add rl_sdk
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
endif ()
find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
# rl_sdk library
find_package(Torch REQUIRED)
find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development REQUIRED)
add_library(rl_sdk library/rl_sdk/rl_sdk.cpp)
target_link_libraries(rl_sdk "${TORCH_LIBRARIES}" Python3::Python Python3::Module)
set_property(TARGET rl_sdk PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 14)
find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS NumPy)
if (Python3_NumPy_FOUND)
target_link_libraries(rl_sdk Python3::NumPy)
else ()
target_compile_definitions(rl_sdk WITHOUT_NUMPY)
endif ()
# find dependencies
foreach (Dependency IN ITEMS ${dependencies})
find_package(${Dependency} REQUIRED)
endforeach ()
find_package(ament_lint_auto REQUIRED)
# the following line skips the linter which checks for copyrights
# comment the line when a copyright and license is added to all source files
set(ament_cmake_copyright_FOUND TRUE)
# the following line skips cpplint (only works in a git repo)
# comment the line when this package is in a git repo and when
# a copyright and license is added to all source files
set(ament_cmake_cpplint_FOUND TRUE)
endif ()
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Legged Gym Controller
This repository contains the reinforcement learning based controllers for the quadruped robot.
Tested environment:
* Ubuntu 24.04
* ROS2 Jazzy
## 2. Build
### 2.1 Installing libtorch
cd ~/CLionProjects/
unzip -d ./
echo 'export Torch_DIR=~/CLionProjects/libtorch' >> ~/.bashrc
### 2.2 Build Legged Gym Controller
cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build --packages-up-to legged_gym_controller
@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
#include "rl_sdk.hpp"
/* You may need to override this Forward() function
torch::Tensor RL_XXX::Forward()
torch::Tensor clamped_obs = this->ComputeObservation();
torch::Tensor actions = this->model.forward({clamped_obs}).toTensor();
torch::Tensor clamped_actions = torch::clamp(actions, this->params.clip_actions_lower, this->params.clip_actions_upper);
return clamped_actions;
torch::Tensor RL::ComputeObservation()
std::vector<torch::Tensor> obs_list;
for(const std::string& observation : this->params.observations)
if(observation == "lin_vel")
obs_list.push_back(this->obs.lin_vel * this->params.lin_vel_scale);
else if(observation == "ang_vel")
// obs_list.push_back(this->obs.ang_vel * this->params.ang_vel_scale); // TODO is QuatRotateInverse necessery?
obs_list.push_back(this->QuatRotateInverse(this->obs.base_quat, this->obs.ang_vel, this->params.framework) * this->params.ang_vel_scale);
else if(observation == "gravity_vec")
obs_list.push_back(this->QuatRotateInverse(this->obs.base_quat, this->obs.gravity_vec, this->params.framework));
else if(observation == "commands")
obs_list.push_back(this->obs.commands * this->params.commands_scale);
else if(observation == "dof_pos")
obs_list.push_back((this->obs.dof_pos - this->params.default_dof_pos) * this->params.dof_pos_scale);
else if(observation == "dof_vel")
obs_list.push_back(this->obs.dof_vel * this->params.dof_vel_scale);
else if(observation == "actions")
torch::Tensor obs = torch::cat(obs_list, 1);
torch::Tensor clamped_obs = torch::clamp(obs, -this->params.clip_obs, this->params.clip_obs);
return clamped_obs;
void RL::InitObservations()
this->obs.lin_vel = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}});
this->obs.ang_vel = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}});
this->obs.gravity_vec = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, -1.0}});
this->obs.commands = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}});
this->obs.base_quat = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}});
this->obs.dof_pos = this->params.default_dof_pos;
this->obs.dof_vel = torch::zeros({1, this->params.num_of_dofs});
this->obs.actions = torch::zeros({1, this->params.num_of_dofs});
void RL::InitOutputs()
this->output_torques = torch::zeros({1, this->params.num_of_dofs});
this->output_dof_pos = this->params.default_dof_pos;
void RL::InitControl()
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
this->control.x = 0.0;
this->control.y = 0.0;
this->control.yaw = 0.0;
torch::Tensor RL::ComputeTorques(torch::Tensor actions)
torch::Tensor actions_scaled = actions * this->params.action_scale;
torch::Tensor output_torques = this->params.rl_kp * (actions_scaled + this->params.default_dof_pos - this->obs.dof_pos) - this->params.rl_kd * this->obs.dof_vel;
return output_torques;
torch::Tensor RL::ComputePosition(torch::Tensor actions)
torch::Tensor actions_scaled = actions * this->params.action_scale;
return actions_scaled + this->params.default_dof_pos;
torch::Tensor RL::QuatRotateInverse(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor v, const std::string& framework)
torch::Tensor q_w;
torch::Tensor q_vec;
if(framework == "isaacsim")
q_w = q.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0});
q_vec = q.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), torch::indexing::Slice(1, 4)});
else if(framework == "isaacgym")
q_w = q.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 3});
q_vec = q.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), torch::indexing::Slice(0, 3)});
c10::IntArrayRef shape = q.sizes();
torch::Tensor a = v * (2.0 * torch::pow(q_w, 2) - 1.0).unsqueeze(-1);
torch::Tensor b = torch::cross(q_vec, v, -1) * q_w.unsqueeze(-1) * 2.0;
torch::Tensor c = q_vec * torch::bmm(q_vec.view({shape[0], 1, 3}), v.view({shape[0], 3, 1})).squeeze(-1) * 2.0;
return a - b + c;
void RL::StateController(const RobotState<double> *state, RobotCommand<double> *command)
static RobotState<double> start_state;
static RobotState<double> now_state;
static float getup_percent = 0.0;
static float getdown_percent = 0.0;
// waiting
if(this->running_state == STATE_WAITING)
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
command->motor_command.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
if(this->control.control_state == STATE_POS_GETUP)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
getup_percent = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
now_state.motor_state.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
start_state.motor_state.q[i] = now_state.motor_state.q[i];
this->running_state = STATE_POS_GETUP;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETUP" << std::endl;
// stand up (position control)
else if(this->running_state == STATE_POS_GETUP)
if(getup_percent < 1.0)
getup_percent += 1 / 500.0;
getup_percent = getup_percent > 1.0 ? 1.0 : getup_percent;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
command->motor_command.q[i] = (1 - getup_percent) * now_state.motor_state.q[i] + getup_percent * this->params.default_dof_pos[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.dq[i] = 0;
command->[i] = this->params.fixed_kp[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.kd[i] = this->params.fixed_kd[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.tau[i] = 0;
std::cout << "\r" << std::flush << LOGGER::INFO << "Getting up " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << getup_percent * 100.0 << std::flush;
if(this->control.control_state == STATE_RL_INIT)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
this->running_state = STATE_RL_INIT;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_RL_INIT" << std::endl;
else if(this->control.control_state == STATE_POS_GETDOWN)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
getdown_percent = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
now_state.motor_state.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
this->running_state = STATE_POS_GETDOWN;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETDOWN" << std::endl;
// init obs and start rl loop
else if(this->running_state == STATE_RL_INIT)
if(getup_percent == 1)
this->running_state = STATE_RL_RUNNING;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_RL_RUNNING" << std::endl;
// rl loop
else if(this->running_state == STATE_RL_RUNNING)
std::cout << "\r" << std::flush << LOGGER::INFO << "RL Controller x:" << this->control.x << " y:" << this->control.y << " yaw:" << this->control.yaw << std::flush;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
command->motor_command.q[i] = this->output_dof_pos[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.dq[i] = 0;
command->[i] = this->params.rl_kp[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.kd[i] = this->params.rl_kd[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.tau[i] = 0;
if(this->control.control_state == STATE_POS_GETDOWN)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
getdown_percent = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
now_state.motor_state.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
this->running_state = STATE_POS_GETDOWN;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETDOWN" << std::endl;
else if(this->control.control_state == STATE_POS_GETUP)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
getup_percent = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
now_state.motor_state.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
this->running_state = STATE_POS_GETUP;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETUP" << std::endl;
// get down (position control)
else if(this->running_state == STATE_POS_GETDOWN)
if(getdown_percent < 1.0)
getdown_percent += 1 / 500.0;
getdown_percent = getdown_percent > 1.0 ? 1.0 : getdown_percent;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
command->motor_command.q[i] = (1 - getdown_percent) * now_state.motor_state.q[i] + getdown_percent * start_state.motor_state.q[i];
command->motor_command.dq[i] = 0;
command->[i] = this->params.fixed_kp[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.kd[i] = this->params.fixed_kd[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.tau[i] = 0;
std::cout << "\r" << std::flush << LOGGER::INFO << "Getting down " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << getdown_percent * 100.0 << std::flush;
if(getdown_percent == 1)
this->running_state = STATE_WAITING;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_WAITING" << std::endl;
void RL::TorqueProtect(torch::Tensor origin_output_torques)
std::vector<int> out_of_range_indices;
std::vector<double> out_of_range_values;
for(int i = 0; i < origin_output_torques.size(1); ++i)
double torque_value = origin_output_torques[0][i].item<double>();
double limit_lower = -this->params.torque_limits[0][i].item<double>();
double limit_upper = this->params.torque_limits[0][i].item<double>();
if(torque_value < limit_lower || torque_value > limit_upper)
for(int i = 0; i < out_of_range_indices.size(); ++i)
int index = out_of_range_indices[i];
double value = out_of_range_values[i];
double limit_lower = -this->params.torque_limits[0][index].item<double>();
double limit_upper = this->params.torque_limits[0][index].item<double>();
std::cout << LOGGER::WARNING << "Torque(" << index+1 << ")=" << value << " out of range(" << limit_lower << ", " << limit_upper << ")" << std::endl;
// Just a reminder, no protection
// this->control.control_state = STATE_POS_GETDOWN;
// std::cout << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETDOWN"<< std::endl;
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
static bool kbhit()
termios term;
tcgetattr(0, &term);
termios term2 = term;
term2.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term2);
int byteswaiting;
ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &byteswaiting);
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term);
return byteswaiting > 0;
void RL::KeyboardInterface()
int c = fgetc(stdin);
case '0': this->control.control_state = STATE_POS_GETUP; break;
case 'p': this->control.control_state = STATE_RL_INIT; break;
case '1': this->control.control_state = STATE_POS_GETDOWN; break;
case 'q': break;
case 'w': this->control.x += 0.1; break;
case 's': this->control.x -= 0.1; break;
case 'a': this->control.yaw += 0.1; break;
case 'd': this->control.yaw -= 0.1; break;
case 'i': break;
case 'k': break;
case 'j': this->control.y += 0.1; break;
case 'l': this->control.y -= 0.1; break;
case ' ': this->control.x = 0; this->control.y = 0; this->control.yaw = 0; break;
case 'r': this->control.control_state = STATE_RESET_SIMULATION; break;
case '\n': this->control.control_state = STATE_TOGGLE_SIMULATION; break;
default: break;
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> ReadVectorFromYaml(const YAML::Node& node)
std::vector<T> values;
for(const auto& val : node)
return values;
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> ReadVectorFromYaml(const YAML::Node& node, const std::string& framework, const int& rows, const int& cols)
std::vector<T> values;
for(const auto& val : node)
if(framework == "isaacsim")
std::vector<T> transposed_values(cols * rows);
for(int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
for(int c = 0; c < cols; ++c)
transposed_values[c * rows + r] = values[r * cols + c];
return transposed_values;
else if(framework == "isaacgym")
return values;
throw std::invalid_argument("Unsupported framework: " + framework);
void RL::ReadYaml(std::string robot_name)
// The config file is located at "rl_sar/src/rl_sar/models/<robot_name>/config.yaml"
std::string config_path = std::string(CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) + "/models/" + robot_name + "/config.yaml";
YAML::Node config;
config = YAML::LoadFile(config_path)[robot_name];
} catch(YAML::BadFile &e)
std::cout << LOGGER::ERROR << "The file '" << config_path << "' does not exist" << std::endl;
this->params.model_name = config["model_name"].as<std::string>();
this->params.framework = config["framework"].as<std::string>();
int rows = config["rows"].as<int>();
int cols = config["cols"].as<int>();
this->params.use_history = config["use_history"].as<bool>();
this->params.dt = config["dt"].as<double>();
this->params.decimation = config["decimation"].as<int>();
this->params.num_observations = config["num_observations"].as<int>();
this->params.observations = ReadVectorFromYaml<std::string>(config["observations"]);
this->params.clip_obs = config["clip_obs"].as<double>();
if(config["clip_actions_lower"].IsNull() && config["clip_actions_upper"].IsNull())
this->params.clip_actions_upper = torch::tensor({}).view({1, -1});
this->params.clip_actions_lower = torch::tensor({}).view({1, -1});
this->params.clip_actions_upper = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["clip_actions_upper"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.clip_actions_lower = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["clip_actions_lower"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.action_scale = config["action_scale"].as<double>();
this->params.hip_scale_reduction = config["hip_scale_reduction"].as<double>();
this->params.hip_scale_reduction_indices = ReadVectorFromYaml<int>(config["hip_scale_reduction_indices"]);
this->params.num_of_dofs = config["num_of_dofs"].as<int>();
this->params.lin_vel_scale = config["lin_vel_scale"].as<double>();
this->params.ang_vel_scale = config["ang_vel_scale"].as<double>();
this->params.dof_pos_scale = config["dof_pos_scale"].as<double>();
this->params.dof_vel_scale = config["dof_vel_scale"].as<double>();
// this->params.commands_scale = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["commands_scale"])).view({1, -1});
this->params.commands_scale = torch::tensor({this->params.lin_vel_scale, this->params.lin_vel_scale, this->params.ang_vel_scale});
this->params.rl_kp = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["rl_kp"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.rl_kd = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["rl_kd"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.fixed_kp = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["fixed_kp"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.fixed_kd = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["fixed_kd"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.torque_limits = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["torque_limits"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.default_dof_pos = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["default_dof_pos"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.joint_controller_names = ReadVectorFromYaml<std::string>(config["joint_controller_names"], this->params.framework, rows, cols);
void RL::CSVInit(std::string robot_name)
csv_filename = std::string(CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) + "/models/" + robot_name + "/motor";
// Uncomment these lines if need timestamp for file name
// auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// std::time_t now_c = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now);
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&now_c), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S");
// std::string timestamp = ss.str();
// csv_filename += "_" + timestamp;
csv_filename += ".csv";
std::ofstream file(csv_filename.c_str());
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "tau_cal_" << i << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "tau_est_" << i << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "joint_pos_" << i << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "joint_pos_target_" << i << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "joint_vel_" << i << ",";}
file << std::endl;
void RL::CSVLogger(torch::Tensor torque, torch::Tensor tau_est, torch::Tensor joint_pos, torch::Tensor joint_pos_target, torch::Tensor joint_vel)
std::ofstream file(csv_filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::app);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << torque[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << tau_est[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << joint_pos[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << joint_pos_target[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << joint_vel[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
file << std::endl;
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
#ifndef RL_SDK_HPP
#define RL_SDK_HPP
#include <torch/script.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
namespace LOGGER {
const char* const INFO = "\033[0;37m[INFO]\033[0m ";
const char* const WARNING = "\033[0;33m[WARNING]\033[0m ";
const char* const ERROR = "\033[0;31m[ERROR]\033[0m ";
const char* const DEBUG = "\033[0;32m[DEBUG]\033[0m ";
template<typename T>
struct RobotCommand
struct MotorCommand
std::vector<T> q = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
std::vector<T> dq = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
std::vector<T> tau = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
std::vector<T> kp = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
std::vector<T> kd = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
} motor_command;
template<typename T>
struct RobotState
struct IMU
std::vector<T> quaternion = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // w, x, y, z
std::vector<T> gyroscope = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
std::vector<T> accelerometer = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
} imu;
struct MotorState
std::vector<T> q = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
std::vector<T> dq = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
std::vector<T> ddq = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
std::vector<T> tauEst = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
std::vector<T> cur = std::vector<T>(32, 0.0);
} motor_state;
enum STATE {
struct Control
STATE control_state;
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double yaw = 0.0;
struct ModelParams
std::string model_name;
std::string framework;
bool use_history;
double dt;
int decimation;
int num_observations;
std::vector<std::string> observations;
double damping;
double stiffness;
double action_scale;
double hip_scale_reduction;
std::vector<int> hip_scale_reduction_indices;
int num_of_dofs;
double lin_vel_scale;
double ang_vel_scale;
double dof_pos_scale;
double dof_vel_scale;
double clip_obs;
torch::Tensor clip_actions_upper;
torch::Tensor clip_actions_lower;
torch::Tensor torque_limits;
torch::Tensor rl_kd;
torch::Tensor rl_kp;
torch::Tensor fixed_kp;
torch::Tensor fixed_kd;
torch::Tensor commands_scale;
torch::Tensor default_dof_pos;
std::vector<std::string> joint_controller_names;
struct Observations
torch::Tensor lin_vel;
torch::Tensor ang_vel;
torch::Tensor gravity_vec;
torch::Tensor commands;
torch::Tensor base_quat;
torch::Tensor dof_pos;
torch::Tensor dof_vel;
torch::Tensor actions;
class RL
ModelParams params;
Observations obs;
RobotState<double> robot_state;
RobotCommand<double> robot_command;
// init
void InitObservations();
void InitOutputs();
void InitControl();
// rl functions
virtual torch::Tensor Forward() = 0;
torch::Tensor ComputeObservation();
virtual void GetState(RobotState<double> *state) = 0;
virtual void SetCommand(const RobotCommand<double> *command) = 0;
void StateController(const RobotState<double> *state, RobotCommand<double> *command);
torch::Tensor ComputeTorques(torch::Tensor actions);
torch::Tensor ComputePosition(torch::Tensor actions);
torch::Tensor QuatRotateInverse(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor v, const std::string& framework);
// yaml params
void ReadYaml(std::string robot_name);
// csv logger
std::string csv_filename;
void CSVInit(std::string robot_name);
void CSVLogger(torch::Tensor torque, torch::Tensor tau_est, torch::Tensor joint_pos, torch::Tensor joint_pos_target, torch::Tensor joint_vel);
// control
Control control;
void KeyboardInterface();
// others
std::string robot_name;
STATE running_state = STATE_RL_RUNNING; // default running_state set to STATE_RL_RUNNING
bool simulation_running = false;
// protect func
void TorqueProtect(torch::Tensor origin_output_torques);
// rl module
torch::jit::script::Module model;
// output buffer
torch::Tensor output_torques;
torch::Tensor output_dof_pos;
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<package format="3">
<description>TODO: Package description</description>
<maintainer email="">biao</maintainer>
@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
#include "legged_gym_controller/rl_sdk.hpp"
/* You may need to override this Forward() function
torch::Tensor RL_XXX::Forward()
torch::Tensor clamped_obs = this->ComputeObservation();
torch::Tensor actions = this->model.forward({clamped_obs}).toTensor();
torch::Tensor clamped_actions = torch::clamp(actions, this->params.clip_actions_lower, this->params.clip_actions_upper);
return clamped_actions;
torch::Tensor RL::ComputeObservation()
std::vector<torch::Tensor> obs_list;
for(const std::string& observation : this->params.observations)
if(observation == "lin_vel")
obs_list.push_back(this->obs.lin_vel * this->params.lin_vel_scale);
else if(observation == "ang_vel")
// obs_list.push_back(this->obs.ang_vel * this->params.ang_vel_scale); // TODO is QuatRotateInverse necessery?
obs_list.push_back(this->QuatRotateInverse(this->obs.base_quat, this->obs.ang_vel, this->params.framework) * this->params.ang_vel_scale);
else if(observation == "gravity_vec")
obs_list.push_back(this->QuatRotateInverse(this->obs.base_quat, this->obs.gravity_vec, this->params.framework));
else if(observation == "commands")
obs_list.push_back(this->obs.commands * this->params.commands_scale);
else if(observation == "dof_pos")
obs_list.push_back((this->obs.dof_pos - this->params.default_dof_pos) * this->params.dof_pos_scale);
else if(observation == "dof_vel")
obs_list.push_back(this->obs.dof_vel * this->params.dof_vel_scale);
else if(observation == "actions")
torch::Tensor obs = torch::cat(obs_list, 1);
torch::Tensor clamped_obs = torch::clamp(obs, -this->params.clip_obs, this->params.clip_obs);
return clamped_obs;
void RL::InitObservations()
this->obs.lin_vel = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}});
this->obs.ang_vel = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}});
this->obs.gravity_vec = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, -1.0}});
this->obs.commands = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}});
this->obs.base_quat = torch::tensor({{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}});
this->obs.dof_pos = this->params.default_dof_pos;
this->obs.dof_vel = torch::zeros({1, this->params.num_of_dofs});
this->obs.actions = torch::zeros({1, this->params.num_of_dofs});
void RL::InitOutputs()
this->output_torques = torch::zeros({1, this->params.num_of_dofs});
this->output_dof_pos = this->params.default_dof_pos;
void RL::InitControl()
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
this->control.x = 0.0;
this->control.y = 0.0;
this->control.yaw = 0.0;
torch::Tensor RL::ComputeTorques(torch::Tensor actions)
torch::Tensor actions_scaled = actions * this->params.action_scale;
torch::Tensor output_torques = this->params.rl_kp * (actions_scaled + this->params.default_dof_pos - this->obs.dof_pos) - this->params.rl_kd * this->obs.dof_vel;
return output_torques;
torch::Tensor RL::ComputePosition(torch::Tensor actions)
torch::Tensor actions_scaled = actions * this->params.action_scale;
return actions_scaled + this->params.default_dof_pos;
torch::Tensor RL::QuatRotateInverse(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor v, const std::string& framework)
torch::Tensor q_w;
torch::Tensor q_vec;
if(framework == "isaacsim")
q_w = q.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 0});
q_vec = q.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), torch::indexing::Slice(1, 4)});
else if(framework == "isaacgym")
q_w = q.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), 3});
q_vec = q.index({torch::indexing::Slice(), torch::indexing::Slice(0, 3)});
c10::IntArrayRef shape = q.sizes();
torch::Tensor a = v * (2.0 * torch::pow(q_w, 2) - 1.0).unsqueeze(-1);
torch::Tensor b = torch::cross(q_vec, v, -1) * q_w.unsqueeze(-1) * 2.0;
torch::Tensor c = q_vec * torch::bmm(q_vec.view({shape[0], 1, 3}), v.view({shape[0], 3, 1})).squeeze(-1) * 2.0;
return a - b + c;
void RL::StateController(const RobotState<double> *state, RobotCommand<double> *command)
static RobotState<double> start_state;
static RobotState<double> now_state;
static float getup_percent = 0.0;
static float getdown_percent = 0.0;
// waiting
if(this->running_state == STATE_WAITING)
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
command->motor_command.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
if(this->control.control_state == STATE_POS_GETUP)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
getup_percent = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
now_state.motor_state.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
start_state.motor_state.q[i] = now_state.motor_state.q[i];
this->running_state = STATE_POS_GETUP;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETUP" << std::endl;
// stand up (position control)
else if(this->running_state == STATE_POS_GETUP)
if(getup_percent < 1.0)
getup_percent += 1 / 500.0;
getup_percent = getup_percent > 1.0 ? 1.0 : getup_percent;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
command->motor_command.q[i] = (1 - getup_percent) * now_state.motor_state.q[i] + getup_percent * this->params.default_dof_pos[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.dq[i] = 0;
command->[i] = this->params.fixed_kp[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.kd[i] = this->params.fixed_kd[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.tau[i] = 0;
std::cout << "\r" << std::flush << LOGGER::INFO << "Getting up " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << getup_percent * 100.0 << std::flush;
if(this->control.control_state == STATE_RL_INIT)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
this->running_state = STATE_RL_INIT;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_RL_INIT" << std::endl;
else if(this->control.control_state == STATE_POS_GETDOWN)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
getdown_percent = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
now_state.motor_state.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
this->running_state = STATE_POS_GETDOWN;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETDOWN" << std::endl;
// init obs and start rl loop
else if(this->running_state == STATE_RL_INIT)
if(getup_percent == 1)
this->running_state = STATE_RL_RUNNING;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_RL_RUNNING" << std::endl;
// rl loop
else if(this->running_state == STATE_RL_RUNNING)
std::cout << "\r" << std::flush << LOGGER::INFO << "RL Controller x:" << this->control.x << " y:" << this->control.y << " yaw:" << this->control.yaw << std::flush;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
command->motor_command.q[i] = this->output_dof_pos[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.dq[i] = 0;
command->[i] = this->params.rl_kp[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.kd[i] = this->params.rl_kd[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.tau[i] = 0;
if(this->control.control_state == STATE_POS_GETDOWN)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
getdown_percent = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
now_state.motor_state.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
this->running_state = STATE_POS_GETDOWN;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETDOWN" << std::endl;
else if(this->control.control_state == STATE_POS_GETUP)
this->control.control_state = STATE_WAITING;
getup_percent = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
now_state.motor_state.q[i] = state->motor_state.q[i];
this->running_state = STATE_POS_GETUP;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETUP" << std::endl;
// get down (position control)
else if(this->running_state == STATE_POS_GETDOWN)
if(getdown_percent < 1.0)
getdown_percent += 1 / 500.0;
getdown_percent = getdown_percent > 1.0 ? 1.0 : getdown_percent;
for(int i = 0; i < this->params.num_of_dofs; ++i)
command->motor_command.q[i] = (1 - getdown_percent) * now_state.motor_state.q[i] + getdown_percent * start_state.motor_state.q[i];
command->motor_command.dq[i] = 0;
command->[i] = this->params.fixed_kp[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.kd[i] = this->params.fixed_kd[0][i].item<double>();
command->motor_command.tau[i] = 0;
std::cout << "\r" << std::flush << LOGGER::INFO << "Getting down " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << getdown_percent * 100.0 << std::flush;
if(getdown_percent == 1)
this->running_state = STATE_WAITING;
std::cout << std::endl << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_WAITING" << std::endl;
void RL::TorqueProtect(torch::Tensor origin_output_torques)
std::vector<int> out_of_range_indices;
std::vector<double> out_of_range_values;
for(int i = 0; i < origin_output_torques.size(1); ++i)
double torque_value = origin_output_torques[0][i].item<double>();
double limit_lower = -this->params.torque_limits[0][i].item<double>();
double limit_upper = this->params.torque_limits[0][i].item<double>();
if(torque_value < limit_lower || torque_value > limit_upper)
for(int i = 0; i < out_of_range_indices.size(); ++i)
int index = out_of_range_indices[i];
double value = out_of_range_values[i];
double limit_lower = -this->params.torque_limits[0][index].item<double>();
double limit_upper = this->params.torque_limits[0][index].item<double>();
std::cout << LOGGER::WARNING << "Torque(" << index+1 << ")=" << value << " out of range(" << limit_lower << ", " << limit_upper << ")" << std::endl;
// Just a reminder, no protection
// this->control.control_state = STATE_POS_GETDOWN;
// std::cout << LOGGER::INFO << "Switching to STATE_POS_GETDOWN"<< std::endl;
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
static bool kbhit()
termios term;
tcgetattr(0, &term);
termios term2 = term;
term2.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term2);
int byteswaiting;
ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &byteswaiting);
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term);
return byteswaiting > 0;
void RL::KeyboardInterface()
int c = fgetc(stdin);
case '0': this->control.control_state = STATE_POS_GETUP; break;
case 'p': this->control.control_state = STATE_RL_INIT; break;
case '1': this->control.control_state = STATE_POS_GETDOWN; break;
case 'q': break;
case 'w': this->control.x += 0.1; break;
case 's': this->control.x -= 0.1; break;
case 'a': this->control.yaw += 0.1; break;
case 'd': this->control.yaw -= 0.1; break;
case 'i': break;
case 'k': break;
case 'j': this->control.y += 0.1; break;
case 'l': this->control.y -= 0.1; break;
case ' ': this->control.x = 0; this->control.y = 0; this->control.yaw = 0; break;
case 'r': this->control.control_state = STATE_RESET_SIMULATION; break;
case '\n': this->control.control_state = STATE_TOGGLE_SIMULATION; break;
default: break;
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> ReadVectorFromYaml(const YAML::Node& node)
std::vector<T> values;
for(const auto& val : node)
return values;
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> ReadVectorFromYaml(const YAML::Node& node, const std::string& framework, const int& rows, const int& cols)
std::vector<T> values;
for(const auto& val : node)
if(framework == "isaacsim")
std::vector<T> transposed_values(cols * rows);
for(int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
for(int c = 0; c < cols; ++c)
transposed_values[c * rows + r] = values[r * cols + c];
return transposed_values;
else if(framework == "isaacgym")
return values;
throw std::invalid_argument("Unsupported framework: " + framework);
void RL::ReadYaml(std::string robot_name)
// The config file is located at "rl_sar/src/rl_sar/models/<robot_name>/config.yaml"
std::string config_path = std::string(CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) + "/models/" + robot_name + "/config.yaml";
YAML::Node config;
config = YAML::LoadFile(config_path)[robot_name];
} catch(YAML::BadFile &e)
std::cout << LOGGER::ERROR << "The file '" << config_path << "' does not exist" << std::endl;
this->params.model_name = config["model_name"].as<std::string>();
this->params.framework = config["framework"].as<std::string>();
int rows = config["rows"].as<int>();
int cols = config["cols"].as<int>();
this->params.use_history = config["use_history"].as<bool>();
this->params.dt = config["dt"].as<double>();
this->params.decimation = config["decimation"].as<int>();
this->params.num_observations = config["num_observations"].as<int>();
this->params.observations = ReadVectorFromYaml<std::string>(config["observations"]);
this->params.clip_obs = config["clip_obs"].as<double>();
if(config["clip_actions_lower"].IsNull() && config["clip_actions_upper"].IsNull())
this->params.clip_actions_upper = torch::tensor({}).view({1, -1});
this->params.clip_actions_lower = torch::tensor({}).view({1, -1});
this->params.clip_actions_upper = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["clip_actions_upper"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.clip_actions_lower = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["clip_actions_lower"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.action_scale = config["action_scale"].as<double>();
this->params.hip_scale_reduction = config["hip_scale_reduction"].as<double>();
this->params.hip_scale_reduction_indices = ReadVectorFromYaml<int>(config["hip_scale_reduction_indices"]);
this->params.num_of_dofs = config["num_of_dofs"].as<int>();
this->params.lin_vel_scale = config["lin_vel_scale"].as<double>();
this->params.ang_vel_scale = config["ang_vel_scale"].as<double>();
this->params.dof_pos_scale = config["dof_pos_scale"].as<double>();
this->params.dof_vel_scale = config["dof_vel_scale"].as<double>();
// this->params.commands_scale = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["commands_scale"])).view({1, -1});
this->params.commands_scale = torch::tensor({this->params.lin_vel_scale, this->params.lin_vel_scale, this->params.ang_vel_scale});
this->params.rl_kp = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["rl_kp"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.rl_kd = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["rl_kd"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.fixed_kp = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["fixed_kp"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.fixed_kd = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["fixed_kd"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.torque_limits = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["torque_limits"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.default_dof_pos = torch::tensor(ReadVectorFromYaml<double>(config["default_dof_pos"], this->params.framework, rows, cols)).view({1, -1});
this->params.joint_controller_names = ReadVectorFromYaml<std::string>(config["joint_controller_names"], this->params.framework, rows, cols);
void RL::CSVInit(std::string robot_name)
csv_filename = std::string(CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) + "/models/" + robot_name + "/motor";
// Uncomment these lines if need timestamp for file name
// auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// std::time_t now_c = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now);
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&now_c), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S");
// std::string timestamp = ss.str();
// csv_filename += "_" + timestamp;
csv_filename += ".csv";
std::ofstream file(csv_filename.c_str());
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "tau_cal_" << i << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "tau_est_" << i << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "joint_pos_" << i << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "joint_pos_target_" << i << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << "joint_vel_" << i << ",";}
file << std::endl;
void RL::CSVLogger(torch::Tensor torque, torch::Tensor tau_est, torch::Tensor joint_pos, torch::Tensor joint_pos_target, torch::Tensor joint_vel)
std::ofstream file(csv_filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::app);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << torque[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << tau_est[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << joint_pos[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << joint_pos_target[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {file << joint_vel[0][i].item<double>() << ",";}
file << std::endl;
@ -3,8 +3,32 @@
This is a ros2-control controller based on [legged_control](
This is a ros2-control controller based on [legged_control](
and [ocs2_ros2](
and [ocs2_ros2](
Tested environment:
* Ubuntu 24.04
* ROS2 Jazzy
## 1. Interfaces
Required hardware interfaces:
* command:
* joint position
* joint velocity
* joint effort
* KP
* KD
* state:
* joint effort
* joint position
* joint velocity
* imu sensor
* linear acceleration
* angular velocity
* orientation
* feet force sensor
## 2. Build
## 2. Build
### 2.1 Build Dependencies
### 2.1 Build Dependencies
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
<package format="3">
<package format="3">
<description>TODO: Package description</description>
<description>A ROS2-Control quadruped controller based on OCS2 library</description>
<maintainer email="">tlab-uav</maintainer>
<maintainer email="">Huang Zhenbiao</maintainer>
Reference in New Issue