
320 lines
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centroidalModelType 0 // 0: FullCentroidalDynamics, 1: Single Rigid Body Dynamics
verbose false // show the loaded parameters
positionErrorGain 0.0
phaseTransitionStanceTime 0.1
verboseCppAd true
recompileLibrariesCppAd false
modelFolderCppAd /tmp/ocs2_quadruped_controller/go2
liftOffVelocity 0.05
touchDownVelocity -0.1
swingHeight 0.08
swingTimeScale 0.15
; DDP settings
algorithm SLQ
nThreads 3
threadPriority 50
maxNumIterations 1
minRelCost 1e-1
constraintTolerance 5e-3
displayInfo false
displayShortSummary false
checkNumericalStability false
debugPrintRollout false
debugCaching false
AbsTolODE 1e-5
RelTolODE 1e-3
maxNumStepsPerSecond 10000
timeStep 0.015
backwardPassIntegratorType ODE45
constraintPenaltyInitialValue 20.0
constraintPenaltyIncreaseRate 2.0
preComputeRiccatiTerms true
useFeedbackPolicy false
strategy LINE_SEARCH
minStepLength 1e-2
maxStepLength 1.0
hessianCorrectionStrategy DIAGONAL_SHIFT
hessianCorrectionMultiple 1e-5
; Multiple_Shooting SQP settings
nThreads 3
dt 0.015
sqpIteration 1
deltaTol 1e-4
g_max 1e-2
g_min 1e-6
inequalityConstraintMu 0.1
inequalityConstraintDelta 5.0
projectStateInputEqualityConstraints true
printSolverStatistics true
printSolverStatus false
printLinesearch false
useFeedbackPolicy false
integratorType RK2
threadPriority 50
; Multiple_Shooting IPM settings
nThreads 3
dt 0.015
ipmIteration 1
deltaTol 1e-4
g_max 10.0
g_min 1e-6
computeLagrangeMultipliers true
printSolverStatistics true
printSolverStatus false
printLinesearch false
useFeedbackPolicy false
integratorType RK2
threadPriority 50
initialBarrierParameter 1e-4
targetBarrierParameter 1e-4
barrierLinearDecreaseFactor 0.2
barrierSuperlinearDecreasePower 1.5
barrierReductionCostTol 1e-3
barrierReductionConstraintTol 1e-3
fractionToBoundaryMargin 0.995
usePrimalStepSizeForDual false
initialSlackLowerBound 1e-4
initialDualLowerBound 1e-4
initialSlackMarginRate 1e-2
initialDualMarginRate 1e-2
; Rollout settings
AbsTolODE 1e-5
RelTolODE 1e-3
timeStep 0.015
integratorType ODE45
maxNumStepsPerSecond 10000
checkNumericalStability false
timeHorizon 1.0 ; [s]
solutionTimeWindow -1 ; maximum [s]
coldStart false
debugPrint false
mpcDesiredFrequency 100 ; [Hz]
mrtDesiredFrequency 1000 ; [Hz] Useless
;; Normalized Centroidal Momentum: [linear, angular] ;;
(0,0) 0.0 ; vcom_x
(1,0) 0.0 ; vcom_y
(2,0) 0.0 ; vcom_z
(3,0) 0.0 ; L_x / robotMass
(4,0) 0.0 ; L_y / robotMass
(5,0) 0.0 ; L_z / robotMass
;; Base Pose: [position, orientation] ;;
(6,0) 0.0 ; p_base_x
(7,0) 0.0 ; p_base_y
(8,0) 0.3 ; p_base_z
(9,0) 0.0 ; theta_base_z
(10,0) 0.0 ; theta_base_y
(11,0) 0.0 ; theta_base_x
;; Leg Joint Positions: [FL, RL, FR, RR] ;;
(12,0) -0.20 ; FL_hip_joint
(13,0) 0.72 ; FL_thigh_joint
(14,0) -1.44 ; FL_calf_joint
(15,0) -0.20 ; RL_hip_joint
(16,0) 0.72 ; RL_thigh_joint
(17,0) -1.44 ; RL_calf_joint
(18,0) 0.20 ; FR_hip_joint
(19,0) 0.72 ; FR_thigh_joint
(20,0) -1.44 ; FR_calf_joint
(21,0) 0.20 ; RR_hip_joint
(22,0) 0.72 ; RR_thigh_joint
(23,0) -1.44 ; RR_calf_joint
; standard state weight matrix
scaling 1e+0
;; Normalized Centroidal Momentum: [linear, angular] ;;
(0,0) 15.0 ; vcom_x
(1,1) 15.0 ; vcom_y
(2,2) 100.0 ; vcom_z
(3,3) 10.0 ; L_x / robotMass
(4,4) 30.0 ; L_y / robotMass
(5,5) 30.0 ; L_z / robotMass
;; Base Pose: [position, orientation] ;;
(6,6) 1000.0 ; p_base_x
(7,7) 1000.0 ; p_base_y
(8,8) 1500.0 ; p_base_z
(9,9) 100.0 ; theta_base_z
(10,10) 300.0 ; theta_base_y
(11,11) 300.0 ; theta_base_x
;; Leg Joint Positions: [FL, RL, FR, RR] ;;
(12,12) 5.0 ; FL_hip_joint
(13,13) 5.0 ; FL_thigh_joint
(14,14) 2.5 ; FL_calf_joint
(15,15) 5.0 ; RL_hip_joint
(16,16) 5.0 ; RL_thigh_joint
(17,17) 2.5 ; RL_calf_joint
(18,18) 5.0 ; FR_hip_joint
(19,19) 5.0 ; FR_thigh_joint
(20,20) 2.5 ; FR_calf_joint
(21,21) 5.0 ; RR_hip_joint
(22,22) 5.0 ; RR_thigh_joint
(23,23) 2.5 ; RR_calf_joint
; control weight matrix
scaling 1e-3
;; Feet Contact Forces: [FL, FR, RL, RR] ;;
(0,0) 1.0 ; front_left_force
(1,1) 1.0 ; front_left_force
(2,2) 1.0 ; front_left_force
(3,3) 1.0 ; front_right_force
(4,4) 1.0 ; front_right_force
(5,5) 1.0 ; front_right_force
(6,6) 1.0 ; rear_left_force
(7,7) 1.0 ; rear_left_force
(8,8) 1.0 ; rear_left_force
(9,9) 1.0 ; rear_right_force
(10,10) 1.0 ; rear_right_force
(11,11) 1.0 ; rear_right_force
;; foot velocity relative to base: [FL, RL, FR, RR] (uses the Jacobian at nominal configuration) ;;
(12,12) 5000.0 ; x
(13,13) 5000.0 ; y
(14,14) 5000.0 ; z
(15,15) 5000.0 ; x
(16,16) 5000.0 ; y
(17,17) 5000.0 ; z
(18,18) 5000.0 ; x
(19,19) 5000.0 ; y
(20,20) 5000.0 ; z
(21,21) 5000.0 ; x
(22,22) 5000.0 ; y
(23,23) 5000.0 ; z
frictionCoefficient 0.3
; relaxed log barrier parameters
mu 0.1
delta 5.0
; Self Collision raw object pairs
; Self Collision pairs
[0] "FL_calf, FR_calf"
[1] "RL_calf, RR_calf"
[2] "FL_calf, RL_calf"
[3] "FR_calf, RR_calf"
[4] "FL_foot, FR_foot"
[5] "RL_foot, RR_foot"
[6] "FL_foot, RL_foot"
[7] "FR_foot, RR_foot"
minimumDistance 0.05
; relaxed log barrier parameters
mu 1e-2
delta 1e-3
; Whole body control
(0,0) 33.5 ; HAA
(1,0) 33.5 ; HFE
(2,0) 33.5 ; KFE
frictionCoefficient 0.3
kp 350
kd 37
swingLeg 100
baseAccel 1
contactForce 0.01
; State Estimation
footRadius 0.02
imuProcessNoisePosition 0.02
imuProcessNoiseVelocity 0.02
footProcessNoisePosition 0.002
footSensorNoisePosition 0.005
footSensorNoiseVelocity 0.1
footHeightSensorNoise 0.01