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2023-10-11 15:38:49 +08:00
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import choice
from scipy import interpolate
from isaacgym import terrain_utils
from legged_gym.envs.base.legged_robot_config import LeggedRobotCfg
class Terrain:
def __init__(self, cfg: LeggedRobotCfg.terrain, num_robots) -> None:
self.cfg = cfg
self.num_robots = num_robots
self.type = cfg.mesh_type
if self.type in ["none", 'plane']:
self.env_length = cfg.terrain_length
self.env_width = cfg.terrain_width
self.proportions = [np.sum(cfg.terrain_proportions[:i+1]) for i in range(len(cfg.terrain_proportions))]
self.cfg.num_sub_terrains = cfg.num_rows * cfg.num_cols
self.env_origins = np.zeros((cfg.num_rows, cfg.num_cols, 3))
self.width_per_env_pixels = int(self.env_width / cfg.horizontal_scale)
self.length_per_env_pixels = int(self.env_length / cfg.horizontal_scale)
self.border = int(cfg.border_size/self.cfg.horizontal_scale)
self.tot_cols = int(cfg.num_cols * self.width_per_env_pixels) + 2 * self.border
self.tot_rows = int(cfg.num_rows * self.length_per_env_pixels) + 2 * self.border
self.height_field_raw = np.zeros((self.tot_rows , self.tot_cols), dtype=np.int16)
if cfg.curriculum:
elif cfg.selected:
self.heightsamples = self.height_field_raw
if self.type=="trimesh":
self.vertices, self.triangles = terrain_utils.convert_heightfield_to_trimesh( self.height_field_raw,
def randomized_terrain(self):
for k in range(self.cfg.num_sub_terrains):
# Env coordinates in the world
(i, j) = np.unravel_index(k, (self.cfg.num_rows, self.cfg.num_cols))
choice = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
difficulty = np.random.choice([0.5, 0.75, 0.9])
terrain = self.make_terrain(choice, difficulty)
self.add_terrain_to_map(terrain, i, j)
def curiculum(self):
for j in range(self.cfg.num_cols):
for i in range(self.cfg.num_rows):
difficulty = i / self.cfg.num_rows
choice = j / self.cfg.num_cols + 0.001
terrain = self.make_terrain(choice, difficulty)
self.add_terrain_to_map(terrain, i, j)
def selected_terrain(self):
terrain_type = self.cfg.terrain_kwargs.pop('type')
for k in range(self.cfg.num_sub_terrains):
# Env coordinates in the world
(i, j) = np.unravel_index(k, (self.cfg.num_rows, self.cfg.num_cols))
terrain = terrain_utils.SubTerrain("terrain",
eval(terrain_type)(terrain, **self.cfg.terrain_kwargs.terrain_kwargs)
self.add_terrain_to_map(terrain, i, j)
def make_terrain(self, choice, difficulty):
terrain = terrain_utils.SubTerrain( "terrain",
slope = difficulty * 0.4
step_height = 0.05 + 0.18 * difficulty
discrete_obstacles_height = 0.05 + difficulty * 0.2
stepping_stones_size = 1.5 * (1.05 - difficulty)
stone_distance = 0.05 if difficulty==0 else 0.1
gap_size = 1. * difficulty
pit_depth = 1. * difficulty
if choice < self.proportions[0]:
if choice < self.proportions[0]/ 2:
slope *= -1
terrain_utils.pyramid_sloped_terrain(terrain, slope=slope, platform_size=3.)
elif choice < self.proportions[1]:
terrain_utils.pyramid_sloped_terrain(terrain, slope=slope, platform_size=3.)
terrain_utils.random_uniform_terrain(terrain, min_height=-0.05, max_height=0.05, step=0.005, downsampled_scale=0.2)
elif choice < self.proportions[3]:
if choice<self.proportions[2]:
step_height *= -1
terrain_utils.pyramid_stairs_terrain(terrain, step_width=0.31, step_height=step_height, platform_size=3.)
elif choice < self.proportions[4]:
num_rectangles = 20
rectangle_min_size = 1.
rectangle_max_size = 2.
terrain_utils.discrete_obstacles_terrain(terrain, discrete_obstacles_height, rectangle_min_size, rectangle_max_size, num_rectangles, platform_size=3.)
elif choice < self.proportions[5]:
terrain_utils.stepping_stones_terrain(terrain, stone_size=stepping_stones_size, stone_distance=stone_distance, max_height=0., platform_size=4.)
elif choice < self.proportions[6]:
gap_terrain(terrain, gap_size=gap_size, platform_size=3.)
pit_terrain(terrain, depth=pit_depth, platform_size=4.)
return terrain
def add_terrain_to_map(self, terrain, row, col):
i = row
j = col
# map coordinate system
start_x = self.border + i * self.length_per_env_pixels
end_x = self.border + (i + 1) * self.length_per_env_pixels
start_y = self.border + j * self.width_per_env_pixels
end_y = self.border + (j + 1) * self.width_per_env_pixels
self.height_field_raw[start_x: end_x, start_y:end_y] = terrain.height_field_raw
env_origin_x = (i + 0.5) * self.env_length
env_origin_y = (j + 0.5) * self.env_width
x1 = int((self.env_length/2. - 1) / terrain.horizontal_scale)
x2 = int((self.env_length/2. + 1) / terrain.horizontal_scale)
y1 = int((self.env_width/2. - 1) / terrain.horizontal_scale)
y2 = int((self.env_width/2. + 1) / terrain.horizontal_scale)
env_origin_z = np.max(terrain.height_field_raw[x1:x2, y1:y2])*terrain.vertical_scale
self.env_origins[i, j] = [env_origin_x, env_origin_y, env_origin_z]
def gap_terrain(terrain, gap_size, platform_size=1.):
gap_size = int(gap_size / terrain.horizontal_scale)
platform_size = int(platform_size / terrain.horizontal_scale)
center_x = terrain.length // 2
center_y = terrain.width // 2
x1 = (terrain.length - platform_size) // 2
x2 = x1 + gap_size
y1 = (terrain.width - platform_size) // 2
y2 = y1 + gap_size
terrain.height_field_raw[center_x-x2 : center_x + x2, center_y-y2 : center_y + y2] = -1000
terrain.height_field_raw[center_x-x1 : center_x + x1, center_y-y1 : center_y + y1] = 0
def pit_terrain(terrain, depth, platform_size=1.):
depth = int(depth / terrain.vertical_scale)
platform_size = int(platform_size / terrain.horizontal_scale / 2)
x1 = terrain.length // 2 - platform_size
x2 = terrain.length // 2 + platform_size
y1 = terrain.width // 2 - platform_size
y2 = terrain.width // 2 + platform_size
terrain.height_field_raw[x1:x2, y1:y2] = -depth