# Introduction ## Unitree mujoco `unitree_mujoco` is a simulator developed based on `Unitree sdk2` and `mujoco`. Users can easily integrate the control programs developed with `Unitree_sdk2`, `unitree_ros2`, and `unitree_sdk2_python` into this simulator, enabling a seamless transition from simulation to physical development. The repository includes two versions of the simulator implemented in C++ and Python, with a structure as follows: ![](./doc/func.png) ## Directory Structure - `simulate`: Simulator implemented based on unitree_sdk2 and mujoco (C++) - `simulate_python`: Simulator implemented based on unitree_sdk2_python and mujoco (Python) - `unitree_robots`: MJCF description files for robots supported by unitree_sdk2 - `terrain_tool`: Tool for generating terrain in simulation scenarios - `example`: Example programs ## Supported Unitree sdk2 Messages: - `LowCmd`: Motor control commands - `LowState`: Motor state information - `SportModeState`: Robot position and velocity data Note: 1. The numbering of the motors corresponds to the actual robot hardware. Specific details can be found in the [Unitree documentation](https://support.unitree.com/home/zh/developer). 2. In the actual robot hardware, the `SportModeState` message is not readable after the built-in motion control service is turned off. However, the simulator retains this message to allow users to utilize the position and velocity information for analyzing the developed control programs. ## Related links - [unitree_sdk2](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2) - [unitree_sdk2_python](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2_python) - [unitree_ros2](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_ros2) - [Unitree Doc](https://support.unitree.com/home/zh/developer) - [Mujoco Doc](https://mujoco.readthedocs.io/en/stable/overview.html) # Installation ## C++ Simulator (simulate) ### 1. Dependencies #### unitree_sdk2 ```bash git clone https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2.git cd unitree_sdk2/ chmod +x ./install.sh sudo ./install.sh ``` For more details, see: https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2 #### mujoco >= 3.0.0 ```bash sudo apt install libglfw3-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev ``` ```bash git clone https://github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco.git mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make -j4 sudo make install ``` Test: ```bash simulate ``` If the mujoco simulator pops up, the installation is successful. #### yaml-cpp yaml-cpp is mainly used for reading configuration files: ```bash sudo apt install libyaml-cpp-dev ``` ### 2. Compile unitree_mujoco ```bash cd unitree_mujoco/simulate mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make -j4 ``` ### 3. Test: Run: ```bash ./unitree_mujoco ``` You should see the mujoco simulator with the Go2 robot loaded. In a new terminal, run: ```bash ./test ``` The program will output the robot's pose and position information in the simulator, and each motor of the robot will continuously output 1Nm of torque. ## Python Simulator (simulate_python) ### 1. Dependencies #### unitree_sdk2_python ```bash cd ~ sudo apt install python3-pip git clone https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2_python.git cd unitree_sdk2_python pip3 install -e . ``` If you encounter an error during installation: ```bash Could not locate cyclonedds. Try to set CYCLONEDDS_HOME or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ``` Refer to: https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_sdk2_python #### mujoco-python ```bash pip3 install mujoco ``` #### joystick ```bash pip3 install pygame ``` ### 2. Test ```bash cd ./simulate_python python3 ./unitree_mujoco.py ``` You should see the mujoco simulator with the Go2 robot loaded. In a new terminal, run: ```bash python3 ./test/test_unitree_sdk2.py ``` The program will output the robot's pose and position information in the simulator, and each motor of the robot will continuously output 1Nm of torque. # Usage ## 1. Simulation Configuration ### C++ Simulator The configuration file for the C++ simulator is located at `/simulate/config.yaml`: ```yaml # Robot name loaded by the simulator # "go2", "b2", "b2w", "h1" robot: "go2" # Robot simulation scene file # For example, for go2, it refers to the scene.xml file in the /unitree_robots/go2/ folder robot_scene: "scene.xml" # DDS domain id, it is recommended to distinguish from the real robot (default is 0 on the real robot) domain_id: 1 use_joystick: 1 # Simulate Unitree WirelessController using a gamepad joystick_type: "xbox" # support "xbox" and "switch" gamepad layout joystick_device: "/dev/input/js0" # Device path joystick_bits: 16 # Some game controllers may only have 8-bit accuracy # Network interface name, for simulation, it is recommended to use the local loopback "lo" interface: "lo" # Whether to output robot link, joint, sensor information, 1 for output print_scene_information: 1 # Whether to use virtual tape, 1 to enable # Mainly used to simulate the hanging process of H1 robot initialization enable_elastic_band: 0 # For H1 ``` ### Python Simulator The configuration file for the Python simulator is located at `/simulate_python/config.py`: ```python # Robot name loaded by the simulator # "go2", "b2", "b2w", "h1" ROBOT = "go2" # Robot simulation scene file ROBOT_SCENE = "../unitree_robots/" + ROBOT + "/scene.xml" # Robot scene # DDS domain id, it is recommended to distinguish from the real robot (default is 0 on the real robot) DOMAIN_ID = 1 # Domain id # Network interface name, for simulation, it is recommended to use the local loopback "lo" INTERFACE = "lo" # Interface # Whether to output robot link, joint, sensor information, True for output PRINT_SCENE_INFORMATION = True # Whether to use virtual tape, 1 to enable # Mainly used to simulate the hanging process of H1 robot initialization ENABLE_ELASTIC_BAND = False # Simulation time step (unit: s) # To ensure the reliability of the simulation, it needs to be greater than the time required for viewer.sync() to render once SIMULATE_DT = 0.003 # Visualization interface runtime step, 0.02 corresponds to 50fps/s VIEWER_DT = 0.02 ``` ## 2. Terrain Generation Tool We provide a tool to parametrically create simple terrains in the mujoco simulator, including stairs, rough ground, and height maps. The program is located in the `terrain_tool` folder. For specific usage instructions, refer to the README file in the `terrain_tool` folder. ![Terrain Generation Example](./doc/terrain.png) ## 3. Sim to Real The `example` folder contains simple examples of using different interfaces to make the Go2 robot stand up and then lie down. These examples demonstrate how to implement the transition from simulation to reality using interfaces provided by Unitree. Here is an explanation of each folder name: - `cpp`: Based on C++, using `unitree_sdk2` interface - `python`: Based on Python, using `unitree_sdk2_python` interface - `ros2`: Based on ROS2, using `unitree_ros2` interface ### unitree_sdk2 1. Compile ```bash cd example/cpp mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make -j4 ``` 2. Run: ```bash ./stand_go2 # Control the robot in the simulation (make sure the Go2 simulation scene has been loaded) ./stand_go2 enp3s0 # Control the physical robot, where enp3s0 is the name of the network card connected to the robot ``` 3. Sim to Real ```cpp if (argc < 2) { // If no network card is input, use the simulated domain id and the local network card ChannelFactory::Instance()->Init(1, "lo"); } else { // Otherwise, use the specified network card ChannelFactory::Instance()->Init(0, argv[1]); } ``` ### unitree_sdk2_python 1. Run ```bash python3 ./stand_go2.py # Control the robot in the simulation (make sure the Go2 simulation scene has been loaded) python3 ./stand_go2.py enp3s0 # Control the physical robot, where enp3s0 is the name of the network card connected to the robot ``` 2. Sim to Real ```python if len(sys.argv) < 2: // If no network card is input, use the simulated domain id and the local network card ChannelFactoryInitialize(1, "lo") else: // Otherwise, use the specified network card ChannelFactoryInitialize(0, sys.argv[1]) ``` ### unitree_ros2 1. Compile First, ensure that the unitree_ros2 environment has been properly configured, see [unitree_ros2](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_ros2). ```bash source ~/unitree_ros2/setup.sh cd example/ros2 colcon build ``` 2. Run simulation ```bash source ~/unitree_ros2/setup_local.sh # Use the local network card export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 # Modify the domain id to match the simulation ./install/stand_go2/bin/stand_go2 # Run ``` 3. Run real robot ```bash source ~/unitree_ros2/setup.sh # Use the network card connected to the robot export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0 # Use the default domain id ./install/stand_go2/bin/stand_go2 # Run ```