## When used for isaac gym or other similiar engine
Collision parameters in urdf can be amended to better train the robot:
Open "go2_description.urdf" in "./go2_description/urdf",
and amend the ` box size="0.213 0.0245 0.034" ` in links of "FL_thigh", "FR_thigh", "RL_thigh", "RR_thigh".
For example, change previous values to ` box size="0.11 0.0245 0.034" ` means the length of the thigh is shortened from 0.213 to 0.11, which can avoid unnecessary collision between the thigh link and the calf link.
The collision model before and after the above amendment are shown as "Normal_collision_model.png" and "Amended_collision_model.png" respectively.