# rl_sar [中文文档](README_CN.md) Simulation verification and physical deployment of robot reinforcement learning algorithms, suitable for quadruped robots, wheeled robots, and humanoid robots. "sar" stands for "simulation and real" ## Preparation Clone the code ```bash git clone https://github.com/fan-ziqi/rl_sar.git ``` ## Dependency This project relies on ROS Noetic (Ubuntu 20.04) After installing ROS, install the dependency library ```bash sudo apt install ros-noetic-teleop-twist-keyboard ros-noetic-controller-interface ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-control ros-noetic-joint-state-controller ros-noetic-effort-controllers ros-noetic-joint-trajectory-controller ``` Download and deploy `libtorch` at any location ```bash cd /path/to/your/torchlib wget https://download.pytorch.org/libtorch/cpu/libtorch-cxx11-abi-shared-with-deps-2.0.1%2Bcpu.zip unzip libtorch-cxx11-abi-shared-with-deps-2.0.1+cpu.zip -d ./ echo 'export Torch_DIR=/path/to/your/torchlib' >> ~/.bashrc ``` Install yaml-cpp ```bash git clone https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp.git cd yaml-cpp && mkdir build && cd build cmake -DYAML_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=on .. && make sudo make install sudo ldconfig ``` Install lcm ```bash git clone https://github.com/lcm-proj/lcm.git cd lcm && mkdir build && cd build cmake .. && make sudo make install sudo ldconfig ``` ## Compilation Customize the following two functions in your code to adapt to different models: ```cpp torch::Tensor forward() override; torch::Tensor compute_observation() override; ``` Then compile in the root directory ```bash cd .. catkin build ``` ## Running Before running, copy the trained pt model file to `rl_sar/src/rl_sar/models/YOUR_ROBOT_NAME`, and configure the parameters in `config.yaml`. ### Simulation Open a new terminal, launch the gazebo simulation environment ```bash source devel/setup.bash roslaunch rl_sar gazebo_.launch ``` Where \ can be `a1` or `gr1t1`. Press **0** on the keyboard to switch the robot to the default standing position, press **P** to switch to RL control mode, and press **1** in any state to switch to the initial lying position. WS controls x-axis, AD controls yaw, and JL controls y-axis. ### Physical Robots #### Unitree A1 Unitree A1 can be connected using both wireless and wired methods: * Wireless: Connect to the Unitree starting with WIFI broadcasted by the robot **(Note: Wireless connection may lead to packet loss, disconnection, or even loss of control, please ensure safety)** * Wired: Use an Ethernet cable to connect any port on the computer and the robot, configure the computer IP as, and the gateway as Open a new terminal and start the control program ```bash source devel/setup.bash rosrun rl_sar rl_real_a1 ``` Press the **R2** button on the controller to switch the robot to the default standing position, press **R1** to switch to RL control mode, and press **L2** in any state to switch to the initial lying position. The left stick controls x-axis up and down, controls yaw left and right, and the right stick controls y-axis left and right. OR Press **0** on the keyboard to switch the robot to the default standing position, press **P** to switch to RL control mode, and press **1** in any state to switch to the initial lying position. WS controls x-axis, AD controls yaw, and JL controls y-axis. ## Add Your Robot In the following, let ROBOT represent the name of your robot. 1. Create a model package named ROBOT_description in the robots folder. Place the URDF model in the urdf path within the folder and name it ROBOT.urdf. Create a namespace named ROBOT_gazebo in the config folder within the model file for joint configuration. 2. Place the model file in models/ROBOT. 3. Add a new field in rl_sar/config.yaml named ROBOT and adjust the parameters, such as changing the model_name to the model file name from the previous step. 4. Add a new launch file in the rl_sar/launch folder. Refer to other launch files for guidance on modification. 5. Change ROBOT_NAME to ROBOT in rl_xxx.cpp. 6. Compile and run. ## Reference [unitree_ros](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_ros) ## Citation Please cite the following if you use this code or parts of it: ``` @software{fan-ziqi2024rl_sar, author = {fan-ziqi}, title = {{rl_sar: Simulation Verification and Physical Deployment of Robot Reinforcement Learning Algorithm.}}, url = {https://github.com/fan-ziqi/rl_sar}, year = {2024} } ```