623131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386767.623260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386775.623410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386783.623568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386791.623696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386799.623859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386807.623957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386815.624088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386823.624184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386831.624246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386839.624401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386847.624536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386855.624614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386863.624779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386871.624932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386879.625054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386887.625167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386895.625307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386903.625472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386911.625503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386919.625702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386927.625818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386935.625958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386943.626053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386951.626177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386959.626330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386967.626486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386975.626585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386983.626715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386991.626909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730386999.627022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387007.627150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387015.627303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387023.627430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387031.627585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387039.627726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387047.627892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387055.628018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387063.628143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387071.628270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387079.628383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387087.628516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387095.628689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387103.628890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387111.629003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387119.629142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387127.629298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387135.629455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387143.629595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387151.629752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387159.629912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387167.630033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387175.630066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387183.630278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387191.630414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387199.630576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387207.630728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387215.630878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387223.631014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387231.631108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387239.631210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387247.631360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387255.631473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387263.631635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387271.631784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387279.631946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387287.632078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387295.632191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387303.632346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387311.632479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387319.632633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387327.632780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387335.632907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387343.633017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387351.633103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387359.633263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387367.633397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387375.633523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387383.633676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387391.633784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387399.633933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387407.634023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387415.634115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387423.634267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387431.634282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387439.634470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387447.634607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387455.634756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387463.634934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387471.635158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387479.635268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387487.635427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387495.635560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387503.635714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387511.635888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387519.636015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387527.636136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387535.636232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387543.636314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387551.636469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387559.636614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387567.636773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387575.636941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387583.637077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387591.637235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387599.637306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387607.637463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387615.637612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387623.637751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387631.637937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387639.638002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387647.638099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387655.638189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387663.638281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387671.638414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387679.638564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387687.638671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387695.638933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387703.639008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387711.639144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387719.639289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387727.639377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387735.639520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387743.639602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387751.639749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387759.639945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387767.640034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387775.640065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387783.640240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387791.640402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387799.640553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387807.640698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387815.640884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387823.640981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387831.641107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387839.641215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387847.641317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387855.641476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387863.641613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387871.641802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387879.641952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387887.642074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387895.642216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387903.642331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387911.642584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387919.642732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387927.643019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387935.643132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387943.643266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387951.643313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387959.643511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387967.643662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387975.643798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387983.643932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387991.644029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730387999.644161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388007.644316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388015.644464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388023.644616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388031.644762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388039.644938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388047.645090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388055.645244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388063.645391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388071.645523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388079.645677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388087.645821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388095.645998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388103.646139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388111.646365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388119.646498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388127.646629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388135.646788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388143.646945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388151.647041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388159.647176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388167.647314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388175.647469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388183.647626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388191.647759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388199.647922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388207.648029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388215.648121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388223.648218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388231.648352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388239.648498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388247.648623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388255.648787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388263.648934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388271.649079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388279.649205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388287.649345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388295.649496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388303.649647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388311.649774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388319.649918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388327.649988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388335.650115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388343.650275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388351.650433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388359.650553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388367.650713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388375.650893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388383.651004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388391.651130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388399.651256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388407.651413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388415.651542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388423.651670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388431.651810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388439.651977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388447.652113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388455.652276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388463.652408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388471.652560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388479.652714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388487.652902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388495.653016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388503.653159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388511.653303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388519.653497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388527.653649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388535.653797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388543.653974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388551.654104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388559.654233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388567.654385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388575.654542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388583.654680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388591.654824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388599.654956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388607.655088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388615.655170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388623.655313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388631.655436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388639.655597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388647.655752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388655.655919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388663.656043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388671.656175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388679.656324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388687.656484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388695.656625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388703.656758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388711.656940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388719.657014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388727.657116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388735.657263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388743.657413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388751.657570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388759.657684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388767.657875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388775.657981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388783.658099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388791.658175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388799.658315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388807.658431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388815.658573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388823.658716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388831.658893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388839.659004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388847.659124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388855.659284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388863.659382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388871.659518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388879.659702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388887.659866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388895.659973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388903.660062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388911.660163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388919.660305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388927.660459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388935.660586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388943.660743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388951.660921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388959.661020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388967.661091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388975.661173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388983.661314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388991.661462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730388999.661592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389007.661727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389015.661910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389023.662021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389031.662151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389039.662307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389047.662439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389055.662566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389063.662718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389071.662902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389079.663029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389087.663150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389095.663278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389103.663347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389111.663511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389119.663661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389127.663780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389135.663933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389143.664033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389151.664166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389159.664323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389167.664486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389175.664624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389183.664723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389191.664888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389199.665028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389207.665161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389215.665234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389223.665387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389231.665542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389239.665602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389247.665807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389255.665943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389263.666020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389271.666108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389279.666250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389287.666411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389295.666571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389303.666735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389311.666818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389319.666952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389327.667099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389335.667112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389343.667290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389351.667382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389359.667526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389367.667673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389375.667820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389383.667986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389391.668115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389399.668279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389407.668394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389415.668496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389423.668569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389431.668704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389439.668903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389447.668989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389455.669060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389463.669185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389471.669258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389479.669377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389487.669532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389495.669723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389503.669933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389511.670005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389519.670134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389527.670290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389535.670428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389543.670585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389551.670735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389559.670921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389567.671026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389575.671149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389583.671296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389591.671432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389599.671547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389607.671671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389615.671822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389623.671983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389631.672080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389639.672153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389647.672286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389655.672418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389663.672571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389671.672715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389679.672870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389687.673015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389695.673142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389703.673271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389711.673430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389719.673511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389727.673668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389735.673817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389743.673984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389751.674064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389759.674081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389767.674277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389775.674430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389783.674585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389791.674729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389799.674944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389807.675029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389815.675179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389823.675332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389831.675488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389839.675755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389847.675911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389855.675983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389863.676069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389871.676198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389879.676330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389887.676482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389895.676643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389903.676796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389911.676961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389919.677087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389927.677226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389935.677376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389943.677503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389951.677631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389959.677786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389967.677926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389975.678064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389983.678192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389991.678336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730389999.678494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390007.678653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390015.678802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390023.678939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390031.679089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390039.679169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390047.679297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390055.679422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390063.679556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390071.679706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390079.679897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390087.680030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390095.680150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390103.680243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390111.680375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390119.680522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390127.680687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390135.680864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390143.680973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390151.681052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390159.681141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390167.681276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390175.681425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390183.681556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390191.681710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390199.681763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390207.681978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390215.682043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390223.682198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390231.682341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390239.682464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390247.682649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390255.682765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390263.682904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390271.683032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390279.683155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390287.683281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390295.683433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390303.683575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390311.683725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390319.683913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390327.684032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390335.684137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390343.684252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390351.684386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390359.684531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390367.684647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390375.684655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390383.684891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390391.685025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390399.685178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390407.685335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390415.685483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390423.685636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390431.685704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390439.685889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390447.686020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390455.686118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390463.686261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390471.686414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390479.686544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390487.686668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390495.686810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390503.686949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390511.687060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390519.687163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390527.687318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390535.687457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390543.687543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390551.687806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390559.687925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390567.688076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390575.688183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390583.688296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390591.688426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390599.688553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390607.688711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390615.688869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390623.688939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390631.689024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390639.689118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390647.689248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390655.689379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390663.689536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390671.689667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390679.689801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390687.689959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390695.690027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390703.690100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390711.690234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390719.690393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390727.690578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390735.690778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390743.690936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390751.691065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390759.691196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390767.691346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390775.691501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390783.691661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390791.691745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390799.691903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390807.691935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390815.691952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390823.692131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390831.692320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390839.692446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390847.692597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390855.692733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390863.692884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390871.693017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390879.693144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390887.693269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390895.693400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390903.693552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390911.693703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390919.693889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390927.694012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390935.694144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390943.694287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390951.694446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390959.694569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390967.694737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390975.694913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390983.695003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390991.695092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730390999.695213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391007.695342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391015.695464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391023.695534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391031.695690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391039.695869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391047.695953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391055.696092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391063.696216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391071.696303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391079.696436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391087.696599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391095.696738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391103.696889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391111.697167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391119.697262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391127.697366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391135.697441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391143.697590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391151.697678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391159.697767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391167.697935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391175.698079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391183.698211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391191.698442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391199.698585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391207.698733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391215.698928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391223.698985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391231.699121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391239.699234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391247.699372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391255.699446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391263.699460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391271.699654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391279.699786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391287.699942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391295.700075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391303.700160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391311.700365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391319.700526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391327.700650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391335.700775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391343.700942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391351.701067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391359.701198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391367.701353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391375.701505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391383.701637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391391.701761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391399.701889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391407.702031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391415.702140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391423.702224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391431.702378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391439.702407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391447.702623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391455.702752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391463.702939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391471.703081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391479.703160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391487.703319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391495.703451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391503.703601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391511.703738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391519.703923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391527.704039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391535.704122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391543.704269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391551.704401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391559.704550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391567.704708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391575.704862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391583.704972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391591.705122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391599.705276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391607.705317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391615.705515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391623.705656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391631.705803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391639.705967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391647.706095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391655.706228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391663.706383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391671.706535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391679.706695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391687.706881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391695.706934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391703.706977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391711.707053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391719.707152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391727.707309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391735.707466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391743.707589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391751.707740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391759.707953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391767.708066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391775.708216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391783.708369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391791.708518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391799.708679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391807.708864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391815.709007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391823.709106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391831.709235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391839.709304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391847.709475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391855.709622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391863.709861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391871.710009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391879.710089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391887.710255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391895.710395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391903.710560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391911.710683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391919.710824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391927.710961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391935.711074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391943.711231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391951.711420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391959.711561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391967.711728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391975.711778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391983.711948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391991.712032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730391999.712152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392007.712285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392015.712441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392023.712579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392031.712783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392039.713144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392047.713264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392055.713412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392063.713551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392071.713679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392079.713869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392087.713974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392095.714074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392103.714204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392111.714320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392119.714489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392127.714641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392135.714798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392143.714928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392151.715015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392159.715170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392167.715322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392175.715422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392183.715499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392191.715576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392199.715647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392207.715727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392215.715923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392223.716024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392231.716228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392239.716381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392247.716618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392255.716736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392263.716895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392271.717017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392279.717161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392287.717317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392295.717446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392303.717601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392311.717730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392319.717932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392327.718030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392335.718186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392343.718318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392351.718478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392359.718643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392367.718798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392375.718931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392383.718996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392391.719094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392399.719195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392407.719353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392415.719515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392423.719588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392431.719716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392439.720008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392447.720119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392455.720285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392463.720382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392471.720522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392479.720641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392487.720714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392495.720884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392503.721026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392511.721152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392519.721308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392527.721456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392535.721595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392543.721738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392551.721890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392559.722028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392567.722194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392575.722261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392583.722384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392591.722500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392599.722638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392607.722756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392615.722930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392623.723166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392631.723276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392639.723405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392647.723563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392655.723673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392663.723795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392671.723949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392679.724084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392687.724238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392695.724478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392703.724591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392711.724733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392719.724909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392727.725082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392735.725140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392743.725315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392751.725465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392759.725711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392767.725828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392775.726006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392783.726124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392791.726243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392799.726403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392807.726535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392815.726697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392823.726828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392831.726992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392839.727068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392847.727193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392855.727318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392863.727469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392871.727625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392879.727767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392887.727933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392895.728080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392903.728219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392911.728384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392919.728543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392927.728669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392935.728818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392943.728975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392951.729010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392959.729159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392967.729322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392975.729449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392983.729654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392991.729755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730392999.729774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393007.729942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393015.730075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393023.730207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393031.730358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393039.730504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393047.730589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393055.730750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393063.730938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393071.731080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393079.731175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393087.731344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393095.731491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393103.731639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393111.731789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393119.731963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393127.732039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393135.732162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393143.732273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393151.732367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393159.732521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393167.732675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393175.732813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393183.732964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393191.733056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393199.733139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393207.733260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393215.733384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393223.733517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393231.733670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393239.733807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393247.733947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393255.734077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393263.734111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393271.734315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393279.734479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393287.734626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393295.734786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393303.734938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393311.735069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393319.735218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393327.735347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393335.735488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393343.735645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393351.735805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393359.735964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393367.736122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393375.736249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393383.736408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393391.736653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393399.736791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393407.736936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393415.737098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393423.737226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393431.737424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393439.737617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393447.737764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393455.737897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393463.738032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393471.738163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393479.738319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393487.738470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393495.738613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393503.738733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393511.738878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393519.738908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393527.739007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393535.739146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393543.739297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393551.739449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393559.739598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393567.739746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393575.739820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393583.739986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393591.740123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393599.740274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393607.740408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393615.740449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393623.740647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393631.740796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393639.740928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393647.741056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393655.741193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393663.741362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393671.741431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393679.741555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393687.741686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393695.741866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393703.741959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393711.742080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393719.742164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393727.742317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393735.742444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393743.742605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393751.742752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393759.742931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393767.743041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393775.743160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393783.743310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393791.743389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393799.743514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393807.743638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393815.743786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393823.743950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393831.744048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393839.744193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393847.744314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393855.744448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393863.744703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393871.744825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393879.745012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393887.745098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393895.745225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393903.745305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393911.745410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393919.745546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393927.745701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393935.745887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393943.746021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393951.746142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393959.746265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393967.746397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393975.746551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393983.746620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393991.746740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730393999.746931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394007.747059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394015.747196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394023.747329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394031.747463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394039.747604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394047.747692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394055.747853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394063.747999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394071.748097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394079.748216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394087.748353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394095.748504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394103.748657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394111.748793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394119.748923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394127.749056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394135.749229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394143.749315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394151.749456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394159.749639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394167.749808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394175.749946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394183.750042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394191.750174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394199.750315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394207.750444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394215.750606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394223.750758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394231.750880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394239.751029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394247.751164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394255.751326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394263.751491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394271.751625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394279.751707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394287.751894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394295.752026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394303.752141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394311.752208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394319.752345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394327.752481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394335.752614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394343.752742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394351.752906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394359.753012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394367.753150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394375.753269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394383.753329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394391.753427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394399.753566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394407.753701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394415.753867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394423.754011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394431.754103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394439.754196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394447.754343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394455.754448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394463.754589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394471.754726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394479.754895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394487.754992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394495.755102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394503.755206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394511.755306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394519.755437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394527.755567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394535.755655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394543.755786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394551.755946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394559.755981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394567.756118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394575.756264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394583.756429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394591.756550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394599.756650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394607.756810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394615.756940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394623.757069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394631.757192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394639.757306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394647.757426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394655.757560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394663.757596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394671.757761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394679.757947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394687.758096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394695.758242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394703.758398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394711.758553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394719.758704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394727.758879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394735.759005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394743.759157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394751.759279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394759.759372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394767.759503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394775.759651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394783.759813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394791.759971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394799.760105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394807.760262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394815.760391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394823.760531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394831.760683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394839.760810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394847.760952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394855.761109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394863.761259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394871.761337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394879.761503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394887.761654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394895.761814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394903.761937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394911.762074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394919.762205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394927.762304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394935.762456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394943.762608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394951.762765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394959.762927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394967.762987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394975.763064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394983.763145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394991.763267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730394999.763412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395007.763545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395015.763702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395023.763898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395031.764024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395039.764159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395047.764317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395055.764476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395063.764608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395071.764756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395079.764956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395087.765084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395095.765208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395103.765433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395111.765552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395119.765698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395127.765866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395135.765998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395143.766131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395151.766279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395159.766453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395167.766606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395175.766747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395183.766904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395191.767019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395199.767026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395207.767180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395215.767324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395223.767465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395231.767616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395239.767741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395247.767928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395255.768031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395263.768115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395271.768253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395279.768384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395287.768392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395295.768596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395303.768720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395311.768898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395319.769036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395327.769113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395335.769246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395343.769381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395351.769505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395359.769662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395367.769785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395375.770114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395383.770203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395391.770376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395399.770512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395407.770674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395415.770876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395423.770972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395431.771102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395439.771258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395447.771403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395455.771549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395463.771668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395471.771788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395479.772015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395487.772070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395495.772164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395503.772283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395511.772408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395519.772543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395527.772673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395535.772827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395543.772999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395551.773098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395559.773184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395567.773337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395575.773478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395583.773622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395591.773782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395599.773942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395607.774031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395615.774116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395623.774276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395631.774400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395639.774553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395647.774707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395655.774906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395663.775021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395671.775108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395679.775234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395687.775390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395695.775541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395703.775697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395711.775857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395719.775983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395727.776088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395735.776230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395743.776355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395751.776503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395759.776661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395767.776815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395775.776958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395783.777033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395791.777110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395799.777270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395807.777412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395815.777482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395823.777658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395831.777820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395839.777947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395847.778072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395855.778226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395863.778375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395871.778507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395879.778657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395887.778797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395895.778945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395903.779173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395911.779301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395919.779504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395927.779633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395935.779761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395943.779924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395951.780019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395959.780093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395967.780244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395975.780396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395983.780513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395991.780669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730395999.780826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396007.780927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396015.781036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396023.781171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396031.781325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396039.781480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396047.781635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396055.781788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396063.781945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396071.782010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396079.782129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396087.782234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396095.782383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396103.782506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396111.782635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396119.782769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396127.782932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396135.783059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396143.783220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396151.783375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396159.783418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396167.783730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396175.783807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396183.783932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396191.784150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396199.784270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396207.784394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396215.784560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396223.784691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396231.784857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396239.785166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396247.785313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396255.785460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396263.785613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396271.785757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396279.785933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396287.786012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396295.786096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396303.786189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396311.786269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396319.786424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396327.786571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396335.786702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396343.786893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396351.787010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396359.787097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396367.787223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396375.787368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396383.787508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396391.787641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396399.787794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396407.787949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396415.788166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396423.788300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396431.788450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396439.788598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396447.788730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396455.788920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396463.788994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396471.789076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396479.789223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396487.789351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396495.789491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396503.789650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396511.789825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396519.789961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396527.790090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396535.790243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396543.790397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396551.790522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396559.790679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396567.790810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396575.790947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396583.791001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396591.791117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396599.791263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396607.791416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396615.791541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396623.791681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396631.791800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396639.791986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396647.792102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396655.792205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396663.792327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396671.792482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396679.792534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396687.792783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396695.792931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396703.793084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396711.793216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396719.793338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396727.793466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396735.793596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396743.793672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396751.793855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396759.793999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396767.794062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396775.794227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396783.794384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396791.794526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396799.794662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396807.794745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396815.794911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396823.795021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396831.795157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396839.795307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396847.795432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396855.795578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396863.795750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396871.795929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396879.796047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396887.796122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396895.796262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396903.796380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396911.796523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396919.796682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396927.796811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396935.796972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396943.797101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396951.797254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396959.797412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396967.797551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396975.797709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396983.797858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396991.797983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730396999.798123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397007.798262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397015.798352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397023.798423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397031.798591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397039.798736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397047.798920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397055.799020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397063.799105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397071.799249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397079.799378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397087.799509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397095.799641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397103.799777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397111.799947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397119.800000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397127.800092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397135.800240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397143.800326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397151.800453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397159.800615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397167.800764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397175.800880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397183.801006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397191.801091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397199.801165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397207.801195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397215.801381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397223.801551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397231.801664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397239.801794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397247.801958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397255.802076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397263.802215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397271.802349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397279.802550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397287.802686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397295.802817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397303.803050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397311.803196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397319.803333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397327.803461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397335.803611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397343.803746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397351.803896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397359.804032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397367.804110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397375.804270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397383.804443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397391.804537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397399.804686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397407.804821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397415.804981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397423.805111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397431.805254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397439.805413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397447.805510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397455.805634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397463.805679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397471.805887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397479.806011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397487.806136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397495.806289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397503.806452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397511.806580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397519.806724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397527.806871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397535.807027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397543.807163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397551.807311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397559.807442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397567.807597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397575.807720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397583.807813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397591.807949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397599.808087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397607.808164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397615.808319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397623.808473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397631.808601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397639.808639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397647.808864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397655.809008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397663.809103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397671.809203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397679.809298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397687.809440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397695.809588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397703.809726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397711.809871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397719.809977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397727.810046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397735.810237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397743.810371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397751.810525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397759.810678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397767.810811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397775.810969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397783.811009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397791.811104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397799.811265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397807.811409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397815.811563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397823.811721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397831.811896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397839.811959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397847.812119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397855.812264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397863.812397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397871.812507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397879.812654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397887.812797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397895.812929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397903.813036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397911.813208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397919.813367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397927.813528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397935.813636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397943.813764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397951.813968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397959.814110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397967.814238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397975.814390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397983.814542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397991.814722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730397999.814930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398007.815082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398015.815214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398023.815359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398031.815486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398039.815627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398047.815787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398055.815950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398063.816098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398071.816242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398079.816324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398087.816473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398095.816621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398103.816762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398111.816940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398119.817052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398127.817138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398135.817299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398143.817436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398151.817499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398159.817651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398167.817713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398175.817918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398183.818029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398191.818180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398199.818328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398207.818469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398215.818601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398223.818751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398231.818942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398239.819040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398247.819129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398255.819267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398263.819419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398271.819571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398279.819697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398287.819901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398295.819980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398303.820021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398311.820153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398319.820306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398327.820457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398335.820589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398343.820741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398351.820929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398359.821050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398367.821195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398375.821324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398383.821469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398391.821603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398399.821734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398407.821919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398415.822019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398423.822169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398431.822298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398439.822430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398447.822587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398455.822751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398463.822824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398471.822985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398479.823117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398487.823245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398495.823394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398503.823542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398511.823692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398519.823755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398527.823965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398535.824099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398543.824224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398551.824376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398559.824484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398567.824627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398575.824779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398583.824935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398591.825097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398599.825223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398607.825273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398615.825439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398623.825566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398631.825650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398639.825729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398647.825910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398655.826010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398663.826111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398671.826267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398679.826407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398687.826533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398695.826609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398703.826760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398711.826929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398719.827018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398727.827100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398735.827253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398743.827397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398751.827548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398759.827705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398767.827808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398775.827945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398783.827995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398791.828134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398799.828220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398807.828380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398815.828507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398823.828641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398831.828765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398839.828939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398847.829069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398855.829150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398863.829313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398871.829445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398879.829645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398887.829795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398895.829951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398903.830029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398911.830153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398919.830310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398927.830461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398935.830619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398943.830773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398951.830949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398959.831060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398967.831211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398975.831342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398983.831425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398991.831564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730398999.831718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399007.831865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399015.831982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399023.832076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399031.832169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399039.832340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399047.832493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399055.832529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399063.832720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399071.832917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399079.833034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399087.833118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399095.833242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399103.833377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399111.833518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399119.833660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399127.833786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399135.833939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399143.834046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399151.834153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399159.834264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399167.834396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399175.834547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399183.834682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399191.834769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399199.834932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399207.835023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399215.835149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399223.835281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399231.835443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399239.835593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399247.835747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399255.835931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399263.835964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399271.836008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399279.836118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399287.836200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399295.836318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399303.836445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399311.836503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399319.836689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399327.836887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399335.837008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399343.837099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399351.837221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399359.837349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399367.837509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399375.837649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399383.837747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399391.837913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399399.838167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399407.838303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399415.838453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399423.838540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399431.838698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399439.838866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399447.839024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399455.839098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399463.839232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399471.839385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399479.839513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399487.839521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399495.839699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399503.839825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399511.839997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399519.840135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399527.840294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399535.840446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399543.840599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399551.840679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399559.840855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399567.840997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399575.841134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399583.841275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399591.841340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399599.841484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399607.841638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399615.841782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399623.841945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399631.841987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399639.842114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399647.842252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399655.842416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399663.842532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399671.842697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399679.842825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399687.842982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399695.843108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399703.843245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399711.843392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399719.843544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399727.843692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399735.843875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399743.844009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399751.844150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399759.844256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399767.844392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399775.844553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399783.844681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399791.844797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399799.844960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399807.845066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399815.845180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399823.845343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399831.845472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399839.845622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399847.845781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399855.845930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399863.846067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399871.846168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399879.846299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399887.846454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399895.846589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399903.846748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399911.846910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399919.847025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399927.847160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399935.847251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399943.847346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399951.847460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399959.847605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399967.847728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399975.847877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399983.848015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399991.848135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730399999.848243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400007.848374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400015.848545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400023.848639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400031.848771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400039.848945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400047.849045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400055.849204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400063.849350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400071.849487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400079.849639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400087.849707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400095.849883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400103.850016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400111.850144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400119.850302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400127.850452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400135.850596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400143.850757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400151.850920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400159.850927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400167.851061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400175.851228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400183.851308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400191.851439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400199.851579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400207.851726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400215.851912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400223.852048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400231.852112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400239.852269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400247.852462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400255.852591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400263.852748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400271.852903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400279.852995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400287.853138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400295.853281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400303.853423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400311.853559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400319.853714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400327.853890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400335.854008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400343.854148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400351.854317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400359.854463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400367.854602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400375.854752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400383.854896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400391.854970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400399.855115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400407.855270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400415.855424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400423.855582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400431.855733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400439.855853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400447.855974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400455.856075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400463.856216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400471.856358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400479.856504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400487.856649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400495.856796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400503.857047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400511.857122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400519.857205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400527.857323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400535.857477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400543.857622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400551.857796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400559.858026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400567.858116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400575.858175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400583.858315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400591.858376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400599.858544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400607.858750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400615.858912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400623.858991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400631.859066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400639.859151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400647.859268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400655.859346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400663.859478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400671.859600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400679.859761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400687.859926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400695.860022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400703.860103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400711.860235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400719.860387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400727.860464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400735.860611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400743.860743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400751.860931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400759.861038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400767.861115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400775.861218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400783.861350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400791.861478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400799.861525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400807.861700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400815.861891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400823.862010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400831.862096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400839.862179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400847.862325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400855.862454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400863.862611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400871.862764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400879.862945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400887.863070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400895.863153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400903.863291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400911.863441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400919.863593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400927.863753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400935.863904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400943.864012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400951.864137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400959.864277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400967.864438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400975.864555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400983.864628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400991.864762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730400999.864890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401007.865074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401015.865204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401023.865303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401031.865454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401039.865590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401047.865751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401055.865906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401063.866028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401071.866173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401079.866302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401087.866440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401095.866582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401103.866724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401111.866876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401119.867012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401127.867074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401135.867171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401143.867309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401151.867308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401159.867513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401167.867657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401175.867758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401183.867925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401191.868069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401199.868194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401207.868302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401215.868408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401223.868482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401231.868652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401239.868772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401247.868934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401255.869156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401263.869285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401271.869436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401279.869589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401287.869727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401295.869889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401303.869993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401311.870082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401319.870209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401327.870346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401335.870489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401343.870626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401351.870784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401359.870934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401367.871069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401375.871150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401383.871307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401391.871450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401399.871581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401407.871733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401415.871886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401423.872013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401431.872145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401439.872281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401447.872439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401455.872594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401463.872723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401471.872791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401479.872951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401487.873002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401495.873090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401503.873092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401511.873275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401519.873432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401527.873550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401535.873701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401543.873868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401551.874017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401559.874103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401567.874193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401575.874330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401583.874480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401591.874628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401599.874762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401607.874984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401615.875103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401623.875261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401631.875370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401639.875505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401647.875636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401655.875791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401663.875952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401671.876075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401679.876185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401687.876349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401695.876497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401703.876649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401711.876784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401719.876934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401727.877071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401735.877209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401743.877372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401751.877472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401759.877718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401767.877887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401775.878013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401783.878096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401791.878222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401799.878341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401807.878437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401815.878573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401823.878693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401831.878847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401839.879020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401847.879146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401855.879237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401863.879351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401871.879498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401879.879665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401887.879791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401895.879900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401903.879992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401911.880070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401919.880080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401927.880232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401935.880332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401943.880448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401951.880535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401959.880622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401967.880767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401975.880924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401983.881054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401991.881132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730401999.881294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402007.881346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402015.881524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402023.881659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402031.881785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402039.881953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402047.882083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402055.882212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402063.882343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402071.882488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402079.882640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402087.882792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402095.882948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402103.883084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402111.883221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402119.883339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402127.883498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402135.883651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402143.883808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402151.883943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402159.884040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402167.884191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402175.884333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402183.884483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402191.884639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402199.884781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402207.884930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402215.884992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402223.885076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402231.885160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402239.885275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402247.885413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402255.885561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402263.885712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402271.885884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402279.886024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402287.886156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402295.886285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402303.886408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402311.886544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402319.886662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402327.886781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402335.886954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402343.887038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402351.887177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402359.887323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402367.887453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402375.887585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402383.887738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402391.887897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402399.887938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402407.888093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402415.888223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402423.888372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402431.888415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402439.888608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402447.888748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402455.888918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402463.889031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402471.889096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402479.889234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402487.889395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402495.889545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402503.889684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402511.889881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402519.889969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402527.890100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402535.890223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402543.890375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402551.890510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402559.890636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402567.890801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402575.890934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402583.891086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402591.891174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402599.891297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402607.891439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402615.891524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402623.891796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402631.891946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402639.892096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402647.892247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402655.892391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402663.892556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402671.892701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402679.892852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402687.892985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402695.893109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402703.893287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402711.893430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402719.893588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402727.893747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402735.893945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402743.894000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402751.894137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402759.894278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402767.894423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402775.894576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402783.894740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402791.894928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402799.895022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402807.895157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402815.895302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402823.895463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402831.895613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402839.895763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402847.895928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402855.896037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402863.896118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402871.896269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402879.896421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402887.896559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402895.896617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402903.896759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402911.896952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402919.897064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402927.897220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402935.897372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402943.897502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402951.897675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402959.897821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402967.897984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402975.898080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402983.898167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402991.898320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730402999.898439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403007.898491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403015.898657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403023.898797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403031.898897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403039.899011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403047.899165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403055.899300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403063.899429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403071.899545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403079.899699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403087.899874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403095.900017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403103.900143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403111.900298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403119.900457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403127.900473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403135.900683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403143.900907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403151.901035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403159.901258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403167.901353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403175.901498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403183.901645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403191.901771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403199.901932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403207.902027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403215.902159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403223.902231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403231.902379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403239.902508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403247.902674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403255.902914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403263.903045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403271.903196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403279.903227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403287.903487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403295.903642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403303.903763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403311.903930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403319.904060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403327.904118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403335.904297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403343.904425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403351.904561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403359.904783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403367.904943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403375.905080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403383.905239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403391.905423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403399.905558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403407.905688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403415.905854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403423.905985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403431.906117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403439.906262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403447.906457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403455.906616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403463.906747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403471.906760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403479.906982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403487.907066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403495.907221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403503.907378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403511.907513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403519.907666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403527.907805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403535.907915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403543.908034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403551.908126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403559.908274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403567.908410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403575.908561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403583.908699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403591.908823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403599.909151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403607.909236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403615.909321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403623.909467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403631.909609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403639.909787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403647.909933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403655.910049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403663.910184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403671.910302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403679.910448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403687.910569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403695.910679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403703.910749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403711.910911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403719.911032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403727.911045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403735.911253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403743.911392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403751.911565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403759.911715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403767.911888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403775.912009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403783.912131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403791.912224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403799.912362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403807.912483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403815.912630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403823.912817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403831.912991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403839.913058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403847.913141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403855.913302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403863.913454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403871.913609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403879.913759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403887.913927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403895.914037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403903.914155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403911.914282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403919.914445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403927.914594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403935.914747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403943.914914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403951.914980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403959.915112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403967.915188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403975.915319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403983.915463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403991.915549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730403999.915679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404007.915849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404015.915984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404023.916108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404031.916234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404039.916384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404047.916532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404055.916684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404063.916867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404071.917012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404079.917163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404087.917286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404095.917442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404103.917598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404111.917744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404119.917926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404127.918015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404135.918140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404143.918294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404151.918428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404159.918575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404167.918683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404175.918942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404183.919019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404191.919108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404199.919220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404207.919322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404215.919464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404223.919617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404231.919745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404239.919906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404247.920015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404255.920158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404263.920294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404271.920450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404279.920550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404287.920709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404295.920877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404303.921023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404311.921097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404319.921227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404327.921381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404335.921534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404343.921659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404351.921812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404359.921952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404367.922072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404375.922198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404383.922357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404391.922516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404399.922723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404407.922791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404415.923097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404423.923234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404431.923363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404439.923437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404447.923586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404455.923705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404463.923865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404471.923970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404479.924105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404487.924188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404495.924314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404503.924466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404511.924600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404519.924757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404527.924927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404535.925079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404543.925241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404551.925362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404559.925507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404567.925680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404575.925862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404583.925978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404591.926112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404599.926250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404607.926401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404615.926562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404623.926703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404631.926911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404639.926980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404647.927075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404655.927209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404663.927333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404671.927467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404679.927625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404687.927749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404695.927908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404703.928041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404711.928124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404719.928243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404727.928411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404735.928562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404743.928711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404751.928886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404759.929006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404767.929092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404775.929221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404783.929382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404791.929503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404799.929633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404807.929782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404815.929939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404823.930088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404831.930217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404839.930379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404847.930521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404855.930689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404863.930860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404871.930976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404879.931129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404887.931275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404895.931435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404903.931571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404911.931725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404919.931908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404927.931995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404935.932087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404943.932122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404951.932310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404959.932538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404967.932685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404975.932860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404983.932976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404991.933105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730404999.933262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405007.933381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405015.933540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405023.933747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405031.933939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405039.934025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405047.934147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405055.934278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405063.934437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405071.934596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405079.934737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405087.934922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405095.935043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405103.935178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405111.935417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405119.935554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405127.935706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405135.935801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405143.935935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405151.936073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405159.936222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405167.936367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405175.936499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405183.936665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405191.936817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405199.936976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405207.937106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405215.937234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405223.937385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405231.937539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405239.937702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405247.937887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405255.938036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405263.938207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405271.938342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405279.938443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405287.938525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405295.938617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405303.938712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405311.938805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405319.938941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405327.938999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405335.939150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405343.939283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405351.939445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405359.939605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405367.939756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405375.939916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405383.940010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405391.940120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405399.940272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405407.940415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405415.940575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405423.940705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405431.940895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405439.941015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405447.941143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405455.941274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405463.941398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405471.941516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405479.941647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405487.941803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405495.941958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405503.942086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405511.942190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405519.942334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405527.942485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405535.942643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405543.942801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405551.942962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405559.943146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405567.943251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405575.943419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405583.943565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405591.943702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405599.943872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405607.943941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405615.944071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405623.944171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405631.944258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405639.944306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405647.944494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405655.944571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405663.944710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405671.944876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405679.944979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405687.945112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405695.945263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405703.945411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405711.945575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405719.945719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405727.945866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405735.946029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405743.946152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405751.946273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405759.946401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405767.946553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405775.946708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405783.946860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405791.946968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405799.947050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405807.947181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405815.947327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405823.947472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405831.947564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405839.947701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405847.947877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405855.948046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405863.948124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405871.948286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405879.948427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405887.948568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405895.948706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405903.948854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405911.949062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405919.949086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405927.949170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405935.949318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405943.949463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405951.949613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405959.949763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405967.949976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405975.950106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405983.950250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405991.950410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730405999.950540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406007.950664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406015.950823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406023.950971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406031.951084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406039.951212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406047.951367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406055.951514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406063.951690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406071.951816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406079.951941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406087.952082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406095.952211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406103.952376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406111.952525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406119.952663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406127.952807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406135.952946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406143.953131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406151.953185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406159.953286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406167.953445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406175.953582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406183.953738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406191.953863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406199.953984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406207.954060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406215.954155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406223.954290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406231.954415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406239.954568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406247.954711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406255.954888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406263.955003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406271.955089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406279.955155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406287.955234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406295.955371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406303.955527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406311.955651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406319.955750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406327.955910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406335.956018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406343.956152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406351.956282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406359.956383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406367.956510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406375.956668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406383.956809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406391.956966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406399.957089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406407.957237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406415.957414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406423.957554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406431.957700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406439.957862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406447.958006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406455.958135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406463.958271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406471.958395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406479.958546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406487.958698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406495.958818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406503.958979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406511.959114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406519.959241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406527.959350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406535.959488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406543.959631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406551.959730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406559.959845 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406567.959999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406575.960134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406583.960266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406591.960424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406599.960578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406607.960707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406615.960869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406623.960951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406631.961070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406639.961154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406647.961301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406655.961445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406663.961570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406671.961731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406679.961902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406687.962026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406695.962113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406703.962254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406711.962385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406719.962540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406727.962679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406735.962860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406743.962990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406751.963125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406759.963279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406767.963401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406775.963506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406783.963671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406791.963789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406799.963940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406807.964079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406815.964219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406823.964333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406831.964468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406839.964617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406847.964756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406855.964849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406863.965006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406871.965136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406879.965266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406887.965396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406895.965548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406903.965644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406911.965791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406919.965932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406927.965980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406935.966114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406943.966244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406951.966378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406959.966521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406967.966646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406975.966792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406983.966946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406991.967042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730406999.967170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407007.967318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407015.967488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407023.967644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407031.967777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407039.967927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407047.968028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407055.968158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407063.968282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407071.968440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407079.968538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407087.968705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407095.968819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407103.969127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407111.969225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407119.969369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407127.969413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407135.969617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407143.969775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407151.969940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407159.970034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407167.970163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407175.970256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407183.970416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407191.970532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407199.970690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407207.970851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407215.970967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407223.971105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407231.971244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407239.971387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407247.971506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407255.971657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407263.971798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407271.971974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407279.972108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407287.972249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407295.972358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407303.972553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407311.972621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407319.972754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407327.972828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407335.972960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407343.973108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407351.973233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407359.973366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407367.973504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407375.973662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407383.973822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407391.973980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407399.974064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407407.974199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407415.974366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407423.974590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407431.974743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407439.974916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407447.975015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407455.975157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407463.975278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407471.975394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407479.975510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407487.975594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407495.975740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407503.975891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407511.976030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407519.976094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407527.976165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407535.976307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407543.976432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407551.976477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407559.976650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407567.976806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407575.976968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407583.977109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407591.977273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407599.977401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407607.977543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407615.977668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407623.977851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407631.977949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407639.977967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407647.978139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407655.978280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407663.978398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407671.978554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407679.978682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407687.978824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407695.978983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407703.979054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407711.979174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407719.979335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407727.979472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407735.979611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407743.979775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407751.979886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407759.980001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407767.980159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407775.980280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407783.980420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407791.980545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407799.980687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407807.980827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407815.980974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407823.981123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407831.981229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407839.981358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407847.981521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407855.981665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407863.981816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407871.981951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407879.981983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407887.982066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407895.982219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407903.982313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407911.982457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407919.982530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407927.982670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407935.982817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407943.982969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407951.983100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407959.983260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407967.983409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407975.983550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407983.983674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407991.983799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730407999.983931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408007.984055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408015.984187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408023.984343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408031.984491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408039.984624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408047.984779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408055.984914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408063.985146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408071.985278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408079.985382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408087.985526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408095.985681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408103.985850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408111.986032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408119.986122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408127.986238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408135.986362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408143.986477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408151.986792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408159.986938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408167.987070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408175.987211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408183.987320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408191.987391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408199.987546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408207.987697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408215.987825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408223.987933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408231.988073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408239.988216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408247.988339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408255.988476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408263.988624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408271.988765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408279.988874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408287.988988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408295.989133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408303.989236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408311.989368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408319.989536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408327.989660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408335.989789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408343.989938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408351.990077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408359.990155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408367.990319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408375.990472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408383.990607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408391.990726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408399.990924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408407.991024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408415.991123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408423.991241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408431.991369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408439.991527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408447.991677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408455.991857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408463.991978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408471.992095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408479.992228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408487.992356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408495.992489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408503.992617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408511.992747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408519.992899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408527.993022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408535.993100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408543.993189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408551.993354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408559.993499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408567.993575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408575.993659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408583.993801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408591.993960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408599.994034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408607.994112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408615.994269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408623.994403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408631.994570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408639.994692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408647.994817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408655.994943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408663.995084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408671.995126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408679.995309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408687.995439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408695.995600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408703.995751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408711.995901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408719.996010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408727.996145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408735.996276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408743.996405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408751.996547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408759.996685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408767.996865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408775.997009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408783.997162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408791.997306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408799.997442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408807.997597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408815.997758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408823.997928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408831.998041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408839.998130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408847.998307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408855.998499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408863.998643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408871.998802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408879.998931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408887.999048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408895.999123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408903.999279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408911.999440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408919.999596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408927.999735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408935.999880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408944.000005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408952.000141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408960.000277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408968.000395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408976.000546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408984.000691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730408992.000993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409000.000995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409008.001108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409016.001238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409024.001375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409032.001506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409040.001642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409048.001803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409056.001957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409064.002094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409072.002217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409080.002360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409088.002485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409096.002634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409104.002766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409112.002989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409120.003099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409128.003237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409136.003397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409144.003520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409152.003661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409160.003812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409168.003977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409176.004109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409184.004212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409192.004345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409200.004499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409208.004643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409216.004799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409224.004952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409232.005033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409240.005164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409248.005302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409256.005432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409264.005587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409272.005753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409280.005906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409288.006037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409296.006184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409304.006331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409312.006460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409320.006531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409328.006680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409336.006870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409344.007012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409352.007108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409360.007204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409368.007343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409376.007483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409384.007639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409392.007801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409400.007919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409408.008044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409416.008131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409424.008266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409432.008401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409440.008555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409448.008675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409456.008871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409464.009034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409472.009171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409480.009320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409488.009460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409496.009574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409504.009713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409512.009826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409520.009943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409528.010089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409536.010226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409544.010370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409552.010506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409560.010657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409568.010788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409576.010929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409584.011026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409592.011124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409600.011209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409608.011362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409616.011507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409624.011651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409632.011812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409640.011949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409648.012033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409656.012168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409664.012312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409672.012464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409680.012601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409688.012730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409696.012899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409704.012946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409712.013083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409720.013228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409728.013366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409736.013525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409744.013681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409752.013810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409760.013967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409768.014094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409776.014253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409784.014401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409792.014536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409800.014693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409808.014857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409816.014963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409824.015099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409832.015242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409840.015385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409848.015526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409856.015679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409864.015816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409872.015952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409880.016039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409888.016237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409896.016427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409904.016554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409912.016732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409920.016941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409928.017060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409936.017193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409944.017346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409952.017469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409960.017602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409968.017764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409976.017920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409984.018054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730409992.018186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410000.018333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410008.018489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410016.018638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410024.018790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410032.018956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410040.019089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410048.019237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410056.019388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410064.019548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410072.019702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410080.019827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410088.019922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410096.020072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410104.020183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410112.020326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410120.020478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410128.020637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410136.020764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410144.020940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410152.021082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410160.021221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410168.021315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410176.021455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410184.021602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410192.021751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410200.021880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410208.021984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410216.022094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410224.022192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410232.022310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410240.022538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410248.022675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410256.022792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410264.022942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410272.023095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410280.023230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410288.023366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410296.023489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410304.023641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410312.023791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410320.023883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410328.024017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410336.024157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410344.024287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410352.024438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410360.024603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410368.024723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410376.024896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410384.025029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410392.025159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410400.025286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410408.025435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410416.025585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410424.025735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410432.025898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410440.026015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410448.026111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410456.026223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410464.026376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410472.026541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410480.026788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410488.026928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410496.027059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410504.027183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410512.027348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410520.027470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410528.027609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410536.027761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410544.027942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410552.028099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410560.028239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410568.028377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410576.028558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410584.028703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410592.028901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410600.028995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410608.029086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410616.029246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410624.029384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410632.029548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410640.029696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410648.029771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410656.029901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410664.030010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410672.030135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410680.030268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410688.030396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410696.030533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410704.030634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410712.030774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410720.030935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410728.031028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410736.031165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410744.031292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410752.031458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410760.031610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410768.031730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410776.031890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410784.032026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410792.032177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410800.032305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410808.032426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410816.032567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410824.032694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410832.032872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410840.033013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410848.033121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410856.033250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410864.033423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410872.033583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410880.033739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410888.033911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410896.034030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410904.034176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410912.034329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410920.034468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410928.034615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410936.034762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410944.034942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410952.035087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410960.035229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410968.035377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410976.035547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410984.035685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730410992.035815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411000.035988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411008.036019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411016.036163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411024.036319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411032.036473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411040.036585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411048.036699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411056.036866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411064.037152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411072.037295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411080.037429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411088.037492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411096.037702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411104.037876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411112.038011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411120.038146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411128.038294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411136.038451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411144.038528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411152.038679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411160.038823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411168.038988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411176.039082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411184.039222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411192.039366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411200.039510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411208.039677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411216.039807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411224.040109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411232.040181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411240.040308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411248.040466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411256.040614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411264.040748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411272.040898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411280.041019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411288.041150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411296.041220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411304.041375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411312.041509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411320.041655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411328.041788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411336.041962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411344.042050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411352.042204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411360.042433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411368.042571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411376.042724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411384.042911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411392.043042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411400.043120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411408.043276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411416.043432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411424.043556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411432.043695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411440.043817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411448.043945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411456.044065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411464.044213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411472.044371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411480.044528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411488.044677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411496.044829 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411504.044969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411512.044971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411520.045147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411528.045228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411536.045387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411544.045474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411552.045609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411560.045739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411568.045879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411576.046023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411584.046096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411592.046271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411600.046407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411608.046609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411616.046733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411624.046896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411632.047013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411640.047130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411648.047288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411656.047442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411664.047597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411672.047735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411680.047907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411688.048031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411696.048186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411704.048294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411712.048406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411720.048531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411728.048679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411736.048857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411744.048972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411752.049108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411760.049207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411768.049356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411776.049505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411784.049633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411792.049785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411800.049932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411808.050001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411816.050152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411824.050266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411832.050393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411840.050542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411848.050681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411856.050857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411864.050895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411872.051026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411880.051093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411888.051179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411896.051345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411904.051420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411912.051575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411920.051719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411928.051911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411936.051994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411944.052066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411952.052153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411960.052282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411968.052406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411976.052562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411984.052658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730411992.052807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412000.052950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412008.052995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412016.053070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412024.053157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412032.053335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412040.053539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412048.053626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412056.053775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412064.053931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412072.053998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412080.054079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412088.054166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412096.054302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412104.054430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412112.054591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412120.054609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412128.054812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412136.054974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412144.055119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412152.055196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412160.055326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412168.055401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412176.055618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412184.055744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412192.055925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412200.056148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412208.056269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412216.056418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412224.056580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412232.056723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412240.056880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412248.057024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412256.057111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412264.057184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412272.057328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412280.057443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412288.057579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412296.057630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412304.057783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412312.057909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412320.058090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412328.058229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412336.058358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412344.058428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412352.058588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412360.058726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412368.058912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412376.058988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412384.059000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412392.059186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412400.059311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412408.059452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412416.059588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412424.059724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412432.059906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412440.059964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412448.060084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412456.060186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412464.060344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412472.060499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412480.060627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412488.060781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412496.060930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412504.061026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412512.061111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412520.061202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412528.061324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412536.061448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412544.061578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412552.061655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412560.061809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412568.061952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412576.062013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412584.062097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412592.062180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412600.062286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412608.062374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412616.062500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412624.062576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412632.062711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412640.062870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412648.062967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412656.063103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412664.063178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412672.063287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412680.063425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412688.063568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412696.063720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412704.063821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412712.063957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412720.063989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412728.064105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412736.064185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412744.064348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412752.064504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412760.064630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412768.064789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412776.064925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412784.065074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412792.065166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412800.065241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412808.065408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412816.065532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412824.065672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412832.065855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412840.065994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412848.066141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412856.066303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412864.066449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412872.066545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412880.066684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412888.066751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412896.066773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412904.066981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412912.067060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412920.067145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412928.067273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412936.067425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412944.067567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412952.067705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412960.067880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412968.068026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412976.068142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412984.068321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730412992.068477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413000.068611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413008.068737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413016.068807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413024.068943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413032.069023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413040.069108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413048.069201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413056.069356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413064.069437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413072.069605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413080.069745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413088.069907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413096.070015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413104.070098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413112.070194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413120.070325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413128.070482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413136.070631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413144.070764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413152.070925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413160.071032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413168.071116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413176.071266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413184.071412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413192.071545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413200.071673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413208.071856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413216.071963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413224.072094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413232.072340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413240.072466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413248.072614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413256.072768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413264.072875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413272.072945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413280.073086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413288.073221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413296.073378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413304.073518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413312.073642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413320.073795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413328.073954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413336.074085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413344.074213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413352.074293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413360.074453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413368.074577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413376.074706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413384.074777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413392.074945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413400.075035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413408.075190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413416.075342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413424.075498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413432.075626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413440.075769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413448.075923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413456.076025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413464.076153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413472.076295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413480.076443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413488.076711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413496.076822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413504.076902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413512.077006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413520.077087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413528.077180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413536.077293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413544.077448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413552.077589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413560.077740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413568.077916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413576.078033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413584.078101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413592.078202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413600.078309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413608.078460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413616.078611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413624.078760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413632.078914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413640.078986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413648.079071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413656.079143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413664.079250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413672.079324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413680.079475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413688.079618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413696.079781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413704.079945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413712.080070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413720.080253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413728.080381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413736.080523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413744.080642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413752.080797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413760.080856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413768.081018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413776.081112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413784.081243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413792.081366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413800.081520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413808.081652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413816.081796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413824.081970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413832.082049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413840.082179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413848.082278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413856.082409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413864.082507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413872.082648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413880.082801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413888.082964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413896.083045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413904.083127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413912.083271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413920.083372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413928.083518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413936.083622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413944.083755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413952.083916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413960.084012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413968.084089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413976.084175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413984.084281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730413992.084401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414000.084549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414008.084627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414016.084770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414024.084923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414032.085021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414040.085099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414048.085180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414056.085310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414064.085471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414072.085628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414080.085689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414088.085912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414096.086034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414104.086023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414112.086157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414120.086298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414128.086451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414136.086598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414144.086745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414152.086902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414160.087023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414168.087099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414176.087193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414184.087308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414192.087453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414200.087543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414208.087660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414216.087815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414224.087956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414232.088088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414240.088237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414248.088410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414256.088540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414264.088671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414272.088804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414280.088966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414288.089009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414296.089100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414304.089185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414312.089318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414320.089436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414328.089603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414336.089721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414344.089800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414352.089930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414360.090061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414368.090199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414376.090429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414384.090571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414392.090873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414400.090986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414408.091042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414416.091175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414424.091344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414432.091475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414440.091599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414448.091755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414456.091791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414464.091912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414472.092035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414480.092158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414488.092292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414496.092483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414504.092670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414512.092812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414520.092942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414528.093030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414536.093182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414544.093183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414552.093391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414560.093585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414568.093790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414576.093902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414584.094036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414592.094187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414600.094321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414608.094459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414616.094617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414624.094725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414632.094884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414640.095022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414648.095153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414656.095258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414664.095389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414672.095521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414680.095652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414688.095790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414696.095959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414704.096106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414712.096194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414720.096354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414728.096478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414736.096563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414744.096640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414752.096801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414760.096952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414768.097112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414776.097236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414784.097322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414792.097470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414800.097652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414808.097801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414816.097933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414824.098023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414832.098107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414840.098187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414848.098317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414856.098460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414864.098621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414872.098777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414880.098919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414888.099147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414896.099226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414904.099378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414912.099513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414920.099736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414928.099927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414936.100055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414944.100179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414952.100334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414960.100480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414968.100604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414976.100777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414984.100924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730414992.101025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415000.101106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415008.101188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415016.101323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415024.101470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415032.101619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415040.101784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415048.102011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415056.102100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415064.102173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415072.102281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415080.102386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415088.102510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415096.102640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415104.102790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415112.102922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415120.103010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415128.103076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415136.103181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415144.103310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415152.103446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415160.103559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415168.103754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415176.103917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415184.104011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415192.104092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415200.104244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415208.104396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415216.104550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415224.104699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415232.104870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415240.105011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415248.105081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415256.105206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415264.105315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415272.105422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415280.105429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415288.105609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415296.105758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415304.105875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415312.106043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415320.106175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415328.106286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415336.106391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415344.106540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415352.106676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415360.106822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415368.106980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415376.107016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415384.107087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415392.107330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415400.107378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415408.107544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415416.107697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415424.107877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415432.108015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415440.108103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415448.108244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415456.108367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415464.108504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415472.108646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415480.108787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415488.108931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415496.109069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415504.109213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415512.109276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415520.109382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415528.109531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415536.109704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415544.109861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415552.109999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415560.110220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415568.110339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415576.110483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415584.110590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415592.110720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415600.110826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415608.111122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415616.111230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415624.111389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415632.111548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415640.111705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415648.111883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415656.111931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415664.112108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415672.112246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415680.112405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415688.112555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415696.112683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415704.112853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415712.112993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415720.113177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415728.113338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415736.113464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415744.113561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415752.113735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415760.113906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415768.114088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415776.114179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415784.114333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415792.114433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415800.114573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415808.114710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415816.114887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415824.115079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415832.115117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415840.115204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415848.115372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415856.115492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415864.115651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415872.115688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415880.115887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415888.116020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415896.116141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415904.116259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415912.116437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415920.116572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415928.116715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415936.116869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415944.116976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415952.117044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415960.117141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415968.117257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415976.117410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415984.117607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730415992.117733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416000.117906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416008.118069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416016.118081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416024.118298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416032.118445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416040.118580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416048.118732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416056.118912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416064.118981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416072.119132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416080.119251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416088.119356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416096.119506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416104.119593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416112.119798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416120.119843 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416128.120013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416136.120100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416144.120176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416152.120321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416160.120396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416168.120552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416176.120669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416184.120822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416192.120980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416200.121113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416208.121239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416216.121360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416224.121517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416232.121601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416240.121664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416248.121846 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416256.121974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416264.122064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416272.122078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416280.122197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416288.122270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416296.122419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416304.122560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416312.122699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416320.122883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416328.123019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416336.123149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416344.123321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416352.123466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416360.123525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416368.123725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416376.123866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416384.123990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416392.124028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416400.124109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416408.124192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416416.124320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416424.124480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416432.124693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416440.124717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416448.124922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416456.125037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416464.125150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416472.125275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416480.125394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416488.125577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416496.125706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416504.125893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416512.126017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416520.126146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416528.126302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416536.126365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416544.126525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416552.126712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416560.126863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416568.127151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416576.127269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416584.127361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416592.127526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416600.127643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416608.127813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416616.127865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416624.128044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416632.128180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416640.128311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416648.128446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416656.128600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416664.128731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416672.128906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416680.129015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416688.129090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416696.129176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416704.129305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416712.129433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416720.129567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416728.129737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416736.129911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416744.130019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416752.130165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416760.130322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416768.130414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416776.130529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416784.130678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416792.130827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416800.131059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416808.131212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416816.131335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416824.131576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416832.131705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416840.131851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416848.132026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416856.132147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416864.132309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416872.132451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416880.132577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416888.132708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416896.132891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416904.133020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416912.133141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416920.133238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416928.133391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416936.133475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416944.133596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416952.133734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416960.133827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416968.133891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416976.134019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416984.134144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730416992.134279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417000.134424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417008.134470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417016.134801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417024.134938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417032.135011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417040.135095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417048.135251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417056.135366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417064.135582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417072.135712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417080.135880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417088.135998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417096.136148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417104.136287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417112.136419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417120.136565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417128.136732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417136.136910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417144.137033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417152.137105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417160.137233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417168.137377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417176.137532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417184.137682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417192.137966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417200.138029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417208.138115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417216.138263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417224.138388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417232.138419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417240.138601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417248.138751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417256.138908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417264.139045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417272.139128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417280.139251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417288.139405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417296.139551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417304.139702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417312.139883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417320.140004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417328.140126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417336.140253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417344.140424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417352.140578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417360.140733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417368.140904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417376.141012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417384.141084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417392.141226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417400.141391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417408.141461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417416.141533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417424.141678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417432.141865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417440.142007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417448.142146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417456.142301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417464.142468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417472.142610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417480.142765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417488.142903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417496.143101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417504.143230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417512.143383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417520.143540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417528.143694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417536.143824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417544.143984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417552.144068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417560.144139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417568.144308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417576.144437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417584.144586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417592.144743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417600.144901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417608.145037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417616.145161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417624.145298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417632.145450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417640.145602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417648.145761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417656.145881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417664.146015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417672.146086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417680.146222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417688.146356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417696.146494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417704.146613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417712.146754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417720.146932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417728.147064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417736.147143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417744.147274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417752.147349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417760.147470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417768.147620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417776.147776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417784.147989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417792.148094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417800.148214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417808.148371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417816.148524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417824.148689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417832.148813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417840.149010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417848.149143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417856.149288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417864.149423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417872.149575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417880.149705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417888.149879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417896.150004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417904.150140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417912.150258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417920.150390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417928.150545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417936.150680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417944.150874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417952.150993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417960.151226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417968.151335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417976.151515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417984.151650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730417992.151947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418000.152008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418008.152013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418016.152150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418024.152282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418032.152430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418040.152580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418048.152733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418056.153017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418064.153086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418072.153168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418080.153298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418088.153429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418096.153534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418104.153689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418112.153814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418120.153937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418128.154100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418136.154252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418144.154411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418152.154564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418160.154713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418168.154870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418176.155019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418184.155052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418192.155262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418200.155388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418208.155472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418216.155633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418224.155765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418232.155904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418240.156016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418248.156153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418256.156305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418264.156459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418272.156606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418280.156725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418288.156899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418296.157009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418304.157091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418312.157204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418320.157343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418328.157486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418336.157646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418344.157776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418352.157890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418360.158011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418368.158093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418376.158174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418384.158259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418392.158412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418400.158510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418408.158767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418416.158922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418424.159053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418432.159186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418440.159398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418448.159550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418456.159704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418464.159863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418472.159969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418480.160063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418488.160212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418496.160357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418504.160505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418512.160635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418520.160743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418528.160897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418536.160990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418544.161078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418552.161174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418560.161329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418568.161421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418576.161495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418584.161622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418592.161754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418600.162055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418608.162047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418616.162249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418624.162339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418632.162490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418640.162625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418648.162762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418656.162929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418664.163076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418672.163160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418680.163318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418688.163467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418696.163545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418704.163700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418712.163871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418720.163987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418728.164113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418736.164242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418744.164390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418752.164541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418760.164671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418768.164828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418776.165021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418784.165208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418792.165341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418800.165504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418808.165663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418816.165752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418824.165936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418832.166064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418840.166228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418848.166340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418856.166576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418864.166606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418872.166812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418880.166977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418888.167124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418896.167270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418904.167425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418912.167591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418920.167737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418928.167886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418936.168019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418944.168100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418952.168233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418960.168361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418968.168517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418976.168671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418984.168817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730418992.168914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419000.169032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419008.169129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419016.169290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419024.169436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419032.169595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419040.169708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419048.169821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419056.169956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419064.170063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419072.170204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419080.170349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419088.170449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419096.170581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419104.170737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419112.170919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419120.171018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419128.171047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419136.171249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419144.171407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419152.171554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419160.171686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419168.171866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419176.172019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419184.172172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419192.172291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419200.172450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419208.172584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419216.172719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419224.172904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419232.173032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419240.173114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419248.173196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419256.173330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419264.173475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419272.173633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419280.173795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419288.173956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419296.174073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419304.174161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419312.174244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419320.174404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419328.174555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419336.174718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419344.174894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419352.175023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419360.175164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419368.175319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419376.175474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419384.175632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419392.175750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419400.175936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419408.176078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419416.176207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419424.176366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419432.176517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419440.176664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419448.176855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419456.176958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419464.177080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419472.177238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419480.177370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419488.177507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419496.177645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419504.177790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419512.177904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419520.178026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419528.178159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419536.178253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419544.178394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419552.178551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419560.178670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419568.178863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419576.178983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419584.179055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419592.179185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419600.179341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419608.179476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419616.179613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419624.179769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419632.179926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419640.180011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419648.180190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419656.180343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419664.180492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419672.180599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419680.180744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419688.180896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419696.181022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419704.181143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419712.181300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419720.181432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419728.181555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419736.181684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419744.181864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419752.181968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419760.182094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419768.182227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419776.182381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419784.182457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419792.182593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419800.182738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419808.182876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419816.182971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419824.183137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419832.183296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419840.183393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419848.183521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419856.183676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419864.183824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419872.183976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419880.184024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419888.184164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419896.184281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419904.184455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419912.184618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419920.184743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419928.184925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419936.185038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419944.185169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419952.185292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419960.185439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419968.185563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419976.185699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419984.185880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730419992.186005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420000.186092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420008.186175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420016.186307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420024.186466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420032.186622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420040.186778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420048.186919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420056.187170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420064.187288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420072.187368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420080.187452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420088.187607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420096.187766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420104.187944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420112.188108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420120.188235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420128.188398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420136.188543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420144.188665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420152.188798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420160.188927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420168.189078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420176.189225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420184.189380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420192.189533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420200.189695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420208.189885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420216.190025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420224.190109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420232.190239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420240.190387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420248.190527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420256.190631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420264.190752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420272.190794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420280.191030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420288.191187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420296.191343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420304.191490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420312.191648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420320.191799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420328.191946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420336.192083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420344.192203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420352.192213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420360.192387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420368.192515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420376.192637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420384.192783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420392.192938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420400.193156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420408.193259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420416.193418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420424.193550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420432.193674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420440.193853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420448.193972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420456.194109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420464.194260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420472.194400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420480.194552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420488.194821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420496.194951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420504.195070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420512.195159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420520.195288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420528.195376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420536.195522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420544.195693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420552.195870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420560.196022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420568.196106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420576.196230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420584.196333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420592.196590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420600.196726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420608.196887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420616.196982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420624.196996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420632.197177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420640.197322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420648.197423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420656.197557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420664.197686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420672.197815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420680.197894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420688.198014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420696.198101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420704.198177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420712.198191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420720.198347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420728.198490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420736.198641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420744.198801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420752.198930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420760.199081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420768.199155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420776.199287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420784.199435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420792.199562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420800.199686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420808.199824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420816.199985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420824.200074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420832.200163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420840.200296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420848.200451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420856.200536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420864.200691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420872.200821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420880.200873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420888.201010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420896.201097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420904.201192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420912.201313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420920.201456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420928.201586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420936.201729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420944.201883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420952.202031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420960.202164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420968.202325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420976.202450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420984.202579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730420992.202736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421000.202905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421008.203020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421016.203150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421024.203288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421032.203434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421040.203582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421048.203727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421056.203943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421064.204068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421072.204224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421080.204344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421088.204494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421096.204654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421104.204796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421112.204967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421120.205062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421128.205209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421136.205287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421144.205465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421152.205579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421160.205739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421168.205901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421176.206016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421184.206144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421192.206299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421200.206453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421208.206610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421216.206717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421224.206742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421232.206950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421240.207079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421248.207216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421256.207346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421264.207522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421272.207642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421280.207734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421288.207906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421296.207937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421304.208034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421312.208191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421320.208309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421328.208480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421336.208601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421344.208908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421352.208960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421360.209020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421368.209177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421376.209337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421384.209429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421392.209539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421400.209703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421408.209909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421416.210006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421424.210101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421432.210231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421440.210367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421448.210499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421456.210631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421464.210768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421472.210924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421480.211027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421488.211173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421496.211337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421504.211481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421512.211641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421520.211788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421528.211952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421536.212033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421544.212187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421552.212347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421560.212492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421568.212663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421576.212791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421584.212950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421592.213077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421600.213236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421608.213380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421616.213540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421624.213637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421632.213824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421640.213968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421648.214098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421656.214227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421664.214321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421672.214623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421680.214765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421688.214933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421696.215083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421704.215173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421712.215326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421720.215443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421728.215658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421736.215812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421744.215942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421752.216100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421760.216182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421768.216293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421776.216422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421784.216571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421792.216710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421800.216889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421808.217026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421816.217177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421824.217302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421832.217308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421840.217513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421848.217639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421856.217764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421864.218075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421872.218175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421880.218260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421888.218388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421896.218512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421904.218594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421912.218780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421920.218913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421928.219081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421936.219243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421944.219322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421952.219458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421960.219615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421968.219804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421976.219941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421984.220024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730421992.220118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422000.220198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422008.220350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422016.220479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422024.220604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422032.220727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422040.220914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422048.221030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422056.221121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422064.221276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422072.221428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422080.221560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422088.221711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422096.221887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422104.222023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422112.222098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422120.222258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422128.222390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422136.222515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422144.222654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422152.222735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422160.222875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422168.223025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422176.223103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422184.223260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422192.223395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422200.223534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422208.223698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422216.223903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422224.224016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422232.224127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422240.224197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422248.224298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422256.224434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422264.224558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422272.224727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422280.224942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422288.225084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422296.225250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422304.225405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422312.225557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422320.225709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422328.225876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422336.226018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422344.226153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422352.226293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422360.226453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422368.226584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422376.226704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422384.226870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422392.227021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422400.227155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422408.227347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422416.227429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422424.227578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422432.227722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422440.227891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422448.228003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422456.228125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422464.228255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422472.228384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422480.228533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422488.228690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422496.228824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422504.228961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422512.229083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422520.229237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422528.229392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422536.229537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422544.229669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422552.229824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422560.229917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422568.230078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422576.230224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422584.230342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422592.230504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422600.230674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422608.230800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422616.230895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422624.230875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422632.231030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422640.231159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422648.231297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422656.231416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422664.231556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422672.231712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422680.231919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422688.232023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422696.232166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422704.232337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422712.232463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422720.232569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422728.232715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422736.232868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422744.233018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422752.233155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422760.233262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422768.233391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422776.233544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422784.233684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422792.233733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422800.233949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422808.234018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422816.234160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422824.234296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422832.234448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422840.234609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422848.234749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422856.234930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422864.235051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422872.235198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422880.235324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422888.235455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422896.235584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422904.235699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422912.235845 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422920.235968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422928.236090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422936.236225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422944.236386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422952.236542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422960.236626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422968.236702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422976.236820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422984.236971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730422992.237025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423000.237152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423008.237311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423016.237461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423024.237616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423032.237772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423040.237959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423048.238033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423056.238110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423064.238194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423072.238314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423080.238458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423088.238601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423096.238746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423104.238933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423112.239066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423120.239147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423128.239268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423136.239416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423144.239568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423152.239711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423160.239865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423168.239952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423176.240079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423184.240169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423192.240299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423200.240450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423208.240605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423216.240758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423224.240924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423232.241017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423240.241152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423248.241285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423256.241445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423264.241526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423272.241659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423280.241792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423288.241951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423296.242080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423304.242234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423312.242361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423320.242513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423328.242646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423336.242802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423344.242988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423352.243058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423360.243527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423368.243648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423376.243807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423384.243962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423392.244081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423400.244220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423408.244375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423416.244524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423424.244658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423432.244813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423440.244970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423448.245107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423456.245231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423464.245372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423472.245545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423480.245653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423488.245806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423496.245942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423504.246067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423512.246155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423520.246280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423528.246411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423536.246505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423544.246661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423552.246792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423560.246951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423568.247099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423576.247076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423584.247282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423592.247400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423600.247549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423608.247721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423616.247878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423624.248020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423632.248154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423640.248326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423648.248474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423656.248615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423664.248751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423672.248933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423680.248999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423688.249090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423696.249175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423704.249310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423712.249432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423720.249574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423728.249706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423736.249868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423744.249981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423752.250008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423760.250130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423768.250248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423776.250379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423784.250511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423792.250663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423800.250807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423808.250935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423816.251070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423824.251211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423832.251369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423840.251508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423848.251645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423856.251755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423864.251924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423872.251987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423880.252072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423888.252153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423896.252305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423904.252436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423912.252504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423920.252614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423928.252774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423936.252939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423944.253068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423952.253162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423960.253316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423968.253467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423976.253621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423984.253775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730423992.253925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424000.254058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424008.254218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424016.254358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424024.254488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424032.254623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424040.254690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424048.254880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424056.254977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424064.255081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424072.255206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424080.255323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424088.255476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424096.255623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424104.255755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424112.255928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424120.256060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424128.256153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424136.256306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424144.256446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424152.256598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424160.256741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424168.256926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424176.257030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424184.257173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424192.257311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424200.257480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424208.257645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424216.257786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424224.257941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424232.258076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424240.258196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424248.258269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424256.258421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424264.258554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424272.258654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424280.258818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424288.258958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424296.259103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424304.259218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424312.259346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424320.259482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424328.259638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424336.259776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424344.259914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424352.260063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424360.260226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424368.260303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424376.260441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424384.260580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424392.260717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424400.260909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424408.261026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424416.261163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424424.261339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424432.261465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424440.261606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424448.261764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424456.261935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424464.262026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424472.262113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424480.262189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424488.262298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424496.262411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424504.262532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424512.262688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424520.262867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424528.263027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424536.263162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424544.263315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424552.263463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424560.263589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424568.263740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424576.263923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424584.264062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424592.264145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424600.264304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424608.264448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424616.264588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424624.264721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424632.264894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424640.265017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424648.265138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424656.265272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424664.265420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424672.265574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424680.265734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424688.265927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424696.266015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424704.266113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424712.266217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424720.266387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424728.266512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424736.266597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424744.266728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424752.266882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424760.266947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424768.267030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424776.267172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424784.267293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424792.267452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424800.267585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424808.267745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424816.267924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424824.268049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424832.268139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424840.268288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424848.268437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424856.268588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424864.268748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424872.268911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424880.269009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424888.269071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424896.269217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424904.269379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424912.269534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424920.269681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424928.269852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424936.270005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424944.270138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424952.270289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424960.270419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424968.270542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424976.270686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424984.270880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730424992.271010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425000.271103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425008.271199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425016.271337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425024.271487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425032.271761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425040.271929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425048.272076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425056.272230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425064.272382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425072.272474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425080.272606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425088.272746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425096.272924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425104.273038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425112.273164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425120.273300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425128.273404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425136.273550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425144.273588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425152.273773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425160.273936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425168.274063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425176.274214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425184.274370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425192.274524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425200.274654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425208.274812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425216.274942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425224.274916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425232.275084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425240.275220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425248.275365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425256.275496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425264.275608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425272.275763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425280.275950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425288.276019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425296.276175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425304.276250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425312.276396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425320.276518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425328.276783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425336.276936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425344.277022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425352.277227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425360.277347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425368.277475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425376.277604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425384.277742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425392.277906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425400.278013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425408.278142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425416.278279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425424.278405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425432.278541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425440.278670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425448.278804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425456.278952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425464.279103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425472.279200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425480.279352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425488.279486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425496.279525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425504.279703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425512.279879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425520.280022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425528.280131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425536.280182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425544.280286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425552.280409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425560.280537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425568.280697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425576.280877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425584.281119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425592.281230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425600.281369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425608.281520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425616.281677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425624.281850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425632.281969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425640.282046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425648.282131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425656.282213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425664.282314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425672.282358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425680.282541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425688.282681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425696.282820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425704.282956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425712.283106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425720.283215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425728.283349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425736.283503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425744.283640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425752.283802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425760.283925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425768.284057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425776.284214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425784.284368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425792.284515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425800.284602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425808.284718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425816.284911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425824.285012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425832.285146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425840.285315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425848.285483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425856.285667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425864.285828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425872.285975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425880.286046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425888.286167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425896.286333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425904.286578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425912.286719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425920.286876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425928.287018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425936.287022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425944.287228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425952.287349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425960.287501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425968.287658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425976.287803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425984.287943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730425992.288065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426000.288147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426008.288248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426016.288412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426024.288528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426032.288655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426040.288800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426048.288896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426056.289033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426064.289128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426072.289290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426080.289411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426088.289589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426096.289724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426104.289896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426112.290005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426120.290145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426128.290278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426136.290428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426144.290585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426152.290741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426160.290905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426168.291166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426176.291281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426184.291426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426192.291507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426200.291676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426208.291857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426216.291961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426224.292092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426232.292243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426240.292375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426248.292532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426256.292688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426264.292848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426272.292966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426280.293099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426288.293264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426296.293450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426304.293597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426312.293725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426320.293870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426328.294020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426336.294148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426344.294281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426352.294419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426360.294548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426368.294701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426376.294748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426384.294927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426392.295079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426400.295158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426408.295310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426416.295418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426424.295523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426432.295593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426440.295751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426448.295940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426456.296067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426464.296223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426472.296350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426480.296499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426488.296631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426496.296778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426504.296940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426512.297017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426520.297146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426528.297268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426536.297432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426544.297567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426552.297741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426560.297922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426568.298008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426576.298138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426584.298296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426592.298448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426600.298618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426608.298779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426616.298942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426624.299071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426632.299227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426640.299382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426648.299546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426656.299700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426664.299857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426672.299967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426680.300049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426688.300121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426696.300258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426704.300381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426712.300537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426720.300725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426728.300934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426736.301070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426744.301222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426752.301340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426760.301477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426768.301623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426776.301755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426784.301906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426792.302030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426800.302154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426808.302302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426816.302465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426824.302588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426832.302740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426840.302931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426848.303045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426856.303125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426864.303278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426872.303405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426880.303542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426888.303558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426896.303736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426904.303891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426912.304033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426920.304117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426928.304265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426936.304513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426944.304627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426952.304779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426960.304913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426968.305014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426976.305103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426984.305258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730426992.305416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427000.305556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427008.305711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427016.305879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427024.306015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427032.306101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427040.306221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427048.306367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427056.306526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427064.306667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427072.306877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427080.307008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427088.307132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427096.307255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427104.307405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427112.307572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427120.307715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427128.307900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427136.308025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427144.308163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427152.308250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427160.308397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427168.308515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427176.308630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427184.308768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427192.308916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427200.309029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427208.309110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427216.309202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427224.309334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427232.309491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427240.309616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427248.309768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427256.309921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427264.309947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427272.310025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427280.310154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427288.310272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427296.310420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427304.310534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427312.310670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427320.310770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427328.310958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427336.311081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427344.311206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427352.311345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427360.311492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427368.311635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427376.311784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427384.311949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427392.312066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427400.312215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427408.312265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427416.312441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427424.312583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427432.312742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427440.312897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427448.313016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427456.313170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427464.313326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427472.313459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427480.313618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427488.313772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427496.313945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427504.314012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427512.314167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427520.314328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427528.314456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427536.314615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427544.314753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427552.314931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427560.315071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427568.315220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427576.315374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427584.315552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427592.315703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427600.315878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427608.316015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427616.316102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427624.316237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427632.316372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427640.316521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427648.316658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427656.316804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427664.316967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427672.317056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427680.317189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427688.317307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427696.317462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427704.317616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427712.317777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427720.317932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427728.318086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427736.318232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427744.318404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427752.318531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427760.318706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427768.318869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427776.318966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427784.319083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427792.319250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427800.319406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427808.319617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427816.319773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427824.319919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427832.320023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427840.320114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427848.320256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427856.320413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427864.320570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427872.320692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427880.320786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427888.320930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427896.321065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427904.321180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427912.321306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427920.321450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427928.321583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427936.321738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427944.321902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427952.322015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427960.322179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427968.322327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427976.322474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427984.322552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730427992.322686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428000.322863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428008.322908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428016.323080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428024.323198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428032.323319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428040.323487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428048.323612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428056.323770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428064.323977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428072.324060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428080.324153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428088.324310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428096.324445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428104.324641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428112.324768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428120.324928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428128.325020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428136.325105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428144.325185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428152.325323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428160.325414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428168.325561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428176.325714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428184.325921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428192.326003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428200.326111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428208.326235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428216.326399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428224.326649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428232.326788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428240.326946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428248.327055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428256.327131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428264.327209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428272.327278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428280.327440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428288.327578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428296.327712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428304.327891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428312.328021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428320.328164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428328.328406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428336.328552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428344.328664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428352.328765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428360.328940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428368.329063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428376.329145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428384.329256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428392.329395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428400.329542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428408.329680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428416.329850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428424.330010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428432.330088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428440.330104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428448.330313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428456.330548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428464.330669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428472.330788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428480.330959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428488.331051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428496.331122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428504.331250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428512.331327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428520.331488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428528.331639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428536.331772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428544.331924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428552.331936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428560.332084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428568.332236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428576.332373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428584.332501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428592.332649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428600.332788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428608.332941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428616.333135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428624.333288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428632.333413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428640.333571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428648.333705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428656.333890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428664.334005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428672.334081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428680.334182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428688.334304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428696.334458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428704.334614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428712.334917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428720.335021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428728.335089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428736.335186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428744.335337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428752.335450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428760.335587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428768.335739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428776.335911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428784.336047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428792.336198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428800.336348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428808.336507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428816.336644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428824.336765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428832.336928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428840.337034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428848.337160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428856.337309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428864.337429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428872.337594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428880.337731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428888.337892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428896.338031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428904.338114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428912.338266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428920.338414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428928.338702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428936.338827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428944.338991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428952.339103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428960.339229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428968.339370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428976.339496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428984.339643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730428992.339782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429000.339926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429008.340002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429016.340132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429024.340293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429032.340444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429040.340601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429048.340677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429056.340811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429064.340937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429072.341063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429080.341200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429088.341357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429096.341511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429104.341662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429112.341808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429120.341990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429128.342192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429136.342331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429144.342485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429152.342629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429160.342737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429168.342881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429176.342986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429184.343120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429192.343244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429200.343394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429208.343547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429216.343708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429224.343882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429232.344018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429240.344158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429248.344309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429256.344473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429264.344626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429272.344761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429280.344933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429288.345073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429296.345197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429304.345308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429312.345457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429320.345607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429328.345718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429336.345816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429344.345948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429352.346103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429360.346179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429368.346312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429376.346348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429384.346486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429392.346622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429400.346746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429408.346920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429416.347025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429424.347160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429432.347297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429440.347449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429448.347600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429456.347737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429464.347933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429472.348053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429480.348200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429488.348364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429496.348491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429504.348631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429512.348768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429520.348911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429528.349019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429536.349187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429544.349294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429552.349431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429560.349619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429568.349772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429576.349931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429584.350032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429592.350114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429600.350240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429608.350393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429616.350534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429624.350749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429632.350933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429640.350926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429648.351060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429656.351129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429664.351268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429672.351400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429680.351539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429688.351751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429696.351921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429704.352157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429712.352281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429720.352414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429728.352450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429736.352579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429744.352734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429752.352932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429760.353054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429768.353174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429776.353326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429784.353479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429792.353629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429800.353785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429808.353909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429816.354147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429824.354266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429832.354417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429840.354565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429848.354724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429856.354874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429864.355021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429872.355099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429880.355230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429888.355366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429896.355480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429904.355580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429912.355716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429920.355858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429928.355965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429936.356104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429944.356247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429952.356406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429960.356554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429968.356702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429976.356888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429984.357027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730429992.357101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430000.357255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430008.357399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430016.357566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430024.357869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430032.357848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430040.358031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430048.358161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430056.358208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430064.358404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430072.358668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430080.358799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430088.358972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430096.359126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430104.359241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430112.359388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430120.359524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430128.359660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430136.359807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430144.359869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430152.360067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430160.360213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430168.360340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430176.360473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430184.360639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430192.360786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430200.360956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430208.361030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430216.361129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430224.361286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430232.361410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430240.361548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430248.361691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430256.361853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430264.361995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430272.362151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430280.362307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430288.362462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430296.362592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430304.362701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430312.362822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430320.362979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430328.363120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430336.363215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430344.363325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430352.363445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430360.363605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430368.363757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430376.363936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430384.364077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430392.364239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430400.364366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430408.364634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430416.364763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430424.364953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430432.365004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430440.365226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430448.365344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430456.365493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430464.365650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430472.365802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430480.365969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430488.366096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430496.366216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430504.366354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430512.366514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430520.366669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430528.366823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430536.366982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430544.367164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430552.367295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430560.367420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430568.367602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430576.367722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430584.367896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430592.368021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430600.368157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430608.368313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430616.368396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430624.368545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430632.368685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430640.368824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430648.368965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430656.368977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430664.369166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430672.369314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430680.369474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430688.369613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430696.369778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430704.369930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430712.370081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430720.370151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430728.370314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430736.370448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430744.370565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430752.370743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430760.370874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430768.371018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430776.371186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430784.371313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430792.371437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430800.371536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430808.371715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430816.371887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430824.371947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430832.372064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430840.372231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430848.372387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430856.372513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430864.372663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430872.372795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430880.372949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430888.373042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430896.373174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430904.373308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430912.373325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430920.373571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430928.373719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430936.373875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430944.374005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430952.374117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430960.374225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430968.374335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430976.374487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430984.374645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730430992.374788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431000.374936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431008.375074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431016.375169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431024.375272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431032.375408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431040.375557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431048.375708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431056.375868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431064.376001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431072.376160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431080.376154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431088.376431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431096.376544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431104.376690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431112.376821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431120.376990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431128.377115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431136.377276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431144.377421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431152.377554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431160.377682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431168.377887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431176.378029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431184.378107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431192.378269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431200.378366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431208.378486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431216.378625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431224.378761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431232.378937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431240.379005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431248.379089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431256.379283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431264.379369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431272.379499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431280.379643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431288.379795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431296.379940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431304.380092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431312.380242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431320.380375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431328.380506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431336.380617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431344.380818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431352.380942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431360.381031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431368.381179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431376.381342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431384.381475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431392.381630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431400.381788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431408.381941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431416.382077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431424.382093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431432.382242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431440.382372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431448.382506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431456.382635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431464.382774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431472.382946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431480.383089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431488.383217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431496.383365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431504.383458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431512.383490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431520.383688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431528.383821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431536.383946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431544.384104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431552.384187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431560.384275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431568.384372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431576.384494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431584.384640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431592.384761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431600.384941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431608.385011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431616.385132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431624.385208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431632.385353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431640.385521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431648.385669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431656.385859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431664.386101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431672.386206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431680.386343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431688.386548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431696.386712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431704.386856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431712.387008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431720.387142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431728.387294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431736.387542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431744.387669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431752.387963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431760.388111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431768.388222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431776.388353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431784.388482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431792.388630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431800.388776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431808.388939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431816.389079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431824.389214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431832.389364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431840.389501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431848.389645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431856.389801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431864.389938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431872.390086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431880.390249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431888.390404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431896.390543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431904.390679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431912.390863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431920.390966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431928.391052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431936.391173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431944.391310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431952.391434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431960.391581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431968.391745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431976.391864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431984.391992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730431992.392064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432000.392223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432008.392312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432016.392455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432024.392616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432032.392757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432040.392925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432048.393027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432056.393122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432064.393250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432072.393372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432080.393508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432088.393665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432096.393795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432104.393948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432112.394027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432120.394148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432128.394301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432136.394461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432144.394600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432152.394722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432160.394874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432168.395028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432176.395147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432184.395282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432192.395452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432200.395586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432208.395723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432216.395880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432224.396055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432232.396171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432240.396253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432248.396393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432256.396559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432264.396711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432272.396799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432280.396966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432288.397097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432296.397175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432304.397341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432312.397491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432320.397647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432328.397795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432336.397972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432344.398092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432352.398224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432360.398354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432368.398511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432376.398640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432384.398793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432392.398947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432400.399016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432408.399156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432416.399231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432424.399384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432432.399531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432440.399798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432448.399935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432456.400050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432464.400200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432472.400354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432480.400565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432488.400714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432496.400887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432504.401014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432512.401154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432520.401313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432528.401458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432536.401628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432544.401781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432552.401923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432560.402056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432568.402224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432576.402362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432584.402507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432592.402649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432600.402751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432608.402915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432616.403031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432624.403122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432632.403277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432640.403390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432648.403410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432656.403600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432664.403744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432672.403922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432680.403935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432688.404015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432696.404106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432704.404236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432712.404380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432720.404531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432728.404661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432736.404812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432744.404970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432752.405049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432760.405134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432768.405266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432776.405417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432784.405572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432792.405724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432800.405885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432808.406019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432816.406098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432824.406186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432832.406284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432840.406433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432848.406582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432856.406754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432864.406935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432872.407078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432880.407170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432888.407310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432896.407457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432904.407509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432912.407671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432920.407857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432928.408016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432936.408137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432944.408303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432952.408386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432960.408522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432968.408670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432976.408789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432984.408943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730432992.409064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433000.409223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433008.409381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433016.409528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433024.409676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433032.409805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433040.409978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433048.410017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433056.410145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433064.410292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433072.410431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433080.410580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433088.410734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433096.410909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433104.411024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433112.411103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433120.411177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433128.411322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433136.411478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433144.411611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433152.411761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433160.411934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433168.412066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433176.412228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433184.412355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433192.412489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433200.412635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433208.412790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433216.412962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433224.413096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433232.413222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433240.413350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433248.413479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433256.413603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433264.413718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433272.413892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433280.413999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433288.414083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433296.414167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433304.414293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433312.414472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433320.414712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433328.414853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433336.414971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433344.415112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433352.415248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433360.415406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433368.415517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433376.415639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433384.415759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433392.415923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433400.416046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433408.416061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433416.416236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433424.416361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433432.416510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433440.416640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433448.416783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433456.416952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433464.417101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433472.417199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433480.417333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433488.417467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433496.417517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433504.417688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433512.417871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433520.417972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433528.418109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433536.418256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433544.418330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433552.418464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433560.418593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433568.418745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433576.418932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433584.419060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433592.419214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433600.419355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433608.419533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433616.419666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433624.419820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433632.419973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433640.420056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433648.420141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433656.420255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433664.420344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433672.420534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433680.420656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433688.420811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433696.420973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433704.421167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433712.421306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433720.421463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433728.421605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433736.421773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433744.421919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433752.422015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433760.422117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433768.422184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433776.422322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433784.422465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433792.422604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433800.422742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433808.422917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433816.423022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433824.423106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433832.423185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433840.423321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433848.423480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433856.423608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433864.423736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433872.423822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433880.423972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433888.424017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433896.424100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433904.424186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433912.424300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433920.424428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433928.424571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433936.424700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433944.424872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433952.425021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433960.425107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433968.425189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433976.425294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433984.425437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730433992.425581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434000.425740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434008.425897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434016.426014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434024.426100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434032.426224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434040.426339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434048.426498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434056.426616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434064.426767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434072.426928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434080.427001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434088.427070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434096.427152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434104.427258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434112.427377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434120.427532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434128.427687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434136.427858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434144.428012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434152.428088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434160.428174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434168.428315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434176.428385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434184.428557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434192.428757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434200.428928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434208.429004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434216.429087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434224.429175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434232.429280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434240.429426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434248.429577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434256.429731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434264.429925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434272.430025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434280.430185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434288.430308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434296.430456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434304.430591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434312.430721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434320.430852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434328.431129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434336.431244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434344.431367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434352.431375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434360.431538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434368.431655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434376.431808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434384.431964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434392.432090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434400.432179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434408.432354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434416.432483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434424.432597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434432.432727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434440.432870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434448.432978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434456.433063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434464.433145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434472.433284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434480.433409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434488.433557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434496.433706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434504.433874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434512.433999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434520.434042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434528.434156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434536.434276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434544.434397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434552.434531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434560.434660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434568.434807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434576.434942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434584.435073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434592.435158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434600.435288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434608.435418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434616.435597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434624.435728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434632.435907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434640.436034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434648.436171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434656.436322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434664.436456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434672.436585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434680.436743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434688.436915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434696.437010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434704.437151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434712.437299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434720.437458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434728.437585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434736.437798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434744.437860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434752.437862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434760.438006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434768.438083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434776.438112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434784.438257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434792.438406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434800.438550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434808.438701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434816.438770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434824.438812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434832.439023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434840.439103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434848.439238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434856.439374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434864.439531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434872.439653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434880.439795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434888.439969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434896.440099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434904.440232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434912.440436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434920.440515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434928.440676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434936.440796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434944.440944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434952.441030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434960.441104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434968.441200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434976.441315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434984.441441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730434992.441591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435000.441751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435008.441905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435016.442029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435024.442111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435032.442258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435040.442409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435048.442542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435056.442658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435064.442811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435072.442927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435080.443033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435088.443124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435096.443270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435104.443400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435112.443443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435120.443627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435128.443753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435136.443903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435144.443961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435152.444020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435160.444095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435168.444178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435176.444301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435184.444431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435192.444583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435200.444732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435208.444878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435216.444965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435224.445114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435232.445272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435240.445394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435248.445537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435256.445667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435264.445792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435272.445942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435280.446032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435288.446183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435296.446312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435304.446478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435312.446604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435320.446739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435328.446906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435336.447037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435344.447171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435352.447279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435360.447398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435368.447532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435376.447656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435384.447821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435392.447962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435400.448047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435408.448136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435416.448223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435424.448342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435432.448487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435440.448609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435448.448739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435456.448900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435464.449019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435472.449161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435480.449316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435488.449511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435496.449655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435504.449803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435512.449943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435520.450077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435528.450220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435536.450383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435544.450544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435552.450689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435560.450846 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435568.450964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435576.450926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435584.451033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435592.451110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435600.451218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435608.451321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435616.451443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435624.451592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435632.451720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435640.451884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435648.451931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435656.452028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435664.452115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435672.452193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435680.452324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435688.452477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435696.452620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435704.452764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435712.452946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435720.453091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435728.453217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435736.453373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435744.453441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435752.453636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435760.453797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435768.453915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435776.454025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435784.454143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435792.454274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435800.454395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435808.454484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435816.454624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435824.454772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435832.454825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435840.455042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435848.455121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435856.455225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435864.455349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435872.455460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435880.455586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435888.455721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435896.455859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435904.456000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435912.456143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435920.456271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435928.456411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435936.456548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435944.456711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435952.456867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435960.456975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435968.457101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435976.457338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435984.457401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730435992.457543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436000.457712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436008.457924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436016.458043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436024.458193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436032.458333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436040.458477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436048.458610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436056.458756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436064.458945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436072.459082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436080.459234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436088.459268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436096.459469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436104.459620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436112.459771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436120.459938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436128.460070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436136.460200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436144.460362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436152.460513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436160.460807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436168.460928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436176.461012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436184.461145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436192.461276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436200.461407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436208.461540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436216.461688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436224.461862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436232.461982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436240.462105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436248.462231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436256.462388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436264.462422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436272.462633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436280.462762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436288.462940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436296.463020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436304.463099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436312.463261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436320.463490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436328.463620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436336.463762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436344.463938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436352.464088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436360.464225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436368.464401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436376.464529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436384.464671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436392.464820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436400.464990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436408.465065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436416.465141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436424.465241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436432.465392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436440.465552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436448.465676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436456.465856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436464.465998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436472.466088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436480.466176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436488.466317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436496.466469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436504.466573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436512.466712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436520.466874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436528.467021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436536.467094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436544.467186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436552.467325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436560.467571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436568.467709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436576.467860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436584.468020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436592.468179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436600.468333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436608.468491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436616.468654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436624.468801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436632.468938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436640.469086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436648.469241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436656.469391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436664.469540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436672.469703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436680.469864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436688.469976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436696.470123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436704.470259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436712.470409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436720.470532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436728.470680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436736.470814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436744.470893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436752.471030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436760.471113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436768.471193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436776.471322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436784.471467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436792.471609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436800.471763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436808.471907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436816.471985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436824.472120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436832.472214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436840.472277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436848.472423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436856.472579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436864.472715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436872.472916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436880.473041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436888.473171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436896.473300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436904.473463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436912.473618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436920.473769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436928.473929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436936.474054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436944.474182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436952.474303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436960.474441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436968.474578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436976.474723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436984.474917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730436992.475028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437000.475177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437008.475328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437016.475542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437024.475665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437032.475764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437040.475777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437048.476006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437056.476091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437064.476176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437072.476304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437080.476428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437088.476590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437096.476702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437104.476774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437112.476939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437120.477003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437128.477010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437136.477143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437144.477239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437152.477379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437160.477506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437168.477577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437176.477715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437184.477880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437192.478002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437200.478082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437208.478157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437216.478297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437224.478479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437232.478630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437240.478792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437248.478944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437256.479096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437264.479168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437272.479331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437280.479482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437288.479640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437296.479802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437304.479879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437312.480073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437320.480208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437328.480348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437336.480497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437344.480641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437352.480779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437360.480951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437368.481085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437376.481201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437384.481259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437392.481403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437400.481559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437408.481680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437416.481810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437424.481961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437432.482023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437440.482177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437448.482316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437456.482425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437464.482585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437472.482720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437480.482899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437488.483009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437496.483083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437504.483236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437512.483308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437520.483460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437528.483587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437536.483736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437544.483922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437552.484011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437560.484030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437568.484169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437576.484293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437584.484420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437592.484578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437600.484705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437608.484872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437616.484965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437624.485029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437632.485108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437640.485266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437648.485410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437656.485559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437664.485695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437672.485795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437680.485945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437688.486041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437696.486116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437704.486196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437712.486332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437720.486480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437728.486648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437736.486776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437744.486955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437752.487069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437760.487218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437768.487316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437776.487475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437784.487632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437792.487791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437800.487931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437808.488227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437816.488376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437824.488582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437832.488652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437840.488817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437848.488966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437856.489107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437864.489243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437872.489399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437880.489529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437888.489653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437896.489774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437904.489911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437912.490082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437920.490215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437928.490327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437936.490474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437944.490628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437952.490786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437960.490946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437968.491016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437976.491089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437984.491173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730437992.491192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438000.491324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438008.491441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438016.491556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438024.491702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438032.491822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438040.491980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438048.492067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438056.492160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438064.492249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438072.492389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438080.492543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438088.492678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438096.492805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438104.492966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438112.493026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438120.493152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438128.493307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438136.493425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438144.493580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438152.493876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438160.493995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438168.494081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438176.494167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438184.494266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438192.494420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438200.494565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438208.494649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438216.494781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438224.494933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438232.495015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438240.495119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438248.495166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438256.495251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438264.495350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438272.495499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438280.495639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438288.495766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438296.495932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438304.496066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438312.496114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438320.496228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438328.496379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438336.496523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438344.496675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438352.496827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438360.497004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438368.497143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438376.497231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438384.497367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438392.497521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438400.497663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438408.497792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438416.497926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438424.498075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438432.498218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438440.498361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438448.498534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438456.498677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438464.498786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438472.498932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438480.499052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438488.499132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438496.499285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438504.499419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438512.499591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438520.499721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438528.499881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438536.500021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438544.500094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438552.500180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438560.500301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438568.500426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438576.500578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438584.500714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438592.500738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438600.500935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438608.501024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438616.501110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438624.501184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438632.501285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438640.501397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438648.501556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438656.501714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438664.501854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438672.501980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438680.502047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438688.502125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438696.502230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438704.502358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438712.502505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438720.502663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438728.502816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438736.502935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438744.503037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438752.503112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438760.503248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438768.503442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438776.503584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438784.503731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438792.503890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438800.504035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438808.504121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438816.504277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438824.504393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438832.504552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438840.504677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438848.504807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438856.504965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438864.505105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438872.505133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438880.505262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438888.505425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438896.505553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438904.505693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438912.505828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438920.505967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438928.506092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438936.506105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438944.506305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438952.506433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438960.506586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438968.506749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438976.506874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438984.507072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730438992.507153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439000.507302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439008.507424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439016.507548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439024.507707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439032.507858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439040.508013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439048.508139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439056.508298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439064.508432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439072.508558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439080.508705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439088.508880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439096.509005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439104.509033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439112.509151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439120.509251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439128.509402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439136.509560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439144.509860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439152.509952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439160.510090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439168.510244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439176.510390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439184.510550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439192.510697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439200.510859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439208.510974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439216.511066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439224.511216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439232.511318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439240.511459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439248.511604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439256.511763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439264.511935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439272.512005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439280.512138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439288.512266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439296.512401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439304.512640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439312.512785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439320.512929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439328.513008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439336.513088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439344.513168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439352.513328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439360.513479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439368.513500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439376.513679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439384.513816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439392.513950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439400.514020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439408.514104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439416.514189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439424.514312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439432.514464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439440.514549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439448.514674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439456.514710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439464.514935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439472.515031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439480.515104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439488.515189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439496.515346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439504.515511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439512.515626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439520.515796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439528.516001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439536.516077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439544.516083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439552.516240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439560.516384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439568.516534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439576.516670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439584.516819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439592.516947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439600.517008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439608.517090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439616.517178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439624.517299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439632.517424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439640.517547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439648.517695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439656.517876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439664.518002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439672.518151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439680.518282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439688.518389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439696.518515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439704.518665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439712.518817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439720.518946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439728.519026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439736.519176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439744.519302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439752.519423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439760.519524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439768.519674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439776.519824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439784.519985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439792.520065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439800.520154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439808.520304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439816.520503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439824.520636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439832.520780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439840.520925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439848.521027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439856.521107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439864.521200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439872.521318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439880.521484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439888.521560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439896.521752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439904.521913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439912.522019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439920.522174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439928.522269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439936.522352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439944.522482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439952.522605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439960.522773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439968.522929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439976.522923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439984.523111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730439992.523246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440000.523401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440008.523542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440016.523679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440024.523849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440032.523946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440040.524003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440048.524077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440056.524091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440064.524334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440072.524417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440080.524602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440088.524778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440096.524946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440104.525084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440112.525232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440120.525387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440128.525522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440136.525661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440144.525757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440152.525916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440160.526008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440168.526087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440176.526168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440184.526297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440192.526398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440200.526538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440208.526667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440216.526821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440224.526987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440232.527101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440240.527164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440248.527383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440256.527529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440264.527683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440272.527860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440280.528018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440288.528140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440296.528265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440304.528421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440312.528537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440320.528700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440328.528887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440336.529020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440344.529148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440352.529279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440360.529425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440368.529541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440376.529695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440384.529879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440392.529924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440400.530087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440408.530182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440416.530321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440424.530456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440432.530613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440440.530770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440448.530913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440456.531003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440464.531163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440472.531253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440480.531429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440488.531629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440496.531755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440504.531899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440512.532040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440520.532133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440528.532287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440536.532371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440544.532499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440552.532628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440560.532783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440568.532818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440576.533023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440584.533099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440592.533185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440600.533296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440608.533447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440616.533595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440624.533712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440632.533876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440640.533971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440648.533997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440656.534107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440664.534199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440672.534345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440680.534498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440688.534650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440696.534807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440704.534974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440712.535051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440720.535131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440728.535215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440736.535239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440744.535395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440752.535486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440760.535610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440768.535758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440776.535910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440784.536030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440792.536163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440800.536322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440808.536422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440816.536541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440824.536671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440832.536800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440840.536954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440848.537021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440856.537125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440864.537187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440872.537344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440880.537465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440888.537536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440896.537675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440904.537818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440912.537836 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440920.537990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440928.538094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440936.538158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440944.538292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440952.538435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440960.538566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440968.538720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440976.538892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440984.539019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730440992.539097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441000.539103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441008.539285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441016.539409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441024.539570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441032.539691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441040.539847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441048.539964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441056.540028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441064.540107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441072.540213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441080.540264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441088.540467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441096.540613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441104.540768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441112.540929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441120.541008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441128.541085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441136.541176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441144.541280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441152.541425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441160.541565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441168.541706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441176.541896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441184.542007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441192.542166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441200.542319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441208.542475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441216.542626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441224.542770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441232.542923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441240.543025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441248.543157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441256.543276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441264.543408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441272.543560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441280.543717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441288.543855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441296.543985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441304.544061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441312.544150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441320.544283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441328.544409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441336.544560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441344.544605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441352.544801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441360.544960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441368.545111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441376.545236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441384.545309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441392.545453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441400.545605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441408.545761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441416.545926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441424.546045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441432.546055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441440.546220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441448.546318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441456.546469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441464.546608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441472.546743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441480.546905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441488.547038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441496.547159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441504.547296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441512.547468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441520.547587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441528.547748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441536.547895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441544.548022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441552.548155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441560.548311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441568.548439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441576.548576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441584.548724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441592.548899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441600.548910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441608.549091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441616.549171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441624.549323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441632.549474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441640.549598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441648.549743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441656.549915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441664.550024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441672.550146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441680.550247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441688.550391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441696.550540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441704.550675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441712.550801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441720.551027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441728.551112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441736.551237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441744.551316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441752.551437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441760.551600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441768.551728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441776.551914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441784.552021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441792.552106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441800.552259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441808.552511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441816.552636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441824.552786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441832.552875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441840.553007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441848.553093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441856.553156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441864.553356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441872.553510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441880.553663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441888.553797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441896.553964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441904.554106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441912.554230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441920.554376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441928.554497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441936.554627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441944.554764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441952.554909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441960.554994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441968.555081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441976.555162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441984.555283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730441992.555432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442000.555575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442008.555708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442016.555857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442024.556001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442032.556087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442040.556161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442048.556323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442056.556460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442064.556613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442072.556751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442080.556886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442088.557027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442096.557112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442104.557185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442112.557227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442120.557428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442128.557574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442136.557697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442144.557865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442152.558014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442160.558097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442168.558203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442176.558323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442184.558464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442192.558623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442200.558763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442208.558910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442216.559035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442224.559115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442232.559229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442240.559388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442248.559538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442256.559687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442264.559856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442272.560011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442280.560073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442288.560160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442296.560279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442304.560418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442312.560550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442320.560699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442328.560762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442336.560941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442344.561076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442352.561202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442360.561269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442368.561307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442376.561485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442384.561642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442392.561703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442400.561876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442408.562008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442416.562139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442424.562237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442432.562362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442440.562519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442448.562694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442456.562756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442464.562962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442472.563026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442480.563116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442488.563269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442496.563428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442504.563561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442512.563702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442520.563870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442528.563976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442536.564071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442544.564215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442552.564259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442560.564438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442568.564592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442576.564722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442584.564795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442592.564951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442600.565079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442608.565214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442616.565314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442624.565477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442632.565629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442640.565753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442648.565921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442656.566134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442664.566253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442672.566269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442680.566468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442688.566608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442696.566746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442704.566879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442712.566936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442720.567000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442728.567091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442736.567170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442744.567299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442752.567508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442760.567634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442768.567782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442776.567982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442784.568115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442792.568236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442800.568373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442808.568513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442816.568519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442824.568712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442832.568866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442840.569015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442848.569147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442856.569302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442864.569450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442872.569604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442880.569736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442888.569885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442896.570028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442904.570057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442912.570190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442920.570328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442928.570472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442936.570543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442944.570705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442952.570863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442960.570935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442968.570998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442976.571083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442984.571225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730442992.571392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443000.571640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443008.571782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443016.571947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443024.572059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443032.572133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443040.572261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443048.572406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443056.572582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443064.572718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443072.572871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443080.573007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443088.573085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443096.573168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443104.573342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443112.573458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443120.573585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443128.573732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443136.573877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443144.574011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443152.574093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443160.574169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443168.574326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443176.574469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443184.574608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443192.574736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443200.574908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443208.575008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443216.575094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443224.575170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443232.575304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443240.575436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443248.575520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443256.575725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443264.575863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443272.576023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443280.576136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443288.576289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443296.576442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443304.576595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443312.576718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443320.576880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443328.577026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443336.577133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443344.577291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443352.577436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443360.577582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443368.577668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443376.577800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443384.577922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443392.578001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443400.578083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443408.578168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443416.578271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443424.578246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443432.578450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443440.578607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443448.578750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443456.578893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443464.579022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443472.579103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443480.579238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443488.579364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443496.579540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443504.579670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443512.579855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443520.579973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443528.580033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443536.580097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443544.580226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443552.580382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443560.580533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443568.580681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443576.580824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443584.580983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443592.581150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443600.581261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443608.581404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443616.581555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443624.581676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443632.581800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443640.581960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443648.582019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443656.582103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443664.582187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443672.582340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443680.582352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443688.582605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443696.582726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443704.582891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443712.582968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443720.583050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443728.583133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443736.583211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443744.583353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443752.583486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443760.583640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443768.583791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443776.583938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443784.584013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443792.584091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443800.584166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443808.584308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443816.584450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443824.584579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443832.584730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443840.584872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443848.585009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443856.585145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443864.585329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443872.585476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443880.585622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443888.585752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443896.585877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443904.586018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443912.586104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443920.586192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443928.586328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443936.586452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443944.586584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443952.586709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443960.586876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443968.587018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443976.587095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443984.587178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730443992.587285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444000.587364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444008.587499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444016.587577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444024.587718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444032.587920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444040.588013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444048.588100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444056.588169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444064.588304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444072.588374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444080.588526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444088.588672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444096.588907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444104.589028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444112.589068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444120.589259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444128.589391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444136.589520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444144.589642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444152.589787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444160.589945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444168.590086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444176.590245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444184.590381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444192.590499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444200.590638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444208.590859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444216.591015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444224.591130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444232.591264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444240.591420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444248.591544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444256.591696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444264.591873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444272.592025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444280.592102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444288.592108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444296.592313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444304.592465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444312.592600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444320.592754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444328.592925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444336.593004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444344.593087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444352.593229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444360.593358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444368.593499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444376.593622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444384.593748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444392.593892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444400.593980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444408.594095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444416.594175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444424.594248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444432.594376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444440.594503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444448.594600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444456.594663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444464.594767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444472.594948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444480.595019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444488.595102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444496.595182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444504.595315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444512.595434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444520.595595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444528.595720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444536.595906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444544.596089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444552.596136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444560.596298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444568.596448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444576.596588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444584.596745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444592.596884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444600.597010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444608.597092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444616.597189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444624.597250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444632.597354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444640.597511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444648.597558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444656.597736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444664.597949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444672.598040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444680.598173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444688.598218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444696.598427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444704.598499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444712.598631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444720.598777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444728.599098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444736.599196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444744.599344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444752.599491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444760.599635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444768.599792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444776.599936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444784.600010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444792.600145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444800.600276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444808.600426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444816.600577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444824.600730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444832.600881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444840.601021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444848.601116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444856.601268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444864.601401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444872.601538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444880.601692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444888.601870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444896.602017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444904.602157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444912.602259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444920.602409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444928.602533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444936.602688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444944.602882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444952.602992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444960.603123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444968.603278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444976.603427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444984.603552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730444992.603690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445000.603870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445008.603927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445016.604066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445024.604152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445032.604264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445040.604340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445048.604493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445056.604647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445064.604785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445072.604951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445080.605015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445088.605149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445096.605297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445104.605428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445112.605588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445120.605721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445128.605939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445136.606030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445144.606149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445152.606303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445160.606369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445168.606625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445176.606749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445184.606869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445192.606934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445200.607055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445208.607188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445216.607295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445224.607452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445232.607597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445240.607729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445248.607901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445256.607906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445264.608102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445272.608234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445280.608332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445288.608491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445296.608640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445304.608813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445312.608928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445320.609083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445328.609234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445336.609463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445344.609582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445352.609779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445360.609931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445368.610010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445376.610151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445384.610278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445392.610410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445400.610571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445408.610712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445416.610865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445424.611028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445432.611053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445440.611170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445448.611246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445456.611400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445464.611547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445472.611673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445480.611800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445488.611941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445496.612019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445504.612096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445512.612188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445520.612343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445528.612519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445536.612644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445544.612781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445552.612932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445560.613041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445568.613049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445576.613186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445584.613321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445592.613448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445600.613567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445608.613726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445616.613886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445624.614093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445632.614240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445640.614480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445648.614597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445656.614720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445664.614922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445672.615036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445680.615125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445688.615256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445696.615402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445704.615523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445712.615679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445720.615807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445728.615974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445736.616104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445744.616235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445752.616355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445760.616477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445768.616629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445776.616758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445784.616927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445792.617000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445800.617087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445808.617164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445816.617325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445824.617453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445832.617598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445840.617754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445848.617892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445856.618014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445864.618093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445872.618193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445880.618271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445888.618347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445896.618482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445904.618630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445912.618771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445920.618920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445928.619001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445936.619082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445944.619181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445952.619293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445960.619434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445968.619561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445976.619686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445984.619829 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730445992.619945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446000.620095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446008.620250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446016.620389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446024.620536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446032.620670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446040.620823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446048.620931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446056.620996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446064.621181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446072.621303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446080.621449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446088.621562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446096.621721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446104.621907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446112.622021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446120.622120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446128.622214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446136.622294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446144.622377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446152.622528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446160.622658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446168.622794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446176.622974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446184.623006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446192.623137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446200.623211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446208.623338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446216.623474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446224.623541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446232.623699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446240.623880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446248.624074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446256.624224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446264.624372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446272.624529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446280.624682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446288.624806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446296.624932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446304.625007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446312.625083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446320.625184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446328.625299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446336.625426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446344.625574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446352.625700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446360.625872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446368.626020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446376.626088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446384.626221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446392.626322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446400.626459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446408.626519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446416.626712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446424.626893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446432.627019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446440.627116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446448.627236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446456.627389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446464.627523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446472.627650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446480.627804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446488.627951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446496.628006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446504.628087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446512.628221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446520.628345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446528.628485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446536.628666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446544.628874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446552.629006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446560.629136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446568.629256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446576.629402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446584.629559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446592.629707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446600.629793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446608.629880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446616.630027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446624.630107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446632.630193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446640.630294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446648.630443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446656.630588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446664.630740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446672.630934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446680.631022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446688.631150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446696.631285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446704.631432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446712.631581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446720.631735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446728.631904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446736.632017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446744.632096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446752.632118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446760.632286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446768.632437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446776.632565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446784.632702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446792.632872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446800.633022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446808.633096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446816.633221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446824.633341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446832.633499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446840.633547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446848.633740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446856.633913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446864.634025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446872.634105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446880.634186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446888.634315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446896.634466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446904.634597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446912.634751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446920.634886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446928.635011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446936.635095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446944.635220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446952.635368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446960.635509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446968.635664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446976.635907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446984.636027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730446992.636157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447000.636286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447008.636442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447016.636582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447024.636713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447032.636872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447040.636941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447048.637028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447056.637187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447064.637313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447072.637465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447080.637615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447088.637676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447096.637892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447104.638016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447112.638156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447120.638273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447128.638408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447136.638556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447144.638708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447152.638889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447160.639005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447168.639092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447176.639244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447184.639358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447192.639504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447200.639636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447208.639785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447216.639944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447224.640008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447232.640080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447240.640170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447248.640295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447256.640366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447264.640516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447272.640636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447280.640756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447288.640926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447296.641022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447304.641104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447312.641191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447320.641343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447328.641485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447336.641634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447344.641786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447352.641952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447360.642016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447368.642078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447376.642168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447384.642269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447392.642414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447400.642548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447408.642811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447416.642950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447424.643029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447432.643181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447440.643300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447448.643443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447456.643571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447464.643704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447472.643886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447480.644007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447488.644103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447496.644238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447504.644399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447512.644534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447520.644665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447528.644795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447536.644958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447544.645112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447552.645185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447560.645321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447568.645441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447576.645596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447584.645744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447592.645914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447600.646004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447608.646088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447616.646176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447624.646320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447632.646474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447640.646619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447648.646745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447656.646855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447664.646978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447672.647065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447680.647233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447688.647366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447696.647506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447704.647642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447712.647805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447720.647964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447728.648008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447736.648094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447744.648180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447752.648280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447760.648417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447768.648548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447776.648696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447784.648848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447792.649003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447800.649125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447808.649231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447816.649378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447824.649528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447832.649655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447840.649775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447848.649932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447856.650010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447864.650088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447872.650164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447880.650291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447888.650437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447896.650589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447904.650746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447912.650935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447920.651009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447928.651098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447936.651175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447944.651323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447952.651473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447960.651632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447968.651767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447976.651911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447984.652023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730447992.652100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448000.652183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448008.652312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448016.652463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448024.652619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448032.652723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448040.652868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448048.652980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448056.653022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448064.653098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448072.653190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448080.653341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448088.653471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448096.653602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448104.653755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448112.653893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448120.653979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448128.654013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448136.654105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448144.654189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448152.654271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448160.654392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448168.654522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448176.654643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448184.654797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448192.654927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448200.655005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448208.655089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448216.655180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448224.655290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448232.655425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448240.655584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448248.655705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448256.655835 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448264.656031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448272.656112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448280.656221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448288.656381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448296.656614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448304.656692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448312.656786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448320.656941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448328.657082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448336.657267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448344.657448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448352.657568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448360.657711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448368.657873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448376.658001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448384.658085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448392.658168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448400.658281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448408.658409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448416.658520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448424.658599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448432.658756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448440.658925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448448.658980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448456.659069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448464.659151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448472.659252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448480.659403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448488.659521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448496.659677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448504.659851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448512.659966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448520.660026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448528.660112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448536.660198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448544.660323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448552.660447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448560.660569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448568.660742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448576.660964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448584.661003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448592.661089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448600.661236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448608.661367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448616.661458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448624.661558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448632.661673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448640.661813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448648.661977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448656.662003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448664.662125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448672.662251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448680.662395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448688.662551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448696.662820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448704.662948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448712.663040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448720.663190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448728.663352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448736.663392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448744.663591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448752.663722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448760.663903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448768.664035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448776.664157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448784.664315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448792.664457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448800.664604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448808.664753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448816.664919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448824.664897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448832.665025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448840.665104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448848.665204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448856.665354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448864.665480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448872.665572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448880.665727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448888.665896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448896.666013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448904.666099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448912.666124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448920.666250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448928.666378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448936.666624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448944.666735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448952.666904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448960.667046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448968.667154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448976.667285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448984.667436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730448992.667513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449000.667553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449008.667747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449016.667881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449024.668016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449032.668106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449040.668183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449048.668307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449056.668452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449064.668598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449072.668753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449080.668911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449088.669003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449096.669088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449104.669169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449112.669277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449120.669405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449128.669530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449136.669681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449144.669818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449152.669987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449160.670072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449168.670102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449176.670286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449184.670426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449192.670547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449200.670681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449208.670812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449216.670936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449224.671071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449232.671189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449240.671315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449248.671439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449256.671567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449264.671701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449272.671882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449280.672029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449288.672175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449296.672329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449304.672486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449312.672614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449320.672758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449328.672940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449336.673064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449344.673079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449352.673250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449360.673398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449368.673548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449376.673675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449384.673810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449392.673949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449400.674009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449408.674096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449416.674224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449424.674381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449432.674529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449440.674679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449448.674807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449456.674966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449464.675021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449472.675098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449480.675179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449488.675301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449496.675435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449504.675593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449512.675629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449520.675788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449528.675925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449536.675979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449544.676065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449552.676147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449560.676255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449568.676375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449576.676503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449584.676578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449592.676703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449600.676779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449608.676913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449616.677027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449624.677108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449632.677229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449640.677400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449648.677517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449656.677581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449664.677732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449672.677887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449680.678045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449688.678132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449696.678200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449704.678303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449712.678431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449720.678581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449728.678735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449736.678901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449744.679013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449752.679081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449760.679173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449768.679323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449776.679445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449784.679573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449792.679701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449800.679869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449808.680017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449816.680106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449824.680191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449832.680312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449840.680466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449848.680595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449856.680748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449864.680910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449872.681002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449880.681117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449888.681204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449896.681298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449904.681440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449912.681601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449920.681698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449928.681868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449936.682013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449944.682103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449952.682182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449960.682308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449968.682435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449976.682626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449984.682763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730449992.682907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450000.683028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450008.683182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450016.683316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450024.683445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450032.683603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450040.683746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450048.683914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450056.684024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450064.684164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450072.684224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450080.684317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450088.684471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450096.684608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450104.684750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450112.684929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450120.685073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450128.685153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450136.685252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450144.685343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450152.685465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450160.685614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450168.685758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450176.685903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450184.686009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450192.686081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450200.686163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450208.686234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450216.686357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450224.686507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450232.686653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450240.686793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450248.687015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450256.687143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450264.687272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450272.687448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450280.687566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450288.687719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450296.687885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450304.688026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450312.688110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450320.688238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450328.688348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450336.688591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450344.688708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450352.688822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450360.689028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450368.689113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450376.689263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450384.689397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450392.689587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450400.689740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450408.689908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450416.690009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450424.690104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450432.690234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450440.690365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450448.690498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450456.690633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450464.690782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450472.690816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450480.691009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450488.691104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450496.691173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450504.691301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450512.691421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450520.691573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450528.691730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450536.691872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450544.692024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450552.692127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450560.692222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450568.692344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450576.692471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450584.692615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450592.692764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450600.692914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450608.693013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450616.693085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450624.693177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450632.693254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450640.693264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450648.693465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450656.693609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450664.693745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450672.693924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450680.694012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450688.694082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450696.694235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450704.694360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450712.694485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450720.694592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450728.694750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450736.694955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450744.695017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450752.695104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450760.695185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450768.695313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450776.695436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450784.695592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450792.695730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450800.695883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450808.696030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450816.696182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450824.696291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450832.696431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450840.696583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450848.696707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450856.696794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450864.696910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450872.697024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450880.697103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450888.697229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450896.697342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450904.697392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450912.697541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450920.697623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450928.697705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450936.697871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450944.698021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450952.698097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450960.698250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450968.698378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450976.698458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450984.698620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730450992.698777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451000.698931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451008.699070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451016.699169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451024.699310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451032.699440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451040.699527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451048.699649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451056.699778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451064.700080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451072.700125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451080.700277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451088.700397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451096.700554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451104.700688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451112.700862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451120.700965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451128.701073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451136.701157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451144.701316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451152.701466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451160.701624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451168.701770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451176.701941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451184.702018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451192.702124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451200.702214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451208.702332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451216.702496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451224.702667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451232.702787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451240.702954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451248.703016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451256.703095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451264.703167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451272.703303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451280.703378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451288.703526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451296.703681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451304.703870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451312.703969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451320.704091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451328.704274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451336.704374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451344.704636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451352.704752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451360.704899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451368.705033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451376.705162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451384.705290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451392.705422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451400.705584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451408.705745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451416.705921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451424.705932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451432.706157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451440.706282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451448.706442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451456.706569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451464.706727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451472.706879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451480.706997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451488.707083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451496.707235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451504.707386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451512.707537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451520.707672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451528.707737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451536.707931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451544.708163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451552.708277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451560.708430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451568.708588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451576.708743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451584.708875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451592.709025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451600.709165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451608.709318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451616.709471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451624.709600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451632.709688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451640.709796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451648.709949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451656.710084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451664.710155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451672.710310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451680.710481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451688.710600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451696.710733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451704.710913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451712.711041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451720.711133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451728.711259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451736.711395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451744.711506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451752.711666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451760.711815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451768.711957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451776.712042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451784.712125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451792.712280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451800.712424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451808.712574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451816.712724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451824.712867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451832.712967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451840.713059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451848.713121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451856.713287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451864.713429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451872.713516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451880.713653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451888.713798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451896.713935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451904.714063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451912.714208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451920.714250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451928.714483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451936.714582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451944.714708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451952.714894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451960.715023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451968.715172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451976.715314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451984.715478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730451992.715616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452000.715768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452008.715944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452016.716095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452024.716162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452032.716276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452040.716411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452048.716559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452056.716720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452064.716875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452072.716997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452080.717083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452088.717213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452096.717372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452104.717616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452112.717632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452120.717857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452128.717980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452136.718026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452144.718137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452152.718249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452160.718398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452168.718544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452176.718692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452184.718872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452192.719026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452200.719097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452208.719191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452216.719296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452224.719416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452232.719572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452240.719726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452248.719888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452256.719965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452264.720019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452272.720154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452280.720260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452288.720400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452296.720541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452304.720690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452312.720817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452320.720945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452328.721082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452336.721221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452344.721344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452352.721564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452360.721644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452368.721738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452376.721805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452384.721951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452392.722085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452400.722216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452408.722363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452416.722522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452424.722659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452432.722822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452440.722973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452448.723024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452456.723101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452464.723179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452472.723331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452480.723464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452488.723584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452496.723732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452504.723906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452512.724016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452520.724097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452528.724177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452536.724282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452544.724383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452552.724527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452560.724682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452568.724856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452576.724984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452584.725110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452592.725268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452600.725406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452608.725559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452616.725708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452624.725863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452632.726005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452640.726086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452648.726176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452656.726248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452664.726377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452672.726503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452680.726622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452688.726721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452696.726898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452704.727017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452712.727106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452720.727262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452728.727398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452736.727536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452744.727681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452752.727807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452760.727950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452768.728102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452776.728235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452784.728353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452792.728508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452800.728642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452808.728768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452816.728930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452824.729023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452832.729094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452840.729183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452848.729341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452856.729488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452864.729641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452872.729785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452880.729916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452888.730102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452896.730228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452904.730355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452912.730513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452920.730666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452928.730812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452936.730974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452944.731086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452952.731205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452960.731363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452968.731484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452976.731634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452984.731789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730452992.731936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453000.732012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453008.732093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453016.732249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453024.732406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453032.732486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453040.732609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453048.732745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453056.732882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453064.733000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453072.733088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453080.733183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453088.733272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453096.733427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453104.733580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453112.733728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453120.733870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453128.734028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453136.734107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453144.734118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453152.734290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453160.734374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453168.734507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453176.734665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453184.734823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453192.734981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453200.735058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453208.735220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453216.735382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453224.735501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453232.735627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453240.735785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453248.735943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453256.736009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453264.736101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453272.736253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453280.736384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453288.736538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453296.736678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453304.736807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453312.736956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453320.737087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453328.737231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453336.737361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453344.737515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453352.737664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453360.737809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453368.737974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453376.738058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453384.738147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453392.738256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453400.738524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453408.738650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453416.738813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453424.738946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453432.739015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453440.739104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453448.739180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453456.739339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453464.739457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453472.739592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453480.739738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453488.739913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453496.739998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453504.740076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453512.740169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453520.740277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453528.740428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453536.740576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453544.740721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453552.740889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453560.740985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453568.741118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453576.741250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453584.741292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453592.741485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453600.741636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453608.741766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453616.741943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453624.742039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453632.742191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453640.742319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453648.742437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453656.742588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453664.742672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453672.742822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453680.742988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453688.743075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453696.743156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453704.743301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453712.743430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453720.743578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453728.743707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453736.743785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453744.743941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453752.744002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453760.744147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453768.744309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453776.744510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453784.744656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453792.744800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453800.744976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453808.745029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453816.745109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453824.745200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453832.745315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453840.745469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453848.745624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453856.745772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453864.745927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453872.746024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453880.746100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453888.746210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453896.746355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453904.746499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453912.746628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453920.746770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453928.746896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453936.747038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453944.747176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453952.747414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453960.747563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453968.747679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453976.747859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453984.747976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730453992.748019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454000.748099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454008.748199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454016.748311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454024.748445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454032.748576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454040.748693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454048.748867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454056.748991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454064.749078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454072.749169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454080.749346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454088.749474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454096.749620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454104.749740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454112.749876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454120.750009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454128.750109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454136.750183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454144.750329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454152.750506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454160.750698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454168.750865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454176.750990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454184.751084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454192.751158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454200.751261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454208.751404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454216.751531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454224.751686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454232.751802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454240.751948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454248.752009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454256.752093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454264.752223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454272.752367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454280.752489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454288.752620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454296.752755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454304.752914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454312.753022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454320.753105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454328.753189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454336.753339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454344.753468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454352.753596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454360.753669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454368.753886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454376.753967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454384.754036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454392.754101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454400.754188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454408.754309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454416.754497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454424.754565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454432.754732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454440.754890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454448.754998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454456.755089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454464.755162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454472.755306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454480.755460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454488.755561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454496.755673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454504.755849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454512.755983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454520.756118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454528.756254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454536.756409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454544.756560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454552.756682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454560.756814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454568.756963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454576.757014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454584.757103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454592.757249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454600.757358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454608.757483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454616.757659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454624.757773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454632.757935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454640.758077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454648.758201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454656.758331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454664.758471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454672.758605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454680.758684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454688.758866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454696.759012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454704.759007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454712.759146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454720.759247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454728.759257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454736.759442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454744.759542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454752.759688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454760.759814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454768.759999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454776.760063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454784.760145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454792.760216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454800.760342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454808.760558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454816.760659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454824.760794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454832.760929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454840.761068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454848.761204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454856.761326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454864.761485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454872.761493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454880.761696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454888.761874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454896.761994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454904.762066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454912.762195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454920.762305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454928.762435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454936.762568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454944.762861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454952.762923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454960.763024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454968.763151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454976.763276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454984.763430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730454992.763552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455000.763711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455008.763870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455016.764026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455024.764117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455032.764244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455040.764246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455048.764439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455056.764597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455064.764750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455072.764896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455080.765012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455088.765096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455096.765174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455104.765320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455112.765465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455120.765600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455128.765724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455136.765855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455144.766019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455152.766105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455160.766187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455168.766296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455176.766422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455184.766551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455192.766701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455200.766873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455208.767013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455216.767028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455224.767169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455232.767286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455240.767376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455248.767526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455256.767612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455264.767764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455272.767943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455280.768023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455288.768101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455296.768117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455304.768284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455312.768415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455320.768501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455328.768633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455336.768785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455344.768939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455352.769026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455360.769111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455368.769191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455376.769345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455384.769352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455392.769549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455400.769683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455408.769846 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455416.769963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455424.770118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455432.770246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455440.770374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455448.770493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455456.770625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455464.770760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455472.770915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455480.771034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455488.771122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455496.771245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455504.771407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455512.771537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455520.771670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455528.771797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455536.771956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455544.772079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455552.772238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455560.772370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455568.772530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455576.772682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455584.772855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455592.772935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455600.773080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455608.773236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455616.773383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455624.773543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455632.773670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455640.773814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455648.773973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455656.774098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455664.774281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455672.774382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455680.774498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455688.774649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455696.774784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455704.774823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455712.774959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455720.775041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455728.775127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455736.775230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455744.775304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455752.775521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455760.775665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455768.775813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455776.775980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455784.776005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455792.776089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455800.776223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455808.776367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455816.776405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455824.776583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455832.776731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455840.776908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455848.777044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455856.777182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455864.777346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455872.777472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455880.777602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455888.777750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455896.777916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455904.777983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455912.778065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455920.778144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455928.778271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455936.778367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455944.778613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455952.778747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455960.778938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455968.779014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455976.779102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455984.779187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730455992.779266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456000.779412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456008.779557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456016.779725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456024.779884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456032.780023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456040.780155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456048.780316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456056.780471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456064.780607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456072.780727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456080.780899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456088.781029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456096.781110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456104.781232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456112.781341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456120.781498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456128.781626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456136.781773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456144.781869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456152.782022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456160.782115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456168.782244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456176.782341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456184.782484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456192.782634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456200.782770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456208.782918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456216.782999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456224.783132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456232.783250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456240.783405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456248.783544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456256.783668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456264.783825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456272.783927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456280.784007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456288.784146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456296.784239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456304.784388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456312.784470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456320.784617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456328.784742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456336.784930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456344.784994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456352.785147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456360.785311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456368.785442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456376.785538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456384.785682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456392.785828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456400.785968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456408.786090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456416.786215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456424.786354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456432.786497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456440.786651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456448.786745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456456.786913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456464.787028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456472.787112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456480.787189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456488.787315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456496.787466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456504.787666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456512.787740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456520.787889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456528.788012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456536.788095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456544.788224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456552.788362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456560.788488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456568.788644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456576.788795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456584.788943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456592.789067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456600.789152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456608.789274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456616.789341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456624.789497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456632.789655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456640.789778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456648.789937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456656.790027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456664.790154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456672.790303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456680.790468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456688.790627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456696.790749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456704.790901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456712.791023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456720.791077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456728.791166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456736.791316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456744.791469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456752.791598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456760.791733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456768.791899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456776.792011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456784.792089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456792.792174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456800.792296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456808.792424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456816.792575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456824.792721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456832.792872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456840.793014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456848.793160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456856.793295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456864.793415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456872.793578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456880.793669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456888.793811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456896.793957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456904.794007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456912.794088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456920.794230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456928.794382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456936.794510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456944.794666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456952.794792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456960.794954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456968.794984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456976.795059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456984.795151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730456992.795284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457000.795349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457008.795412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457016.795479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457024.795543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457032.795608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457040.795684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457048.795879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457056.795961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457064.796097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457072.796088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457080.796157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457088.796242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457096.796336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457104.796401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457112.796640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457120.796788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457128.796957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457136.797109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457144.797154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457152.797317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457160.797459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457168.797625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457176.797784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457184.797947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457192.798016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457200.798146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457208.798302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457216.798444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457224.798602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457232.798736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457240.798892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457248.799006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457256.799147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457264.799293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457272.799439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457280.799586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457288.799721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457296.799886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457304.800025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457312.800175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457320.800278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457328.800427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457336.800514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457344.800659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457352.800802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457360.800806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457368.801016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457376.801097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457384.801175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457392.801337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457400.801376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457408.801560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457416.801713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457424.801875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457432.801926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457440.802000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457448.802207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457456.802348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457464.802495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457472.802646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457480.802783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457488.802939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457496.803055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457504.803217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457512.803365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457520.803505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457528.803701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457536.803901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457544.804002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457552.804137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457560.804265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457568.804413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457576.804569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457584.804718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457592.804897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457600.805011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457608.805157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457616.805301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457624.805453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457632.805603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457640.805756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457648.805933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457656.806080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457664.806165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457672.806262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457680.806387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457688.806514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457696.806667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457704.806775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457712.806868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457720.807009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457728.807071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457736.807203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457744.807342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457752.807477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457760.807590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457768.807737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457776.807885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457784.808035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457792.808162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457800.808308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457808.808443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457816.808582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457824.808742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457832.808920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457840.809000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457848.809132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457856.809255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457864.809416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457872.809571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457880.809714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457888.809880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457896.810035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457904.810116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457912.810288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457920.810489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457928.810644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457936.810776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457944.810776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457952.810967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457960.811114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457968.811239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457976.811393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457984.811548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730457992.811678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458000.811810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458008.811965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458016.812071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458024.812134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458032.812143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458040.812346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458048.812475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458056.812611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458064.812691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458072.812867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458080.812970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458088.813047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458096.813207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458104.813354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458112.813491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458120.813646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458128.813777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458136.813935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458144.814010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458152.814134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458160.814261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458168.814412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458176.814551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458184.814705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458192.814879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458200.815015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458208.815148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458216.815275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458224.815364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458232.815506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458240.815659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458248.815821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458256.816020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458264.816164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458272.816297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458280.816455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458288.816498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458296.816676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458304.816865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458312.816969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458320.817013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458328.817104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458336.817232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458344.817386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458352.817501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458360.817647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458368.817792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458376.817897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458384.818024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458392.818178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458400.818313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458408.818547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458416.818681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458424.818883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458432.818941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458440.819062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458448.819188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458456.819316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458464.819469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458472.819612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458480.819706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458488.819859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458496.820014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458504.820145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458512.820255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458520.820408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458528.820567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458536.820651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458544.820789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458552.820957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458560.821033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458568.821115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458576.821250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458584.821392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458592.821521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458600.821675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458608.821814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458616.821944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458624.821958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458632.822126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458640.822282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458648.822416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458656.822571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458664.822724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458672.822897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458680.823031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458688.823107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458696.823253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458704.823407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458712.823527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458720.823682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458728.823851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458736.823922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458744.824038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458752.824094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458760.824196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458768.824315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458776.824439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458784.824559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458792.824666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458800.824711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458808.824873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458816.825009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458824.825095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458832.825219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458840.825344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458848.825510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458856.825654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458864.825811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458872.825970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458880.826109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458888.826255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458896.826467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458904.826611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458912.826677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458920.826885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458928.827019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458936.827149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458944.827259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458952.827374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458960.827522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458968.827681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458976.827914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458984.828023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730458992.828108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459000.828261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459008.828333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459016.828581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459024.828697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459032.828849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459040.829003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459048.829131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459056.829239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459064.829345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459072.829542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459080.829681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459088.829778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459096.829940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459104.830061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459112.830183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459120.830342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459128.830495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459136.830681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459144.830794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459152.830792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459160.830984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459168.831070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459176.831170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459184.831287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459192.831433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459200.831496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459208.831627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459216.831782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459224.831948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459232.832058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459240.832195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459248.832401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459256.832567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459264.832718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459272.832913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459280.833019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459288.833143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459296.833299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459304.833454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459312.833580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459320.833882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459328.833969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459336.834118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459344.834203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459352.834362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459360.834509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459368.834599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459376.834760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459384.834931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459392.835024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459400.835089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459408.835293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459416.835451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459424.835577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459432.835723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459440.835884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459448.836045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459456.836206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459464.836337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459472.836490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459480.836551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459488.836695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459496.836828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459504.837007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459512.837142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459520.837309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459528.837512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459536.837710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459544.837883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459552.838020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459560.838143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459568.838282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459576.838412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459584.838564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459592.838721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459600.838913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459608.838988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459616.839083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459624.839236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459632.839345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459640.839461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459648.839606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459656.839666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459664.839884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459672.840023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459680.840179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459688.840319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459696.840420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459704.840489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459712.840644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459720.840799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459728.840931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459736.841077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459744.841164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459752.841249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459760.841377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459768.841534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459776.841688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459784.841911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459792.841991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459800.842118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459808.842270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459816.842429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459824.842580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459832.842593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459840.842761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459848.842926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459856.843022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459864.843161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459872.843306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459880.843445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459888.843595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459896.843774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459904.843920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459912.844043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459920.844105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459928.844270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459936.844406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459944.844543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459952.844683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459960.844913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459968.845018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459976.845103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459984.845241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730459992.845378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460000.845512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460008.845571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460016.845751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460024.846051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460032.846181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460040.846318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460048.846448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460056.846578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460064.846744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460072.846943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460080.847002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460088.847140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460096.847139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460104.847367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460112.847484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460120.847635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460128.847771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460136.847926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460144.848035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460152.848183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460160.848315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460168.848466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460176.848582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460184.848675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460192.848785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460200.848880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460208.848960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460216.849105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460224.849180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460232.849322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460240.849520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460248.849676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460256.849819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460264.849949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460272.850094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460280.850167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460288.850327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460296.850482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460304.850616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460312.850776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460320.850891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460328.851026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460336.851108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460344.851188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460352.851331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460360.851496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460368.851637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460376.851796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460384.851949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460392.852075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460400.852167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460408.852272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460416.852511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460424.852759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460432.852932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460440.853040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460448.853118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460456.853260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460464.853412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460472.853567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460480.853718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460488.853873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460496.854016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460504.854139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460512.854278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460520.854414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460528.854535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460536.854669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460544.854813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460552.854978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460560.855110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460568.855241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460576.855369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460584.855543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460592.855682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460600.855798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460608.855966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460616.856091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460624.856247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460632.856311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460640.856394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460648.856526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460656.856697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460664.856865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460672.857021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460680.857099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460688.857251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460696.857357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460704.857480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460712.857614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460720.857776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460728.857920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460736.858025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460744.858167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460752.858288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460760.858442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460768.858560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460776.858723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460784.858856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460792.858982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460800.859048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460808.859205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460816.859355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460824.859506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460832.859664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460840.859817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460848.859950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460856.860027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460864.860168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460872.860296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460880.860434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460888.860558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460896.860705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460904.860865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460912.860969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460920.861110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460928.861269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460936.861501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460944.861637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460952.861924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460960.861938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460968.862196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460976.862345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460984.862467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730460992.862595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461000.862754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461008.862896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461016.863013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461024.863093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461032.863260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461040.863409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461048.863414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461056.863623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461064.863775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461072.863951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461080.864012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461088.864146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461096.864273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461104.864420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461112.864678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461120.864820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461128.864964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461136.865068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461144.865220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461152.865344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461160.865482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461168.865634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461176.865735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461184.865900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461192.866031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461200.866176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461208.866340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461216.866446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461224.866577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461232.866707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461240.866865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461248.867000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461256.867119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461264.867257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461272.867416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461280.867567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461288.867694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461296.867825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461304.867941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461312.868091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461320.868227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461328.868376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461336.868472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461344.868632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461352.868767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461360.868913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461368.869013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461376.869108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461384.869229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461392.869350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461400.869470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461408.869632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461416.869803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461424.869929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461432.869970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461440.870107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461448.870245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461456.870399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461464.870525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461472.870673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461480.870718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461488.870944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461496.871071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461504.871241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461512.871357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461520.871478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461528.871635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461536.871782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461544.871943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461552.872009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461560.872164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461568.872263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461576.872417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461584.872553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461592.872660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461600.872807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461608.872945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461616.873072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461624.873164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461632.873249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461640.873370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461648.873523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461656.873670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461664.873814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461672.873944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461680.874076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461688.874170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461696.874318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461704.874458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461712.874623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461720.874777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461728.874956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461736.875066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461744.875171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461752.875324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461760.875456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461768.875587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461776.875732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461784.875879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461792.875975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461800.876038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461808.876114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461816.876239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461824.876454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461832.876601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461840.876728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461848.876930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461856.877036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461864.877186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461872.877322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461880.877437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461888.877611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461896.877768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461904.877942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461912.878074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461920.878152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461928.878282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461936.878412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461944.878534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461952.878693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461960.878982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461968.878982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461976.879167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461984.879294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730461992.879376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462000.879422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462008.879622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462016.879781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462024.879930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462032.880073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462040.880209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462048.880287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462056.880446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462064.880536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462072.880691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462080.880859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462088.880972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462096.881099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462104.881256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462112.881387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462120.881531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462128.881687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462136.881816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462144.881985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462152.882119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462160.882271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462168.882575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462176.882680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462184.882856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462192.882928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462200.883154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462208.883279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462216.883411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462224.883561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462232.883686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462240.883871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462248.883992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462256.884027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462264.884228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462272.884381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462280.884532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462288.884688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462296.884988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462304.885111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462312.885240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462320.885371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462328.885525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462336.885649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462344.885786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462352.885989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462360.886115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462368.886349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462376.886496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462384.886648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462392.886781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462400.886942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462408.887079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462416.887247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462424.887396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462432.887565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462440.887686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462448.887886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462456.887970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462464.888102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462472.888264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462480.888390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462488.888521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462496.888672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462504.888885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462512.888940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462520.889057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462528.889207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462536.889332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462544.889417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462552.889562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462560.889692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462568.889885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462576.890028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462584.890106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462592.890232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462600.890392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462608.890465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462616.890676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462624.890804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462632.890935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462640.891075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462648.891199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462656.891360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462664.891514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462672.891649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462680.891792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462688.891968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462696.891966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462704.892148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462712.892271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462720.892361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462728.892494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462736.892621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462744.892696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462752.892865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462760.892974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462768.893135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462776.893265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462784.893354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462792.893434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462800.893577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462808.893660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462816.893795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462824.893944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462832.894076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462840.894235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462848.894365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462856.894516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462864.894557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462872.894743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462880.894903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462888.895040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462896.895109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462904.895236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462912.895381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462920.895539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462928.895680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462936.895823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462944.895991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462952.896062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462960.896155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462968.896244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462976.896322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462984.896445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730462992.896601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463000.896660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463008.896956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463016.897066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463024.897147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463032.897275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463040.897366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463048.897521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463056.897678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463064.897756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463072.897895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463080.898002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463088.898167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463096.898233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463104.898358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463112.898490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463120.898596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463128.898704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463136.898879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463144.899017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463152.899178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463160.899331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463168.899458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463176.899590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463184.899739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463192.899914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463200.900028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463208.900150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463216.900352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463224.900499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463232.900658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463240.900799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463248.900937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463256.901087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463264.901172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463272.901309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463280.901471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463288.901616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463296.901779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463304.901967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463312.902011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463320.902100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463328.902174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463336.902361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463344.902470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463352.902626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463360.902718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463368.902899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463376.903012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463384.903124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463392.903279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463400.903439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463408.903556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463416.903707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463424.903886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463432.904031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463440.904154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463448.904273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463456.904419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463464.904634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463472.904764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463480.904980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463488.905081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463496.905230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463504.905369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463512.905516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463520.905643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463528.905782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463536.905945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463544.906065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463552.906200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463560.906373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463568.906516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463576.906643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463584.906799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463592.906954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463600.907016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463608.907139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463616.907299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463624.907375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463632.907531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463640.907582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463648.907777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463656.907946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463664.908066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463672.908155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463680.908254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463688.908331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463696.908490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463704.908620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463712.908741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463720.908933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463728.908997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463736.909070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463744.909171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463752.909326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463760.909478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463768.909626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463776.909744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463784.909913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463792.910042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463800.910141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463808.910163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463816.910368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463824.910499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463832.910623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463840.910749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463848.910997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463856.911111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463864.911231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463872.911322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463880.911479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463888.911632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463896.911788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463904.911945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463912.912037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463920.912148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463928.912260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463936.912389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463944.912517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463952.912672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463960.912822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463968.912985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463976.913071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463984.913067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730463992.913208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464000.913323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464008.913483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464016.913628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464024.913779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464032.913924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464040.914078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464048.914155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464056.914276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464064.914393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464072.914520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464080.914645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464088.914791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464096.914940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464104.915085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464112.915165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464120.915324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464128.915471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464136.915602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464144.915739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464152.915904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464160.915995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464168.916132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464176.916291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464184.916429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464192.916566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464200.916703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464208.916991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464216.917109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464224.917180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464232.917241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464240.917428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464248.917582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464256.917737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464264.917907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464272.918005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464280.918151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464288.918304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464296.918467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464304.918611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464312.918747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464320.918934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464328.919057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464336.919157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464344.919303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464352.919440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464360.919601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464368.919751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464376.919898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464384.919987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464392.920006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464400.920147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464408.920278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464416.920438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464424.920575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464432.920717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464440.920879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464448.921023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464456.921155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464464.921297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464472.921444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464480.921598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464488.921730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464496.921818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464504.921970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464512.922063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464520.922152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464528.922310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464536.922442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464544.922594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464552.922718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464560.922864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464568.923002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464576.923104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464584.923228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464592.923375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464600.923458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464608.923638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464616.923763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464624.923933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464632.924055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464640.924141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464648.924262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464656.924416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464664.924553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464672.924688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464680.924852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464688.924952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464696.925089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464704.925179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464712.925335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464720.925490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464728.925628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464736.925782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464744.925941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464752.925985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464760.926146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464768.926292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464776.926455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464784.926583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464792.926733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464800.926938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464808.927021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464816.927170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464824.927412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464832.927540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464840.927679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464848.927903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464856.928027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464864.928110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464872.928177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464880.928316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464888.928438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464896.928594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464904.928746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464912.928936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464920.929078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464928.929082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464936.929287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464944.929397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464952.929528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464960.929685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464968.929870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464976.929935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464984.930074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730464992.930205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465000.930339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465008.930457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465016.930608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465024.930771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465032.930938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465040.931020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465048.931151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465056.931375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465064.931509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465072.931660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465080.931789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465088.931957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465096.932022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465104.932175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465112.932329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465120.932493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465128.932645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465136.932794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465144.932961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465152.933105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465160.933234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465168.933356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465176.933514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465184.933698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465192.933881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465200.933965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465208.934092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465216.934225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465224.934364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465232.934475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465240.934594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465248.934729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465256.934884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465264.935022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465272.934996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465280.935126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465288.935209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465296.935392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465304.935553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465312.935683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465320.935871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465328.935973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465336.936102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465344.936257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465352.936407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465360.936453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465368.936658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465376.936811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465384.936944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465392.937056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465400.937179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465408.937322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465416.937468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465424.937736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465432.937859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465440.937952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465448.938021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465456.938109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465464.938280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465472.938399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465480.938530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465488.938686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465496.938820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465504.938949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465512.939093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465520.939241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465528.939410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465536.939550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465544.939681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465552.939968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465560.940094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465568.940246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465576.940391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465584.940538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465592.940687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465600.940825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465608.940989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465616.941117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465624.941245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465632.941377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465640.941526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465648.941685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465656.941818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465664.941991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465672.942117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465680.942246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465688.942385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465696.942515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465704.942666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465712.942748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465720.942910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465728.942973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465736.943097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465744.943218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465752.943341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465760.943481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465768.943621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465776.943752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465784.943950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465792.944025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465800.944177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465808.944284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465816.944400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465824.944542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465832.944696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465840.944883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465848.944974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465856.945092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465864.945182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465872.945308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465880.945471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465888.945637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465896.945799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465904.945942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465912.946030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465920.946179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465928.946318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465936.946522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465944.946675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465952.946827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465960.947003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465968.947092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465976.947202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465984.947316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730465992.947442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466000.947546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466008.947648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466016.947723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466024.947886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466032.948014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466040.948102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466048.948190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466056.948325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466064.948483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466072.948622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466080.948752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466088.948948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466096.949085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466104.949219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466112.949369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466120.949524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466128.949679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466136.949859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466144.950016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466152.950089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466160.950248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466168.950390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466176.950513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466184.950666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466192.950809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466200.950958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466208.951015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466216.951049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466224.951170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466232.951271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466240.951382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466248.951546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466256.951694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466264.951911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466272.952024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466280.952094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466288.952201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466296.952334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466304.952488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466312.952682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466320.952819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466328.953000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466336.953072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466344.953223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466352.953375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466360.953545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466368.953681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466376.953826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466384.953877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466392.954041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466400.954138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466408.954287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466416.954449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466424.954590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466432.954730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466440.954897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466448.955020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466456.955183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466464.955304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466472.955420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466480.955584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466488.955729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466496.955887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466504.956015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466512.956134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466520.956233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466528.956381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466536.956543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466544.956704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466552.956905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466560.957026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466568.957158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466576.957315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466584.957473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466592.957631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466600.957773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466608.957959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466616.958084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466624.958198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466632.958302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466640.958449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466648.958613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466656.958754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466664.958927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466672.959053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466680.959175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466688.959330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466696.959484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466704.959636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466712.959759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466720.959919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466728.960013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466736.960182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466744.960311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466752.960425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466760.960560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466768.960695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466776.960855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466784.961009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466792.961094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466800.961230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466808.961373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466816.961510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466824.961667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466832.961816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466840.961973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466848.962120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466856.962239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466864.962396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466872.962520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466880.962664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466888.962819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466896.962957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466904.963072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466912.963146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466920.963290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466928.963454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466936.963605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466944.963735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466952.963908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466960.964018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466968.964136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466976.964242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466984.964362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730466992.964514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467000.964658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467008.964785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467016.964943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467024.965070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467032.965203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467040.965341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467048.965498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467056.965645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467064.965791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467072.965965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467080.966096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467088.966210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467096.966365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467104.966513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467112.966669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467120.966800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467128.966970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467136.967099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467144.967219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467152.967350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467160.967494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467168.967631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467176.967764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467184.968066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467192.968171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467200.968278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467208.968431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467216.968559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467224.968696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467232.968825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467240.968934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467248.969100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467256.969175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467264.969251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467272.969380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467280.969529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467288.969657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467296.969805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467304.969953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467312.970031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467320.970157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467328.970348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467336.970484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467344.970641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467352.970804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467360.970945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467368.971101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467376.971187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467384.971323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467392.971438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467400.971594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467408.971800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467416.971928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467424.972084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467432.972167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467440.972296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467448.972439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467456.972590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467464.972752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467472.972927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467480.973080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467488.973241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467496.973372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467504.973512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467512.973638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467520.973783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467528.973963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467536.974077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467544.974172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467552.974316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467560.974471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467568.974622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467576.974763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467584.974939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467592.975044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467600.975217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467608.975345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467616.975491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467624.975641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467632.975778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467640.975938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467648.976084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467656.976212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467664.976340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467672.976417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467680.976560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467688.976744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467696.976946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467704.977021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467712.977115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467720.977242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467728.977396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467736.977553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467744.977681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467752.977941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467760.978082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467768.978159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467776.978310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467784.978392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467792.978530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467800.978657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467808.978785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467816.978946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467824.979046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467832.979174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467840.979181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467848.979381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467856.979511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467864.979632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467872.979758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467880.979923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467888.980021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467896.980166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467904.980386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467912.980520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467920.980685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467928.980857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467936.981040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467944.981129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467952.981256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467960.981405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467968.981562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467976.981716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467984.981907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730467992.982023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468000.982119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468008.982245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468016.982295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468024.982508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468032.982656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468040.982805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468048.982962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468056.983062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468064.983161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468072.983280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468080.983441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468088.983568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468096.983694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468104.983737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468112.983933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468120.984089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468128.984244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468136.984373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468144.984510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468152.984633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468160.984782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468168.984944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468176.985104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468184.985209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468192.985376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468200.985536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468208.985691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468216.985870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468224.985973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468232.986102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468240.986197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468248.986352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468256.986504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468264.986635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468272.986783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468280.987095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468288.987178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468296.987299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468304.987424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468312.987581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468320.987746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468328.987938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468336.988064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468344.988148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468352.988289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468360.988427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468368.988575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468376.988710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468384.988880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468392.989015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468400.989104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468408.989204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468416.989333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468424.989591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468432.989780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468440.989936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468448.990077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468456.990216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468464.990371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468472.990511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468480.990609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468488.990748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468496.990940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468504.991036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468512.991119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468520.991196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468528.991321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468536.991449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468544.991579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468552.991735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468560.991922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468568.991913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468576.992105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468584.992222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468592.992356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468600.992494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468608.992626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468616.992783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468624.992941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468632.993045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468640.993169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468648.993308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468656.993447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468664.993589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468672.993808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468680.993941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468688.994016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468696.994149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468704.994263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468712.994400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468720.994536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468728.994661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468736.994882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468744.994913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468752.995033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468760.995168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468768.995310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468776.995452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468784.995628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468792.995776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468800.995927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468808.996094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468816.996176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468824.996323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468832.996484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468840.996639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468848.996741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468856.996930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468864.996941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468872.997113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468880.997258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468888.997387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468896.997538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468904.997689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468912.997810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468920.997955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468928.998041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468936.998127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468944.998225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468952.998383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468960.998533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468968.998656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468976.998815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468984.998970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730468992.999115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469000.999244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469008.999395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469016.999549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469024.999679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469032.999819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469040.999974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469049.000152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469057.000322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469065.000444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469073.000585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469081.000730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469089.000919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469097.000994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469105.001135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469113.001239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469121.001382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469129.001489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469137.001674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469145.001920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469153.002027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469161.002164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469169.002291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469177.002378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469185.002527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469193.002602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469201.002722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469209.003002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469217.003034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469225.003144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469233.003301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469241.003364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469249.003529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469257.003610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469265.003745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469273.003926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469281.004021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469289.004154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469297.004273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469305.004405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469313.004569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469321.004713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469329.004879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469337.004972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469345.005073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469353.005211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469361.005394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469369.005532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469377.005684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469385.005827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469393.005993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469401.006132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469409.006221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469417.006345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469425.006495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469433.006630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469441.006727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469449.006881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469457.007012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469465.007164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469473.007324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469481.007440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469489.007613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469497.007776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469505.007931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469513.008073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469521.008200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469529.008351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469537.008489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469545.008621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469553.008760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469561.008916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469569.009011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469577.009179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469585.009321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469593.009445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469601.009570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469609.009729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469617.009902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469625.010022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469633.010143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469641.010278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469649.010413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469657.010583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469665.010791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469673.010948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469681.011081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469689.011161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469697.011320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469705.011466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469713.011608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469721.011767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469729.011940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469737.012008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469745.012150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469753.012266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469761.012388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469769.012525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469777.012685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469785.012827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469793.012963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469801.013069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469809.013162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469817.013290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469825.013426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469833.013552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469841.013691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469849.013878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469857.013969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469865.014092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469873.014232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469881.014396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469889.014542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469897.014633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469905.014774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469913.014932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469921.015005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469929.015092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469937.015247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469945.015345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469953.015539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469961.015697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469969.015864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469977.015989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469985.016067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730469993.016139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470001.016262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470009.016384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470017.016518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470025.016642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470033.016793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470041.016952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470049.016994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470057.017118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470065.017267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470073.017406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470081.017613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470089.017721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470097.017946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470105.018059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470113.018190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470121.018284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470129.018392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470137.018507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470145.018634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470153.018749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470161.018948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470169.019026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470177.019098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470185.019212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470193.019373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470201.019506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470209.019666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470217.019797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470225.019967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470233.020083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470241.020239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470249.020371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470257.020497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470265.020631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470273.020869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470281.020990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470289.021126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470297.021280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470305.021407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470313.021507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470321.021648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470329.021736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470337.021933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470345.022004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470353.022082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470361.022200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470369.022357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470377.022500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470385.022635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470393.022749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470401.022963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470409.023016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470417.023221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470425.023375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470433.023520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470441.023674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470449.023804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470457.023966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470465.024011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470473.024094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470481.024260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470489.024397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470497.024535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470505.024663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470513.024768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470521.024943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470529.025031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470537.025158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470545.025310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470553.025434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470561.025593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470569.025719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470577.025896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470585.026021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470593.026107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470601.026261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470609.026407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470617.026562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470625.026709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470633.026881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470641.027006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470649.027128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470657.027255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470665.027405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470673.027574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470681.027736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470689.027890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470697.028017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470705.028087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470713.028197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470721.028335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470729.028492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470737.028625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470745.028760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470753.028929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470761.029052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470769.029190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470777.029338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470785.029475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470793.029626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470801.029788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470809.029941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470817.030084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470825.030234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470833.030374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470841.030509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470849.030613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470857.030761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470865.030938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470873.031084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470881.031163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470889.031303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470897.031434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470905.031585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470913.031740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470921.031928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470929.032045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470937.032177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470945.032214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470953.032419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470961.032522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470969.032640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470977.032768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470985.032931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730470993.033020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471001.033164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471009.033312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471017.033447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471025.033574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471033.033677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471041.033813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471049.033947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471057.034010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471065.034087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471073.034239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471081.034390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471089.034519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471097.034646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471105.034775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471113.034909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471121.034959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471129.035093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471137.035226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471145.035337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471153.035451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471161.035538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471169.035671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471177.035821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471185.035968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471193.036024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471201.036119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471209.036215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471217.036360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471225.036489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471233.036635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471241.036798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471249.036959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471257.037055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471265.037136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471273.037205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471281.037357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471289.037514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471297.037643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471305.037798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471313.037954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471321.038040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471329.038143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471337.038269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471345.038434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471353.038583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471361.038724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471369.038884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471377.039023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471385.039154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471393.039302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471401.039458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471409.039615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471417.039766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471425.039928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471433.040094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471441.040224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471449.040382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471457.040533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471465.040669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471473.040739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471481.040929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471489.041025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471497.041112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471505.041203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471513.041340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471521.041500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471529.041647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471537.041803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471545.041861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471553.041996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471561.042108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471569.042184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471577.042304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471585.042458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471593.042585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471601.042737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471609.042891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471617.043027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471625.043113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471633.043256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471641.043374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471649.043495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471657.043646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471665.043781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471673.043939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471681.044019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471689.044100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471697.044235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471705.044381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471713.044525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471721.044681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471729.044850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471737.044970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471745.045102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471753.045196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471761.045344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471769.045502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471777.045651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471785.045804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471793.046027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471801.046140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471809.046346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471817.046491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471825.046640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471833.046760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471841.046946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471849.047069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471857.047199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471865.047361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471873.047490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471881.047652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471889.047657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471897.047910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471905.048020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471913.048142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471921.048327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471929.048460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471937.048600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471945.048753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471953.048925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471961.049001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471969.049101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471977.049142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471985.049273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730471993.049421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472001.049583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472009.049726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472017.049896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472025.050029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472033.050152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472041.050299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472049.050433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472057.050561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472065.050690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472073.050892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472081.051008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472089.051149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472097.051301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472105.051453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472113.051609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472121.051745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472129.051928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472137.052028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472145.052181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472153.052389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472161.052700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472169.052810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472177.052975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472185.053098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472193.053194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472201.053352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472209.053451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472217.053593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472225.053752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472233.053973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472241.054105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472249.054195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472257.054325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472265.054478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472273.054634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472281.054783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472289.054947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472297.055013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472305.055114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472313.055241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472321.055383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472329.055536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472337.055670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472345.055805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472353.055961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472361.056091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472369.056217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472377.056346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472385.056502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472393.056564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472401.056726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472409.056925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472417.057000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472425.057131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472433.057266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472441.057406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472449.057535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472457.057795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472465.057953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472473.058049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472481.058126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472489.058291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472497.058406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472505.058545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472513.058699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472521.058865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472529.058981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472537.059050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472545.059204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472553.059352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472561.059509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472569.059647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472577.059766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472585.059960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472593.060082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472601.060236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472609.060364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472617.060516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472625.060642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472633.060771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472641.060931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472649.061030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472657.061158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472665.061241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472673.061404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472681.061657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472689.061771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472697.061937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472705.062085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472713.062210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472721.062364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472729.062501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472737.062613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472745.062743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472753.062785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472761.063004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472769.063131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472777.063285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472785.063437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472793.063571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472801.063725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472809.063904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472817.064023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472825.064170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472833.064299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472841.064428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472849.064584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472857.064724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472865.064889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472873.065024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472881.065170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472889.065302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472897.065456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472905.065616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472913.065683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472921.065824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472929.066022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472937.066110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472945.066227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472953.066357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472961.066488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472969.066648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472977.066759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472985.066931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730472993.066957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473001.067021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473009.067173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473017.067318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473025.067472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473033.067552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473041.067677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473049.067809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473057.068112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473065.068225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473073.068351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473081.068502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473089.068635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473097.068784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473105.068933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473113.069068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473121.069157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473129.069304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473137.069425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473145.069562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473153.069714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473161.069874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473169.069998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473177.070092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473185.070252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473193.070321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473201.070472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473209.070610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473217.070767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473225.070950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473233.071093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473241.071170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473249.071295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473257.071423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473265.071515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473273.071666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473281.071778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473289.071944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473297.072026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473305.072125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473313.072218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473321.072366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473329.072492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473337.072648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473345.072657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473353.072894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473361.073020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473369.073115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473377.073226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473385.073371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473393.073489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473401.073632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473409.073799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473417.073917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473425.074045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473433.074107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473441.074238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473449.074362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473457.074507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473465.074653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473473.074777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473481.074947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473489.075094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473497.075189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473505.075339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473513.075471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473521.075600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473529.075738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473537.075927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473545.076094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473553.076253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473561.076371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473569.076533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473577.076656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473585.076802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473593.076974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473601.077014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473609.077088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473617.077190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473625.077310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473633.077450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473641.077579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473649.077736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473657.077899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473665.077966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473673.078052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473681.078154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473689.078155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473697.078293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473705.078457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473713.078571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473721.078668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473729.078820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473737.078961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473745.079020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473753.079098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473761.079190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473769.079312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473777.079442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473785.079574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473793.079742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473801.079855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473809.080004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473817.080093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473825.080174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473833.080269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473841.080380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473849.080516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473857.080633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473865.080744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473873.080902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473881.081020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473889.081185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473897.081309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473905.081463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473913.081604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473921.081722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473929.081873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473937.082003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473945.082091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473953.082116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473961.082276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473969.082426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473977.082548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473985.082673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730473993.082828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474001.083000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474009.083137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474017.083292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474025.083435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474033.083565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474041.083566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474049.083767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474057.083903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474065.084016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474073.084175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474081.084159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474089.084362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474097.084564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474105.084717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474113.084884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474121.085018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474129.085031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474137.085222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474145.085367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474153.085499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474161.085665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474169.085810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474177.085955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474185.086034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474193.086104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474201.086220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474209.086356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474217.086484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474225.086637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474233.086770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474241.086937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474249.087079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474257.087277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474265.087441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474273.087594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474281.087739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474289.087930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474297.087983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474305.088111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474313.088268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474321.088511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474329.088652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474337.088806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474345.088980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474353.089097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474361.089242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474369.089352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474377.089488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474385.089638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474393.089771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474401.089882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474409.090024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474417.090118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474425.090209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474433.090344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474441.090440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474449.090612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474457.090757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474465.090876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474473.090988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474481.091120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474489.091214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474497.091338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474505.091469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474513.091624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474521.091766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474529.091928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474537.092059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474545.092217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474553.092359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474561.092462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474569.092614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474577.092767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474585.092917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474593.093026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474601.093162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474609.093307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474617.093445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474625.093599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474633.093695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474641.093854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474649.093986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474657.093975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474665.094155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474673.094304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474681.094442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474689.094575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474697.094730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474705.094820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474713.094948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474721.095097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474729.095254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474737.095408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474745.095533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474753.095695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474761.095873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474769.096008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474777.096154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474785.096275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474793.096404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474801.096528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474809.096676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474817.096827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474825.096923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474833.097015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474841.097106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474849.097243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474857.097338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474865.097484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474873.097572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474881.097693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474889.097769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474897.097944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474905.098165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474913.098349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474921.098443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474929.098641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474937.098797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474945.098940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474953.099029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474961.099104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474969.099247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474977.099376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474985.099542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730474993.099653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475001.099874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475009.099974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475017.100117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475025.100254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475033.100413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475041.100549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475049.100690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475057.100813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475065.100972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475073.101097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475081.101248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475089.101380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475097.101531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475105.101675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475113.101818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475121.101967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475129.102103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475137.102252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475145.102389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475153.102525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475161.102676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475169.102904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475177.103020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475185.103099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475193.103244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475201.103392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475209.103536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475217.103687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475225.103854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475233.104007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475241.104135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475249.104263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475257.104384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475265.104543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475273.104658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475281.104787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475289.104957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475297.105096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475305.105229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475313.105371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475321.105526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475329.105665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475337.105816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475345.105977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475353.106064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475361.106214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475369.106338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475377.106488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475385.106588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475393.106653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475401.106801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475409.106964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475417.107090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475425.107237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475433.107366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475441.107503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475449.107625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475457.107752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475465.107855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475473.107972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475481.108019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475489.108158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475497.108318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475505.108442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475513.108590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475521.108676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475529.108819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475537.108956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475545.109027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475553.109109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475561.109231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475569.109311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475577.109464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475585.109628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475593.109740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475601.109890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475609.110014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475617.110098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475625.110185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475633.110316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475641.110381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475649.110556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475657.110694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475665.110860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475673.111031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475681.111167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475689.111312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475697.111451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475705.111593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475713.111706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475721.111860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475729.111971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475737.112055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475745.112212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475753.112351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475761.112454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475769.112552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475777.112680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475785.112804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475793.112983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475801.113109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475809.113242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475817.113377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475825.113491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475833.113654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475841.113795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475849.113974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475857.114172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475865.114303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475873.114549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475881.114680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475889.114875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475897.114940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475905.115027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475913.115169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475921.115333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475929.115482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475937.115636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475945.115793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475953.115975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475961.116063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475969.116197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475977.116278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475985.116407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730475993.116540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476001.116599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476009.116781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476017.116982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476025.116970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476033.117159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476041.117300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476049.117454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476057.117614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476065.117732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476073.117926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476081.117987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476089.118075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476097.118164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476105.118302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476113.118363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476121.118567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476129.118729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476137.118905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476145.119040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476153.119107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476161.119236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476169.119367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476177.119494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476185.119622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476193.119781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476201.119945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476209.120063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476217.120196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476225.120327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476233.120444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476241.120587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476249.120754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476257.120911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476265.121019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476273.121099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476281.121272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476289.121434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476297.121569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476305.121695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476313.121874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476321.122018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476329.122159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476337.122280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476345.122410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476353.122554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476361.122717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476369.122889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476377.123026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476385.123160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476393.123311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476401.123467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476409.123618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476417.123748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476425.123905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476433.124023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476441.124151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476449.124278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476457.124411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476465.124564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476473.124724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476481.124866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476489.125044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476497.125169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476505.125325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476513.125488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476521.125601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476529.125779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476537.125872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476545.126073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476553.126119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476561.126329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476569.126474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476577.126630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476585.126932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476593.126980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476601.127074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476609.127258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476617.127412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476625.127424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476633.127620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476641.127780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476649.127941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476657.128093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476665.128221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476673.128316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476681.128469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476689.128619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476697.128765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476705.128920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476713.128990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476721.129121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476729.129205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476737.129324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476745.129455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476753.129591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476761.129745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476769.129925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476777.130056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476785.130189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476793.130384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476801.130520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476809.130678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476817.130910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476825.130993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476833.131127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476841.131220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476849.131308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476857.131392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476865.131530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476873.131692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476881.131871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476889.132160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476897.132286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476905.132430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476913.132579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476921.132719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476929.132904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476937.133019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476945.133154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476953.133308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476961.133392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476969.133547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476977.133669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476985.133819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730476993.133952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477001.134108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477009.134243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477017.134373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477025.134510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477033.134635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477041.134760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477049.134935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477057.135083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477065.135156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477073.135310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477081.135460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477089.135622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477097.135762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477105.135936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477113.136005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477121.136076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477129.136156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477137.136167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477145.136351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477153.136459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477161.136593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477169.136738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477177.136884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477185.136981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477193.137047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477201.137118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477209.137255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477217.137418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477225.137573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477233.137642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477241.137800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477249.137966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477257.138097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477265.138191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477273.138317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477281.138470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477289.138613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477297.138762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477305.138950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477313.139091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477321.139176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477329.139321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477337.139469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477345.139603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477353.139738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477361.139905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477369.140030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477377.140167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477385.140308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477393.140460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477401.140551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477409.140680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477417.140864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477425.140960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477433.141113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477441.141270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477449.141400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477457.141605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477465.141688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477473.141862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477481.142017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477489.142150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477497.142313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477505.142462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477513.142613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477521.142752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477529.142928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477537.143027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477545.143149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477553.143302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477561.143451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477569.143609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477577.143763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477585.143974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477593.144073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477601.144206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477609.144367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477617.144440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477625.144592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477633.144744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477641.144909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477649.145015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477657.145098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477665.145225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477673.145363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477681.145513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477689.145671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477697.145817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477705.145981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477713.146121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477721.146252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477729.146381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477737.146536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477745.146672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477753.146766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477761.146898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477769.147024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477777.147173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477785.147333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477793.147489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477801.147639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477809.147725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477817.147897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477825.148029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477833.148152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477841.148345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477849.148468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477857.148610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477865.148700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477873.148888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477881.148929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477889.149074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477897.149158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477905.149306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477913.149436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477921.149559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477929.149694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477937.149872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477945.149929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477953.150065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477961.150202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477969.150310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477977.150460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477985.150624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730477993.150780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478001.150944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478009.151095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478017.151186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478025.151327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478033.151495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478041.151641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478049.151779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478057.152064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478065.152139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478073.152263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478081.152379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478089.152529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478097.152628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478105.152754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478113.152887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478121.152965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478129.153122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478137.153253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478145.153489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478153.153651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478161.153861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478169.153956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478177.154092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478185.154173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478193.154367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478201.154512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478209.154661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478217.154822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478225.154987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478233.155070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478241.155210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478249.155381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478257.155518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478265.155643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478273.155941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478281.156021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478289.156146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478297.156221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478305.156337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478313.156466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478321.156598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478329.156714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478337.156883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478345.157022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478353.157144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478361.157296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478369.157386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478377.157522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478385.157657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478393.157793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478401.157941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478409.158032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478417.158108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478425.158297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478433.158437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478441.158586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478449.158731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478457.158889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478465.158989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478473.159073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478481.159209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478489.159308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478497.159432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478505.159585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478513.159734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478521.159898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478529.160013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478537.160139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478545.160275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478553.160428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478561.160596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478569.160740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478577.160821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478585.160987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478593.160990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478601.161169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478609.161301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478617.161442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478625.161584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478633.161744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478641.161913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478649.162024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478657.162114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478665.162239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478673.162416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478681.162547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478689.162701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478697.162875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478705.162991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478713.163024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478721.163212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478729.163346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478737.163498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478745.163646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478753.163773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478761.163933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478769.163930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478777.164107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478785.164236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478793.164373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478801.164520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478809.164675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478817.164803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478825.165106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478833.165187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478841.165287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478849.165420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478857.165549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478865.165694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478873.165850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478881.165966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478889.166105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478897.166265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478905.166353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478913.166508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478921.166664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478929.166790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478937.166794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478945.167021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478953.167102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478961.167238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478969.167362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478977.167496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478985.167655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730478993.167723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479001.167890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479009.168171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479017.168255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479025.168367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479033.168507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479041.168650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479049.168760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479057.168939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479065.169066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479073.169225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479081.169378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479089.169502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479097.169645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479105.169784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479113.169929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479121.170074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479129.170235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479137.170427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479145.170558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479153.170712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479161.170875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479169.170951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479177.171118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479185.171190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479193.171330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479201.171404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479209.171579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479217.171706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479225.171854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479233.171970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479241.172100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479249.172234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479257.172385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479265.172518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479273.172656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479281.172800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479289.172916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479297.173034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479305.173158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479313.173307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479321.173464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479329.173617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479337.173770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479345.173926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479353.174164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479361.174307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479369.174464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479377.174558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479385.174759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479393.174935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479401.175093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479409.175175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479417.175311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479425.175457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479433.175620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479441.175769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479449.175939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479457.176092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479465.176245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479473.176360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479481.176506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479489.176642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479497.176793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479505.176956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479513.177097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479521.177231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479529.177373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479537.177514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479545.177658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479553.177797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479561.177927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479569.178010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479577.178134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479585.178323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479593.178432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479601.178586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479609.178655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479617.178809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479625.178933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479633.179072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479641.179159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479649.179285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479657.179435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479665.179557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479673.179694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479681.179878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479689.179933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479697.180008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479705.180097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479713.180180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479721.180188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479729.180375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479737.180503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479745.180625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479753.180745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479761.180913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479769.181040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479777.181173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479785.181311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479793.181442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479801.181577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479809.181717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479817.181878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479825.182029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479833.182141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479841.182267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479849.182398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479857.182547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479865.182684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479873.182806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479881.182959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479889.183001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479897.183072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479905.183157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479913.183292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479921.183450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479929.183587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479937.183753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479945.183924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479953.184012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479961.184024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479969.184197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479977.184319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479985.184440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730479993.184603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480001.184690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480009.184870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480017.185008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480025.185147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480033.185314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480041.185438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480049.185625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480057.185822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480065.185917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480073.186050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480081.186138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480089.186293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480097.186425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480105.186675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480113.186801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480121.186926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480129.187018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480137.187153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480145.187299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480153.187431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480161.187583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480169.187720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480177.187886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480185.187946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480193.188041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480201.188171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480209.188267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480217.188420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480225.188545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480233.188702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480241.188865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480249.188966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480257.189050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480265.189131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480273.189261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480281.189382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480289.189506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480297.189557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480305.189725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480313.190020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480321.190129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480329.190251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480337.190371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480345.190525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480353.190690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480361.190866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480369.190964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480377.191111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480385.191234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480393.191399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480401.191554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480409.191713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480417.191808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480425.191939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480433.192036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480441.192176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480449.192327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480457.192477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480465.192730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480473.192942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480481.193032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480489.193126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480497.193243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480505.193405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480513.193553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480521.193712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480529.193880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480537.194026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480545.194185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480553.194316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480561.194465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480569.194614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480577.194735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480585.194884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480593.195025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480601.195096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480609.195338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480617.195409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480625.195547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480633.195669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480641.195811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480649.195974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480657.196096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480665.196263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480673.196398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480681.196550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480689.196660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480697.196803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480705.197012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480713.197129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480721.197287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480729.197421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480737.197547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480745.197641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480753.197766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480761.197933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480769.198014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480777.198110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480785.198225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480793.198272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480801.198479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480809.198614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480817.198775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480825.198920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480833.199019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480841.199147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480849.199278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480857.199384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480865.199511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480873.199645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480881.199796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480889.199934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480897.200007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480905.200130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480913.200286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480921.200439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480929.200572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480937.200714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480945.200887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480953.201030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480961.201038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480969.201167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480977.201329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480985.201485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730480993.201639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481001.201796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481009.201955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481017.202053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481025.202137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481033.202265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481041.202419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481049.202578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481057.202734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481065.202908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481073.203035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481081.203174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481089.203319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481097.203461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481105.203598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481113.203751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481121.204051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481129.204131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481137.204286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481145.204361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481153.204492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481161.204624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481169.204774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481177.204928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481185.205023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481193.205162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481201.205321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481209.205464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481217.205615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481225.205769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481233.205931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481241.206035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481249.206181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481257.206324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481265.206454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481273.206564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481281.206691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481289.206874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481297.206918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481305.207037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481313.207129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481321.207278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481329.207407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481337.207565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481345.207707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481353.207800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481361.207982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481369.208124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481377.208200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481385.208391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481393.208524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481401.208678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481409.208806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481417.208955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481425.209091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481433.209183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481441.209347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481449.209476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481457.209601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481465.209642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481473.209823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481481.209958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481489.210080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481497.210242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481505.210378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481513.210527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481521.210675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481529.210972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481537.211051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481545.211107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481553.211285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481561.211441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481569.211531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481577.211658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481585.211899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481593.212021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481601.212125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481609.212288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481617.212444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481625.212567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481633.212725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481641.212883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481649.213024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481657.213135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481665.213221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481673.213358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481681.213490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481689.213654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481697.213758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481705.213933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481713.214036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481721.214192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481729.214352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481737.214518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481745.214698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481753.214871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481761.215014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481769.215140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481777.215272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481785.215358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481793.215408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481801.215579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481809.215730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481817.215893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481825.216031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481833.216191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481841.216343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481849.216509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481857.216632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481865.216783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481873.216932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481881.217084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481889.217208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481897.217317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481905.217472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481913.217631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481921.217765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481929.217914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481937.218008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481945.218175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481953.218311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481961.218535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481969.218644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481977.218801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481985.218935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730481993.219050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482001.219195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482009.219334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482017.219490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482025.219620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482033.219690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482041.219867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482049.219982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482057.220080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482065.220286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482073.220443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482081.220573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482089.220701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482097.220878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482105.221015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482113.221145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482121.221297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482129.221447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482137.221585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482145.221674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482153.221815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482161.221960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482169.222041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482177.222085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482185.222258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482193.222405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482201.222538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482209.222725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482217.222870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482225.223012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482233.223134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482241.223264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482249.223413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482257.223564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482265.223718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482273.223805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482281.223937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482289.224059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482297.224088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482305.224266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482313.224421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482321.224575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482329.224705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482337.224876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482345.224985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482353.225082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482361.225187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482369.225328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482377.225503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482385.225671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482393.225952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482401.226085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482409.226236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482417.226373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482425.226527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482433.226645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482441.226798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482449.226957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482457.227125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482465.227239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482473.227375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482481.227506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482489.227669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482497.227827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482505.227992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482513.228116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482521.228260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482529.228392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482537.228554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482545.228689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482553.228819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482561.228983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482569.229112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482577.229244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482585.229369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482593.229503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482601.229655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482609.229791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482617.229947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482625.230035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482633.230039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482641.230253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482649.230412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482657.230563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482665.230720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482673.230903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482681.231031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482689.231181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482697.231299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482705.231450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482713.231606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482721.231713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482729.231861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482737.232001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482745.232138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482753.232268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482761.232381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482769.232536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482777.232694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482785.232810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482793.232966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482801.233094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482809.233234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482817.233301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482825.233458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482833.233603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482841.233752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482849.233880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482857.233983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482865.234059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482873.234088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482881.234203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482889.234300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482897.234433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482905.234560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482913.234699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482921.234860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482929.234923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482937.235015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482945.235151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482953.235284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482961.235445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482969.235524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482977.235532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482985.235732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730482993.235803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483001.235958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483009.236088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483017.236225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483025.236369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483033.236454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483041.236593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483049.236733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483057.236922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483065.237003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483073.237132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483081.237231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483089.237377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483097.237514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483105.237641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483113.237756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483121.237911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483129.238027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483137.238032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483145.238110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483153.238235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483161.238287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483169.238429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483177.238451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483185.238544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483193.238607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483201.238673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483209.238737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483217.238878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483225.239021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483233.239107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483241.239235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483249.239487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483257.239606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483265.239768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483273.239911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483281.240047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483289.240203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483297.240360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483305.240495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483313.240631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483321.240774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483329.240938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483337.241095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483345.241245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483353.241358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483361.241504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483369.241678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483377.241875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483385.242017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483393.242091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483401.242205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483409.242327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483417.242429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483425.242578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483433.242743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483441.242925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483449.242981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483457.243132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483465.243275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483473.243428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483481.243568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483489.243751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483497.243938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483505.244033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483513.244183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483521.244337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483529.244492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483537.244634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483545.244789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483553.244959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483561.245110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483569.245238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483577.245417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483585.245565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483593.245787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483601.245946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483609.246079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483617.246229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483625.246364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483633.246511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483641.246672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483649.246856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483657.246987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483665.247131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483673.247227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483681.247472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483689.247594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483697.247724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483705.247889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483713.248024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483721.248106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483729.248268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483737.248428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483745.248587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483753.248657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483761.248784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483769.248952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483777.249064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483785.249167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483793.249252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483801.249380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483809.249536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483817.249690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483825.249739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483833.249945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483841.250093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483849.250239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483857.250369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483865.250516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483873.250667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483881.250886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483889.250996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483897.251100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483905.251231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483913.251405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483921.251547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483929.251704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483937.251872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483945.252051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483953.252167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483961.252333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483969.252480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483977.252565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483985.252714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730483993.252826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484001.253001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484009.253088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484017.253202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484025.253339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484033.253479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484041.253629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484049.253759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484057.253921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484065.254004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484073.254168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484081.254341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484089.254466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484097.254606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484105.254729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484113.254918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484121.255021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484129.255183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484137.255298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484145.255465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484153.255606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484161.255756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484169.255905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484177.256091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484185.256259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484193.256386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484201.256515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484209.256648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484217.256798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484225.256930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484233.257083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484241.257171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484249.257336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484257.257459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484265.257621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484273.257690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484281.257852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484289.257965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484297.258016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484305.258110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484313.258262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484321.258386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484329.258521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484337.258666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484345.258819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484353.258981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484361.259022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484369.259160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484377.259327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484385.259470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484393.259603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484401.259734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484409.259881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484417.260014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484425.260165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484433.260280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484441.260412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484449.260572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484457.260611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484465.260796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484473.260954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484481.261100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484489.261256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484497.261383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484505.261391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484513.261608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484521.261779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484529.261924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484537.262045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484545.262211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484553.262369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484561.262529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484569.262654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484577.262802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484585.263114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484593.263088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484601.263295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484609.263433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484617.263573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484625.263710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484633.263890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484641.263960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484649.264098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484657.264264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484665.264514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484673.264660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484681.264794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484689.264939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484697.265074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484705.265162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484713.265319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484721.265456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484729.265593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484737.265764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484745.265941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484753.266085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484761.266167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484769.266308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484777.266462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484785.266594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484793.266748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484801.266938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484809.267007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484817.267156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484825.267297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484833.267438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484841.267593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484849.267746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484857.267896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484865.267982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484873.268109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484881.268262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484889.268419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484897.268534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484905.268687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484913.268819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484921.268966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484929.269100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484937.269272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484945.269414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484953.269575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484961.269701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484969.269874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484977.270154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484985.270256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730484993.270413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485001.270554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485009.270628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485017.270763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485025.270951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485033.271070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485041.271187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485049.271349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485057.271510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485065.271641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485073.271800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485081.271933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485089.272021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485097.272097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485105.272212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485113.272376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485121.272532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485129.272663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485137.272787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485145.272945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485153.273083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485161.273212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485169.273378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485177.273546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485185.273567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485193.273728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485201.273890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485209.274032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485217.274151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485225.274309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485233.274439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485241.274589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485249.274730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485257.274893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485265.274937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485273.275107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485281.275234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485289.275371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485297.275525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485305.275684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485313.275818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485321.275971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485329.276107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485337.276206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485345.276339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485353.276493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485361.276623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485369.276956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485377.276997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485385.277149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485393.277299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485401.277441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485409.277582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485417.277749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485425.277913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485433.278033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485441.278108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485449.278235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485457.278385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485465.278516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485473.278641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485481.278769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485489.278942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485497.279038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485505.279165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485513.279313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485521.279481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485529.279637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485537.279794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485545.279853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485553.280051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485561.280140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485569.280269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485577.280430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485585.280584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485593.280734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485601.280908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485609.281008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485617.281088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485625.281194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485633.281339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485641.281373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485649.281573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485657.281736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485665.281901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485673.282034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485681.282141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485689.282276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485697.282434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485705.282554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485713.282671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485721.282768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485729.282930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485737.283005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485745.283137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485753.283228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485761.283382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485769.283549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485777.283664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485785.283868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485793.284007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485801.284132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485809.284276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485817.284429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485825.284586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485833.284716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485841.284881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485849.285027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485857.285164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485865.285173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485873.285355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485881.285478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485889.285608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485897.285738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485905.285879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485913.285956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485921.286045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485929.286201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485937.286326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485945.286479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485953.286627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485961.286772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485969.286948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485977.287061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485985.287156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730485993.287290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486001.287447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486009.287589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486017.287747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486025.287929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486033.288032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486041.288162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486049.288289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486057.288447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486065.288602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486073.288743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486081.288933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486089.289020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486097.289120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486105.289279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486113.289402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486121.289565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486129.289689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486137.289879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486145.289983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486153.290121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486161.290272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486169.290429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486177.290579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486185.290796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486193.290941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486201.291026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486209.291060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486217.291192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486225.291322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486233.291463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486241.291595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486249.291761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486257.291923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486265.292058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486273.292163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486281.292269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486289.292401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486297.292553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486305.292713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486313.292864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486321.293024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486329.293180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486337.293302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486345.293428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486353.293585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486361.293708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486369.293894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486377.294030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486385.294110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486393.294266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486401.294414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486409.294571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486417.294715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486425.294911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486433.295007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486441.295136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486449.295164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486457.295352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486465.295493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486473.295648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486481.295804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486489.295928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486497.296076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486505.296212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486513.296365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486521.296491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486529.296633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486537.296822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486545.296953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486553.297012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486561.297141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486569.297301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486577.297427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486585.297567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486593.297706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486601.297864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486609.297893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486617.298028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486625.298103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486633.298240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486641.298382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486649.298573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486657.298729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486665.298903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486673.299036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486681.299167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486689.299326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486697.299458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486705.299597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486713.299755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486721.299899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486729.300021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486737.300157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486745.300315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486753.300469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486761.300601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486769.300759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486777.300906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486785.301031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486793.301179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486801.301326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486809.301455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486817.301587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486825.301675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486833.301853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486841.301957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486849.302086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486857.302332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486865.302470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486873.302599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486881.302755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486889.302907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486897.302980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486905.303106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486913.303240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486921.303387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486929.303515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486937.303670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486945.303710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486953.303938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486961.304076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486969.304160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486977.304310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486985.304466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730486993.304614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487001.304784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487009.304936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487017.305076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487025.305227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487033.305381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487041.305469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487049.305610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487057.305742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487065.305915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487073.306031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487081.306153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487089.306263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487097.306434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487105.306585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487113.306705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487121.306879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487129.307013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487137.307147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487145.307281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487153.307445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487161.307599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487169.307760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487177.307906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487185.308027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487193.308165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487201.308187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487209.308372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487217.308520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487225.308665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487233.308818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487241.308951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487249.309034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487257.309174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487265.309254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487273.309341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487281.309478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487289.309622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487297.309751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487305.309940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487313.310080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487321.310244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487329.310476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487337.310596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487345.310747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487353.310919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487361.311049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487369.311138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487377.311272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487385.311418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487393.311542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487401.311695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487409.311852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487417.311960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487425.312085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487433.312170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487441.312322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487449.312471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487457.312640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487465.312689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487473.312903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487481.313016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487489.313158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487497.313275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487505.313414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487513.313543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487521.313678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487529.313860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487537.313974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487545.314102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487553.314239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487561.314381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487569.314531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487577.314671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487585.314771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487593.314929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487601.315056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487609.315133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487617.315260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487625.315415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487633.315565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487641.315657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487649.315818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487657.315971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487665.316060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487673.316213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487681.316367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487689.316527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487697.316598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487705.316755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487713.316932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487721.317039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487729.317125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487737.317256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487745.317320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487753.317462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487761.317604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487769.317765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487777.317945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487785.318030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487793.318124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487801.318228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487809.318354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487817.318511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487825.318616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487833.318733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487841.318928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487849.319036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487857.319196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487865.319326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487873.319474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487881.319633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487889.319764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487897.319926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487905.320029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487913.320179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487921.320323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487929.320473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487937.320629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487945.320790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487953.320939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487961.321026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487969.321123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487977.321258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487985.321408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730487993.321554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488001.321680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488009.321823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488017.321956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488025.322096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488033.322239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488041.322365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488049.322507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488057.322657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488065.322748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488073.322949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488081.323079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488089.323214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488097.323360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488105.323504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488113.323658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488121.323818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488129.323958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488137.324093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488145.324199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488153.324332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488161.324467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488169.324625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488177.324779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488185.324942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488193.325016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488201.325155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488209.325304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488217.325457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488225.325605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488233.325672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488241.325707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488249.325933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488257.326047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488265.326166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488273.326244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488281.326362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488289.326491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488297.326623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488305.326765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488313.326933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488321.326979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488329.327049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488337.327229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488345.327380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488353.327531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488361.327687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488369.327816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488377.327917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488385.328073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488393.328140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488401.328274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488409.328401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488417.328442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488425.328630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488433.328735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488441.328907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488449.329024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488457.329165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488465.329327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488473.329448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488481.329600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488489.329752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488497.329791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488505.329979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488513.330110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488521.330238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488529.330395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488537.330529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488545.330670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488553.330810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488561.330946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488569.331063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488577.331200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488585.331312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488593.331448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488601.331596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488609.331684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488617.331811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488625.331970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488633.332107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488641.332265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488649.332411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488657.332564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488665.332620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488673.332804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488681.332957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488689.333106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488697.333218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488705.333361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488713.333504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488721.333773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488729.333937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488737.333990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488745.334070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488753.334076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488761.334260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488769.334417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488777.334573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488785.334719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488793.334888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488801.335036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488809.335121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488817.335282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488825.335373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488833.335465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488841.335625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488849.335777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488857.335938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488865.336084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488873.336176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488881.336300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488889.336469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488897.336553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488905.336641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488913.336796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488921.337035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488929.337165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488937.337287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488945.337458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488953.337616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488961.337764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488969.337922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488977.338016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488985.338106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730488993.338185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489001.338342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489009.338477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489017.338648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489025.338769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489033.338887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489041.338991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489049.339133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489057.339256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489065.339410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489073.339545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489081.339622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489089.339768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489097.339930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489105.340030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489113.340130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489121.340225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489129.340356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489137.340510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489145.340619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489153.340765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489161.340939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489169.341083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489177.341213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489185.341255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489193.341444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489201.341604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489209.341760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489217.341940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489225.342072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489233.342193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489241.342351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489249.342486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489257.342626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489265.342780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489273.342821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489281.343024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489289.343148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489297.343281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489305.343423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489313.343564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489321.343733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489329.343913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489337.344038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489345.344112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489353.344123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489361.344307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489369.344458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489377.344599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489385.344729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489393.344798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489401.344967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489409.345063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489417.345209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489425.345360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489433.345518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489441.345575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489449.345953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489457.346046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489465.346132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489473.346216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489481.346336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489489.346488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489497.346623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489505.346761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489513.346938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489521.347090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489529.347290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489537.347443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489545.347597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489553.347751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489561.347934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489569.348048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489577.348188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489585.348308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489593.348429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489601.348595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489609.348756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489617.348928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489625.349025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489633.349163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489641.349316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489649.349417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489657.349529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489665.349660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489673.349784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489681.349937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489689.350005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489697.350100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489705.350343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489713.350407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489721.350563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489729.350702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489737.350881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489745.350971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489753.351081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489761.351226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489769.351382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489777.351539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489785.351687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489793.351814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489801.351988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489809.352078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489817.352203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489825.352334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489833.352485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489841.352639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489849.352794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489857.352926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489865.352949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489873.353088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489881.353189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489889.353348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489897.353477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489905.353590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489913.353730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489921.353873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489929.354025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489937.354166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489945.354304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489953.354461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489961.354618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489969.354777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489977.354925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489985.355077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730489993.355207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490001.355371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490009.355527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490017.355657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490025.355968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490033.356005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490041.356097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490049.356186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490057.356345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490065.356484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490073.356614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490081.356685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490089.356852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490097.356982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490105.357114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490113.357247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490121.357373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490129.357526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490137.357621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490145.357767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490153.357923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490161.358024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490169.358162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490177.358295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490185.358465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490193.358606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490201.358738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490209.358943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490217.359067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490225.359163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490233.359306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490241.359382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490249.359552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490257.359694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490265.359874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490273.360009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490281.360142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490289.360216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490297.360343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490305.360494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490313.360641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490321.360790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490329.360936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490337.361092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490345.361233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490353.361386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490361.361549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490369.361685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490377.361870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490385.361937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490393.362085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490401.362170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490409.362320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490417.362451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490425.362606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490433.362763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490441.362941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490449.363135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490457.363168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490465.363325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490473.363398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490481.363556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490489.363647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490497.363872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490505.363988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490513.364069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490521.364227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490529.364359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490537.364490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490545.364540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490553.364711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490561.364876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490569.364978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490577.365034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490585.365123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490593.365228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490601.365360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490609.365476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490617.365634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490625.365785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490633.365948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490641.366112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490649.366229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490657.366381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490665.366526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490673.366654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490681.366803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490689.366911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490697.367019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490705.367168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490713.367296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490721.367461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490729.367582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490737.367741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490745.367877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490753.367981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490761.368113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490769.368245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490777.368382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490785.368533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490793.368679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490801.368752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490809.368930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490817.369072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490825.369208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490833.369366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490841.369513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490849.369648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490857.369799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490865.369955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490873.370014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490881.370152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490889.370418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490897.370592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490905.370750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490913.370922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490921.371023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490929.371173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490937.371277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490945.371431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490953.371594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490961.371742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490969.371755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490977.371966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490985.372107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730490993.372303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491001.372450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491009.372573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491017.372730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491025.372876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491033.372968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491041.373093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491049.373226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491057.373279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491065.373457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491073.373609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491081.373742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491089.373890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491097.373980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491105.374045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491113.374133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491121.374267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491129.374391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491137.374513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491145.374566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491153.374700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491161.374884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491169.374999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491177.375142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491185.375263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491193.375417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491201.375581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491209.375731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491217.375899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491225.376028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491233.376156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491241.376287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491249.376447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491257.376585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491265.376736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491273.376926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491281.377047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491289.377191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491297.377343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491305.377485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491313.377618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491321.377755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491329.377935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491337.378003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491345.378148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491353.378300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491361.378438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491369.378589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491377.378750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491385.378918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491393.379051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491401.379053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491409.379268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491417.379423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491425.379579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491433.379739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491441.379926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491449.380067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491457.380200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491465.380330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491473.380462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491481.380610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491489.380790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491497.380977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491505.381111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491513.381212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491521.381365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491529.381472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491537.381631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491545.381790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491553.381939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491561.382016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491569.382182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491577.382313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491585.382434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491593.382524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491601.382677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491609.382821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491617.382981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491625.383115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491633.383208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491641.383288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491649.383452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491657.383611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491665.383765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491673.383914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491681.384032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491689.384156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491697.384279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491705.384435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491713.384569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491721.384742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491729.384774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491737.385133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491745.385249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491753.385380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491761.385456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491769.385586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491777.385732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491785.385926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491793.386032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491801.386165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491809.386324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491817.386441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491825.386660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491833.386789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491841.386956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491849.387012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491857.387096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491865.387226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491873.387360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491881.387493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491889.387650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491897.387782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491905.387956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491913.388067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491921.388199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491929.388420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491937.388541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491945.388671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491953.388808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491961.388964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491969.389102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491977.389183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491985.389344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730491993.389496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492001.389660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492009.389792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492017.389935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492025.390079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492033.390170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492041.390241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492049.390310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492057.390455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492065.390591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492073.390735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492081.390905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492089.391021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492097.391144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492105.391215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492113.391346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492121.391477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492129.391600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492137.391732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492145.391905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492153.392024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492161.392162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492169.392315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492177.392460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492185.392549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492193.392699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492201.392826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492209.392993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492217.393067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492225.393204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492233.393357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492241.393518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492249.393609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492257.393779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492265.393935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492273.394033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492281.394142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492289.394273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492297.394407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492305.394535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492313.394686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492321.394871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492329.394976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492337.394988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492345.395169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492353.395321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492361.395457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492369.395607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492377.395767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492385.395924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492393.396039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492401.396130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492409.396262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492417.396398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492425.396506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492433.396662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492441.396798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492449.396939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492457.397034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492465.397168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492473.397273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492481.397418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492489.397569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492497.397724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492505.397881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492513.397865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492521.398053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492529.398209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492537.398345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492545.398470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492553.398632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492561.398754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492569.398928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492577.399061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492585.399132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492593.399256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492601.399394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492609.399539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492617.399694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492625.399814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492633.399973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492641.400111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492649.400239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492657.400397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492665.400535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492673.400679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492681.400826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492689.400960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492697.401083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492705.401235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492713.401379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492721.401537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492729.401687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492737.401873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492745.401940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492753.402030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492761.402024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492769.402206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492777.402353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492785.402499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492793.402634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492801.402786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492809.402929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492817.403062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492825.403154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492833.403282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492841.403442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492849.403559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492857.403796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492865.403944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492873.404082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492881.404240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492889.404370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492897.404528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492905.404684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492913.404774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492921.404945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492929.405050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492937.405157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492945.405329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492953.405479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492961.405611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492969.405743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492977.405905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492985.406024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730492993.406146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493001.406302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493009.406461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493017.406603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493025.406720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493033.406876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493041.407020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493049.407097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493057.407258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493065.407387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493073.407542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493081.407672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493089.407797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493097.407965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493105.408092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493113.408205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493121.408372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493129.408518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493137.408658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493145.408779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493153.408943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493161.409029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493169.409162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493177.409306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493185.409462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493193.409593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493201.409750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493209.409941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493217.410074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493225.410196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493233.410339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493241.410484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493249.410635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493257.410790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493265.410924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493273.411066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493281.411193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493289.411336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493297.411448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493305.411515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493313.411676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493321.411819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493329.411957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493337.412088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493345.412178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493353.412342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493361.412391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493369.412547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493377.412712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493385.412888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493393.412982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493401.413167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493409.413306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493417.413428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493425.413576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493433.413713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493441.413894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493449.414023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493457.414149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493465.414316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493473.414415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493481.414540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493489.414661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493497.414750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493505.415053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493513.415125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493521.415241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493529.415365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493537.415456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493545.415605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493553.415750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493561.415906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493569.416043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493577.416130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493585.416265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493593.416393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493601.416544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493609.416678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493617.416806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493625.416981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493633.417112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493641.417271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493649.417432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493657.417580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493665.417686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493673.417861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493681.417935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493689.418042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493697.418171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493705.418314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493713.418471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493721.418624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493729.418776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493737.418897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493745.419021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493753.419141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493761.419267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493769.419438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493777.419564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493785.419711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493793.419887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493801.420002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493809.420114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493817.420224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493825.420371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493833.420502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493841.420654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493849.420804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493857.420975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493865.421089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493873.421245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493881.421387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493889.421519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493897.421661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493905.421823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493913.421976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493921.422114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493929.422250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493937.422354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493945.422495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493953.422573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493961.422654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493969.422746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493977.422920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493985.423034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730493993.423129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494001.423252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494009.423405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494017.423539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494025.423694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494033.423879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494041.424033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494049.424154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494057.424312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494065.424491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494073.424546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494081.424692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494089.424874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494097.425013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494105.425155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494113.425314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494121.425470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494129.425575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494137.425692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494145.425871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494153.426016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494161.426173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494169.426319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494177.426455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494185.426708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494193.426850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494201.426947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494209.427080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494217.427158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494225.427299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494233.427444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494241.427595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494249.427751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494257.427907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494265.428028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494273.428132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494281.428256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494289.428408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494297.428551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494305.428591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494313.428777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494321.428938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494329.429097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494337.429246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494345.429359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494353.429494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494361.429610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494369.429732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494377.429890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494385.430021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494393.430028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494401.430239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494409.430372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494417.430616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494425.430899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494433.431012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494441.431170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494449.431297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494457.431356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494465.431512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494473.431657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494481.431802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494489.431962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494497.432079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494505.432217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494513.432339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494521.432498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494529.432652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494537.432774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494545.432939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494553.433081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494561.433130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494569.433335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494577.433483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494585.433621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494593.433751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494601.433902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494609.434017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494617.434169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494625.434244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494633.434384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494641.434509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494649.434665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494657.434807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494665.434979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494673.435065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494681.435193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494689.435346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494697.435578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494705.435708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494713.435878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494721.435977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494729.436105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494737.436183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494745.436318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494753.436471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494761.436633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494769.436783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494777.436944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494785.437072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494793.437207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494801.437329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494809.437392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494817.437566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494825.437720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494833.437959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494841.438091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494849.438165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494857.438325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494865.438504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494873.438661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494881.438791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494889.438953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494897.439092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494905.439215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494913.439291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494921.439442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494929.439596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494937.439748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494945.439907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494953.439965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494961.440092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494969.440383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494977.440469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494985.440653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730494993.440791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495001.440941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495009.441065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495017.441149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495025.441292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495033.441453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495041.441596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495049.441718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495057.441899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495065.441998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495073.442066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495081.442222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495089.442377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495097.442529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495105.442664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495113.442810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495121.442966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495129.443091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495137.443269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495145.443326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495153.443465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495161.443710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495169.443873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495177.444016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495185.444109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495193.444198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495201.444359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495209.444496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495217.444649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495225.444779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495233.444932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495241.444951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495249.445100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495257.445187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495265.445341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495273.445474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495281.445605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495289.445759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495297.445886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495305.445985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495313.446118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495321.446273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495329.446429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495337.446590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495345.446754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495353.446924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495361.447011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495369.447155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495377.447304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495385.447458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495393.447605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495401.447751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495409.447915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495417.448034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495425.448173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495433.448303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495441.448423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495449.448576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495457.448695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495465.448875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495473.448952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495481.449076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495489.449304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495497.449427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495505.449684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495513.449860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495521.449971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495529.450106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495537.450228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495545.450387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495553.450560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495561.450716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495569.450891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495577.450996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495585.451036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495593.451217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495601.451363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495609.451517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495617.451656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495625.451810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495633.451928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495641.452073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495649.452169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495657.452287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495665.452425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495673.452588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495681.452689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495689.452827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495697.452981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495705.453124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495713.453222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495721.453366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495729.453502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495737.453659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495745.453797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495753.453863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495761.454043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495769.454186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495777.454299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495785.454423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495793.454553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495801.454691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495809.454858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495817.454975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495825.455104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495833.455239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495841.455388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495849.455538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495857.455690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495865.455864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495873.455956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495881.456073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495889.456196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495897.456359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495905.456511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495913.456639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495921.456736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495929.456765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495937.456944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495945.457102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495953.457245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495961.457412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495969.457552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495977.457680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495985.457818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730495993.457975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496001.458101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496009.458240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496017.458458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496025.458694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496033.458874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496041.459018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496049.459095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496057.459163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496065.459244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496073.459334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496081.459463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496089.459596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496097.459726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496105.459901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496113.460090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496121.460188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496129.460307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496137.460433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496145.460589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496153.460738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496161.460906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496169.461009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496177.461114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496185.461259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496193.461411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496201.461555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496209.461702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496217.461877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496225.461974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496233.462132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496241.462275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496249.462436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496257.462530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496265.462681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496273.462738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496281.462927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496289.463083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496297.463162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496305.463311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496313.463445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496321.463609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496329.463759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496337.463928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496345.463983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496353.464106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496361.464264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496369.464405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496377.464536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496385.464660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496393.464802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496401.464960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496409.465091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496417.465221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496425.465350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496433.465500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496441.465651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496449.465811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496457.465976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496465.466066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496473.466199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496481.466331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496489.466460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496497.466589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496505.466747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496513.466921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496521.467022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496529.467143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496537.467301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496545.467438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496553.467548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496561.467660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496569.467817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496577.467951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496585.468031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496593.468148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496601.468307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496609.468443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496617.468588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496625.468740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496633.468901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496641.468996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496649.469143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496657.469261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496665.469406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496673.469549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496681.469698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496689.469880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496697.470073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496705.470274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496713.470408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496721.470534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496729.470647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496737.470793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496745.470937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496753.471071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496761.471232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496769.471355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496777.471504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496785.471633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496793.471737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496801.471882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496809.472040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496817.472122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496825.472211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496833.472332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496841.472462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496849.472615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496857.472784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496865.472950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496873.472925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496881.473172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496889.473313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496897.473473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496905.473638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496913.473768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496921.473925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496929.474058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496937.474185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496945.474319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496953.474405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496961.474551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496969.474687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496977.474863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496985.474954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730496993.475100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497001.475185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497009.475333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497017.475482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497025.475611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497033.475756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497041.475940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497049.476064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497057.476214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497065.476362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497073.476519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497081.476673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497089.476825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497097.477012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497105.477082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497113.477163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497121.477325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497129.477574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497137.477718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497145.477871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497153.478021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497161.478102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497169.478242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497177.478400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497185.478546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497193.478687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497201.478809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497209.478940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497217.479068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497225.479207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497233.479372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497241.479504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497249.479657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497257.479812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497265.479944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497273.480065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497281.480149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497289.480308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497297.480552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497305.480671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497313.480826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497321.481008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497329.481133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497337.481259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497345.481406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497353.481549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497361.481705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497369.481875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497377.482022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497385.482130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497393.482275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497401.482406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497409.482562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497417.482875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497425.483015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497433.483089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497441.483160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497449.483301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497457.483413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497465.483530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497473.483666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497481.483823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497489.483985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497497.484119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497505.484224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497513.484372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497521.484511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497529.484668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497537.484802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497545.484976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497553.485109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497561.485204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497569.485363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497577.485519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497585.485675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497593.485811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497601.485982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497609.486108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497617.486247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497625.486288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497633.486478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497641.486620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497649.486782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497657.486936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497665.487063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497673.487196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497681.487337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497689.487493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497697.487644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497705.487781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497713.487796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497721.488031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497729.488187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497737.488347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497745.488473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497753.488623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497761.488762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497769.488935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497777.489077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497785.489152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497793.489321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497801.489443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497809.489606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497817.489775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497825.489938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497833.490094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497841.490230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497849.490366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497857.490518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497865.490662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497873.490743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497881.490923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497889.491050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497897.491140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497905.491278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497913.491427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497921.491559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497929.491860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497937.491948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497945.492010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497953.492075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497961.492156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497969.492220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497977.492387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497985.492542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730497993.492694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498001.492857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498009.492976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498017.493101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498025.493259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498033.493402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498041.493552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498049.493682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498057.493812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498065.493977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498073.494115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498081.494274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498089.494401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498097.494558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498105.494696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498113.494848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498121.494953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498129.495046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498137.495113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498145.495213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498153.495342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498161.495458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498169.495592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498177.495731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498185.495916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498193.496019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498201.496155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498209.496301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498217.496312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498225.496510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498233.496665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498241.496964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498249.497081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498257.497206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498265.497344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498273.497492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498281.497581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498289.497745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498297.497912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498305.498022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498313.498154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498321.498295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498329.498438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498337.498547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498345.498684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498353.498855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498361.498995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498369.499130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498377.499272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498385.499323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498393.499519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498401.499666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498409.499819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498417.499941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498425.500041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498433.500196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498441.500326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498449.500485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498457.500631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498465.500763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498473.500944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498481.501100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498489.501175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498497.501326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498505.501471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498513.501633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498521.501770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498529.501936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498537.502076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498545.502203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498553.502352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498561.502544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498569.502715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498577.502875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498585.503022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498593.503148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498601.503306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498609.503465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498617.503548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498625.503618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498633.503738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498641.503859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498649.504030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498657.504106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498665.504184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498673.504320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498681.504470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498689.504654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498697.504804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498705.504897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498713.505015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498721.505148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498729.505152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498737.505334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498745.505465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498753.505609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498761.505770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498769.505936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498777.506071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498785.506225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498793.506381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498801.506511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498809.506678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498817.506818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498825.506955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498833.507091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498841.507179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498849.507248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498857.507410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498865.507533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498873.507679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498881.507806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498889.507940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498897.508093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498905.508240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498913.508382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498921.508529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498929.508632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498937.508768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498945.508884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498953.509022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498961.509175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498969.509273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498977.509407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498985.509531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730498993.509677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499001.509868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499009.510011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499017.510090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499025.510233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499033.510377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499041.510530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499049.510680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499057.510852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499065.510964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499073.511102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499081.511262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499089.511393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499097.511536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499105.511695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499113.511776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499121.511928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499129.512078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499137.512211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499145.512340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499153.512525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499161.512643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499169.512797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499177.512962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499185.513030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499193.513118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499201.513265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499209.513415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499217.513560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499225.513662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499233.513776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499241.513929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499249.514012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499257.514101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499265.514187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499273.514378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499281.514442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499289.514619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499297.514717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499305.514879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499313.515021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499321.515159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499329.515319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499337.515444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499345.515517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499353.515647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499361.515788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499369.515932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499377.516023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499385.516116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499393.516253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499401.516263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499409.516446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499417.516595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499425.516749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499433.516906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499441.517020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499449.517156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499457.517285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499465.517445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499473.517604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499481.517737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499489.517909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499497.518042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499505.518188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499513.518322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499521.518440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499529.518597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499537.518760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499545.518927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499553.519066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499561.519139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499569.519176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499577.519388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499585.519536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499593.519691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499601.519879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499609.519985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499617.520174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499625.520287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499633.520417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499641.520584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499649.520667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499657.520772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499665.520906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499673.521033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499681.521118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499689.521261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499697.521393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499705.521550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499713.521702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499721.521864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499729.522153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499737.522269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499745.522397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499753.522548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499761.522706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499769.522879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499777.522984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499785.523117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499793.523278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499801.523436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499809.523561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499817.523666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499825.523817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499833.523985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499841.524098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499849.524257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499857.524390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499865.524512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499873.524652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499881.524790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499889.524936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499897.525040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499905.525192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499913.525231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499921.525436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499929.525638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499937.525787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499945.526036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499953.526194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499961.526351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499969.526488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499977.526625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499985.526784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730499993.526941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500001.526926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500009.527045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500017.527174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500025.527322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500033.527479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500041.527639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500049.527761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500057.527938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500065.528084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500073.528213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500081.528344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500089.528487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500097.528700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500105.528826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500113.528972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500121.529099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500129.529235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500137.529377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500145.529512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500153.529596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500161.529684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500169.529690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500177.529905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500185.530027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500193.530110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500201.530271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500209.530420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500217.530543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500225.530713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500233.530872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500241.531018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500249.531113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500257.531192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500265.531340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500273.531442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500281.531554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500289.531702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500297.531853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500305.531971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500313.532123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500321.532205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500329.532302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500337.532391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500345.532512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500353.532697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500361.532826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500369.532992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500377.533079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500385.533153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500393.533274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500401.533431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500409.533574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500417.533712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500425.533877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500433.533935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500441.534122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500449.534265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500457.534408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500465.534525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500473.534671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500481.534812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500489.534961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500497.535037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500505.535115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500513.535151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500521.535291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500529.535408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500537.535563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500545.535684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500553.535926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500561.536052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500569.536140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500577.536306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500585.536437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500593.536568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500601.536718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500609.536884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500617.537009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500625.537107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500633.537219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500641.537338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500649.537401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500657.537552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500665.537633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500673.537760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500681.537913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500689.538052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500697.538184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500705.538290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500713.538418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500721.538549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500729.538718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500737.538804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500745.538971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500753.539072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500761.539164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500769.539291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500777.539439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500785.539597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500793.539723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500801.539880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500809.540025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500817.540110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500825.540240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500833.540391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500841.540614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500849.540729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500857.540885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500865.541017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500873.541141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500881.541286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500889.541423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500897.541558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500905.541721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500913.541899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500921.542009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500929.542142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500937.542237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500945.542407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500953.542543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500961.542711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500969.542880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500977.542994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500985.543086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730500993.543167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501001.543329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501009.543485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501017.543554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501025.543739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501033.543906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501041.544016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501049.544106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501057.544253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501065.544418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501073.544548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501081.544650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501089.544793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501097.544940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501105.545076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501113.545184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501121.545329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501129.545479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501137.545539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501145.545683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501153.545864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501161.545978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501169.546054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501177.546207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501185.546332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501193.546461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501201.546622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501209.546786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501217.546931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501225.547009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501233.547105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501241.547187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501249.547332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501257.547458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501265.547555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501273.547698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501281.547821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501289.547959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501297.548022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501305.548128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501313.548280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501321.548437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501329.548585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501337.548754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501345.548939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501353.548989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501361.549066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501369.549199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501377.549345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501385.549508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501393.549639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501401.549801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501409.549954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501417.550014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501425.550131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501433.550281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501441.550432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501449.550646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501457.550866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501465.550962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501473.551066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501481.551194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501489.551355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501497.551496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501505.551632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501513.551784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501521.552097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501529.552203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501537.552186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501545.552390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501553.552556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501561.552697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501569.552885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501577.553011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501585.553101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501593.553253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501601.553356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501609.553505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501617.553656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501625.553681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501633.553911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501641.554037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501649.554126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501657.554280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501665.554424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501673.554572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501681.554780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501689.554946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501697.555062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501705.555213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501713.555368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501721.555516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501729.555675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501737.555857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501745.555981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501753.556117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501761.556198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501769.556344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501777.556483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501785.556553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501793.556704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501801.556746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501809.557019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501817.557162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501825.557299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501833.557452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501841.557526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501849.557678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501857.557826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501865.557969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501873.558029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501881.558108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501889.558143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501897.558289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501905.558443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501913.558595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501921.558751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501929.558812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501937.558939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501945.559088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501953.559248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501961.559370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501969.559456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501977.559612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501985.559733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730501993.560043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502001.560168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502009.560310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502017.560470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502025.560598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502033.560734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502041.560906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502049.561016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502057.561103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502065.561202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502073.561343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502081.561497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502089.561621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502097.561777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502105.561928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502113.562009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502121.562092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502129.562170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502137.562271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502145.562427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502153.562573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502161.562729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502169.562896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502177.562997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502185.563084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502193.563164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502201.563298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502209.563417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502217.563568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502225.563694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502233.563817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502241.563969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502249.564080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502257.564228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502265.564400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502273.564562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502281.564700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502289.564881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502297.565033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502305.565160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502313.565326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502321.565448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502329.565611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502337.565708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502345.565875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502353.566023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502361.566095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502369.566239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502377.566375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502385.566533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502393.566621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502401.566774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502409.566938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502417.567061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502425.567199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502433.567352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502441.567507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502449.567646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502457.567765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502465.567910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502473.568006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502481.568152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502489.568277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502497.568427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502505.568556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502513.568659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502521.568806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502529.568900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502537.568973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502545.569073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502553.569146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502561.569273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502569.569419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502577.569578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502585.569590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502593.569788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502601.569952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502609.570012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502617.570089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502625.570170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502633.570299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502641.570459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502649.570587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502657.570666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502665.570814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502673.570821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502681.571004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502689.571095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502697.571172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502705.571299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502713.571427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502721.571551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502729.571690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502737.571866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502745.572051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502753.572162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502761.572285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502769.572424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502777.572518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502785.572723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502793.572882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502801.573042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502809.573155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502817.573296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502825.573466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502833.573609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502841.573718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502849.573882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502857.574025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502865.574165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502873.574291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502881.574445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502889.574593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502897.574725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502905.574889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502913.575004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502921.575013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502929.575146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502937.575275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502945.575421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502953.575575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502961.575697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502969.575872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502977.576022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502985.576103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730502993.576182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503001.576188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503009.576362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503017.576506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503025.576664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503033.576815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503041.576984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503049.577165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503057.577261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503065.577416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503073.577569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503081.577692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503089.577864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503097.577996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503105.578074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503113.578156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503121.578287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503129.578418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503137.578547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503145.578700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503153.578937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503161.579027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503169.579106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503177.579212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503185.579309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503193.579421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503201.579513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503209.579636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503217.579756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503225.579916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503233.580002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503241.580084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503249.580166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503257.580188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503265.580373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503273.580503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503281.580632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503289.580785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503297.580889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503305.581013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503313.581096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503321.581307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503329.581437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503337.581438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503345.581641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503353.581788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503361.581956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503369.582019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503377.582115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503385.582231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503393.582336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503401.582483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503409.582635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503417.582777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503425.582935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503433.583076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503441.583158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503449.583292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503457.583453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503465.583564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503473.583704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503481.583880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503489.584025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503497.584106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503505.584165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503513.584302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503521.584378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503529.584497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503537.584653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503545.584782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503553.584930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503561.585018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503569.585102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503577.585188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503585.585397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503593.585468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503601.585652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503609.585806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503617.585934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503625.585981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503633.586068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503641.586147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503649.586251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503657.586404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503665.586554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503673.586671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503681.586737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503689.586929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503697.587026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503705.587098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503713.587177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503721.587333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503729.587479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503737.587627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503745.587772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503753.587914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503761.588001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503769.588084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503777.588170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503785.588297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503793.588458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503801.588588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503809.588750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503817.588896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503825.589023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503833.589162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503841.589248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503849.589247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503857.589492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503865.589624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503873.589769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503881.589932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503889.590166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503897.590306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503905.590451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503913.590625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503921.590746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503929.590908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503937.590919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503945.591098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503953.591230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503961.591366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503969.591521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503977.591672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503985.591854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730503993.591968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504001.592093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504009.592198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504017.592329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504025.592478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504033.592614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504041.592747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504049.592904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504057.593024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504065.593105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504073.593197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504081.593323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504089.593476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504097.593626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504105.593763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504113.593918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504121.594035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504129.594122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504137.594253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504145.594414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504153.594562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504161.594717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504169.594905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504177.595010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504185.595101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504193.595256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504201.595404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504209.595531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504217.595682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504225.595855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504233.596010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504241.596136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504249.596277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504257.596407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504265.596564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504273.596696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504281.596777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504289.596967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504297.597121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504305.597276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504313.597421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504321.597576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504329.597722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504337.597918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504345.598026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504353.598147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504361.598266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504369.598435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504377.598529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504385.598663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504393.598817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504401.598977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504409.599105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504417.599257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504425.599405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504433.599529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504441.599698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504449.599903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504457.600028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504465.600174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504473.600314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504481.600439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504489.600561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504497.600701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504505.600773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504513.600934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504521.601030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504529.601179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504537.601304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504545.601460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504553.601591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504561.601721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504569.601888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504577.602022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504585.602152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504593.602307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504601.602458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504609.602567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504617.602733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504625.602901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504633.602936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504641.603023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504649.603107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504657.603240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504665.603392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504673.603514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504681.603644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504689.603799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504697.603933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504705.604035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504713.604228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504721.604472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504729.604528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504737.604677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504745.604816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504753.604957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504761.605043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504769.605175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504777.605271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504785.605382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504793.605538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504801.605670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504809.605825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504817.605979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504825.606113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504833.606259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504841.606395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504849.606530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504857.606688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504865.606823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504873.606971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504881.607099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504889.607258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504897.607378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504905.607532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504913.607690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504921.607752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504929.607871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504937.607988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504945.608077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504953.608229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504961.608377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504969.608521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504977.608683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504985.608854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730504993.609155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505001.609268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505009.609412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505017.609536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505025.609661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505033.609673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505041.609919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505049.610003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505057.610100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505065.610228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505073.610386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505081.610540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505089.610693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505097.610857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505105.610978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505113.611052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505121.611147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505129.611268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505137.611421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505145.611567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505153.611686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505161.611826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505169.611952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505177.612101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505185.612219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505193.612338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505201.612485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505209.612638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505217.612758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505225.612921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505233.613014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505241.613093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505249.613162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505257.613295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505265.613535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505273.613656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505281.613804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505289.613973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505297.614143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505305.614272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505313.614400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505321.614533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505329.614667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505337.614792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505345.614922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505353.615020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505361.615157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505369.615243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505377.615393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505385.615548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505393.615692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505401.615849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505409.615964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505417.616158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505425.616306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505433.616457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505441.616615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505449.616762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505457.616805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505465.617050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505473.617181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505481.617314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505489.617528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505497.617677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505505.617818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505513.617957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505521.618015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505529.618153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505537.618276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505545.618426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505553.618553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505561.618715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505569.618787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505577.618929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505585.619067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505593.619154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505601.619334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505609.619469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505617.619622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505625.619749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505633.619944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505641.620061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505649.620162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505657.620237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505665.620328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505673.620421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505681.620513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505689.620618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505697.620705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505705.620717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505713.620875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505721.620986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505729.621108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505737.621231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505745.621293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505753.621442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505761.621579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505769.621707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505777.621790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505785.621913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505793.622029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505801.622190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505809.622320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505817.622466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505825.622611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505833.622731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505841.622883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505849.622956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505857.623086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505865.623218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505873.623347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505881.623417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505889.623629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505897.623765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505905.623941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505913.624034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505921.624125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505929.624268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505937.624349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505945.624502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505953.624656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505961.624839 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505969.624986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505977.625114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505985.625271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730505993.625407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506001.625556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506009.625625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506017.625772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506025.625907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506033.626048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506041.626177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506049.626223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506057.626396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506065.626546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506073.626687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506081.626868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506089.626975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506097.627101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506105.627242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506113.627374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506121.627481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506129.627615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506137.627684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506145.627822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506153.627836 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506161.628021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506169.628161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506177.628293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506185.628444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506193.628594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506201.628738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506209.628927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506217.628916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506225.629065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506233.629177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506241.629334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506249.629488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506257.629622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506265.629917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506273.630031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506281.630096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506289.630230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506297.630384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506305.630426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506313.630692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506321.630812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506329.630945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506337.631071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506345.631209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506353.631334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506361.631580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506369.631860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506377.631962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506385.632017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506393.632143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506401.632269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506409.632420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506417.632580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506425.632731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506433.632867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506441.633013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506449.633094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506457.633246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506465.633402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506473.633532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506481.633660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506489.633808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506497.633965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506505.634004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506513.634092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506521.634175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506529.634302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506537.634442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506545.634587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506553.634742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506561.634911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506569.634926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506577.635103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506585.635255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506593.635404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506601.635555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506609.635713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506617.635798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506625.635957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506633.636098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506641.636229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506649.636448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506657.636560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506665.636716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506673.636902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506681.637024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506689.637102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506697.637213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506705.637349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506713.637491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506721.637629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506729.637779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506737.637950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506745.638070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506753.638166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506761.638290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506769.638417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506777.638579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506785.638701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506793.638781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506801.638942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506809.639093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506817.639227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506825.639359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506833.639565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506841.639694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506849.639871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506857.640028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506865.640112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506873.640204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506881.640358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506889.640511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506897.640643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506905.640949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506913.641006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506921.641139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506929.641284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506937.641394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506945.641549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506953.641701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506961.641853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506969.642011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506977.642165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506985.642310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730506993.642296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507001.642502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507009.642648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507017.642795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507025.642931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507033.643078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507041.643161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507049.643325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507057.643454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507065.643605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507073.643749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507081.643932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507089.644054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507097.644211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507105.644310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507113.644435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507121.644596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507129.644734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507137.644877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507145.645001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507153.645130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507161.645257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507169.645409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507177.645563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507185.645713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507193.645798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507201.645960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507209.646161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507217.646257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507225.646404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507233.646542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507241.646703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507249.646917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507257.647093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507265.647184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507273.647297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507281.647445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507289.647575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507297.647722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507305.647879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507313.648025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507321.648098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507329.648245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507337.648400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507345.648531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507353.648676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507361.648865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507369.648989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507377.649113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507385.649205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507393.649355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507401.649496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507409.649632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507417.649824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507425.649955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507433.650015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507441.650093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507449.650175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507457.650278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507465.650407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507473.650535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507481.650608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507489.650735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507497.650869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507505.650989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507513.651068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507521.651168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507529.651265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507537.651387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507545.651515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507553.651634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507561.651789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507569.651946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507577.652032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507585.652040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507593.652225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507601.652353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507609.652502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507617.652651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507625.652780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507633.652946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507641.653022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507649.653153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507657.653295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507665.653545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507673.653677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507681.653819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507689.653966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507697.654097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507705.654257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507713.654330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507721.654465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507729.654624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507737.654769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507745.654924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507753.654977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507761.655106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507769.655190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507777.655323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507785.655451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507793.655548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507801.655679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507809.655828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507817.655999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507825.656131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507833.656281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507841.656410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507849.656668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507857.656793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507865.656903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507873.657026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507881.657182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507889.657302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507897.657464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507905.657608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507913.657777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507921.657791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507929.658013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507937.658157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507945.658309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507953.658433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507961.658589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507969.658743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507977.658936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507985.659050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730507993.659143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508001.659230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508009.659366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508017.659555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508025.659693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508033.659898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508041.660015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508049.660143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508057.660261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508065.660394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508073.660543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508081.660676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508089.660809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508097.660972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508105.661044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508113.661131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508121.661265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508129.661392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508137.661548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508145.661702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508153.661884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508161.661999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508169.662119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508177.662268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508185.662424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508193.662570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508201.662707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508209.662885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508217.663026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508225.663110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508233.663242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508241.663373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508249.663505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508257.663659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508265.663714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508273.663888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508281.664014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508289.664168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508297.664298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508305.664454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508313.664602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508321.664750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508329.664931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508337.665037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508345.665151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508353.665186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508361.665387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508369.665532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508377.665675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508385.665818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508393.665966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508401.666095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508409.666222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508417.666388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508425.666539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508433.666679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508441.666807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508449.666956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508457.667012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508465.667145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508473.667270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508481.667432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508489.667571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508497.667740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508505.667808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508513.667970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508521.668107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508529.668230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508537.668388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508545.668524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508553.668651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508561.668788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508569.668941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508577.669067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508585.669175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508593.669325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508601.669477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508609.669607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508617.669758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508625.669921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508633.670032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508641.670182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508649.670308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508657.670466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508665.670617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508673.670717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508681.670883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508689.670991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508697.671117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508705.671248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508713.671389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508721.671552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508729.671639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508737.671791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508745.671932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508753.672029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508761.672173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508769.672326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508777.672483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508785.672631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508793.672788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508801.672948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508809.673011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508817.673158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508825.673278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508833.673419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508841.673565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508849.673701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508857.673869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508865.673922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508873.674098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508881.674246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508889.674395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508897.674538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508905.674683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508913.674825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508921.674991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508929.675120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508937.675245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508945.675382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508953.675507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508961.675612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508969.675779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508977.675921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508985.675981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730508993.676055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509001.676177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509009.676314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509017.676463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509025.676597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509033.676694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509041.676921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509049.676993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509057.677144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509065.677275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509073.677431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509081.677600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509089.677735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509097.677911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509105.677985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509113.678114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509121.678292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509129.678420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509137.678545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509145.678685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509153.678854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509161.678968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509169.679044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509177.679185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509185.679264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509193.679413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509201.679541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509209.679685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509217.679858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509225.680012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509233.680145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509241.680291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509249.680394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509257.680547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509265.680692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509273.680880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509281.681005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509289.681111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509297.681263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509305.681424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509313.681557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509321.681693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509329.681869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509337.681949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509345.682075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509353.682161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509361.682293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509369.682334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509377.682542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509385.682679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509393.682814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509401.682948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509409.683081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509417.683230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509425.683359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509433.683499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509441.683648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509449.683801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509457.683938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509465.684074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509473.684210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509481.684362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509489.684519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509497.684643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509505.684717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509513.684896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509521.685006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509529.685151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509537.685152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509545.685349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509553.685477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509561.685639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509569.685777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509577.685950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509585.686032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509593.686160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509601.686396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509609.686524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509617.686696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509625.686876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509633.686974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509641.687135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509649.687289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509657.687376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509665.687452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509673.687522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509681.687675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509689.687863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509697.688017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509705.688024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509713.688201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509721.688331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509729.688461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509737.688619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509745.688756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509753.688948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509761.689095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509769.689178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509777.689338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509785.689493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509793.689640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509801.689773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509809.689934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509817.690058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509825.690218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509833.690360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509841.690488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509849.690610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509857.690698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509865.690850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509873.690971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509881.691089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509889.691225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509897.691387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509905.691544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509913.691705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509921.691884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509929.692030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509937.692159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509945.692219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509953.692359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509961.692518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509969.692654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509977.692797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509985.692962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730509993.693115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510001.693210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510009.693314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510017.693440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510025.693590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510033.693651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510041.693819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510049.693971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510057.694106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510065.694231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510073.694351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510081.694537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510089.694689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510097.694874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510105.695018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510113.695102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510121.695096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510129.695306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510137.695442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510145.695584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510153.695731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510161.695897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510169.696029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510177.696110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510185.696274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510193.696421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510201.696578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510209.696622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510217.696851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510225.696986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510233.697072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510241.697199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510249.697361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510257.697483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510265.697628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510273.697857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510281.697970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510289.698099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510297.698243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510305.698387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510313.698472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510321.698622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510329.698745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510337.698926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510345.699055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510353.699188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510361.699337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510369.699502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510377.699642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510385.699871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510393.700023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510401.700173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510409.700313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510417.700467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510425.700604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510433.700757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510441.700941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510449.701019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510457.701139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510465.701271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510473.701418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510481.701498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510489.701608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510497.701766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510505.701848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510513.702023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510521.702160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510529.702312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510537.702468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510545.702614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510553.702764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510561.702929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510569.703005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510577.703132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510585.703298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510593.703422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510601.703693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510609.703820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510617.703980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510625.704028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510633.704117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510641.704216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510649.704370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510657.704614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510665.704738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510673.704886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510681.705015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510689.705145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510697.705274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510705.705427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510713.705581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510721.705729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510729.705910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510737.706018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510745.706154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510753.706297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510761.706433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510769.706570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510777.706728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510785.706888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510793.706995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510801.707141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510809.707296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510817.707427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510825.707554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510833.707706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510841.707905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510849.708015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510857.708074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510865.708196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510873.708354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510881.708501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510889.708630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510897.708766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510905.708931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510913.709057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510921.709183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510929.709328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510937.709472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510945.709637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510953.709775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510961.709931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510969.710079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510977.710212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510985.710369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730510993.710516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511001.710671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511009.710852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511017.710962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511025.711095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511033.711248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511041.711322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511049.711426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511057.711581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511065.711738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511073.711828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511081.711970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511089.712096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511097.712230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511105.712371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511113.712529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511121.712646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511129.712719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511137.712908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511145.713012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511153.713219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511161.713368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511169.713519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511177.713617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511185.713776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511193.713927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511201.714086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511209.714166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511217.714306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511225.714449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511233.714590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511241.714736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511249.714907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511257.715024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511265.715162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511273.715285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511281.715430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511289.715689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511297.715820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511305.715966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511313.716132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511321.716274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511329.716429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511337.716585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511345.716888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511353.717031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511361.717166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511369.717299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511377.717436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511385.717558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511393.717592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511401.717800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511409.717948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511417.718012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511425.718145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511433.718297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511441.718414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511449.718571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511457.718722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511465.718870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511473.719021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511481.719056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511489.719163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511497.719293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511505.719443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511513.719576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511521.719725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511529.719811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511537.719951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511545.720079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511553.720154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511561.720277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511569.720402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511577.720549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511585.720624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511593.720767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511601.720932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511609.721025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511617.721112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511625.721259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511633.721365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511641.721438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511649.721559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511657.721706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511665.721872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511673.722013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511681.722141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511689.722267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511697.722400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511705.722564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511713.722690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511721.722873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511729.723008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511737.723023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511745.723233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511753.723349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511761.723516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511769.723672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511777.723737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511785.723949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511793.723951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511801.724085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511809.724214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511817.724332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511825.724525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511833.724735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511841.724888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511849.725022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511857.725137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511865.725255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511873.725420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511881.725561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511889.725717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511897.725789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511905.725912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511913.726021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511921.726090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511929.726184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511937.726330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511945.726474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511953.726616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511961.726676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511969.726826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511977.726974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511985.727060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730511993.727235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512001.727379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512009.727520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512017.727639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512025.727801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512033.727959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512041.728076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512049.728134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512057.728285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512065.728438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512073.728581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512081.728716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512089.728933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512097.729027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512105.729135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512113.729268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512121.729422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512129.729555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512137.729689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512145.729821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512153.729972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512161.730102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512169.730265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512177.730413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512185.730535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512193.730691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512201.730856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512209.730983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512217.731124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512225.731237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512233.731362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512241.731433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512249.731571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512257.731692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512265.731821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512273.731980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512281.732073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512289.732201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512297.732360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512305.732454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512313.732537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512321.732711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512329.732874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512337.732992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512345.733125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512353.733262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512361.733353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512369.733471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512377.733605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512385.733723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512393.733881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512401.734016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512409.734144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512417.734274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512425.734520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512433.734639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512441.734785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512449.734945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512457.735085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512465.735249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512473.735372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512481.735506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512489.735670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512497.735702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512505.735911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512513.736034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512521.736123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512529.736275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512537.736359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512545.736518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512553.736625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512561.736681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512569.736867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512577.736953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512585.737160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512593.737381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512601.737507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512609.737664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512617.737813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512625.737977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512633.738113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512641.738283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512649.738425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512657.738570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512665.738705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512673.738885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512681.739013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512689.739140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512697.739233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512705.739357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512713.739509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512721.739631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512729.739769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512737.739942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512745.740046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512753.740219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512761.740357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512769.740509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512777.740662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512785.740808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512793.740929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512801.741046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512809.741169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512817.741341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512825.741436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512833.741682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512841.741755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512849.741919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512857.742041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512865.742196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512873.742337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512881.742472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512889.742620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512897.742729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512905.742904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512913.743037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512921.743195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512929.743331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512937.743490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512945.743650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512953.743801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512961.743952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512969.744003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512977.744084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512985.744247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730512993.744382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513001.744550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513009.744684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513017.744826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513025.744976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513033.745122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513041.745263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513049.745377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513057.745467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513065.745616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513073.745742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513081.745920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513089.746066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513097.746137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513105.746276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513113.746449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513121.746565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513129.746695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513137.746886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513145.746975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513153.747105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513161.747212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513169.747320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513177.747423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513185.747588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513193.747743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513201.747912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513209.748007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513217.748095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513225.748177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513233.748316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513241.748511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513249.748662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513257.748805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513265.748943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513273.749011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513281.749096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513289.749173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513297.749303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513305.749457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513313.749604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513321.749753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513329.749902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513337.750030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513345.750186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513353.750418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513361.750548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513369.750676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513377.750856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513385.751007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513393.751162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513401.751287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513409.751415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513417.751613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513425.751737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513433.751909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513441.752024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513449.752163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513457.752313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513465.752473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513473.752656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513481.752782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513489.752937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513497.752979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513505.753096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513513.753192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513521.753353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513529.753510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513537.753665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513545.753826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513553.753950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513561.754063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513569.754200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513577.754365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513585.754471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513593.754603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513601.754753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513609.754928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513617.754979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513625.755113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513633.755202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513641.755352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513649.755491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513657.755646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513665.755795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513673.755968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513681.756093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513689.756226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513697.756376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513705.756507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513713.756595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513721.756748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513729.756908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513737.757036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513745.757044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513753.757228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513761.757353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513769.757567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513777.757693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513785.757867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513793.757965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513801.758125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513809.758284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513817.758435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513825.758562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513833.758704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513841.758878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513849.758961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513857.759123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513865.759257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513873.759391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513881.759472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513889.759645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513897.759960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513905.759956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513913.760149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513921.760301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513929.760444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513937.760592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513945.760720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513953.761010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513961.761136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513969.761267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513977.761362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513985.761511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730513993.761560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514001.761782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514009.761938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514017.762090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514025.762244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514033.762343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514041.762498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514049.762624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514057.762747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514065.762912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514073.763056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514081.763103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514089.763284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514097.763438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514105.763581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514113.763734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514121.763881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514129.764023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514137.764166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514145.764300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514153.764397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514161.764551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514169.764822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514177.764972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514185.765042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514193.765194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514201.765351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514209.765497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514217.765653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514225.765716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514233.765902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514241.766029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514249.766108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514257.766264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514265.766402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514273.766543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514281.766677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514289.766958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514297.767023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514305.767161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514313.767329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514321.767453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514329.767513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514337.767697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514345.767928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514353.768035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514361.768162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514369.768280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514377.768443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514385.768576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514393.768644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514401.768797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514409.768931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514417.769065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514425.769223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514433.769390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514441.769458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514449.769676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514457.769858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514465.769972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514473.770101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514481.770196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514489.770330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514497.770419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514505.770558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514513.770737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514521.771014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514529.771133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514537.771292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514545.771446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514553.771614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514561.771762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514569.771909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514577.772025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514585.772143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514593.772294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514601.772497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514609.772626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514617.772774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514625.772947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514633.773099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514641.773231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514649.773319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514657.773476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514665.773633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514673.773777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514681.773780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514689.773975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514697.774116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514705.774197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514713.774356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514721.774499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514729.774626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514737.774754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514745.774909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514753.775010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514761.775181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514769.775300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514777.775427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514785.775576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514793.775718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514801.775817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514809.775982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514817.776119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514825.776255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514833.776391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514841.776526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514849.776669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514857.776807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514865.776931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514873.777024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514881.777116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514889.777188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514897.777291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514905.777543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514913.777689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514921.777858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514929.777827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514937.778036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514945.778192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514953.778352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514961.778503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514969.778648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514977.778812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514985.778988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730514993.779046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515001.779180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515009.779341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515017.779481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515025.779740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515033.779906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515041.780049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515049.780173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515057.780325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515065.780485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515073.780622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515081.780781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515089.780925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515097.781002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515105.781080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515113.781210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515121.781347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515129.781487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515137.781623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515145.781757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515153.781891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515161.781984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515169.782084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515177.782159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515185.782301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515193.782421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515201.782514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515209.782662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515217.782813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515225.782988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515233.783111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515241.783233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515249.783387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515257.783470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515265.783516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515273.783745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515281.783810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515289.783952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515297.784030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515305.784154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515313.784287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515321.784453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515329.784584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515337.784712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515345.784847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515353.784934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515361.784995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515369.785125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515377.785277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515385.785443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515393.785592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515401.785760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515409.785928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515417.786077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515425.786211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515433.786345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515441.786468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515449.786625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515457.786787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515465.786952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515473.787024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515481.787148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515489.787297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515497.787460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515505.787618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515513.787655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515521.787776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515529.787869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515537.788011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515545.788152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515553.788216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515561.788434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515569.788573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515577.788742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515585.788913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515593.789047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515601.789191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515609.789352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515617.789598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515625.789705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515633.789895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515641.790022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515649.790159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515657.790311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515665.790382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515673.790520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515681.790681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515689.790862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515697.791002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515705.791093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515713.791209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515721.791266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515729.791373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515737.791511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515745.791642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515753.791951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515761.792014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515769.792155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515777.792278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515785.792428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515793.792594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515801.792752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515809.792810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515817.793010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515825.793159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515833.793316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515841.793457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515849.793608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515857.793750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515865.793936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515873.794011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515881.794216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515889.794354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515897.794502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515905.794652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515913.794758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515921.794922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515929.795030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515937.795175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515945.795324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515953.795479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515961.795620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515969.795734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515977.795882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515985.796015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730515993.796156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516001.796284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516009.796441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516017.796574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516025.796707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516033.796875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516041.797001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516049.797136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516057.797293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516065.797450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516073.797592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516081.797730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516089.797863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516097.797965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516105.798061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516113.798176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516121.798328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516129.798461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516137.798577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516145.798725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516153.798825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516161.798949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516169.799074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516177.799233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516185.799326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516193.799481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516201.799620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516209.799791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516217.799965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516225.800092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516233.800215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516241.800361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516249.800502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516257.800659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516265.800780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516273.800943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516281.800939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516289.801119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516297.801221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516305.801358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516313.801477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516321.801629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516329.801771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516337.801939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516345.802091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516353.802231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516361.802368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516369.802517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516377.802675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516385.802859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516393.802965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516401.803021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516409.803097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516417.803261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516425.803389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516433.803539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516441.803703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516449.803856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516457.803987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516465.804071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516473.804203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516481.804358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516489.804488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516497.804639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516505.804794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516513.804929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516521.805054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516529.805186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516537.805338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516545.805487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516553.805615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516561.805760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516569.805924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516577.805994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516585.806120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516593.806252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516601.806403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516609.806562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516617.806711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516625.806894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516633.806988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516641.807082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516649.807229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516657.807394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516665.807525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516673.807679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516681.807810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516689.807950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516697.808029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516705.808167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516713.808289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516721.808425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516729.808592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516737.808717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516745.808890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516753.808961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516761.809092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516769.809192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516777.809323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516785.809478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516793.809623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516801.809774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516809.810074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516817.810148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516825.810304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516833.810408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516841.810565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516849.810790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516857.810944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516865.811007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516873.811148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516881.811294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516889.811441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516897.811587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516905.811735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516913.811947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516921.811945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516929.812022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516937.812102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516945.812198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516953.812203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516961.812408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516969.812528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516977.812674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516985.812847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730516993.812984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517001.813102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517009.813193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517017.813265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517025.813381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517033.813449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517041.813600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517049.813743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517057.813924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517065.814011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517073.814096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517081.814189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517089.814333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517097.814499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517105.814606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517113.814742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517121.814879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517129.814967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517137.815038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517145.815137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517153.815299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517161.815446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517169.815601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517177.815757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517185.815925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517193.816071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517201.816168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517209.816291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517217.816434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517225.816590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517233.816752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517241.816912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517249.816989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517257.817088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517265.817274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517273.817407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517281.817561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517289.817707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517297.817775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517305.817946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517313.818029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517321.818171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517329.818325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517337.818480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517345.818615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517353.818742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517361.819040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517369.819161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517377.819311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517385.819471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517393.819618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517401.819758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517409.819930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517417.820007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517425.820143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517433.820288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517441.820439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517449.820621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517457.820726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517465.820872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517473.821022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517481.821096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517489.821195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517497.821227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517505.821388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517513.821531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517521.821695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517529.821852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517537.821972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517545.822102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517553.822203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517561.822273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517569.822427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517577.822675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517585.822821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517593.822988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517601.823174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517609.823313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517617.823459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517625.823664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517633.823807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517641.823863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517649.823979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517657.824102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517665.824256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517673.824374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517681.824541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517689.824667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517697.824823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517705.824972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517713.825067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517721.825139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517729.825305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517737.825462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517745.825787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517753.825937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517761.826070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517769.826225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517777.826378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517785.826530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517793.826669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517801.826749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517809.826786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517817.826990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517825.827124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517833.827269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517841.827412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517849.827564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517857.827748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517865.827958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517873.828056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517881.828182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517889.828276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517897.828357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517905.828517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517913.828669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517921.828853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517929.829013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517937.829105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517945.829234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517953.829373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517961.829525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517969.829665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517977.829826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517985.830050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730517993.830118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518001.830211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518009.830324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518017.830465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518025.830570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518033.830700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518041.830874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518049.831031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518057.831166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518065.831324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518073.831469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518081.831587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518089.831737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518097.831907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518105.832024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518113.832110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518121.832268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518129.832427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518137.832556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518145.832713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518153.832717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518161.832941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518169.833068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518177.833220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518185.833433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518193.833543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518201.833701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518209.833862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518217.834012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518225.834092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518233.834219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518241.834237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518249.834418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518257.834565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518265.834718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518273.834893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518281.834956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518289.835017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518297.835151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518305.835298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518313.835429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518321.835562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518329.835689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518337.835871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518345.836152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518353.836310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518361.836443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518369.836590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518377.836744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518385.836925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518393.837029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518401.837151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518409.837210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518417.837415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518425.837539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518433.837699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518441.837870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518449.837999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518457.838061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518465.838214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518473.838343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518481.838475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518489.838632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518497.838765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518505.838944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518513.839100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518521.839232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518529.839377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518537.839499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518545.839638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518553.839771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518561.839933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518569.840083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518577.840176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518585.840359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518593.840489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518601.840642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518609.840715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518617.840890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518625.841063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518633.841180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518641.841335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518649.841478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518657.841605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518665.841676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518673.841853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518681.841961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518689.842094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518697.842216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518705.842308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518713.842467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518721.842629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518729.842784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518737.842943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518745.843033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518753.843170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518761.843312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518769.843467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518777.843609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518785.843751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518793.843928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518801.844037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518809.844202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518817.844356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518825.844504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518833.844678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518841.844916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518849.845015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518857.845088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518865.845187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518873.845351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518881.845493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518889.845653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518897.845806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518905.845983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518913.846119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518921.846370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518929.846578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518937.846667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518945.846823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518953.846968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518961.847102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518969.847177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518977.847325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518985.847479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730518993.847636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519001.847764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519009.847932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519017.848129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519025.848219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519033.848362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519041.848473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519049.848624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519057.848689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519065.848827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519073.848943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519081.849095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519089.849236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519097.849373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519105.849524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519113.849680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519121.849818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519129.849959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519137.850067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519145.850178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519153.850280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519161.850403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519169.850511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519177.850700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519185.850894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519193.851020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519201.851115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519209.851197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519217.851355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519225.851486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519233.851647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519241.851774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519249.851938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519257.852058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519265.852189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519273.852258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519281.852357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519289.852489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519297.852615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519305.852763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519313.852897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519321.853018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519329.853107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519337.853253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519345.853417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519353.853626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519361.853779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519369.853890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519377.854022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519385.854107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519393.854237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519401.854369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519409.854500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519417.854605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519425.854746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519433.854881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519441.855026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519449.855166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519457.855285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519465.855432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519473.855592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519481.855756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519489.855931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519497.856022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519505.856102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519513.856264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519521.856400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519529.856536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519537.856674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519545.856821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519553.857131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519561.857249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519569.857362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519577.857484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519585.857641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519593.857801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519601.857936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519609.857997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519617.858134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519625.858296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519633.858537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519641.858679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519649.858861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519657.858969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519665.859054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519673.859160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519681.859311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519689.859448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519697.859579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519705.859718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519713.859893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519721.860017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519729.860086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519737.860172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519745.860334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519753.860465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519761.860608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519769.860737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519777.860898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519785.861034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519793.861147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519801.861209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519809.861353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519817.861483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519825.861632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519833.861772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519841.861936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519849.862067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519857.862218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519865.862364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519873.862512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519881.862648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519889.862762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519897.862916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519905.863185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519913.863287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519921.863422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519929.863569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519937.863712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519945.863768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519953.863958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519961.864012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519969.864189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519977.864290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519985.864424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730519993.864584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520001.864722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520009.864888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520017.865026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520025.865194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520033.865333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520041.865483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520049.865626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520057.865777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520065.865882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520073.866011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520081.866088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520089.866177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520097.866330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520105.866478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520113.866512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520121.866710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520129.866905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520137.867018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520145.867154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520153.867311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520161.867451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520169.867605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520177.867814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520185.867955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520193.868087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520201.868172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520209.868277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520217.868424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520225.868553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520233.868702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520241.868790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520249.868932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520257.869180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520265.869267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520273.869409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520281.869446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520289.869653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520297.869803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520305.869961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520313.870055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520321.870136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520329.870230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520337.870382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520345.870525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520353.870676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520361.870823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520369.870964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520377.871052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520385.871257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520393.871400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520401.871553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520409.871704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520417.871795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520425.871956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520433.872088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520441.872235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520449.872382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520457.872531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520465.872673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520473.872815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520481.872951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520489.873077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520497.873240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520505.873405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520513.873516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520521.873583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520529.873745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520537.873927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520545.874059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520553.874209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520561.874340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520569.874493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520577.874650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520585.874720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520593.874908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520601.875038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520609.875163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520617.875311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520625.875465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520633.875589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520641.875737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520649.875912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520657.876025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520665.876141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520673.876311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520681.876405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520689.876553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520697.876671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520705.876980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520713.877094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520721.877252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520729.877374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520737.877525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520745.877676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520753.877806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520761.877962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520769.878090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520777.878159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520785.878325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520793.878480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520801.878638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520809.878719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520817.878881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520825.879010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520833.879098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520841.879192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520849.879273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520857.879420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520865.879470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520873.879649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520881.879779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520889.879945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520897.880052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520905.880115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520913.880251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520921.880393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520929.880531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520937.880664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520945.880742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520953.880857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520961.881038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520969.881119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520977.881272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520985.881417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730520993.881578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521001.881709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521009.881900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521017.882014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521025.882159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521033.882315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521041.882357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521049.882536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521057.882663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521065.882820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521073.882976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521081.883106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521089.883233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521097.883387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521105.883512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521113.883654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521121.883817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521129.883963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521137.884172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521145.884301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521153.884464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521161.884622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521169.884768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521177.884935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521185.885013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521193.885140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521201.885285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521209.885415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521217.885490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521225.885623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521233.885768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521241.885937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521249.886061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521257.886171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521265.886291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521273.886319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521281.886515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521289.886660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521297.886801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521305.887001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521313.887127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521321.887251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521329.887411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521337.887555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521345.887676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521353.887958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521361.888036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521369.888189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521377.888332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521385.888483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521393.888632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521401.888767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521409.888938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521417.889066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521425.889192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521433.889336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521441.889485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521449.889645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521457.889776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521465.889938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521473.889988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521481.890090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521489.890172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521497.890327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521505.890478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521513.890600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521521.890752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521529.890940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521537.891038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521545.891095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521553.891287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521561.891445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521569.891582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521577.891741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521585.891918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521593.892029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521601.892112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521609.892203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521617.892357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521625.892497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521633.892575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521641.892734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521649.892903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521657.893027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521665.893165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521673.893324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521681.893482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521689.893618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521697.893777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521705.893957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521713.894088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521721.894179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521729.894250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521737.894405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521745.894566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521753.894726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521761.894901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521769.895022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521777.895115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521785.895204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521793.895359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521801.895400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521809.895560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521817.895704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521825.895894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521833.895947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521841.896077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521849.896168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521857.896306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521865.896394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521873.896540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521881.896549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521889.896744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521897.896907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521905.897161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521913.897279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521921.897438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521929.897556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521937.897707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521945.897899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521953.898007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521961.898088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521969.898339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521977.898448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521985.898608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730521993.898767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522001.898935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522009.899078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522017.899211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522025.899304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522033.899464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522041.899628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522049.899666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522057.899893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522065.900021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522073.900169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522081.900328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522089.900484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522097.900623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522105.900776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522113.900948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522121.901079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522129.901223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522137.901334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522145.901469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522153.901624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522161.901774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522169.901931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522177.902037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522185.902118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522193.902273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522201.902435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522209.902563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522217.902698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522225.902826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522233.902980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522241.903068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522249.903198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522257.903332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522265.903468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522273.903625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522281.903768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522289.903924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522297.904021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522305.904101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522313.904180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522321.904344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522329.904498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522337.904614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522345.904774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522353.904963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522361.905089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522369.905224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522377.905357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522385.905505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522393.905566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522401.905758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522409.905919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522417.906013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522425.906091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522433.906263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522441.906383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522449.906522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522457.906655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522465.906754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522473.906898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522481.907028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522489.907152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522497.907308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522505.907436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522513.907573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522521.907703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522529.907827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522537.907947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522545.908074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522553.908179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522561.908330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522569.908573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522577.908719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522585.908900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522593.909007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522601.909108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522609.909198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522617.909351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522625.909506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522633.909669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522641.909765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522649.909962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522657.910140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522665.910289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522673.910425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522681.910598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522689.910896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522697.911013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522705.911092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522713.911226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522721.911351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522729.911477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522737.911509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522745.911710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522753.911858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522761.912030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522769.912128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522777.912191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522785.912319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522793.912453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522801.912602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522809.912740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522817.912875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522825.913000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522833.913086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522841.913241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522849.913384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522857.913506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522865.913639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522873.913771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522881.913923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522889.914008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522897.914079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522905.914181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522913.914331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522921.914491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522929.914646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522937.914762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522945.914923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522953.915036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522961.915171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522969.915295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522977.915425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522985.915572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730522993.915738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523001.915929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523009.916033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523017.916134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523025.916261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523033.916352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523041.916501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523049.916628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523057.916782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523065.916945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523073.917022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523081.917108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523089.917218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523097.917296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523105.917425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523113.917567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523121.917712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523129.917887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523137.918006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523145.918145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523153.918276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523161.918426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523169.918580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523177.918706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523185.918889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523193.918994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523201.919072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523209.919160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523217.919275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523225.919362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523233.919509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523241.919663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523249.919814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523257.919972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523265.920081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523273.920226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523281.920371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523289.920522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523297.920670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523305.920816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523313.920982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523321.921113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523329.921246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523337.921354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523345.921477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523353.921618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523361.921764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523369.921948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523377.922022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523385.922113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523393.922212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523401.922342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523409.922487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523417.922572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523425.922734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523433.922883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523441.923005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523449.923144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523457.923284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523465.923438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523473.923590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523481.923736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523489.923930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523497.924003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523505.924095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523513.924249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523521.924367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523529.924509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523537.924645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523545.924800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523553.924950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523561.925038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523569.925188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523577.925337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523585.925501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523593.925645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523601.925794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523609.925964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523617.926033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523625.926170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523633.926290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523641.926452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523649.926590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523657.926741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523665.926911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523673.927023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523681.927114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523689.927208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523697.927398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523705.927582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523713.927658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523721.927793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523729.927944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523737.928044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523745.928193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523753.928337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523761.928461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523769.928565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523777.928726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523785.928908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523793.928983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523801.929089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523809.929164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523817.929291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523825.929437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523833.929594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523841.929746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523849.929883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523857.930038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523865.930123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523873.930279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523881.930508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523889.930643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523897.930791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523905.930938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523913.931052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523921.931122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523929.931354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523937.931502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523945.931655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523953.931806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523961.931911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523969.932013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523977.932121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523985.932250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730523993.932398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524001.932547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524009.932705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524017.932772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524025.932976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524033.933112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524041.933214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524049.933364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524057.933491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524065.933580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524073.933741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524081.933929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524089.934024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524097.934104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524105.934199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524113.934272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524121.934362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524129.934500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524137.934639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524145.934778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524153.934962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524161.935045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524169.935142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524177.935294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524185.935436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524193.935584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524201.935712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524209.935903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524217.936012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524225.936098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524233.936202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524241.936274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524249.936407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524257.936558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524265.936714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524273.936904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524281.936983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524289.937059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524297.937213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524305.937354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524313.937483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524321.937629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524329.937760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524337.937922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524345.938050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524353.938177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524361.938291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524369.938418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524377.938559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524385.938705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524393.938852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524401.938992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524409.939127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524417.939202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524425.939369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524433.939438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524441.939595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524449.939743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524457.939923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524465.940015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524473.940126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524481.940283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524489.940414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524497.940552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524505.940708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524513.940904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524521.941091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524529.941242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524537.941311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524545.941470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524553.941625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524561.941784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524569.941906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524577.942024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524585.942159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524593.942313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524601.942453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524609.942604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524617.942710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524625.942873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524633.943030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524641.943163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524649.943297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524657.943438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524665.943580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524673.943755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524681.943846 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524689.944018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524697.944111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524705.944189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524713.944349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524721.944484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524729.944628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524737.944781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524745.944935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524753.945083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524761.945229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524769.945262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524777.945471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524785.945547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524793.945820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524801.945979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524809.946076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524817.946168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524825.946321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524833.946453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524841.946668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524849.946825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524857.946823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524865.947034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524873.947106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524881.947218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524889.947409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524897.947564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524905.947694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524913.947944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524921.948026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524929.948122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524937.948266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524945.948397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524953.948586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524961.948737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524969.948919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524977.948991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524985.949120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730524993.949271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525001.949425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525009.949598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525017.949743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525025.949939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525033.950095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525041.950280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525049.950405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525057.950603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525065.950744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525073.950933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525081.951035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525089.951114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525097.951195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525105.951278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525113.951438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525121.951509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525129.951646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525137.951723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525145.951913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525153.952033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525161.952160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525169.952288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525177.952434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525185.952569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525193.952743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525201.952900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525209.953055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525217.953206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525225.953343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525233.953492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525241.953626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525249.953762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525257.953949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525265.954028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525273.954163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525281.954322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525289.954462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525297.954651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525305.954806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525313.954980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525321.955110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525329.955205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525337.955348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525345.955499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525353.955655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525361.955776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525369.955936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525377.955871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525385.956068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525393.956191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525401.956333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525409.956481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525417.956623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525425.956757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525433.956930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525441.957016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525449.957110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525457.957135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525465.957336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525473.957455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525481.957567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525489.957720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525497.957863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525505.957977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525513.958185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525521.958284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525529.958427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525537.958624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525545.958819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525553.958972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525561.959067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525569.959161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525577.959320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525585.959456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525593.959611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525601.959746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525609.959907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525617.959926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525625.960096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525633.960186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525641.960311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525649.960465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525657.960622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525665.960786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525673.960951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525681.961083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525689.961164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525697.961349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525705.961550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525713.961675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525721.961786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525729.961937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525737.962027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525745.962176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525753.962256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525761.962415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525769.962489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525777.962508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525785.962639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525793.962765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525801.962991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525809.963130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525817.963259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525825.963418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525833.963548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525841.963703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525849.963876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525857.963906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525865.964061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525873.964139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525881.964301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525889.964430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525897.964566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525905.964724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525913.964920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525921.965037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525929.965168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525937.965308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525945.965432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525953.965559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525961.965692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525969.965824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525977.966134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525985.966277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730525993.966418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526001.966566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526009.966718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526017.966901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526025.966918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526033.967051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526041.967142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526049.967291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526057.967448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526065.967703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526073.967879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526081.968017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526089.968103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526097.968254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526105.968410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526113.968597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526121.968755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526129.968921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526137.969004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526145.969091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526153.969247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526161.969408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526169.969529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526177.969602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526185.969777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526193.969944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526201.970006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526209.970143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526217.970311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526225.970410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526233.970534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526241.970667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526249.970800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526257.970971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526265.971052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526273.971210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526281.971349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526289.971504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526297.971687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526305.971758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526313.971939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526321.971998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526329.972130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526337.972236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526345.972376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526353.972543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526361.972553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526369.972737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526377.972914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526385.973017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526393.973113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526401.973255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526409.973388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526417.973512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526425.973643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526433.973802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526441.973907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526449.974073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526457.974153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526465.974290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526473.974407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526481.974550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526489.974695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526497.974884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526505.974984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526513.975075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526521.975217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526529.975385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526537.975499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526545.975650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526553.975784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526561.975928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526569.976033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526577.976163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526585.976305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526593.976449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526601.976608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526609.976688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526617.976911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526625.976982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526633.977072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526641.977217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526649.977373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526657.977519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526665.977652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526673.977801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526681.977954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526689.978072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526697.978208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526705.978216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526713.978508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526721.978645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526729.978807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526737.978951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526745.979020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526753.979172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526761.979297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526769.979444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526777.979594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526785.979748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526793.979939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526801.980027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526809.980129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526817.980205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526825.980275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526833.980415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526841.980539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526849.980673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526857.980826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526865.980998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526873.981083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526881.981174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526889.981324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526897.981453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526905.981606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526913.981760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526921.981953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526929.982032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526937.982125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526945.982281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526953.982412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526961.982454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526969.982658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526977.982728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526985.982902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730526993.983022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527001.983166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527009.983319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527017.983480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527025.983618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527033.983818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527041.983971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527049.984046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527057.984189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527065.984338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527073.984459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527081.984607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527089.984754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527097.984923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527105.985044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527113.985134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527121.985290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527129.985374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527137.985494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527145.985646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527153.985780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527161.985945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527169.986068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527177.986214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527185.986363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527193.986514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527201.986681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527209.986804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527217.986909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527225.986909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527233.987042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527241.987130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527249.987274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527257.987365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527265.987496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527273.987632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527281.987785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527289.988091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527297.988181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527305.988324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527313.988524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527321.988678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527329.988805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527337.988964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527345.989105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527353.989250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527361.989391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527369.989531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527377.989663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527385.989870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527393.989979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527401.990114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527409.990273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527417.990401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527425.990531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527433.990683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527441.990878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527449.990989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527457.991056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527465.991216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527473.991353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527481.991492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527489.991651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527497.991793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527505.991942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527513.992031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527521.992167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527529.992300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527537.992439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527545.992559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527553.992704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527561.992861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527569.993028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527577.993166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527585.993322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527593.993438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527601.993554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527609.993700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527617.993881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527625.994019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527633.994149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527641.994295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527649.994421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527657.994580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527665.994901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527673.994956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527681.995150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527689.995294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527697.995454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527705.995610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527713.995751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527721.995929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527729.996035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527737.996154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527745.996296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527753.996440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527761.996573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527769.996726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527777.996874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527785.996971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527793.997097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527801.997206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527809.997341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527817.997588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527825.997716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527833.997911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527841.998039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527849.998115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527857.998203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527865.998354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527873.998513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527881.998675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527889.998814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527897.998966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527905.999101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527913.999191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527921.999338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527929.999485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527937.999626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527945.999752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527953.999925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527962.000011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527970.000154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527978.000258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527986.000400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730527994.000564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528002.000686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528010.000828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528018.000996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528026.001089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528034.001166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528042.001386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528050.001512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528058.001661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528066.001882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528074.001998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528082.002130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528090.002288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528098.002428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528106.002588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528114.002757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528122.002921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528130.003060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528138.003202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528146.003331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528154.003444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528162.003585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528170.003699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528178.003890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528186.004007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528194.004142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528202.004228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528210.004377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528218.004521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528226.004674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528234.004812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528242.004979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528250.005059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528258.005212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528266.005364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528274.005520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528282.005685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528290.005820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528298.005951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528306.006101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528314.006131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528322.006338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528330.006471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528338.006590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528346.006694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528354.006956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528362.007015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528370.007100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528378.007270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528386.007405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528394.007550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528402.007629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528410.007816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528418.007964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528426.008152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528434.008298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528442.008431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528450.008586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528458.008736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528466.008923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528474.009028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528482.009109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528490.009184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528498.009343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528506.009491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528514.009630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528522.009758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528530.009927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528538.010029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528546.010111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528554.010239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528562.010383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528570.010533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528578.010689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528586.010941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528594.011046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528602.011138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528610.011252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528618.011320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528626.011392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528634.011471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528642.011550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528650.011676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528658.011793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528666.011937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528674.012045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528682.012185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528690.012362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528698.012476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528706.012686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528714.012826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528722.012999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528730.013083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528738.013179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528746.013258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528754.013417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528762.013578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528770.013727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528778.013901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528786.014017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528794.014148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528802.014293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528810.014446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528818.014604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528826.014738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528834.015033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528842.015160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528850.015288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528858.015423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528866.015581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528874.015708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528882.015892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528890.015972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528898.016114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528906.016274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528914.016403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528922.016534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528930.016657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528938.016819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528946.016963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528954.017084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528962.017224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528970.017354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528978.017514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528986.017653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730528994.017802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529002.017964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529010.018115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529018.018243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529026.018399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529034.018566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529042.018675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529050.018848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529058.019024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529066.019099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529074.019226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529082.019399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529090.019538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529098.019691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529106.019888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529114.020001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529122.020099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529130.020258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529138.020413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529146.020556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529154.020710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529162.020890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529170.021023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529178.021250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529186.021382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529194.021525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529202.021644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529210.021789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529218.021910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529226.022023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529234.022146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529242.022278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529250.022437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529258.022566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529266.022721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529274.022786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529282.022945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529290.023095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529298.023182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529306.023342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529314.023498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529322.023641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529330.023789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529338.023927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529346.024055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529354.024207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529362.024361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529370.024580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529378.024680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529386.024828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529394.024979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529402.025070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529410.025195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529418.025325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529426.025482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529434.025637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529442.025721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529450.025854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529458.025967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529466.026221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529474.026279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529482.026417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529490.026554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529498.026697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529506.026746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529514.026955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529522.027085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529530.027234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529538.027340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529546.027489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529554.027642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529562.027965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529570.027999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529578.028127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529586.028179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529594.028374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529602.028540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529610.028678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529618.028823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529626.028975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529634.029089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529642.029222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529650.029357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529658.029444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529666.029596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529674.029613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529682.029815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529690.029964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529698.030038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529706.030170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529714.030268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529722.030410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529730.030567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529738.030725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529746.030896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529754.030994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529762.031005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529770.031215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529778.031355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529786.031501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529794.031753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529802.031889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529810.032104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529818.032190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529826.032340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529834.032477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529842.032604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529850.032752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529858.032892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529866.033026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529874.033106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529882.033186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529890.033296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529898.033443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529906.033615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529914.033755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529922.033914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529930.034014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529938.034100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529946.034215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529954.034426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529962.034483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529970.034637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529978.034765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529986.034931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730529994.035068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530002.035159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530010.035282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530018.035439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530026.035586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530034.035710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530042.035879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530050.036158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530058.036295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530066.036423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530074.036541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530082.036662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530090.036813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530098.036978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530106.037064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530114.037199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530122.037369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530130.037502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530138.037645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530146.037751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530154.037886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530162.038014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530170.038088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530178.038231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530186.038356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530194.038498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530202.038641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530210.038779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530218.038947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530226.039090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530234.039245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530242.039312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530250.039470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530258.039625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530266.039716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530274.039899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530282.040028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530290.040166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530298.040266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530306.040413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530314.040554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530322.040825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530330.040903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530338.041037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530346.041067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530354.041228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530362.041381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530370.041534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530378.041682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530386.041809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530394.041954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530402.042035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530410.042162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530418.042297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530426.042440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530434.042568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530442.042721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530450.042868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530458.043031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530466.043164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530474.043299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530482.043447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530490.043592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530498.043738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530506.043915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530514.044170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530522.044196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530530.044317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530538.044473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530546.044631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530554.044754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530562.044942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530570.045076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530578.045221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530586.045349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530594.045490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530602.045624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530610.045773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530618.045934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530626.046052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530634.046200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530642.046366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530650.046438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530658.046574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530666.046680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530674.046796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530682.046961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530690.047053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530698.047201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530706.047336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530714.047489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530722.047644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530730.047743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530738.047914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530746.048019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530754.048102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530762.048204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530770.048351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530778.048483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530786.048648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530794.048779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530802.048938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530810.049034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530818.049181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530826.049262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530834.049410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530842.049564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530850.049717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530858.049879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530866.050001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530874.050129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530882.050257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530890.050376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530898.050547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530906.050815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530914.050941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530922.051065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530930.051207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530938.051364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530946.051529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530954.051664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530962.051821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530970.051950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530978.052073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530986.052226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730530994.052338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531002.052467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531010.052603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531018.052727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531026.052906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531034.053010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531042.053178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531050.053332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531058.053484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531066.053613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531074.053923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531082.054026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531090.054167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531098.054284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531106.054302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531114.054500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531122.054658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531130.054849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531138.055019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531146.055149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531154.055216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531162.055324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531170.055408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531178.055553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531186.055703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531194.055875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531202.056005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531210.056103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531218.056250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531226.056396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531234.056535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531242.056669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531250.056799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531258.056961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531266.057024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531274.057203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531282.057415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531290.057558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531298.057700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531306.057905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531314.057991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531322.058087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531330.058218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531338.058364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531346.058447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531354.058695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531362.058828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531370.059071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531378.059254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531386.059378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531394.059530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531402.059684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531410.059850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531418.059962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531426.060107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531434.060245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531442.060392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531450.060544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531458.060678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531466.060800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531474.060961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531482.061053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531490.061123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531498.061291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531506.061364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531514.061516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531522.061519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531530.061643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531538.061795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531546.061951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531554.062078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531562.062235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531570.062366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531578.062506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531586.062651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531594.062793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531602.062957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531610.062964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531618.063152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531626.063278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531634.063429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531642.063580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531650.063716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531658.063887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531666.064025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531674.064155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531682.064286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531690.064434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531698.064560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531706.064713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531714.064878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531722.064983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531730.065065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531738.065132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531746.065285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531754.065414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531762.065564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531770.065721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531778.065858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531786.065997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531794.066084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531802.066223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531810.066389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531818.066536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531826.066678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531834.066812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531842.066941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531850.067036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531858.067116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531866.067280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531874.067483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531882.067638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531890.067792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531898.067934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531906.068036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531914.068183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531922.068296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531930.068458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531938.068583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531946.068724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531954.068901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531962.069036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531970.069172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531978.069323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531986.069469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730531994.069593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532002.069731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532010.069911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532018.070019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532026.070172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532034.070300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532042.070485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532050.070618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532058.070766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532066.070922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532074.071047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532082.071188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532090.071325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532098.071455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532106.071608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532114.071745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532122.071873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532130.072007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532138.072148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532146.072311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532154.072434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532162.072558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532170.072682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532178.072812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532186.072946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532194.073047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532202.073173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532210.073286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532218.073297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532226.073500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532234.073647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532242.073800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532250.073936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532258.074084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532266.074218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532274.074369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532282.074506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532290.074644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532298.074796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532306.074937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532314.074982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532322.075065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532330.075208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532338.075344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532346.075511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532354.075652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532362.075960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532370.076082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532378.076224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532386.076275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532394.076486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532402.076642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532410.076770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532418.076914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532426.077032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532434.077127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532442.077204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532450.077328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532458.077487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532466.077602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532474.077759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532482.077944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532490.078039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532498.078097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532506.078234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532514.078381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532522.078515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532530.078675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532538.078808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532546.078931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532554.078911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532562.079031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532570.079187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532578.079318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532586.079441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532594.079562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532602.079716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532610.079936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532618.080006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532626.080147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532634.080277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532642.080410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532650.080566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532658.080702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532666.080908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532674.081020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532682.081160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532690.081277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532698.081441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532706.081555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532714.081730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532722.081882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532730.081970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532738.082090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532746.082238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532754.082390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532762.082530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532770.082659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532778.082731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532786.082904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532794.083013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532802.083150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532810.083167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532818.083344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532826.083490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532834.083642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532842.083786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532850.083933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532858.084060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532866.084205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532874.084356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532882.084507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532890.084657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532898.084750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532906.084936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532914.085070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532922.085149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532930.085294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532938.085447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532946.085584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532954.085754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532962.085883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532970.086025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532978.086127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532986.086257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730532994.086415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533002.086654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533010.086965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533018.087106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533026.087250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533034.087411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533042.087571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533050.087703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533058.087861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533066.087896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533074.088026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533082.088151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533090.088231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533098.088434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533106.088590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533114.088719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533122.088893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533130.089008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533138.089142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533146.089309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533154.089440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533162.089585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533170.089731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533178.089904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533186.090026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533194.090101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533202.090241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533210.090302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533218.090501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533226.090516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533234.090710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533242.090872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533250.091019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533258.091152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533266.091266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533274.091412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533282.091564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533290.091714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533298.091885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533306.091899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533314.092073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533322.092234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533330.092442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533338.092576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533346.092731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533354.092919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533362.093034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533370.093108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533378.093207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533386.093348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533394.093481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533402.093738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533410.093896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533418.094013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533426.094148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533434.094304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533442.094457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533450.094653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533458.094858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533466.094939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533474.095088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533482.095214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533490.095371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533498.095483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533506.095637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533514.095776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533522.095935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533530.096076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533538.096153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533546.096304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533554.096399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533562.096516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533570.096607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533578.096789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533586.096940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533594.097046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533602.097160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533610.097313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533618.097458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533626.097589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533634.097716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533642.097780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533650.097959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533658.098092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533666.098212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533674.098349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533682.098485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533690.098519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533698.098732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533706.098902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533714.099037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533722.099129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533730.099186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533738.099361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533746.099491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533754.099645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533762.099800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533770.099951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533778.100083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533786.100162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533794.100300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533802.100414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533810.100527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533818.100637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533826.100877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533834.101017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533842.101138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533850.101271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533858.101418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533866.101586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533874.101721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533882.101904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533890.102005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533898.102147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533906.102300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533914.102438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533922.102640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533930.102808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533938.103010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533946.103099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533954.103233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533962.103370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533970.103536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533978.103698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533986.103749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730533994.103915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534002.104018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534010.104142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534018.104250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534026.104357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534034.104503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534042.104632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534050.104813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534058.105014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534066.105140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534074.105262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534082.105452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534090.105605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534098.105759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534106.105885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534114.105991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534122.106123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534130.106228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534138.106388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534146.106594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534154.106739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534162.106785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534170.106961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534178.107095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534186.107180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534194.107313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534202.107469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534210.107609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534218.107777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534226.107939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534234.108028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534242.108186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534250.108307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534258.108446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534266.108600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534274.108759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534282.108907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534290.109172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534298.109355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534306.109492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534314.109645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534322.109797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534330.109935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534338.110121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534346.110269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534354.110431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534362.110537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534370.110671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534378.110774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534386.110918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534394.111032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534402.111106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534410.111124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534418.111173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534426.111382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534434.111522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534442.111664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534450.111773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534458.111941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534466.112048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534474.112105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534482.112259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534490.112398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534498.112568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534506.112708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534514.112877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534522.113004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534530.113104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534538.113255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534546.113416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534554.113573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534562.113702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534570.113828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534578.114008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534586.114009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534594.114148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534602.114295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534610.114427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534618.114695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534626.114813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534634.114948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534642.115076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534650.115227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534658.115423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534666.115589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534674.115728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534682.115882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534690.116007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534698.116162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534706.116315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534714.116440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534722.116574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534730.116734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534738.116904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534746.117021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534754.117184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534762.117349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534770.117397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534778.117598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534786.117726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534794.117935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534802.118044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534810.118202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534818.118319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534826.118482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534834.118625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534842.118757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534850.118992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534858.119065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534866.119194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534874.119343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534882.119477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534890.119582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534898.119776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534906.119938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534914.120031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534922.120117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534930.120216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534938.120499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534946.120608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534954.120693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534962.120786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534970.120945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534978.121036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534986.121132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730534994.121242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535002.121373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535010.121392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535018.121457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535026.121667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535034.121858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535042.121963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535050.122089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535058.122249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535066.122377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535074.122514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535082.122638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535090.122795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535098.122884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535106.123055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535114.123081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535122.123271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535130.123387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535138.123511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535146.123671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535154.123807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535162.123975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535170.124180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535178.124259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535186.124461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535194.124618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535202.124780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535210.124937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535218.125063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535226.125152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535234.125386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535242.125528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535250.125671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535258.125823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535266.125868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535274.126045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535282.126253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535290.126402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535298.126564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535306.126718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535314.126903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535322.127035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535330.127107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535338.127266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535346.127389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535354.127554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535362.127674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535370.127821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535378.127937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535386.128021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535394.128167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535402.128247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535410.128413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535418.128577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535426.128711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535434.128924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535442.129048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535450.129164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535458.129330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535466.129477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535474.129633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535482.129775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535490.129929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535498.130058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535506.130211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535514.130379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535522.130498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535530.130738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535538.130952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535546.131021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535554.131153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535562.131282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535570.131416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535578.131571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535586.131713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535594.131878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535602.131983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535610.132165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535618.132261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535626.132387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535634.132458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535642.132603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535650.132739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535658.132931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535666.133002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535674.133134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535682.133241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535690.133482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535698.133551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535706.133701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535714.133878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535722.134004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535730.134043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535738.134230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535746.134391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535754.134474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535762.134615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535770.134766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535778.134928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535786.134948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535794.134938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535802.135102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535810.135180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535818.135314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535826.135451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535834.135588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535842.135698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535850.135819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535858.136010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535866.136096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535874.136232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535882.136275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535890.136468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535898.136599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535906.136754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535914.136951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535922.137063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535930.137156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535938.137293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535946.137402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535954.137533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535962.137645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535970.137735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535978.137908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535986.138038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730535994.138196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536002.138333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536010.138453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536018.138648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536026.138804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536034.138957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536042.139065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536050.139207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536058.139342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536066.139484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536074.139612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536082.139755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536090.139898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536098.140171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536106.140284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536114.140413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536122.140565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536130.140704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536138.140864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536146.140921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536154.141048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536162.141187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536170.141260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536178.141412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536186.141565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536194.141676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536202.141812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536210.141952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536218.142066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536226.142185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536234.142351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536242.142490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536250.142618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536258.142743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536266.142918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536274.143009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536282.143082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536290.143168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536298.143325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536306.143363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536314.143547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536322.143706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536330.143868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536338.144013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536346.144148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536354.144273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536362.144439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536370.144594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536378.144695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536386.144726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536394.144912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536402.145023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536410.145229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536418.145362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536426.145499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536434.145661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536442.145812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536450.145966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536458.146110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536466.146257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536474.146401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536482.146540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536490.146691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536498.146856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536506.146982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536514.147099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536522.147255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536530.147415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536538.147549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536546.147711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536554.147873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536562.148013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536570.148107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536578.148235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536586.148359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536594.148493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536602.148639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536610.148757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536618.148885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536626.149009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536634.149087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536642.149127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536650.149331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536658.149464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536666.149589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536674.149753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536682.149921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536690.150015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536698.150126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536706.150295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536714.150413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536722.150565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536730.150640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536738.150864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536746.151004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536754.151144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536762.151301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536770.151450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536778.151605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536786.151731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536794.151929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536802.152019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536810.152157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536818.152298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536826.152465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536834.152618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536842.152771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536850.152934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536858.153009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536866.153092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536874.153176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536882.153331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536890.153434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536898.153543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536906.153686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536914.153848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536922.153971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536930.154106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536938.154267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536946.154415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536954.154549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536962.154671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536970.154855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536978.154981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536986.155046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730536994.155119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537002.155274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537010.155397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537018.155523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537026.155656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537034.155804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537042.155967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537050.156091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537058.156244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537066.156363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537074.156474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537082.156600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537090.156744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537098.156909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537106.157015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537114.157112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537122.157234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537130.157396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537138.157535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537146.157688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537154.157872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537162.158163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537170.158267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537178.158432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537186.158582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537194.158738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537202.158921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537210.159033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537218.159121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537226.159239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537234.159383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537242.159535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537250.159711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537258.159888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537266.160002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537274.160122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537282.160275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537290.160390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537298.160541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537306.160618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537314.160706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537322.160892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537330.160926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537338.161106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537346.161203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537354.161315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537362.161442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537370.161584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537378.161703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537386.161849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537394.161979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537402.162110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537410.162203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537418.162350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537426.162496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537434.162647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537442.162948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537450.163017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537458.163102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537466.163254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537474.163381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537482.163532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537490.163674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537498.163720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537506.163948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537514.164061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537522.164196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537530.164350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537538.164416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537546.164543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537554.164678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537562.164799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537570.164937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537578.164945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537586.165106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537594.165269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537602.165382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537610.165549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537618.165670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537626.165805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537634.165954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537642.166098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537650.166224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537658.166419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537666.166558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537674.166708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537682.166868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537690.167034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537698.167106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537706.167254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537714.167415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537722.167545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537730.167635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537738.167776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537746.167920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537754.168013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537762.168100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537770.168237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537778.168317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537786.168479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537794.168638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537802.168794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537810.168960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537818.169101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537826.169184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537834.169346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537842.169497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537850.169663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537858.169812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537866.169979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537874.170121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537882.170254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537890.170387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537898.170535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537906.170663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537914.170884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537922.171010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537930.171103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537938.171230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537946.171347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537954.171527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537962.171652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537970.171801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537978.171946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537986.172013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730537994.172165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538002.172336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538010.172458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538018.172550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538026.172646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538034.172747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538042.172828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538050.172943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538058.173030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538066.173126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538074.173290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538082.173400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538090.173542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538098.173687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538106.173894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538114.173988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538122.174122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538130.174277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538138.174438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538146.174565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538154.174717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538162.174878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538170.174956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538178.175122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538186.175248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538194.175403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538202.175525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538210.175649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538218.175807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538226.175961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538234.176092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538242.176222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538250.176286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538258.176401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538266.176553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538274.176685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538282.176828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538290.177007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538298.177143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538306.177243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538314.177394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538322.177542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538330.177677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538338.177856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538346.177971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538354.178102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538362.178192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538370.178345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538378.178504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538386.178640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538394.178790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538402.178964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538410.179034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538418.179053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538426.179228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538434.179367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538442.179410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538450.179618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538458.179770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538466.179933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538474.180080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538482.180208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538490.180366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538498.180489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538506.180496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538514.180687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538522.180770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538530.180927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538538.181004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538546.181133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538554.181296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538562.181388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538570.181528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538578.181660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538586.181725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538594.181938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538602.182004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538610.182128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538618.182255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538626.182402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538634.182534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538642.182686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538650.182820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538658.182972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538666.183031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538674.183149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538682.183275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538690.183429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538698.183566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538706.183716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538714.183875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538722.183977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538730.184074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538738.184153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538746.184241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538754.184377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538762.184501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538770.184638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538778.184762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538786.184937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538794.185090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538802.185170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538810.185323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538818.185468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538826.185634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538834.185758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538842.185942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538850.186081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538858.186172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538866.186293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538874.186458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538882.186587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538890.186739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538898.186908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538906.187005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538914.187142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538922.187297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538930.187449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538938.187588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538946.187726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538954.187885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538962.187967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538970.188115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538978.188274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538986.188446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730538994.188584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539002.188724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539010.188872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539018.189024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539026.189104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539034.189263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539042.189417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539050.189575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539058.189704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539066.189864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539074.190015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539082.190137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539090.190266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539098.190396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539106.190550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539114.190677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539122.190865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539130.191005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539138.191165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539146.191318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539154.191481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539162.191608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539170.191739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539178.191918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539186.192037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539194.192198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539202.192323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539210.192420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539218.192578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539226.192733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539234.192864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539242.192965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539250.193008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539258.193095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539266.193250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539274.193383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539282.193508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539290.193646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539298.193804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539306.193900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539314.194018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539322.194171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539330.194242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539338.194395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539346.194527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539354.194657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539362.194811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539370.194947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539378.195079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539386.195223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539394.195350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539402.195494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539410.195656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539418.195791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539426.195942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539434.196019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539442.196163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539450.196277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539458.196459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539466.196622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539474.196768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539482.196910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539490.197049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539498.197125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539506.197284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539514.197416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539522.197541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539530.197633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539538.197766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539546.197923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539554.198030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539562.198160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539570.198235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539578.198387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539586.198534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539594.198685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539602.198771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539610.198938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539618.199023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539626.199152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539634.199288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539642.199526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539650.199674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539658.199847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539666.200018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539674.200158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539682.200264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539690.200419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539698.200503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539706.200652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539714.200792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539722.200938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539730.201089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539738.201167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539746.201303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539754.201436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539762.201592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539770.201679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539778.201827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539786.201961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539794.202091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539802.202169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539810.202316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539818.202469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539826.202623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539834.202769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539842.202923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539850.203061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539858.203145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539866.203270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539874.203422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539882.203565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539890.203733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539898.203928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539906.204058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539914.204206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539922.204345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539930.204477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539938.204613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539946.204745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539954.204908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539962.205024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539970.205159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539978.205251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539986.205376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730539994.205522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540002.205667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540010.205809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540018.205971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540026.206110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540034.206262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540042.206424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540050.206553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540058.206710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540066.206867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540074.207134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540082.207208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540090.207344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540098.207508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540106.207677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540114.207767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540122.207900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540130.208022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540138.208107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540146.208260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540154.208416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540162.208545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540170.208706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540178.208871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540186.208979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540194.209068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540202.209170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540210.209292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540218.209381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540226.209511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540234.209658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540242.209785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540250.209873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540258.210089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540266.210215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540274.210341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540282.210506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540290.210659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540298.210798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540306.210966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540314.211039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540322.211173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540330.211312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540338.211442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540346.211585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540354.211701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540362.211872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540370.212015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540378.212167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540386.212321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540394.212466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540402.212660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540410.212791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540418.212941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540426.213088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540434.213172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540442.213298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540450.213431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540458.213560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540466.213663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540474.213814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540482.213973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540490.214104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540498.214223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540506.214374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540514.214527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540522.214696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540530.214822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540538.214948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540546.215087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540554.215185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540562.215332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540570.215481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540578.215607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540586.215762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540594.215918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540602.215985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540610.216085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540618.216266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540626.216397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540634.216555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540642.216705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540650.216853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540658.217023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540666.217144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540674.217300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540682.217467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540690.217611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540698.217749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540706.217920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540714.218057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540722.218202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540730.218363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540738.218458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540746.218610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540754.218734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540762.218906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540770.219019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540778.219149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540786.219181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540794.219382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540802.219513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540810.219668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540818.219800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540826.219955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540834.220175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540842.220320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540850.220439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540858.220604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540866.220708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540874.220923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540882.221062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540890.221159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540898.221294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540906.221428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540914.221558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540922.221716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540930.221898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540938.222024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540946.222110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540954.222386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540962.222576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540970.222727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540978.222894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540986.223014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730540994.223169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541002.223276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541010.223419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541018.223575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541026.223875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541034.224000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541042.224142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541050.224272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541058.224473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541066.224683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541074.224862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541082.225005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541090.225133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541098.225288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541106.225398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541114.225527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541122.225766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541130.225928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541138.226003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541146.226206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541154.226320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541162.226447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541170.226580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541178.226720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541186.226899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541194.226997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541202.227085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541210.227290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541218.227423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541226.227552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541234.227704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541242.227874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541250.228003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541258.228117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541266.228258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541274.228425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541282.228567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541290.228697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541298.228852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541306.228981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541314.229061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541322.229198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541330.229330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541338.229455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541346.229608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541354.229762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541362.229931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541370.230044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541378.230211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541386.230344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541394.230483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541402.230624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541410.230756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541418.230929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541426.231066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541434.231189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541442.231351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541450.231498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541458.231568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541466.231729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541474.231922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541482.232045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541490.232123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541498.232284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541506.232415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541514.232549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541522.232697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541530.232884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541538.233029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541546.233052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541554.233220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541562.233360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541570.233515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541578.233586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541586.233715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541594.233876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541602.233940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541610.234086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541618.234171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541626.234322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541634.234495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541642.234624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541650.234773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541658.234925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541666.235097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541674.235249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541682.235490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541690.235623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541698.235761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541706.235906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541714.235962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541722.236161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541730.236308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541738.236514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541746.236663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541754.236806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541762.236924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541770.237080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541778.237221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541786.237375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541794.237508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541802.237661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541810.237817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541818.237991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541826.238054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541834.238141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541842.238274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541850.238417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541858.238552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541866.238694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541874.238871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541882.238985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541890.239127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541898.239274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541906.239405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541914.239549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541922.239711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541930.239878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541938.239994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541946.240086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541954.240218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541962.240340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541970.240491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541978.240615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541986.240775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730541994.240935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542002.241082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542010.241214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542018.241342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542026.241493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542034.241617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542042.241757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542050.241939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542058.242136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542066.242232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542074.242366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542082.242502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542090.242657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542098.242813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542106.242958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542114.243039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542122.243130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542130.243141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542138.243316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542146.243479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542154.243634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542162.243789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542170.243932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542178.244077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542186.244233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542194.244367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542202.244516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542210.244646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542218.244789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542226.244942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542234.245088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542242.245205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542250.245314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542258.245474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542266.245602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542274.245739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542282.245917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542290.246035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542298.246072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542306.246243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542314.246355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542322.246517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542330.246651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542338.246775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542346.246936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542354.247061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542362.247131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542370.247262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542378.247423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542386.247564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542394.247721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542402.247889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542410.248000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542418.248139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542426.248226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542434.248391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542442.248541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542450.248673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542458.248828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542466.248886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542474.249009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542482.249148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542490.249292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542498.249409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542506.249487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542514.249621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542522.249768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542530.249935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542538.250060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542546.250214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542554.250377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542562.250534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542570.250694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542578.250976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542586.251092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542594.251244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542602.251381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542610.251513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542618.251667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542626.251826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542634.251867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542642.252029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542650.252176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542658.252336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542666.252492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542674.252641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542682.252783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542690.252941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542698.253022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542706.253156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542714.253309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542722.253548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542730.253609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542738.253711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542746.253868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542754.254009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542762.254139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542770.254286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542778.254434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542786.254576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542794.254727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542802.254875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542810.255021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542818.255177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542826.255334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542834.255496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542842.255649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542850.255808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542858.255954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542866.256071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542874.256164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542882.256357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542890.256562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542898.256689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542906.256865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542914.256975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542922.257049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542930.257195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542938.257329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542946.257455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542954.257608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542962.257774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542970.257958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542978.258025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542986.258138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730542994.258292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543002.258429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543010.258576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543018.258710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543026.258883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543034.258986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543042.259067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543050.259195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543058.259358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543066.259440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543074.259596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543082.259732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543090.259896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543098.260035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543106.260164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543114.260292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543122.260446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543130.260541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543138.260780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543146.260973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543154.261042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543162.261170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543170.261289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543178.261426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543186.261554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543194.261697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543202.261897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543210.262007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543218.262134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543226.262178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543234.262368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543242.262477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543250.262619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543258.262774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543266.262933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543274.263081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543282.263159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543290.263280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543298.263440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543306.263588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543314.263741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543322.263899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543330.264029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543338.264151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543346.264323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543354.264488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543362.264632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543370.264770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543378.264866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543386.264994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543394.265109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543402.265296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543410.265505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543418.265658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543426.265747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543434.265902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543442.266031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543450.266161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543458.266299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543466.266434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543474.266578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543482.266885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543490.266967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543498.267109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543506.267243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543514.267329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543522.267463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543530.267620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543538.267750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543546.267903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543554.267999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543562.268085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543570.268167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543578.268271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543586.268412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543594.268556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543602.268678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543610.268810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543618.268932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543626.269027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543634.269106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543642.269126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543650.269343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543658.269526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543666.269631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543674.269754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543682.269927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543690.270003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543698.270166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543706.270265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543714.270410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543722.270553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543730.270623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543738.270781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543746.270938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543754.271020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543762.271107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543770.271236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543778.271388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543786.271467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543794.271604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543802.271730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543810.271894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543818.272100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543826.272255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543834.272415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543842.272539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543850.272695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543858.272853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543866.272947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543874.273015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543882.273094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543890.273235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543898.273424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543906.273566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543914.273873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543922.274010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543930.274109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543938.274191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543946.274320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543954.274447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543962.274608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543970.274749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543978.274916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543986.275026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730543994.275161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544002.275305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544010.275488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544018.275606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544026.275757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544034.275947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544042.276025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544050.276097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544058.276183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544066.276345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544074.276478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544082.276597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544090.276742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544098.276883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544106.276999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544114.277084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544122.277169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544130.277267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544138.277415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544146.277592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544154.277762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544162.277932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544170.278011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544178.278125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544186.278253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544194.278395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544202.278558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544210.278643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544218.278776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544226.278939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544234.279025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544242.279162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544250.279238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544258.279366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544266.279483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544274.279642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544282.279783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544290.279943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544298.280010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544306.280087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544314.280120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544322.280326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544330.280450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544338.280604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544346.280757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544354.280901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544362.281027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544370.281172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544378.281275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544386.281394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544394.281560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544402.281699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544410.281865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544418.281978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544426.282053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544434.282121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544442.282245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544450.282358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544458.282487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544466.282653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544474.282797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544482.282959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544490.283099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544498.283178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544506.283296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544514.283391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544522.283540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544530.283631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544538.283805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544546.283942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544554.284019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544562.284019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544570.284158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544578.284290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544586.284433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544594.284583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544602.284739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544610.284908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544618.285009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544626.285133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544634.285244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544642.285392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544650.285517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544658.285664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544666.285826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544674.285957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544682.286098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544690.286249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544698.286394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544706.286559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544714.286689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544722.286756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544730.287010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544738.287109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544746.287261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544754.287426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544762.287553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544770.287707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544778.287884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544786.288014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544794.288100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544802.288177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544810.288336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544818.288500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544826.288647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544834.288784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544842.288951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544850.289027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544858.289092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544866.289186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544874.289348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544882.289468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544890.289482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544898.289683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544906.289809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544914.289944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544922.290100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544930.290215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544938.290311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544946.290410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544954.290498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544962.290596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544970.290609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544978.290744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544986.290868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730544994.290928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545002.291085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545010.291189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545018.291348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545026.291478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545034.291599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545042.291752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545050.291919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545058.292035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545066.292126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545074.292226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545082.292368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545090.292527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545098.292620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545106.292771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545114.292915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545122.292985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545130.293059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545138.293144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545146.293256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545154.293381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545162.293509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545170.293641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545178.293765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545186.293909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545194.293989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545202.294072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545210.294151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545218.294179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545226.294310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545234.294434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545242.294575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545250.294732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545258.294869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545266.295037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545274.295116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545282.295190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545290.295315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545298.295472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545306.295619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545314.295750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545322.295884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545330.295975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545338.296109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545346.296240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545354.296371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545362.296470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545370.296619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545378.296752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545386.296942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545394.297126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545402.297203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545410.297338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545418.297491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545426.297643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545434.297795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545442.297930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545450.298086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545458.298218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545466.298372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545474.298534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545482.298668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545490.298799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545498.298964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545506.299002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545514.299081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545522.299157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545530.299285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545538.299421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545546.299572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545554.299701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545562.299887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545570.300023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545578.300110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545586.300189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545594.300295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545602.300423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545610.300567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545618.300752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545626.300904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545634.300941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545642.301033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545650.301115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545658.301199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545666.301295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545674.301448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545682.301594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545690.301734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545698.301893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545706.302028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545714.302104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545722.302183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545730.302343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545738.302497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545746.302621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545754.302766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545762.302932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545770.303026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545778.303174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545786.303275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545794.303407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545802.303526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545810.303666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545818.303734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545826.303900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545834.304010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545842.304096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545850.304206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545858.304333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545866.304462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545874.304589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545882.304718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545890.304724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545898.304932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545906.305026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545914.305124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545922.305195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545930.305325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545938.305473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545946.305616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545954.305748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545962.305917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545970.306016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545978.306102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545986.306182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730545994.306309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546002.306553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546010.306716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546018.306859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546026.306967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546034.307165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546042.307318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546050.307468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546058.307604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546066.307785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546074.307956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546082.307994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546090.308098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546098.308174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546106.308276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546114.308396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546122.308556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546130.308699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546138.308817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546146.308986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546154.309064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546162.309191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546170.309322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546178.309477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546186.309636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546194.309785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546202.309948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546210.310020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546218.310152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546226.310166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546234.310338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546242.310470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546250.310620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546258.310777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546266.310930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546274.311085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546282.311165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546290.311296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546298.311461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546306.311609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546314.311617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546322.311813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546330.311948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546338.312073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546346.312225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546354.312464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546362.312608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546370.312746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546378.312923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546386.313027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546394.313031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546402.313152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546410.313258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546418.313377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546426.313543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546434.313696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546442.313789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546450.313953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546458.314032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546466.314177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546474.314313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546482.314468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546490.314617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546498.314749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546506.314867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546514.314973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546522.315119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546530.315242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546538.315395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546546.315546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546554.315686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546562.315798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546570.315994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546578.316080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546586.316155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546594.316280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546602.316433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546610.316515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546618.316665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546626.316821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546634.316952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546642.316972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546650.317096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546658.317181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546666.317281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546674.317388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546682.317490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546690.317634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546698.317780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546706.317925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546714.318020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546722.318106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546730.318190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546738.318319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546746.318458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546754.318610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546762.318677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546770.318811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546778.318975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546786.319055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546794.319197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546802.319336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546810.319463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546818.319541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546826.319670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546834.319821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546842.319979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546850.320063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546858.320147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546866.320274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546874.320406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546882.320512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546890.320683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546898.320902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546906.321032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546914.321125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546922.321183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546930.321303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546938.321462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546946.321612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546954.321683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546962.321863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546970.321975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546978.322056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546986.322164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730546994.322274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547002.322360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547010.322471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547018.322622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547026.322782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547034.322932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547042.323019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547050.323086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547058.323177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547066.323319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547074.323406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547082.323531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547090.323659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547098.323790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547106.323925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547114.324092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547122.324174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547130.324317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547138.324469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547146.324660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547154.324792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547162.324887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547170.325028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547178.325139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547186.325217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547194.325369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547202.325454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547210.325615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547218.325763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547226.325923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547234.326045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547242.326177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547250.326253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547258.326388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547266.326530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547274.326662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547282.326817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547290.326978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547298.327103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547306.327090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547314.327278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547322.327434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547330.327578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547338.327722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547346.327915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547354.328031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547362.328152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547370.328292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547378.328406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547386.328546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547394.328706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547402.328874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547410.328961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547418.329106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547426.329257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547434.329416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547442.329573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547450.329720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547458.329884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547466.329979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547474.329994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547482.330195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547490.330324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547498.330455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547506.330588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547514.330707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547522.330851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547530.330968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547538.331038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547546.331123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547554.331259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547562.331260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547570.331466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547578.331622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547586.331773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547594.331944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547602.332072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547610.332225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547618.332379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547626.332503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547634.332630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547642.332776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547650.332788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547658.333011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547666.333102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547674.333225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547682.333369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547690.333502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547698.333653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547706.333731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547714.333913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547722.334042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547730.334181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547738.334346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547746.334483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547754.334601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547762.334740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547770.334898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547778.335023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547786.335152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547794.335298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547802.335427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547810.335573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547818.335752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547826.335973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547834.336099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547842.336227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547850.336370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547858.336506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547866.336660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547874.336807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547882.336927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547890.336981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547898.337110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547906.337231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547914.337379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547922.337507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547930.337652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547938.337806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547946.337965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547954.338007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547962.338154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547970.338235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547978.338320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547986.338470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730547994.338563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548002.338691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548010.338854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548018.339013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548026.339099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548034.339256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548042.339382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548050.339531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548058.339667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548066.339856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548074.340021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548082.340108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548090.340259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548098.340394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548106.340532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548114.340657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548122.340784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548130.340933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548138.341024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548146.341098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548154.341185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548162.341311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548170.341458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548178.341580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548186.341717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548194.341892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548202.342005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548210.342089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548218.342170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548226.342287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548234.342436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548242.342591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548250.342745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548258.342921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548266.343011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548274.343087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548282.343177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548290.343330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548298.343404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548306.343555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548314.343679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548322.343898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548330.344024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548338.344173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548346.344302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548354.344430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548362.344586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548370.344739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548378.344923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548386.345044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548394.345213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548402.345348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548410.345488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548418.345601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548426.345751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548434.345906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548442.346038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548450.346126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548458.346257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548466.346417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548474.346571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548482.346706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548490.346911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548498.346933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548506.347077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548514.347210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548522.347335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548530.347494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548538.347619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548546.347748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548554.347877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548562.347889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548570.348062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548578.348152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548586.348225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548594.348397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548602.348600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548610.348743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548618.348889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548626.348960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548634.349007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548642.349088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548650.349107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548658.349262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548666.349391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548674.349512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548682.349660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548690.349790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548698.349935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548706.350005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548714.350077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548722.350169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548730.350176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548738.350335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548746.350493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548754.350570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548762.350698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548770.350887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548778.351018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548786.351135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548794.351289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548802.351401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548810.351559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548818.351714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548826.351881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548834.351995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548842.352137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548850.352262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548858.352350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548866.352434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548874.352602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548882.352750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548890.352922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548898.352997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548906.353089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548914.353160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548922.353267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548930.353418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548938.353564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548946.353667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548954.353814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548962.353973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548970.354054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548978.354135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548986.354241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730548994.354366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549002.354493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549010.354642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549018.354726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549026.354881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549034.355015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549042.355121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549050.355187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549058.355304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549066.355443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549074.355589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549082.355731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549090.355825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549098.355925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549106.356002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549114.356101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549122.356201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549130.356349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549138.356496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549146.356598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549154.356739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549162.356907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549170.356981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549178.357080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549186.357223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549194.357450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549202.357602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549210.357756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549218.357922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549226.358061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549234.358212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549242.358339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549250.358490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549258.358633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549266.358762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549274.358950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549282.359082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549290.359201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549298.359337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549306.359486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549314.359624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549322.359756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549330.359943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549338.360008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549346.360085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549354.360213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549362.360344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549370.360494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549378.360645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549386.360796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549394.360963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549402.361097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549410.361234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549418.361389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549426.361546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549434.361697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549442.361859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549450.362000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549458.362096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549466.362170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549474.362305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549482.362448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549490.362591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549498.362739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549506.362898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549514.363020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549522.363093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549530.363255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549538.363390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549546.363519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549554.363651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549562.363779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549570.363943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549578.364029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549586.364166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549594.364320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549602.364451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549610.364603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549618.364762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549626.364907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549634.365049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549642.365132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549650.365259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549658.365408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549666.365559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549674.365704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549682.365890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549690.366026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549698.366107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549706.366265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549714.366409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549722.366559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549730.366705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549738.366867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549746.366976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549754.367102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549762.367253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549770.367369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549778.367537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549786.367640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549794.367767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549802.367918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549810.367994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549818.368000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549826.368133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549834.368267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549842.368391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549850.368463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549858.368599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549866.368756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549874.368901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549882.369005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549890.369129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549898.369282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549906.369435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549914.369595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549922.369753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549930.369940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549938.370096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549946.370239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549954.370387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549962.370547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549970.370655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549978.370807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549986.370947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730549994.371039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550002.371135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550010.371260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550018.371369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550026.371507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550034.371635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550042.371765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550050.371943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550058.372003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550066.372137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550074.372290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550082.372435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550090.372570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550098.372651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550106.372803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550114.372962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550122.373006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550130.373126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550138.373266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550146.373397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550154.373442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550162.373615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550170.373741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550178.373930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550186.374021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550194.374154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550202.374304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550210.374459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550218.374726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550226.374884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550234.375164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550242.375255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550250.375405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550258.375557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550266.375711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550274.375870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550282.376018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550290.376154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550298.376276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550306.376386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550314.376490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550322.376624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550330.376757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550338.376943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550346.377036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550354.377114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550362.377261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550370.377422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550378.377571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550386.377725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550394.377876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550402.378005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550410.378167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550418.378318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550426.378428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550434.378586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550442.378746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550450.378921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550458.378999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550466.379117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550474.379268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550482.379331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550490.379474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550498.379617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550506.379767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550514.379939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550522.380034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550530.380149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550538.380313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550546.380449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550554.380535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550562.380685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550570.380814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550578.380979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550586.381109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550594.381232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550602.381390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550610.381519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550618.381682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550626.381825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550634.381953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550642.381995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550650.382075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550658.382203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550666.382360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550674.382517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550682.382672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550690.382861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550698.382957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550706.383025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550714.383175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550722.383331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550730.383450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550738.383585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550746.383735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550754.383912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550762.384027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550770.384154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550778.384314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550786.384465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550794.384614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550802.384772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550810.384927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550818.385041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550826.385103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550834.385249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550842.385403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550850.385552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550858.385686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550866.385873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550874.386009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550882.386159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550890.386302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550898.386438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550906.386565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550914.386682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550922.386773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550930.386943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550938.386988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550946.387119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550954.387272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550962.387427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550970.387502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550978.387635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550986.387780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730550994.387919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551002.387986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551010.388071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551018.388224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551026.388362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551034.388506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551042.388633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551050.388787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551058.388937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551066.389084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551074.389195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551082.389314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551090.389388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551098.389519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551106.389668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551114.389756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551122.389858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551130.389993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551138.390136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551146.390274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551154.390397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551162.390551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551170.390705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551178.390859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551186.391001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551194.391116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551202.391257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551210.391406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551218.391559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551226.391710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551234.391866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551242.391917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551250.392075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551258.392199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551266.392347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551274.392505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551282.392640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551290.392760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551298.392948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551306.393093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551314.393166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551322.393329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551330.393472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551338.393636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551346.393772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551354.393934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551362.394068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551370.394139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551378.394251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551386.394409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551394.394436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551402.394628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551410.394757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551418.394940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551426.395038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551434.395122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551442.395221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551450.395378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551458.395508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551466.395661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551474.395822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551482.395914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551490.395995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551498.396108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551506.396269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551514.396425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551522.396584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551530.396732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551538.396897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551546.397027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551554.397146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551562.397273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551570.397402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551578.397529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551586.397681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551594.397824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551602.397949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551610.398084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551618.398163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551626.398294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551634.398445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551642.398606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551650.398783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551658.398935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551666.398991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551674.399079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551682.399163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551690.399332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551698.399482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551706.399615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551714.399772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551722.399928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551730.400056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551738.400204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551746.400324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551754.400457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551762.400605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551770.400745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551778.400930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551786.401053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551794.401126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551802.401258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551810.401398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551818.401544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551826.401686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551834.401857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551842.401958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551850.402089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551858.402220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551866.402347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551874.402477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551882.402570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551890.402724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551898.402899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551906.403032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551914.403184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551922.403313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551930.403446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551938.403573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551946.403707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551954.403875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551962.404034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551970.404059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551978.404239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551986.404400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730551994.404534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552002.404687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552010.404855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552018.404976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552026.405019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552034.405146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552042.405299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552050.405436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552058.405594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552066.405746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552074.405886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552082.405975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552090.406130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552098.406287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552106.406428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552114.406554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552122.406707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552130.406818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552138.406976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552146.407059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552154.407183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552162.407306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552170.407438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552178.407546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552186.407691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552194.407807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552202.407963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552210.408106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552218.408263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552226.408418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552234.408572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552242.408719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552250.408877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552258.409014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552266.409134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552274.409259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552282.409389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552290.409517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552298.409670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552306.409776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552314.409961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552322.410093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552330.410243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552338.410337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552346.410495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552354.410629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552362.410759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552370.410918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552378.411039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552386.411176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552394.411372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552402.411582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552410.411740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552418.411908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552426.411943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552434.412084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552442.412169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552450.412328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552458.412498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552466.412631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552474.412773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552482.412942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552490.413078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552498.413236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552506.413241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552514.413439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552522.413593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552530.413749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552538.413934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552546.414023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552554.414105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552562.414258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552570.414350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552578.414508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552586.414662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552594.414805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552602.414974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552610.415105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552618.415250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552626.415391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552634.415583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552642.415715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552650.415875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552658.416018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552666.416100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552674.416227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552682.416386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552690.416525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552698.416681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552706.416797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552714.416915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552722.416928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552730.417034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552738.417118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552746.417185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552754.417295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552762.417378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552770.417496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552778.417578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552786.417709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552794.417877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552802.417972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552810.417978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552818.418162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552826.418282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552834.418431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552842.418551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552850.418705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552858.418871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552866.419025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552874.419100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552882.419251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552890.419416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552898.419550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552906.419698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552914.419858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552922.419982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552930.420106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552938.420247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552946.420484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552954.420619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552962.420801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552970.420920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552978.421005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552986.421105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730552994.421193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553002.421343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553010.421476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553018.421602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553026.421758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553034.421891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553042.422015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553050.422139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553058.422274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553066.422401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553074.422544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553082.422646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553090.422765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553098.422933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553106.423019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553114.423105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553122.423263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553130.423417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553138.423549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553146.423816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553154.423941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553162.424081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553170.424224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553178.424376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553186.424510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553194.424645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553202.424768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553210.424917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553218.424982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553226.424988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553234.425118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553242.425275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553250.425406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553258.425535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553266.425694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553274.425878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553282.426023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553290.426150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553298.426275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553306.426433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553314.426593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553322.426947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553330.426973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553338.427111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553346.427279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553354.427391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553362.427551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553370.427621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553378.427774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553386.427921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553394.427937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553402.427938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553410.428074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553418.428202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553426.428331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553434.428465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553442.428621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553450.428745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553458.428934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553466.429068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553474.429143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553482.429297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553490.429439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553498.429565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553506.429716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553514.429862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553522.429974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553530.430064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553538.430159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553546.430374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553554.430495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553562.430649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553570.430768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553578.430928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553586.431022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553594.431152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553602.431307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553610.431457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553618.431636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553626.431738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553634.431900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553642.431956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553650.432039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553658.432101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553666.432266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553674.432425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553682.432544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553690.432697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553698.432874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553706.433030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553714.433232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553722.433352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553730.433465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553738.433634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553746.433774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553754.433942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553762.434065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553770.434204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553778.434290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553786.434448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553794.434609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553802.434689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553810.434768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553818.434931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553826.435081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553834.435239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553842.435392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553850.435539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553858.435691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553866.435872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553874.436016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553882.436178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553890.436319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553898.436434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553906.436590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553914.436747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553922.436933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553930.437023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553938.437159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553946.437235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553954.437340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553962.437455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553970.437605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553978.437759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553986.437798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730553994.437949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554002.438018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554010.438170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554018.438322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554026.438434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554034.438553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554042.438707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554050.438879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554058.439172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554066.439295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554074.439422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554082.439527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554090.439652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554098.439799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554106.439923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554114.440074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554122.440150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554130.440254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554138.440406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554146.440560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554154.440707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554162.440785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554170.440951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554178.441087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554186.441174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554194.441316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554202.441452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554210.441594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554218.441729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554226.441906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554234.442017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554242.442104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554250.442185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554258.442341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554266.442483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554274.442621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554282.442786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554290.442946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554298.443098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554306.443243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554314.443376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554322.443462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554330.443604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554338.443761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554346.443901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554354.444037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554362.444119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554370.444244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554378.444400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554386.444556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554394.444701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554402.444873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554410.445016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554418.445167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554426.445297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554434.445441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554442.445579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554450.445713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554458.445869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554466.446002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554474.446144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554482.446280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554490.446393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554498.446597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554506.446754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554514.446881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554522.446970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554530.447033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554538.447108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554546.447236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554554.447364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554562.447489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554570.447642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554578.447767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554586.447937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554594.448034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554602.448198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554610.448345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554618.448478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554626.448609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554634.448764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554642.448851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554650.449019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554658.449146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554666.449282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554674.449450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554682.449591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554690.449747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554698.449908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554706.450029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554714.450177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554722.450334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554730.450478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554738.450562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554746.450752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554754.450944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554762.451085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554770.451220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554778.451337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554786.451489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554794.451631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554802.451774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554810.451869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554818.452011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554826.452094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554834.452161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554842.452289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554850.452534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554858.452691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554866.452809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554874.452938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554882.452997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554890.453091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554898.453166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554906.453278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554914.453454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554922.453600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554930.453756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554938.453901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554946.454036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554954.454186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554962.454327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554970.454446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554978.454586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554986.454733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730554994.454900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555002.455014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555010.455175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555018.455322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555026.455472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555034.455634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555042.455791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555050.455943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555058.456088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555066.456162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555074.456283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555082.456412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555090.456573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555098.456878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555106.456970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555114.457094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555122.457224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555130.457384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555138.457464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555146.457618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555154.457764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555162.457960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555170.458027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555178.458148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555186.458296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555194.458450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555202.458606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555210.458757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555218.458939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555226.459086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555234.459238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555242.459397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555250.459555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555258.459684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555266.459808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555274.459950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555282.460071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555290.460156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555298.460308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555306.460458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555314.460600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555322.460716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555330.460764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555338.460952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555346.461040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555354.461190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555362.461312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555370.461471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555378.461619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555386.461772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555394.461896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555402.461965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555410.462085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555418.462171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555426.462330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555434.462470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555442.462614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555450.462752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555458.462906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555466.463021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555474.463108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555482.463263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555490.463422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555498.463572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555506.463735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555514.463815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555522.463951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555530.464012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555538.464098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555546.464261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555554.464410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555562.464545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555570.464676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555578.464705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555586.464899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555594.465028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555602.465115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555610.465272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555618.465424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555626.465672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555634.465809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555642.465950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555650.466095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555658.466129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555666.466278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555674.466420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555682.466576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555690.466730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555698.466899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555706.467033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555714.467160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555722.467291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555730.467451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555738.467544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555746.467681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555754.467822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555762.467832 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555770.468036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555778.468109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555786.468239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555794.468374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555802.468498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555810.468627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555818.468776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555826.468946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555834.468996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555842.469089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555850.469245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555858.469384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555866.469514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555874.469644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555882.469798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555890.469937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555898.470028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555906.470159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555914.470289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555922.470418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555930.470546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555938.470721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555946.470861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555954.471001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555962.471138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555970.471294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555978.471443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555986.471513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730555994.471670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556002.471677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556010.471911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556018.472004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556026.472139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556034.472213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556042.472313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556050.472475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556058.472625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556066.472766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556074.472939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556082.472997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556090.473082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556098.473165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556106.473300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556114.473432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556122.473566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556130.473690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556138.473827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556146.473945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556154.474076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556162.474156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556170.474162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556178.474368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556186.474524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556194.474672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556202.474817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556210.474942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556218.475118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556226.475258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556234.475415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556242.475557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556250.475688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556258.475867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556266.476010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556274.476106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556282.476241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556290.476423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556298.476547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556306.476684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556314.476872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556322.476982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556330.477118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556338.477258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556346.477396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556354.477500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556362.477594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556370.477695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556378.477784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556386.477911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556394.477943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556402.478052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556410.478132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556418.478168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556426.478296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556434.478455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556442.478611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556450.478758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556458.478938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556466.479078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556474.479162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556482.479293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556490.479446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556498.479568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556506.479718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556514.479863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556522.480013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556530.480087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556538.480169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556546.480266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556554.480505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556562.480633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556570.480774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556578.480935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556586.481055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556594.481266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556602.481353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556610.481495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556618.481649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556626.481817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556634.481949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556642.482033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556650.482164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556658.482286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556666.482449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556674.482573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556682.482759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556690.482872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556698.483015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556706.483092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556714.483255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556722.483374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556730.483542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556738.483698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556746.483857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556754.483989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556762.484003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556770.484202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556778.484368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556786.484489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556794.484627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556802.484710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556810.484826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556818.484986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556826.485115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556834.485242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556842.485385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556850.485542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556858.485703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556866.485883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556874.485985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556882.486103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556890.486188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556898.486351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556906.486457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556914.486603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556922.486754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556930.486937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556938.487091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556946.487181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556954.487337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556962.487507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556970.487645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556978.487775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556986.487940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730556994.488083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557002.488217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557010.488345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557018.488490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557026.488623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557034.488777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557042.488928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557050.489019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557058.489156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557066.489309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557074.489435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557082.489583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557090.489740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557098.489773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557106.490000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557114.490126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557122.490291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557130.490416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557138.490571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557146.490701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557154.490873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557162.490961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557170.491097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557178.491190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557186.491325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557194.491480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557202.491640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557210.491790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557218.491948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557226.492009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557234.492133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557242.492262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557250.492413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557258.492547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557266.492687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557274.492893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557282.492968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557290.493101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557298.493185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557306.493326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557314.493455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557322.493590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557330.493732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557338.493913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557346.494029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557354.494114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557362.494196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557370.494423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557378.494549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557386.494690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557394.494853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557402.495018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557410.495152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557418.495310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557426.495438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557434.495572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557442.495704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557450.495885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557458.496024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557466.496113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557474.496185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557482.496345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557490.496480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557498.496586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557506.496709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557514.496853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557522.496961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557530.497046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557538.497123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557546.497285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557554.497405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557562.497568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557570.497714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557578.497887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557586.497993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557594.498061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557602.498094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557610.498300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557618.498463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557626.498619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557634.498741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557642.499044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557650.499133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557658.499215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557666.499334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557674.499468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557682.499612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557690.499772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557698.499948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557706.500088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557714.500176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557722.500300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557730.500454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557738.500576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557746.500733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557754.500903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557762.501023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557770.501032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557778.501226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557786.501323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557794.501442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557802.501601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557810.501755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557818.501902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557826.502030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557834.502157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557842.502322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557850.502446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557858.502585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557866.502735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557874.502904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557882.503019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557890.503147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557898.503267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557906.503422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557914.503579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557922.503719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557930.503854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557938.503949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557946.504023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557954.504122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557962.504200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557970.504322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557978.504476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557986.504640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730557994.504758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558002.504959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558010.505033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558018.505157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558026.505303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558034.505384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558042.505541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558050.505677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558058.505863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558066.506006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558074.506144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558082.506275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558090.506400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558098.506541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558106.506681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558114.506825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558122.507024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558130.507097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558138.507194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558146.507358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558154.507563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558162.507695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558170.507821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558178.507960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558186.508002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558194.508140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558202.508240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558210.508334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558218.508446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558226.508579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558234.508698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558242.508861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558250.508940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558258.509018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558266.509114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558274.509214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558282.509361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558290.509482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558298.509618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558306.509724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558314.509867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558322.510009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558330.510141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558338.510275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558346.510398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558354.510594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558362.510640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558370.510828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558378.510967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558386.511051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558394.511147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558402.511276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558410.511417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558418.511575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558426.511705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558434.511881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558442.512041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558450.512044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558458.512200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558466.512349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558474.512468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558482.512593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558490.512757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558498.512923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558506.513045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558514.513160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558522.513246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558530.513350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558538.513424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558546.513559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558554.513720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558562.513892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558570.514171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558578.514300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558586.514450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558594.514585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558602.514675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558610.514825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558618.514964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558626.515101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558634.515169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558642.515314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558650.515450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558658.515569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558666.515719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558674.515879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558682.516003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558690.516103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558698.516115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558706.516320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558714.516472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558722.516614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558730.516773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558738.516870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558746.516972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558754.517107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558762.517260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558770.517371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558778.517517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558786.517632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558794.517777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558802.517940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558810.518088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558818.518250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558826.518342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558834.518464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558842.518610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558850.518746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558858.518941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558866.518969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558874.519109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558882.519242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558890.519377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558898.519526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558906.519686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558914.519826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558922.519954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558930.520106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558938.520177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558946.520254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558954.520451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558962.520590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558970.520742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558978.520906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558986.521031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730558994.521166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559002.521280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559010.521404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559018.521551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559026.521709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559034.521826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559042.522017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559050.522169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559058.522313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559066.522427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559074.522584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559082.522682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559090.522871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559098.523021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559106.523150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559114.523186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559122.523313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559130.523465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559138.523597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559146.523706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559154.523869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559162.523983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559170.524063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559178.524193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559186.524267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559194.524403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559202.524558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559210.524705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559218.524877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559226.524970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559234.525124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559242.525241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559250.525400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559258.525524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559266.525654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559274.525773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559282.525806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559290.526010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559298.526095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559306.526249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559314.526396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559322.526535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559330.526665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559338.526820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559346.526951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559354.527089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559362.527221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559370.527348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559378.527436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559386.527600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559394.527728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559402.527885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559410.528024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559418.528154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559426.528283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559434.528438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559442.528582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559450.528737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559458.528915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559466.529034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559474.529224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559482.529381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559490.529495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559498.529663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559506.529783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559514.529940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559522.530066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559530.530193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559538.530351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559546.530479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559554.530604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559562.530761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559570.530919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559578.531017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559586.531099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559594.531183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559602.531342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559610.531470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559618.531597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559626.531753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559634.531891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559642.532012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559650.532126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559658.532273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559666.532396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559674.532501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559682.532623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559690.532751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559698.532895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559706.533019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559714.533136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559722.533264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559730.533417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559738.533507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559746.533627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559754.533757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559762.533923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559770.533978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559778.534112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559786.534242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559794.534391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559802.534523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559810.534612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559818.534745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559826.534814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559834.534976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559842.535059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559850.535147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559858.535289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559866.535327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559874.535518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559882.535658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559890.535809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559898.535957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559906.536010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559914.536094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559922.536245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559930.536367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559938.536534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559946.536652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559954.536783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559962.536945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559970.537061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559978.537175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559986.537327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730559994.537473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560002.537605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560010.537755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560018.537927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560026.538029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560034.538153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560042.538350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560050.538507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560058.538657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560066.538810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560074.538918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560082.539050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560090.539118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560098.539242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560106.539375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560114.539530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560122.539648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560130.539809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560138.539936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560146.540035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560154.540126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560162.540278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560170.540393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560178.540538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560186.540673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560194.540858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560202.540978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560210.541088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560218.541210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560226.541332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560234.541497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560242.541646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560250.541803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560258.541921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560266.542028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560274.542158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560282.542283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560290.542288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560298.542480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560306.542625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560314.542775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560322.542933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560330.543051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560338.543186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560346.543341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560354.543496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560362.543649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560370.543766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560378.543943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560386.544025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560394.544153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560402.544311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560410.544467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560418.544593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560426.544741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560434.544876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560442.545008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560450.545140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560458.545265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560466.545402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560474.545555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560482.545712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560490.545881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560498.545947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560506.546018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560514.546151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560522.546248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560530.546398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560538.546527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560546.546664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560554.546820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560562.546997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560570.547127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560578.547267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560586.547416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560594.547526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560602.547671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560610.547792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560618.547929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560626.548080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560634.548236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560642.548365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560650.548493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560658.548639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560666.548781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560674.548956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560682.549106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560690.549246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560698.549397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560706.549549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560714.549709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560722.549877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560730.550013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560738.550168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560746.550304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560754.550438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560762.550584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560770.550710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560778.550886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560786.551038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560794.551120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560802.551215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560810.551368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560818.551425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560826.551585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560834.551708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560842.551888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560850.552158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560858.552299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560866.552458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560874.552591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560882.552758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560890.552908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560898.553044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560906.553151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560914.553310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560922.553454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560930.553614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560938.553736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560946.553855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560954.553998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560962.554090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560970.554271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560978.554429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560986.554587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730560994.554720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561002.554874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561010.555001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561018.555078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561026.555170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561034.555230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561042.555276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561050.555467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561058.555628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561066.555750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561074.555934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561082.556075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561090.556170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561098.556295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561106.556375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561114.556532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561122.556629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561130.556776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561138.556932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561146.557077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561154.557232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561162.557368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561170.557533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561178.557726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561186.557907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561194.557990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561202.558136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561210.558177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561218.558352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561226.558473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561234.558637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561242.558797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561250.558935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561258.559025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561266.559103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561274.559259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561282.559408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561290.559560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561298.559687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561306.559876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561314.559979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561322.560103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561330.560262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561338.560395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561346.560533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561354.560692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561362.560816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561370.560945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561378.561034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561386.561167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561394.561258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561402.561393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561410.561523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561418.561656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561426.561740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561434.561821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561442.561973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561450.562112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561458.562208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561466.562360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561474.562518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561482.562652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561490.562811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561498.562940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561506.563099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561514.563168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561522.563298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561530.563368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561538.563518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561546.563681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561554.563819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561562.563985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561570.564130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561578.564256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561586.564403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561594.564560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561602.564704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561610.564879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561618.565024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561626.565130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561634.565255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561642.565395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561650.565539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561658.565676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561666.565791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561674.565957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561682.566058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561690.566205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561698.566353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561706.566501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561714.566680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561722.566879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561730.567027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561738.567161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561746.567313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561754.567448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561762.567578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561770.567714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561778.567882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561786.568022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561794.568101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561802.568225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561810.568384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561818.568536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561826.568698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561834.568823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561842.568948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561850.569066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561858.569154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561866.569273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561874.569433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561882.569571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561890.569773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561898.569932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561906.570008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561914.570138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561922.570292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561930.570448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561938.570722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561946.570875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561954.571012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561962.571145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561970.571183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561978.571373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561986.571531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730561994.571683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562002.571820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562010.571935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562018.572017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562026.572099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562034.572170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562042.572318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562050.572401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562058.572555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562066.572682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562074.572852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562082.573010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562090.573113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562098.573195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562106.573376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562114.573496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562122.573624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562130.573775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562138.573939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562146.574071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562154.574222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562162.574371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562170.574502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562178.574762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562186.574917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562194.575052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562202.575188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562210.575318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562218.575470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562226.575610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562234.575751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562242.575916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562250.576032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562258.576156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562266.576280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562274.576437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562282.576644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562290.576764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562298.576880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562306.576941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562314.577230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562322.577381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562330.577529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562338.577654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562346.577818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562354.577943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562362.578070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562370.578205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562378.578327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562386.578548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562394.578709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562402.578817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562410.578958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562418.578999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562426.579075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562434.579212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562442.579365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562450.579511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562458.579664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562466.579825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562474.579984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562482.580101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562490.580255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562498.580398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562506.580541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562514.580680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562522.580802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562530.580933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562538.581084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562546.581216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562554.581360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562562.581373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562570.581578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562578.581710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562586.581882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562594.582016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562602.582156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562610.582309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562618.582473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562626.582617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562634.582768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562642.582924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562650.582949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562658.583114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562666.583257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562674.583402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562682.583515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562690.583655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562698.583811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562706.583952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562714.584074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562722.584209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562730.584345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562738.584543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562746.584672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562754.584851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562762.585008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562770.585145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562778.585308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562786.585376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562794.585538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562802.585699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562810.585893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562818.586018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562826.586185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562834.586346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562842.586480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562850.586608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562858.586741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562866.586913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562874.587023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562882.587157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562890.587313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562898.587474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562906.587621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562914.587764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562922.587943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562930.588066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562938.588157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562946.588335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562954.588458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562962.588622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562970.588760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562978.588941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562986.589013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730562994.589220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563002.589372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563010.589543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563018.589686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563026.589821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563034.589957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563042.590089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563050.590214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563058.590360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563066.590518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563074.590561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563082.590768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563090.590919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563098.590998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563106.591065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563114.591201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563122.591332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563130.591489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563138.591648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563146.591798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563154.591939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563162.592057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563170.592220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563178.592309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563186.592428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563194.592510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563202.592645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563210.592777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563218.592949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563226.593044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563234.593173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563242.593302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563250.593428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563258.593587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563266.593716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563274.593894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563282.594026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563290.594160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563298.594263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563306.594395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563314.594524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563322.594679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563330.594802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563338.594969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563346.595092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563354.595174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563362.595319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563370.595439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563378.595568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563386.595713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563394.595866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563402.595887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563410.595947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563418.596091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563426.596239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563434.596368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563442.596522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563450.596649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563458.596807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563466.596970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563474.597048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563482.597194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563490.597400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563498.597599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563506.597751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563514.597903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563522.598033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563530.598159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563538.598286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563546.598444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563554.598563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563562.598703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563570.598827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563578.598979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563586.599056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563594.599166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563602.599313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563610.599441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563618.599670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563626.599821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563634.600131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563642.600241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563650.600275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563658.600579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563666.600691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563674.600873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563682.601022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563690.601097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563698.601227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563706.601362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563714.601506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563722.601600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563730.601601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563738.601775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563746.601938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563754.602063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563762.602156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563770.602275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563778.602426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563786.602548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563794.602697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563802.602876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563810.602887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563818.603028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563826.603156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563834.603310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563842.603460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563850.603587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563858.603719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563866.603918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563874.603966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563882.604109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563890.604247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563898.604401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563906.604558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563914.604708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563922.604890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563930.605008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563938.605092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563946.605166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563954.605320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563962.605476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563970.605650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563978.605650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563986.605894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730563994.606026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564002.606156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564010.606288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564018.606417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564026.606564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564034.606690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564042.606880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564050.607015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564058.607161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564066.607296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564074.607456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564082.607607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564090.607745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564098.607904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564106.607997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564114.608142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564122.608252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564130.608432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564138.608559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564146.608703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564154.608892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564162.609019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564170.609172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564178.609315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564186.609385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564194.609525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564202.609684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564210.609856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564218.609992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564226.610076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564234.610084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564242.610307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564250.610460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564258.610614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564266.610765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564274.610902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564282.611013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564290.611141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564298.611309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564306.611428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564314.611559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564322.611774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564330.611933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564338.612000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564346.612130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564354.612267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564362.612401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564370.612532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564378.612686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564386.612777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564394.612921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564402.613076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564410.613227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564418.613374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564426.613575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564434.613720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564442.613901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564450.614025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564458.614094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564466.614182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564474.614327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564482.614444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564490.614570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564498.614724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564506.614911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564514.615037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564522.615109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564530.615247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564538.615405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564546.615531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564554.615684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564562.615807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564570.615941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564578.616074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564586.616137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564594.616270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564602.616425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564610.616580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564618.616724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564626.616912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564634.617035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564642.617156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564650.617323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564658.617459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564666.617605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564674.617739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564682.617880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564690.618076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564698.618230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564706.618384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564714.618481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564722.618594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564730.618750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564738.618924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564746.618998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564754.619125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564762.619255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564770.619405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564778.619559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564786.619659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564794.619811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564802.619910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564810.620024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564818.620156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564826.620289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564834.620326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564842.620515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564850.620670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564858.620821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564866.620945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564874.621089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564882.621233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564890.621377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564898.621518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564906.621681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564914.621819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564922.621913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564930.622028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564938.622164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564946.622383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564954.622500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564962.622650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564970.622774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564978.622926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564986.623052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730564994.623144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565002.623292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565010.623451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565018.623576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565026.623731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565034.623903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565042.624015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565050.624142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565058.624297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565066.624436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565074.624686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565082.624821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565090.624974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565098.625109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565106.625190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565114.625347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565122.625506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565130.625657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565138.625788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565146.625939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565154.626099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565162.626253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565170.626316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565178.626409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565186.626570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565194.626658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565202.626810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565210.626969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565218.627095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565226.627253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565234.627326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565242.627471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565250.627610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565258.627726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565266.627935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565274.628078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565282.628161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565290.628240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565298.628390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565306.628515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565314.628651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565322.628786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565330.628935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565338.629008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565346.629099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565354.629219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565362.629346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565370.629496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565378.629626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565386.629760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565394.629924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565402.630033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565410.630160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565418.630267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565426.630343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565434.630528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565442.630685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565450.630877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565458.631020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565466.631100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565474.631182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565482.631305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565490.631428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565498.631582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565506.631733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565514.631948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565522.632102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565530.632225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565538.632452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565546.632569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565554.632652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565562.632724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565570.632892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565578.633038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565586.633195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565594.633331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565602.633481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565610.633566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565618.633716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565626.633890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565634.633950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565642.634055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565650.634150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565658.634273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565666.634422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565674.634555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565682.634713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565690.634917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565698.635109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565706.635169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565714.635304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565722.635422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565730.635547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565738.635698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565746.635879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565754.635893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565762.636080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565770.636242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565778.636385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565786.636526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565794.636689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565802.636861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565810.637000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565818.637107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565826.637235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565834.637376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565842.637506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565850.637645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565858.637760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565866.637918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565874.638016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565882.638134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565890.638295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565898.638455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565906.638582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565914.638723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565922.638863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565930.638978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565938.639094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565946.639224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565954.639354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565962.639513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565970.639646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565978.639797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565986.639952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730565994.640043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566002.640058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566010.640272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566018.640387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566026.640553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566034.640695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566042.640867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566050.640986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566058.641084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566066.641205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566074.641348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566082.641471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566090.641539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566098.641704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566106.641875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566114.642007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566122.642163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566130.642325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566138.642454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566146.642586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566154.642729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566162.642890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566170.643019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566178.643099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566186.643255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566194.643372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566202.643516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566210.643663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566218.643827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566226.644005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566234.644097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566242.644231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566250.644334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566258.644470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566266.644566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566274.644716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566282.644894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566290.645013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566298.645184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566306.645312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566314.645472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566322.645555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566330.645726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566338.645851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566346.646000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566354.646124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566362.646262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566370.646385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566378.646517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566386.646651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566394.646812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566402.646951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566410.647078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566418.647165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566426.647290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566434.647484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566442.647615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566450.647759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566458.647939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566466.648086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566474.648233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566482.648387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566490.648474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566498.648603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566506.648762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566514.648946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566522.649092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566530.649247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566538.649385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566546.649530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566554.649646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566562.649786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566570.649944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566578.650073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566586.650155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566594.650317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566602.650474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566610.650623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566618.650779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566626.650944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566634.651042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566642.651168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566650.651295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566658.651449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566666.651604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566674.651749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566682.651863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566690.652005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566698.652147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566706.652226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566714.652365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566722.652515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566730.652642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566738.652776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566746.652925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566754.652997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566762.653094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566770.653219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566778.653354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566786.653501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566794.653663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566802.653815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566810.654124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566818.654204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566826.654347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566834.654510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566842.654663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566850.654740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566858.654916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566866.655171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566874.655309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566882.655442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566890.655591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566898.655754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566906.655960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566914.656097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566922.656180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566930.656328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566938.656413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566946.656512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566954.656661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566962.656813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566970.656971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566978.657100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566986.657255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730566994.657413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567002.657539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567010.657663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567018.657814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567026.657951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567034.658082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567042.658173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567050.658279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567058.658415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567066.658547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567074.658715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567082.658865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567090.658974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567098.659069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567106.659229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567114.659356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567122.659511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567130.659657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567138.659811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567146.659926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567154.660086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567162.660231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567170.660386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567178.660533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567186.660665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567194.660960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567202.661032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567210.661195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567218.661319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567226.661443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567234.661603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567242.661695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567250.661858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567258.661978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567266.662108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567274.662195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567282.662331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567290.662436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567298.662576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567306.662727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567314.662923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567322.663017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567330.663168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567338.663325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567346.663483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567354.663638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567362.663778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567370.663906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567378.664024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567386.664116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567394.664246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567402.664408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567410.664561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567418.664715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567426.664877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567434.664972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567442.665093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567450.665168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567458.665256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567466.665417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567474.665546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567482.665705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567490.665866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567498.665990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567506.666116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567514.666273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567522.666318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567530.666527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567538.666681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567546.666881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567554.666985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567562.667076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567570.667155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567578.667240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567586.667380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567594.667522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567602.667690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567610.667881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567618.667986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567626.668117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567634.668273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567642.668417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567650.668573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567658.668645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567666.668716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567674.668885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567682.668966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567690.669049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567698.669113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567706.669276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567714.669435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567722.669587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567730.669753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567738.669820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567746.669967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567754.670049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567762.670164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567770.670157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567778.670340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567786.670477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567794.670628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567802.670784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567810.670949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567818.671050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567826.671179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567834.671221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567842.671416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567850.671553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567858.671562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567866.671763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567874.671954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567882.672014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567890.672096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567898.672259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567906.672419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567914.672579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567922.672649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567930.672803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567938.672969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567946.673104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567954.673234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567962.673395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567970.673550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567978.673692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567986.673891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730567994.673990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568002.674077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568010.674208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568018.674348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568026.674391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568034.674596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568042.674746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568050.674937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568058.675020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568066.675108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568074.675266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568082.675380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568090.675492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568098.675663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568106.675962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568114.676086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568122.676244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568130.676394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568138.676522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568146.676687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568154.676823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568162.676985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568170.677113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568178.677206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568186.677437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568194.677570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568202.677609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568210.677813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568218.677890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568226.678025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568234.678161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568242.678309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568250.678424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568258.678571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568266.678695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568274.678879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568282.678875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568290.679017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568298.679115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568306.679207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568314.679325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568322.679489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568330.679617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568338.679774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568346.679938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568354.680087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568362.680098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568370.680282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568378.680410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568386.680565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568394.680707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568402.680885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568410.681003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568418.681128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568426.681286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568434.681437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568442.681563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568450.681670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568458.681903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568466.681938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568474.682075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568482.682192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568490.682304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568498.682389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568506.682523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568514.682635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568522.682747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568530.682884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568538.683011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568546.683192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568554.683328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568562.683486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568570.683638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568578.683794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568586.684001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568594.684173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568602.684274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568610.684430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568618.684571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568626.684730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568634.684917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568642.685095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568650.685207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568658.685337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568666.685456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568674.685578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568682.685736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568690.685825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568698.685975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568706.685978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568714.686113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568722.686254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568730.686415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568738.686536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568746.686661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568754.686782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568762.686960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568770.686988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568778.687119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568786.687156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568794.687353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568802.687471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568810.687615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568818.687678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568826.687849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568834.687923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568842.688016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568850.688155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568858.688285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568866.688406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568874.688480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568882.688654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568890.688813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568898.688920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568906.689033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568914.689163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568922.689315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568930.689444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568938.689600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568946.689711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568954.689886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568962.690106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568970.690229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568978.690355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568986.690515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730568994.690675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569002.690807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569010.690964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569018.691065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569026.691209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569034.691341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569042.691511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569050.691720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569058.691891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569066.692031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569074.692115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569082.692265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569090.692408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569098.692553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569106.692683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569114.692817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569122.692953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569130.693084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569138.693219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569146.693409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569154.693562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569162.693716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569170.693916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569178.694025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569186.694117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569194.694205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569202.694339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569210.694478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569218.694621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569226.694773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569234.694928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569242.695028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569250.695163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569258.695302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569266.695452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569274.695619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569282.695770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569290.695770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569298.695973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569306.696057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569314.696155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569322.696311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569330.696478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569338.696629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569346.696759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569354.696960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569362.697046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569370.697119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569378.697239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569386.697353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569394.697447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569402.697556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569410.697651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569418.697795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569426.697964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569434.698109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569442.698212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569450.698336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569458.698502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569466.698648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569474.698799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569482.698934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569490.699019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569498.699107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569506.699192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569514.699342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569522.699484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569530.699635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569538.699730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569546.699852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569554.700043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569562.700148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569570.700300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569578.700387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569586.700542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569594.700694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569602.700857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569610.700996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569618.701087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569626.701177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569634.701185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569642.701402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569650.701569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569658.701692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569666.701817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569674.701999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569682.702088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569690.702189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569698.702317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569706.702448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569714.702592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569722.702734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569730.702935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569738.703029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569746.703121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569754.703280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569762.703433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569770.703592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569778.703744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569786.703922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569794.703977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569802.704103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569810.704115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569818.704268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569826.704404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569834.704541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569842.704670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569850.704875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569858.704974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569866.705069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569874.705148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569882.705383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569890.705541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569898.705686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569906.705828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569914.706008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569922.706095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569930.706176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569938.706329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569946.706485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569954.706644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569962.706807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569970.706961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569978.707055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569986.707161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730569994.707281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570002.707432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570010.707583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570018.707721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570026.707877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570034.707973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570042.708064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570050.708151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570058.708297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570066.708408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570074.708562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570082.708702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570090.708828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570098.708967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570106.709006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570114.709077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570122.709169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570130.709315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570138.709476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570146.709685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570154.709888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570162.710030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570170.710163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570178.710324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570186.710478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570194.710577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570202.710680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570210.710826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570218.710963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570226.710963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570234.711109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570242.711215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570250.711352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570258.711498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570266.711649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570274.711793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570282.711965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570290.712073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570298.712186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570306.712237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570314.712369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570322.712499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570330.712658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570338.712812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570346.712981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570354.713100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570362.713223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570370.713335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570378.713470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570386.713591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570394.713724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570402.713880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570410.714014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570418.714109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570426.714255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570434.714387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570442.714543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570450.714691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570458.714864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570466.714999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570474.715030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570482.715195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570490.715354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570498.715487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570506.715628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570514.715759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570522.715942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570530.716041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570538.716116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570546.716222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570554.716303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570562.716459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570570.716634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570578.716783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570586.716955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570594.717096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570602.717222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570610.717351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570618.717506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570626.717652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570634.717780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570642.717931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570650.717947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570658.718164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570666.718298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570674.718433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570682.718594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570690.718722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570698.718891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570706.719031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570714.719158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570722.719287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570730.719407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570738.719579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570746.719730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570754.719927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570762.720035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570770.720167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570778.720303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570786.720453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570794.720616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570802.720757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570810.720917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570818.721014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570826.721108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570834.721217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570842.721281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570850.721440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570858.721591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570866.721741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570874.721920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570882.722024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570890.722116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570898.722210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570906.722372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570914.722520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570922.722680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570930.722787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570938.722955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570946.723038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570954.723187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570962.723340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570970.723491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570978.723617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570986.723771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730570994.723935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571002.724078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571010.724208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571018.724379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571026.724501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571034.724645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571042.724783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571050.724919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571058.725072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571066.725274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571074.725438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571082.725587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571090.725753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571098.725936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571106.726021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571114.726105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571122.726194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571130.726326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571138.726365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571146.726590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571154.726757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571162.726943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571170.727034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571178.727123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571186.727204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571194.727361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571202.727508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571210.727641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571218.727769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571226.727929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571234.728011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571242.728097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571250.728250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571258.728390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571266.728640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571274.728688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571282.728850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571290.729002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571298.729063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571306.729270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571314.729428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571322.729566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571330.729740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571338.729899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571346.730001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571354.730079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571362.730207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571370.730339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571378.730485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571386.730649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571394.730780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571402.730892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571410.731028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571418.731101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571426.731180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571434.731304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571442.731434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571450.731584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571458.731782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571466.731947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571474.732089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571482.732198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571490.732306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571498.732432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571506.732590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571514.732738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571522.732931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571530.733043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571538.733179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571546.733319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571554.733339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571562.733544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571570.733700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571578.733766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571586.733945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571594.734115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571602.734258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571610.734384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571618.734541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571626.734696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571634.734827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571642.734920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571650.735103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571658.735238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571666.735400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571674.735549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571682.735677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571690.735855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571698.735989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571706.736141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571714.736259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571722.736388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571730.736537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571738.736662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571746.736814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571754.736914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571762.737014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571770.737152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571778.737216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571786.737351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571794.737492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571802.737628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571810.737760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571818.737927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571826.738057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571834.738177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571842.738320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571850.738450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571858.738577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571866.738729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571874.738864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571882.739022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571890.738995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571898.739177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571906.739312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571914.739445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571922.739593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571930.739725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571938.739887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571946.740009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571954.740143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571962.740313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571970.740461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571978.740521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571986.740686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730571994.740878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572002.741023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572010.741098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572018.741226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572026.741374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572034.741514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572042.741660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572050.741823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572058.741948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572066.742094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572074.742236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572082.742401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572090.742526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572098.742702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572106.742889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572114.742981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572122.743086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572130.743179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572138.743299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572146.743351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572154.743556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572162.743865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572170.743978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572178.744126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572186.744290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572194.744409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572202.744568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572210.744719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572218.744883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572226.745014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572234.745112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572242.745202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572250.745333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572258.745476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572266.745637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572274.745769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572282.745889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572290.746020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572298.746156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572306.746290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572314.746301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572322.746504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572330.746639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572338.746775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572346.746946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572354.747015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572362.747146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572370.747291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572378.747415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572386.747578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572394.747705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572402.747888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572410.748019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572418.748108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572426.748241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572434.748386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572442.748523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572450.748675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572458.748827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572466.749004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572474.749128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572482.749132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572490.749314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572498.749482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572506.749608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572514.749733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572522.749876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572530.750078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572538.750241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572546.750327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572554.750471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572562.750611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572570.750732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572578.750912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572586.751019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572594.751159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572602.751308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572610.751471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572618.751568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572626.751703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572634.751870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572642.751930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572650.752061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572658.752219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572666.752357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572674.752476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572682.752543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572690.752621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572698.752771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572706.752940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572714.753084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572722.753207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572730.753344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572738.753583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572746.753610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572754.753759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572762.753951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572770.754092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572778.754205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572786.754288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572794.754464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572802.754615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572810.754674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572818.754819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572826.754995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572834.755059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572842.755204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572850.755311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572858.755471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572866.755614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572874.755757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572882.755920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572890.756021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572898.756163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572906.756246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572914.756335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572922.756486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572930.756619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572938.756765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572946.756976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572954.757116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572962.757267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572970.757419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572978.757590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572986.757741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730572994.757910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573002.758006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573010.758138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573018.758282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573026.758446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573034.758601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573042.758760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573050.758924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573058.759080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573066.759189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573074.759308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573082.759422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573090.759554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573098.759685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573106.759802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573114.759949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573122.760069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573130.760204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573138.760354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573146.760540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573154.760724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573162.760904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573170.761024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573178.761113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573186.761265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573194.761315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573202.761470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573210.761609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573218.761738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573226.761898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573234.762020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573242.762185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573250.762332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573258.762487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573266.762627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573274.762774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573282.762870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573290.763004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573298.763095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573306.763251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573314.763405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573322.763549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573330.763705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573338.763877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573346.763993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573354.764083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573362.764174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573370.764305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573378.764438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573386.764591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573394.764725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573402.764918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573410.765019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573418.765154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573426.765320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573434.765444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573442.765602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573450.765727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573458.765894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573466.766033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573474.766155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573482.766243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573490.766445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573498.766570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573506.766715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573514.766896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573522.767011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573530.767137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573538.767272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573546.767426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573554.767571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573562.767726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573570.767867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573578.767973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573586.768026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573594.768176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573602.768253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573610.768341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573618.768495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573626.768624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573634.768747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573642.768952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573650.769029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573658.769099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573666.769194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573674.769324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573682.769465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573690.769575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573698.769714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573706.769867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573714.770003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573722.770090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573730.770216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573738.770371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573746.770494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573754.770620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573762.770737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573770.770892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573778.771025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573786.771103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573794.771245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573802.771401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573810.771554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573818.771814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573826.771897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573834.772031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573842.772141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573850.772240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573858.772387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573866.772525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573874.772686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573882.772880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573890.772922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573898.773035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573906.773169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573914.773269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573922.773408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573930.773561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573938.773708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573946.773912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573954.774010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573962.774142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573970.774223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573978.774437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573986.774585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730573994.774732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574002.774923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574010.774931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574018.775062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574026.775143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574034.775279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574042.775423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574050.775568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574058.775715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574066.775721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574074.775945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574082.776160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574090.776250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574098.776320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574106.776436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574114.776493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574122.776633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574130.776718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574138.776892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574146.776989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574154.777121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574162.777240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574170.777396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574178.777550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574186.777688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574194.777818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574202.777933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574210.778017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574218.778171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574226.778292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574234.778429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574242.778602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574250.778752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574258.778942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574266.779037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574274.779182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574282.779317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574290.779473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574298.779617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574306.779775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574314.779931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574322.779941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574330.780144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574338.780298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574346.780457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574354.780616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574362.780761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574370.780935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574378.781051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574386.781130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574394.781224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574402.781261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574410.781462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574418.781614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574426.781744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574434.781928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574442.782026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574450.782155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574458.782289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574466.782433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574474.782587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574482.782734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574490.782927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574498.783068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574506.783152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574514.783313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574522.783489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574530.783639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574538.783787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574546.783948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574554.784017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574562.784140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574570.784225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574578.784300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574586.784460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574594.784585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574602.784741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574610.784915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574618.785028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574626.785100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574634.785188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574642.785259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574650.785385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574658.785516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574666.785659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574674.785736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574682.785917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574690.786001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574698.786086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574706.786172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574714.786252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574722.786339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574730.786466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574738.786590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574746.786700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574754.786808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574762.786935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574770.786990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574778.787072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574786.787159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574794.787289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574802.787382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574810.787516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574818.787601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574826.787742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574834.787935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574842.788016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574850.788099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574858.788183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574866.788341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574874.788498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574882.788630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574890.788761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574898.788919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574906.789025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574914.789106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574922.789263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574930.789410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574938.789549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574946.789677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574954.789859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574962.789953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574970.790038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574978.790185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574986.790381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730574994.790538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575002.790667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575010.790750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575018.790927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575026.791023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575034.791108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575042.791265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575050.791397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575058.791562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575066.791709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575074.791878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575082.792011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575090.792090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575098.792198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575106.792355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575114.792462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575122.792603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575130.792754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575138.792886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575146.793022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575154.793154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575162.793265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575170.793423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575178.793578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575186.793710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575194.793884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575202.794013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575210.794148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575218.794301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575226.794449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575234.794611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575242.794762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575250.794922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575258.795069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575266.795217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575274.795357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575282.795490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575290.795565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575298.795711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575306.795880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575314.795990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575322.796106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575330.796259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575338.796339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575346.796582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575354.796712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575362.796869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575370.797010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575378.797095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575386.797211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575394.797347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575402.797505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575410.797636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575418.797787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575426.797946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575434.798089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575442.798178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575450.798332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575458.798482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575466.798618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575474.798692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575482.798878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575490.798909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575498.799006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575506.799136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575514.799274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575522.799379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575530.799612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575538.799736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575546.799920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575554.800020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575562.800107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575570.800210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575578.800322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575586.800458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575594.800609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575602.800728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575610.800927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575618.801043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575626.801172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575634.801314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575642.801465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575650.801584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575658.801760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575666.801951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575674.802082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575682.802165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575690.802297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575698.802433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575706.802568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575714.802715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575722.802889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575730.803015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575738.803115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575746.803274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575754.803398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575762.803531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575770.803683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575778.803810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575786.803948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575794.804080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575802.804224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575810.804333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575818.804461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575826.804602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575834.804743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575842.804943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575850.805167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575858.805276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575866.805411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575874.805556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575882.805712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575890.805901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575898.806010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575906.806018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575914.806215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575922.806348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575930.806501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575938.806656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575946.806791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575954.806941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575962.807094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575970.807185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575978.807344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575986.807498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730575994.807651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576002.807789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576010.807958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576018.808026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576026.808118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576034.808270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576042.808386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576050.808556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576058.808699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576066.808866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576074.808978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576082.809110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576090.809271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576098.809404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576106.809440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576114.809635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576122.809779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576130.809951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576138.810027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576146.810166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576154.810297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576162.810414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576170.810537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576178.810683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576186.810883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576194.810944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576202.811019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576210.811094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576218.811251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576226.811403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576234.811656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576242.811965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576250.812092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576258.812239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576266.812420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576274.812551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576282.812700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576290.812826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576298.812965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576306.813089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576314.813207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576322.813333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576330.813544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576338.813759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576346.813938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576354.814027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576362.814118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576370.814258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576378.814422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576386.814577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576394.814726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576402.814901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576410.814983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576418.814992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576426.815182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576434.815292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576442.815444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576450.815598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576458.815755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576466.815939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576474.816022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576482.816118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576490.816276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576498.816414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576506.816530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576514.816678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576522.816816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576530.816973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576538.817069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576546.817225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576554.817328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576562.817456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576570.817543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576578.817696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576586.817867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576594.818026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576602.818106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576610.818195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576618.818324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576626.818397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576634.818543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576642.818680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576650.818877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576658.819025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576666.819129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576674.819244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576682.819391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576690.819632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576698.819776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576706.819940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576714.820062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576722.820191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576730.820351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576738.820479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576746.820580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576754.820720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576762.820882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576770.821015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576778.821147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576786.821311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576794.821464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576802.821547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576810.821648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576818.821782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576826.821953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576834.821960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576842.822101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576850.822237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576858.822399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576866.822553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576874.822673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576882.822814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576890.822987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576898.823112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576906.823269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576914.823420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576922.823569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576930.823733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576938.823925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576946.824044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576954.824196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576962.824327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576970.824458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576978.824609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576986.824737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730576994.824902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577002.825013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577010.825145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577018.825357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577026.825486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577034.825551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577042.825700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577050.825871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577058.826021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577066.826137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577074.826194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577082.826384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577090.826518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577098.826676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577106.826807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577114.826949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577122.827029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577130.827127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577138.827264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577146.827353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577154.827510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577162.827646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577170.827678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577178.827888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577186.828018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577194.828114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577202.828265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577210.828392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577218.828479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577226.828621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577234.828785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577242.828938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577250.829055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577258.829259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577266.829417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577274.829571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577282.829685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577290.829889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577298.830021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577306.830138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577314.830300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577322.830445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577330.830596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577338.830739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577346.830929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577354.831032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577362.831161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577370.831320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577378.831453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577386.831551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577394.831689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577402.831881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577410.831976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577418.832048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577426.832209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577434.832361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577442.832506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577450.832670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577458.832796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577466.833082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577474.833146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577482.833228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577490.833386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577498.833526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577506.833671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577514.833852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577522.833963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577530.834032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577538.834171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577546.834243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577554.834399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577562.834542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577570.834680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577578.834821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577586.834966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577594.835067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577602.835130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577610.835237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577618.835344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577626.835461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577634.835596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577642.835789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577650.835951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577658.836049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577666.836131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577674.836254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577682.836377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577690.836513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577698.836649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577706.836773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577714.836949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577722.837025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577730.837112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577738.837274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577746.837417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577754.837559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577762.837712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577770.837898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577778.838027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577786.838165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577794.838282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577802.838434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577810.838588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577818.838725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577826.838880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577834.838999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577842.839083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577850.839179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577858.839330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577866.839489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577874.839645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577882.839767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577890.839925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577898.840049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577906.840137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577914.840247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577922.840355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577930.840517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577938.840674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577946.840825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577954.840970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577962.841116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577970.841231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577978.841395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577986.841539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730577994.841680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578002.841825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578010.841979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578018.842055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578026.842219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578034.842367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578042.842523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578050.842678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578058.842804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578066.842950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578074.843039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578082.843162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578090.843295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578098.843446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578106.843586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578114.843738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578122.843939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578130.844015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578138.844108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578146.844189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578154.844322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578162.844464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578170.844601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578178.844751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578186.844933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578194.845050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578202.845132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578210.845280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578218.845407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578226.845544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578234.845693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578242.845860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578250.846006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578258.846077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578266.846206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578274.846367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578282.846496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578290.846645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578298.846772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578306.846911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578314.847046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578322.847121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578330.847250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578338.847381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578346.847544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578354.847668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578362.847794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578370.848032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578378.848129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578386.848215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578394.848344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578402.848488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578410.848636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578418.848792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578426.849032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578434.849120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578442.849248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578450.849331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578458.849469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578466.849581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578474.849804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578482.849972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578490.850086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578498.850183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578506.850276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578514.850428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578522.850566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578530.850705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578538.850854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578546.850969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578554.851063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578562.851142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578570.851273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578578.851398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578586.851556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578594.851563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578602.851712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578610.851777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578618.851944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578626.852099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578634.852226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578642.852391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578650.852578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578658.852698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578666.852890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578674.853032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578682.853150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578690.853317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578698.853453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578706.853573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578714.853687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578722.853863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578730.853950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578738.854029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578746.854110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578754.854192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578762.854334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578770.854479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578778.854598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578786.854693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578794.854863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578802.855013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578810.855151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578818.855300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578826.855427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578834.855553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578842.855704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578850.855874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578858.855980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578866.856073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578874.856201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578882.856334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578890.856489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578898.856626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578906.856756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578914.856914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578922.856997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578930.857062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578938.857188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578946.857318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578954.857442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578962.857580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578970.857734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578978.857942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578986.858030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730578994.858173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579002.858292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579010.858440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579018.858563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579026.858693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579034.858859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579042.859015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579050.859140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579058.859275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579066.859411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579074.859558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579082.859681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579090.859870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579098.859989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579106.860083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579114.860168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579122.860294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579130.860439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579138.860594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579146.860756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579154.860904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579162.861038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579170.861145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579178.861264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579186.861405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579194.861483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579202.861634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579210.861790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579218.861963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579226.862057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579234.862145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579242.862253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579250.862414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579258.862568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579266.862710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579274.862806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579282.862964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579290.863085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579298.863248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579306.863397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579314.863545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579322.863678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579330.863808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579338.863962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579346.864025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579354.864153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579362.864306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579370.864462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579378.864600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579386.864759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579394.864937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579402.865084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579410.865174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579418.865326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579426.865470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579434.865619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579442.865782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579450.865933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579458.866017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579466.866106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579474.866265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579482.866395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579490.866550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579498.866693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579506.866880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579514.867011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579522.867116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579530.867271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579538.867414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579546.867524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579554.867667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579562.867793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579570.867887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579578.868022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579586.868111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579594.868245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579602.868315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579610.868509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579618.868642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579626.868787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579634.868893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579642.869030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579650.869177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579658.869339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579666.869482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579674.869614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579682.869762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579690.869945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579698.870061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579706.870161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579714.870286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579722.870420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579730.870575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579738.870736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579746.870899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579754.871031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579762.871158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579770.871164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579778.871356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579786.871435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579794.871571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579802.871713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579810.871863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579818.871980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579826.872081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579834.872113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579842.872247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579850.872285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579858.872477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579866.872608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579874.872757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579882.872935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579890.873077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579898.873239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579906.873375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579914.873508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579922.873653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579930.873804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579938.873931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579946.874018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579954.874146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579962.874258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579970.874394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579978.874520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579986.874659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730579994.874806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580002.874966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580010.875098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580018.875221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580026.875400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580034.875651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580042.875792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580050.875954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580058.876039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580066.876135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580074.876291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580082.876418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580090.876568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580098.876697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580106.876849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580114.877001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580122.877137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580130.877294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580138.877447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580146.877571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580154.877728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580162.877925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580170.878020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580178.878143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580186.878242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580194.878338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580202.878471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580210.878623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580218.878749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580226.878948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580234.879028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580242.879124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580250.879255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580258.879400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580266.879524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580274.879669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580282.879812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580290.879964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580298.880095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580306.880226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580314.880376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580322.880511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580330.880705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580338.880859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580346.880982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580354.881148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580362.881294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580370.881451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580378.881529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580386.881668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580394.881964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580402.882044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580410.882179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580418.882260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580426.882400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580434.882502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580442.882654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580450.882719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580458.882904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580466.883005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580474.883158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580482.883288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580490.883441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580498.883578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580506.883714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580514.883903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580522.884028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580530.884166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580538.884318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580546.884472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580554.884631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580562.884762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580570.884926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580578.885074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580586.885156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580594.885291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580602.885417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580610.885576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580618.885713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580626.885865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580634.886003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580642.886093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580650.886234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580658.886382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580666.886541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580674.886683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580682.886785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580690.886977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580698.887135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580706.887266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580714.887422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580722.887573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580730.887701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580738.887879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580746.888002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580754.888075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580762.888161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580770.888323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580778.888452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580786.888637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580794.888709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580802.888877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580810.888979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580818.889078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580826.889228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580834.889358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580842.889525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580850.889677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580858.889824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580866.889977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580874.890154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580882.890248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580890.890319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580898.890398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580906.890564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580914.890716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580922.890902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580930.891012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580938.891106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580946.891191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580954.891339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580962.891463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580970.891602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580978.891897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580986.891939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730580994.892091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581002.892157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581010.892359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581018.892528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581026.892618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581034.892704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581042.892792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581050.892920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581058.892968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581066.893053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581074.893151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581082.893260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581090.893406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581098.893563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581106.893684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581114.893816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581122.893972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581130.894103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581138.894263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581146.894399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581154.894648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581162.894776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581170.894930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581178.895041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581186.895091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581194.895304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581202.895375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581210.895535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581218.895686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581226.895813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581234.895909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581242.896023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581250.896083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581258.896213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581266.896365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581274.896516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581282.896622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581290.896759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581298.896936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581306.897044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581314.897186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581322.897303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581330.897438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581338.897547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581346.897659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581354.897779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581362.897936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581370.898035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581378.898169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581386.898321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581394.898452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581402.898607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581410.898732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581418.898907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581426.899172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581434.899293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581442.899331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581450.899512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581458.899666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581466.899824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581474.899957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581482.900052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581490.900170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581498.900306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581506.900479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581514.900629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581522.900745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581530.900921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581538.901030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581546.901162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581554.901286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581562.901411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581570.901569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581578.901714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581586.901881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581594.902014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581602.902149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581610.902282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581618.902421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581626.902556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581634.902706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581642.902914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581650.903023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581658.903145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581666.903290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581674.903420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581682.903513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581690.903685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581698.903868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581706.904018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581714.904166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581722.904310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581730.904429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581738.904587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581746.904748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581754.904941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581762.905074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581770.905213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581778.905377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581786.905494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581794.905645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581802.905804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581810.905946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581818.906011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581826.906171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581834.906327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581842.906479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581850.906622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581858.906729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581866.906890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581874.907001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581882.907132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581890.907266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581898.907414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581906.907563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581914.907695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581922.907861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581930.907931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581938.908093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581946.908185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581954.908292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581962.908407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581970.908486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581978.908646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581986.908799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730581994.908961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582002.909030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582010.909098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582018.909256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582026.909384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582034.909510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582042.909656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582050.909786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582058.909958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582066.910140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582074.910297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582082.910441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582090.910601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582098.910729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582106.910905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582114.911005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582122.911085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582130.911206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582138.911359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582146.911486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582154.911644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582162.911804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582170.912015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582178.912083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582186.912231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582194.912371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582202.912499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582210.912627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582218.912779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582226.912954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582234.913090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582242.913168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582250.913241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582258.913388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582266.913522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582274.913641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582282.913760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582290.914044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582298.914171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582306.914234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582314.914373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582322.914504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582330.914636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582338.914777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582346.914959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582354.915067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582362.915190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582370.915357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582378.915498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582386.915656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582394.915811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582402.915974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582410.916112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582418.916234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582426.916366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582434.916507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582442.916545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582450.916664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582458.916870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582466.917002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582474.917101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582482.917178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582490.917317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582498.917458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582506.917580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582514.917665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582522.917806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582530.917927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582538.918018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582546.918153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582554.918288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582562.918394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582570.918542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582578.918629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582586.918773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582594.918890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582602.919032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582610.919187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582618.919410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582626.919532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582634.919676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582642.919924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582650.919961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582658.920043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582666.920183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582674.920344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582682.920452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582690.920549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582698.920710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582706.920895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582714.920981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582722.921107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582730.921261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582738.921405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582746.921544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582754.921692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582762.921876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582770.921980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582778.922114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582786.922164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582794.922345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582802.922475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582810.922634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582818.922760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582826.923078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582834.923198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582842.923341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582850.923485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582858.923635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582866.923756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582874.923928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582882.924078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582890.924232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582898.924353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582906.924482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582914.924622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582922.924743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582930.924917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582938.925047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582946.925172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582954.925301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582962.925452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582970.925584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582978.925682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582986.925768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730582994.925925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583002.926028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583010.926164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583018.926310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583026.926434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583034.926601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583042.926757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583050.926910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583058.927020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583066.927157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583074.927302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583082.927458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583090.927599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583098.927720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583106.927876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583114.927974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583122.928106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583130.928272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583138.928418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583146.928567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583154.928708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583162.928879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583170.928929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583178.929076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583186.929199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583194.929351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583202.929506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583210.929657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583218.929813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583226.929944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583234.930013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583242.930102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583250.930239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583258.930391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583266.930545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583274.930681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583282.930821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583290.931003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583298.931092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583306.931222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583314.931358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583322.931515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583330.931620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583338.931745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583346.931933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583354.932035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583362.932173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583370.932303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583378.932437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583386.932557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583394.932709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583402.932875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583410.933021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583418.933152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583426.933305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583434.933462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583442.933614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583450.933736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583458.933869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583466.933981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583474.934060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583482.934216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583490.934376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583498.934620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583506.934731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583514.934803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583522.934965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583530.935114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583538.935285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583546.935437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583554.935592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583562.935728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583570.935815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583578.935972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583586.936150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583594.936269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583602.936407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583610.936548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583618.936679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583626.936825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583634.936943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583642.937021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583650.937154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583658.937299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583666.937451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583674.937609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583682.937733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583690.937879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583698.937966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583706.938079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583714.938141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583722.938291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583730.938435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583738.938566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583746.938707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583754.938880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583762.939012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583770.939138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583778.939289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583786.939407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583794.939574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583802.939721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583810.939881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583818.940021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583826.940145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583834.940306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583842.940430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583850.940623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583858.940778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583866.940924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583874.940948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583882.941111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583890.941232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583898.941391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583906.941515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583914.941654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583922.941780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583930.941906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583938.942025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583946.942152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583954.942286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583962.942290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583970.942471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583978.942600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583986.942751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730583994.942942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584002.943074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584010.943217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584018.943366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584026.943510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584034.943624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584042.943751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584050.943919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584058.944035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584066.944122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584074.944203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584082.944324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584090.944449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584098.944605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584106.944754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584114.944893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584122.945022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584130.945159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584138.945281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584146.945442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584154.945571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584162.945711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584170.945894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584178.946015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584186.946088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584194.946218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584202.946340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584210.946381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584218.946580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584226.946660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584234.946784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584242.946941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584250.947019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584258.947152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584266.947223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584274.947366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584282.947501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584290.947612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584298.947713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584306.947910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584314.948027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584322.948165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584330.948303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584338.948462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584346.948593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584354.948868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584362.948964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584370.949025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584378.949114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584386.949211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584394.949338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584402.949477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584410.949656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584418.949954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584426.950037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584434.950120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584442.950266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584450.950403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584458.950560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584466.950685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584474.950914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584482.951038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584490.951165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584498.951299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584506.951448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584514.951571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584522.951707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584530.951867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584538.952012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584546.952174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584554.952302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584562.952470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584570.952620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584578.952707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584586.952853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584594.953003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584602.953131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584610.953258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584618.953407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584626.953538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584634.953711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584642.953825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584650.954009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584658.954086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584666.954228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584674.954385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584682.954538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584690.954680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584698.954862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584706.954968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584714.955099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584722.955109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584730.955315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584738.955443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584746.955596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584754.955732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584762.955911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584770.956022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584778.956119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584786.956280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584794.956413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584802.956545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584810.956688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584818.956911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584826.957001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584834.957125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584842.957282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584850.957435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584858.957586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584866.957712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584874.957899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584882.958012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584890.958045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584898.958223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584906.958351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584914.958479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584922.958630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584930.958768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584938.958942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584946.959069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584954.959210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584962.959370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584970.959452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584978.959606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584986.959764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730584994.959968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585002.960161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585010.960343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585018.960485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585026.960627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585034.960776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585042.960934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585050.961141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585058.961277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585066.961444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585074.961639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585082.961778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585090.961941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585098.962093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585106.962236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585114.962393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585122.962530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585130.962670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585138.962802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585146.962805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585154.963001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585162.963158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585170.963254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585178.963404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585186.963533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585194.963627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585202.963771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585210.963945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585218.964097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585226.964238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585234.964359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585242.964538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585250.964689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585258.964828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585266.964942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585274.965075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585282.965212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585290.965360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585298.965498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585306.965607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585314.965686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585322.965880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585330.965968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585338.966151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585346.966310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585354.966474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585362.966633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585370.966798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585378.966929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585386.967083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585394.967214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585402.967414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585410.967617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585418.967754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585426.967960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585434.968123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585442.968236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585450.968390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585458.968519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585466.968594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585474.968739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585482.968915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585490.969035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585498.969186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585506.969339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585514.969490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585522.969612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585530.969768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585538.969968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585546.970093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585554.970261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585562.970395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585570.970508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585578.970677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585586.970758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585594.970916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585602.971037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585610.971163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585618.971260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585626.971445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585634.971585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585642.971718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585650.972015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585658.972135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585666.972274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585674.972407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585682.972556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585690.972674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585698.972808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585706.972974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585714.973033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585722.973117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585730.973253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585738.973376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585746.973535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585754.973676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585762.973825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585770.973971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585778.974079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585786.974214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585794.974371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585802.974521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585810.974667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585818.974822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585826.974952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585834.975031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585842.975165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585850.975315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585858.975437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585866.975598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585874.975732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585882.975915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585890.976045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585898.976152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585906.976281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585914.976414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585922.976544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585930.976689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585938.976766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585946.977033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585954.977047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585962.977238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585970.977381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585978.977548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585986.977684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730585994.977881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586002.978011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586010.978132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586018.978290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586026.978439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586034.978568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586042.978780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586050.978928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586058.979078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586066.979242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586074.979359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586082.979523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586090.979689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586098.979828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586106.980005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586114.980147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586122.980282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586130.980419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586138.980556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586146.980708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586154.980900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586162.981047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586170.981137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586178.981247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586186.981374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586194.981538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586202.981688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586210.981877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586218.982014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586226.982110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586234.982254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586242.982430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586250.982566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586258.982706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586266.982871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586274.982980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586282.983112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586290.983281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586298.983394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586306.983530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586314.983701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586322.983945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586330.984077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586338.984218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586346.984366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586354.984499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586362.984637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586370.984789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586378.984943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586386.985074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586394.985227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586402.985350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586410.985479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586418.985546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586426.985685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586434.985815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586442.985979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586450.986066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586458.986228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586466.986379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586474.986476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586482.986632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586490.986763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586498.986935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586506.987022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586514.987152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586522.987317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586530.987419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586538.987512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586546.987643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586554.987776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586562.987934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586570.988022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586578.988175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586586.988294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586594.988379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586602.988514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586610.988654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586618.988792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586626.988899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586634.989026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586642.989153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586650.989275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586658.989434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586666.989580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586674.989732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586682.989913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586690.990026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586698.990156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586706.990282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586714.990366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586722.990496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586730.990637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586738.990710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586746.990936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586754.991052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586762.991128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586770.991259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586778.991367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586786.991507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586794.991647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586802.991815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586810.991976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586818.992129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586826.992259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586834.992397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586842.992559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586850.992711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586858.992895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586866.993029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586874.993182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586882.993316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586890.993467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586898.993601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586906.993748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586914.993940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586922.994083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586930.994244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586938.994374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586946.994512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586954.994620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586962.994764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586970.994937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586978.995093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586986.995212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730586994.995370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587002.995519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587010.995666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587018.995815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587026.995974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587034.996076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587042.996222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587050.996345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587058.996483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587066.996640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587074.996764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587082.996954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587090.997096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587098.997254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587106.997410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587114.997547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587122.997681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587130.997852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587138.997996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587146.998140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587154.998272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587162.998423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587170.998630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587178.998778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587186.998938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587194.999164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587202.999245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587210.999410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587218.999548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587226.999695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587234.999876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587243.000029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587251.000027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587259.000199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587267.000361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587275.000510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587283.000657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587291.000801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587299.000963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587307.001108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587315.001203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587323.001324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587331.001484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587339.001485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587347.001691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587355.001872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587363.001979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587371.002059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587379.002201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587387.002288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587395.002519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587403.002663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587411.002806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587419.002972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587427.003095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587435.003212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587443.003349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587451.003501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587459.003648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587467.003796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587475.003950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587483.004016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587491.004160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587499.004265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587507.004277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587515.004477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587523.004640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587531.004787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587539.004931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587547.004985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587555.005069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587563.005196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587571.005351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587579.005501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587587.005658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587595.005801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587603.005943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587611.006065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587619.006227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587627.006361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587635.006504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587643.006661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587651.006801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587659.006957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587667.007077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587675.007227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587683.007376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587691.007515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587699.007666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587707.007809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587715.007964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587723.008111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587731.008176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587739.008339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587747.008472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587755.008525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587763.008712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587771.008883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587779.009002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587787.009124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587795.009266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587803.009402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587811.009551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587819.009710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587827.009883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587835.010022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587843.009996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587851.010169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587859.010321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587867.010464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587875.010601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587883.010761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587891.010939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587899.011039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587907.011125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587915.011219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587923.011319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587931.011415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587939.011498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587947.011588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587955.011676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587963.011755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587971.011874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587979.011952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587987.012039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730587995.012129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588003.012290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588011.012394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588019.012545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588027.012701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588035.012889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588043.012990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588051.013078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588059.013160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588067.013296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588075.013445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588083.013597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588091.013728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588099.013917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588107.014021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588115.014133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588123.014201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588131.014351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588139.014434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588147.014571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588155.014722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588163.014877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588171.015008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588179.015070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588187.015254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588195.015387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588203.015516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588211.015610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588219.015775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588227.015930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588235.016054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588243.016191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588251.016323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588259.016447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588267.016599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588275.016731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588283.016900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588291.017023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588299.017155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588307.017278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588315.017434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588323.017562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588331.017719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588339.017882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588347.017990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588355.018123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588363.018279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588371.018426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588379.018585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588387.018726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588395.018865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588403.018960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588411.019008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588419.019085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588427.019234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588435.019382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588443.019523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588451.019681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588459.019869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588467.020017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588475.020140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588483.020290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588491.020443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588499.020522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588507.020597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588515.020781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588523.020927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588531.021080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588539.021225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588547.021358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588555.021610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588563.021706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588571.021806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588579.021934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588587.022077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588595.022203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588603.022322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588611.022449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588619.022608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588627.022753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588635.022915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588643.023025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588651.023112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588659.023235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588667.023324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588675.023457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588683.023549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588691.023684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588699.023892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588707.023981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588715.024125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588723.024227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588731.024375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588739.024528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588747.024657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588755.024809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588763.024868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588771.025019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588779.025149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588787.025315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588795.025439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588803.025532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588811.025661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588819.025746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588827.025868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588835.026014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588843.026089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588851.026251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588859.026400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588867.026549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588875.026703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588883.026867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588891.027020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588899.027154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588907.027281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588915.027433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588923.027551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588931.027682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588939.027815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588947.027977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588955.028096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588963.028180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588971.028337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588979.028502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588987.028621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730588995.028778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589003.028939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589011.029004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589019.029139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589027.029300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589035.029454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589043.029577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589051.029876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589059.029937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589067.030062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589075.030138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589083.030218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589091.030374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589099.030523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589107.030677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589115.030781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589123.030925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589131.031032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589139.031150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589147.031312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589155.031435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589163.031583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589171.031736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589179.031793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589187.031940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589195.032006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589203.032127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589211.032235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589219.032360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589227.032486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589235.032642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589243.032773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589251.032939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589259.033000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589267.033088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589275.033209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589283.033371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589291.033513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589299.033646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589307.033776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589315.033937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589323.034000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589331.034084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589339.034116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589347.034326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589355.034534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589363.034701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589371.034861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589379.034997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589387.035142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589395.035293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589403.035437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589411.035585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589419.035709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589427.035850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589435.036024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589443.036086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589451.036166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589459.036278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589467.036419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589475.036567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589483.036707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589491.036888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589499.037170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589507.037226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589515.037371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589523.037517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589531.037666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589539.037800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589547.037936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589555.038026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589563.038102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589571.038258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589579.038388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589587.038534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589595.038733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589603.038878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589611.038937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589619.039015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589627.039102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589635.039229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589643.039373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589651.039622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589659.039758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589667.039910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589675.040009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589683.040090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589691.040220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589699.040423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589707.040580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589715.040651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589723.040804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589731.040952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589739.041032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589747.041180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589755.041239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589763.041446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589771.041656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589779.041793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589787.041939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589795.042062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589803.042197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589811.042354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589819.042595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589827.042702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589835.042879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589843.043091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589851.043167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589859.043315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589867.043447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589875.043573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589883.043651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589891.043806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589899.043951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589907.044087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589915.044169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589923.044210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589931.044357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589939.044470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589947.044559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589955.044714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589963.044858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589971.045017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589979.045167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589987.045321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730589995.045470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590003.045615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590011.045765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590019.045942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590027.046081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590035.046168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590043.046299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590051.046471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590059.046605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590067.046754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590075.046938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590083.047027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590091.047159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590099.047284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590107.047370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590115.047517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590123.047637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590131.047764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590139.047946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590147.048086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590155.048181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590163.048306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590171.048474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590179.048746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590187.048937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590195.049025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590203.049186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590211.049331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590219.049484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590227.049633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590235.049709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590243.049879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590251.050013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590259.050139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590267.050304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590275.050457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590283.050595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590291.050737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590299.050915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590307.051085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590315.051168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590323.051337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590331.051471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590339.051601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590347.051773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590355.051898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590363.052020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590371.052098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590379.052232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590387.052365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590395.052611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590403.052720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590411.052890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590419.052981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590427.053023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590435.053218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590443.053335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590451.053491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590459.053637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590467.053787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590475.053946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590483.054008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590491.054083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590499.054248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590507.054353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590515.054484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590523.054629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590531.054958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590539.055008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590547.055086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590555.055212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590563.055362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590571.055502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590579.055656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590587.055817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590595.055931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590603.056074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590611.056148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590619.056286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590627.056415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590635.056561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590643.056725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590651.056852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590659.056979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590667.057109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590675.057334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590683.057406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590691.057569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590699.057702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590707.057869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590715.058009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590723.058092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590731.058228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590739.058384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590747.058535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590755.058686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590763.058870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590771.059120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590779.059399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590787.059867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590795.060010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590803.060087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590811.060174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590819.060283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590827.060412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590835.060562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590843.060712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590851.060869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590859.060920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590867.061085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590875.061214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590883.061400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590891.061574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590899.061732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590907.061922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590915.062026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590923.062182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590931.062319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590939.062476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590947.062480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590955.062685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590963.062854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590971.063006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590979.063093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590987.063244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730590995.063370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591003.063569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591011.063771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591019.063923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591027.064025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591035.064121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591043.064198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591051.064362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591059.064506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591067.064641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591075.064774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591083.064934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591091.065015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591099.065137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591107.065217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591115.065221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591123.065292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591131.065411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591139.065558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591147.065718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591155.065948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591163.066096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591171.066223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591179.066329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591187.066485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591195.066640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591203.066675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591211.066883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591219.066961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591227.067080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591235.067177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591243.067282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591251.067423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591259.067561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591267.067677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591275.067861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591283.067995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591291.068153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591299.068247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591307.068408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591315.068527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591323.068677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591331.068920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591339.069009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591347.069147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591355.069290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591363.069453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591371.069596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591379.069732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591387.069885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591395.069958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591403.070035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591411.070136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591419.070279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591427.070403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591435.070558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591443.070705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591451.070881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591459.071028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591467.071156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591475.071314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591483.071456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591491.071600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591499.071759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591507.071939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591515.072086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591523.072262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591531.072405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591539.072553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591547.072712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591555.072882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591563.073020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591571.073102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591579.073212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591587.073343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591595.073502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591603.073660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591611.073773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591619.074004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591627.074117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591635.074335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591643.074483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591651.074627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591659.074786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591667.074945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591675.075034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591683.075141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591691.075266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591699.075354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591707.075393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591715.075601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591723.075760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591731.075925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591739.076064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591747.076155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591755.076287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591763.076397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591771.076431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591779.076678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591787.076786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591795.077081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591803.077144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591811.077281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591819.077366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591827.077489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591835.077644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591843.077783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591851.077949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591859.078072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591867.078155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591875.078293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591883.078439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591891.078606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591899.078743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591907.078918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591915.079034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591923.079111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591931.079255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591939.079383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591947.079523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591955.079657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591963.079738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591971.079956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591979.080023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591987.080106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730591995.080251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592003.080341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592011.080497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592019.080627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592027.080724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592035.080905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592043.081031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592051.081078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592059.081211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592067.081321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592075.081469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592083.081568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592091.081714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592099.081882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592107.082024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592115.082119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592123.082264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592131.082400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592139.082542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592147.082716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592155.082898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592163.082970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592171.083101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592179.083203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592187.083355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592195.083510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592203.083623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592211.083786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592219.083935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592227.084065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592235.084149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592243.084295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592251.084424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592259.084580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592267.084713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592275.084876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592283.084986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592291.085071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592299.085233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592307.085276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592315.085400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592323.085527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592331.085678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592339.085816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592347.085979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592355.086114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592363.086243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592371.086396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592379.086545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592387.086705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592395.086885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592403.087022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592411.087154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592419.087288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592427.087410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592435.087557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592443.087716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592451.087873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592459.087993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592467.088133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592475.088291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592483.088372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592491.088467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592499.088562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592507.088860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592515.088976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592523.089056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592531.089133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592539.089347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592547.089418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592555.089549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592563.089752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592571.089937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592579.089991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592587.090117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592595.090271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592603.090410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592611.090630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592619.090768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592627.090935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592635.091020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592643.091211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592651.091329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592659.091446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592667.091605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592675.091753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592683.091892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592691.092005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592699.092146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592707.092260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592715.092416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592723.092477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592731.092675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592739.092868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592747.092972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592755.093052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592763.093191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592771.093321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592779.093453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592787.093609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592795.093757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592803.093765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592811.093974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592819.094028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592827.094157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592835.094313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592843.094458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592851.094594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592859.094736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592867.094906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592875.095036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592883.095033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592891.095170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592899.095326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592907.095456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592915.095608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592923.095759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592931.095932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592939.096052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592947.096188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592955.096341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592963.096459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592971.096590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592979.096722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592987.096902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730592995.096989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593003.097114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593011.097270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593019.097428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593027.097583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593035.097744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593043.097907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593051.098046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593059.098169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593067.098325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593075.098465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593083.098578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593091.098671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593099.098801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593107.098930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593115.099009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593123.099087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593131.099186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593139.099338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593147.099494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593155.099642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593163.099759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593171.099922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593179.100025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593187.100119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593195.100277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593203.100390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593211.100519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593219.100670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593227.100807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593235.100955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593243.101014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593251.101176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593259.101324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593267.101474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593275.101631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593283.101779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593291.101943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593299.102032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593307.102185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593315.102285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593323.102431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593331.102592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593339.102733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593347.102912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593355.103039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593363.103171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593371.103319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593379.103431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593387.103569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593395.103721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593403.103865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593411.104010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593419.104084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593427.104229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593435.104388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593443.104505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593451.104667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593459.104823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593467.104984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593475.105080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593483.105184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593491.105316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593499.105433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593507.105590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593515.105738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593523.105927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593531.106037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593539.106194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593547.106353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593555.106485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593563.106742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593571.106789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593579.106967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593587.107092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593595.107232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593603.107349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593611.107485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593619.107640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593627.107797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593635.108062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593643.108226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593651.108396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593659.108551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593667.108690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593675.108872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593683.109018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593691.109150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593699.109301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593707.109431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593715.109565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593723.109719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593731.109886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593739.110021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593747.110142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593755.110306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593763.110432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593771.110591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593779.110767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593787.110933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593795.111002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593803.111122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593811.111290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593819.111433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593827.111594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593835.111747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593843.111904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593851.112031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593859.112114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593867.112243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593875.112376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593883.112389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593891.112523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593899.112603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593907.112746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593915.112915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593923.113023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593931.113149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593939.113302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593947.113434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593955.113594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593963.113703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593971.113856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593979.113970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593987.114096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730593995.114247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594003.114409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594011.114559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594019.114788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594027.114937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594035.115086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594043.115157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594051.115301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594059.115450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594067.115596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594075.115754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594083.115903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594091.116003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594099.116145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594107.116277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594115.116410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594123.116540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594131.116678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594139.116804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594147.116961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594155.117094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594163.117176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594171.117306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594179.117465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594187.117543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594195.117664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594203.117789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594211.118102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594219.118155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594227.118230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594235.118366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594243.118527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594251.118653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594259.118794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594267.118907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594275.119033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594283.119148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594291.119284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594299.119437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594307.119603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594315.119747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594323.119925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594331.120004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594339.120068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594347.120152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594355.120282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594363.120441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594371.120575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594379.120728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594387.120791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594395.121016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594403.121160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594411.121303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594419.121429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594427.121574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594435.121716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594443.121856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594451.121975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594459.122056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594467.122135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594475.122293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594483.122448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594491.122575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594499.122702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594507.122857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594515.122972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594523.123002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594531.123141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594539.123270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594547.123414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594555.123554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594563.123712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594571.123901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594579.123983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594587.124072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594595.124144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594603.124265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594611.124343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594619.124498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594627.124631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594635.124793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594643.124962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594651.125011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594659.125121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594667.125201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594675.125330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594683.125471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594691.125621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594699.125763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594707.125918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594715.126041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594723.126054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594731.126198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594739.126334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594747.126392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594755.126525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594763.126590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594771.126731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594779.126869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594787.126964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594795.127087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594803.127208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594811.127318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594819.127422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594827.127565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594835.127695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594843.127858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594851.127966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594859.128086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594867.128254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594875.128397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594883.128530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594891.128646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594899.128782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594907.128933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594915.129066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594923.129218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594931.129372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594939.129531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594947.129675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594955.129862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594963.129983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594971.130081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594979.130240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594987.130480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730594995.130550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595003.130682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595011.130855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595019.131006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595027.131097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595035.131225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595043.131378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595051.131508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595059.131656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595067.131793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595075.131929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595083.131997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595091.132148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595099.132235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595107.132381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595115.132505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595123.132617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595131.132757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595139.132802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595147.133009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595155.133092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595163.133175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595171.133329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595179.133452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595187.133608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595195.133741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595203.133825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595211.133961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595219.134031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595227.134135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595235.134301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595243.134453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595251.134578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595259.134703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595267.134874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595275.135019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595283.135137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595291.135290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595299.135454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595307.135596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595315.135744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595323.135922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595331.136032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595339.136161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595347.136317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595355.136465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595363.136598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595371.136734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595379.136922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595387.136899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595395.137098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595403.137276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595411.137389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595419.137521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595427.137651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595435.137791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595443.137960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595451.138022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595459.138127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595467.138130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595475.138331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595483.138470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595491.138621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595499.138754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595507.138921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595515.139071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595523.139153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595531.139242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595539.139401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595547.139526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595555.139666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595563.139805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595571.139971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595579.140096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595587.140185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595595.140310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595603.140470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595611.140622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595619.140755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595627.140930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595635.140937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595643.141118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595651.141273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595659.141434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595667.141564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595675.141710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595683.141916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595691.142031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595699.142112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595707.142266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595715.142392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595723.142527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595731.142667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595739.142825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595747.143003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595755.143122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595763.143264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595771.143414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595779.143571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595787.143704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595795.143828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595803.143975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595811.144106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595819.144271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595827.144435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595835.144584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595843.144732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595851.144888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595859.145023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595867.145153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595875.145292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595883.145422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595891.145449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595899.145632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595907.145786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595915.145943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595923.146038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595931.146162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595939.146321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595947.146464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595955.146645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595963.146746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595971.146918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595979.147023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595987.147132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730595995.147272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596003.147413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596011.147556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596019.147681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596027.147983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596035.148022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596043.148143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596051.148298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596059.148453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596067.148557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596075.148700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596083.148881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596091.149033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596099.149155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596107.149279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596115.149429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596123.149589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596131.149737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596139.149918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596147.150021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596155.150146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596163.150309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596171.150447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596179.150577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596187.150722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596195.150899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596203.151023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596211.151146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596219.151281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596227.151437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596235.151583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596243.151720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596251.151882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596259.152019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596267.152102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596275.152258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596283.152412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596291.152556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596299.152712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596307.152868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596315.152998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596323.152994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596331.153185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596339.153307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596347.153394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596355.153540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596363.153676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596371.153769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596379.153930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596387.154018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596395.154154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596403.154300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596411.154374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596419.154534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596427.154693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596435.154894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596443.154997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596451.155131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596459.155277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596467.155407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596475.155537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596483.155675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596491.155809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596499.155969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596507.156108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596515.156225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596523.156371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596531.156520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596539.156654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596547.156876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596555.156980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596563.157061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596571.157204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596579.157323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596587.157482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596595.157620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596603.157761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596611.157927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596619.158067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596627.158194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596635.158280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596643.158350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596651.158502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596659.158651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596667.158824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596675.158948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596683.159076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596691.159239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596699.159371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596707.159526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596715.159735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596723.159895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596731.159996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596739.160133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596747.160140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596755.160338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596763.160455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596771.160626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596779.160774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596787.160939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596795.161030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596803.161167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596811.161298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596819.161433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596827.161584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596835.161745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596843.161899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596851.162014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596859.162105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596867.162237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596875.162370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596883.162498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596891.162670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596899.162848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596907.163000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596915.163011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596923.163211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596931.163378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596939.163507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596947.163646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596955.163719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596963.163894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596971.164011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596979.164102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596987.164259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730596995.164302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597003.164467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597011.164575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597019.164709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597027.164875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597035.165021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597043.165094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597051.165247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597059.165393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597067.165491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597075.165505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597083.165688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597091.165809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597099.165964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597107.166121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597115.166186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597123.166324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597131.166473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597139.166588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597147.166704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597155.166878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597163.167013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597171.167146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597179.167301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597187.167449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597195.167607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597203.167758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597211.167932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597219.168074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597227.168197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597235.168311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597243.168339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597251.168506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597259.168653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597267.168812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597275.168924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597283.169051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597291.169162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597299.169268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597307.169405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597315.169570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597323.169687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597331.169851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597339.170065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597347.170239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597355.170371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597363.170521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597371.170645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597379.170782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597387.170939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597395.171082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597403.171238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597411.171371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597419.171514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597427.171596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597435.171738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597443.171921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597451.172041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597459.172157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597467.172308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597475.172442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597483.172582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597491.172886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597499.173001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597507.173177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597515.173340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597523.173497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597531.173619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597539.173743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597547.173925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597555.174050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597563.174188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597571.174357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597579.174511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597587.174570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597595.174781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597603.174948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597611.175078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597619.175225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597627.175344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597635.175492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597643.175630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597651.175751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597659.175927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597667.176079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597675.176204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597683.176340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597691.176451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597699.176615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597707.176694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597715.176816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597723.176959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597731.177039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597739.177159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597747.177294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597755.177400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597763.177516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597771.177672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597779.177798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597787.177954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597795.178052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597803.178166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597811.178320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597819.178463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597827.178620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597835.178768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597843.178958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597851.179092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597859.179182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597867.179316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597875.179456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597883.179613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597891.179744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597899.179933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597907.179944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597915.180101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597923.180298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597931.180448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597939.180610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597947.180749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597955.180888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597963.181021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597971.181094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597979.181175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597987.181272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730597995.181340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598003.181498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598011.181657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598019.181813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598027.181956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598035.182072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598043.182228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598051.182356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598059.182508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598067.182668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598075.182859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598083.183000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598091.183183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598099.183333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598107.183457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598115.183614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598123.183777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598131.183937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598139.184006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598147.184088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598155.184253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598163.184445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598171.184579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598179.184728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598187.184819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598195.184946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598203.185033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598211.185123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598219.185194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598227.185290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598235.185447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598243.185570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598251.185727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598259.185907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598267.186035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598275.186175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598283.186305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598291.186453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598299.186594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598307.186743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598315.186874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598323.186972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598331.187101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598339.187112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598347.187285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598355.187443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598363.187577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598371.187872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598379.187981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598387.188077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598395.188161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598403.188242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598411.188365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598419.188511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598427.188641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598435.188804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598443.188959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598451.189223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598459.189345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598467.189487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598475.189637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598483.189749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598491.189818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598499.189978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598507.190058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598515.190203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598523.190361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598531.190514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598539.190658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598547.190814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598555.190939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598563.191072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598571.191226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598579.191382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598587.191538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598595.191646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598603.191764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598611.191871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598619.191975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598627.192114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598635.192178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598643.192339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598651.192496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598659.192652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598667.192788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598675.192983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598683.193109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598691.193254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598699.193377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598707.193515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598715.193672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598723.193856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598731.193971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598739.194065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598747.194106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598755.194284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598763.194412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598771.194545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598779.194703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598787.194850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598795.194967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598803.195028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598811.195171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598819.195301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598827.195428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598835.195573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598843.195723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598851.195903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598859.196021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598867.196136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598875.196281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598883.196353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598891.196481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598899.196623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598907.196770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598915.196953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598923.196995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598931.197136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598939.197279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598947.197431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598955.197501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598963.197614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598971.197751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598979.197917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598987.198050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730598995.198141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599003.198211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599011.198334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599019.198470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599027.198586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599035.198749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599043.198906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599051.199028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599059.199122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599067.199219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599075.199357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599083.199525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599091.199694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599099.199865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599107.200046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599115.200133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599123.200286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599131.200424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599139.200515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599147.200662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599155.200798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599163.200959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599171.201083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599179.201174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599187.201326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599195.201451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599203.201611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599211.201710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599219.201855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599227.201956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599235.202100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599243.202128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599251.202311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599259.202443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599267.202602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599275.202722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599283.202907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599291.203027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599299.203157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599307.203312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599315.203471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599323.203622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599331.203778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599339.203930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599347.204018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599355.204152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599363.204246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599371.204390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599379.204512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599387.204641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599395.204798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599403.204962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599411.205093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599419.205193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599427.205318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599435.205480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599443.205609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599451.205767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599459.205879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599467.206021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599475.206110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599483.206191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599491.206326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599499.206465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599507.206538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599515.206697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599523.206869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599531.207011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599539.207141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599547.207296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599555.207446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599563.207599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599571.207674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599579.207853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599587.208013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599595.208168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599603.208290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599611.208431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599619.208584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599627.208718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599635.208815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599643.208952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599651.209078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599659.209202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599667.209330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599675.209485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599683.209609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599691.209738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599699.209925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599707.210017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599715.210146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599723.210305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599731.210379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599739.210554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599747.210696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599755.210850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599763.210969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599771.211102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599779.211253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599787.211401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599795.211547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599803.211697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599811.211781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599819.211936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599827.212068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599835.212202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599843.212329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599851.212459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599859.212593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599867.212886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599875.212986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599883.213065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599891.213200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599899.213343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599907.213409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599915.213613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599923.213754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599931.213936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599939.214066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599947.214216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599955.214277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599963.214416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599971.214568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599979.214638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599987.214770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730599995.214936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600003.215033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600011.215196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600019.215335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600027.215467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600035.215507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600043.215671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600051.215790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600059.215951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600067.216056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600075.216187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600083.216419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600091.216531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600099.216802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600107.216945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600115.217045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600123.217166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600131.217338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600139.217452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600147.217500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600155.217671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600163.217871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600171.218016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600179.218133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600187.218272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600195.218391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600203.218536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600211.218673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600219.218810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600227.218949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600235.219054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600243.219195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600251.219349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600259.219495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600267.219654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600275.219783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600283.219931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600291.220063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600299.220217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600307.220369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600315.220528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600323.220687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600331.220856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600339.220976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600347.221110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600355.221181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600363.221271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600371.221480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600379.221606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600387.221749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600395.221916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600403.222012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600411.222074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600419.222187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600427.222329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600435.222517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600443.222600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600451.222757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600459.222937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600467.223022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600475.223132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600483.223348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600491.223540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600499.223701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600507.223882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600515.224008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600523.224101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600531.224251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600539.224424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600547.224590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600555.224736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600563.224891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600571.225016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600579.225163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600587.225393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600595.225529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600603.225683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600611.225812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600619.225976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600627.226116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600635.226228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600643.226308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600651.226487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600659.226556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600667.226692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600675.226863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600683.226976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600691.227115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600699.227180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600707.227334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600715.227448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600723.227585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600731.227713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600739.227898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600747.227990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600755.228167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600763.228333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600771.228587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600779.228728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600787.228914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600795.229016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600803.229138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600811.229181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600819.229373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600827.229519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600835.229627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600843.229743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600851.229940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600859.230005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600867.230148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600875.230302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600883.230448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600891.230606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600899.230751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600907.230939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600915.231067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600923.231206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600931.231363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600939.231514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600947.231671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600955.231851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600963.232000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600971.232153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600979.232317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600987.232461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730600995.232591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601003.232736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601011.232923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601019.233017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601027.233158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601035.233381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601043.233501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601051.233655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601059.233803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601067.233967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601075.234049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601083.234198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601091.234353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601099.234490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601107.234618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601115.234774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601123.234939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601131.235093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601139.235213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601147.235253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601155.235447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601163.235580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601171.235709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601179.235859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601187.235928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601195.236064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601203.236190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601211.236327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601219.236468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601227.236619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601235.236753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601243.236924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601251.237031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601259.237119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601267.237286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601275.237437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601283.237588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601291.237745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601299.237934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601307.238037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601315.238165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601323.238317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601331.238473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601339.238628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601347.238746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601355.238919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601363.239035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601371.239181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601379.239338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601387.239490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601395.239687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601403.239900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601411.240014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601419.240082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601427.240168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601435.240338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601443.240487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601451.240633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601459.240797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601467.240963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601475.241096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601483.241286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601491.241476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601499.241587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601507.241736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601515.241922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601523.242038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601531.242177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601539.242276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601547.242412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601555.242538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601563.242690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601571.242901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601579.243015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601587.243104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601595.243260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601603.243370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601611.243511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601619.243666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601627.243796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601635.243934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601643.244024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601651.244049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601659.244246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601667.244401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601675.244542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601683.244664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601691.244794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601699.244941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601707.245076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601715.245177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601723.245333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601731.245419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601739.245562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601747.245695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601755.245879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601763.245950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601771.246101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601779.246171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601787.246308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601795.246468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601803.246599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601811.246752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601819.246913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601827.247054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601835.247212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601843.247360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601851.247505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601859.247663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601867.247803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601875.247961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601883.248090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601891.248205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601899.248374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601907.248481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601915.248619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601923.248780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601931.248941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601939.249006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601947.249103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601955.249228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601963.249363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601971.249501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601979.249637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601987.249814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730601995.249987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602003.250064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602011.250169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602019.250302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602027.250458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602035.250605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602043.250742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602051.250863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602059.250962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602067.251041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602075.251202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602083.251440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602091.251562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602099.251689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602107.251875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602115.251998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602123.252074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602131.252167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602139.252315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602147.252443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602155.252625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602163.252706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602171.252876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602179.253016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602187.253122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602195.253260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602203.253391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602211.253540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602219.253817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602227.253982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602235.254103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602243.254146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602251.254345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602259.254486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602267.254653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602275.254814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602283.254951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602291.255097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602299.255221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602307.255354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602315.255517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602323.255645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602331.255730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602339.255947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602347.256078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602355.256173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602363.256302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602371.256462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602379.256617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602387.256762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602395.256932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602403.257051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602411.257193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602419.257348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602427.257498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602435.257635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602443.257785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602451.257870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602459.257991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602467.258117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602475.258282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602483.258437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602491.258572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602499.258728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602507.258886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602515.259021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602523.259159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602531.259264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602539.259386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602547.259506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602555.259662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602563.259821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602571.259934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602579.260084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602587.260211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602595.260398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602603.260551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602611.260695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602619.260828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602627.260982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602635.261124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602643.261252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602651.261484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602659.261562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602667.261710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602675.261860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602683.261976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602691.262065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602699.262216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602707.262331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602715.262404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602723.262557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602731.262710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602739.262900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602747.262991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602755.263119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602763.263276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602771.263411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602779.263565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602787.263712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602795.263887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602803.264021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602811.264108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602819.264246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602827.264334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602835.264488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602843.264643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602851.264727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602859.264926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602867.265037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602875.265129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602883.265238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602891.265385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602899.265498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602907.265655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602915.265816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602923.265930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602931.266076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602939.266207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602947.266348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602955.266476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602963.266624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602971.266771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602979.266949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602987.267068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730602995.267214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603003.267344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603011.267501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603019.267631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603027.267747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603035.267892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603043.268023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603051.268110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603059.268261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603067.268376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603075.268502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603083.268624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603091.268779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603099.269015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603107.269109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603115.269199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603123.269318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603131.269459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603139.269591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603147.269715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603155.269885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603163.270015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603171.270104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603179.270192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603187.270346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603195.270489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603203.270649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603211.270803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603219.270966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603227.271038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603235.271120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603243.271208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603251.271359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603259.271508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603267.271643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603275.271768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603283.271941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603291.272080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603299.272185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603307.272304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603315.272445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603323.272574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603331.272697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603339.272862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603347.272980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603355.273104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603363.273206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603371.273283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603379.273435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603387.273588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603395.273738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603403.273885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603411.274024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603419.274150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603427.274266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603435.274387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603443.274545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603451.274694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603459.274862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603467.275014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603475.275148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603483.275280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603491.275408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603499.275537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603507.275699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603515.275828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603523.275962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603531.276100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603539.276252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603547.276400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603555.276556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603563.276688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603571.276867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603579.276998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603587.277131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603595.277276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603603.277425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603611.277563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603619.277724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603627.277871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603635.278023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603643.278170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603651.278285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603659.278529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603667.278654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603675.278689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603683.278933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603691.278995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603699.279091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603707.279250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603715.279372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603723.279508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603731.279652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603739.279806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603747.279962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603755.280104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603763.280206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603771.280360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603779.280527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603787.280681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603795.280826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603803.280935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603811.281078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603819.281167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603827.281244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603835.281390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603843.281594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603851.281786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603859.281927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603867.282029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603875.282151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603883.282280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603891.282405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603899.282529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603907.282649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603915.282888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603923.283013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603931.283134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603939.283225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603947.283336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603955.283495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603963.283609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603971.283757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603979.283911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603987.284031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730603995.284163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604003.284296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604011.284366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604019.284519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604027.284677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604035.284878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604043.284984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604051.285027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604059.285102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604067.285189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604075.285290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604083.285426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604091.285563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604099.285672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604107.285740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604115.285916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604123.285946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604131.286012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604139.286136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604147.286283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604155.286428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604163.286555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604171.286684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604179.286816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604187.286955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604195.287079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604203.287211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604211.287278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604219.287438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604227.287566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604235.287706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604243.287873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604251.287980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604259.288077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604267.288196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604275.288355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604283.288518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604291.288666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604299.288854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604307.288955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604315.289055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604323.289126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604331.289265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604339.289387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604347.289523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604355.289662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604363.289826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604371.289979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604379.290087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604387.290219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604395.290376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604403.290483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604411.290597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604419.290725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604427.290896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604435.291017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604443.291100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604451.291254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604459.291430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604467.291568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604475.291700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604483.291818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604491.291958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604499.292020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604507.292149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604515.292282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604523.292437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604531.292600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604539.292762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604547.292907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604555.293028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604563.293169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604571.293325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604579.293474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604587.293612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604595.293764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604603.293937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604611.294034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604619.294187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604627.294335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604635.294471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604643.294603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604651.294756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604659.294962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604667.295015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604675.295213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604683.295363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604691.295440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604699.295599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604707.295734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604715.295878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604723.295994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604731.296128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604739.296316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604747.296403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604755.296453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604763.296575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604771.296731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604779.296928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604787.297041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604795.297198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604803.297353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604811.297482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604819.297633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604827.297786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604835.297949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604843.298159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604851.298299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604859.298456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604867.298563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604875.298692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604883.298815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604891.298948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604899.299099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604907.299229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604915.299381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604923.299422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604931.299575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604939.299731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604947.299896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604955.299994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604963.300086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604971.300174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604979.300333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604987.300483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730604995.300622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605003.300774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605011.300943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605019.301005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605027.301088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605035.301181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605043.301344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605051.301476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605059.301608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605067.301678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605075.301803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605083.301957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605091.301990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605099.302095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605107.302204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605115.302268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605123.302402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605131.302549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605139.302706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605147.302854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605155.302964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605163.303094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605171.303231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605179.303384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605187.303526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605195.303654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605203.303815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605211.303978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605219.304096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605227.304267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605235.304416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605243.304571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605251.304723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605259.304875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605267.305068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605275.305154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605283.305305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605291.305443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605299.305557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605307.305692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605315.305876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605323.306004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605331.306160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605339.306314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605347.306467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605355.306629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605363.306766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605371.306915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605379.307047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605387.307180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605395.307326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605403.307571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605411.307697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605419.307815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605427.307835 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605435.308010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605443.308111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605451.308180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605459.308399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605467.308552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605475.308695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605483.308859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605491.308959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605499.309051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605507.309181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605515.309282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605523.309404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605531.309558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605539.309695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605547.309847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605555.309989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605563.310120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605571.310210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605579.310338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605587.310489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605595.310642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605603.310711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605611.310890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605619.310994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605627.311123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605635.311288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605643.311438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605651.311520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605659.311682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605667.311867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605675.311987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605683.312073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605691.312156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605699.312288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605707.312379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605715.312504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605723.312653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605731.312789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605739.312930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605747.313051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605755.313191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605763.313280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605771.313413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605779.313500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605787.313625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605795.313765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605803.313879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605811.314008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605819.314088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605827.314251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605835.314439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605843.314566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605851.314702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605859.314819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605867.314936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605875.314997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605883.315063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605891.315153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605899.315279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605907.315398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605915.315542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605923.315689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605931.315881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605939.315974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605947.316070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605955.316147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605963.316309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605971.316460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605979.316619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605987.316765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730605995.316933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606003.317055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606011.317144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606019.317178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606027.317465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606035.317586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606043.317721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606051.317918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606059.318023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606067.318144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606075.318301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606083.318454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606091.318577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606099.318652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606107.318723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606115.318907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606123.318929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606131.319100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606139.319246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606147.319399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606155.319538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606163.319694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606171.319818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606179.319990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606187.320116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606195.320275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606203.320441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606211.320569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606219.320690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606227.320879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606235.321018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606243.321104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606251.321184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606259.321320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606267.321479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606275.321610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606283.321742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606291.321878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606299.322009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606307.322159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606315.322309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606323.322467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606331.322621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606339.322757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606347.322935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606355.323064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606363.323155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606371.323310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606379.323440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606387.323586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606395.323725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606403.323898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606411.324024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606419.324104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606427.324240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606435.324348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606443.324574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606451.324701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606459.324763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606467.324940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606475.325033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606483.325111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606491.325222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606499.325281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606507.325415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606515.325495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606523.325646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606531.325785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606539.325940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606547.326011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606555.326165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606563.326309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606571.326468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606579.326618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606587.326773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606595.326939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606603.327087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606611.327194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606619.327352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606627.327512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606635.327654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606643.327792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606651.327941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606659.328020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606667.328159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606675.328280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606683.328409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606691.328528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606699.328656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606707.328817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606715.328946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606723.329028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606731.329115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606739.329207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606747.329368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606755.329522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606763.329665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606771.329804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606779.330023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606787.330141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606795.330244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606803.330399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606811.330532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606819.330667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606827.330799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606835.330985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606843.331086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606851.331232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606859.331388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606867.331543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606875.331692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606883.331862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606891.331988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606899.332084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606907.332212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606915.332366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606923.332514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606931.332666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606939.332775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606947.332956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606955.333045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606963.333150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606971.333294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606979.333452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606987.333597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730606995.333762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607003.333943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607011.334081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607019.334166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607027.334279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607035.334408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607043.334537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607051.334697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607059.334856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607067.334977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607075.335116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607083.335219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607091.335363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607099.335514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607107.335544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607115.335726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607123.335882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607131.336033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607139.336118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607147.336221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607155.336375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607163.336444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607171.336606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607179.336681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607187.336811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607195.336973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607203.337110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607211.337262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607219.337471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607227.337616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607235.337684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607243.337861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607251.337969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607259.338123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607267.338264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607275.338411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607283.338486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607291.338625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607299.338754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607307.338912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607315.338980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607323.339064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607331.339142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607339.339268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607347.339426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607355.339563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607363.339697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607371.339786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607379.339934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607387.340079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607395.340153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607403.340303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607411.340435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607419.340584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607427.340725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607435.340803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607443.340944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607451.341092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607459.341241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607467.341379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607475.341535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607483.341685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607491.341802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607499.341960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607507.342085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607515.342250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607523.342397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607531.342522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607539.342655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607547.342793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607555.342953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607563.343080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607571.343233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607579.343387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607587.343548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607595.343697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607603.343828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607611.343875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607619.344024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607627.344122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607635.344238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607643.344350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607651.344496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607659.344661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607667.344799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607675.344963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607683.345088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607691.345170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607699.345312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607707.345432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607715.345566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607723.345691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607731.345873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607739.345981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607747.346114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607755.346271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607763.346423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607771.346545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607779.346722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607787.346918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607795.347046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607803.347128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607811.347261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607819.347416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607827.347540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607835.347674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607843.347813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607851.347954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607859.348105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607867.348229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607875.348382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607883.348538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607891.348688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607899.348861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607907.348969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607915.349094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607923.349252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607931.349407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607939.349528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607947.349674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607955.349859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607963.349961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607971.350094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607979.350226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607987.350303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730607995.350432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608003.350590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608011.350892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608019.351001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608027.351156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608035.351285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608043.351429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608051.351581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608059.351652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608067.351795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608075.351920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608083.352019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608091.352151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608099.352312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608107.352459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608115.352604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608123.352742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608131.352881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608139.353019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608147.353145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608155.353302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608163.353464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608171.353617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608179.353772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608187.353932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608195.354136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608203.354305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608211.354445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608219.354570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608227.354660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608235.354817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608243.354976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608251.355100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608259.355262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608267.355390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608275.355544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608283.355668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608291.355855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608299.355979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608307.356055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608315.356186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608323.356319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608331.356478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608339.356543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608347.356678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608355.356826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608363.356978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608371.357109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608379.357116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608387.357288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608395.357444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608403.357594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608411.357731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608419.357889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608427.358020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608435.358153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608443.358154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608451.358356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608459.358510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608467.358667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608475.358799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608483.358951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608491.359084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608499.359207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608507.359376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608515.359554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608523.359578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608531.359760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608539.359940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608547.360086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608555.360165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608563.360297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608571.360452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608579.360565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608587.360700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608595.360985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608603.361103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608611.361240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608619.361385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608627.361516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608635.361657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608643.361778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608651.361936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608659.362063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608667.362219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608675.362341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608683.362503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608691.362658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608699.362811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608707.362931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608715.363046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608723.363200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608731.363355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608739.363481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608747.363632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608755.363790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608763.363956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608771.363958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608779.364160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608787.364280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608795.364429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608803.364570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608811.364702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608819.364997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608827.365066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608835.365210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608843.365358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608851.365483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608859.365671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608867.365822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608875.365983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608883.366075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608891.366161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608899.366324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608907.366460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608915.366591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608923.366732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608931.366923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608939.367034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608947.367165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608955.367327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608963.367478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608971.367623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608979.367866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608987.367974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730608995.368107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609003.368256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609011.368418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609019.368566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609027.368659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609035.368815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609043.368976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609051.369123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609059.369286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609067.369439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609075.369604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609083.369733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609091.369872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609099.370039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609107.370170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609115.370328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609123.370447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609131.370603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609139.370762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609147.370904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609155.371044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609163.371187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609171.371304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609179.371386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609187.371541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609195.371682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609203.371802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609211.371982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609219.372101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609227.372225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609235.372369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609243.372516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609251.372652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609259.372772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609267.372937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609275.373077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609283.373215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609291.373369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609299.373510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609307.373771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609315.373912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609323.374008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609331.374149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609339.374300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609347.374427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609355.374584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609363.374738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609371.374911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609379.375023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609387.375104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609395.375204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609403.375365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609411.375511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609419.375670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609427.375821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609435.375992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609443.376090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609451.376217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609459.376338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609467.376503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609475.376644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609483.376711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609491.376883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609499.377161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609507.377293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609515.377526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609523.377672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609531.377852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609539.377991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609547.378079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609555.378233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609563.378375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609571.378538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609579.378675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609587.378817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609595.379015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609603.379142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609611.379271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609619.379402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609627.379559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609635.379689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609643.379861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609651.379956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609659.380114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609667.380272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609675.380411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609683.380596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609691.380731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609699.380913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609707.380979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609715.381116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609723.381265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609731.381424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609739.381681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609747.381797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609755.381974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609763.382106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609771.382258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609779.382394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609787.382496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609795.382627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609803.382783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609811.382939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609819.383031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609827.383111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609835.383245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609843.383324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609851.383428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609859.383569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609867.383706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609875.383869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609883.384010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609891.384089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609899.384252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609907.384410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609915.384427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609923.384731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609931.384891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609939.385012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609947.385160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609955.385291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609963.385453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609971.385589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609979.385740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609987.385906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730609995.386015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610003.386134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610011.386273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610019.386410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610027.386615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610035.386771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610043.386937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610051.387076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610059.387236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610067.387356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610075.387504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610083.387658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610091.387724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610099.387913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610107.387906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610115.388091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610123.388234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610131.388362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610139.388451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610147.388611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610155.388764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610163.388942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610171.389076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610179.389230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610187.389387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610195.389533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610203.389676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610211.389894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610219.389989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610227.390116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610235.390239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610243.390330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610251.390472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610259.390621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610267.390755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610275.390795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610283.390978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610291.391079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610299.391168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610307.391276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610315.391406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610323.391568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610331.391718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610339.391892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610347.392090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610355.392229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610363.392381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610371.392512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610379.392648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610387.392786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610395.392933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610403.393020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610411.393146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610419.393248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610427.393393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610435.393539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610443.393696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610451.393863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610459.393983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610467.394060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610475.394148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610483.394246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610491.394392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610499.394536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610507.394693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610515.394816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610523.394898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610531.395062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610539.395209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610547.395334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610555.395473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610563.395632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610571.395754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610579.395939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610587.396090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610595.396213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610603.396386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610611.396564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610619.396715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610627.396914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610635.397026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610643.397190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610651.397347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610659.397504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610667.397637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610675.397756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610683.397919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610691.398060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610699.398196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610707.398365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610715.398522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610723.398674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610731.398818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610739.398985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610747.399067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610755.399150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610763.399160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610771.399368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610779.399564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610787.399704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610795.399885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610803.400029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610811.400108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610819.400193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610827.400347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610835.400494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610843.400661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610851.400786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610859.400939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610867.401027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610875.401107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610883.401200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610891.401346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610899.401499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610907.401640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610915.401806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610923.401927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610931.401937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610939.402119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610947.402219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610955.402341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610963.402483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610971.402618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610979.402767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610987.402933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730610995.403025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611003.403117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611011.403253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611019.403352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611027.403494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611035.403607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611043.403756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611051.403928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611059.404005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611067.404087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611075.404172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611083.404378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611091.404513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611099.404597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611107.404753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611115.404931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611123.405010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611131.405094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611139.405244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611147.405401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611155.405529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611163.405686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611171.405747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611179.405903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611187.406004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611195.406078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611203.406213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611211.406334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611219.406493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611227.406629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611235.406788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611243.406930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611251.407015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611259.407032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611267.407172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611275.407293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611283.407437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611291.407586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611299.407737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611307.407904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611315.408023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611323.408098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611331.408181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611339.408330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611347.408457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611355.408609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611363.408740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611371.408888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611379.408989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611387.409064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611395.409240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611403.409354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611411.409510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611419.409668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611427.409791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611435.409944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611443.410006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611451.410088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611459.410174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611467.410327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611475.410486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611483.410652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611491.410767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611499.410898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611507.411065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611515.411192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611523.411330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611531.411486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611539.411599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611547.411723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611555.411864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611563.411977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611571.412029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611579.412108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611587.412195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611595.412406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611603.412557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611611.412700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611619.412852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611627.412969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611635.413048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611643.413133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611651.413246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611659.413341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611667.413485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611675.413691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611683.413880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611691.414026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611699.414106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611707.414190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611715.414339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611723.414486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611731.414612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611739.414760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611747.414925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611755.414997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611763.415121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611771.415263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611779.415418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611787.415552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611795.415707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611803.415899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611811.415974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611819.416057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611827.416140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611835.416235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611843.416395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611851.416550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611859.416739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611867.416868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611875.417024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611883.417101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611891.417203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611899.417316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611907.417445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611915.417591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611923.417762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611931.417913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611939.418004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611947.418112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611955.418238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611963.418389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611971.418491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611979.418592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611987.418737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730611995.418850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612003.418981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612011.419011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612019.419085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612027.419174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612035.419302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612043.419449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612051.419591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612059.419751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612067.419912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612075.420004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612083.420086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612091.420167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612099.420173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612107.420381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612115.420517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612123.420636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612131.420789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612139.420956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612147.421090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612155.421223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612163.421352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612171.421479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612179.421610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612187.421765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612195.421934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612203.422076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612211.422171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612219.422325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612227.422474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612235.422624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612243.422756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612251.422905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612259.423026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612267.423170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612275.423352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612283.423493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612291.423643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612299.423793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612307.423919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612315.424008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612323.424139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612331.424252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612339.424374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612347.424505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612355.424675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612363.424781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612371.424948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612379.425097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612387.425257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612395.425403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612403.425532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612411.425797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612419.425935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612427.425997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612435.426062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612443.426189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612451.426328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612459.426476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612467.426605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612475.426912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612483.427014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612491.427099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612499.427182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612507.427342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612515.427499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612523.427611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612531.427748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612539.427816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612547.428143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612555.428191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612563.428328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612571.428482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612579.428618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612587.428773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612595.428936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612603.429055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612611.429105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612619.429230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612627.429378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612635.429538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612643.429667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612651.429816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612659.429946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612667.430118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612675.430236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612683.430390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612691.430466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612699.430618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612707.430772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612715.430925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612723.431056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612731.431173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612739.431333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612747.431483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612755.431630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612763.431791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612771.431938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612779.432087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612787.432222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612795.432293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612803.432415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612811.432576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612819.432729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612827.432899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612835.432859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612843.433039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612851.433110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612859.433233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612867.433387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612875.433561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612883.433699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612891.433826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612899.433986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612907.434068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612915.434154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612923.434308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612931.434456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612939.434585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612947.434740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612955.434932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612963.435007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612971.435092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612979.435244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612987.435392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730612995.435603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613003.435652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613011.435853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613019.435989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613027.436092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613035.436161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613043.436283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613051.436419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613059.436560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613067.436716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613075.436894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613083.437021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613091.437147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613099.437252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613107.437399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613115.437553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613123.437703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613131.437850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613139.437970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613147.438064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613155.438200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613163.438346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613171.438350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613179.438551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613187.438704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613195.438851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613203.438975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613211.439048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613219.439202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613227.439360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613235.439510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613243.439653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613251.439806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613259.439969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613267.440066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613275.440176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613283.440284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613291.440418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613299.440554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613307.440675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613315.440803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613323.440938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613331.441083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613339.441219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613347.441219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613355.441424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613363.441551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613371.441692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613379.441856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613387.441955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613395.442029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613403.442151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613411.442380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613419.442505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613427.442648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613435.442775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613443.442934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613451.443009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613459.443141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613467.443266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613475.443402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613483.443489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613491.443647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613499.443759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613507.443920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613515.443938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613523.444001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613531.444177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613539.444312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613547.444444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613555.444573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613563.444700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613571.444849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613579.444989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613587.445128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613595.445270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613603.445424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613611.445550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613619.445688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613627.445887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613635.446019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613643.446112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613651.446237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613659.446382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613667.446520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613675.446673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613683.446857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613691.446968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613699.447088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613707.447251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613715.447408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613723.447550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613731.447686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613739.447893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613747.447971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613755.448091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613763.448171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613771.448275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613779.448409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613787.448561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613795.448714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613803.448891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613811.449018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613819.449112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613827.449225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613835.449384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613843.449538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613851.449674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613859.449812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613867.449961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613875.450114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613883.450243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613891.450395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613899.450552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613907.450622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613915.450786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613923.450941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613931.450994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613939.451129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613947.451154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613955.451361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613963.451515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613971.451668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613979.451783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613987.451916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730613995.452046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614003.452195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614011.452353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614019.452502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614027.452588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614035.452744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614043.452908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614051.453030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614059.453105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614067.453194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614075.453358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614083.453514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614091.453594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614099.453747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614107.453952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614115.454016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614123.454087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614131.454212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614139.454339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614147.454462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614155.454599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614163.454667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614171.454822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614179.454983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614187.455057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614195.455114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614203.455288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614211.455422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614219.455566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614227.455662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614235.455814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614243.455953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614251.456048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614259.456213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614267.456339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614275.456465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614283.456614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614291.456738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614299.456931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614307.457023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614315.457156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614323.457264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614331.457410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614339.457565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614347.457670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614355.457814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614363.457834 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614371.458017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614379.458151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614387.458252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614395.458399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614403.458523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614411.458670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614419.458871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614427.459020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614435.459155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614443.459314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614451.459461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614459.459615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614467.459778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614475.459942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614483.460002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614491.460145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614499.460220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614507.460342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614515.460469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614523.460473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614531.460652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614539.460786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614547.460935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614555.461090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614563.461245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614571.461370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614579.461512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614587.461647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614595.461772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614603.461948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614611.462023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614619.462118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614627.462244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614635.462396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614643.462558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614651.462717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614659.462875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614667.463017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614675.463109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614683.463273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614691.463278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614699.463448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614707.463588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614715.463741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614723.463907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614731.464019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614739.464147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614747.464296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614755.464441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614763.464596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614771.464669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614779.464820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614787.464987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614795.465116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614803.465272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614811.465451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614819.465582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614827.465731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614835.465913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614843.466046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614851.466194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614859.466331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614867.466450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614875.466624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614883.466750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614891.466918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614899.467048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614907.467136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614915.467238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614923.467378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614931.467514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614939.467766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614947.467942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614955.468066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614963.468197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614971.468305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614979.468454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614987.468590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730614995.468713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615003.468890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615011.469033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615019.469167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615027.469266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615035.469409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615043.469548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615051.469699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615059.469824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615067.469962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615075.470122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615083.470284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615091.470403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615099.470516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615107.470570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615115.470764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615123.470946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615131.471080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615139.471207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615147.471362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615155.471517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615163.471673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615171.471772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615179.471927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615187.472018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615195.472150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615203.472269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615211.472398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615219.472557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615227.472641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615235.472780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615243.472950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615251.473089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615259.473208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615267.473405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615275.473546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615283.473695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615291.473806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615299.473940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615307.474070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615315.474226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615323.474382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615331.474531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615339.474684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615347.474819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615355.474948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615363.475094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615371.475185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615379.475318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615387.475475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615395.475635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615403.475788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615411.475891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615419.476006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615427.476150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615435.476271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615443.476428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615451.476584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615459.476884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615467.476931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615475.477003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615483.477136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615491.477200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615499.477332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615507.477462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615515.477586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615523.477740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615531.477918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615539.478017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615547.478107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615555.478248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615563.478409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615571.478571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615579.478717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615587.478908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615595.479075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615603.479283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615611.479373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615619.479532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615627.479664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615635.479827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615643.479977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615651.480108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615659.480222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615667.480354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615675.480526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615683.480675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615691.480805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615699.480943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615707.481070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615715.481223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615723.481383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615731.481456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615739.481595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615747.481666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615755.481820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615763.481985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615771.482118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615779.482254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615787.482324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615795.482494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615803.482637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615811.482801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615819.482948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615827.483100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615835.483247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615843.483387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615851.483507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615859.483642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615867.483803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615875.483952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615883.484028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615891.484108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615899.484261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615907.484416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615915.484560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615923.484705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615931.484884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615939.485004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615947.485143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615955.485287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615963.485430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615971.485595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615979.485717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615987.485882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730615995.485947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616003.486020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616011.486209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616019.486363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616027.486488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616035.486622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616043.486768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616051.486942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616059.486983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616067.487117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616075.487245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616083.487390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616091.487575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616099.487719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616107.487888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616115.488017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616123.488081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616131.488241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616139.488395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616147.488541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616155.488680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616163.488871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616171.488963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616179.489026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616187.489176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616195.489305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616203.489457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616211.489616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616219.489771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616227.489938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616235.490086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616243.490169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616251.490316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616259.490468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616267.490599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616275.490703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616283.490877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616291.491067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616299.491215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616307.491348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616315.491489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616323.491640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616331.491789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616339.491956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616347.492051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616355.492134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616363.492227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616371.492373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616379.492502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616387.492645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616395.492807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616403.492964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616411.493094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616419.493133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616427.493327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616435.493462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616443.493602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616451.493734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616459.493914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616467.494029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616475.494161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616483.494300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616491.494457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616499.494612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616507.494767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616515.494933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616523.495160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616531.495218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616539.495370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616547.495530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616555.495674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616563.495817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616571.495943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616579.496092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616587.496117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616595.496315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616603.496471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616611.496595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616619.496725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616627.496887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616635.497024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616643.497164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616651.497328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616659.497445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616667.497585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616675.497712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616683.497879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616691.497980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616699.498113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616707.498183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616715.498357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616723.498500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616731.498639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616739.498797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616747.498903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616755.498915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616763.499038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616771.499167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616779.499201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616787.499396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616795.499591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616803.499731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616811.499910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616819.500165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616827.500300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616835.500445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616843.500574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616851.500733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616859.501034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616867.501149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616875.501282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616883.501430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616891.501566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616899.501704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616907.501873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616915.501891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616923.502070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616931.502226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616939.502365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616947.502500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616955.502658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616963.502793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616971.502937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616979.503084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616987.503161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730616995.503293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617003.503461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617011.503616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617019.503751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617027.503935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617035.504071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617043.504224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617051.504360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617059.504519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617067.504648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617075.504806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617083.504965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617091.505131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617099.505245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617107.505400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617115.505545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617123.505642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617131.505774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617139.505941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617147.506080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617155.506183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617163.506184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617171.506363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617179.506506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617187.506634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617195.506764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617203.506930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617211.507010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617219.507096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617227.507221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617235.507350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617243.507447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617251.507529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617259.507690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617267.507856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617275.507985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617283.508063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617291.508157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617299.508311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617307.508459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617315.508597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617323.508739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617331.508752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617339.508944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617347.509085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617355.509241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617363.509374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617371.509522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617379.509677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617387.509810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617395.509933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617403.510084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617411.510240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617419.510290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617427.510475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617435.510613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617443.510779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617451.510949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617459.510995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617467.511075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617475.511224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617483.511353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617491.511507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617499.511656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617507.511862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617515.511964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617523.512103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617531.512226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617539.512397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617547.512510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617555.512607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617563.512702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617571.512822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617579.512956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617587.513107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617595.513186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617603.513347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617611.513491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617619.513650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617627.513795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617635.513960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617643.514092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617651.514223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617659.514385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617667.514424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617675.514613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617683.514759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617691.514941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617699.515033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617707.515191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617715.515322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617723.515447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617731.515598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617739.515744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617747.515936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617755.516051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617763.516177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617771.516260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617779.516417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617787.516576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617795.516694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617803.516853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617811.516981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617819.517116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617827.517253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617835.517419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617843.517627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617851.517865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617859.518009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617867.518141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617875.518294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617883.518424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617891.518561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617899.518687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617907.518826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617915.518996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617923.519160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617931.519295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617939.519451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617947.519606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617955.519739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617963.519917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617971.520029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617979.520153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617987.520310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730617995.520457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618003.520640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618011.520792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618019.520911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618027.521031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618035.521131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618043.521258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618051.521424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618059.521558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618067.521636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618075.521801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618083.521952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618091.522035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618099.522118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618107.522255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618115.522426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618123.522573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618131.522746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618139.522924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618147.523159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618155.523148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618163.523350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618171.523503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618179.523717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618187.523795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618195.523938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618203.523947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618211.524081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618219.524225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618227.524368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618235.524585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618243.524798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618251.524946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618259.525010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618267.525154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618275.525285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618283.525349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618291.525506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618299.525645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618307.525769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618315.525923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618323.526046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618331.526195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618339.526351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618347.526484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618355.526575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618363.526707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618371.526891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618379.527026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618387.527173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618395.527312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618403.527392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618411.527543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618419.527699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618427.527829 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618435.527975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618443.528121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618451.528280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618459.528442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618467.528576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618475.528719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618483.528887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618491.528994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618499.529105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618507.529232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618515.529366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618523.529519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618531.529671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618539.529826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618547.530000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618555.530075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618563.530164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618571.530248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618579.530488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618587.530616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618595.530755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618603.530934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618611.531063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618619.531157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618627.531270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618635.531442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618643.531570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618651.531719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618659.531891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618667.532024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618675.532108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618683.532235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618691.532359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618699.532489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618707.532601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618715.532723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618723.532871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618731.532976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618739.533066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618747.533186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618755.533346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618763.533478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618771.533589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618779.533738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618787.533963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618795.534009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618803.534131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618811.534297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618819.534414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618827.534564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618835.534720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618843.534871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618851.535023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618859.535151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618867.535235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618875.535365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618883.535516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618891.535697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618899.535797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618907.535955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618915.536089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618923.536218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618931.536345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618939.536501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618947.536639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618955.536805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618963.536963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618971.537022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618979.537125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618987.537222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730618995.537248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619003.537426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619011.537517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619019.537670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619027.537809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619035.537972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619043.538024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619051.538100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619059.538223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619067.538369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619075.538506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619083.538620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619091.538697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619099.538868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619107.539018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619115.539148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619123.539302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619131.539456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619139.539528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619147.539665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619155.539823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619163.539979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619171.540137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619179.540263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619187.540419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619195.540516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619203.540668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619211.540802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619219.540951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619227.541103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619235.541251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619243.541399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619251.541579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619259.541729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619267.541918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619275.542161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619283.542297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619291.542471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619299.542580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619307.542760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619315.542894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619323.543033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619331.543145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619339.543245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619347.543399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619355.543558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619363.543713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619371.543887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619379.544014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619387.544097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619395.544180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619403.544301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619411.544439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619419.544631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619427.544779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619435.544934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619443.545022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619451.545108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619459.545260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619467.545413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619475.545662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619483.545803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619491.545959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619499.546030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619507.546161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619515.546287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619523.546356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619531.546495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619539.546634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619547.546702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619555.546882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619563.546949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619571.547046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619579.547121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619587.547286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619595.547435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619603.547581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619611.547733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619619.547884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619627.548037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619635.548172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619643.548295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619651.548456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619659.548601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619667.548648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619675.548857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619683.549004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619691.549146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619699.549291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619707.549402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619715.549542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619723.549702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619731.549847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619739.549990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619747.549996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619755.550197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619763.550322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619771.550465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619779.550584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619787.550739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619795.550880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619803.551023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619811.551153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619819.551321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619827.551429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619835.551568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619843.551724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619851.551808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619859.552022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619867.552137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619875.552282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619883.552430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619891.552639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619899.552786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619907.552932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619915.553028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619923.553165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619931.553297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619939.553427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619947.553568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619955.553721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619963.553882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619971.554021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619979.554104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619987.554238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730619995.554366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620003.554519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620011.554647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620019.554786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620027.554997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620035.555137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620043.555292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620051.555443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620059.555600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620067.555749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620075.555888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620083.555998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620091.556137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620099.556278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620107.556443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620115.556568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620123.556700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620131.556779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620139.556944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620147.557084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620155.557213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620163.557344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620171.557483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620179.557604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620187.557752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620195.557916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620203.558038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620211.558177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620219.558326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620227.558481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620235.558621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620243.558723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620251.558931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620259.559012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620267.559149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620275.559312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620283.559463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620291.559563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620299.559702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620307.559872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620315.560023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620323.560149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620331.560295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620339.560535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620347.560671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620355.560802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620363.560966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620371.561078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620379.561248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620387.561382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620395.561582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620403.561665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620411.561814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620419.561947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620427.562031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620435.562133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620443.562271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620451.562520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620459.562644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620467.562780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620475.562940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620483.563028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620491.563112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620499.563258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620507.563397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620515.563505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620523.563643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620531.563793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620539.563954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620547.564103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620555.564227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620563.564338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620571.564429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620579.564539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620587.564699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620595.564806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620603.564962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620611.565032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620619.565165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620627.565318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620635.565439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620643.565589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620651.565669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620659.565740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620667.565915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620675.566022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620683.566183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620691.566266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620699.566379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620707.566493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620715.566641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620723.566773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620731.566926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620739.567030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620747.567098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620755.567287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620763.567445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620771.567591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620779.567743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620787.567820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620795.567983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620803.568102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620811.568246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620819.568370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620827.568516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620835.568727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620843.568873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620851.569019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620859.569154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620867.569310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620875.569449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620883.569597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620891.569747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620899.569929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620907.570050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620915.570093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620923.570295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620931.570397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620939.570498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620947.570644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620955.570812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620963.570970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620971.571102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620979.571183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620987.571301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730620995.571467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621003.571586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621011.571720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621019.571888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621027.571973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621035.572106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621043.572195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621051.572347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621059.572542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621067.572687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621075.572879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621083.573011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621091.573077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621099.573162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621107.573293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621115.573437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621123.573576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621131.573709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621139.573878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621147.573930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621155.574001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621163.574145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621171.574278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621179.574430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621187.574560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621195.574709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621203.574889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621211.575012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621219.575139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621227.575295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621235.575334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621243.575539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621251.575679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621259.575804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621267.575951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621275.576161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621283.576268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621291.576421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621299.576566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621307.576730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621315.576879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621323.577029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621331.577183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621339.577336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621347.577479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621355.577636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621363.577762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621371.577935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621379.578015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621387.578146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621395.578294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621403.578439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621411.578571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621419.578669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621427.578813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621435.578954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621443.579105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621451.579223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621459.579381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621467.579502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621475.579622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621483.579728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621491.579907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621499.580034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621507.580107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621515.580245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621523.580396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621531.580529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621539.580666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621547.580800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621555.580961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621563.581087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621571.581213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621579.581355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621587.581495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621595.581638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621603.581795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621611.581931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621619.582099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621627.582184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621635.582322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621643.582464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621651.582506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621659.582706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621667.582877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621675.583020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621683.583165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621691.583297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621699.583434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621707.583576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621715.583718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621723.583789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621731.583929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621739.584061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621747.584193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621755.584337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621763.584468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621771.584605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621779.584755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621787.584822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621795.584959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621803.585042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621811.585200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621819.585335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621827.585494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621835.585651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621843.585797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621851.585948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621859.586080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621867.586163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621875.586245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621883.586384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621891.586541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621899.586674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621907.586796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621915.586959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621923.587116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621931.587272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621939.587431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621947.587572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621955.587755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621963.587922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621971.588022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621979.588170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621987.588316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730621995.588330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622003.588558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622011.588692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622019.588859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622027.588933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622035.589055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622043.589132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622051.589295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622059.589423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622067.589575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622075.589735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622083.589895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622091.590018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622099.590154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622107.590290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622115.590431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622123.590599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622131.590731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622139.590907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622147.591003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622155.591135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622163.591254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622171.591381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622179.591535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622187.591797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622195.591944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622203.592078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622211.592226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622219.592386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622227.592535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622235.592607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622243.592761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622251.592927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622259.593000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622267.593080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622275.593226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622283.593313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622291.593469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622299.593628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622307.593788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622315.593908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622323.594014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622331.594029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622339.594229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622347.594382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622355.594527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622363.594673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622371.594825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622379.594972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622387.595110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622395.595258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622403.595392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622411.595522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622419.595564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622427.595759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622435.595937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622443.596030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622451.596102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622459.596242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622467.596387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622475.596528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622483.596648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622491.596959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622499.597017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622507.597088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622515.597230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622523.597376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622531.597523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622539.597673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622547.597760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622555.597930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622563.598011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622571.598149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622579.598238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622587.598379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622595.598465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622603.598639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622611.598779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622619.598948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622627.599082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622635.599219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622643.599379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622651.599518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622659.599667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622667.599786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622675.599951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622683.600015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622691.600147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622699.600284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622707.600420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622715.600553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622723.600704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622731.600913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622739.601023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622747.601158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622755.601162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622763.601339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622771.601491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622779.601642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622787.601781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622795.601938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622803.602022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622811.602095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622819.602243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622827.602380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622835.602515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622843.602658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622851.602823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622859.602962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622867.603048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622875.603196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622883.603271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622891.603415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622899.603554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622907.603717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622915.603881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622923.604018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622931.604116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622939.604218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622947.604381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622955.604531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622963.604680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622971.604825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622979.604987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622987.605101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730622995.605212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623003.605333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623011.605450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623019.605563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623027.605654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623035.605790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623043.605945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623051.606081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623059.606218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623067.606362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623075.606487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623083.606504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623091.606703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623099.606817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623107.606951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623115.607100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623123.607224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623131.607358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623139.607507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623147.607640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623155.607777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623163.607945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623171.608086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623179.608246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623187.608368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623195.608457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623203.608609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623211.608760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623219.608910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623227.609044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623235.609192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623243.609330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623251.609465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623259.609617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623267.609778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623275.609941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623283.610077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623291.610218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623299.610371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623307.610512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623315.610650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623323.610752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623331.610913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623339.611034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623347.611175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623355.611310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623363.611475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623371.611625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623379.611790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623387.611943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623395.612096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623403.612213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623411.612356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623419.612425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623427.612593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623435.612747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623443.612892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623451.613016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623459.613157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623467.613290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623475.613395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623483.613493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623491.613622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623499.613745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623507.613900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623515.614032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623523.614164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623531.614255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623539.614414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623547.614534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623555.614695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623563.614863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623571.615011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623579.615138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623587.615245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623595.615389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623603.615503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623611.615669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623619.615799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623627.615939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623635.616068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623643.616149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623651.616295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623659.616457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623667.616612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623675.616766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623683.616940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623691.617084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623699.617246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623707.617391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623715.617525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623723.617685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623731.617914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623739.618013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623747.618153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623755.618306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623763.618435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623771.618594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623779.618744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623787.618914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623795.619018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623803.619163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623811.619292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623819.619425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623827.619571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623835.619719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623843.619890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623851.620024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623859.620163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623867.620319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623875.620469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623883.620601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623891.620740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623899.620895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623907.620864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623915.621053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623923.621195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623931.621341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623939.621492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623947.621654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623955.621805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623963.621946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623971.622096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623979.622238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623987.622286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730623995.622488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624003.622634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624011.622790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624019.623108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624027.623208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624035.623375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624043.623521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624051.623634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624059.623772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624067.623958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624075.624158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624083.624285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624091.624440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624099.624577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624107.624734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624115.624921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624123.624964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624131.625092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624139.625247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624147.625334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624155.625520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624163.625687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624171.625791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624179.625948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624187.626067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624195.626157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624203.626314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624211.626466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624219.626609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624227.626752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624235.626934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624243.627077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624251.627230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624259.627377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624267.627514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624275.627673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624283.627814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624291.627964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624299.628106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624307.628203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624315.628334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624323.628485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624331.628637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624339.628769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624347.628931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624355.629000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624363.629135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624371.629284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624379.629369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624387.629519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624395.629676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624403.629904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624411.630021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624419.630162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624427.630311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624435.630455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624443.630597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624451.630728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624459.630888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624467.630995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624475.631113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624483.631264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624491.631414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624499.631555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624507.631704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624515.631880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624523.632027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624531.632106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624539.632219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624547.632355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624555.632477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624563.632562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624571.632700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624579.632863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624587.632990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624595.633125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624603.633290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624611.633429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624619.633579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624627.633741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624635.633887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624643.634027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624651.634110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624659.634195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624667.634342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624675.634504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624683.634653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624691.634799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624699.634959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624707.635096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624715.635270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624723.635272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624731.635416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624739.635562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624747.635717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624755.635849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624763.635986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624771.636072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624779.636214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624787.636334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624795.636474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624803.636600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624811.636778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624819.636952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624827.637080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624835.637218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624843.637374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624851.637511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624859.637657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624867.637799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624875.637963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624883.638068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624891.638229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624899.638322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624907.638469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624915.638624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624923.638778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624931.638943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624939.639015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624947.639146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624955.639293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624963.639409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624971.639554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624979.639709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624987.639800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730624995.639953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625003.640017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625011.640158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625019.640302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625027.640433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625035.640587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625043.640748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625051.640792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625059.641019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625067.641152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625075.641312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625083.641455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625091.641612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625099.641756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625107.641925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625115.642062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625123.642201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625131.642352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625139.642392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625147.642577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625155.642727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625163.642882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625171.643009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625179.643137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625187.643273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625195.643409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625203.643557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625211.643690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625219.643775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625227.643938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625235.644027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625243.644106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625251.644266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625259.644432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625267.644575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625275.644736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625283.644825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625291.644987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625299.645111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625307.645239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625315.645419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625323.645678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625331.645730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625339.645917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625347.646034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625355.646165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625363.646326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625371.646462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625379.646626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625387.646762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625395.646940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625403.646997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625411.647132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625419.647285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625427.647530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625435.647665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625443.647814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625451.647961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625459.648084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625467.648224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625475.648232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625483.648430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625491.648575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625499.648726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625507.648911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625515.649029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625523.649117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625531.649210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625539.649372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625547.649514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625555.649638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625563.649816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625571.649983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625579.650072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625587.650154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625595.650313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625603.650447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625611.650597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625619.650741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625627.650926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625635.650967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625643.651130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625651.651237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625659.651371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625667.651522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625675.651683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625683.651972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625691.652010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625699.652143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625707.652303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625715.652466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625723.652619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625731.652781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625739.652939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625747.653024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625755.653178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625763.653304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625771.653448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625779.653594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625787.653758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625795.653951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625803.654083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625811.654222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625819.654381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625827.654533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625835.654662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625843.654825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625851.654970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625859.655060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625867.655202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625875.655334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625883.655478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625891.655647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625899.655787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625907.655936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625915.656017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625923.656111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625931.656250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625939.656367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625947.656498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625955.656621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625963.656789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625971.656974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625979.657116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625987.657276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730625995.657409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626003.657549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626011.657697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626019.657855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626027.658012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626035.658181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626043.658304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626051.658317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626059.658521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626067.658884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626075.659007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626083.659152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626091.659280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626099.659417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626107.659570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626115.659712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626123.659895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626131.659926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626139.659990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626147.660073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626155.660220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626163.660375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626171.660482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626179.660620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626187.660776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626195.660943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626203.661073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626211.661178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626219.661337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626227.661385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626235.661576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626243.661720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626251.661915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626259.662014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626267.662085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626275.662229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626283.662386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626291.662530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626299.662662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626307.662697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626315.662932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626323.663065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626331.663236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626339.663376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626347.663532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626355.663674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626363.663855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626371.663965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626379.664100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626387.664125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626395.664321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626403.664457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626411.664559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626419.664682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626427.664864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626435.665047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626443.665201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626451.665343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626459.665481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626467.665657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626475.665800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626483.665931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626491.666080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626499.666176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626507.666320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626515.666473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626523.666634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626531.666770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626539.666943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626547.667072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626555.667086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626563.667263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626571.667415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626579.667577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626587.667693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626595.667862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626603.668011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626611.668144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626619.668284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626627.668512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626635.668639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626643.668758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626651.668934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626659.669001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626667.669153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626675.669381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626683.669507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626691.669656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626699.669952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626707.670080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626715.670172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626723.670294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626731.670485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626739.670602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626747.670748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626755.670914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626763.671025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626771.671115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626779.671256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626787.671411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626795.671568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626803.671710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626811.671765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626819.671956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626827.672087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626835.672244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626843.672377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626851.672526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626859.672789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626867.672939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626875.673074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626883.673202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626891.673210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626899.673489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626907.673703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626915.673882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626923.674002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626931.674146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626939.674283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626947.674428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626955.674526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626963.674688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626971.674724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626979.674937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626987.675004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730626995.675132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627003.675348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627011.675498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627019.675636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627027.675806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627035.675972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627043.676092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627051.676187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627059.676325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627067.676461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627075.676580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627083.676693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627091.676861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627099.677002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627107.677148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627115.677287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627123.677432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627131.677585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627139.677594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627147.677774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627155.677936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627163.678070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627171.678153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627179.678382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627187.678459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627195.678592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627203.678735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627211.678916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627219.679013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627227.679015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627235.679155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627243.679281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627251.679403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627259.679552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627267.679695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627275.679799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627283.679946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627291.680072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627299.680225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627307.680362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627315.680513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627323.680662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627331.680811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627339.680975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627347.681026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627355.681159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627363.681275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627371.681432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627379.681587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627387.681701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627395.681999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627403.682128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627411.682205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627419.682300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627427.682447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627435.682605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627443.682720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627451.682881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627459.683031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627467.683097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627475.683231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627483.683441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627491.683562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627499.683710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627507.683869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627515.683981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627523.684116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627531.684235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627539.684379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627547.684511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627555.684653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627563.684803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627571.684969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627579.685048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627587.685184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627595.685325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627603.685471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627611.685649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627619.685777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627627.686012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627635.686146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627643.686279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627651.686416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627659.686566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627667.686672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627675.686795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627683.686959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627691.687097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627699.687233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627707.687376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627715.687511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627723.687516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627731.687704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627739.687877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627747.688015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627755.688148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627763.688276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627771.688411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627779.688549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627787.688681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627795.688874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627803.689039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627811.689154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627819.689300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627827.689454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627835.689598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627843.689731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627851.689886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627859.690023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627867.690129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627875.690280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627883.690441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627891.690594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627899.690741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627907.690912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627915.691035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627923.691107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627931.691260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627939.691414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627947.691547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627955.691697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627963.691878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627971.691994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627979.692123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627987.692263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730627995.692405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628003.692551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628011.692699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628019.692855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628027.692981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628035.693075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628043.693148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628051.693281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628059.693432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628067.693590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628075.693733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628083.693912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628091.694027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628099.694162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628107.694251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628115.694389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628123.694521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628131.694667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628139.694806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628147.694978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628155.695112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628163.695263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628171.695414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628179.695569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628187.695717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628195.695894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628203.695943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628211.696076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628219.696225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628227.696371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628235.696515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628243.696672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628251.696827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628259.696985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628267.697120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628275.697244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628283.697382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628291.697526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628299.697654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628307.697791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628315.697956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628323.698022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628331.698165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628339.698316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628347.698438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628355.698576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628363.698732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628371.698919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628379.699021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628387.699075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628395.699281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628403.699421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628411.699635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628419.699767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628427.699941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628435.700021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628443.700169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628451.700277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628459.700416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628467.700547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628475.700703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628483.700873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628491.701025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628499.701156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628507.701301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628515.701413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628523.701545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628531.701652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628539.701771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628547.701933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628555.702205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628563.702336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628571.702589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628579.702701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628587.702891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628595.703020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628603.703158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628611.703294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628619.703550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628627.703687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628635.703719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628643.703933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628651.704070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628659.704211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628667.704332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628675.704487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628683.704643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628691.704802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628699.704972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628707.705117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628715.705249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628723.705395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628731.705551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628739.705698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628747.705870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628755.706014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628763.706094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628771.706170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628779.706304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628787.706464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628795.706625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628803.706762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628811.706936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628819.707070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628827.707149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628835.707222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628843.707401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628851.707560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628859.707702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628867.707870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628875.707989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628883.708033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628891.708221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628899.708311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628907.708468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628915.708610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628923.708757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628931.708949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628939.709036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628947.709185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628955.709320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628963.709479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628971.709627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628979.709757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628987.709936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730628995.710059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629003.710164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629011.710307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629019.710449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629027.710581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629035.710722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629043.710898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629051.710929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629059.711072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629067.711185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629075.711309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629083.711453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629091.711607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629099.711859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629107.711972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629115.712108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629123.712227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629131.712354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629139.712504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629147.712595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629155.712734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629163.712922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629171.712921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629179.713070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629187.713234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629195.713364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629203.713545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629211.713708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629219.713875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629227.713999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629235.714076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629243.714217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629251.714368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629259.714512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629267.714665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629275.714815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629283.715016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629291.715100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629299.715246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629307.715310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629315.715507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629323.715692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629331.715869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629339.715977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629347.716119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629355.716255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629363.716414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629371.716559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629379.716676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629387.716785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629395.716948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629403.717016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629411.717091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629419.717188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629427.717326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629435.717385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629443.717546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629451.717694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629459.717881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629467.717989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629475.718076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629483.718217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629491.718371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629499.718502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629507.718651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629515.718815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629523.718958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629531.719030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629539.719176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629547.719312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629555.719428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629563.719586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629571.719740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629579.719822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629587.719967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629595.720032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629603.720180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629611.720335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629619.720475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629627.720688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629635.720854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629643.720880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629651.721072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629659.721212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629667.721347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629675.721499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629683.721624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629691.721782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629699.721942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629707.722125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629715.722205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629723.722356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629731.722508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629739.722665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629747.722801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629755.722920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629763.723015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629771.723187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629779.723297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629787.723455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629795.723615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629803.723759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629811.723845 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629819.723976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629827.724113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629835.724246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629843.724391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629851.724552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629859.724716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629867.724880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629875.725018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629883.725159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629891.725313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629899.725434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629907.725601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629915.725753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629923.725930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629931.726036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629939.726188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629947.726331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629955.726491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629963.726646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629971.726794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629979.726839 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629987.727003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730629995.727147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630003.727295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630011.727447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630019.727588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630027.727723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630035.727902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630043.728032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630051.728182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630059.728321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630067.728432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630075.728577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630083.728733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630091.728887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630099.729025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630107.729104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630115.729262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630123.729398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630131.729585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630139.729731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630147.729882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630155.730008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630163.730138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630171.730267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630179.730415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630187.730556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630195.730701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630203.730902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630211.731010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630219.731098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630227.731237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630235.731351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630243.731535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630251.731682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630259.731861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630267.732018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630275.732164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630283.732302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630291.732468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630299.732604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630307.732735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630315.732874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630323.733032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630331.733188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630339.733270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630347.733394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630355.733539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630363.733686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630371.733857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630379.734008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630387.734102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630395.734244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630403.734389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630411.734516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630419.734672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630427.734858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630435.734992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630443.735055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630451.735194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630459.735344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630467.735490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630475.735645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630483.735809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630491.735964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630499.735987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630507.736127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630515.736288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630523.736423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630531.736564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630539.736705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630547.736903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630555.737085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630563.737229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630571.737384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630579.737536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630587.737706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630595.737926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630603.737983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630611.738127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630619.738200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630627.738354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630635.738488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630643.738631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630651.738782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630659.738936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630667.739074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630675.739272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630683.739423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630691.739570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630699.739728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630707.739918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630715.740035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630723.740189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630731.740331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630739.740481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630747.740593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630755.740731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630763.740917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630771.741028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630779.741168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630787.741296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630795.741439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630803.741603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630811.741917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630819.741986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630827.742138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630835.742182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630843.742381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630851.742536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630859.742649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630867.742768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630875.742928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630883.743060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630891.743208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630899.743390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630907.743556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630915.743691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630923.743925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630931.743986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630939.744135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630947.744293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630955.744421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630963.744573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630971.744708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630979.744813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630987.744952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730630995.745078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631003.745165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631011.745315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631019.745465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631027.745614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631035.745767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631043.745925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631051.746068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631059.746199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631067.746346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631075.746497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631083.746639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631091.746792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631099.746926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631107.747066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631115.747212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631123.747356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631131.747493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631139.747644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631147.747802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631155.747937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631163.748064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631171.748151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631179.748312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631187.748388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631195.748547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631203.748705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631211.748881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631219.749180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631227.749237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631235.749348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631243.749470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631251.749603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631259.749741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631267.749875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631275.749977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631283.750110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631291.750245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631299.750409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631307.750583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631315.750721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631323.750885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631331.751101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631339.751288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631347.751428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631355.751551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631363.751616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631371.751756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631379.751919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631387.752042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631395.752146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631403.752259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631411.752327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631419.752513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631427.752655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631435.752812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631443.752964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631451.753102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631459.753192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631467.753344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631475.753438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631483.753575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631491.753735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631499.753849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631507.753954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631515.754091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631523.754199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631531.754338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631539.754504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631547.754642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631555.754793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631563.754958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631571.755090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631579.755210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631587.755373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631595.755580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631603.755738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631611.755902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631619.756026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631627.756116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631635.756230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631643.756383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631651.756532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631659.756697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631667.756826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631675.757038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631683.757154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631691.757296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631699.757450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631707.757587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631715.757727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631723.757928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631731.758035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631739.758131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631747.758266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631755.758416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631763.758478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631771.758639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631779.758788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631787.758934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631795.759071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631803.759225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631811.759359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631819.759611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631827.759747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631835.759929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631843.759916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631851.760120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631859.760238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631867.760374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631875.760515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631883.760664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631891.760827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631899.760991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631907.761080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631915.761227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631923.761378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631931.761526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631939.761678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631947.761847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631955.761995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631963.762136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631971.762229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631979.762323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631987.762475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730631995.762560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632003.762730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632011.762717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632019.762950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632027.763096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632035.763226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632043.763397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632051.763521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632059.763663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632067.763823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632075.763956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632083.764100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632091.764107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632099.764296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632107.764484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632115.764577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632123.764713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632131.764784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632139.764937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632147.765164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632155.765299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632163.765443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632171.765595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632179.765738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632187.765941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632195.766049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632203.766193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632211.766321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632219.766458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632227.766620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632235.766774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632243.766944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632251.767029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632259.767124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632267.767278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632275.767423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632283.767578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632291.767722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632299.767906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632307.768034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632315.768168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632323.768329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632331.768476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632339.768613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632347.768760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632355.768938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632363.769078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632371.769213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632379.769368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632387.769386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632395.769519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632403.769664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632411.769823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632419.769968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632427.770097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632435.770121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632443.770309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632451.770465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632459.770606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632467.770741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632475.770910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632483.771021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632491.771171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632499.771314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632507.771469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632515.771634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632523.771781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632531.771938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632539.772080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632547.772230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632555.772462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632563.772548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632571.772696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632579.772872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632587.773025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632595.773172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632603.773327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632611.773477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632619.773626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632627.773766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632635.773932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632643.774076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632651.774229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632659.774382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632667.774533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632675.774698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632683.774888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632691.775078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632699.775207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632707.775356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632715.775509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632723.775667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632731.775858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632739.775959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632747.776005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632755.776140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632763.776173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632771.776317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632779.776467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632787.776610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632795.776757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632803.776914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632811.777067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632819.777205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632827.777282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632835.777428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632843.777591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632851.777754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632859.777908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632867.778013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632875.778150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632883.778289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632891.778449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632899.778601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632907.778752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632915.778913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632923.779164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632931.779272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632939.779415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632947.779498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632955.779629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632963.779794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632971.779934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632979.780004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632987.780148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730632995.780292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633003.780420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633011.780490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633019.780683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633027.780807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633035.780938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633043.781003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633051.781086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633059.781172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633067.781247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633075.781402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633083.781562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633091.781759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633099.781957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633107.782050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633115.782182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633123.782295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633131.782398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633139.782533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633147.782685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633155.782873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633163.782998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633171.783039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633179.783230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633187.783387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633195.783546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633203.783695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633211.783821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633219.783985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633227.784078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633235.784186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633243.784273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633251.784346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633259.784535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633267.784686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633275.784868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633283.784987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633291.785135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633299.785273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633307.785417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633315.785546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633323.785697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633331.785866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633339.786014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633347.786150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633355.786302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633363.786462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633371.786627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633379.786769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633387.786924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633395.787062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633403.787213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633411.787349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633419.787480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633427.787631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633435.787766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633443.787933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633451.788065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633459.788155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633467.788284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633475.788438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633483.788597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633491.788723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633499.788883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633507.789020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633515.789179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633523.789312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633531.789436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633539.789566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633547.789724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633555.789948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633563.790015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633571.790131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633579.790274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633587.790456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633595.790649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633603.790813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633611.790963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633619.791049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633627.791133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633635.791287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633643.791445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633651.791609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633659.791763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633667.791880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633675.792022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633683.792149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633691.792299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633699.792456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633707.792544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633715.792631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633723.792946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633731.793042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633739.793188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633747.793265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633755.793310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633763.793505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633771.793662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633779.793820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633787.793977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633795.794049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633803.794190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633811.794344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633819.794491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633827.794644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633835.794813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633843.794970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633851.795099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633859.795229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633867.795365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633875.795437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633883.795604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633891.795747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633899.795912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633907.796022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633915.796113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633923.796263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633931.796420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633939.796568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633947.796693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633955.796862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633963.796980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633971.797063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633979.797212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633987.797349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730633995.797487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634003.797633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634011.797783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634019.797921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634027.798065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634035.798170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634043.798279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634051.798424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634059.798571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634067.798675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634075.798737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634083.798938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634091.799024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634099.799157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634107.799239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634115.799396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634123.799551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634131.799711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634139.799866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634147.800022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634155.800118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634163.800227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634171.800385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634179.800508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634187.800651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634195.800810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634203.800974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634211.801106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634219.801249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634227.801317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634235.801478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634243.801660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634251.801867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634259.802028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634267.802163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634275.802314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634283.802479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634291.802623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634299.802771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634307.802804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634315.803025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634323.803163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634331.803271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634339.803414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634347.803568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634355.803709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634363.803904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634371.804092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634379.804238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634387.804388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634395.804474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634403.804629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634411.804662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634419.804900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634427.804995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634435.805130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634443.805287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634451.805419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634459.805572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634467.805890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634475.805979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634483.806055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634491.806197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634499.806340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634507.806491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634515.806641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634523.806705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634531.806877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634539.807030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634547.807111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634555.807240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634563.807391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634571.807535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634579.807680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634587.807823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634595.807962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634603.808104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634611.808340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634619.808480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634627.808618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634635.808771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634643.808942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634651.808943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634659.809146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634667.809307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634675.809457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634683.809617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634691.809774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634699.809929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634707.810072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634715.810204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634723.810357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634731.810496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634739.810635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634747.810796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634755.810959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634763.811066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634771.811190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634779.811296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634787.811516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634795.811498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634803.811699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634811.811791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634819.811949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634827.812046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634835.812197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634843.812329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634851.812488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634859.812628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634867.812787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634875.812899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634883.813180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634891.813285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634899.813443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634907.813617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634915.813792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634923.813924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634931.814028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634939.814157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634947.814285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634955.814423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634963.814555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634971.814628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634979.814783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634987.814936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730634995.815021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635003.815199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635011.815358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635019.815514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635027.815657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635035.815815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635043.815961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635051.816094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635059.816239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635067.816378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635075.816492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635083.816640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635091.816801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635099.816963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635107.817090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635115.817169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635123.817332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635131.817486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635139.817638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635147.817795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635155.817939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635163.817947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635171.818139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635179.818286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635187.818420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635195.818598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635203.818726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635211.818918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635219.818943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635227.819004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635235.819155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635243.819340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635251.819514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635259.819659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635267.819819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635275.819942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635283.820032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635291.820128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635299.820320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635307.820389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635315.820526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635323.820674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635331.820822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635339.820952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635347.821102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635355.821232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635363.821373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635371.821522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635379.821622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635387.821762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635395.821927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635403.822065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635411.822070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635419.822267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635427.822423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635435.822568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635443.822659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635451.822809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635459.822924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635467.823020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635475.823161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635483.823289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635491.823458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635499.823583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635507.823739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635515.823915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635523.824031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635531.824161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635539.824318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635547.824464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635555.824614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635563.824762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635571.824934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635579.825081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635587.825214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635595.825371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635603.825508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635611.825658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635619.825812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635627.825965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635635.826052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635643.826134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635651.826255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635659.826419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635667.826579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635675.826732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635683.826898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635691.827030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635699.827096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635707.827191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635715.827324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635723.827479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635731.827548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635739.827677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635747.827810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635755.827949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635763.828087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635771.828244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635779.828393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635787.828478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635795.828649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635803.828797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635811.828965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635819.829101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635827.829256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635835.829386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635843.829525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635851.829673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635859.829823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635867.829976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635875.830112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635883.830217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635891.830354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635899.830515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635907.830656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635915.830806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635923.830951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635931.831090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635939.831220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635947.831378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635955.831523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635963.831686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635971.831815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635979.831946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635987.832027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730635995.832143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636003.832288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636011.832435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636019.832574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636027.832733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636035.832906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636043.833019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636051.833159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636059.833309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636067.833452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636075.833611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636083.833725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636091.833919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636099.834026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636107.834157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636115.834316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636123.834459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636131.834612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636139.834763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636147.834942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636155.835080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636163.835177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636171.835305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636179.835442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636187.835534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636195.835690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636203.835864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636211.835970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636219.836048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636227.836187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636235.836267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636243.836406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636251.836587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636259.836724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636267.836914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636275.837024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636283.837168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636291.837321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636299.837426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636307.837556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636315.837727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636323.837788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636331.837950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636339.838088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636347.838239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636355.838475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636363.838602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636371.838729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636379.838895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636387.839030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636395.839180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636403.839283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636411.839505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636419.839571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636427.839711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636435.839892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636443.840014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636451.840144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636459.840291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636467.840425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636475.840577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636483.840756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636491.840941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636499.841081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636507.841216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636515.841362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636523.841482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636531.841629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636539.841748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636547.841928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636555.842031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636563.842162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636571.842316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636579.842459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636587.842600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636595.842746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636603.842910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636611.843021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636619.843092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636627.843231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636635.843372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636643.843515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636651.843647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636659.843857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636667.843980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636675.844122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636683.844268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636691.844429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636699.844571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636707.844739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636715.844822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636723.844964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636731.845095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636739.845240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636747.845394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636755.845544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636763.845667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636771.845762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636779.845930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636787.846064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636795.846194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636803.846329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636811.846567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636819.846715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636827.846805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636835.846943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636843.847164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636851.847306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636859.847464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636867.847560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636875.847717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636883.847912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636891.848025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636899.848047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636907.848182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636915.848330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636923.848478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636931.848616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636939.848767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636947.848965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636955.849026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636963.849148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636971.849285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636979.849422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636987.849510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730636995.849695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637003.849871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637011.850017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637019.850204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637027.850336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637035.850476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637043.850635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637051.850788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637059.850935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637067.851057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637075.851209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637083.851351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637091.851508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637099.851654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637107.851800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637115.851957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637123.852089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637131.852244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637139.852386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637147.852552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637155.852625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637163.852742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637171.852911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637179.853026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637187.853156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637195.853294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637203.853434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637211.853591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637219.853752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637227.853918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637235.854185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637243.854271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637251.854357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637259.854511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637267.854651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637275.854806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637283.854966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637291.855090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637299.855147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637307.855302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637315.855415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637323.855614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637331.855767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637339.855930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637347.856073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637355.856217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637363.856350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637371.856501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637379.856650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637387.856804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637395.856951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637403.856980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637411.857094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637419.857233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637427.857366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637435.857512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637443.857646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637451.857785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637459.857947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637467.858076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637475.858244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637483.858369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637491.858525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637499.858668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637507.858751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637515.858924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637523.859037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637531.859136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637539.859252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637547.859421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637555.859574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637563.859717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637571.859898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637579.860030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637587.860170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637595.860325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637603.860490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637611.860575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637619.860739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637627.860925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637635.861038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637643.861178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637651.861333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637659.861362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637667.861553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637675.861712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637683.861875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637691.862012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637699.862163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637707.862301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637715.862453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637723.862585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637731.862669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637739.862772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637747.862940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637755.863118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637763.863260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637771.863422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637779.863582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637787.863735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637795.863860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637803.863946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637811.864079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637819.864217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637827.864362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637835.864501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637843.864656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637851.864813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637859.864909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637867.865014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637875.865160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637883.865235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637891.865375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637899.865494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637907.865638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637915.865806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637923.865958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637931.866096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637939.866239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637947.866376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637955.866533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637963.866680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637971.866855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637979.867009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637987.867094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730637995.867214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638003.867359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638011.867500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638019.867659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638027.867806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638035.867964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638043.868099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638051.868200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638059.868297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638067.868306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638075.868494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638083.868618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638091.868748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638099.868925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638107.869013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638115.869150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638123.869291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638131.869435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638139.869579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638147.869717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638155.869883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638163.870010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638171.870085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638179.870231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638187.870360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638195.870469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638203.870612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638211.870770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638219.870933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638227.871026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638235.871111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638243.871258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638251.871409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638259.871543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638267.871700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638275.871896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638283.871997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638291.872152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638299.872304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638307.872401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638315.872517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638323.872641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638331.872941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638339.873043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638347.873146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638355.873300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638363.873435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638371.873599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638379.873742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638387.873889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638395.874015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638403.874106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638411.874271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638419.874407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638427.874559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638435.874707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638443.874904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638451.875028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638459.875167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638467.875294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638475.875444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638483.875583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638491.875795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638499.875946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638507.876084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638515.876249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638523.876398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638531.876529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638539.876665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638547.876825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638555.876979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638563.877084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638571.877223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638579.877306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638587.877453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638595.877600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638603.877740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638611.877925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638619.878026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638627.878180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638635.878298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638643.878424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638651.878687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638659.878812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638667.878973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638675.879113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638683.879248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638691.879391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638699.879529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638707.879672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638715.879765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638723.879921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638731.880067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638739.880210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638747.880332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638755.880494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638763.880645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638771.880783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638779.880938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638787.881070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638795.881151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638803.881297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638811.881455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638819.881602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638827.881740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638835.881907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638843.882023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638851.882095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638859.882240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638867.882395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638875.882553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638883.882699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638891.882823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638899.882988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638907.883066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638915.883206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638923.883349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638931.883416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638939.883570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638947.883697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638955.883878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638963.883985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638971.884034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638979.884234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638987.884335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730638995.884430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639003.884579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639011.884758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639019.884942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639027.885012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639035.885150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639043.885279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639051.885391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639059.885541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639067.885693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639075.885870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639083.886022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639091.886102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639099.886187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639107.886333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639115.886480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639123.886622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639131.886784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639139.886889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639147.887026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639155.887109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639163.887194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639171.887350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639179.887502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639187.887637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639195.887795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639203.887954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639211.888090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639219.888164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639227.888314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639235.888569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639243.888690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639251.888892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639259.889007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639267.889088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639275.889169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639283.889307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639291.889394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639299.889603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639307.889812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639315.889963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639323.890023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639331.890175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639339.890305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639347.890459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639355.890604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639363.890693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639371.890872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639379.891008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639387.891152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639395.891297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639403.891467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639411.891614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639419.891736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639427.891917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639435.892028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639443.892243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639451.892392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639459.892535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639467.892689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639475.892827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639483.893007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639491.893130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639499.893250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639507.893410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639515.893567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639523.893707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639531.893879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639539.894003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639547.894149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639555.894338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639563.894520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639571.894670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639579.894815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639587.894943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639595.895088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639603.895219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639611.895405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639619.895494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639627.895632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639635.895776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639643.895781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639651.895993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639659.896084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639667.896226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639675.896372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639683.896440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639691.896593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639699.896755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639707.896917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639715.897021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639723.897060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639731.897254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639739.897343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639747.897499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639755.897638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639763.897792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639771.897930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639779.898075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639787.898213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639795.898357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639803.898484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639811.898633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639819.898791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639827.898955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639835.899032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639843.899172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639851.899306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639859.899436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639867.899599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639875.899741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639883.899919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639891.899997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639899.900139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639907.900288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639915.900426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639923.900559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639931.900699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639939.900864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639947.900988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639955.901079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639963.901240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639971.901375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639979.901546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639987.901693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730639995.901863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640003.902003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640011.902137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640019.902260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640027.902425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640035.902574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640043.902724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640051.902898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640059.903020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640067.903171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640075.903328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640083.903472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640091.903627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640099.903782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640107.903943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640115.904084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640123.904242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640131.904310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640139.904467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640147.904660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640155.904813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640163.904959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640171.905102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640179.905251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640187.905396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640195.905556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640203.905701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640211.905873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640219.905985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640227.906108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640235.906274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640243.906438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640251.906589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640259.906714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640267.906861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640275.906992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640283.907073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640291.907147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640299.907294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640307.907420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640315.907569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640323.907713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640331.907877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640339.908026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640347.908152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640355.908293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640363.908421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640371.908568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640379.908710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640387.908775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640395.908935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640403.909070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640411.909217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640419.909363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640427.909523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640435.909660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640443.909809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640451.909966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640459.910048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640467.910101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640475.910210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640483.910345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640491.910489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640499.910642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640507.910791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640515.910943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640523.911027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640531.911107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640539.911262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640547.911403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640555.911539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640563.911691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640571.911879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640579.911984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640587.912180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640595.912319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640603.912454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640611.912604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640619.912743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640627.912917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640635.912986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640643.913163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640651.913258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640659.913397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640667.913530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640675.913671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640683.913806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640691.913967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640699.914062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640707.914140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640715.914232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640723.914481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640731.914629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640739.914772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640747.914934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640755.915025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640763.915171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640771.915317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640779.915472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640787.915615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640795.915714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640803.915894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640811.916015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640819.916097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640827.916183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640835.916334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640843.916573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640851.916708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640859.916869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640867.916985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640875.917118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640883.917250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640891.917388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640899.917543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640907.917702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640915.917887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640923.918008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640931.918055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640939.918255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640947.918386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640955.918535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640963.918671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640971.918816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640979.918966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640987.919058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730640995.919175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641003.919338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641011.919464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641019.919630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641027.919770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641035.919921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641043.920072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641051.920214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641059.920317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641067.920421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641075.920563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641083.920696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641091.920854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641099.921019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641107.921121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641115.921248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641123.921482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641131.921534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641139.921730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641147.921900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641155.921993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641163.922122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641171.922286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641179.922437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641187.922567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641195.922707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641203.922890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641211.923020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641219.923108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641227.923258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641235.923405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641243.923563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641251.923718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641259.923903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641267.924018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641275.924173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641283.924294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641291.924454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641299.924588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641307.924900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641315.924979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641323.925117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641331.925250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641339.925375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641347.925493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641355.925635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641363.925770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641371.925931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641379.926065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641387.926169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641395.926314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641403.926475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641411.926634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641419.926758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641427.926921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641435.927058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641443.927210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641451.927352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641459.927531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641467.927693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641475.927881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641483.927989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641491.928123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641499.928269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641507.928422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641515.928574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641523.928726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641531.928904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641539.929027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641547.929113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641555.929260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641563.929407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641571.929561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641579.929827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641587.929957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641595.930110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641603.930271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641611.930412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641619.930554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641627.930703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641635.930874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641643.930990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641651.931129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641659.931283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641667.931519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641675.931642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641683.931804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641691.931947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641699.932165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641707.932268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641715.932419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641723.932576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641731.932705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641739.932906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641747.933021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641755.933112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641763.933268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641771.933346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641779.933493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641787.933640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641795.933800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641803.933913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641811.934012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641819.934171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641827.934327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641835.934465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641843.934610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641851.934807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641859.934968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641867.934967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641875.935171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641883.935280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641891.935433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641899.935580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641907.935738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641915.935912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641923.936026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641931.936110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641939.936220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641947.936214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641955.936385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641963.936527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641971.936678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641979.936828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641987.936974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730641995.937064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642003.937173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642011.937288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642019.937393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642027.937524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642035.937676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642043.937881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642051.937988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642059.938128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642067.938259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642075.938414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642083.938560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642091.938683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642099.938863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642107.938990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642115.939147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642123.939273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642131.939352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642139.939515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642147.939653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642155.939796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642163.939953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642171.940025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642179.940171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642187.940246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642195.940382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642203.940537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642211.940701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642219.940884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642227.941020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642235.941114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642243.941274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642251.941369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642259.941533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642267.941667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642275.941688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642283.941918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642291.942017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642299.942157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642307.942260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642315.942414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642323.942561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642331.942697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642339.942945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642347.943062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642355.943080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642363.943218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642371.943369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642379.943516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642387.943658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642395.943815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642403.943942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642411.944009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642419.944163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642427.944314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642435.944461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642443.944614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642451.944784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642459.944929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642467.945081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642475.945159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642483.945290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642491.945446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642499.945584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642507.945743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642515.945914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642523.946020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642531.946114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642539.946267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642547.946490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642555.946630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642563.946772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642571.946933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642579.947069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642587.947149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642595.947280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642603.947346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642611.947522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642619.947699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642627.947818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642635.947969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642643.948076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642651.948200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642659.948354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642667.948522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642675.948657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642683.948810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642691.949119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642699.949189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642707.949342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642715.949494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642723.949638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642731.949772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642739.949873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642747.950018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642755.950115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642763.950253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642771.950390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642779.950599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642787.950755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642795.950927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642803.951063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642811.951137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642819.951264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642827.951412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642835.951522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642843.951631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642851.951772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642859.951956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642867.952087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642875.952236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642883.952374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642891.952532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642899.952744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642907.952892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642915.952991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642923.953114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642931.953279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642939.953361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642947.953499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642955.953662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642963.953823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642971.953981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642979.954111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642987.954190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730642995.954344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643003.954493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643011.954612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643019.954769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643027.954812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643035.955023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643043.955157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643051.955299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643059.955498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643067.955649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643075.955810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643083.955967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643091.956013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643099.956166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643107.956166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643115.956374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643123.956527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643131.956590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643139.956701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643147.956824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643155.956986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643163.957125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643171.957236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643179.957377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643187.957529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643195.957574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643203.957771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643211.957951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643219.958015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643227.958119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643235.958182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643243.958300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643251.958455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643259.958589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643267.958732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643275.958895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643283.959027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643291.959158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643299.959280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643307.959413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643315.959561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643323.959704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643331.959866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643339.960024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643347.960106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643355.960232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643363.960381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643371.960457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643379.960602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643387.960759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643395.960933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643403.961074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643411.961220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643419.961373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643427.961493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643435.961649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643443.961670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643451.961883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643459.962026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643467.962158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643475.962309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643483.962530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643491.962680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643499.962821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643507.962996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643515.963136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643523.963240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643531.963281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643539.963400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643547.963541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643555.963820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643563.963960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643571.963994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643579.964119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643587.964225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643595.964359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643603.964496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643611.964622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643619.964743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643627.964945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643635.965060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643643.965215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643651.965354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643659.965505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643667.965667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643675.965804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643683.965990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643691.966112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643699.966191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643707.966378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643715.966536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643723.966671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643731.966813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643739.966961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643747.967095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643755.967233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643763.967358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643771.967502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643779.967659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643787.967806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643795.967968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643803.968100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643811.968256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643819.968337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643827.968473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643835.968632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643843.968788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643851.968944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643859.969067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643867.969082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643875.969298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643883.969438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643891.969586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643899.969721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643907.969879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643915.970014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643923.970158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643931.970267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643939.970335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643947.970504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643955.970662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643963.970817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643971.970980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643979.971082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643987.971221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730643995.971354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644003.971529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644011.971665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644019.971806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644027.971952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644035.972088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644043.972221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644051.972333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644059.972521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644067.972614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644075.972702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644083.972988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644091.973105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644099.973246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644107.973405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644115.973511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644123.973666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644131.973966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644139.974077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644147.974245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644155.974368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644163.974513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644171.974660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644179.974799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644187.974949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644195.974957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644203.975095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644211.975250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644219.975375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644227.975518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644235.975653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644243.975803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644251.975953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644259.976044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644267.976185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644275.976330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644283.976480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644291.976627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644299.976783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644307.976970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644315.977172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644323.977332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644331.977478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644339.977633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644347.977782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644355.977949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644363.978078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644371.978238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644379.978374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644387.978514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644395.978671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644403.978829 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644411.979001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644419.979145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644427.979298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644435.979429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644443.979582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644451.979738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644459.979924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644467.980027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644475.980184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644483.980339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644491.980490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644499.980628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644507.980786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644515.980925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644523.981021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644531.981190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644539.981295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644547.981442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644555.981590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644563.981738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644571.981927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644579.982035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644587.982182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644595.982263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644603.982419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644611.982487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644619.982675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644627.982857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644635.982939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644643.983025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644651.983113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644659.983242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644667.983384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644675.983484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644683.983631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644691.983750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644699.983906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644707.984033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644715.984183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644723.984326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644731.984469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644739.984613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644747.984755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644755.984915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644763.985032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644771.985113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644779.985247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644787.985365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644795.985537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644803.985674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644811.985821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644819.985975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644827.986106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644835.986258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644843.986393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644851.986539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644859.986666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644867.986867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644875.986997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644883.987120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644891.987256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644899.987498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644907.987613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644915.987751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644923.987902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644931.988009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644939.988093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644947.988176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644955.988330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644963.988482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644971.988641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644979.988795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644987.988946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730644995.989072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645003.989157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645011.989305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645019.989445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645027.989570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645035.989713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645043.989883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645051.990026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645059.990169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645067.990322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645075.990479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645083.990598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645091.990751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645099.990939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645107.991069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645115.991154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645123.991290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645131.991427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645139.991581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645147.991731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645155.991920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645163.992016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645171.992149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645179.992322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645187.992468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645195.992597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645203.992747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645211.992935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645219.993069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645227.993217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645235.993299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645243.993380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645251.993484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645259.993572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645267.993655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645275.993673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645283.993813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645291.993963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645299.994033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645307.994178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645315.994405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645323.994645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645331.994782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645339.994946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645347.995093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645355.995180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645363.995300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645371.995443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645379.995593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645387.995730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645395.995926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645403.996030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645411.996171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645419.996310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645427.996564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645435.996715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645443.996874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645451.996994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645459.997137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645467.997288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645475.997440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645483.997588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645491.997747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645499.997791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645507.997930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645515.998063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645523.998153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645531.998160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645539.998346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645547.998484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645555.998627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645563.998775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645571.998898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645579.998996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645587.999141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645595.999269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645603.999427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645611.999563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645619.999750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645627.999913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645635.999973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645644.000139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645652.000267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645660.000420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645668.000572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645676.000710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645684.000794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645692.000956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645700.001095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645708.001227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645716.001389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645724.001549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645732.001684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645740.001847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645748.001997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645756.002143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645764.002292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645772.002428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645780.002569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645788.002709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645796.002866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645804.003017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645812.003157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645820.003308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645828.003452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645836.003601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645844.003783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645852.003970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645860.004100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645868.004238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645876.004386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645884.004521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645892.004691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645900.004820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645908.004983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645916.005116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645924.005263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645932.005391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645940.005542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645948.005687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645956.005888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645964.006004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645972.006141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645980.006285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645988.006436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730645996.006694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646004.006826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646012.006969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646020.007111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646028.007253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646036.007392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646044.007506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646052.007671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646060.007805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646068.007973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646076.008039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646084.008119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646092.008260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646100.008413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646108.008552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646116.008652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646124.008885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646132.009015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646140.009149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646148.009290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646156.009423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646164.009567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646172.009699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646180.009857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646188.009951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646196.010070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646204.010208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646212.010354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646220.010514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646228.010661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646236.010809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646244.010949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646252.011105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646260.011259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646268.011347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646276.011473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646284.011476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646292.011682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646300.011809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646308.011917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646316.012027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646324.012153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646332.012273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646340.012430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646348.012654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646356.012776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646364.012804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646372.013006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646380.013115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646388.013255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646396.013396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646404.013540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646412.013691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646420.013856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646428.013972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646436.014107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646444.014257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646452.014473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646460.014622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646468.014768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646476.014936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646484.015082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646492.015233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646500.015367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646508.015440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646516.015626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646524.015751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646532.015900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646540.016079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646548.016219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646556.016378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646564.016533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646572.016649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646580.016740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646588.016889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646596.017029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646604.017172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646612.017303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646620.017418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646628.017611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646636.017757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646644.017954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646652.017995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646660.018084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646668.018193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646676.018337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646684.018494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646692.018640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646700.018794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646708.018945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646716.019024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646724.019155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646732.019319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646740.019472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646748.019693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646756.019869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646764.020019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646772.020101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646780.020264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646788.020428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646796.020556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646804.020675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646812.020816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646820.020954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646828.021116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646836.021238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646844.021395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646852.021477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646860.021635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646868.021774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646876.021796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646884.022005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646892.022140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646900.022301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646908.022434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646916.022582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646924.022737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646932.022907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646940.023031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646948.023117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646956.023228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646964.023382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646972.023509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646980.023662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646988.023783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730646996.023931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647004.024021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647012.024161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647020.024312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647028.024441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647036.024583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647044.024573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647052.024786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647060.024943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647068.025006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647076.025086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647084.025236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647092.025388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647100.025556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647108.025631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647116.025790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647124.025945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647132.025977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647140.026096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647148.026177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647156.026328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647164.026473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647172.026624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647180.026771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647188.026929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647196.027012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647204.027092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647212.027211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647220.027358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647228.027499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647236.027649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647244.027783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647252.027942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647260.028071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647268.028158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647276.028299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647284.028461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647292.028578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647300.028884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647308.028946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647316.029087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647324.029240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647332.029396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647340.029562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647348.029627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647356.029936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647364.030023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647372.030161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647380.030307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647388.030460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647396.030598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647404.030754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647412.030927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647420.031066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647428.031150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647436.031295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647444.031447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647452.031600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647460.031746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647468.031922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647476.031993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647484.032110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647492.032248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647500.032377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647508.032527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647516.032603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647524.032749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647532.032943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647540.033054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647548.033131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647556.033275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647564.033428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647572.033581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647580.033666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647588.033805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647596.033921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647604.034035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647612.034109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647620.034200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647628.034354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647636.034504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647644.034604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647652.034744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647660.034918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647668.035005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647676.035116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647684.035267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647692.035418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647700.035543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647708.035685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647716.035864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647724.036033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647732.036236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647740.036394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647748.036541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647756.036645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647764.036799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647772.036965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647780.037025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647788.037108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647796.037243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647804.037379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647812.037579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647820.037729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647828.037879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647836.038008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647844.038172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647852.038321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647860.038481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647868.038621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647876.038778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647884.038873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647892.038928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647900.039063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647908.039141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647916.039299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647924.039429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647932.039671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647940.039788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647948.039953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647956.040084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647964.040242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647972.040317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647980.040456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647988.040607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730647996.040769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648004.040962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648012.041062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648020.041155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648028.041238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648036.041364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648044.041522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648052.041555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648060.041757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648068.041946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648076.042078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648084.042223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648092.042364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648100.042513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648108.042618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648116.042760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648124.042856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648132.043008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648140.043155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648148.043239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648156.043403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648164.043547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648172.043653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648180.043787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648188.043911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648196.044018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648204.044096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648212.044223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648220.044353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648228.044506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648236.044664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648244.044803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648252.044925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648260.045025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648268.045145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648276.045294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648284.045432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648292.045577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648300.045721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648308.045911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648316.046016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648324.046151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648332.046307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648340.046487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648348.046615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648356.046726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648364.046808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648372.046918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648380.046995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648388.047070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648396.047160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648404.047252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648412.047391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648420.047553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648428.047689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648436.047813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648444.047957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648452.048097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648460.048176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648468.048274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648476.048440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648484.048572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648492.048740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648500.048918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648508.049043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648516.049127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648524.049273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648532.049427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648540.049581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648548.049721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648556.049887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648564.050022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648572.050157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648580.050259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648588.050410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648596.050534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648604.050694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648612.050826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648620.050925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648628.051041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648636.051091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648644.051264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648652.051408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648660.051560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648668.051631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648676.051770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648684.052011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648692.052142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648700.052291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648708.052420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648716.052569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648724.052708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648732.052881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648740.052974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648748.053097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648756.053243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648764.053384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648772.053530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648780.053686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648788.053863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648796.054016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648804.054107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648812.054309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648820.054469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648828.054617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648836.054770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648844.054895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648852.055022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648860.055151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648868.055278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648876.055440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648884.055596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648892.055735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648900.055813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648908.055950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648916.055988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648924.056098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648932.056248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648940.056385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648948.056532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648956.056659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648964.056791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648972.056908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648980.057038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648988.057096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730648996.057256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649004.057389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649012.057542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649020.057672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649028.057851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649036.057965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649044.058085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649052.058223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649060.058227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649068.058411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649076.058559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649084.058717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649092.058913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649100.059034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649108.059119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649116.059256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649124.059393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649132.059460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649140.059615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649148.059764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649156.059938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649164.060065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649172.060198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649180.060271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649188.060351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649196.060437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649204.060571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649212.060721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649220.060882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649228.060971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649236.061111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649244.061285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649252.061469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649260.061618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649268.061702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649276.061877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649284.062025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649292.062124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649300.062245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649308.062333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649316.062494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649324.062563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649332.062727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649340.062809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649348.062904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649356.063022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649364.063150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649372.063312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649380.063454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649388.063596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649396.063757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649404.063929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649412.064016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649420.064148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649428.064303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649436.064453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649444.064714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649452.064877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649460.065020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649468.065108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649476.065230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649484.065399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649492.065559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649500.065710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649508.065869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649516.066017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649524.066148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649532.066243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649540.066315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649548.066470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649556.066625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649564.066784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649572.066923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649580.067014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649588.067139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649596.067276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649604.067410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649612.067539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649620.067664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649628.067797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649636.067953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649644.068009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649652.068137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649660.068290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649668.068433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649676.068597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649684.068727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649692.068920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649700.069034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649708.069112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649716.069195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649724.069207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649732.069379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649740.069511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649748.069655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649756.069803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649764.069950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649772.070117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649780.070230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649788.070377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649796.070536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649804.070662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649812.070814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649820.070964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649828.071012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649836.071156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649844.071310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649852.071459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649860.071618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649868.071773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649876.071926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649884.072057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649892.072185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649900.072340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649908.072494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649916.072647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649924.072779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649932.072939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649940.073089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649948.073234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649956.073390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649964.073514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649972.073556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649980.073737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649988.073902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730649996.074015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650004.074167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650012.074293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650020.074440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650028.074591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650036.074745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650044.074905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650052.075018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650060.075163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650068.075320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650076.075450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650084.075591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650092.075743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650100.075916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650108.075938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650116.076035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650124.076164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650132.076295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650140.076382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650148.076571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650156.076729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650164.076904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650172.077177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650180.077301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650188.077440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650196.077607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650204.077743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650212.077920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650220.078027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650228.078097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650236.078237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650244.078380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650252.078511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650260.078667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650268.078757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650276.078848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650284.078998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650292.079138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650300.079262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650308.079398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650316.079533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650324.079694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650332.079869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650340.079978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650348.080066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650356.080202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650364.080370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650372.080504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650380.080632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650388.080762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650396.080902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650404.081038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650412.081162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650420.081239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650428.081364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650436.081485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650444.081637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650452.081747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650460.081907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650468.082022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650476.082122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650484.082286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650492.082441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650500.082551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650508.082631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650516.082768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650524.082978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650532.083065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650540.083195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650548.083372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650556.083510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650564.083655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650572.083823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650580.083981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650588.084110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650596.084279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650604.084396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650612.084542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650620.084691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650628.084825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650636.085018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650644.085156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650652.085276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650660.085420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650668.085561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650676.085713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650684.085903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650692.085983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650700.086065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650708.086211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650716.086360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650724.086393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650732.086585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650740.086730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650748.086904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650756.087013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650764.087113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650772.087260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650780.087382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650788.087539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650796.087709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650804.087900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650812.087992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650820.088072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650828.088223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650836.088370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650844.088532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650852.088636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650860.088768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650868.088934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650876.089034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650884.089115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650892.089261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650900.089382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650908.089519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650916.089660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650924.089822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650932.089955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650940.090025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650948.090118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650956.090269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650964.090370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650972.090521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650980.090701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650988.090924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730650996.090955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651004.091065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651012.091141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651020.091204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651028.091406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651036.091551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651044.091650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651052.091768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651060.091955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651068.092071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651076.092201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651084.092364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651092.092490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651100.092607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651108.092755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651116.092929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651124.093085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651132.093195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651140.093318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651148.093459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651156.093620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651164.093760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651172.093930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651180.094067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651188.094213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651196.094304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651204.094459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651212.094583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651220.094736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651228.094890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651236.095030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651244.095111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651252.095229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651260.095391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651268.095543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651276.095697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651284.095872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651292.095995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651300.095996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651308.096162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651316.096295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651324.096442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651332.096569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651340.096703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651348.096824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651356.096973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651364.097096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651372.097230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651380.097386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651388.097525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651396.097657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651404.097816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651412.097948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651420.098081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651428.098220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651436.098377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651444.098500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651452.098640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651460.098804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651468.098945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651476.099092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651484.099196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651492.099309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651500.099462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651508.099607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651516.099719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651524.099904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651532.099935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651540.100064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651548.100143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651556.100271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651564.100444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651572.100575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651580.100702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651588.100864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651596.101026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651604.101175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651612.101293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651620.101411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651628.101560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651636.101625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651644.101828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651652.102010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651660.102148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651668.102271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651676.102402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651684.102542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651692.102679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651700.102795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651708.102944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651716.103031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651724.103153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651732.103274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651740.103425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651748.103575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651756.103731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651764.103874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651772.104010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651780.104139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651788.104230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651796.104392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651804.104538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651812.104683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651820.104844 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651828.104987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651836.105123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651844.105263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651852.105486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651860.105611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651868.105742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651876.106050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651884.106152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651892.106295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651900.106458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651908.106555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651916.106708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651924.106871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651932.107017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651940.107101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651948.107182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651956.107308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651964.107427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651972.107522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651980.107674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651988.107757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730651996.107928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652004.108009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652012.108162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652020.108322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652028.108473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652036.108564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652044.108713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652052.108873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652060.109035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652068.109175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652076.109300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652084.109443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652092.109589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652100.109754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652108.109923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652116.110022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652124.110182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652132.110337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652140.110495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652148.110622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652156.110781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652164.110933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652172.111026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652180.111175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652188.111320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652196.111465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652204.111604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652212.111760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652220.111934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652228.112126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652236.112244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652244.112401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652252.112524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652260.112656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652268.112784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652276.112994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652284.113093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652292.113166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652300.113325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652308.113484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652316.113612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652324.113759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652332.113923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652340.114024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652348.114170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652356.114328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652364.114481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652372.114567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652380.114721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652388.114899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652396.114925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652404.115105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652412.115228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652420.115333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652428.115459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652436.115614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652444.115755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652452.115899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652460.116008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652468.116134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652476.116284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652484.116445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652492.116599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652500.116738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652508.116915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652516.117027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652524.117149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652532.117309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652540.117459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652548.117614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652556.117749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652564.117919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652572.118034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652580.118131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652588.118263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652596.118392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652604.118528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652612.118689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652620.118813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652628.119024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652636.119160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652644.119281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652652.119425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652660.119587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652668.119731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652676.119905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652684.120008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652692.120141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652700.120252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652708.120434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652716.120564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652724.120682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652732.120872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652740.120971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652748.121100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652756.121257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652764.121378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652772.121545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652780.121736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652788.121874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652796.122017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652804.122156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652812.122268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652820.122408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652828.122533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652836.122691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652844.122850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652852.123008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652860.123136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652868.123208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652876.123332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652884.123457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652892.123621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652900.123767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652908.123931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652916.124058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652924.124135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652932.124288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652940.124447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652948.124581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652956.124732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652964.124924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652972.125041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652980.125205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652988.125321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730652996.125459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653004.125603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653012.125751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653020.125934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653028.126006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653036.126089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653044.126128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653052.126188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653060.126391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653068.126541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653076.126665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653084.126821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653092.126950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653100.127092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653108.127172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653116.127300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653124.127421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653132.127581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653140.127714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653148.127917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653156.127922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653164.128011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653172.128154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653180.128305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653188.128434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653196.128580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653204.128722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653212.128876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653220.129012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653228.129107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653236.129240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653244.129442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653252.129577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653260.129714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653268.129872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653276.129978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653284.130134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653292.130159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653300.130304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653308.130437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653316.130597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653324.130749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653332.130894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653340.131024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653348.131151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653356.131278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653364.131420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653372.131457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653380.131659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653388.131785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653396.131947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653404.132041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653412.132164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653420.132313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653428.132405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653436.132481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653444.132600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653452.132758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653460.132909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653468.133000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653476.133102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653484.133260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653492.133337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653500.133464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653508.133589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653516.133745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653524.133939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653532.134027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653540.134034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653548.134208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653556.134307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653564.134460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653572.134614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653580.134757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653588.134922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653596.135071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653604.135173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653612.135309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653620.135455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653628.135596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653636.135787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653644.135978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653652.136136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653660.136179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653668.136383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653676.136503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653684.136623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653692.136697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653700.136867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653708.136972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653716.137107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653724.137189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653732.137314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653740.137483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653748.137636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653756.137798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653764.137945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653772.138082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653780.138236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653788.138421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653796.138604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653804.138734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653812.138885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653820.139008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653828.139173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653836.139315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653844.139571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653852.139620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653860.139757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653868.139916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653876.140011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653884.140078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653892.140225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653900.140366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653908.140529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653916.140658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653924.140812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653932.140931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653940.140994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653948.141134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653956.141162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653964.141369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653972.141440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653980.141605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653988.141757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730653996.141882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654004.141978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654012.142104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654020.142237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654028.142394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654036.142582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654044.142727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654052.142904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654060.143018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654068.143148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654076.143284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654084.143432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654092.143584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654100.143700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654108.143864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654116.143975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654124.144075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654132.144165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654140.144343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654148.144491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654156.144623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654164.144762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654172.144926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654180.145033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654188.145192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654196.145344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654204.145498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654212.145635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654220.145779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654228.145936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654236.146087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654244.146164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654252.146290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654260.146431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654268.146579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654276.146733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654284.146914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654292.147034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654300.147158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654308.147317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654316.147415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654324.147564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654332.147719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654340.147788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654348.147928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654356.148051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654364.148166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654372.148302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654380.148422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654388.148553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654396.148689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654404.148823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654412.148988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654420.149067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654428.149214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654436.149365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654444.149507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654452.149693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654460.149808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654468.149948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654476.150077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654484.150239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654492.150363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654500.150499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654508.150668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654516.150796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654524.150934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654532.151075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654540.151223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654548.151373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654556.151497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654564.151646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654572.151828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654580.151957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654588.152106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654596.152265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654604.152413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654612.152537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654620.152655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654628.152791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654636.152951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654644.153079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654652.153144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654660.153309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654668.153453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654676.153615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654684.153762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654692.153929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654700.154062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654708.154213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654716.154321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654724.154477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654732.154603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654740.154764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654748.154941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654756.155068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654764.155150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654772.155285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654780.155441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654788.155586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654796.155745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654804.155918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654812.156062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654820.156197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654828.156356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654836.156459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654844.156657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654852.156761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654860.156910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654868.156984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654876.157136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654884.157266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654892.157393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654900.157541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654908.157698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654916.157826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654924.158002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654932.158076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654940.158237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654948.158369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654956.158448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654964.158583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654972.158731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654980.158877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654988.159011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730654996.159095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655004.159171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655012.159306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655020.159457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655028.159600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655036.159754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655044.159911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655052.160033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655060.160167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655068.160325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655076.160458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655084.160562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655092.160708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655100.160752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655108.160926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655116.161089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655124.161205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655132.161331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655140.161439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655148.161584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655156.161915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655164.161936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655172.162032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655180.162171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655188.162300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655196.162434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655204.162571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655212.162723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655220.162893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655228.163029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655236.163165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655244.163291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655252.163439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655260.163597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655268.163750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655276.163906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655284.164006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655292.164109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655300.164258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655308.164415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655316.164551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655324.164710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655332.164886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655340.165002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655348.165084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655356.165136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655364.165306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655372.165445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655380.165572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655388.165728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655396.165908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655404.165937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655412.166056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655420.166211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655428.166332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655436.166463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655444.166650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655452.166796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655460.166938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655468.167070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655476.167147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655484.167370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655492.167430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655500.167558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655508.167673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655516.167734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655524.167879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655532.168023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655540.168155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655548.168306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655556.168456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655564.168605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655572.168764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655580.168929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655588.169033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655596.169101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655604.169250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655612.169378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655620.169505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655628.169646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655636.169786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655644.169950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655652.170093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655660.170222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655668.170373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655676.170505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655684.170671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655692.170850 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655700.170956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655708.171026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655716.171105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655724.171232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655732.171379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655740.171541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655748.171690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655756.171880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655764.171999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655772.172095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655780.172240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655788.172362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655796.172513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655804.172774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655812.172933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655820.173023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655828.173103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655836.173259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655844.173420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655852.173618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655860.173777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655868.173941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655876.174026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655884.174154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655892.174302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655900.174453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655908.174582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655916.174721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655924.174885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655932.175024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655940.175154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655948.175310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655956.175443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655964.175552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655972.175693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655980.175812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655988.175976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730655996.176103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656004.176261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656012.176415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656020.176569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656028.176722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656036.176894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656044.177024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656052.177173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656060.177315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656068.177453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656076.177573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656084.177688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656092.177814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656100.177825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656108.178002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656116.178135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656124.178300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656132.178424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656140.178528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656148.178618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656156.178749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656164.178911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656172.179031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656180.179039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656188.179225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656196.179356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656204.179489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656212.179625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656220.179760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656228.179902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656236.180037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656244.180118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656252.180246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656260.180396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656268.180542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656276.180688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656284.180772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656292.180932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656300.181015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656308.181098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656316.181231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656324.181352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656332.181478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656340.181628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656348.181646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656356.181847 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656364.181951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656372.182072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656380.182171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656388.182305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656396.182435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656404.182589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656412.182739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656420.182892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656428.182946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656436.183011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656444.183136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656452.183213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656460.183343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656468.183490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656476.183618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656484.183775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656492.183931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656500.184155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656508.184267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656516.184348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656524.184473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656532.184625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656540.184754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656548.184901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656556.185012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656564.185144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656572.185304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656580.185464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656588.185598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656596.185795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656604.185945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656612.186011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656620.186157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656628.186322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656636.186472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656644.186630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656652.186774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656660.186913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656668.187033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656676.187118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656684.187273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656692.187419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656700.187548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656708.187702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656716.187891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656724.188015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656732.188152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656740.188237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656748.188386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656756.188470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656764.188514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656772.188701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656780.188788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656788.188950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656796.189039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656804.189188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656812.189314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656820.189442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656828.189599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656836.189722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656844.189890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656852.190074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656860.190231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656868.190388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656876.190597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656884.190894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656892.191011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656900.191148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656908.191277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656916.191433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656924.191587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656932.191630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656940.191870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656948.191984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656956.192054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656964.192144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656972.192306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656980.192451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656988.192607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730656996.192755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657004.192920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657012.193161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657020.193288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657028.193406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657036.193557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657044.193684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657052.193877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657060.193946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657068.194065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657076.194203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657084.194354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657092.194512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657100.194664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657108.194824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657116.194975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657124.195068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657132.195175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657140.195248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657148.195389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657156.195531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657164.195652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657172.195698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657180.195921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657188.196037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657196.196118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657204.196237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657212.196371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657220.196510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657228.196651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657236.196798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657244.196964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657252.197090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657260.197235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657268.197409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657276.197536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657284.197665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657292.197820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657300.197974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657308.198037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657316.198112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657324.198275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657332.198429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657340.198582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657348.198762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657356.198918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657364.199027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657372.199170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657380.199323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657388.199485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657396.199588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657404.199707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657412.199903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657420.199949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657428.200079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657436.200248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657444.200400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657452.200559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657460.200700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657468.200877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657476.201013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657484.201148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657492.201268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657500.201459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657508.201629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657516.201803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657524.201920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657532.202030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657540.202161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657548.202300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657556.202428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657564.202520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657572.202673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657580.202801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657588.202953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657596.203074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657604.203279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657612.203439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657620.203585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657628.203751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657636.203916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657644.204000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657652.204127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657660.204230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657668.204391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657676.204422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657684.204713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657692.204766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657700.204932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657708.205140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657716.205278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657724.205387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657732.205591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657740.205747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657748.205924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657756.206024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657764.206169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657772.206291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657780.206426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657788.206579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657796.206745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657804.206899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657812.207028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657820.207147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657828.207306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657836.207456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657844.207600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657852.207725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657860.207907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657868.208019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657876.208150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657884.208308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657892.208446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657900.208582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657908.208717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657916.208886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657924.209027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657932.209187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657940.209342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657948.209495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657956.209643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657964.209779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657972.209935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657980.210006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657988.210131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730657996.210212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658004.210387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658012.210540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658020.210669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658028.210820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658036.210955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658044.211097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658052.211249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658060.211485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658068.211728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658076.211918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658084.212012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658092.212027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658100.212155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658108.212244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658116.212398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658124.212534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658132.212607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658140.212753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658148.212869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658156.213011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658164.213139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658172.213259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658180.213414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658188.213530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658196.213690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658204.213761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658212.213904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658220.213980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658228.214101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658236.214191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658244.214316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658252.214449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658260.214637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658268.214811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658276.214955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658284.215111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658292.215265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658300.215414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658308.215537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658316.215708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658324.215871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658332.216034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658340.216155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658348.216280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658356.216423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658364.216561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658372.216702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658380.216853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658388.216981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658396.217065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658404.217183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658412.217312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658420.217466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658428.217597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658436.217749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658444.217928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658452.218017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658460.218153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658468.218313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658476.218452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658484.218598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658492.218761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658500.218794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658508.218971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658516.219099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658524.219248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658532.219383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658540.219525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658548.219675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658556.219810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658564.219962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658572.220051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658580.220175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658588.220331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658596.220473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658604.220613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658612.220753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658620.220917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658628.221044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658636.221171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658644.221313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658652.221470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658660.221597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658668.221883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658676.221978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658684.222105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658692.222237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658700.222368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658708.222528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658716.222662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658724.222783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658732.222946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658740.223038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658748.223182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658756.223315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658764.223458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658772.223599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658780.223747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658788.224048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658796.224122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658804.224248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658812.224338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658820.224497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658828.224584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658836.224724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658844.224912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658852.225026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658860.225157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658868.225313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658876.225456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658884.225606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658892.225752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658900.225915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658908.226039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658916.226166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658924.226399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658932.226542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658940.226680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658948.226862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658956.226971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658964.227103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658972.227204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658980.227371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658988.227528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730658996.227674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659004.227824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659012.227939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659020.228053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659028.228209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659036.228344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659044.228497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659052.228621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659060.228771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659068.228933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659076.229061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659084.229142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659092.229285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659100.229415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659108.229575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659116.229723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659124.229882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659132.230018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659140.230154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659148.230237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659156.230376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659164.230546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659172.230676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659180.230806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659188.230961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659196.231103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659204.231192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659212.231365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659220.231485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659228.231636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659236.231765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659244.231933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659252.232013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659260.232145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659268.232299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659276.232454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659284.232601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659292.232722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659300.232878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659308.233008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659316.233148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659324.233283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659332.233430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659340.233535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659348.233691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659356.233863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659364.234015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659372.234163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659380.234321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659388.234456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659396.234619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659404.234771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659412.234903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659420.234974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659428.235034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659436.235165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659444.235297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659452.235423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659460.235565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659468.235712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659476.235908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659484.236034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659492.236168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659500.236296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659508.236423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659516.236546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659524.236736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659532.236885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659540.237019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659548.237104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659556.237250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659564.237476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659572.237610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659580.237732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659588.237877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659596.237992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659604.238122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659612.238255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659620.238385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659628.238512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659636.238642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659644.238791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659652.238937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659660.239066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659668.239151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659676.239270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659684.239427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659692.239578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659700.239710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659708.239876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659716.239996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659724.240085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659732.240190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659740.240308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659748.240395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659756.240531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659764.240686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659772.240820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659780.240939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659788.241031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659796.241110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659804.241272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659812.241414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659820.241560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659828.241719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659836.241806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659844.241897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659852.242032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659860.242161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659868.242388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659876.242521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659884.242684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659892.242797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659900.242961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659908.243093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659916.243244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659924.243401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659932.243535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659940.243688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659948.243825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659956.243986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659964.244115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659972.244208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659980.244259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659988.244453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730659996.244607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660004.244731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660012.244914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660020.244995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660028.245107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660036.245258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660044.245383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660052.245497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660060.245637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660068.245767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660076.245950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660084.246092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660092.246242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660100.246404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660108.246527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660116.246681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660124.246858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660132.246974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660140.247111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660148.247238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660156.247403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660164.247502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660172.247638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660180.247801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660188.247969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660196.248105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660204.248278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660212.248441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660220.248552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660228.248676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660236.248820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660244.248962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660252.249078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660260.249245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660268.249394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660276.249474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660284.249631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660292.249749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660300.249910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660308.250013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660316.250151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660324.250284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660332.250401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660340.250538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660348.250687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660356.250822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660364.250953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660372.251102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660380.251231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660388.251379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660396.251530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660404.251675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660412.251712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660420.251927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660428.252079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660436.252172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660444.252317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660452.252487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660460.252638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660468.252778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660476.252892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660484.253019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660492.253120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660500.253243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660508.253319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660516.253463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660524.253623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660532.253744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660540.253912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660548.254000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660556.254151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660564.254309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660572.254450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660580.254596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660588.254709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660596.254881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660604.255014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660612.255111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660620.255265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660628.255431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660636.255558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660644.255681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660652.255851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660660.255845 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660668.256023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660676.256119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660684.256260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660692.256408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660700.256575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660708.256707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660716.256894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660724.257024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660732.257159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660740.257333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660748.257584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660756.257719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660764.257883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660772.257982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660780.258067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660788.258218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660796.258376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660804.258531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660812.258655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660820.258790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660828.258941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660836.259029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660844.259155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660852.259283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660860.259425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660868.259574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660876.259729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660884.259877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660892.260012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660900.260135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660908.260195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660916.260354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660924.260485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660932.260642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660940.260778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660948.260929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660956.261060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660964.261142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660972.261289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660980.261446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660988.261486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730660996.261691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661004.261781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661012.261957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661020.262081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661028.262160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661036.262241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661044.262362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661052.262509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661060.262665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661068.262802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661076.262965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661084.263099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661092.263193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661100.263294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661108.263440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661116.263593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661124.263730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661132.263868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661140.264025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661148.264158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661156.264174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661164.264377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661172.264484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661180.264614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661188.264748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661196.264915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661204.265028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661212.265096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661220.265171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661228.265316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661236.265464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661244.265608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661252.265747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661260.265916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661268.266023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661276.266093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661284.266218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661292.266374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661300.266497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661308.266662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661316.266816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661324.266964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661332.267060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661340.267161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661348.267257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661356.267409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661364.267555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661372.267685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661380.267824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661388.267968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661396.268173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661404.268274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661412.268384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661420.268548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661428.268642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661436.268782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661444.268951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661452.269171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661460.269234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661468.269394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661476.269646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661484.269675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661492.269865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661500.270005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661508.270132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661516.270260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661524.270385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661532.270513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661540.270664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661548.270784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661556.270947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661564.271041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661572.271174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661580.271297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661588.271459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661596.271606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661604.271717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661612.271815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661620.271959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661628.272093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661636.272239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661644.272343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661652.272523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661660.272682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661668.272801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661676.272958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661684.273114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661692.273245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661700.273364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661708.273525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661716.273667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661724.273749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661732.273917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661740.274029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661748.274179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661756.274307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661764.274450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661772.274618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661780.274764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661788.274881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661796.275011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661804.275162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661812.275317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661820.275470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661828.275607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661836.275722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661844.275958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661852.276082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661860.276167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661868.276303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661876.276394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661884.276543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661892.276701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661900.276822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661908.276983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661916.277080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661924.277186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661932.277331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661940.277493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661948.277622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661956.277756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661964.277887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661972.278048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661980.278199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661988.278325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730661996.278479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662004.278636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662012.278757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662020.278940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662028.279039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662036.279172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662044.279308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662052.279555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662060.279701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662068.279871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662076.280015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662084.280149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662092.280301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662100.280445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662108.280575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662116.280711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662124.280870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662132.281087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662140.281258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662148.281398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662156.281549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662164.281700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662172.281817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662180.281960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662188.282026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662196.282157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662204.282274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662212.282401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662220.282523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662228.282704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662236.282876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662244.282926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662252.283031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662260.283190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662268.283342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662276.283476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662284.283602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662292.283725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662300.283879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662308.284030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662316.284162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662324.284316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662332.284472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662340.284594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662348.284730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662356.284915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662364.285035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662372.285112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662380.285242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662388.285365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662396.285518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662404.285686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662412.285820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662420.285980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662428.286058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662436.286191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662444.286283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662452.286425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662460.286575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662468.286729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662476.286885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662484.287010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662492.287102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662500.287220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662508.287369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662516.287522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662524.287657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662532.287788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662540.287944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662548.288031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662556.288116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662564.288210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662572.288357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662580.288535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662588.288686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662596.288806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662604.288951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662612.289004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662620.289143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662628.289297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662636.289448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662644.289574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662652.289724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662660.289916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662668.290016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662676.290152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662684.290314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662692.290465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662700.290620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662708.290670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662716.290901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662724.291032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662732.291151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662740.291284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662748.291443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662756.291602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662764.291749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662772.291929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662780.292015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662788.292140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662796.292176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662804.292374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662812.292526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662820.292646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662828.292765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662836.292931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662844.293060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662852.293209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662860.293357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662868.293461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662876.293647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662884.293891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662892.294025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662900.294150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662908.294283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662916.294511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662924.294661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662932.294805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662940.294973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662948.294994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662956.295153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662964.295199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662972.295407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662980.295566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662988.295768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730662996.295984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663004.296114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663012.296264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663020.296408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663028.296562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663036.296714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663044.296879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663052.297027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663060.297151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663068.297347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663076.297536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663084.297699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663092.297783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663100.297948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663108.298018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663116.298118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663124.298280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663132.298402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663140.298564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663148.298742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663156.298897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663164.299020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663172.299179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663180.299338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663188.299479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663196.299653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663204.299784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663212.299926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663220.300005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663228.300106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663236.300219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663244.300342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663252.300448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663260.300535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663268.300682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663276.300824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663284.300972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663292.301008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663300.301118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663308.301247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663316.301402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663324.301562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663332.301701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663340.301902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663348.302020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663356.302149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663364.302279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663372.302439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663380.302538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663388.302688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663396.302827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663404.302988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663412.303074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663420.303202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663428.303391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663436.303583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663444.303703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663452.303880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663460.303867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663468.304054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663476.304195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663484.304332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663492.304477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663500.304633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663508.304786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663516.304935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663524.305064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663532.305152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663540.305281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663548.305429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663556.305628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663564.305935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663572.306027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663580.306166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663588.306246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663596.306366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663604.306504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663612.306653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663620.306784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663628.306943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663636.307074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663644.307283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663652.307433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663660.307582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663668.307759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663676.307948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663684.308063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663692.308203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663700.308346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663708.308488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663716.308602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663724.308767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663732.308931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663740.309086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663748.309214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663756.309336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663764.309472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663772.309618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663780.309761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663788.310007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663796.310197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663804.310352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663812.310506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663820.310639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663828.310795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663836.311113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663844.311234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663852.311392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663860.311511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663868.311582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663876.311738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663884.311881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663892.312000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663900.312140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663908.312283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663916.312441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663924.312583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663932.312711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663940.312885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663948.313013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663956.313139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663964.313250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663972.313367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663980.313494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663988.313757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730663996.313883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664004.314035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664012.314155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664020.314296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664028.314445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664036.314563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664044.314676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664052.314859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664060.314933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664068.315073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664076.315202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664084.315319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664092.315397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664100.315544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664108.315708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664116.315872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664124.315978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664132.316072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664140.316165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664148.316268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664156.316341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664164.316489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664172.316558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664180.316719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664188.316784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664196.316942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664204.317039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664212.317147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664220.317286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664228.317477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664236.317675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664244.317869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664252.317973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664260.318106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664268.318267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664276.318417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664284.318578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664292.318712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664300.318859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664308.318995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664316.319101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664324.319263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664332.319424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664340.319584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664348.319731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664356.319919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664364.320022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664372.320146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664380.320299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664388.320445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664396.320637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664404.320742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664412.320906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664420.321014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664428.321178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664436.321326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664444.321459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664452.321611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664460.321747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664468.321921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664476.322050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664484.322141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664492.322213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664500.322372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664508.322506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664516.322624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664524.322789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664532.322943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664540.322944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664548.323115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664556.323262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664564.323399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664572.323483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664580.323640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664588.323785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664596.323924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664604.324064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664612.324200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664620.324325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664628.324482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664636.324743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664644.324909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664652.325037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664660.325041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664668.325244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664676.325393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664684.325547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664692.325704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664700.325825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664708.325983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664716.326088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664724.326229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664732.326378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664740.326530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664748.326692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664756.326862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664764.327012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664772.327159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664780.327332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664788.327419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664796.327619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664804.327738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664812.327921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664820.328057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664828.328151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664836.328278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664844.328427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664852.328569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664860.328694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664868.328901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664876.329023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664884.329137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664892.329266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664900.329463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664908.329675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664916.329799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664924.329961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664932.330096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664940.330192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664948.330190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664956.330387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664964.330556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664972.330716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664980.330912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664988.331019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730664996.331157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665004.331305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665012.331457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665020.331583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665028.331710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665036.331884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665044.332016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665052.332141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665060.332314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665068.332438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665076.332572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665084.332728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665092.332915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665100.333023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665108.333167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665116.333283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665124.333428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665132.333512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665140.333661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665148.333797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665156.334105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665164.334159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665172.334313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665180.334473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665188.334625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665196.334782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665204.334815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665212.335018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665220.335108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665228.335232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665236.335468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665244.335609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665252.335757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665260.335911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665268.336027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665276.336188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665284.336311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665292.336433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665300.336591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665308.336744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665316.336903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665324.337025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665332.337104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665340.337233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665348.337364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665356.337517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665364.337627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665372.337787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665380.337946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665388.338011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665396.338091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665404.338221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665412.338377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665420.338520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665428.338693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665436.338870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665444.339038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665452.339154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665460.339290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665468.339451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665476.339577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665484.339682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665492.339816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665500.339962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665508.340090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665516.340170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665524.340328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665532.340394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665540.340456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665548.340658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665556.340806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665564.340959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665572.341087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665580.341233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665588.341470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665596.341609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665604.341770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665612.341932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665620.342078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665628.342151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665636.342348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665644.342500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665652.342656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665660.342743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665668.342924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665676.343022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665684.343165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665692.343303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665700.343414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665708.343495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665716.343643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665724.343773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665732.343930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665740.344076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665748.344205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665756.344368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665764.344511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665772.344677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665780.344827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665788.344977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665796.345061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665804.345213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665812.345344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665820.345484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665828.345628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665836.345692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665844.345866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665852.346009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665860.346140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665868.346262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665876.346421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665884.346673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665892.346805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665900.346968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665908.347084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665916.347233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665924.347381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665932.347505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665940.347635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665948.347749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665956.347919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665964.348039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665972.348180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665980.348309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665988.348466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730665996.348554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666004.348687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666012.348811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666020.348950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666028.349079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666036.349256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666044.349374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666052.349494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666060.349629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666068.349788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666076.349948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666084.350066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666092.350175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666100.350302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666108.350448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666116.350599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666124.350607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666132.350781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666140.350934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666148.351080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666156.351203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666164.351335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666172.351473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666180.351595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666188.351836 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666196.352033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666204.352167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666212.352299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666220.352421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666228.352565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666236.352727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666244.352892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666252.353017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666260.353145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666268.353277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666276.353410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666284.353559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666292.353701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666300.353873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666308.354002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666316.354149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666324.354294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666332.354438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666340.354596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666348.354748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666356.354907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666364.354987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666372.355109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666380.355252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666388.355380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666396.355482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666404.355628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666412.355756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666420.355926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666428.356084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666436.356210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666444.356345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666452.356496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666460.356598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666468.356776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666476.356938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666484.357171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666492.357308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666500.357448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666508.357574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666516.357735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666524.357884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666532.358030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666540.358110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666548.358270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666556.358436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666564.358569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666572.358696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666580.358877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666588.358975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666596.359062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666604.359152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666612.359273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666620.359432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666628.359512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666636.359652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666644.359788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666652.359896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666660.360008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666668.360095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666676.360259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666684.360493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666692.360633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666700.360779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666708.360940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666716.361037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666724.361176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666732.361337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666740.361463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666748.361573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666756.361718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666764.361901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666772.362026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666780.362095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666788.362229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666796.362302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666804.362468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666812.362596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666820.362726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666828.362903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666836.363034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666844.363190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666852.363283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666860.363420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666868.363511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666876.363631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666884.363746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666892.363912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666900.364033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666908.364126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666916.364277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666924.364424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666932.364585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666940.364721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666948.364864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666956.364963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666964.365092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666972.365278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666980.365437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666988.365590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730666996.365745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667004.365938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667012.366127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667020.366266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667028.366399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667036.366564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667044.366709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667052.367010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667060.367106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667068.367240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667076.367383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667084.367522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667092.367663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667100.367822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667108.367965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667116.368085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667124.368225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667132.368375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667140.368518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667148.368671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667156.368823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667164.368957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667172.368987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667180.369112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667188.369234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667196.369356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667204.369500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667212.369666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667220.369817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667228.369976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667236.370081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667244.370194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667252.370323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667260.370507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667268.370631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667276.370781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667284.370939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667292.371090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667300.371119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667308.371266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667316.371417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667324.371549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667332.371705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667340.371971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667348.372027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667356.372156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667364.372281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667372.372446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667380.372580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667388.372746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667396.372894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667404.373018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667412.373152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667420.373252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667428.373395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667436.373556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667444.373692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667452.373877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667460.374008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667468.374142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667476.374305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667484.374453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667492.374589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667500.374719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667508.374889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667516.375033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667524.375107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667532.375184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667540.375337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667548.375469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667556.375605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667564.375726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667572.375908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667580.375960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667588.376007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667596.376141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667604.376275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667612.376424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667620.376580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667628.376733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667636.376772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667644.376978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667652.377030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667660.377177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667668.377298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667676.377448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667684.377575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667692.377735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667700.377895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667708.378010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667716.378123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667724.378285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667732.378410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667740.378558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667748.378695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667756.378823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667764.378993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667772.379158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667780.379308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667788.379436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667796.379586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667804.379732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667812.379929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667820.380016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667828.380086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667836.380248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667844.380410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667852.380538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667860.380697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667868.380852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667876.380986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667884.381089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667892.381259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667900.381390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667908.381531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667916.381687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667924.381824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667932.381956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667940.382097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667948.382259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667956.382407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667964.382555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667972.382731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667980.382932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667988.383086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730667996.383185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668004.383309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668012.383474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668020.383623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668028.383788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668036.383952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668044.384103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668052.384229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668060.384389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668068.384540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668076.384693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668084.384826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668092.384969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668100.385102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668108.385262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668116.385403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668124.385553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668132.385691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668140.385751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668148.385959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668156.386088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668164.386239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668172.386393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668180.386529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668188.386689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668196.386822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668204.386958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668212.387097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668220.387109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668228.387292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668236.387420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668244.387583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668252.387722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668260.387879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668268.387980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668276.388108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668284.388247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668292.388398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668300.388553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668308.388689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668316.388870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668324.388971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668332.389049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668340.389183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668348.389311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668356.389444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668364.389588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668372.389723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668380.389899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668388.390008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668396.390153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668404.390311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668412.390428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668420.390584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668428.390730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668436.390899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668444.391020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668452.391175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668460.391332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668468.391450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668476.391588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668484.391719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668492.391916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668500.392031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668508.392173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668516.392301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668524.392424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668532.392563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668540.392703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668548.392865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668556.392889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668564.393076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668572.393217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668580.393367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668588.393517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668596.393669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668604.393797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668612.393965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668620.394015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668628.394125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668636.394254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668644.394404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668652.394543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668660.394691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668668.394882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668676.395025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668684.395161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668692.395252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668700.395403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668708.395547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668716.395703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668724.395934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668732.396091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668740.396163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668748.396322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668756.396484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668764.396619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668772.396701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668780.396870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668788.396999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668796.397127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668804.397286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668812.397440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668820.397568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668828.397710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668836.397894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668844.398009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668852.398162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668860.398318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668868.398453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668876.398592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668884.398745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668892.399044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668900.399126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668908.399245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668916.399391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668924.399525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668932.399622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668940.399777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668948.399935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668956.400081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668964.400200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668972.400321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668980.400413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668988.400551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730668996.400695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669004.400789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669012.400941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669020.401061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669028.401216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669036.401378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669044.401527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669052.401676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669060.401807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669068.401937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669076.401984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669084.402075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669092.402209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669100.402353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669108.402538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669116.402617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669124.402769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669132.402910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669140.403006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669148.403088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669156.403223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669164.403351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669172.403592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669180.403707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669188.403891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669196.404021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669204.404164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669212.404286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669220.404520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669228.404642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669236.404794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669244.404967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669252.405107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669260.405256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669268.405397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669276.405539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669284.405686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669292.405864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669300.406021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669308.406085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669316.406245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669324.406390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669332.406529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669340.406691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669348.406879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669356.407168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669364.407244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669372.407371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669380.407530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669388.407560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669396.407761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669404.407940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669412.408064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669420.408155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669428.408254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669436.408409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669444.408551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669452.408654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669460.408792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669468.408949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669476.408948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669484.409068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669492.409215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669500.409378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669508.409515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669516.409715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669524.409858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669532.409993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669540.410122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669548.410247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669556.410394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669564.410428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669572.410570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669580.410866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669588.410980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669596.411107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669604.411264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669612.411389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669620.411525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669628.411632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669636.411730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669644.411918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669652.411988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669660.412107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669668.412259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669676.412418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669684.412554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669692.412731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669700.412893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669708.413084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669716.413146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669724.413280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669732.413422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669740.413555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669748.413700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669756.413869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669764.414024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669772.414159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669780.414310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669788.414442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669796.414596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669804.414716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669812.414902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669820.415013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669828.415168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669836.415323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669844.415472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669852.415562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669860.415708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669868.415878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669876.416022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669884.416148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669892.416276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669900.416421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669908.416545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669916.416708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669924.416799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669932.416972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669940.417109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669948.417182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669956.417349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669964.417497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669972.417643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669980.417779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669988.417938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730669996.418019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670004.418160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670012.418330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670020.418440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670028.418587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670036.418687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670044.418858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670052.418958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670060.418968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670068.419150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670076.419300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670084.419427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670092.419571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670100.419715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670108.419897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670116.420035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670124.420166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670132.420290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670140.420427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670148.420461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670156.420671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670164.420806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670172.420936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670180.421035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670188.421185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670196.421344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670204.421489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670212.421587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670220.421741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670228.421780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670236.421986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670244.422133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670252.422259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670260.422410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670268.422526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670276.422633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670284.422787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670292.422950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670300.423097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670308.423247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670316.423288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670324.423462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670332.423624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670340.423785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670348.423929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670356.424077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670364.424191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670372.424320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670380.424457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670388.424621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670396.424765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670404.424912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670412.425046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670420.425175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670428.425348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670436.425484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670444.425644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670452.425767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670460.425940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670468.426074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670476.426081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670484.426278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670492.426405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670500.426548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670508.426695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670516.426870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670524.427005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670532.427146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670540.427383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670548.427500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670556.427639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670564.427786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670572.427934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670580.428055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670588.428206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670596.428358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670604.428490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670612.428631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670620.428735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670628.428880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670636.429025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670644.429105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670652.429258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670660.429419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670668.429572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670676.429722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670684.429895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670692.430012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670700.430087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670708.430200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670716.430333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670724.430375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670732.430561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670740.430708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670748.430989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670756.431090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670764.431226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670772.431350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670780.431506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670788.431640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670796.431793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670804.432111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670812.432112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670820.432295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670828.432546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670836.432680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670844.432793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670852.432933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670860.433036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670868.433109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670876.433237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670884.433392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670892.433517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670900.433657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670908.433809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670916.433947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670924.434070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670932.434200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670940.434339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670948.434467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670956.434580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670964.434694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670972.434866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670980.434960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670988.435053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730670996.435164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671004.435318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671012.435428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671020.435541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671028.435677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671036.435824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671044.435973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671052.436117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671060.436230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671068.436394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671076.436550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671084.436724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671092.436956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671100.437012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671108.437141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671116.437293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671124.437439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671132.437742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671140.437941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671148.438094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671156.438178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671164.438311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671172.438434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671180.438584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671188.438716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671196.438901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671204.439013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671212.439150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671220.439275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671228.439420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671236.439556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671244.439690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671252.439863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671260.439987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671268.440114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671276.440238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671284.440372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671292.440505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671300.440634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671308.440786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671316.440939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671324.441019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671332.441075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671340.441231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671348.441373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671356.441536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671364.441620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671372.441772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671380.441932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671388.442008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671396.442138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671404.442274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671412.442339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671420.442474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671428.442627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671436.442793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671444.442931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671452.443063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671460.443222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671468.443401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671476.443533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671484.443670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671492.443787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671500.443940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671508.444029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671516.444181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671524.444332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671532.444494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671540.444650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671548.444740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671556.444880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671564.445016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671572.445095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671580.445251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671588.445411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671596.445568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671604.445712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671612.445872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671620.446023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671628.446102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671636.446193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671644.446317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671652.446402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671660.446557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671668.446684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671676.446976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671684.447095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671692.447184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671700.447327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671708.447382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671716.447556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671724.447692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671732.447859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671740.447993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671748.448080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671756.448233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671764.448359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671772.448445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671780.448576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671788.448738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671796.448926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671804.449030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671812.449164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671820.449310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671828.449437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671836.449599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671844.449688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671852.449867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671860.450003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671868.450148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671876.450222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671884.450377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671892.450534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671900.450663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671908.450821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671916.450954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671924.451089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671932.451188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671940.451338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671948.451498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671956.451671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671964.451877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671972.452022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671980.452109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671988.452186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730671996.452345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672004.452489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672012.452662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672020.452801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672028.453105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672036.453126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672044.453349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672052.453465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672060.453599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672068.453750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672076.453880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672084.454015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672092.454077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672100.454209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672108.454350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672116.454495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672124.454504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672132.454708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672140.454866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672148.455024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672156.455150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672164.455260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672172.455401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672180.455537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672188.455689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672196.455872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672204.456006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672212.456096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672220.456203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672228.456324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672236.456456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672244.456601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672252.456751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672260.456912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672268.457079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672276.457202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672284.457342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672292.457513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672300.457638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672308.457794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672316.457931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672324.458125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672332.458187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672340.458337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672348.458555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672356.458683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672364.458854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672372.458920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672380.459039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672388.459126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672396.459198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672404.459337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672412.459475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672420.459611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672428.459756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672436.459879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672444.460017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672452.460040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672460.460256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672468.460400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672476.460566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672484.460697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672492.460884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672500.461013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672508.461178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672516.461339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672524.461483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672532.461617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672540.461753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672548.461900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672556.462029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672564.462114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672572.462238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672580.462405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672588.462539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672596.462685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672604.462886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672612.463014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672620.463077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672628.463258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672636.463345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672644.463491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672652.463654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672660.463785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672668.463956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672676.464106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672684.464259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672692.464488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672700.464602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672708.464760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672716.464905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672724.465020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672732.465171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672740.465327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672748.465583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672756.465727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672764.465885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672772.466029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672780.466148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672788.466161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672796.466352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672804.466491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672812.466652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672820.466791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672828.466941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672836.467089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672844.467225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672852.467384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672860.467521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672868.467659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672876.467799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672884.467943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672892.468082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672900.468173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672908.468335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672916.468467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672924.468614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672932.468761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672940.468922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672948.469065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672956.469239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672964.469356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672972.469513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672980.469680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672988.469813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730672996.469975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673004.470112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673012.470267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673020.470409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673028.470549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673036.470725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673044.470869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673052.471023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673060.471104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673068.471233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673076.471365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673084.471496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673092.471585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673100.471735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673108.471902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673116.471929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673124.472109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673132.472322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673140.472452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673148.472575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673156.472725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673164.472902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673172.473030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673180.473143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673188.473337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673196.473491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673204.473634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673212.473944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673220.474026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673228.474159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673236.474311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673244.474550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673252.474714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673260.474812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673268.474951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673276.475102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673284.475258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673292.475406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673300.475568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673308.475727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673316.475903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673324.475998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673332.476118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673340.476251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673348.476364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673356.476533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673364.476762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673372.476917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673380.477029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673388.477169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673396.477299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673404.477419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673412.477570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673420.477675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673428.477807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673436.477973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673444.478024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673452.478042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673460.478226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673468.478386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673476.478527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673484.478663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673492.478816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673500.478975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673508.479015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673516.479103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673524.479230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673532.479386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673540.479506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673548.479656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673556.479818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673564.479975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673572.480076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673580.480155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673588.480280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673596.480355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673604.480518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673612.480631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673620.480800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673628.480953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673636.481054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673644.481180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673652.481306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673660.481448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673668.481614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673676.481731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673684.481900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673692.482014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673700.482106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673708.482240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673716.482455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673724.482589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673732.482718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673740.482866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673748.483018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673756.483143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673764.483301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673772.483461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673780.483580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673788.483747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673796.483937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673804.484080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673812.484210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673820.484332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673828.484481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673836.484640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673844.484801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673852.484960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673860.485008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673868.485140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673876.485276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673884.485424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673892.485529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673900.485619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673908.485773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673916.485926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673924.485985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673932.486160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673940.486310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673948.486465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673956.486619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673964.486748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673972.486925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673980.487026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673988.487155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730673996.487309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674004.487471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674012.487565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674020.487712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674028.487928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674036.488013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674044.488102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674052.488194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674060.488349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674068.488502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674076.488626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674084.488768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674092.488932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674100.489039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674108.489121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674116.489274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674124.489434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674132.489465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674140.489663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674148.489806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674156.489922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674164.490032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674172.490166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674180.490273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674188.490444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674196.490580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674204.490715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674212.490890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674220.490969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674228.491089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674236.491181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674244.491367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674252.491499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674260.491629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674268.491772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674276.491954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674284.492010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674292.492146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674300.492282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674308.492433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674316.492581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674324.492746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674332.492917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674340.493038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674348.493168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674356.493310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674364.493459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674372.493613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674380.493768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674388.493943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674396.494067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674404.494199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674412.494352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674420.494479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674428.494638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674436.494792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674444.494957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674452.495049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674460.495113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674468.495321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674476.495463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674484.495614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674492.495759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674500.495941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674508.496072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674516.496207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674524.496324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674532.496463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674540.496619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674548.496745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674556.496912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674564.497024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674572.497112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674580.497245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674588.497372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674596.497503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674604.497639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674612.497788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674620.497937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674628.497901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674636.497999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674644.498158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674652.498258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674660.498328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674668.498476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674676.498604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674684.498741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674692.498921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674700.499025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674708.499172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674716.499316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674724.499386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674732.499534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674740.499690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674748.499859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674756.500009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674764.500087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674772.500153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674780.500266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674788.500387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674796.500511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674804.500692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674812.500858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674820.501008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674828.501085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674836.501186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674844.501306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674852.501436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674860.501580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674868.501703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674876.501877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674884.502086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674892.502176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674900.502287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674908.502433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674916.502598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674924.502721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674932.502918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674940.503039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674948.503175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674956.503310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674964.503460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674972.503624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674980.503741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674988.503901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730674996.504014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675004.504169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675012.504236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675020.504323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675028.504460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675036.504584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675044.504736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675052.504913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675060.505042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675068.505159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675076.505294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675084.505447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675092.505557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675100.505693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675108.505878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675116.506019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675124.506107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675132.506252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675140.506392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675148.506558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675156.506774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675164.506930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675172.507045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675180.507174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675188.507318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675196.507449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675204.507606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675212.507759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675220.507946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675228.508110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675236.508206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675244.508353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675252.508498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675260.508656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675268.508811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675276.508981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675284.509117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675292.509348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675300.509364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675308.509574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675316.509704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675324.509865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675332.509974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675340.510105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675348.510190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675356.510353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675364.510501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675372.510668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675380.510801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675388.510967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675396.511099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675404.511182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675412.511309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675420.511443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675428.511619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675436.511761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675444.511930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675452.512071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675460.512210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675468.512353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675476.512522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675484.512658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675492.512788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675500.512933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675508.513088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675516.513161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675524.513301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675532.513451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675540.513576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675548.513735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675556.513894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675564.514039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675572.514177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675580.514332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675588.514466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675596.514624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675604.514767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675612.514938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675620.515021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675628.515133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675636.515255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675644.515391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675652.515539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675660.515666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675668.515855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675676.515978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675684.516152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675692.516266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675700.516419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675708.516577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675716.516738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675724.516888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675732.517019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675740.517111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675748.517244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675756.517334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675764.517473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675772.517617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675780.517663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675788.517896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675796.518032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675804.518184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675812.518312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675820.518446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675828.518597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675836.518689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675844.518869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675852.518972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675860.519095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675868.519191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675876.519346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675884.519532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675892.519620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675900.519699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675908.519858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675916.519961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675924.520065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675932.520214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675940.520331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675948.520527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675956.520682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675964.520860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675972.521019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675980.521146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675988.521265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730675996.521409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676004.521608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676012.521772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676020.522005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676028.522195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676036.522300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676044.522437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676052.522691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676060.522860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676068.522937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676076.523007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676084.523139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676092.523269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676100.523390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676108.523514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676116.523664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676124.523822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676132.523985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676140.524113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676148.524213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676156.524299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676164.524440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676172.524560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676180.524718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676188.524879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676196.525168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676204.525292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676212.525420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676220.525558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676228.525681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676236.525809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676244.525939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676252.526021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676260.526112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676268.526219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676276.526335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676284.526463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676292.526611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676300.526740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676308.526899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676316.526997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676324.527082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676332.527168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676340.527325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676348.527455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676356.527453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676364.527648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676372.527813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676380.527932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676388.527984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676396.528069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676404.528222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676412.528396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676420.528523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676428.528678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676436.528849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676444.528966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676452.529039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676460.529134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676468.529254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676476.529406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676484.529551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676492.529706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676500.529878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676508.530002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676516.530094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676524.530100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676532.530298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676540.530450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676548.530591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676556.530669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676564.530791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676572.530934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676580.531026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676588.531167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676596.531289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676604.531545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676612.531573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676620.531782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676628.531936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676636.532092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676644.532212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676652.532321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676660.532474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676668.532631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676676.532776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676684.532930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676692.533041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676700.533229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676708.533355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676716.533511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676724.533779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676732.533930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676740.534087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676748.534211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676756.534357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676764.534511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676772.534661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676780.534758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676788.535012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676796.535135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676804.535254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676812.535424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676820.535561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676828.535715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676836.535866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676844.536191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676852.536305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676860.536445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676868.536573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676876.536726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676884.536904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676892.537025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676900.537157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676908.537374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676916.537493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676924.537645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676932.537776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676940.537934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676948.538089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676956.538235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676964.538396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676972.538532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676980.538671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676988.538804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730676996.538961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677004.539010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677012.539142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677020.539287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677028.539443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677036.539589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677044.539751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677052.539933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677060.540051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677068.540208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677076.540366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677084.540498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677092.540618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677100.540753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677108.540821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677116.540957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677124.541097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677132.541243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677140.541362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677148.541525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677156.541657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677164.541790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677172.541938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677180.542090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677188.542240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677196.542396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677204.542552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677212.542626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677220.542752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677228.542941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677236.543036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677244.543177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677252.543337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677260.543581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677268.543696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677276.543784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677284.543938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677292.544096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677300.544246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677308.544428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677316.544511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677324.544666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677332.544793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677340.544936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677348.545146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677356.545398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677364.545607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677372.545761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677380.545929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677388.546013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677396.546150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677404.546275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677412.546427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677420.546579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677428.546886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677436.547004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677444.547155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677452.547279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677460.547364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677468.547613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677476.547718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677484.547871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677492.548029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677500.548100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677508.548259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677516.548382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677524.548527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677532.548659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677540.548817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677548.548944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677556.549073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677564.549200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677572.549367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677580.549491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677588.549648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677596.549781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677604.549922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677612.550057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677620.550144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677628.550273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677636.550437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677644.550583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677652.550731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677660.550906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677668.551014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677676.551084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677684.551104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677692.551281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677700.551429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677708.551579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677716.551712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677724.551901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677732.552028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677740.552109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677748.552207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677756.552345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677764.552513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677772.552650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677780.552798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677788.552940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677796.553074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677804.553161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677812.553320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677820.553466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677828.553556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677836.553649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677844.553784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677852.553911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677860.553992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677868.554087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677876.554211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677884.554366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677892.554498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677900.554656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677908.554739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677916.554869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677924.555008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677932.555063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677940.555270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677948.555428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677956.555573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677964.555677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677972.555858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677980.555975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677988.556124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730677996.556233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678004.556308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678012.556460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678020.556614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678028.556766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678036.556924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678044.557039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678052.557154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678060.557286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678068.557441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678076.557541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678084.557694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678092.557854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678100.557954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678108.558079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678116.558199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678124.558287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678132.558442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678140.558597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678148.558751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678156.558908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678164.559016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678172.559126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678180.559266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678188.559424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678196.559552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678204.559705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678212.559796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678220.559942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678228.560090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678236.560243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678244.560404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678252.560533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678260.560657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678268.560762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678276.560939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678284.561073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678292.561161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678300.561309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678308.561443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678316.561562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678324.561695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678332.561871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678340.562003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678348.562078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678356.562230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678364.562367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678372.562516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678380.562649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678388.562804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678396.562936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678404.563087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678412.563218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678420.563358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678428.563460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678436.563616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678444.563762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678452.563933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678460.564017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678468.564153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678476.564373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678484.564493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678492.564652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678500.564805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678508.564956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678516.565062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678524.565183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678532.565312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678540.565447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678548.565596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678556.565760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678564.565911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678572.566003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678580.566140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678588.566269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678596.566403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678604.566524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678612.566665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678620.566812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678628.566908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678636.567001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678644.567161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678652.567302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678660.567386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678668.567555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678676.567676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678684.567802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678692.567894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678700.567970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678708.568103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678716.568177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678724.568321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678732.568447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678740.568597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678748.568740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678756.568920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678764.569059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678772.569095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678780.569322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678788.569448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678796.569605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678804.569759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678812.569892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678820.570007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678828.570141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678836.570284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678844.570448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678852.570593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678860.570742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678868.570897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678876.571014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678884.571097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678892.571167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678900.571280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678908.571417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678916.571562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678924.571718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678932.571902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678940.572023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678948.572159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678956.572309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678964.572471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678972.572622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678980.572751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678988.572932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730678996.573061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679004.573191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679012.573354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679020.573479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679028.573631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679036.573793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679044.573934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679052.574079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679060.574197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679068.574338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679076.574490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679084.574635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679092.574795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679100.574916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679108.575035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679116.575194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679124.575414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679132.575564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679140.575703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679148.575807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679156.575952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679164.576077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679172.576189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679180.576333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679188.576475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679196.576634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679204.576781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679212.576937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679220.577079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679228.577219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679236.577374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679244.577530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679252.577652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679260.577673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679268.577871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679276.578027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679284.578094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679292.578226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679300.578377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679308.578461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679316.578615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679324.578760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679332.578915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679340.579008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679348.579022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679356.579220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679364.579379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679372.579451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679380.579568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679388.579700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679396.579870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679404.579946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679412.580011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679420.580175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679428.580381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679436.580533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679444.580655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679452.580765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679460.580920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679468.581122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679476.581237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679484.581477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679492.581582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679500.581727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679508.581901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679516.581926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679524.582111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679532.582274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679540.582409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679548.582557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679556.582726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679564.582793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679572.582932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679580.583175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679588.583306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679596.583427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679604.583549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679612.583676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679620.583810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679628.583944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679636.584100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679644.584242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679652.584395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679660.584561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679668.584679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679676.584854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679684.585002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679692.585087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679700.585221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679708.585376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679716.585504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679724.585659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679732.585816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679740.585956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679748.586075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679756.586218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679764.586332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679772.586450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679780.586606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679788.586773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679796.586934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679804.587018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679812.587172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679820.587305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679828.587451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679836.587569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679844.587707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679852.587811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679860.587912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679868.588018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679876.588153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679884.588375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679892.588507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679900.588659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679908.588819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679916.588979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679924.589071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679932.589192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679940.589196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679948.589375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679956.589533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679964.589664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679972.589778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679980.589945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679988.590067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730679996.590217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680004.590368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680012.590502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680020.590654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680028.590812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680036.590964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680044.591167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680052.591302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680060.591456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680068.591577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680076.591750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680084.591895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680092.591940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680100.592072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680108.592213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680116.592352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680124.592587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680132.592728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680140.592893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680148.593024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680156.593154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680164.593290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680172.593442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680180.593600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680188.593758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680196.593796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680204.594034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680212.594159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680220.594308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680228.594443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680236.594566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680244.594721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680252.594901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680260.595033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680268.595148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680276.595223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680284.595370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680292.595527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680300.595666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680308.595797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680316.595951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680324.596229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680332.596284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680340.596443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680348.596566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680356.596728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680364.596882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680372.597023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680380.597107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680388.597231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680396.597384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680404.597538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680412.597665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680420.597810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680428.598028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680436.598189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680444.598208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680452.598421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680460.598587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680468.598724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680476.598873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680484.599165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680492.599269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680500.599423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680508.599585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680516.599721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680524.599885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680532.600027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680540.600105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680548.600232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680556.600363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680564.600516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680572.600587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680580.600746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680588.600817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680596.600921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680604.601013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680612.601023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680620.601175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680628.601317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680636.601454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680644.601612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680652.601766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680660.601933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680668.602041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680676.602176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680684.602318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680692.602409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680700.602620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680708.602738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680716.602918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680724.603038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680732.603158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680740.603305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680748.603453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680756.603601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680764.603750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680772.603931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680780.604050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680788.604173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680796.604350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680804.604506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680812.604667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680820.604856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680828.604974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680836.605090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680844.605171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680852.605271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680860.605425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680868.605561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680876.605700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680884.605825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680892.605952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680900.606019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680908.606151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680916.606310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680924.606439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680932.606587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680940.606755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680948.606949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680956.607076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680964.607153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680972.607323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680980.607454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680988.607613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730680996.607746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681004.607924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681012.608019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681020.608022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681028.608229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681036.608347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681044.608512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681052.608641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681060.608726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681068.608873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681076.609031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681084.609150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681092.609279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681100.609437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681108.609599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681116.609738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681124.609921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681132.610020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681140.610140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681148.610304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681156.610457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681164.610721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681172.610884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681180.610915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681188.611055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681196.611203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681204.611338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681212.611496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681220.611627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681228.611779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681236.611936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681244.612028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681252.612189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681260.612341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681268.612484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681276.612590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681284.612794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681292.612948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681300.613017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681308.613150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681316.613297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681324.613455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681332.613614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681340.613775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681348.613804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681356.613979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681364.614117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681372.614259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681380.614415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681388.614571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681396.614712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681404.614862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681412.614998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681420.615142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681428.615295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681436.615291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681444.615492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681452.615619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681460.615741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681468.615859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681476.615958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681484.616071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681492.616167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681500.616323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681508.616446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681516.616586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681524.616737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681532.616925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681540.617023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681548.617168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681556.617288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681564.617424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681572.617581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681580.617714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681588.617868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681596.618044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681604.618115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681612.618238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681620.618378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681628.618513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681636.618665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681644.618814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681652.618945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681660.618980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681668.619106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681676.619241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681684.619443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681692.619588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681700.619720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681708.619879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681716.620006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681724.620152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681732.620291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681740.620417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681748.620553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681756.620675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681764.620820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681772.620992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681780.621137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681788.621276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681796.621430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681804.621582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681812.621725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681820.621885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681828.622021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681836.622147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681844.622304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681852.622441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681860.622593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681868.622732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681876.622899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681884.623165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681892.623245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681900.623322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681908.623451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681916.623612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681924.623764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681932.623909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681940.624022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681948.624152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681956.624264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681964.624412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681972.624555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681980.624687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681988.624813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730681996.624934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682004.625041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682012.625125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682020.625278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682028.625426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682036.625520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682044.625637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682052.625777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682060.625932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682068.626017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682076.626022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682084.626224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682092.626376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682100.626501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682108.626650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682116.626789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682124.626939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682132.627081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682140.627217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682148.627362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682156.627370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682164.627568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682172.627790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682180.627935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682188.628037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682196.628152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682204.628305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682212.628457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682220.628595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682228.628734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682236.628923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682244.629013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682252.629157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682260.629382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682268.629508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682276.629653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682284.629787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682292.629947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682300.630010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682308.630134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682316.630233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682324.630344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682332.630454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682340.630605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682348.630770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682356.630938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682364.631063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682372.631147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682380.631298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682388.631424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682396.631500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682404.631648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682412.631781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682420.631941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682428.632012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682436.632142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682444.632288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682452.632385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682460.632501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682468.632628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682476.632787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682484.632825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682492.633029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682500.633154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682508.633304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682516.633445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682524.633572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682532.633711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682540.633893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682548.634026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682556.634160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682564.634264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682572.634422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682580.634566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682588.634672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682596.634815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682604.634949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682612.635067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682620.635219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682628.635355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682636.635475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682644.635625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682652.635779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682660.635936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682668.636060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682676.636164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682684.636290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682692.636441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682700.636591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682708.636893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682716.636990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682724.637061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682732.637097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682740.637274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682748.637425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682756.637584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682764.637703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682772.637881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682780.638013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682788.638148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682796.638283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682804.638433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682812.638582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682820.638733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682828.638915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682836.639036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682844.639093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682852.639276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682860.639401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682868.639556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682876.639641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682884.639776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682892.639940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682900.640036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682908.640161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682916.640320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682924.640481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682932.640597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682940.640754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682948.640922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682956.641027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682964.641155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682972.641300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682980.641447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682988.641596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730682996.641714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683004.641806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683012.641938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683020.642081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683028.642182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683036.642301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683044.642476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683052.642597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683060.642642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683068.642818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683076.642945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683084.643088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683092.643243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683100.643399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683108.643528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683116.643687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683124.643814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683132.643978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683140.644094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683148.644202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683156.644332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683164.644467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683172.644615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683180.644774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683188.644931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683196.645077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683204.645206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683212.645359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683220.645514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683228.645589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683236.645749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683244.645928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683252.645995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683260.646082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683268.646238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683276.646342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683284.646462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683292.646621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683300.646771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683308.646809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683316.647021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683324.647126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683332.647249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683340.647393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683348.647526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683356.647643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683364.647810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683372.647957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683380.648031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683388.648075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683396.648239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683404.648399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683412.648525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683420.648681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683428.648813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683436.648939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683444.649038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683452.649157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683460.649233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683468.649241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683476.649447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683484.649604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683492.649668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683500.649861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683508.649996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683516.650076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683524.650164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683532.650291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683540.650442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683548.650592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683556.650752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683564.650905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683572.650942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683580.651076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683588.651164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683596.651296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683604.651444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683612.651543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683620.651607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683628.651766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683636.651950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683644.652087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683652.652216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683660.652380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683668.652529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683676.652687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683684.652820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683692.652916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683700.652989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683708.653062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683716.653186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683724.653343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683732.653499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683740.653632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683748.653736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683756.653810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683764.653967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683772.654106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683780.654237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683788.654395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683796.654535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683804.654736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683812.654941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683820.655029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683828.655119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683836.655267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683844.655343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683852.655490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683860.655647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683868.655772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683876.655936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683884.656057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683892.656154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683900.656285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683908.656444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683916.656599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683924.656745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683932.656925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683940.657019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683948.657101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683956.657258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683964.657348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683972.657489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683980.657602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683988.657750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730683996.657922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684004.657935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684012.658021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684020.658152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684028.658248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684036.658323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684044.658409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684052.658584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684060.658735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684068.658889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684076.659008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684084.659158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684092.659305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684100.659461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684108.659605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684116.659758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684124.659997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684132.660088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684140.660218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684148.660335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684156.660487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684164.660620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684172.660889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684180.661007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684188.661105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684196.661242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684204.661407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684212.661471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684220.661620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684228.661770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684236.661934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684244.662069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684252.662215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684260.662345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684268.662500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684276.662649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684284.662795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684292.662955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684300.663039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684308.663163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684316.663299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684324.663412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684332.663568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684340.663728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684348.663915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684356.664011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684364.664147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684372.664298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684380.664436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684388.664639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684396.664781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684404.664946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684412.665062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684420.665199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684428.665322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684436.665466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684444.665597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684452.665668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684460.665819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684468.665955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684476.666077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684484.666234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684492.666365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684500.666499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684508.666655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684516.666817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684524.666980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684532.667102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684540.667225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684548.667377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684556.667522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684564.667661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684572.667877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684580.668024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684588.668153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684596.668287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684604.668383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684612.668513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684620.668638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684628.668785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684636.668926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684644.669054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684652.669141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684660.669261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684668.669417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684676.669564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684684.669721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684692.669903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684700.670026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684708.670163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684716.670309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684724.670413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684732.670515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684740.670635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684748.670784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684756.671096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684764.671186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684772.671285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684780.671428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684788.671552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684796.671703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684804.671889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684812.672012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684820.672165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684828.672310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684836.672476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684844.672617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684852.672755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684860.672925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684868.672946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684876.673125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684884.673260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684892.673405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684900.673558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684908.673706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684916.673877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684924.674012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684932.674164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684940.674315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684948.674432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684956.674591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684964.674739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684972.674929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684980.675034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684988.675096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730684996.675192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685004.675321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685012.675475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685020.675601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685028.675744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685036.675935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685044.676166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685052.676269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685060.676414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685068.676507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685076.676666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685084.676788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685092.676843 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685100.676989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685108.677158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685116.677296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685124.677453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685132.677662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685140.677797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685148.677942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685156.678085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685164.678138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685172.678289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685180.678443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685188.678591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685196.678735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685204.678822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685212.678986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685220.679072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685228.679156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685236.679275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685244.679511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685252.679647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685260.679770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685268.679926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685276.680024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685284.680162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685292.680318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685300.680451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685308.680595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685316.680752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685324.680925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685332.681015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685340.681090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685348.681216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685356.681395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685364.681543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685372.681679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685380.681849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685388.681982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685396.682131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685404.682289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685412.682388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685420.682637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685428.682770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685436.682934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685444.682951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685452.683065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685460.683227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685468.683356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685476.683512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685484.683664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685492.683796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685500.683911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685508.684023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685516.684175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685524.684310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685532.684480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685540.684598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685548.684758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685556.684935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685564.685048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685572.685213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685580.685338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685588.685410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685596.685541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685604.685671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685612.685802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685620.685966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685628.686099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685636.686229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685644.686365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685652.686524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685660.686674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685668.686783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685676.686921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685684.687056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685692.687076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685700.687216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685708.687351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685716.687494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685724.687624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685732.687759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685740.687921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685748.687979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685756.688098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685764.688264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685772.688392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685780.688527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685788.688666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685796.688793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685804.688911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685812.689014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685820.689158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685828.689351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685836.689589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685844.689702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685852.689990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685860.689980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685868.690169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685876.690296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685884.690451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685892.690604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685900.690753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685908.690924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685916.691010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685924.691155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685932.691302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685940.691437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685948.691629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685956.691779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685964.691946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685972.692114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685980.692185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685988.692339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730685996.692491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686004.692645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686012.692822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686020.692962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686028.693134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686036.693267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686044.693411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686052.693562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686060.693679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686068.693859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686076.694001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686084.694126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686092.694268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686100.694399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686108.694551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686116.694679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686124.694825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686132.694957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686140.695123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686148.695240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686156.695397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686164.695535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686172.695685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686180.695864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686188.695940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686196.696029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686204.696181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686212.696325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686220.696456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686228.696617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686236.696742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686244.696922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686252.697036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686260.697191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686268.697229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686276.697421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686284.697553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686292.697642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686300.697797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686308.697951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686316.698032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686324.698133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686332.698272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686340.698416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686348.698470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686356.698674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686364.698856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686372.698956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686380.699049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686388.699166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686396.699298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686404.699449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686412.699583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686420.699740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686428.699855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686436.699956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686444.700099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686452.700265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686460.700418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686468.700571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686476.700720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686484.700936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686492.701025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686500.701106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686508.701248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686516.701421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686524.701616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686532.701755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686540.701925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686548.702013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686556.702147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686564.702299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686572.702458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686580.702546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686588.702682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686596.702784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686604.703093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686612.703219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686620.703354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686628.703491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686636.703641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686644.703786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686652.703934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686660.704084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686668.704242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686676.704407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686684.704532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686692.704704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686700.704880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686708.705169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686716.705214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686724.705362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686732.705512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686740.705671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686748.705802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686756.705958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686764.705979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686772.706109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686780.706248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686788.706372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686796.706506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686804.706654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686812.706805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686820.706921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686828.707051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686836.707169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686844.707325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686852.707463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686860.707551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686868.707682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686876.707865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686884.707973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686892.708065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686900.708221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686908.708332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686916.708444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686924.708570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686932.708720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686940.708906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686948.709027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686956.709165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686964.709299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686972.709436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686980.709591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686988.709737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730686996.709921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687004.709982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687012.710055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687020.710226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687028.710348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687036.710494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687044.710653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687052.710765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687060.710932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687068.711082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687076.711206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687084.711345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687092.711452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687100.711464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687108.711664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687116.711809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687124.711967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687132.712104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687140.712196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687148.712346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687156.712500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687164.712621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687172.712749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687180.712943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687188.713074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687196.713163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687204.713308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687212.713444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687220.713595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687228.713745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687236.713927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687244.714017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687252.714152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687260.714273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687268.714412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687276.714578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687284.714727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687292.714882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687300.715031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687308.715185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687316.715344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687324.715483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687332.715640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687340.715799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687348.715967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687356.715922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687364.716109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687372.716219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687380.716357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687388.716501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687396.716655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687404.716802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687412.716939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687420.717092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687428.717158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687436.717241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687444.717424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687452.717559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687460.717691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687468.717822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687476.717977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687484.718119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687492.718268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687500.718336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687508.718502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687516.718645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687524.718808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687532.718964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687540.719019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687548.719156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687556.719328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687564.719454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687572.719606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687580.719765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687588.719937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687596.720041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687604.720180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687612.720298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687620.720452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687628.720633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687636.720803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687644.720918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687652.720944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687660.721166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687668.721324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687676.721446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687684.721594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687692.721728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687700.721904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687708.722027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687716.722162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687724.722288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687732.722424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687740.722539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687748.722675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687756.722828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687764.722982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687772.723156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687780.723254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687788.723396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687796.723548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687804.723670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687812.723811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687820.723941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687828.724031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687836.724126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687844.724215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687852.724382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687860.724524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687868.724667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687876.724858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687884.724995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687892.725056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687900.725207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687908.725356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687916.725508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687924.725666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687932.725815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687940.726011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687948.726079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687956.726216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687964.726363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687972.726517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687980.726776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687988.726938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730687996.727031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688004.727105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688012.727140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688020.727339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688028.727477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688036.727637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688044.727754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688052.727918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688060.728054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688068.728182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688076.728338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688084.728489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688092.728642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688100.728768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688108.728947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688116.729071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688124.729212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688132.729369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688140.729524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688148.729666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688156.729793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688164.729951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688172.730096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688180.730218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688188.730343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688196.730496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688204.730631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688212.730752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688220.730824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688228.730964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688236.731097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688244.731252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688252.731400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688260.731560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688268.731756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688276.731901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688284.732040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688292.732115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688300.732249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688308.732370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688316.732494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688324.732657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688332.732795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688340.732915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688348.733029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688356.733159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688364.733301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688372.733438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688380.733576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688388.733726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688396.733809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688404.733977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688412.734118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688420.734243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688428.734284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688436.734484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688444.734621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688452.734788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688460.734941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688468.735070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688476.735215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688484.735346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688492.735495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688500.735643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688508.735806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688516.735941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688524.736016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688532.736172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688540.736299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688548.736422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688556.736664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688564.736727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688572.736919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688580.737025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688588.737159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688596.737393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688604.737535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688612.737659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688620.737745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688628.737912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688636.738009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688644.738130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688652.738282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688660.738429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688668.738580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688676.738592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688684.738757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688692.738911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688700.739039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688708.739132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688716.739257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688724.739401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688732.739560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688740.739692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688748.739877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688756.740002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688764.740138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688772.740288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688780.740441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688788.740606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688796.740746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688804.740946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688812.741084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688820.741231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688828.741367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688836.741489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688844.741656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688852.741813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688860.741950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688868.742046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688876.742125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688884.742280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688892.742425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688900.742502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688908.742629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688916.742768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688924.742903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688932.743018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688940.743153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688948.743290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688956.743354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688964.743502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688972.743653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688980.743802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688988.743960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730688996.744092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689004.744184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689012.744313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689020.744445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689028.744583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689036.744891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689044.744978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689052.745107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689060.745237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689068.745377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689076.745451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689084.745581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689092.745713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689100.745902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689108.746011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689116.746141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689124.746279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689132.746427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689140.746577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689148.746710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689156.747004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689164.747107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689172.747205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689180.747355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689188.747500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689196.747644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689204.747800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689212.747964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689220.748050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689228.748175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689236.748274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689244.748430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689252.748567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689260.748703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689268.748821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689276.748960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689284.749044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689292.749137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689300.749270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689308.749407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689316.749553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689324.749720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689332.749867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689340.749985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689348.750112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689356.750249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689364.750404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689372.750532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689380.750673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689388.750855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689396.751003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689404.751091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689412.751231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689420.751385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689428.751431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689436.751619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689444.751763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689452.751953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689460.752083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689468.752163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689476.752267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689484.752409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689492.752563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689500.752717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689508.752908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689516.753016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689524.753104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689532.753232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689540.753332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689548.753485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689556.753629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689564.753698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689572.753848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689580.753968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689588.754153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689596.754294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689604.754456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689612.754606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689620.754761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689628.754906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689636.755010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689644.755092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689652.755220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689660.755360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689668.755520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689676.755628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689684.755758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689692.755938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689700.756051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689708.756178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689716.756330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689724.756447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689732.756606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689740.756736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689748.756871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689756.756963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689764.757061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689772.757158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689780.757272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689788.757407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689796.757541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689804.757672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689812.757854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689820.757960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689828.758091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689836.758127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689844.758262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689852.758391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689860.758551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689868.758704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689876.758825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689884.758971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689892.759100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689900.759226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689908.759366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689916.759496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689924.759635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689932.759781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689940.759931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689948.760087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689956.760169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689964.760259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689972.760416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689980.760579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689988.760734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730689996.760888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690004.760946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690012.761079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690020.761232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690028.761392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690036.761552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690044.761640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690052.761954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690060.761998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690068.762140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690076.762287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690084.762446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690092.762600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690100.762753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690108.762943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690116.763074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690124.763230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690132.763368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690140.763526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690148.763660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690156.763809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690164.763938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690172.764089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690180.764244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690188.764387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690196.764526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690204.764679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690212.764815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690220.764951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690228.765089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690236.765211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690244.765333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690252.765491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690260.765644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690268.765804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690276.765942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690284.766026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690292.766162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690300.766345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690308.766449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690316.766602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690324.766757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690332.766915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690340.767035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690348.767115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690356.767196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690364.767335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690372.767486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690380.767635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690388.767796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690396.767953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690404.768080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690412.768213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690420.768352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690428.768483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690436.768644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690444.768724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690452.768931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690460.769010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690468.769184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690476.769308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690484.769479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690492.769617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690500.769779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690508.769943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690516.770166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690524.770304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690532.770451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690540.770575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690548.770711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690556.770877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690564.771019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690572.771163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690580.771286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690588.771409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690596.771535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690604.771663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690612.771790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690620.771942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690628.772101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690636.772222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690644.772368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690652.772505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690660.772661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690668.772816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690676.772952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690684.773094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690692.773172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690700.773314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690708.773478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690716.773587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690724.773678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690732.773824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690740.773959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690748.774085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690756.774230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690764.774377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690772.774537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690780.774671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690788.774825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690796.774957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690804.775075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690812.775214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690820.775344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690828.775479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690836.775630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690844.775782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690852.775932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690860.776060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690868.776122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690876.776255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690884.776408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690892.776557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690900.776714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690908.776906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690916.776912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690924.777050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690932.777207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690940.777334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690948.777460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690956.777595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690964.777736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690972.777933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690980.778046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690988.778135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730690996.778261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691004.778341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691012.778515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691020.778656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691028.778774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691036.778943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691044.779085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691052.779210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691060.779362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691068.779500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691076.779641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691084.779771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691092.779913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691100.779997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691108.780089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691116.780238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691124.780387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691132.780532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691140.780699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691148.780869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691156.780993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691164.781111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691172.781247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691180.781387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691188.781549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691196.781697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691204.781882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691212.781986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691220.782023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691228.782204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691236.782334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691244.782419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691252.782467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691260.782613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691268.782772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691276.782942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691284.783075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691292.783173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691300.783299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691308.783447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691316.783601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691324.783730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691332.783912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691340.784006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691348.784079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691356.784161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691364.784246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691372.784418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691380.784529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691388.784657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691396.784809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691404.784944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691412.785087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691420.785171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691428.785303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691436.785448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691444.785571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691452.785698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691460.785826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691468.785993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691476.786129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691484.786288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691492.786441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691500.786591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691508.786715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691516.786916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691524.787121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691532.787255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691540.787412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691548.787587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691556.787720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691564.787914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691572.788026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691580.788151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691588.788282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691596.788400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691604.788494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691612.788579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691620.788736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691628.788922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691636.789034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691644.789185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691652.789312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691660.789458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691668.789521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691676.789660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691684.789787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691692.789938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691700.790035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691708.790119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691716.790272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691724.790426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691732.790574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691740.790718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691748.790915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691756.790968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691764.791002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691772.791091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691780.791175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691788.791322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691796.791488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691804.791627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691812.791752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691820.791919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691828.792015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691836.792096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691844.792241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691852.792409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691860.792537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691868.792695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691876.792789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691884.792941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691892.793080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691900.793211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691908.793288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691916.793421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691924.793502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691932.793621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691940.793717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691948.793909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691956.794014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691964.794096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691972.794220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691980.794336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691988.794464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730691996.794633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692004.794761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692012.794926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692020.795075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692028.795226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692036.795373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692044.795504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692052.795630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692060.795782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692068.795930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692076.796002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692084.796157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692092.796165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692100.796355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692108.796508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692116.796641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692124.796744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692132.796813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692140.796950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692148.797100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692156.797175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692164.797320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692172.797475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692180.797738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692188.797811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692196.797947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692204.798037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692212.798167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692220.798314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692228.798436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692236.798562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692244.798672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692252.798828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692260.798988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692268.799108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692276.799242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692284.799398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692292.799552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692300.799641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692308.799782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692316.799968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692324.800096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692332.800222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692340.800335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692348.800456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692356.800576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692364.800711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692372.800873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692380.801010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692388.801138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692396.801227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692404.801384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692412.801539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692420.801695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692428.801891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692436.802020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692444.802155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692452.802282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692460.802428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692468.802532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692476.802658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692484.802813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692492.802933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692500.803035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692508.803196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692516.803314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692524.803447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692532.803605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692540.803751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692548.803899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692556.804015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692564.804166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692572.804305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692580.804452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692588.804633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692596.804760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692604.804934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692612.805056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692620.805200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692628.805358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692636.805517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692644.805653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692652.805755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692660.805887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692668.805925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692676.806105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692684.806246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692692.806372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692700.806506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692708.806634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692716.806770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692724.806937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692732.807077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692740.807219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692748.807258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692756.807443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692764.807555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692772.807699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692780.807787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692788.808099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692796.808216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692804.808355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692812.808506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692820.808577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692828.808713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692836.808877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692844.808974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692852.809110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692860.809239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692868.809385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692876.809542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692884.809678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692892.809867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692900.810004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692908.810227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692916.810373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692924.810530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692932.810688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692940.810827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692948.811002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692956.811073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692964.811217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692972.811384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692980.811528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692988.811681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730692996.811817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693004.811913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693012.812049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693020.812182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693028.812291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693036.812454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693044.812570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693052.812738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693060.812900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693068.813006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693076.813135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693084.813291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693092.813452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693100.813578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693108.813681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693116.813803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693124.813966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693132.814094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693140.814238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693148.814400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693156.814509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693164.814630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693172.814780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693180.814950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693188.815072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693196.815201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693204.815328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693212.815475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693220.815604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693228.815745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693236.815935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693244.816130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693252.816286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693260.816314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693268.816512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693276.816663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693284.816801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693292.816953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693300.817044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693308.817123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693316.817278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693324.817398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693332.817527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693340.817670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693348.817861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693356.817987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693364.818143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693372.818268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693380.818417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693388.818536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693396.818693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693404.818766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693412.818925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693420.819035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693428.819144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693436.819267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693444.819399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693452.819556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693460.819701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693468.819827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693476.819966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693484.820022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693492.820145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693500.820311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693508.820354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693516.820542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693524.820697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693532.820814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693540.820952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693548.821016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693556.821090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693564.821170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693572.821275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693580.821376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693588.821384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693596.821579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693604.821703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693612.821801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693620.821956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693628.822008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693636.822097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693644.822254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693652.822374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693660.822532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693668.822689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693676.822863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693684.823176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693692.823289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693700.823416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693708.823574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693716.823722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693724.823908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693732.824028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693740.824167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693748.824298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693756.824415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693764.824573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693772.824712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693780.824901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693788.825025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693796.825152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693804.825221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693812.825344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693820.825501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693828.825623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693836.825781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693844.825868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693852.826025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693860.826114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693868.826239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693876.826400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693884.826537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693892.826675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693900.826793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693908.826973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693916.827117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693924.827185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693932.827318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693940.827474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693948.827736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693956.827826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693964.827942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693972.828091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693980.828236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693988.828409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730693996.828560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694004.828717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694012.828891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694020.829005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694028.829160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694036.829311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694044.829469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694052.829618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694060.829756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694068.830063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694076.830141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694084.830161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694092.830352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694100.830485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694108.830629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694116.830790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694124.830941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694132.830972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694140.831106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694148.831238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694156.831386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694164.831696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694172.831962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694180.832131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694188.832217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694196.832347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694204.832533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694212.832664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694220.832798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694228.832934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694236.833011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694244.833099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694252.833202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694260.833316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694268.833470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694276.833633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694284.833777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694292.833942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694300.834086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694308.834171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694316.834315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694324.834488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694332.834522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694340.834716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694348.834874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694356.835024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694364.835158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694372.835303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694380.835460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694388.835597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694396.835716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694404.835930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694412.836018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694420.836158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694428.836278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694436.836439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694444.836589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694452.836748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694460.836893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694468.837025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694476.837155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694484.837235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694492.837325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694500.837465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694508.837562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694516.837701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694524.837866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694532.837956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694540.838079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694548.838210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694556.838357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694564.838480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694572.838559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694580.838638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694588.838795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694596.838956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694604.839091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694612.839246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694620.839372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694628.839617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694636.839757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694644.839899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694652.839972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694660.840060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694668.840178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694676.840335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694684.840476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694692.840627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694700.840709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694708.840873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694716.841012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694724.841103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694732.841242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694740.841471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694748.841542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694756.841712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694764.841889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694772.842030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694780.842167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694788.842254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694796.842390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694804.842534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694812.842660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694820.842806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694828.842980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694836.843056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694844.843136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694852.843263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694860.843389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694868.843491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694876.843747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694884.843892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694892.844006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694900.844088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694908.844241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694916.844395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694924.844553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694932.844683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694940.844873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694948.844982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694956.845113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694964.845249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694972.845385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694980.845541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694988.845694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730694996.845726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695004.845940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695012.846080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695020.846239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695028.846389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695036.846541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695044.846687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695052.846874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695060.846992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695068.847084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695076.847174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695084.847341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695092.847488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695100.847639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695108.847798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695116.847951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695124.848075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695132.848160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695140.848287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695148.848439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695156.848588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695164.848658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695172.848814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695180.848981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695188.849066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695196.849150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695204.849310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695212.849461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695220.849619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695228.849739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695236.849957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695244.849960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695252.850134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695260.850293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695268.850455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695276.850591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695284.850738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695292.850891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695300.851010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695308.851147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695316.851292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695324.851511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695332.851654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695340.851793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695348.851947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695356.852015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695364.852106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695372.852235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695380.852353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695388.852500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695396.852646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695404.852793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695412.852945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695420.853098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695428.853239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695436.853400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695444.853530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695452.853678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695460.853813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695468.853958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695476.854089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695484.854236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695492.854394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695500.854519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695508.854581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695516.854715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695524.854893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695532.855030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695540.855111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695548.855266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695556.855418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695564.855497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695572.855622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695580.855780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695588.855950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695596.856091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695604.856195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695612.856337 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695620.856484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695628.856639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695636.856778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695644.856905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695652.857021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695660.857098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695668.857255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695676.857413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695684.857570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695692.857735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695700.857903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695708.857992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695716.858136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695724.858279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695732.858439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695740.858575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695748.858769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695756.858927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695764.859076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695772.859210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695780.859340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695788.859475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695796.859605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695804.859726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695812.859933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695820.859955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695828.860081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695836.860223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695844.860341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695852.860474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695860.860632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695868.860765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695876.860928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695884.861047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695892.861125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695900.861279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695908.861409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695916.861558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695924.861711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695932.861866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695940.861972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695948.862092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695956.862248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695964.862405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695972.862568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695980.862718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695988.862761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730695996.862979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696004.863091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696012.863179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696020.863314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696028.863468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696036.863588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696044.863751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696052.863912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696060.864025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696068.864160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696076.864289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696084.864420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696092.864575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696100.864724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696108.864867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696116.865013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696124.865098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696132.865242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696140.865399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696148.865547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696156.865701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696164.865861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696172.865962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696180.866098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696188.866219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696196.866370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696204.866515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696212.866620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696220.866775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696228.866937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696236.867071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696244.867177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696252.867324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696260.867444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696268.867604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696276.867771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696284.868074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696292.868184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696300.868338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696308.868511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696316.868616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696324.868750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696332.868919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696340.868992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696348.869061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696356.869211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696364.869334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696372.869489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696380.869645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696388.869775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696396.869930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696404.870064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696412.870175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696420.870327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696428.870445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696436.870584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696444.870739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696452.870912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696460.871019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696468.871096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696476.871253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696484.871386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696492.871503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696500.871644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696508.871755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696516.871923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696524.872071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696532.872227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696540.872356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696548.872505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696556.872655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696564.872698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696572.872919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696580.873024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696588.873151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696596.873300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696604.873467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696612.873619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696620.873706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696628.873853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696636.874014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696644.874148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696652.874277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696660.874431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696668.874592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696676.874785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696684.874948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696692.875096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696700.875228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696708.875375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696716.875532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696724.875685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696732.875819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696740.875917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696748.876049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696756.876122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696764.876255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696772.876406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696780.876560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696788.876713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696796.876868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696804.876963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696812.877011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696820.877152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696828.877309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696836.877458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696844.877616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696852.877692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696860.877823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696868.877979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696876.878107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696884.878275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696892.878434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696900.878583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696908.878719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696916.878800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696924.878945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696932.879088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696940.879191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696948.879291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696956.879502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696964.879626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696972.879786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696980.879940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696988.880074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730696996.880227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697004.880355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697012.880522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697020.880671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697028.880825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697036.880963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697044.881078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697052.881152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697060.881287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697068.881432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697076.881500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697084.881642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697092.881759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697100.881845 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697108.881975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697116.882112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697124.882264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697132.882422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697140.882556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697148.882681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697156.882827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697164.883006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697172.883134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697180.883277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697188.883430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697196.883580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697204.883733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697212.883895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697220.883982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697228.884104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697236.884262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697244.884395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697252.884540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697260.884668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697268.884851 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697276.884965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697284.885098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697292.885237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697300.885361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697308.885488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697316.885625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697324.885776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697332.885927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697340.886009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697348.886154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697356.886245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697364.886495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697372.886647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697380.886769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697388.886942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697396.887117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697404.887300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697412.887430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697420.887562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697428.887689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697436.887823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697444.887959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697452.888034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697460.888123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697468.888252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697476.888409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697484.888540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697492.888675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697500.888811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697508.888975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697516.889119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697524.889250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697532.889404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697540.889512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697548.889622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697556.889754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697564.889935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697572.890086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697580.890235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697588.890397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697596.890523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697604.890588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697612.890730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697620.890893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697628.891031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697636.891167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697644.891281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697652.891427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697660.891541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697668.891691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697676.891789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697684.891929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697692.892068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697700.892135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697708.892269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697716.892416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697724.892459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697732.892623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697740.892764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697748.892938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697756.893075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697764.893224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697772.893360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697780.893520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697788.893674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697796.893816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697804.893951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697812.894032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697820.894169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697828.894306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697836.894456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697844.894614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697852.894740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697860.894899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697868.895023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697876.895138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697884.895255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697892.895407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697900.895555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697908.895644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697916.895775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697924.895931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697932.896016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697940.896143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697948.896192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697956.896326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697964.896474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697972.896538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697980.896711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697988.896890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730697996.897034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698004.897160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698012.897325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698020.897477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698028.897636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698036.897773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698044.897936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698052.898070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698060.898160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698068.898322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698076.898481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698084.898635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698092.898945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698100.899039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698108.899185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698116.899344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698124.899492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698132.899628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698140.899803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698148.899976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698156.900071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698164.900179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698172.900336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698180.900408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698188.900551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698196.900704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698204.900777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698212.900934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698220.900907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698228.901098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698236.901219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698244.901370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698252.901492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698260.901645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698268.901785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698276.901940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698284.902095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698292.902211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698300.902288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698308.902474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698316.902599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698324.902753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698332.902936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698340.903076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698348.903158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698356.903314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698364.903465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698372.903628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698380.903762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698388.903870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698396.904018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698404.904150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698412.904308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698420.904455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698428.904610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698436.904687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698444.904890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698452.905028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698460.905110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698468.905161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698476.905361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698484.905472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698492.905593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698500.905719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698508.905882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698516.906030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698524.906166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698532.906323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698540.906471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698548.906631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698556.906752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698564.906897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698572.907013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698580.907146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698588.907282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698596.907429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698604.907582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698612.907740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698620.907883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698628.908025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698636.908114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698644.908251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698652.908398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698660.908577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698668.908685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698676.908774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698684.908944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698692.909007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698700.909144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698708.909217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698716.909372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698724.909530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698732.909672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698740.909857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698748.910015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698756.910167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698764.910308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698772.910426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698780.910590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698788.910723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698796.910880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698804.911014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698812.911168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698820.911323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698828.911470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698836.911621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698844.911783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698852.911987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698860.912102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698868.912263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698876.912424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698884.912577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698892.912748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698900.912913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698908.913023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698916.913154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698924.913289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698932.913417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698940.913576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698948.913737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698956.913873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698964.914008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698972.914008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698980.914213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698988.914371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730698996.914531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699004.914662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699012.914786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699020.914959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699028.915101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699036.915234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699044.915409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699052.915509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699060.915704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699068.915894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699076.916022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699084.916153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699092.916266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699100.916427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699108.916544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699116.916676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699124.916856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699132.916994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699140.917144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699148.917295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699156.917431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699164.917505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699172.917648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699180.917759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699188.917924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699196.918038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699204.918166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699212.918297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699220.918355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699228.918537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699236.918694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699244.918884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699252.919023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699260.919166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699268.919326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699276.919456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699284.919607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699292.919781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699300.919922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699308.920005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699316.920130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699324.920267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699332.920405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699340.920543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699348.920691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699356.920868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699364.920945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699372.921081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699380.921161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699388.921202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699396.921385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699404.921433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699412.921628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699420.921792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699428.921952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699436.922013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699444.922145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699452.922311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699460.922422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699468.922583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699476.922729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699484.922927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699492.922944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699500.923088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699508.923241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699516.923394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699524.923390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699532.923586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699540.923771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699548.923924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699556.924051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699564.924171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699572.924304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699580.924406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699588.924607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699596.924689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699604.924874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699612.924975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699620.925112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699628.925287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699636.925430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699644.925564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699652.925707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699660.925870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699668.926016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699676.926111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699684.926259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699692.926405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699700.926545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699708.926697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699716.926827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699724.926972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699732.927094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699740.927179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699748.927298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699756.927453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699764.927599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699772.927757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699780.927946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699788.927955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699796.928086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699804.928228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699812.928351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699820.928511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699828.928658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699836.928781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699844.928937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699852.928983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699860.929121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699868.929127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699876.929307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699884.929454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699892.929585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699900.929669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699908.929853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699916.929954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699924.930102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699932.930178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699940.930314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699948.930431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699956.930452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699964.930653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699972.930857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699980.930944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699988.931105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730699996.931220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700004.931344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700012.931606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700020.931734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700028.931907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700036.932034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700044.932161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700052.932296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700060.932447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700068.932610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700076.932761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700084.932927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700092.933066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700100.933174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700108.933336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700116.933496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700124.933655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700132.933790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700140.933944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700148.934093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700156.934223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700164.934303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700172.934371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700180.934497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700188.934579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700196.934723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700204.934942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700212.934993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700220.935084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700228.935195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700236.935327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700244.935481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700252.935634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700260.935792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700268.935928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700276.936032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700284.936107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700292.936244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700300.936369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700308.936529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700316.936657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700324.936823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700332.936977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700340.937104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700348.937239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700356.937364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700364.937372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700372.937549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700380.937688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700388.937861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700396.938013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700404.938143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700412.938229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700420.938367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700428.938435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700436.938580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700444.938621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700452.938852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700460.939014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700468.939090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700476.939171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700484.939334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700492.939477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700500.939551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700508.939702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700516.939874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700524.940008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700532.940143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700540.940274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700548.940430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700556.940576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700564.940667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700572.940821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700580.940991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700588.941131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700596.941262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700604.941414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700612.941560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700620.941691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700628.941827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700636.941991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700644.942115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700652.942279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700660.942407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700668.942539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700676.942664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700684.942806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700692.942939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700700.943013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700708.943079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700716.943242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700724.943369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700732.943508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700740.943654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700748.943802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700756.943977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700764.944118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700772.944277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700780.944433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700788.944596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700796.944727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700804.944905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700812.945025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700820.945153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700828.945298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700836.945373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700844.945525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700852.945682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700860.945804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700868.945954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700876.946044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700884.946193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700892.946318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700900.946447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700908.946597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700916.946760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700924.946938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700932.947035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700940.947169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700948.947433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700956.947482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700964.947626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700972.947710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700980.947884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700988.947953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730700996.948083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701004.948219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701012.948368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701020.948390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701028.948563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701036.948704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701044.948857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701052.948965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701060.949096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701068.949219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701076.949323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701084.949489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701092.949614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701100.949674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701108.949901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701116.950161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701124.950290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701132.950421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701140.950583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701148.950734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701156.950889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701164.951025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701172.951162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701180.951288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701188.951409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701196.951578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701204.951641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701212.951794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701220.951955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701228.952095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701236.952248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701244.952382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701252.952540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701260.952697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701268.952824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701276.952936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701284.953021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701292.953155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701300.953302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701308.953452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701316.953610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701324.953761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701332.953932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701340.954076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701348.954208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701356.954320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701364.954455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701372.954612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701380.954761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701388.954952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701396.955007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701404.955143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701412.955205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701420.955351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701428.955476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701436.955632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701444.955784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701452.955876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701460.956104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701468.956281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701476.956411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701484.956566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701492.956681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701500.956869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701508.957013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701516.957050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701524.957251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701532.957401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701540.957548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701548.957703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701556.957865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701564.957971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701572.958120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701580.958344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701588.958486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701596.958612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701604.958754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701612.958882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701620.959019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701628.959136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701636.959292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701644.959444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701652.959586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701660.959721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701668.959868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701676.959897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701684.960037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701692.960135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701700.960230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701708.960315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701716.960471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701724.960642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701732.960786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701740.960940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701748.961069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701756.961224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701764.961376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701772.961528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701780.961631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701788.961749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701796.961885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701804.961966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701812.962112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701820.962237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701828.962388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701836.962448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701844.962635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701852.962760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701860.962933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701868.963073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701876.963235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701884.963372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701892.963533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701900.963682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701908.963816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701916.963948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701924.964052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701932.964145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701940.964301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701948.964433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701956.964587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701964.964745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701972.964909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701980.965021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701988.965106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730701996.965191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702004.965332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702012.965426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702020.965574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702028.965707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702036.965883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702044.965923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702052.965992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702060.966131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702068.966273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702076.966413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702084.966577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702092.966695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702100.966895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702108.967027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702116.967030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702124.967172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702132.967316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702140.967494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702148.967616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702156.967747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702164.967937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702172.968003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702180.968128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702188.968266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702196.968421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702204.968556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702212.968700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702220.968874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702228.968982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702236.969106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702244.969269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702252.969470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702260.969628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702268.969750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702276.969911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702284.970026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702292.970119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702300.970213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702308.970336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702316.970449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702324.970588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702332.970737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702340.970936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702348.971024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702356.971148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702364.971232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702372.971360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702380.971518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702388.971660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702396.971815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702404.971983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702412.972068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702420.972107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702428.972289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702436.972440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702444.972592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702452.972713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702460.972889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702468.973015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702476.973159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702484.973294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702492.973385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702500.973485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702508.973689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702516.973862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702524.974010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702532.974113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702540.974267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702548.974404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702556.974542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702564.974696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702572.974887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702580.975162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702588.975269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702596.975427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702604.975574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702612.975735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702620.975876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702628.976017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702636.976160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702644.976326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702652.976483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702660.976633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702668.976797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702676.976959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702684.977081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702692.977301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702700.977441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702708.977596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702716.977740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702724.977932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702732.978008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702740.978164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702748.978307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702756.978446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702764.978558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702772.978687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702780.978885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702788.978982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702796.979111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702804.979216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702812.979369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702820.979502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702828.979654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702836.979806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702844.979939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702852.980060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702860.980218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702868.980366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702876.980501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702884.980629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702892.980786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702900.980922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702908.981165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702916.981310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702924.981456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702932.981606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702940.981744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702948.981881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702956.981960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702964.982105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702972.982236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702980.982314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702988.982447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730702996.982564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703004.982691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703012.982860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703020.982978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703028.983115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703036.983270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703044.983388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703052.983547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703060.983626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703068.983659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703076.983873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703084.984013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703092.984156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703100.984285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703108.984412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703116.984531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703124.984689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703132.984879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703140.985026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703148.985020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703156.985195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703164.985347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703172.985498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703180.985634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703188.985776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703196.985937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703204.986055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703212.986187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703220.986341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703228.986465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703236.986658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703244.986810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703252.986964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703260.987090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703268.987179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703276.987251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703284.987404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703292.987547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703300.987724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703308.987870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703316.987984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703324.988113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703332.988262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703340.988494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703348.988545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703356.988694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703364.988887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703372.989019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703380.989165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703388.989297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703396.989306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703404.989511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703412.989671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703420.989814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703428.989949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703436.990078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703444.990233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703452.990355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703460.990500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703468.990660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703476.990799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703484.990977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703492.991068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703500.991159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703508.991314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703516.991441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703524.991600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703532.991743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703540.991903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703548.992025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703556.992101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703564.992268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703572.992421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703580.992578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703588.992730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703596.992887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703604.992983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703612.993109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703620.993271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703628.993512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703636.993654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703644.993747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703652.993912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703660.994032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703668.994186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703676.994315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703684.994455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703692.994601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703700.994753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703708.994930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703716.995031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703724.995161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703732.995309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703740.995475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703748.995632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703756.995783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703764.995939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703772.996066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703780.996166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703788.996265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703796.996423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703804.996559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703812.996717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703820.996857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703828.996980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703836.997060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703844.997190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703852.997317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703860.997445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703868.997599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703876.997763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703884.997892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703892.998044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703900.998102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703908.998244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703916.998341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703924.998521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703932.998781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703940.998927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703948.999046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703956.999138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703964.999270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703972.999313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703980.999510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703988.999668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730703996.999813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704004.999976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704013.000121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704021.000248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704029.000336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704037.000461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704045.000583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704053.000717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704061.000917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704069.001024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704077.001102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704085.001212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704093.001334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704101.001487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704109.001559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704117.001648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704125.001820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704133.001973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704141.002093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704149.002182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704157.002304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704165.002451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704173.002614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704181.002745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704189.002929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704197.003035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704205.003114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704213.003186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704221.003344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704229.003489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704237.003629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704245.003787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704253.003870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704261.003952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704269.004036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704277.004117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704285.004203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704293.004311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704301.004423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704309.004584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704317.004741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704325.004932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704333.005053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704341.005204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704349.005357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704357.005515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704365.005687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704373.005824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704381.005953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704389.005961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704397.006154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704405.006282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704413.006413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704421.006537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704429.006666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704437.006804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704445.006927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704453.007088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704461.007244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704469.007394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704477.007526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704485.007702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704493.007859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704501.008014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704509.008156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704517.008321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704525.008443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704533.008586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704541.008728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704549.008875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704557.009053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704565.009163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704573.009300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704581.009438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704589.009567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704597.009724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704605.009820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704613.009954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704621.010052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704629.010061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704637.010221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704645.010348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704653.010500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704661.010645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704669.010785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704677.010949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704685.011040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704693.011125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704701.011265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704709.011283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704717.011479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704725.011619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704733.011745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704741.011879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704749.011955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704757.012025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704765.012115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704773.012207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704781.012329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704789.012421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704797.012674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704805.012822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704813.012996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704821.013142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704829.013230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704837.013358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704845.013501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704853.013645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704861.013782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704869.013921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704877.014055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704885.014207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704893.014290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704901.014493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704909.014617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704917.014763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704925.015007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704933.015094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704941.015257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704949.015334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704957.015462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704965.015628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704973.015782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704981.015950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704989.016100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730704997.016204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705005.016320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705013.016443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705021.016592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705029.016744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705037.016757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705045.016968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705053.017106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705061.017198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705069.017327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705077.017486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705085.017613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705093.017751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705101.017919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705109.018008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705117.018146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705125.018371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705133.018512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705141.018663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705149.018791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705157.018946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705165.019022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705173.019165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705181.019320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705189.019483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705197.019598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705205.019671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705213.019812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705221.019971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705229.020105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705237.020254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705245.020375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705253.020538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705261.020693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705269.020826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705277.020933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705285.021012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705293.021199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705301.021302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705309.021453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705317.021597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705325.021760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705333.021880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705341.022008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705349.022150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705357.022289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705365.022450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705373.022514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705381.022675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705389.022854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705397.022956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705405.023089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705413.023180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705421.023334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705429.023542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705437.023700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705445.023877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705453.023981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705461.024063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705469.024216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705477.024411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705485.024513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705493.024572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705501.024693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705509.024820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705517.024977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705525.025066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705533.025141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705541.025289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705549.025427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705557.025577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705565.025709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705573.025880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705581.026018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705589.026148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705597.026311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705605.026430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705613.026549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705621.026701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705629.026872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705637.027005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705645.027082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705653.027182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705661.027325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705669.027487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705677.027628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705685.027856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705693.027996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705701.028075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705709.028238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705717.028432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705725.028590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705733.028684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705741.028857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705749.029012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705757.029166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705765.029448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705773.029553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705781.029681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705789.029821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705797.029966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705805.030035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705813.030173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705821.030310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705829.030456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705837.030602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705845.030761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705853.030855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705861.031010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705869.031107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705877.031191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705885.031343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705893.031474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705901.031618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705909.031748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705917.031887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705925.031987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705933.032132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705941.032257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705949.032394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705957.032515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705965.032611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705973.032691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705981.032865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705989.033023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730705997.033155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706005.033204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706013.033332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706021.033416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706029.033582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706037.033697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706045.033874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706053.033927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706061.034175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706069.034252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706077.034372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706085.034555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706093.034677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706101.034810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706109.034970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706117.035035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706125.035148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706133.035217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706141.035367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706149.035510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706157.035631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706165.035806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706173.035949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706181.036039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706189.036166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706197.036290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706205.036422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706213.036574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706221.036644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706229.036766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706237.036931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706245.037017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706253.037137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706261.037240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706269.037397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706277.037541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706285.037683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706293.037872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706301.037999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706309.038146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706317.038260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706325.038395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706333.038552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706341.038809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706349.038910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706357.039034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706365.039169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706373.039289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706381.039427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706389.039585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706397.039744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706405.039906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706413.040023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706421.040114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706429.040266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706437.040418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706445.040579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706453.040728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706461.040893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706469.040983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706477.041073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706485.041199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706493.041344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706501.041447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706509.041688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706517.041805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706525.041935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706533.042063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706541.042139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706549.042272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706557.042431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706565.042582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706573.042731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706581.042927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706589.043052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706597.043142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706605.043278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706613.043427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706621.043576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706629.043736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706637.043874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706645.044009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706653.044104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706661.044190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706669.044345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706677.044478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706685.044603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706693.044744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706701.044895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706709.044947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706717.045075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706725.045208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706733.045354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706741.045475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706749.045604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706757.045728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706765.045899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706773.046023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706781.046175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706789.046306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706797.046442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706805.046581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706813.046673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706821.046869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706829.046995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706837.047130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706845.047300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706853.047424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706861.047579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706869.047739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706877.047906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706885.048037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706893.048160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706901.048298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706909.048453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706917.048616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706925.048769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706933.048910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706941.049024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706949.049153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706957.049287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706965.049381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706973.049539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706981.049684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706989.049883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730706997.050014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707005.050154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707013.050229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707021.050454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707029.050585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707037.050734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707045.050816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707053.050987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707061.051125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707069.051293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707077.051412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707085.051567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707093.051731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707101.051904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707109.052005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707117.052109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707125.052226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707133.052379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707141.052532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707149.052720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707157.052879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707165.053001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707173.053128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707181.053286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707189.053439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707197.053534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707205.053654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707213.053799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707221.053931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707229.054014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707237.054156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707245.054289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707253.054419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707261.054540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707269.054680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707277.054813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707285.054972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707293.055013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707301.055105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707309.055190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707317.055349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707325.055496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707333.055660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707341.055810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707349.056010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707357.056141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707365.056285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707373.056446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707381.056454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707389.056770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707397.056943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707405.057023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707413.057148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707421.057314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707429.057447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707437.057565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707445.057693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707453.057991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707461.058098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707469.058181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707477.058342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707485.058469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707493.058591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707501.058736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707509.058896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707517.059027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707525.059176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707533.059350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707541.059501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707549.059652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707557.059761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707565.059937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707573.060091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707581.060247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707589.060362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707597.060521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707605.060674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707613.060853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707621.060999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707629.061081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707637.061208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707645.061362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707653.061507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707661.061651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707669.061805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707677.061972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707685.062102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707693.062230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707701.062380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707709.062634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707717.062758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707725.062942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707733.063044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707741.063183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707749.063351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707757.063599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707765.063730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707773.063922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707781.064021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707789.064093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707797.064246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707805.064333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707813.064480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707821.064615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707829.064758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707837.064941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707845.065003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707853.065120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707861.065268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707869.065428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707877.065550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707885.065704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707893.065848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707901.065992 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707909.066134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707917.066270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707925.066427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707933.066543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707941.066715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707949.066870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707957.066954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707965.067098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707973.067257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707981.067377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707989.067493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730707997.067655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708005.067806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708013.067935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708021.068010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708029.068146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708037.068310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708045.068478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708053.068615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708061.068769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708069.068938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708077.069087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708085.069181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708093.069280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708101.069297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708109.069469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708117.069567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708125.069693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708133.069860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708141.069958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708149.069999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708157.070122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708165.070256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708173.070381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708181.070527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708189.070698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708197.070888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708205.071011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708213.071110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708221.071115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708229.071300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708237.071439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708245.071580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708253.071733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708261.071885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708269.072039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708277.072185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708285.072339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708293.072478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708301.072628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708309.072776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708317.072940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708325.073041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708333.073168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708341.073254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708349.073376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708357.073518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708365.073625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708373.073771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708381.073934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708389.074054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708397.074194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708405.074332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708413.074496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708421.074645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708429.074685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708437.074904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708445.075035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708453.075099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708461.075198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708469.075287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708477.075456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708485.075590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708493.075749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708501.075922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708509.075925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708517.076118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708525.076284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708533.076422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708541.076567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708549.076705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708557.076801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708565.076994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708573.077133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708581.077209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708589.077342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708597.077462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708605.077612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708613.077758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708621.077944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708629.078005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708637.078087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708645.078169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708653.078293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708661.078424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708669.078576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708677.078720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708685.078873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708693.078993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708701.079071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708709.079162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708717.079267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708725.079399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708733.079522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708741.079671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708749.079804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708757.079950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708765.080024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708773.080116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708781.080249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708789.080375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708797.080529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708805.080668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708813.080817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708821.080956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708829.081010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708837.081073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708845.081245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708853.081404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708861.081555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708869.081678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708877.081827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708885.081954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708893.082020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708901.082098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708909.082239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708917.082277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708925.082451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708933.082550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708941.082689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708949.082855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708957.082972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708965.083047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708973.083184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708981.083308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708989.083445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730708997.083604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709005.083734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709013.083891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709021.083985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709029.084073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709037.084149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709045.084311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709053.084458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709061.084606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709069.084756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709077.084922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709085.085027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709093.085171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709101.085307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709109.085403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709117.085529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709125.085669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709133.085810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709141.085940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709149.086023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709157.086151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709165.086192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709173.086398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709181.086524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709189.086654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709197.086778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709205.086927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709213.087064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709221.087163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709229.087277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709237.087432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709245.087596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709253.087729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709261.087892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709269.088017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709277.088151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709285.088305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709293.088436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709301.088586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709309.088731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709317.088966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709325.089099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709333.089233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709341.089388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709349.089507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709357.089603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709365.089758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709373.089848 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709381.089989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709389.090069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709397.090198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709405.090312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709413.090469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709421.090607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709429.090768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709437.090920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709445.091034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709453.091104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709461.091190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709469.091345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709477.091509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709485.091546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709493.091740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709501.091872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709509.091972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709517.092100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709525.092165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709533.092295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709541.092421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709549.092588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709557.092736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709565.092913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709573.093117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709581.093257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709589.093413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709597.093552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709605.093662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709613.093824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709621.093963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709629.094094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709637.094215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709645.094364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709653.094517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709661.094666 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709669.094820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709677.094973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709685.095105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709693.095231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709701.095388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709709.095537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709717.095680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709725.095815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709733.095936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709741.096073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709749.096154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709757.096257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709765.096413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709773.096557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709781.096708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709789.096861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709797.096994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709805.097117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709813.097290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709821.097423 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709829.097565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709837.097713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709845.097887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709853.098004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709861.098184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709869.098416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709877.098542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709885.098638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709893.098795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709901.098967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709909.099093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709917.099226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709925.099386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709933.099535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709941.099702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709949.099826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709957.099989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709965.100123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709973.100241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709981.100280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709989.100484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730709997.100616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710005.100749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710013.100895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710021.101023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710029.101173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710037.101294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710045.101440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710053.101599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710061.101641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710069.101868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710077.101984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710085.102129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710093.102245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710101.102395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710109.102558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710117.102677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710125.102827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710133.102981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710141.103049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710149.103155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710157.103309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710165.103446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710173.103563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710181.103641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710189.103786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710197.103956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710205.104078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710213.104226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710221.104365 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710229.104553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710237.104717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710245.104811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710253.104930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710261.105082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710269.105176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710277.105302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710285.105439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710293.105587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710301.105629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710309.105815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710317.105945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710325.106043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710333.106108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710341.106261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710349.106341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710357.106462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710365.106610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710373.106762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710381.106913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710389.107016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710397.107099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710405.107183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710413.107306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710421.107441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710429.107576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710437.107740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710445.107909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710453.108021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710461.108152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710469.108317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710477.108449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710485.108602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710493.108739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710501.108884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710509.109025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710517.109143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710525.109291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710533.109427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710541.109473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710549.109663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710557.109802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710565.109967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710573.110055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710581.110216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710589.110363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710597.110486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710605.110606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710613.110753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710621.110885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710629.111084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710637.111200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710645.111353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710653.111472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710661.111628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710669.111722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710677.112009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710685.112080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710693.112205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710701.112334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710709.112498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710717.112646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710725.112788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710733.112953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710741.113081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710749.113230 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710757.113333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710765.113471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710773.113600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710781.113763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710789.113947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710797.114060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710805.114185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710813.114305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710821.114443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710829.114594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710837.114715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710845.114901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710853.114990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710861.115083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710869.115164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710877.115285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710885.115418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710893.115559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710901.115691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710909.115990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710917.116019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710925.116149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710933.116234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710941.116360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710949.116516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710957.116670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710965.116814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710973.116949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710981.117047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710989.117164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730710997.117321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711005.117461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711013.117616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711021.117776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711029.117912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711037.118035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711045.118188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711053.118338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711061.118495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711069.118626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711077.118772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711085.118936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711093.119057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711101.119166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711109.119215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711117.119409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711125.119542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711133.119706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711141.119876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711149.120019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711157.120146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711165.120301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711173.120420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711181.120589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711189.120710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711197.120878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711205.121025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711213.121109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711221.121237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711229.121308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711237.121465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711245.121602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711253.121732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711261.121925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711269.121888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711277.122021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711285.122094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711293.122196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711301.122326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711309.122498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711317.122622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711325.122775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711333.122933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711341.123011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711349.123010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711357.123214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711365.123344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711373.123503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711381.123665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711389.123804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711397.123934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711405.124090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711413.124216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711421.124288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711429.124317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711437.124501 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711445.124626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711453.124771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711461.124922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711469.125034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711477.125136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711485.125293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711493.125416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711501.125545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711509.125673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711517.125805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711525.125953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711533.126060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711541.126193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711549.126317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711557.126464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711565.126585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711573.126721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711581.126877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711589.127029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711597.127150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711605.127313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711613.127472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711621.127601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711629.127738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711637.127917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711645.128029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711653.128159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711661.128256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711669.128393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711677.128548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711685.128677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711693.128828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711701.128965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711709.129067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711717.129202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711725.129343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711733.129465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711741.129610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711749.129764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711757.129945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711765.130074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711773.130199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711781.130290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711789.130446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711797.130602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711805.130759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711813.130928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711821.131061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711829.131204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711837.131323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711845.131347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711853.131552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711861.131684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711869.131815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711877.131963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711885.132028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711893.132156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711901.132303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711909.132460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711917.132600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711925.132614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711933.132791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711941.132933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711949.133087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711957.133196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711965.133340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711973.133499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711981.133636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711989.133768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730711997.133916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712005.134032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712013.134148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712021.134381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712029.134508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712037.134639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712045.134775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712053.134935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712061.135054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712069.135205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712077.135308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712085.135458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712093.135533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712101.135690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712109.135804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712117.135955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712125.136048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712133.136136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712141.136291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712149.136357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712157.136480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712165.136650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712173.136801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712181.136966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712189.137067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712197.137136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712205.137221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712213.137346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712221.137473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712229.137589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712237.137724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712245.137871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712253.138023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712261.138108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712269.138243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712277.138397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712285.138544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712293.138691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712301.138849 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712309.138993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712317.139241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712325.139420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712333.139565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712341.139714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712349.139886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712357.140019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712365.140242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712373.140383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712381.140517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712389.140674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712397.140760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712405.140932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712413.141070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712421.141222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712429.141379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712437.141510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712445.141630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712453.141787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712461.141937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712469.142028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712477.142104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712485.142229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712493.142359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712501.142605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712509.142744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712517.142921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712525.143028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712533.143156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712541.143273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712549.143412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712557.143560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712565.143689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712573.143824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712581.143978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712589.144105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712597.144261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712605.144350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712613.144485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712621.144622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712629.144776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712637.144934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712645.145076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712653.145265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712661.145336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712669.145473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712677.145606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712685.145760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712693.145942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712701.146085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712709.146176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712717.146324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712725.146470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712733.146633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712741.146711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712749.146870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712757.147008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712765.147159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712773.147305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712781.147465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712789.147624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712797.147767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712805.147934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712813.148010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712821.148105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712829.148182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712837.148339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712845.148585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712853.148876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712861.149006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712869.149083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712877.149217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712885.149334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712893.149513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712901.149656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712909.149799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712917.149946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712925.150099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712933.150165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712941.150328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712949.150480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712957.150611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712965.150766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712973.150813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712981.150974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712989.151109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730712997.151249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713005.151381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713013.151493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713021.151664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713029.151803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713037.151965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713045.152108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713053.152191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713061.152352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713069.152490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713077.152556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713085.152716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713093.152872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713101.152943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713109.153099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713117.153178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713125.153308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713133.153434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713141.153481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713149.153685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713157.153826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713165.153994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713173.154116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713181.154205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713189.154356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713197.154514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713205.154640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713213.154798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713221.154941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713229.155084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713237.155243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713245.155373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713253.155514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713261.155609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713269.155733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713277.155880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713285.155977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713293.156052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713301.156176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713309.156312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713317.156409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713325.156550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713333.156702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713341.156886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713349.156966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713357.157046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713365.157233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713373.157466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713381.157578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713389.157741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713397.157961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713405.158094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713413.158184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713421.158304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713429.158438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713437.158624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713445.158779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713453.158910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713461.159021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713469.159099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713477.159258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713485.159359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713493.159502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713501.159647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713509.159732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713517.159867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713525.160009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713533.160097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713541.160262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713549.160443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713557.160572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713565.160881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713573.160976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713581.161018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713589.161113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713597.161197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713605.161357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713613.161560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713621.161712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713629.161797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713637.161951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713645.162092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713653.162172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713661.162349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713669.162459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713677.162581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713685.162691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713693.162824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713701.162957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713709.163073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713717.163167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713725.163321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713733.163454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713741.163540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713749.163689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713757.163823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713765.163996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713773.164084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713781.164169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713789.164321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713797.164482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713805.164598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713813.164748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713821.164915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713829.165011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713837.165107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713845.165196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713853.165325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713861.165449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713869.165650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713877.165706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713885.165941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713893.165925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713901.166165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713909.166280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713917.166382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713925.166521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713933.166674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713941.166854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713949.167012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713957.167123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713965.167299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713973.167435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713981.167590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713989.167743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730713997.167947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714005.168152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714013.168281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714021.168436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714029.168587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714037.168693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714045.168724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714053.168930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714061.169069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714069.169221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714077.169357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714085.169477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714093.169613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714101.169726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714109.169919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714117.170045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714125.170083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714133.170286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714141.170440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714149.170596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714157.170751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714165.170932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714173.171073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714181.171190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714189.171336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714197.171450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714205.171578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714213.171756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714221.171933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714229.172085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714237.172206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714245.172347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714253.172489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714261.172619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714269.172731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714277.172862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714285.172915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714293.173047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714301.173124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714309.173221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714317.173342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714325.173484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714333.173623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714341.173773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714349.173924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714357.174050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714365.174153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714373.174276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714381.174421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714389.174629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714397.174754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714405.174925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714413.175046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714421.175198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714429.175341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714437.175491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714445.175648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714453.175799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714461.175980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714469.176106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714477.176207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714485.176315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714493.176459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714501.176544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714509.176705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714517.176874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714525.176914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714533.177031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714541.177114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714549.177279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714557.177420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714565.177569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714573.177727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714581.177905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714589.178030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714597.178201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714605.178259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714613.178366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714621.178507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714629.178662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714637.178737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714645.178909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714653.179024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714661.179108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714669.179210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714677.179270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714685.179431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714693.179589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714701.179730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714709.179913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714717.180014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714725.180154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714733.180304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714741.180448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714749.180598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714757.180740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714765.180925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714773.181076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714781.181248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714789.181404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714797.181551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714805.181712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714813.181900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714821.182024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714829.182161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714837.182313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714845.182472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714853.182629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714861.182638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714869.182781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714877.182932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714885.183027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714893.183114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714901.183270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714909.183432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714917.183602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714925.183747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714933.183946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714941.184034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714949.184109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714957.184240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714965.184373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714973.184522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714981.184653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714989.184798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730714997.184934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715005.185022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715013.185184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715021.185342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715029.185488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715037.185651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715045.185802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715053.185989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715061.186101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715069.186259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715077.186380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715085.186533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715093.186696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715101.186854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715109.186955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715117.187136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715125.187296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715133.187448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715141.187602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715149.187731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715157.187898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715165.188020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715173.188163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715181.188251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715189.188258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715197.188459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715205.188602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715213.188722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715221.188894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715229.189034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715237.189142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715245.189302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715253.189448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715261.189593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715269.189746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715277.189906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715285.190031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715293.190119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715301.190279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715309.190411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715317.190560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715325.190716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715333.190890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715341.190979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715349.191029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715357.191121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715365.191282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715373.191407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715381.191565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715389.191707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715397.191893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715405.192015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715413.192144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715421.192271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715429.192394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715437.192534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715445.192746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715453.192927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715461.192939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715469.193023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715477.193112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715485.193253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715493.193377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715501.193526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715509.193672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715517.193716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715525.193939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715533.194008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715541.194097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715549.194181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715557.194245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715565.194414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715573.194539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715581.194684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715589.194863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715597.194960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715605.195097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715613.195256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715621.195406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715629.195473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715637.195638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715645.195782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715653.195952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715661.196040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715669.196138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715677.196244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715685.196373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715693.196526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715701.196680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715709.196863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715717.197016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715725.197109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715733.197235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715741.197363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715749.197469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715757.197618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715765.197619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715773.197824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715781.197964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715789.198093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715797.198182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715805.198327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715813.198485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715821.198621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715829.198769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715837.198951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715845.198950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715853.199070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715861.199160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715869.199288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715877.199443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715885.199595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715893.199740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715901.199907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715909.200023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715917.200102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715925.200234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715933.200379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715941.200583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715949.200703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715957.200953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715965.201076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715973.201177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715981.201324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715989.201481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730715997.201615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716005.201755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716013.201905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716021.202045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716029.202170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716037.202256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716045.202408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716053.202543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716061.202697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716069.202864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716077.203006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716085.203098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716093.203109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716101.203241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716109.203318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716117.203480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716125.203639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716133.203802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716141.203939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716149.204023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716157.204151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716165.204272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716173.204402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716181.204551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716189.204701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716197.204874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716205.205011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716213.205141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716221.205311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716229.205430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716237.205507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716245.205641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716253.205781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716261.205937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716269.206013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716277.206142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716285.206305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716293.206459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716301.206592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716309.206724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716317.207039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716325.207091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716333.207238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716341.207410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716349.207533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716357.207609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716365.207741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716373.207925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716381.208056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716389.208134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716397.208262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716405.208368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716413.208482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716421.208620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716429.208725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716437.208868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716445.209000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716453.209128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716461.209229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716469.209359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716477.209515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716485.209651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716493.209776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716501.209938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716509.210089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716517.210167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716525.210307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716533.210437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716541.210711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716549.210882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716557.211027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716565.211159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716573.211330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716581.211503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716589.211643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716597.211783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716605.211946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716613.212048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716621.212186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716629.212350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716637.212499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716645.212633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716653.212766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716661.212944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716669.213056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716677.213210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716685.213342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716693.213480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716701.213615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716709.213766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716717.213937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716725.214087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716733.214173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716741.214306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716749.214462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716757.214592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716765.214728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716773.214906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716781.215036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716789.215163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716797.215263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716805.215390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716813.215511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716821.215634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716829.215778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716837.215943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716845.216063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716853.216210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716861.216332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716869.216486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716877.216571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716885.216688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716893.216795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716901.216955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716909.217103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716917.217185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716925.217343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716933.217467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716941.217600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716949.217757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716957.217949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716965.218081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716973.218238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716981.218484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716989.218625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730716997.218738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717005.218808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717013.218946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717021.219053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717029.219119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717037.219272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717045.219406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717053.219527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717061.219554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717069.219750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717077.219941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717085.220021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717093.220161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717101.220309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717109.220431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717117.220590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717125.220723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717133.220903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717141.220955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717149.221110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717157.221262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717165.221370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717173.221487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717181.221615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717189.221752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717197.221811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717205.221981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717213.222065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717221.222195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717229.222277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717237.222402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717245.222558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717253.222714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717261.222865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717269.223016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717277.223156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717285.223305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717293.223424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717301.223577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717309.223624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717317.223818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717325.223961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717333.224083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717341.224210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717349.224340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717357.224480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717365.224621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717373.224761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717381.224941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717389.224943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717397.225124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717405.225236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717413.225396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717421.225546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717429.225701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717437.225923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717445.226077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717453.226212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717461.226333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717469.226495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717477.226647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717485.226797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717493.226966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717501.227093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717509.227247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717517.227386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717525.227527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717533.227689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717541.227825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717549.228011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717557.228135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717565.228288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717573.228425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717581.228589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717589.228718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717597.228871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717605.228997 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717613.229121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717621.229251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717629.229404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717637.229523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717645.229647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717653.229786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717661.229935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717669.230005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717677.230145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717685.230289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717693.230448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717701.230530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717709.230667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717717.230807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717725.230942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717733.231083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717741.231175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717749.231342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717757.231491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717765.231612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717773.231770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717781.231934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717789.232080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717797.232158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717805.232294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717813.232437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717821.232578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717829.232713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717837.232887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717845.233029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717853.233186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717861.233358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717869.233485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717877.233633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717885.233792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717893.233960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717901.234087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717909.234157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717917.234311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717925.234448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717933.234569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717941.234718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717949.234859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717957.235036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717965.235128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717973.235214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717981.235382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717989.235531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730717997.235680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718005.235854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718013.236000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718021.236095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718029.236101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718037.236305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718045.236463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718053.236614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718061.236768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718069.236928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718077.237024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718085.237162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718093.237320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718101.237424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718109.237605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718117.237967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718125.238043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718133.238185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718141.238323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718149.238364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718157.238542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718165.238689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718173.238907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718181.239007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718189.239029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718197.239155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718205.239395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718213.239540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718221.239673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718229.239812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718237.239967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718245.240115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718253.240204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718261.240287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718269.240494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718277.240641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718285.240773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718293.240928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718301.241081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718309.241198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718317.241321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718325.241485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718333.241602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718341.241725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718349.241924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718357.241949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718365.242059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718373.242148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718381.242260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718389.242408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718397.242560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718405.242720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718413.242896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718421.243021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718429.243147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718437.243228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718445.243372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718453.243520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718461.243673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718469.243818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718477.243975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718485.244121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718493.244283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718501.244417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718509.244539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718517.244685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718525.244876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718533.245003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718541.245138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718549.245242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718557.245367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718565.245506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718573.245648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718581.245763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718589.245764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718597.245956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718605.246045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718613.246204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718621.246362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718629.246470 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718637.246608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718645.246758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718653.246934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718661.247058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718669.247206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718677.247330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718685.247479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718693.247622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718701.247761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718709.247896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718717.248019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718725.248111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718733.248264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718741.248419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718749.248553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718757.248773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718765.248943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718773.249023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718781.249155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718789.249305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718797.249459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718805.249617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718813.249744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718821.249867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718829.249885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718837.249990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718845.250133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718853.250292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718861.250448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718869.250585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718877.250743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718885.250934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718893.251084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718901.251247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718909.251246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718917.251432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718925.251687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718933.251822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718941.251989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718949.252068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718957.252167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718965.252293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718973.252449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718981.252607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718989.252641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730718997.252864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719005.252975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719013.253019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719021.253150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719029.253311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719037.253401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719045.253560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719053.253689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719061.253764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719069.253947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719077.254048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719085.254165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719093.254236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719101.254395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719109.254465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719117.254616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719125.254743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719133.254917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719141.255029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719149.255174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719157.255329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719165.255487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719173.255631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719181.255754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719189.255904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719197.256014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719205.256101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719213.256234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719221.256374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719229.256537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719237.256732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719245.256953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719253.257075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719261.257228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719269.257376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719277.257510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719285.257647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719293.257793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719301.257955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719309.258106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719317.258191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719325.258324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719333.258480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719341.258637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719349.258796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719357.258931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719365.259062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719373.259200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719381.259435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719389.259507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719397.259652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719405.259772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719413.259939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719421.260063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719429.260218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719437.260366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719445.260503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719453.260656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719461.260785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719469.260935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719477.260964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719485.261063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719493.261219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719501.261371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719509.261536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719517.261677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719525.261868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719533.261963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719541.262096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719549.262189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719557.262321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719565.262475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719573.262638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719581.262776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719589.262951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719597.263081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719605.263216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719613.263346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719621.263484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719629.263635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719637.263643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719645.263822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719653.263957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719661.264085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719669.264191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719677.264408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719685.264548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719693.264706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719701.264853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719709.265049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719717.265137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719725.265225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719733.265381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719741.265522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719749.265655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719757.265805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719765.265939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719773.266045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719781.266165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719789.266322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719797.266478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719805.266635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719813.266766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719821.266904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719829.266990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719837.267103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719845.267223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719853.267378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719861.267503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719869.267632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719877.267716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719885.267873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719893.268170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719901.268256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719909.268359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719917.268492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719925.268625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719933.268773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719941.268931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719949.269079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719957.269203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719965.269320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719973.269394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719981.269599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719989.269743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730719997.269894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720005.270015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720013.270139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720021.270276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720029.270422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720037.270546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720045.270680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720053.270806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720061.270978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720069.271110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720077.271202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720085.271315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720093.271452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720101.271580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720109.271737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720117.271880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720125.272011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720133.272095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720141.272240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720149.272376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720157.272506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720165.272654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720173.272811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720181.272971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720189.273059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720197.273137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720205.273288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720213.273449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720221.273582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720229.273705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720237.273865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720245.273977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720253.274103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720261.274188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720269.274318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720277.274449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720285.274599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720293.274757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720301.274910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720309.275165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720317.275287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720325.275412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720333.275531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720341.275660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720349.275795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720357.275948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720365.276076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720373.276222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720381.276385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720389.276504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720397.276637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720405.276753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720413.276923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720421.277024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720429.277175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720437.277327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720445.277485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720453.277635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720461.277763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720469.277941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720477.278019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720485.278150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720493.278303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720501.278450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720509.278608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720517.278710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720525.278827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720533.278919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720541.279004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720549.279120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720557.279248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720565.279381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720573.279528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720581.279653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720589.279810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720597.279970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720605.280115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720613.280343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720621.280489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720629.280641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720637.280747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720645.280895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720653.280978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720661.281114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720669.281293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720677.281375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720685.281511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720693.281661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720701.281700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720709.281949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720717.282110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720725.282234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720733.282331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720741.282412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720749.282588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720757.282722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720765.282815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720773.282991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720781.283065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720789.283191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720797.283351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720805.283509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720813.283665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720821.283798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720829.283937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720837.283991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720845.284073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720853.284174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720861.284286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720869.284404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720877.284547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720885.284675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720893.284807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720901.284961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720909.285084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720917.285167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720925.285276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720933.285408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720941.285540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720949.285586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720957.285775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720965.285934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720973.286057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720981.286163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720989.286324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730720997.286457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721005.286602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721013.286767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721021.286934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721029.286987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721037.287162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721045.287313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721053.287471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721061.287602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721069.287677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721077.287820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721085.287958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721093.288090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721101.288174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721109.288300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721117.288447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721125.288610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721133.288737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721141.288907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721149.289032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721157.289184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721165.289350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721173.289465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721181.289605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721189.289644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721197.289889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721205.290040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721213.290130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721221.290283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721229.290419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721237.290531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721245.290611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721253.290765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721261.290934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721269.291064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721277.291154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721285.291308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721293.291465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721301.291623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721309.291748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721317.291940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721325.292065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721333.292192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721341.292314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721349.292471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721357.292604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721365.292745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721373.292876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721381.292970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721389.293094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721397.293240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721405.293313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721413.293465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721421.293630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721429.293781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721437.294102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721445.294223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721453.294378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721461.294525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721469.294674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721477.294878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721485.294996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721493.295135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721501.295259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721509.295389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721517.295539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721525.295684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721533.295860 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721541.296008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721549.296224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721557.296349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721565.296507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721573.296646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721581.296771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721589.296962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721597.297025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721605.297191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721613.297311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721621.297500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721629.297646 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721637.297782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721645.297958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721653.298036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721661.298118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721669.298284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721677.298392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721685.298506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721693.298766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721701.298921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721709.299014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721717.299154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721725.299299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721733.299416 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721741.299552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721749.299707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721757.299721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721765.299932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721773.300072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721781.300272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721789.300386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721797.300526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721805.300677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721813.300873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721821.300981 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721829.301058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721837.301129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721845.301317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721853.301457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721861.301582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721869.301729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721877.301932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721885.302044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721893.302130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721901.302288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721909.302403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721917.302524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721925.302673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721933.302747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721941.302927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721949.303079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721957.303233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721965.303362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721973.303509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721981.303605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721989.303674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730721997.303853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722005.303988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722013.304180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722021.304280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722029.304425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722037.304554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722045.304714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722053.304886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722061.305023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722069.305125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722077.305206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722085.305350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722093.305476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722101.305619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722109.305774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722117.305936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722125.306031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722133.306169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722141.306306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722149.306396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722157.306510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722165.306679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722173.306856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722181.306954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722189.307089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722197.307234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722205.307394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722213.307536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722221.307678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722229.307811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722237.307991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722245.308163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722253.308331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722261.308466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722269.308591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722277.308734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722285.308884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722293.309026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722301.309031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722309.309216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722317.309379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722325.309581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722333.309737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722341.309824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722349.309977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722357.310100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722365.310244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722373.310389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722381.310545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722389.310697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722397.310887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722405.310908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722413.311027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722421.311182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722429.311344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722437.311497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722445.311644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722453.311790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722461.311950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722469.312078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722477.312165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722485.312268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722493.312403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722501.312525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722509.312677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722517.312814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722525.312955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722533.313073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722541.313202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722549.313359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722557.313512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722565.313645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722573.313665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722581.313922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722589.314015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722597.314104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722605.314238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722613.314361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722621.314523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722629.314671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722637.314892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722645.315011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722653.315117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722661.315323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722669.315448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722677.315603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722685.315765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722693.315921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722701.315944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722709.316092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722717.316214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722725.316356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722733.316497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722741.316613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722749.316765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722757.316927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722765.317041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722773.317197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722781.317329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722789.317484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722797.317636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722805.317788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722813.317957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722821.318082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722829.318176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722837.318306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722845.318458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722853.318611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722861.318722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722869.318867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722877.318966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722885.319061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722893.319136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722901.319270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722909.319514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722917.319589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722925.319706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722933.319895 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722941.319936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722949.320034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722957.320120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722965.320212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722973.320368 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722981.320524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722989.320657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730722997.320812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723005.320982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723013.321079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723021.321154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723029.321314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723037.321458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723045.321614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723053.321767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723061.321892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723069.322020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723077.322093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723085.322228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723093.322354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723101.322515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723109.322588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723117.322724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723125.322890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723133.322969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723141.323098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723149.323146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723157.323332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723165.323485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723173.323643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723181.323788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723189.323951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723197.324031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723205.324160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723213.324281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723221.324422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723229.324578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723237.324710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723245.324886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723253.325030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723261.325114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723269.325237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723277.325394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723285.325548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723293.325707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723301.325880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723309.326015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723317.326042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723325.326185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723333.326343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723341.326503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723349.326596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723357.326727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723365.326918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723373.327039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723381.327121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723389.327216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723397.327340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723405.327489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723413.327576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723421.327732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723429.327828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723437.327952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723445.328039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723453.328128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723461.328289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723469.328439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723477.328556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723485.328687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723493.328828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723501.328965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723509.329059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723517.329179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723525.329314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723533.329460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723541.329569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723549.329699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723557.329874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723565.329888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723573.330085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723581.330176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723589.330269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723597.330414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723605.330555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723613.330697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723621.330867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723629.330928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723637.331076 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723645.331252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723653.331431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723661.331553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723669.331876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723677.331982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723685.332121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723693.332342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723701.332474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723709.332637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723717.332785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723725.332921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723733.332993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723741.333126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723749.333280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723757.333431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723765.333500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723773.333638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723781.333790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723789.333943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723797.334035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723805.334197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723813.334327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723821.334480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723829.334641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723837.334789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723845.334921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723853.334991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723861.335137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723869.335280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723877.335443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723885.335532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723893.335600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723901.335749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723909.335924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723917.336017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723925.336109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723933.336209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723941.336355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723949.336480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723957.336750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723965.336916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723973.336944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723981.336948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723989.337104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730723997.337255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724005.337379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724013.337543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724021.337663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724029.337787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724037.337936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724045.338085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724053.338188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724061.338304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724069.338434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724077.338555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724085.338684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724093.338820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724101.338980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724109.339070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724117.339213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724125.339372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724133.339529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724141.339681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724149.339823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724157.339965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724165.340049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724173.340185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724181.340315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724189.340457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724197.340640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724205.340714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724213.340881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724221.341030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724229.341032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724237.341182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724245.341308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724253.341460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724261.341614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724269.341760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724277.341947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724285.342003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724293.342147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724301.342232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724309.342346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724317.342491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724325.342642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724333.342792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724341.343014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724349.343082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724357.343252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724365.343383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724373.343484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724381.343601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724389.343747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724397.343890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724405.344018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724413.344157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724421.344311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724429.344439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724437.344585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724445.344742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724453.344933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724461.345022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724469.345152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724477.345310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724485.345436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724493.345586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724501.345696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724509.345810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724517.345961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724525.346095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724533.346239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724541.346379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724549.346502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724557.346630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724565.346770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724573.346937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724581.347029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724589.347189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724597.347317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724605.347444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724613.347585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724621.347743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724629.347913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724637.348017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724645.348120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724653.348282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724661.348417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724669.348559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724677.348701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724685.348872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724693.348983 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724701.349118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724709.349145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724717.349189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724725.349366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724733.349522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724741.349664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724749.349822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724757.349987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724765.350126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724773.350260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724781.350410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724789.350505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724797.350648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724805.350769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724813.350952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724821.351099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724829.351264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724837.351466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724845.351555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724853.351688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724861.351858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724869.351934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724877.352049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724885.352029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724893.352182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724901.352327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724909.352478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724917.352628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724925.352776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724933.352943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724941.353087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724949.353209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724957.353363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724965.353521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724973.353656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724981.353783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724989.353938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730724997.354071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725005.354209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725013.354351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725021.354466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725029.354590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725037.354715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725045.354878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725053.354982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725061.355102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725069.355255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725077.355392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725085.355533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725093.355683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725101.355875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725109.356040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725117.356132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725125.356252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725133.356431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725141.356576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725149.356724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725157.356884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725165.357025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725173.357104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725181.357253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725189.357379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725197.357517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725205.357638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725213.357770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725221.357919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725229.358027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725237.358159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725245.358318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725253.358441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725261.358557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725269.358638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725277.358774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725285.358936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725293.359079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725301.359205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725309.359340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725317.359461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725325.359622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725333.359781 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725341.359942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725349.360066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725357.360193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725365.360344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725373.360500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725381.360631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725389.360773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725397.360863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725405.361000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725413.361131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725421.361274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725429.361343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725437.361483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725445.361620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725453.361756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725461.361941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725469.362082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725477.362225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725485.362355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725493.362504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725501.362605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725509.362747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725517.363057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725525.363183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725533.363322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725541.363489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725549.363620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725557.363753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725565.363942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725573.364030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725581.364180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725589.364345 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725597.364499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725605.364650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725613.364795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725621.364965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725629.365102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725637.365245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725645.365407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725653.365540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725661.365693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725669.365870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725677.365920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725685.366067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725693.366213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725701.366375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725709.366544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725717.366668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725725.366820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725733.366949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725741.367003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725749.367144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725757.367306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725765.367418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725773.367553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725781.367742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725789.367921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725797.368029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725805.368120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725813.368249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725821.368407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725829.368559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725837.368709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725845.368799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725853.368962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725861.368966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725869.369104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725877.369236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725885.369386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725893.369533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725901.369691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725909.369821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725917.369977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725925.370108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725933.370242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725941.370262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725949.370466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725957.370601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725965.370695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725973.370801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725981.370936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725989.371005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730725997.371154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726005.371300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726013.371465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726021.371514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726029.371643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726037.371718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726045.371888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726053.371990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726061.372068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726069.372190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726077.372285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726085.372434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726093.372591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726101.372748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726109.372924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726117.373134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726125.373281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726133.373488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726141.373615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726149.373750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726157.373873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726165.374066 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726173.374197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726181.374324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726189.374475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726197.374589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726205.374725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726213.374913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726221.374967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726229.375046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726237.375179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726245.375347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726253.375482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726261.375637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726269.375786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726277.375944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726285.376077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726293.376212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726301.376370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726309.376525 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726317.376681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726325.376876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726333.377004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726341.377143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726349.377292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726357.377484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726365.377614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726373.377692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726381.377862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726389.377952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726397.378106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726405.378268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726413.378387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726421.378519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726429.378696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726437.378879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726445.379023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726453.379169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726461.379324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726469.379474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726477.379621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726485.379758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726493.379924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726501.380077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726509.380087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726517.380237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726525.380382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726533.380534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726541.380659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726549.380809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726557.380912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726565.381018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726573.381168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726581.381336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726589.381426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726597.381567 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726605.381719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726613.381912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726621.382005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726629.382087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726637.382246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726645.382404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726653.382559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726661.382711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726669.382905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726677.383026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726685.383107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726693.383261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726701.383343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726709.383472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726717.383628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726725.383773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726733.384084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726741.384157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726749.384305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726757.384461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726765.384604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726773.384764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726781.384950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726789.385016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726797.385160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726805.385308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726813.385472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726821.385621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726829.385787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726837.385908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726845.386039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726853.386162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726861.386347 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726869.386492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726877.386576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726885.386696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726893.386760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726901.386941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726909.387036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726917.387167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726925.387321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726933.387457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726941.387623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726949.387752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726957.387912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726965.388027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726973.388145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726981.388283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726989.388373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730726997.388543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727005.388671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727013.388822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727021.388982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727029.389073 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727037.389196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727045.389363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727053.389502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727061.389632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727069.389788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727077.389959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727085.390107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727093.390232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727101.390390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727109.390478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727117.390620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727125.390772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727133.390944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727141.391036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727149.391184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727157.391312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727165.391443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727173.391594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727181.391728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727189.391875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727197.392031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727205.392182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727213.392279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727221.392352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727229.392496 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727237.392682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727245.392925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727253.393026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727261.393151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727269.393303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727277.393435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727285.393581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727293.393753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727301.393926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727309.394041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727317.394190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727325.394338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727333.394486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727341.394607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727349.394729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727357.394898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727365.395028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727373.395101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727381.395172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727389.395402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727397.395489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727405.395650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727413.395809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727421.395958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727429.396094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727437.396213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727445.396422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727453.396549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727461.396665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727469.396813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727477.396933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727485.397075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727493.397163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727501.397257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727509.397415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727517.397565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727525.397694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727533.397879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727541.397975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727549.398111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727557.398220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727565.398282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727573.398442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727581.398592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727589.398745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727597.398924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727605.399060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727613.399192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727621.399346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727629.399458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727637.399541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727645.399642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727653.399733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727661.399893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727669.400027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727677.400151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727685.400320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727693.400520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727701.400674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727709.400805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727717.400956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727725.401109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727733.401263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727741.401418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727749.401571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727757.401740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727765.401891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727773.402016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727781.402148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727789.402286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727797.402413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727805.402564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727813.402863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727821.402979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727829.403067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727837.403153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727845.403239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727853.403388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727861.403475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727869.403628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727877.403708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727885.403876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727893.404022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727901.404101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727909.404222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727917.404379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727925.404537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727933.404684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727941.404858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727949.404973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727957.405101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727965.405202 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727973.405322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727981.405478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727989.405601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730727997.405762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728005.406080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728013.406218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728021.406370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728029.406461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728037.406612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728045.406786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728053.406949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728061.407051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728069.407219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728077.407329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728085.407485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728093.407638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728101.407794 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728109.407938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728117.408074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728125.408131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728133.408328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728141.408451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728149.408718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728157.408898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728165.408973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728173.409075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728181.409161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728189.409290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728197.409450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728205.409601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728213.409725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728221.409915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728229.409971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728237.410047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728245.410142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728253.410305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728261.410454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728269.410589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728277.410712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728285.410872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728293.411069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728301.411205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728309.411328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728317.411486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728325.411618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728333.411764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728341.411932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728349.412084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728357.412242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728365.412378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728373.412513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728381.412547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728389.412696 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728397.412879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728405.413031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728413.413127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728421.413261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728429.413404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728437.413541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728445.413691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728453.413826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728461.413982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728469.414070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728477.414158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728485.414277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728493.414407 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728501.414546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728509.414702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728517.414866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728525.414998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728533.415146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728541.415148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728549.415358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728557.415483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728565.415754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728573.415913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728581.416027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728589.416155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728597.416291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728605.416446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728613.416592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728621.416734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728629.416883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728637.417048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728645.417197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728653.417334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728661.417479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728669.417584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728677.417695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728685.417867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728693.417988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728701.418179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728709.418403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728717.418547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728725.418703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728733.418892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728741.419011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728749.419095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728757.419222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728765.419382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728773.419514 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728781.419625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728789.419765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728797.419936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728805.420009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728813.420096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728821.420183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728829.420318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728837.420472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728845.420632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728853.420784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728861.420933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728869.421060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728877.421164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728885.421324 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728893.421474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728901.421606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728909.421740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728917.421922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728925.422047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728933.422177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728941.422244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728949.422398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728957.422546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728965.422676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728973.422889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728981.423021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728989.423172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730728997.423305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729005.423430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729013.423585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729021.423719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729029.423874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729037.424023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729045.424102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729053.424206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729061.424377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729069.424500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729077.424657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729085.424811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729093.424970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729101.425047 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729109.425129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729117.425241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729125.425444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729133.425561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729141.425694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729149.425868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729157.425964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729165.426100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729173.426224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729181.426378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729189.426503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729197.426627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729205.426793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729213.426933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729221.427014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729229.427130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729237.427197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729245.427367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729253.427487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729261.427609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729269.427772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729277.427928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729285.428034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729293.428153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729301.428325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729309.428444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729317.428570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729325.428712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729333.428864 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729341.429017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729349.429137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729357.429262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729365.429388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729373.429529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729381.429694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729389.429824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729397.429958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729405.430018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729413.430105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729421.430224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729429.430307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729437.430460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729445.430606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729453.430747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729461.430914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729469.431039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729477.431124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729485.431257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729493.431398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729501.431555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729509.431700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729517.431882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729525.431903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729533.432106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729541.432259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729549.432410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729557.432558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729565.432715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729573.432892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729581.433022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729589.433115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729597.433243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729605.433402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729613.433522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729621.433683 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729629.433872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729637.433977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729645.434104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729653.434246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729661.434410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729669.434484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729677.434623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729685.434776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729693.434922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729701.435012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729709.435082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729717.435221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729725.435362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729733.435523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729741.435674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729749.435853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729757.435961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729765.436115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729773.436269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729781.436385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729789.436524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729797.436684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729805.436811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729813.436959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729821.437092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729829.437239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729837.437387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729845.437545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729853.437673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729861.437823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729869.437947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729877.438013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729885.438155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729893.438304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729901.438457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729909.438576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729917.438739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729925.439019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729933.439042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729941.439200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729949.439305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729957.439531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729965.439675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729973.439861 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729981.440143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729989.440232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730729997.440357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730005.440606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730013.440719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730021.440777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730029.440971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730037.441100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730045.441189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730053.441221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730061.441419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730069.441554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730077.441687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730085.441871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730093.441936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730101.442003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730109.442171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730117.442318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730125.442464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730133.442603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730141.442904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730149.442982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730157.443106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730165.443254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730173.443403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730181.443446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730189.443640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730197.443726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730205.443813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730213.443982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730221.444057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730229.444147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730237.444280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730245.444428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730253.444549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730261.444702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730269.444877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730277.445004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730285.445099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730293.445244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730301.445354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730309.445485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730317.445628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730325.445782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730333.445936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730341.446069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730349.446214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730357.446311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730365.446434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730373.446579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730381.446727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730389.446906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730397.447008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730405.447134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730413.447282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730421.447415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730429.447464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730437.447662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730445.447762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730453.447932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730461.448019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730469.448097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730477.448183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730485.448312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730493.448472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730501.448565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730509.448685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730517.448845 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730525.449019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730533.449103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730541.449192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730549.449313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730557.449441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730565.449585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730573.449739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730581.449917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730589.450026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730597.450062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730605.450180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730613.450302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730621.450399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730629.450450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730637.450581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730645.450731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730653.450870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730661.451003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730669.451018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730677.451112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730685.451201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730693.451354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730701.451473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730709.451546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730717.451703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730725.451873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730733.452021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730741.452114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730749.452197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730757.452333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730765.452375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730773.452572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730781.452698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730789.452876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730797.453004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730805.453082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730813.453186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730821.453299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730829.453405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730837.453546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730845.453680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730853.453891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730861.453986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730869.454022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730877.454105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730885.454198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730893.454349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730901.454489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730909.454637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730917.454780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730925.454939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730933.455045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730941.455140 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730949.455299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730957.455390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730965.455542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730973.455691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730981.455885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730989.455970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730730997.456097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731005.456341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731013.456463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731021.456603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731029.456748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731037.456913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731045.457027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731053.457112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731061.457260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731069.457428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731077.457571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731085.457656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731093.457790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731101.457819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731109.458006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731117.458086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731125.458240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731133.458379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731141.458539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731149.458686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731157.458822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731165.458974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731173.459109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731181.459239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731189.459388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731197.459534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731205.459677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731213.459805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731221.459965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731229.460060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731237.460132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731245.460224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731253.460369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731261.460493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731269.460644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731277.460776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731285.460927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731293.461053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731301.461193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731309.461348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731317.461471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731325.461637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731333.461773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731341.461923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731349.462050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731357.462147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731365.462278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731373.462408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731381.462498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731389.462620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731397.462743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731405.462893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731413.463031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731421.463160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731429.463204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731437.463411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731445.463512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731453.463591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731461.463706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731469.463879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731477.464008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731485.464088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731493.464171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731501.464320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731509.464317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731517.464520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731525.464662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731533.464811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731541.465121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731549.465271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731557.465379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731565.465510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731573.465668 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731581.465803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731589.465943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731597.466070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731605.466153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731613.466276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731621.466380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731629.466522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731637.466671 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731645.466806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731653.466982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731661.467021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731669.467096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731677.467221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731685.467438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731693.467559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731701.467710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731709.467868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731717.468021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731725.468107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731733.468185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731741.468326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731749.468460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731757.468531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731765.468665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731773.468780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731781.468966 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731789.469007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731797.469094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731805.469177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731813.469317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731821.469479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731829.469621 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731837.469724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731845.469875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731853.470029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731861.470174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731869.470300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731877.470441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731885.470562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731893.470708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731901.470879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731909.470937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731917.471013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731925.471148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731933.471265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731941.471427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731949.471580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731957.471736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731965.471912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731973.472016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731981.472098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731989.472175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730731997.472319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732005.472467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732013.472593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732021.472723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732029.472894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732037.473001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732045.473089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732053.473178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732061.473299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732069.473453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732077.473541 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732085.473694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732093.473825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732101.473963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732109.474021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732117.474101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732125.474184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732133.474318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732141.474473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732149.474631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732157.474783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732165.475006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732173.475137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732181.475238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732189.475409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732197.475641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732205.475749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732213.475913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732221.476004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732229.476088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732237.476170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732245.476179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732253.476364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732261.476542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732269.476673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732277.476852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732285.476999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732293.477162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732301.477295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732309.477431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732317.477573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732325.477715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732333.477880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732341.478037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732349.478100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732357.478243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732365.478397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732373.478526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732381.478654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732389.478808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732397.478962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732405.479022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732413.479103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732421.479184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732429.479289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732437.479378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732445.479531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732453.479655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732461.479885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732469.480179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732477.480289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732485.480530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732493.480669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732501.480817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732509.480945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732517.481044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732525.481127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732533.481209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732541.481328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732549.481479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732557.481598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732565.481725 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732573.481888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732581.481971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732589.482006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732597.482084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732605.482169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732613.482303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732621.482457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732629.482594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732637.482747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732645.482896 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732653.483017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732661.483103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732669.483190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732677.483312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732685.483456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732693.483609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732701.483752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732709.483900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732717.484037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732725.484181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732733.484319 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732741.484468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732749.484623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732757.484742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732765.484916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732773.484998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732781.485074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732789.485156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732797.485258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732805.485259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732813.485433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732821.485586 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732829.485745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732837.485880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732845.486008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732853.486094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732861.486189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732869.486314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732877.486469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732885.486602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732893.486755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732901.486926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732909.487020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732917.487109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732925.487203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732933.487344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732941.487507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732949.487637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732957.487783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732965.487971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732973.488113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732981.488189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732989.488403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730732997.488544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733005.488682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733013.488858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733021.488970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733029.489109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733037.489198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733045.489335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733053.489478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733061.489619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733069.489699 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733077.489887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733085.490024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733093.490150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733101.490252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733109.490333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733117.490477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733125.490694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733133.490801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733141.490954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733149.491033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733157.491117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733165.491207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733173.491346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733181.491497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733189.491647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733197.491792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733205.491950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733213.492079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733221.492261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733229.492415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733237.492522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733245.492664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733253.492816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733261.492913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733269.493002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733277.493080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733285.493172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733293.493401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733301.493534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733309.493679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733317.493823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733325.493956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733333.494028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733341.494108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733349.494208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733357.494307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733365.494462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733373.494619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733381.494731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733389.494910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733397.495010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733405.495109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733413.495182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733421.495314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733429.495437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733437.495566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733445.495706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733453.495887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733461.495910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733469.496018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733477.496106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733485.496190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733493.496294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733501.496424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733509.496549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733517.496676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733525.496865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733533.497006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733541.497072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733549.497200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733557.497334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733565.497477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733573.497632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733581.497782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733589.497927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733597.498023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733605.498102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733613.498186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733621.498269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733629.498388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733637.498533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733645.498660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733653.498796 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733661.498957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733669.499002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733677.499132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733685.499290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733693.499428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733701.499563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733709.499667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733717.499855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733725.500005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733733.500071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733741.500211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733749.500340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733757.500444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733765.500575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733773.500734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733781.500885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733789.501026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733797.501102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733805.501229 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733813.501361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733821.501518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733829.501637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733837.501790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733845.501941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733853.502151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733861.502261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733869.502386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733877.502544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733885.502640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733893.502778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733901.502949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733909.503014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733917.503102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733925.503190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733933.503290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733941.503444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733949.503522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733957.503561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733965.503716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733973.503884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733981.503923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733989.504014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730733997.504104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734005.504181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734013.504312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734021.504439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734029.504601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734037.504755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734045.504898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734053.505021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734061.505110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734069.505268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734077.505447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734085.505556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734093.505684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734101.505916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734109.506030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734117.506115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734125.506120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734133.506326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734141.506474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734149.506594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734157.506721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734165.506869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734173.506987 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734181.507078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734189.507173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734197.507302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734205.507465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734213.507615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734221.507762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734229.507887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734237.508012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734245.508099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734253.508210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734261.508342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734269.508466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734277.508604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734285.508732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734293.508888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734301.508995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734309.509115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734317.509223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734325.509372 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734333.509497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734341.509626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734349.509755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734357.509937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734365.510011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734373.510109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734381.510231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734389.510382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734397.510511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734405.510670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734413.510826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734421.510956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734429.511032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734437.511189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734445.511344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734453.511478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734461.511658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734469.511820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734477.511930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734485.512074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734493.512152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734501.512311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734509.512391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734517.512550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734525.512707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734533.512871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734541.512972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734549.513026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734557.513112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734565.513196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734573.513317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734581.513462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734589.513612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734597.513768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734605.513929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734613.514016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734621.514053 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734629.514166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734637.514300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734645.514449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734653.514560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734661.514686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734669.514888 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734677.515003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734685.515155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734693.515316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734701.515405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734709.515527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734717.515599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734725.515756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734733.515905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734741.515984 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734749.516072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734757.516147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734765.516275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734773.516427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734781.516551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734789.516701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734797.516828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734805.517006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734813.517092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734821.517167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734829.517296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734837.517413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734845.517544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734853.517689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734861.517822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734869.517956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734877.518011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734885.518146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734893.518277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734901.518424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734909.518546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734917.518703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734925.518769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734933.518918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734941.519031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734949.519119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734957.519239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734965.519377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734973.519536 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734981.519663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734989.519817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730734997.519961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735005.520060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735013.520197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735021.520353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735029.520449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735037.520598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735045.520751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735053.520935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735061.521056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735069.521148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735077.521311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735085.521377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735093.521528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735101.521691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735109.521812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735117.521973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735125.522009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735133.522093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735141.522241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735149.522397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735157.522549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735165.522705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735173.522827 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735181.522973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735189.523103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735197.523259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735205.523417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735213.523570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735221.523708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735229.523876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735237.523979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735245.524119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735253.524285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735261.524395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735269.524543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735277.524688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735285.524884 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735293.525021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735301.525101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735309.525182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735317.525310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735325.525424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735333.525517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735341.525639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735349.525769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735357.525932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735365.526025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735373.526113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735381.526216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735389.526363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735397.526490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735405.526610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735413.526758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735421.526905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735429.527007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735437.527086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735445.527176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735453.527292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735461.527444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735469.527602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735477.527747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735485.527909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735493.528028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735501.528106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735509.528228 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735517.528296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735525.528438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735533.528569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735541.528693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735549.528857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735557.529093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735565.529168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735573.529289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735581.529448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735589.529594 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735597.529717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735605.529875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735613.530018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735621.530102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735629.530182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735637.530306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735645.530459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735653.530613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735661.530763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735669.530929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735677.531010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735685.531086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735693.531166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735701.531276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735709.531428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735717.531592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735725.531727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735733.531879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735741.531990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735749.532119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735757.532211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735765.532333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735773.532422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735781.532503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735789.532660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735797.532743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735805.532904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735813.532999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735821.533083 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735829.533225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735837.533382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735845.533562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735853.533687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735861.533854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735869.534009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735877.534089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735885.534220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735893.534359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735901.534607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735909.534735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735917.534906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735925.535084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735933.535168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735941.535306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735949.535441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735957.535570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735965.535718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735973.535821 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735981.535945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735989.536074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730735997.536156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736005.536160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736013.536299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736021.536447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736029.536569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736037.536661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736045.536797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736053.536936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736061.537023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736069.537175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736077.537306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736085.537343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736093.537526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736101.537679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736109.537852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736117.538003 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736125.538080 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736133.538167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736141.538291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736149.538437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736157.538528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736165.538656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736173.538812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736181.538965 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736189.539095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736197.539176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736205.539272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736213.539404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736221.539504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736229.539639 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736237.539785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736245.539798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736253.540020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736261.540102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736269.540183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736277.540346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736285.540468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736293.540620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736301.540771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736309.540927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736317.541009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736325.541106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736333.541286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736341.541438 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736349.541588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736357.541744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736365.541914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736373.542016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736381.542098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736389.542180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736397.542317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736405.542458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736413.542654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736421.542776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736429.542939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736437.543023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736445.543105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736453.543190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736461.543339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736469.543488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736477.543645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736485.543814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736493.543897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736501.544021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736509.544105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736517.544189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736525.544291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736533.544414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736541.544556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736549.544640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736557.544788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736565.544788 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736573.545015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736581.545102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736589.545186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736597.545290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736605.545422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736613.545569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736621.545691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736629.545819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736637.545974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736645.546060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736653.546130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736661.546260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736669.546401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736677.546498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736685.546640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736693.546768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736701.546928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736709.547072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736717.547227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736725.547364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736733.547374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736741.547585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736749.547715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736757.547886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736765.548002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736773.548134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736781.548293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736789.548408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736797.548533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736805.548681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736813.548770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736821.548969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736829.549056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736837.549134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736845.549238 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736853.549346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736861.549475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736869.549616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736877.549774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736885.549933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736893.549943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736901.550069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736909.550145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736917.550276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736925.550425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736933.550497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736941.550642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736949.550797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736957.550938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736965.551104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736973.551179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736981.551310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736989.551414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730736997.551535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737005.551665 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737013.551795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737021.551952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737029.552039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737037.552173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737045.552327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737053.552469 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737061.552608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737069.552762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737077.552934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737085.553025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737093.553108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737101.553268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737109.553412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737117.553559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737125.553689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737133.553808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737141.553924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737149.554030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737157.554188 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737165.554330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737173.554451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737181.554641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737189.554765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737197.554938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737205.555072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737213.555220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737221.555376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737229.555448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737237.555583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737245.555708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737253.555875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737261.556015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737269.556096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737277.556170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737285.556333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737293.556499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737301.556556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737309.556690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737317.556876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737325.557016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737333.557139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737341.557263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737349.557404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737357.557519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737365.557694 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737373.557873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737381.558006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737389.558011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737397.558141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737405.558279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737413.558385 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737421.558583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737429.558732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737437.558902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737445.559028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737453.559133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737461.559286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737469.559437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737477.559615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737485.559771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737493.559878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737501.560022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737509.560114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737517.560199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737525.560332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737533.560491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737541.560688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737549.560739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737557.560913 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737565.560945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737573.561017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737581.561108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737589.561185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737597.561338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737605.561477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737613.561613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737621.561763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737629.561919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737637.562029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737645.562104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737653.562110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737661.562282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737669.562392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737677.562527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737685.562650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737693.562812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737701.562935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737709.563007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737717.563084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737725.563165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737733.563298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737741.563443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737749.563597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737757.563752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737765.563918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737773.564030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737781.564159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737789.564317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737797.564478 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737805.564634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737813.564774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737821.564911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737829.565045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737837.565132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737845.565270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737853.565396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737861.565532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737869.565663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737877.565826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737885.565949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737893.566097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737901.566296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737909.566414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737917.566544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737925.566669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737933.566820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737941.566979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737949.567109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737957.567216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737965.567303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737973.567467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737981.567615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737989.567736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730737997.567894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738005.568025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738013.568103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738021.568263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738029.568418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738037.568550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738045.568581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738053.568772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738061.568941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738069.569079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738077.569164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738085.569323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738093.569451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738101.569605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738109.569756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738117.569930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738125.570022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738133.570145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738141.570301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738149.570425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738157.570614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738165.570728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738173.570893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738181.571027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738189.571097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738197.571237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738205.571383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738213.571426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738221.571609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738229.571767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738237.571932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738245.572081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738253.572213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738261.572339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738269.572472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738277.572618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738285.572777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738293.572882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738301.573020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738309.573107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738317.573186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738325.573310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738333.573411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738341.573550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738349.573705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738357.573881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738365.574005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738373.574024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738381.574219 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738389.574371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738397.574522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738405.574652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738413.574785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738421.575109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738429.575199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738437.575301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738445.575448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738453.575593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738461.575735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738469.575887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738477.576036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738485.576115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738493.576204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738501.576355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738509.576512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738517.576655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738525.576801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738533.576972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738541.577022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738549.577111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738557.577199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738565.577334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738573.577468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738581.577593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738589.577743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738597.577908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738605.578029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738613.578107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738621.578231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738629.578384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738637.578538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738645.578662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738653.578793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738661.578948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738669.579203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738677.579321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738685.579473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738693.579622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738701.579780 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738709.579935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738717.580074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738725.580152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738733.580279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738741.580433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738749.580565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738757.580710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738765.580885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738773.581088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738781.581215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738789.581339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738797.581481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738805.581606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738813.581762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738821.581938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738829.581971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738837.582114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738845.582261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738853.582348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738861.582498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738869.582645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738877.582774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738885.582937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738893.583027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738901.583173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738909.583306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738917.583464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738925.583613 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738933.583741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738941.583900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738949.584001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738957.584086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738965.584167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738973.584317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738981.584454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738989.584588 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730738997.584723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739005.584875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739013.585033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739021.585159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739029.585235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739037.585398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739045.585554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739053.585700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739061.585863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739069.585953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739077.586030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739085.586163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739093.586318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739101.586475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739109.586642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739117.586678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739125.586907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739133.587013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739141.587144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739149.587277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739157.587420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739165.587558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739173.587677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739181.587866 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739189.587960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739197.588093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739205.588260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739213.588406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739221.588570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739229.588721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739237.588904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739245.589037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739253.589184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739261.589341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739269.589489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739277.589635 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739285.589674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739293.590010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739301.590154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739309.590296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739317.590445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739325.590584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739333.590674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739341.590828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739349.591001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739357.591132 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739365.591260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739373.591426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739381.591584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739389.591734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739397.591915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739405.591949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739413.592097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739421.592260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739429.592415 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739437.592561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739445.592710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739453.592863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739461.593009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739469.593141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739477.593243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739485.593395 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739493.593550 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739501.593704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739509.593774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739517.593949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739525.594069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739533.594155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739541.594290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739549.594414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739557.594566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739565.594700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739573.594882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739581.595016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739589.595144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739597.595307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739605.595397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739613.595521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739621.595669 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739629.595820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739637.595924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739645.596071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739653.596151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739661.596286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739669.596409 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739677.596561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739685.596719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739693.596865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739701.596976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739709.597112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739717.597268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739725.597418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739733.597499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739741.597651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739749.597799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739757.597936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739765.597998 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739773.598194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739781.598349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739789.598504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739797.598664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739805.598819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739813.598954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739821.599089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739829.599198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739837.599313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739845.599465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739853.599659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739861.599809 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739869.599975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739877.600165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739885.600301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739893.600443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739901.600581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739909.600748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739917.600940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739925.601021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739933.601107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739941.601177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739949.601314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739957.601444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739965.601582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739973.601735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739981.601925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739989.602024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730739997.602169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740005.602304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740013.602486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740021.602616 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740029.602748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740037.602929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740045.603020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740053.603100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740061.603253 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740069.603492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740077.603626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740085.603777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740093.603942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740101.604088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740109.604232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740117.604392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740125.604547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740133.604686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740141.604815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740149.604945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740157.605063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740165.605210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740173.605336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740181.605486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740189.605577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740197.605732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740205.606017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740213.606130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740221.606291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740229.606420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740237.606553 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740245.606680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740253.606857 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740261.607014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740269.607081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740277.607242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740285.607381 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740293.607528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740301.607692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740309.607868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740317.607988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740325.608157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740333.608301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740341.608432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740349.608591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740357.608737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740365.608918 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740373.609028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740381.609122 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740389.609273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740397.609284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740405.609499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740413.609651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740421.609802 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740429.609946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740437.610093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740445.610221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740453.610357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740461.610490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740469.610608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740477.610737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740485.610938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740493.611090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740501.611165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740509.611303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740517.611453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740525.611579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740533.611786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740541.611955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740549.612094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740557.612237 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740565.612380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740573.612518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740581.612624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740589.612730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740597.612910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740605.613029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740613.613153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740621.613300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740629.613450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740637.613610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740645.613729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740653.613919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740661.614048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740669.614159 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740677.614234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740685.614386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740693.614507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740701.614664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740709.614807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740717.614798 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740725.614988 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740733.615130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740741.615279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740749.615432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740757.615560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740765.615709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740773.615869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740781.616011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740789.616162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740797.616322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740805.616482 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740813.616623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740821.616747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740829.616904 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740837.617032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740845.617141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740853.617276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740861.617427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740869.617564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740877.617681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740885.617828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740893.617957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740901.618097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740909.618222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740917.618387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740925.618543 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740933.618636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740941.618758 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740949.618936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740957.619046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740965.619221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740973.619361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740981.619493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740989.619624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730740997.619779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741005.619949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741013.620088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741021.620167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741029.620288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741037.620422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741045.620581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741053.620715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741061.620877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741069.621035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741077.621124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741085.621206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741093.621329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741101.621486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741109.621620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741117.621774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741125.621929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741133.622168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741141.622245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741149.622393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741157.622544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741165.622674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741173.622814 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741181.622986 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741189.623156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741197.623285 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741205.623426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741213.623559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741221.623713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741229.623905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741237.624025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741245.624116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741253.624263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741261.624390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741269.624532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741277.624643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741285.624801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741293.624971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741301.625100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741309.625224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741317.625356 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741325.625483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741333.625705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741341.625867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741349.626020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741357.626119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741365.626261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741373.626332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741381.626480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741389.626630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741397.626785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741405.626954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741413.627097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741421.627162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741429.627307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741437.627442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741445.627585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741453.627741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741461.627906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741469.628028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741477.628099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741485.628178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741493.628339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741501.628488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741509.628622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741517.628756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741525.628931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741533.629024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741541.629176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741549.629306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741557.629461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741565.629610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741573.629740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741581.629889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741589.630016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741597.630142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741605.630282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741613.630396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741621.630572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741629.630874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741637.630980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741645.631094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741653.631206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741661.631330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741669.631436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741677.631585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741685.631721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741693.631916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741701.632020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741709.632155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741717.632275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741725.632432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741733.632587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741741.632716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741749.632882 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741757.633020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741765.633104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741773.633263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741781.633327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741789.633465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741797.633562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741805.633566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741813.633764 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741821.633938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741829.634037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741837.634185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741845.634336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741853.634477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741861.634680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741869.634800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741877.634962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741885.635108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741893.635265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741901.635396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741909.635522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741917.635651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741925.635784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741933.635879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741941.636055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741949.636210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741957.636361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741965.636510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741973.636648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741981.636799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741989.636961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730741997.637105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742005.637232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742013.637274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742021.637459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742029.637596 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742037.637745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742045.637915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742053.638031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742061.638155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742069.638297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742077.638441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742085.638556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742093.638679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742101.638824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742109.638989 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742117.639178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742125.639292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742133.639427 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742141.639576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742149.639727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742157.639909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742165.639974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742173.640110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742181.640266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742189.640414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742197.640535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742205.640689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742213.640868 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742221.641000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742229.641107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742237.641172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742245.641313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742253.641479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742261.641632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742269.641791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742277.641954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742285.642148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742293.642291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742301.642375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742309.642518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742317.642653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742325.642834 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742333.643033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742341.643121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742349.643270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742357.643401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742365.643565 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742373.643702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742381.643875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742389.643946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742397.644093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742405.644222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742413.644313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742421.644446 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742429.644600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742437.644721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742445.644869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742453.645016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742461.645154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742469.645288 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742477.645434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742485.645590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742493.645763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742501.645962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742509.646103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742517.646239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742525.646396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742533.646466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742541.646624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742549.646767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742557.646933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742565.647077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742573.647162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742581.647317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742589.647394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742597.647471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742605.647622 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742613.647749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742621.647905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742629.648018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742637.648116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742645.648195 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742653.648344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742661.648474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742669.648606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742677.648759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742685.648925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742693.649050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742701.649134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742709.649301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742717.649462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742725.649628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742733.649749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742741.649890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742749.650022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742757.650178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742765.650341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742773.650510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742781.650630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742789.650784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742797.650939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742805.651071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742813.651214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742821.651374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742829.651524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742837.651672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742845.651813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742853.651970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742861.652008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742869.652107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742877.652199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742885.652352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742893.652503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742901.652584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742909.652889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742917.653017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742925.653094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742933.653225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742941.653350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742949.653507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742957.653651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742965.653810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742973.653973 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742981.654041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742989.654162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730742997.654323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743005.654481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743013.654634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743021.654777 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743029.654923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743037.655015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743045.655093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743053.655234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743061.655390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743069.655502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743077.655626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743085.655776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743093.655927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743101.656027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743109.656144 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743117.656320 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743125.656463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743133.656602 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743141.656763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743149.656933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743157.657070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743165.657222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743173.657366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743181.657499 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743189.657626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743197.657779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743205.657954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743213.658085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743221.658240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743229.658339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743237.658386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743245.658583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743253.658709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743261.658881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743269.659013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743277.659135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743285.659278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743293.659413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743301.659562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743309.659716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743317.659902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743325.660095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743333.660241 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743341.660393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743349.660502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743357.660633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743365.660776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743373.660920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743381.661057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743389.661187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743397.661315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743405.661450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743413.661598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743421.661745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743429.661919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743437.662033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743445.662164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743453.662305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743461.662456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743469.662595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743477.662746 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743485.662782 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743493.663009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743501.663103 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743509.663268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743517.663403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743525.663560 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743533.663599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743541.663961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743549.664014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743557.664084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743565.664129 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743573.664245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743581.664384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743589.664523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743597.664627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743605.664767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743613.664924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743621.665064 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743629.665212 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743637.665364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743645.665516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743653.665670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743661.665760 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743669.665923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743677.666025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743685.666162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743693.666300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743701.666419 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743709.666559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743717.666718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743725.666899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743733.667026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743741.667175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743749.667290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743757.667362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743765.667513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743773.667663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743781.667819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743789.667931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743797.668017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743805.668131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743813.668252 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743821.668408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743829.668533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743837.668691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743845.668855 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743853.668994 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743861.669079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743869.669214 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743877.669360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743885.669495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743893.669647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743901.669790 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743909.669951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743917.670068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743925.670156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743933.670302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743941.670443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743949.670583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743957.670702 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743965.670874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743973.671013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743981.671153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743989.671280 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730743997.671437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744005.671600 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744013.671751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744021.671919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744029.672052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744037.672266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744045.672452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744053.672612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744061.672754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744069.672920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744077.673038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744085.673192 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744093.673330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744101.673493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744109.673644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744117.673676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744125.673885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744133.674034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744141.674111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744149.674323 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744157.674458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744165.674564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744173.674697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744181.674874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744189.675017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744197.675057 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744205.675266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744213.675377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744221.675524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744229.675649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744237.675792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744245.675957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744253.676017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744261.676172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744269.676265 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744277.676300 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744285.676503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744293.676570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744301.676724 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744309.676898 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744317.677013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744325.677152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744333.677322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744341.677426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744349.677542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744357.677579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744365.677763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744373.677915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744381.678022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744389.678160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744397.678308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744405.678473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744413.678620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744421.678768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744429.678930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744437.679051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744445.679201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744453.679332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744461.679487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744469.679644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744477.679956 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744485.680079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744493.680213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744501.680340 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744509.680513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744517.680676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744525.680826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744533.680975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744541.681043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744549.681133 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744557.681296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744565.681432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744573.681583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744581.681717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744589.681897 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744597.681995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744605.682105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744613.682259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744621.682392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744629.682542 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744637.682651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744645.682786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744653.682937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744661.683079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744669.683240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744677.683376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744685.683505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744693.683655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744701.683804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744709.683894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744717.684036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744725.684183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744733.684332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744741.684492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744749.684637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744757.684773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744765.684996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744773.685123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744781.685244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744789.685374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744797.685531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744805.685658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744813.685817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744821.685979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744829.686114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744837.686190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744845.686352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744853.686508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744861.686653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744869.686807 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744877.686974 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744885.687111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744893.687240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744901.687393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744909.687547 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744917.687632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744925.687766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744933.687934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744941.687996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744949.688130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744957.688273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744965.688444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744973.688559 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744981.688642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744989.688789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730744997.688946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745005.688933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745013.689114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745021.689269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745029.689398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745037.689538 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745045.689675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745053.689823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745061.689999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745069.690127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745077.690266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745085.690411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745093.690556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745101.690679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745109.690750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745117.690934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745125.691028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745133.691101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745141.691277 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745149.691431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745157.691580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745165.691704 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745173.691890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745181.692015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745189.692150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745197.692272 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745205.692429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745213.692571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745221.692719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745229.692870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745237.693183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745245.693296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745253.693441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745261.693585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745269.693722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745277.693894 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745285.694017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745293.694093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745301.694190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745309.694286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745317.694387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745325.694516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745333.694642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745341.694797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745349.694963 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745357.695108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745365.695211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745373.695433 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745381.695576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745389.695712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745397.695899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745405.696013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745413.696094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745421.696205 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745429.696341 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745437.696490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745445.696642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745453.696710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745461.696878 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745469.697022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745477.697106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745485.697284 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745493.697408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745501.697486 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745509.697623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745517.697734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745525.697923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745533.698024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745541.698118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745549.698251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745557.698398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745565.698545 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745573.698689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745581.698824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745589.698976 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745597.699061 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745605.699149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745613.699312 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745621.699455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745629.699601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745637.699749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745645.699938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745653.700013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745661.700120 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745669.700196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745677.700338 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745685.700502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745693.700634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745701.700682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745709.700908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745717.700953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745725.701115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745733.701246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745741.701389 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745749.701544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745757.701776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745765.701941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745773.702070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745781.702160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745789.702291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745797.702535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745805.702676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745813.702822 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745821.702982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745829.703111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745837.703279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745845.703425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745853.703561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745861.703710 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745869.703893 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745877.703946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745885.704093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745893.704151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745901.704348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745909.704507 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745917.704670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745925.704793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745933.704934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745941.705081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745949.705217 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745957.705370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745965.705521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745973.705686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745981.705852 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745989.705980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730745997.706128 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746005.706274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746013.706431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746021.706568 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746029.706733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746037.706911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746045.707034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746053.707114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746061.707244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746069.707410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746077.707587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746085.707716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746093.707877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746101.707962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746109.708096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746117.708235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746125.708450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746133.708611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746141.708742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746149.708916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746157.709035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746165.709182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746173.709343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746181.709503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746189.709633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746197.709795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746205.709945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746213.710084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746221.710226 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746229.710371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746237.710531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746245.710690 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746253.710853 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746261.710977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746269.711118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746277.711261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746285.711421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746293.711575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746301.711726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746309.711921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746317.712032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746325.712183 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746333.712344 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746341.712483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746349.712624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746357.712774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746365.712939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746373.713005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746381.713146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746389.713270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746397.713425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746405.713566 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746413.713713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746421.713800 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746429.713944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746437.714022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746445.714168 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746453.714322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746461.714441 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746469.714516 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746477.714685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746485.714892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746493.714982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746501.715121 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746509.715258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746517.715398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746525.715488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746533.715643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746541.715784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746549.715908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746557.716071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746565.716182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746573.716314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746581.716490 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746589.716628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746597.716759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746605.716940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746613.717034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746621.717112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746629.717145 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746637.717346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746645.717483 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746653.717618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746661.717766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746669.717916 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746677.718014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746685.718099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746693.718186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746701.718313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746709.718448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746717.718599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746725.718753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746733.718930 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746741.718999 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746749.719134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746757.719254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746765.719401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746773.719546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746781.719752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746789.719970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746797.720068 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746805.720215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746813.720456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746821.720645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746829.720793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746837.720926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746845.721005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746853.721142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746861.721309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746869.721460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746877.721722 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746885.721921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746893.722006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746901.722149 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746909.722326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746917.722455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746925.722623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746933.722921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746941.723029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746949.723161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746957.723254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746965.723384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746973.723535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746981.723818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746989.723947 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730746997.724085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747005.724247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747013.724316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747021.724489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747029.724634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747037.724865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747045.725013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747053.725172 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747061.725316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747069.725442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747077.725576 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747085.725739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747093.725924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747101.726033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747109.726208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747117.726350 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747125.726477 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747133.726633 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747141.726773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747149.726932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747157.727063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747165.727177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747173.727328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747181.727574 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747189.727712 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747197.727995 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747205.728060 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747213.728210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747221.728287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747229.728362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747237.728528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747245.728607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747253.728749 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747261.728929 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747269.729008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747277.729160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747285.729315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747293.729549 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747301.729679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747309.729756 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747317.729934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747325.730067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747333.730224 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747341.730370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747349.730563 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747357.730637 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747365.730808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747373.730968 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747381.731102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747389.731208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747397.731359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747405.731461 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747413.731590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747421.731744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747429.731924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747437.732034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747445.732105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747453.732260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747461.732335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747469.732479 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747477.732630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747485.732776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747493.732934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747501.733022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747509.733177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747517.733297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747525.733437 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747533.733589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747541.733751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747549.733940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747557.734021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747565.734162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747573.734293 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747581.734455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747589.734590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747597.734734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747605.734911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747613.735021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747621.735155 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747629.735275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747637.735396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747645.735528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747653.735688 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747661.735854 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747669.735975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747677.736062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747685.736206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747693.736339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747701.736481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747709.736625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747717.736772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747725.736940 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747733.737096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747741.737235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747749.737370 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747757.737533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747765.737678 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747773.737783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747781.737953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747789.738085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747797.738176 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747805.738310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747813.738414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747821.738591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747829.738742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747837.738922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747845.739034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747853.739189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747861.739325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747869.739475 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747877.739634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747885.739771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747893.739816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747901.740005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747909.740153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747917.740294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747925.740448 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747933.740601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747941.740741 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747949.740919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747957.741016 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747965.741112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747973.741221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747981.741432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747989.741572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730747997.741750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748005.741921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748013.742043 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748021.742187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748029.742355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748037.742552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748045.742706 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748053.742779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748061.742957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748069.743115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748077.743193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748085.743349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748093.743492 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748101.743648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748109.743801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748117.743954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748125.744091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748133.744233 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748141.744387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748149.744523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748157.744667 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748165.744815 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748173.744969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748181.745013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748189.745156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748197.745313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748205.745466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748213.745615 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748221.745735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748229.745892 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748237.746008 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748245.746087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748253.746246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748261.746377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748269.746535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748277.746698 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748285.746869 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748293.746856 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748301.747052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748309.747191 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748317.747346 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748325.747500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748333.747644 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748341.747793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748349.747937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748357.748072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748365.748218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748373.748361 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748381.748504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748389.748626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748397.748786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748405.748942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748413.749086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748421.749175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748429.749331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748437.749485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748445.749623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748453.749767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748461.749911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748469.750035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748477.750175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748485.750292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748493.750424 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748501.750578 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748509.750734 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748517.750908 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748525.751021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748533.751158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748541.751329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748549.751454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748557.751610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748565.751743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748573.751931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748581.752035 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748589.752175 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748597.752349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748605.752495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748613.752651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748621.752687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748629.752923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748637.753020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748645.753167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748653.753315 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748661.753466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748669.753617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748677.753769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748685.753925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748693.754051 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748701.754082 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748709.754279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748717.754422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748725.754584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748733.754737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748741.754950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748749.755078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748757.755178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748765.755336 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748773.755521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748781.755526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748789.755880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748797.756014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748805.756146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748813.756308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748821.756452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748829.756614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748837.756738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748845.756906 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748853.757055 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748861.757124 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748869.757243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748877.757318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748885.757406 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748893.757518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748901.757652 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748909.757792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748917.757951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748925.758089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748933.758221 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748941.758363 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748949.758500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748957.758664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748965.758818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748973.758952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748981.759106 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748989.759248 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730748997.759429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749005.759620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749013.759787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749021.759949 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749029.760072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749037.760197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749045.760328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749053.760488 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749061.760626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749069.760748 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749077.760899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749085.761164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749093.761306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749101.761466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749109.761627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749117.761799 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749125.761886 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749133.762006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749141.762130 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749149.762270 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749157.762434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749165.762571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749173.762726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749181.762907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749189.763023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749197.763150 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749205.763302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749213.763430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749221.763585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749229.763727 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749237.763891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749245.764022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749253.764173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749261.764326 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749269.764472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749277.764610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749285.764716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749293.764881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749301.765031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749309.765109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749317.765201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749325.765331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749333.765489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749341.765751 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749349.765900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749357.766024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749365.766158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749373.766325 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749381.766474 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749389.766625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749397.766775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749405.767116 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749413.767165 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749421.767318 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749429.767476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749437.767603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749445.767740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749453.767937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749461.768088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749469.768215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749477.768366 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749485.768532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749493.768619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749501.768879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749509.768980 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749517.769137 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749525.769301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749533.769456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749541.769601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749549.769718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749557.769889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749565.770017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749573.770131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749581.770261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749589.770386 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749597.770447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749605.770598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749613.770737 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749621.770902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749629.771015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749637.771147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749645.771303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749653.771465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749661.771581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749669.771618 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749677.771770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749685.771936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749693.772063 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749701.772157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749709.772309 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749717.772467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749725.772627 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749733.772775 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749741.772937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749749.773070 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749757.773203 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749765.773357 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749773.773489 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749781.773655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749789.773750 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749797.773932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749805.774072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749813.774173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749821.774317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749829.774460 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749837.774597 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749845.774726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749853.774921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749861.775041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749869.775112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749877.775251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749885.775408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749893.775575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749901.775733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749909.775891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749917.776011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749925.776102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749933.776261 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749941.776393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749949.776557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749957.776701 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749965.776891 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749973.776958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749981.777029 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749989.777109 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730749997.777245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750005.777322 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750013.777435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750021.777575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750029.777726 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750037.777914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750045.777996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750053.778141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750061.778290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750069.778444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750077.778580 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750085.778740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750093.778928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750101.779040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750109.779186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750117.779314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750125.779369 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750133.779505 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750141.779649 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750149.779858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750157.779990 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750165.780127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750173.780257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750181.780420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750189.780654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750197.780812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750205.780953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750213.781087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750221.781218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750229.781367 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750237.781508 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750245.781659 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750253.781801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750261.781962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750269.782012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750277.782100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750285.782244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750293.782377 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750301.782518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750309.782664 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750317.782808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750325.782969 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750333.783110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750341.783256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750349.783391 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750357.783537 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750365.783674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750373.783818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750381.783957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750389.784110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750397.784311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750405.784552 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750413.784693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750421.784876 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750429.785017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750437.785156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750445.785298 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750453.785432 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750461.785587 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750469.785723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750477.785907 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750485.786004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750493.786113 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750501.786174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750509.786299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750517.786442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750525.786619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750533.786755 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750541.786938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750549.787011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750557.787157 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750565.787306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750573.787468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750581.787625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750589.787779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750597.787959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750605.788058 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750613.788208 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750621.788355 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750629.788452 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750637.788592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750645.788730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750653.788917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750661.789012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750669.789152 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750677.789290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750685.789420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750693.789562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750701.789630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750709.789783 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750717.789950 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750725.790079 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750733.790218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750741.790373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750749.790521 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750757.790623 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750765.790768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750773.790921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750781.791018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750789.791104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750797.791178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750805.791334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750813.791462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750821.791608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750829.791739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750837.791922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750845.792036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750853.792182 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750861.792294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750869.792435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750877.792591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750885.792770 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750893.792939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750901.792993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750909.793118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750917.793269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750925.793429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750933.793598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750941.793730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750949.793912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750957.794015 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750965.794087 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750973.794247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750981.794371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750989.794506 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730750997.794642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751005.794768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751013.794919 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751021.795026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751029.795147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751037.795330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751045.795473 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751053.795527 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751061.795716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751069.795883 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751077.796004 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751085.796119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751093.796249 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751101.796383 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751109.796518 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751117.796661 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751125.796818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751133.796958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751141.797148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751149.797269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751157.797408 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751165.797544 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751173.797672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751181.797806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751189.797934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751197.798074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751205.798234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751213.798255 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751221.798459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751229.798584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751237.798721 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751245.798887 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751253.799002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751261.799127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751269.799278 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751277.799426 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751285.799554 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751293.799679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751301.799872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751309.800017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751317.800096 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751325.800181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751333.800264 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751341.800394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751349.800519 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751357.800673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751365.800867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751373.800953 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751381.801104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751389.801251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751397.801384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751405.801531 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751413.801695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751421.801875 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751429.801972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751437.802086 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751445.802160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751453.802310 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751461.802471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751469.802582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751477.802732 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751485.802910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751493.803001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751501.803090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751509.803210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751517.803362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751525.803497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751533.803677 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751541.803817 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751549.803958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751557.804108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751565.804244 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751573.804380 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751581.804529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751589.804691 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751597.804824 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751605.805010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751613.805088 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751621.805171 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751629.805297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751637.805443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751645.805570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751653.805729 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751661.805901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751669.806027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751677.806164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751685.806328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751693.806396 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751701.806546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751709.806679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751717.806786 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751725.806931 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751733.807022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751741.807097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751749.807251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751757.807382 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751765.807511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751773.807672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751781.807812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751789.807972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751797.808111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751805.808201 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751813.808352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751821.808440 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751829.808581 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751837.808715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751845.808874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751853.809030 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751861.809170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751869.809299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751877.809444 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751885.809607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751893.809766 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751901.809933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751909.810046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751917.810178 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751925.810291 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751933.810354 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751941.810500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751949.810643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751957.810803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751965.810951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751973.811093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751981.811236 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751989.811384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730751997.811533 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752005.811663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752013.811812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752021.811993 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752029.812187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752037.812273 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752045.812451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752053.812579 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752061.812736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752069.812899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752077.813014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752085.813148 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752093.813286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752101.813421 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752109.813577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752117.813730 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752125.813903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752133.814014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752141.814131 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752149.814263 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752157.814390 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752165.814535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752173.814692 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752181.814871 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752189.815019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752197.815174 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752205.815303 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752213.815431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752221.815558 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752229.815719 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752237.815917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752245.816020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752253.816173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752261.816290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752269.816305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752277.816484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752285.816610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752293.816738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752301.816910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752309.817018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752317.817158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752325.817283 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752333.817410 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752341.817555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752349.817708 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752357.817900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752365.817962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752373.818085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752381.818220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752389.818371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752397.818509 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752405.818663 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752413.818810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752421.818978 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752429.819115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752437.819213 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752445.819343 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752453.819504 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752461.819648 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752469.819784 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752477.819939 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752485.820045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752493.820177 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752501.820296 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752509.820422 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752517.820431 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752525.820642 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752533.820765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752541.820945 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752549.820985 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752557.821032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752565.821184 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752573.821305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752581.821439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752589.821598 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752597.821757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752605.821937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752613.822022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752621.822156 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752629.822313 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752637.822468 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752645.822619 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752653.822779 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752661.822937 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752669.823074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752677.823167 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752685.823327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752693.823464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752701.823612 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752709.823752 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752717.823902 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752725.824033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752733.824099 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752741.824262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752749.824301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752757.824498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752765.824624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752773.824772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752781.824820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752789.825022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752797.825102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752805.825256 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752813.825405 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752821.825556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752829.825716 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752837.825910 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752845.825917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752853.826104 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752861.826216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752869.826351 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752877.826494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752885.826643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752893.826948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752901.827039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752909.827194 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752917.827359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752925.827494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752933.827634 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752941.827774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752949.827901 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752957.828022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752965.828111 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752973.828200 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752981.828352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752989.828493 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730752997.828653 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753005.828797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753013.828943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753021.829007 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753029.829097 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753037.829247 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753045.829402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753053.829512 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753061.829673 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753069.829858 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753077.830024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753085.830136 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753093.830215 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753101.830458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753109.830599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753117.830747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753125.830941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753133.831074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753141.831211 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753149.831359 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753157.831500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753165.831654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753173.831811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753181.831960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753189.832117 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753197.832207 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753205.832352 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753213.832498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753221.832763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753229.832923 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753237.833044 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753245.833199 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753253.833331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753261.833462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753269.833718 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753277.833885 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753285.834012 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753293.834162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753301.834302 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753309.834456 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753317.834603 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753325.834638 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753333.834862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753341.834977 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753349.835049 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753357.835158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753365.835227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753373.835375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753381.835524 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753389.835674 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753397.835825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753405.835879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753413.835996 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753421.836095 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753429.836235 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753437.836373 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753445.836522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753453.836654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753461.836801 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753469.837119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753477.837243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753485.837281 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753493.837485 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753501.837636 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753509.837785 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753517.837938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753525.837991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753533.838134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753541.838223 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753549.838335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753557.838481 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753565.838498 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753573.838709 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753581.838879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753589.838970 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753597.839065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753605.839139 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753613.839290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753621.839412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753629.839497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753637.839654 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753645.839828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753653.840046 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753661.840197 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753669.840279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753677.840400 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753685.840562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753693.840711 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753701.840877 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753709.841017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753717.841158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753725.841169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753733.841333 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753741.841462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753749.841589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753757.841753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753765.841890 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753773.841962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753781.842098 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753789.842220 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753797.842364 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753805.842502 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753813.842620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753821.842765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753829.842922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753837.843056 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753845.843173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753853.843311 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753861.843447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753869.843584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753877.843753 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753885.843915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753893.844010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753901.844105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753909.844268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753917.844430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753925.844546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753933.844645 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753941.844792 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753949.844972 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753957.845054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753965.845186 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753973.845316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753981.845442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753989.845591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730753997.845742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754005.845921 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754013.846041 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754021.846164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754029.846239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754037.846412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754045.846575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754053.846700 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754061.846859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754069.846964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754077.847048 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754085.847141 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754093.847289 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754101.847443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754109.847593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754117.847738 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754125.847899 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754133.848037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754141.848119 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754149.848227 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754157.848267 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754165.848430 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754173.848582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754181.848742 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754189.848810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754197.848960 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754205.849021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754213.849025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754221.849231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754229.849388 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754237.849548 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754245.849658 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754253.849803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754261.849928 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754269.850022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754277.850187 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754285.850328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754293.850463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754301.850605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754309.850686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754317.850816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754325.850823 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754333.850865 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754341.851050 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754349.851169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754357.851331 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754365.851487 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754373.851609 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754381.851762 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754389.851934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754397.852067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754405.852209 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754413.852362 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754421.852503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754429.852657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754437.852791 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754445.852951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754453.853084 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754461.853162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754469.853317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754477.853412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754485.853556 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754493.853703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754501.853872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754509.854166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754517.854299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754525.854464 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754533.854624 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754541.854703 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754549.854879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754557.855025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754565.855169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754573.855301 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754581.855462 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754589.855604 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754597.855731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754605.855911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754613.856014 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754621.856042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754629.856164 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754637.856321 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754645.856451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754653.856589 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754661.856733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754669.856915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754677.857019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754685.857118 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754693.857198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754701.857384 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754709.857571 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754717.857715 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754725.857900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754733.858032 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754741.858151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754749.858276 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754757.858466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754765.858611 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754773.858774 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754781.858825 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754789.859031 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754797.859193 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754805.859327 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754813.859494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754821.859628 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754829.859789 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754837.859936 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754845.860065 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754853.860218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754861.860371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754869.860523 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754877.860607 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754885.860763 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754893.860943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754901.861062 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754909.861206 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754917.861342 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754925.861425 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754933.861540 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754941.861662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754949.861819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754957.861991 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754965.862125 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754973.862282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754981.862412 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754989.862520 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730754997.862631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755005.862778 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755013.862958 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755021.863025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755029.863102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755037.863210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755045.863349 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755053.863414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755061.863546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755069.863657 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755077.863797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755085.863938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755093.864038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755101.864134 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755109.864260 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755117.864420 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755125.864511 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755133.864592 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755141.864723 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755149.864905 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755157.865027 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755165.865169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755173.865329 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755181.865471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755189.865471 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755197.865675 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755205.865757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755213.865917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755221.866036 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755229.866114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755237.866282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755245.866402 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755253.866561 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755261.866714 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755269.866759 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755277.866946 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755285.867009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755293.867093 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755301.867225 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755309.867328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755317.867428 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755325.867515 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755333.867655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755341.867811 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755349.867971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755357.868105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755365.868259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755373.868392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755381.868535 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755389.868680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755397.868820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755405.868955 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755413.869100 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755421.869239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755429.869397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755437.869557 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755445.869680 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755453.869787 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755461.869933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755469.870000 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755477.870135 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755485.870297 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755493.870454 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755501.870555 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755509.870682 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755517.870879 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755525.871072 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755533.871198 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755541.871358 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755549.871495 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755557.871641 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755565.871804 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755573.871941 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755581.872006 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755589.872160 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755597.872154 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755605.872360 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755613.872503 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755621.872656 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755629.872747 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755637.872952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755645.873033 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755653.873114 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755661.873268 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755669.873491 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755677.873650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755685.873808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755693.873957 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755701.874102 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755709.874239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755717.874392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755725.874528 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755733.874676 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755741.874873 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755749.875005 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755757.875173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755765.875304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755773.875457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755781.875608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755789.875754 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755797.875922 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755805.876037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755813.876196 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755821.876348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755829.876497 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755837.876651 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755845.876797 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755853.876964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755861.877092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755869.877257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755877.877398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755885.877575 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755893.877720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755901.877881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755909.878013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755917.878170 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755925.878304 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755933.878465 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755941.878629 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755949.878776 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755957.878914 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755965.879038 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755973.879162 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755981.879317 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755989.879476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730755997.879632 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756005.879695 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756013.879881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756021.880034 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756029.880094 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756037.880257 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756045.880332 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756053.880466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756061.880601 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756069.880757 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756077.880932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756085.880932 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756093.881054 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756101.881204 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756109.881242 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756117.881451 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756125.881605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756133.881920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756141.882022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756149.882173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756157.882334 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756165.882466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756173.882610 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756181.882813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756189.882948 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756197.883040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756205.883138 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756213.883246 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756221.883397 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756229.883532 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756237.883662 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756245.883808 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756253.883967 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756261.884092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756269.884232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756277.884393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756285.884513 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756293.884650 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756301.884793 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756309.884926 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756317.885067 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756325.885147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756333.885307 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756341.885442 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756349.885573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756357.885728 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756365.885872 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756373.886025 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756381.886166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756389.886308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756397.886458 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756405.886713 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756413.886859 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756421.886867 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756429.887037 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756437.887173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756445.887308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756453.887455 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756461.887608 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756469.887743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756477.887917 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756485.888042 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756493.888123 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756501.888274 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756509.888413 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756517.888570 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756525.888735 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756533.888942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756541.889011 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756549.889101 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756557.889262 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756565.889411 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756573.889572 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756581.889693 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756589.889881 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756597.890018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756605.890091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756613.890231 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756621.890459 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756629.890591 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756637.890736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756645.890920 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756653.891021 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756661.891105 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756669.891258 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756677.891399 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756685.891546 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756693.891687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756701.891820 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756709.891952 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756717.892091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756725.892179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756733.892335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756741.892463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756749.892625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756757.892769 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756765.892943 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756773.893075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756781.893216 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756789.893348 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756797.893494 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756805.893640 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756813.893771 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756821.893826 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756829.894161 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756837.894287 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756845.894429 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756853.894573 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756861.894720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756869.894903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756877.895023 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756885.895151 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756893.895290 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756901.895466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756909.895672 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756917.895828 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756925.895982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756933.896089 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756941.896210 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756949.896374 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756957.896510 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756965.896670 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756973.896818 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756981.896951 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756989.897077 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730756997.897218 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757005.897335 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757013.897466 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757021.897593 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757029.897739 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757037.897915 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757045.897925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757053.898085 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757061.898180 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757069.898299 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757077.898480 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757085.898625 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757093.898765 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757101.898938 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757109.899078 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757117.899166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757125.899275 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757133.899435 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757141.899584 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757149.899736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757157.899912 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757165.900040 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757173.900169 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757181.900314 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757189.900463 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757197.900614 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757205.900767 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757213.900924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757221.901020 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757229.901163 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757237.901306 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757245.901418 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757253.901562 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757261.901707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757269.901889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757277.902017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757285.902147 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757293.902294 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757301.902403 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757309.902522 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757317.902697 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757325.902874 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757333.903019 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757341.903158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757349.903308 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757357.903445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757365.903582 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757373.903740 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757381.903909 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757389.904028 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757397.904173 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757405.904305 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757413.904450 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757421.904585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757429.904731 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757437.904934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757445.905045 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757453.905189 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757461.905330 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757469.905476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757477.905476 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757485.905681 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757493.905870 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757501.905975 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757509.906071 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757517.906185 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757525.906328 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757533.906447 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757541.906590 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757549.906733 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757557.906812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757565.906971 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757573.907112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757581.907250 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757589.907387 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757597.907484 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757605.907631 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757613.907773 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757621.907911 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757629.908017 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757637.908142 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757645.908279 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757653.908439 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757661.908687 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757669.908862 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757677.908979 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757685.909108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757693.909269 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757701.909414 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757709.909606 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757717.909805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757725.910018 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757733.910222 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757741.910375 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757749.910529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757757.910655 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757765.910810 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757773.910925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757781.911039 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757789.911179 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757797.911316 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757805.911457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757813.911617 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757821.911768 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757829.911942 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757837.912052 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757845.912115 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757853.912254 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757861.912393 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757869.912530 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757877.912660 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757885.912803 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757893.912954 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757901.913013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757909.913069 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757917.913190 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757925.913339 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757933.913500 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757941.913647 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757949.913816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757957.913935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757965.914075 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757973.914153 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757981.914282 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757989.914434 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730757997.914583 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758005.914743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758013.914819 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758021.914964 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758029.915059 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758037.915143 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758045.915266 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758053.915394 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758061.915526 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758069.915686 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758077.915806 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758085.915944 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758093.916091 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758101.916166 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758109.916295 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758117.916449 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758125.916529 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758133.916679 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758141.916813 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758149.916924 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758157.917001 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758165.917090 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758173.917232 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758181.917392 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758189.917643 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758197.917772 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758205.917961 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758213.918110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758221.918245 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758229.918371 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758237.918453 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758245.918595 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758253.918744 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758261.918925 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758269.919010 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758277.919126 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758285.919251 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758293.919378 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758301.919534 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758309.919605 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758317.919736 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758325.919900 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758333.919982 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758341.920127 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758349.920259 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758357.920398 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758365.920551 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758373.920707 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758381.920889 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758389.921002 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758397.921081 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758405.921239 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758413.921376 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758421.921539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758429.921805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758437.921933 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758445.921959 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758453.922146 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758461.922286 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758469.922445 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758477.922599 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758485.922745 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758493.922903 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758501.923009 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758509.923092 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758517.923234 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758525.923240 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758533.923443 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758541.923585 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758549.923720 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758557.923795 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758565.923962 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758573.924110 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758581.924243 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758589.924404 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758597.924539 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758605.924684 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758613.924805 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758621.925026 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758629.925158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758637.925292 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758645.925436 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758653.925577 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758661.925717 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758669.925880 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758677.926024 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758685.926107 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758693.926271 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758701.926417 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758709.926569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758717.926705 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758725.926863 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758733.927022 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758741.927112 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758749.927353 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758757.927467 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758765.927620 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758773.927761 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758781.927935 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758789.928074 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1730758797.928158 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n"
"source": [
"fsm = FSM(robot, remote, safety_hypervisor, control_dT=1./50., user_controller_callback=controller.update)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 18,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"1729718669.209401 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718669.409472 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718669.609564 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718670.009630 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718670.409685 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718671.209743 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718672.009812 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718676.608934 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718676.709013 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718676.711927 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718676.809108 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718676.912379 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718677.012457 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718677.112517 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718677.212569 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718677.412626 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718677.612689 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718678.012816 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n",
"1729718678.412844 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1\n"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "b1-env",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.10.12"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 2