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from legged_gym import LEGGED_GYM_ROOT_DIR , envs
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import time
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from warnings import WarningMessage
import numpy as np
import os
from isaacgym . torch_utils import *
from isaacgym import gymtorch , gymapi , gymutil
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from typing import Tuple , Dict
from legged_gym import LEGGED_GYM_ROOT_DIR
from legged_gym . envs . base . base_task import BaseTask
from legged_gym . utils . math import quat_apply_yaw , wrap_to_pi , torch_rand_sqrt_float
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from legged_gym . utils . isaacgym_utils import get_euler_xyz
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from legged_gym . utils . helpers import class_to_dict
from . legged_robot_config import LeggedRobotCfg
class LeggedRobot ( BaseTask ) :
def __init__ ( self , cfg : LeggedRobotCfg , sim_params , physics_engine , sim_device , headless ) :
""" Parses the provided config file,
calls create_sim ( ) ( which creates , simulation and environments ) ,
initilizes pytorch buffers used during training
Args :
cfg ( Dict ) : Environment config file
sim_params ( gymapi . SimParams ) : simulation parameters
physics_engine ( gymapi . SimType ) : gymapi . SIM_PHYSX ( must be PhysX )
device_type ( string ) : ' cuda ' or ' cpu '
device_id ( int ) : 0 , 1 , . . .
headless ( bool ) : Run without rendering if True
self . cfg = cfg
self . sim_params = sim_params
self . height_samples = None
self . debug_viz = False
self . init_done = False
self . _parse_cfg ( self . cfg )
super ( ) . __init__ ( self . cfg , sim_params , physics_engine , sim_device , headless )
if not self . headless :
self . set_camera ( self . cfg . viewer . pos , self . cfg . viewer . lookat )
self . _init_buffers ( )
self . _prepare_reward_function ( )
self . init_done = True
def step ( self , actions ) :
""" Apply actions, simulate, call self.post_physics_step()
Args :
actions ( torch . Tensor ) : Tensor of shape ( num_envs , num_actions_per_env )
clip_actions = self . cfg . normalization . clip_actions
self . actions = torch . clip ( actions , - clip_actions , clip_actions ) . to ( self . device )
# step physics and render each frame
self . render ( )
for _ in range ( self . cfg . control . decimation ) :
self . torques = self . _compute_torques ( self . actions ) . view ( self . torques . shape )
self . gym . set_dof_actuation_force_tensor ( self . sim , gymtorch . unwrap_tensor ( self . torques ) )
self . gym . simulate ( self . sim )
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if self . cfg . env . test :
elapsed_time = self . gym . get_elapsed_time ( self . sim )
sim_time = self . gym . get_sim_time ( self . sim )
if sim_time - elapsed_time > 0 :
time . sleep ( sim_time - elapsed_time )
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if self . device == ' cpu ' :
self . gym . fetch_results ( self . sim , True )
self . gym . refresh_dof_state_tensor ( self . sim )
self . post_physics_step ( )
# return clipped obs, clipped states (None), rewards, dones and infos
clip_obs = self . cfg . normalization . clip_observations
self . obs_buf = torch . clip ( self . obs_buf , - clip_obs , clip_obs )
if self . privileged_obs_buf is not None :
self . privileged_obs_buf = torch . clip ( self . privileged_obs_buf , - clip_obs , clip_obs )
return self . obs_buf , self . privileged_obs_buf , self . rew_buf , self . reset_buf , self . extras
def post_physics_step ( self ) :
""" check terminations, compute observations and rewards
calls self . _post_physics_step_callback ( ) for common computations
calls self . _draw_debug_vis ( ) if needed
self . gym . refresh_actor_root_state_tensor ( self . sim )
self . gym . refresh_net_contact_force_tensor ( self . sim )
self . episode_length_buf + = 1
self . common_step_counter + = 1
# prepare quantities
self . base_pos [ : ] = self . root_states [ : , 0 : 3 ]
self . base_quat [ : ] = self . root_states [ : , 3 : 7 ]
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self . rpy [ : ] = get_euler_xyz ( self . base_quat )
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self . base_lin_vel [ : ] = quat_rotate_inverse ( self . base_quat , self . root_states [ : , 7 : 10 ] )
self . base_ang_vel [ : ] = quat_rotate_inverse ( self . base_quat , self . root_states [ : , 10 : 13 ] )
self . projected_gravity [ : ] = quat_rotate_inverse ( self . base_quat , self . gravity_vec )
self . _post_physics_step_callback ( )
# compute observations, rewards, resets, ...
self . check_termination ( )
self . compute_reward ( )
env_ids = self . reset_buf . nonzero ( as_tuple = False ) . flatten ( )
self . reset_idx ( env_ids )
self . compute_observations ( ) # in some cases a simulation step might be required to refresh some obs (for example body positions)
self . last_actions [ : ] = self . actions [ : ]
self . last_dof_vel [ : ] = self . dof_vel [ : ]
self . last_root_vel [ : ] = self . root_states [ : , 7 : 13 ]
def check_termination ( self ) :
""" Check if environments need to be reset
self . reset_buf = torch . any ( torch . norm ( self . contact_forces [ : , self . termination_contact_indices , : ] , dim = - 1 ) > 1. , dim = 1 )
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self . reset_buf | = torch . logical_or ( torch . abs ( self . rpy [ : , 1 ] ) > 1.0 , torch . abs ( self . rpy [ : , 0 ] ) > 0.8 )
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self . time_out_buf = self . episode_length_buf > self . max_episode_length # no terminal reward for time-outs
self . reset_buf | = self . time_out_buf
def reset_idx ( self , env_ids ) :
""" Reset some environments.
Calls self . _reset_dofs ( env_ids ) , self . _reset_root_states ( env_ids ) , and self . _resample_commands ( env_ids )
[ Optional ] calls self . _update_terrain_curriculum ( env_ids ) , self . update_command_curriculum ( env_ids ) and
Logs episode info
Resets some buffers
Args :
env_ids ( list [ int ] ) : List of environment ids which must be reset
if len ( env_ids ) == 0 :
# reset robot states
self . _reset_dofs ( env_ids )
self . _reset_root_states ( env_ids )
self . _resample_commands ( env_ids )
# reset buffers
self . last_actions [ env_ids ] = 0.
self . last_dof_vel [ env_ids ] = 0.
self . feet_air_time [ env_ids ] = 0.
self . episode_length_buf [ env_ids ] = 0
self . reset_buf [ env_ids ] = 1
# fill extras
self . extras [ " episode " ] = { }
for key in self . episode_sums . keys ( ) :
self . extras [ " episode " ] [ ' rew_ ' + key ] = torch . mean ( self . episode_sums [ key ] [ env_ids ] ) / self . max_episode_length_s
self . episode_sums [ key ] [ env_ids ] = 0.
if self . cfg . commands . curriculum :
self . extras [ " episode " ] [ " max_command_x " ] = self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_x " ] [ 1 ]
# send timeout info to the algorithm
if self . cfg . env . send_timeouts :
self . extras [ " time_outs " ] = self . time_out_buf
def compute_reward ( self ) :
""" Compute rewards
Calls each reward function which had a non - zero scale ( processed in self . _prepare_reward_function ( ) )
adds each terms to the episode sums and to the total reward
self . rew_buf [ : ] = 0.
for i in range ( len ( self . reward_functions ) ) :
name = self . reward_names [ i ]
rew = self . reward_functions [ i ] ( ) * self . reward_scales [ name ]
self . rew_buf + = rew
self . episode_sums [ name ] + = rew
if self . cfg . rewards . only_positive_rewards :
self . rew_buf [ : ] = torch . clip ( self . rew_buf [ : ] , min = 0. )
# add termination reward after clipping
if " termination " in self . reward_scales :
rew = self . _reward_termination ( ) * self . reward_scales [ " termination " ]
self . rew_buf + = rew
self . episode_sums [ " termination " ] + = rew
def compute_observations ( self ) :
""" Computes observations
self . obs_buf = torch . cat ( ( self . base_lin_vel * self . obs_scales . lin_vel ,
self . base_ang_vel * self . obs_scales . ang_vel ,
self . projected_gravity ,
self . commands [ : , : 3 ] * self . commands_scale ,
( self . dof_pos - self . default_dof_pos ) * self . obs_scales . dof_pos ,
self . dof_vel * self . obs_scales . dof_vel ,
self . actions
) , dim = - 1 )
# add perceptive inputs if not blind
# add noise if needed
if self . add_noise :
self . obs_buf + = ( 2 * torch . rand_like ( self . obs_buf ) - 1 ) * self . noise_scale_vec
def create_sim ( self ) :
""" Creates simulation, terrain and evironments
self . up_axis_idx = 2 # 2 for z, 1 for y -> adapt gravity accordingly
self . sim = self . gym . create_sim ( self . sim_device_id , self . graphics_device_id , self . physics_engine , self . sim_params )
self . _create_ground_plane ( )
self . _create_envs ( )
def set_camera ( self , position , lookat ) :
""" Set camera position and direction
cam_pos = gymapi . Vec3 ( position [ 0 ] , position [ 1 ] , position [ 2 ] )
cam_target = gymapi . Vec3 ( lookat [ 0 ] , lookat [ 1 ] , lookat [ 2 ] )
self . gym . viewer_camera_look_at ( self . viewer , None , cam_pos , cam_target )
#------------- Callbacks --------------
def _process_rigid_shape_props ( self , props , env_id ) :
""" Callback allowing to store/change/randomize the rigid shape properties of each environment.
Called During environment creation .
Base behavior : randomizes the friction of each environment
Args :
props ( List [ gymapi . RigidShapeProperties ] ) : Properties of each shape of the asset
env_id ( int ) : Environment id
Returns :
[ List [ gymapi . RigidShapeProperties ] ] : Modified rigid shape properties
if self . cfg . domain_rand . randomize_friction :
if env_id == 0 :
# prepare friction randomization
friction_range = self . cfg . domain_rand . friction_range
num_buckets = 64
bucket_ids = torch . randint ( 0 , num_buckets , ( self . num_envs , 1 ) )
friction_buckets = torch_rand_float ( friction_range [ 0 ] , friction_range [ 1 ] , ( num_buckets , 1 ) , device = ' cpu ' )
self . friction_coeffs = friction_buckets [ bucket_ids ]
for s in range ( len ( props ) ) :
props [ s ] . friction = self . friction_coeffs [ env_id ]
return props
def _process_dof_props ( self , props , env_id ) :
""" Callback allowing to store/change/randomize the DOF properties of each environment.
Called During environment creation .
Base behavior : stores position , velocity and torques limits defined in the URDF
Args :
props ( numpy . array ) : Properties of each DOF of the asset
env_id ( int ) : Environment id
Returns :
[ numpy . array ] : Modified DOF properties
if env_id == 0 :
self . dof_pos_limits = torch . zeros ( self . num_dof , 2 , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . dof_vel_limits = torch . zeros ( self . num_dof , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . torque_limits = torch . zeros ( self . num_dof , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
for i in range ( len ( props ) ) :
self . dof_pos_limits [ i , 0 ] = props [ " lower " ] [ i ] . item ( )
self . dof_pos_limits [ i , 1 ] = props [ " upper " ] [ i ] . item ( )
self . dof_vel_limits [ i ] = props [ " velocity " ] [ i ] . item ( )
self . torque_limits [ i ] = props [ " effort " ] [ i ] . item ( )
# soft limits
m = ( self . dof_pos_limits [ i , 0 ] + self . dof_pos_limits [ i , 1 ] ) / 2
r = self . dof_pos_limits [ i , 1 ] - self . dof_pos_limits [ i , 0 ]
self . dof_pos_limits [ i , 0 ] = m - 0.5 * r * self . cfg . rewards . soft_dof_pos_limit
self . dof_pos_limits [ i , 1 ] = m + 0.5 * r * self . cfg . rewards . soft_dof_pos_limit
return props
def _process_rigid_body_props ( self , props , env_id ) :
# if env_id==0:
# sum = 0
# for i, p in enumerate(props):
# sum += p.mass
# print(f"Mass of body {i}: {p.mass} (before randomization)")
# print(f"Total mass {sum} (before randomization)")
# randomize base mass
if self . cfg . domain_rand . randomize_base_mass :
rng = self . cfg . domain_rand . added_mass_range
props [ 0 ] . mass + = np . random . uniform ( rng [ 0 ] , rng [ 1 ] )
return props
def _post_physics_step_callback ( self ) :
""" Callback called before computing terminations, rewards, and observations
Default behaviour : Compute ang vel command based on target and heading , compute measured terrain heights and randomly push robots
env_ids = ( self . episode_length_buf % int ( self . cfg . commands . resampling_time / self . dt ) == 0 ) . nonzero ( as_tuple = False ) . flatten ( )
self . _resample_commands ( env_ids )
if self . cfg . commands . heading_command :
forward = quat_apply ( self . base_quat , self . forward_vec )
heading = torch . atan2 ( forward [ : , 1 ] , forward [ : , 0 ] )
self . commands [ : , 2 ] = torch . clip ( 0.5 * wrap_to_pi ( self . commands [ : , 3 ] - heading ) , - 1. , 1. )
if self . cfg . domain_rand . push_robots and ( self . common_step_counter % self . cfg . domain_rand . push_interval == 0 ) :
self . _push_robots ( )
def _resample_commands ( self , env_ids ) :
""" Randommly select commands of some environments
Args :
env_ids ( List [ int ] ) : Environments ids for which new commands are needed
self . commands [ env_ids , 0 ] = torch_rand_float ( self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_x " ] [ 0 ] , self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_x " ] [ 1 ] , ( len ( env_ids ) , 1 ) , device = self . device ) . squeeze ( 1 )
self . commands [ env_ids , 1 ] = torch_rand_float ( self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_y " ] [ 0 ] , self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_y " ] [ 1 ] , ( len ( env_ids ) , 1 ) , device = self . device ) . squeeze ( 1 )
if self . cfg . commands . heading_command :
self . commands [ env_ids , 3 ] = torch_rand_float ( self . command_ranges [ " heading " ] [ 0 ] , self . command_ranges [ " heading " ] [ 1 ] , ( len ( env_ids ) , 1 ) , device = self . device ) . squeeze ( 1 )
else :
self . commands [ env_ids , 2 ] = torch_rand_float ( self . command_ranges [ " ang_vel_yaw " ] [ 0 ] , self . command_ranges [ " ang_vel_yaw " ] [ 1 ] , ( len ( env_ids ) , 1 ) , device = self . device ) . squeeze ( 1 )
# set small commands to zero
self . commands [ env_ids , : 2 ] * = ( torch . norm ( self . commands [ env_ids , : 2 ] , dim = 1 ) > 0.2 ) . unsqueeze ( 1 )
def _compute_torques ( self , actions ) :
""" Compute torques from actions.
Actions can be interpreted as position or velocity targets given to a PD controller , or directly as scaled torques .
[ NOTE ] : torques must have the same dimension as the number of DOFs , even if some DOFs are not actuated .
Args :
actions ( torch . Tensor ) : Actions
Returns :
[ torch . Tensor ] : Torques sent to the simulation
#pd controller
actions_scaled = actions * self . cfg . control . action_scale
control_type = self . cfg . control . control_type
if control_type == " P " :
torques = self . p_gains * ( actions_scaled + self . default_dof_pos - self . dof_pos ) - self . d_gains * self . dof_vel
elif control_type == " V " :
torques = self . p_gains * ( actions_scaled - self . dof_vel ) - self . d_gains * ( self . dof_vel - self . last_dof_vel ) / self . sim_params . dt
elif control_type == " T " :
torques = actions_scaled
else :
raise NameError ( f " Unknown controller type: { control_type } " )
return torch . clip ( torques , - self . torque_limits , self . torque_limits )
def _reset_dofs ( self , env_ids ) :
""" Resets DOF position and velocities of selected environmments
Positions are randomly selected within 0.5 : 1.5 x default positions .
Velocities are set to zero .
Args :
env_ids ( List [ int ] ) : Environemnt ids
self . dof_pos [ env_ids ] = self . default_dof_pos * torch_rand_float ( 0.5 , 1.5 , ( len ( env_ids ) , self . num_dof ) , device = self . device )
self . dof_vel [ env_ids ] = 0.
env_ids_int32 = env_ids . to ( dtype = torch . int32 )
self . gym . set_dof_state_tensor_indexed ( self . sim ,
gymtorch . unwrap_tensor ( self . dof_state ) ,
gymtorch . unwrap_tensor ( env_ids_int32 ) , len ( env_ids_int32 ) )
def _reset_root_states ( self , env_ids ) :
""" Resets ROOT states position and velocities of selected environmments
Sets base position based on the curriculum
Selects randomized base velocities within - 0.5 : 0.5 [ m / s , rad / s ]
Args :
env_ids ( List [ int ] ) : Environemnt ids
# base position
if self . custom_origins :
self . root_states [ env_ids ] = self . base_init_state
self . root_states [ env_ids , : 3 ] + = self . env_origins [ env_ids ]
self . root_states [ env_ids , : 2 ] + = torch_rand_float ( - 1. , 1. , ( len ( env_ids ) , 2 ) , device = self . device ) # xy position within 1m of the center
else :
self . root_states [ env_ids ] = self . base_init_state
self . root_states [ env_ids , : 3 ] + = self . env_origins [ env_ids ]
# base velocities
self . root_states [ env_ids , 7 : 13 ] = torch_rand_float ( - 0.5 , 0.5 , ( len ( env_ids ) , 6 ) , device = self . device ) # [7:10]: lin vel, [10:13]: ang vel
env_ids_int32 = env_ids . to ( dtype = torch . int32 )
self . gym . set_actor_root_state_tensor_indexed ( self . sim ,
gymtorch . unwrap_tensor ( self . root_states ) ,
gymtorch . unwrap_tensor ( env_ids_int32 ) , len ( env_ids_int32 ) )
def _push_robots ( self ) :
""" Random pushes the robots. Emulates an impulse by setting a randomized base velocity.
max_vel = self . cfg . domain_rand . max_push_vel_xy
self . root_states [ : , 7 : 9 ] = torch_rand_float ( - max_vel , max_vel , ( self . num_envs , 2 ) , device = self . device ) # lin vel x/y
self . gym . set_actor_root_state_tensor ( self . sim , gymtorch . unwrap_tensor ( self . root_states ) )
def update_command_curriculum ( self , env_ids ) :
""" Implements a curriculum of increasing commands
Args :
env_ids ( List [ int ] ) : ids of environments being reset
# If the tracking reward is above 80% of the maximum, increase the range of commands
if torch . mean ( self . episode_sums [ " tracking_lin_vel " ] [ env_ids ] ) / self . max_episode_length > 0.8 * self . reward_scales [ " tracking_lin_vel " ] :
self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_x " ] [ 0 ] = np . clip ( self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_x " ] [ 0 ] - 0.5 , - self . cfg . commands . max_curriculum , 0. )
self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_x " ] [ 1 ] = np . clip ( self . command_ranges [ " lin_vel_x " ] [ 1 ] + 0.5 , 0. , self . cfg . commands . max_curriculum )
def _get_noise_scale_vec ( self , cfg ) :
""" Sets a vector used to scale the noise added to the observations.
[ NOTE ] : Must be adapted when changing the observations structure
Args :
cfg ( Dict ) : Environment config file
Returns :
[ torch . Tensor ] : Vector of scales used to multiply a uniform distribution in [ - 1 , 1 ]
noise_vec = torch . zeros_like ( self . obs_buf [ 0 ] )
self . add_noise = self . cfg . noise . add_noise
noise_scales = self . cfg . noise . noise_scales
noise_level = self . cfg . noise . noise_level
noise_vec [ : 3 ] = noise_scales . lin_vel * noise_level * self . obs_scales . lin_vel
noise_vec [ 3 : 6 ] = noise_scales . ang_vel * noise_level * self . obs_scales . ang_vel
noise_vec [ 6 : 9 ] = noise_scales . gravity * noise_level
noise_vec [ 9 : 12 ] = 0. # commands
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noise_vec [ 12 : 12 + self . num_actions ] = noise_scales . dof_pos * noise_level * self . obs_scales . dof_pos
noise_vec [ 12 + self . num_actions : 12 + 2 * self . num_actions ] = noise_scales . dof_vel * noise_level * self . obs_scales . dof_vel
noise_vec [ 12 + 2 * self . num_actions : 12 + 3 * self . num_actions ] = 0. # previous actions
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return noise_vec
def _init_buffers ( self ) :
""" Initialize torch tensors which will contain simulation states and processed quantities
# get gym GPU state tensors
actor_root_state = self . gym . acquire_actor_root_state_tensor ( self . sim )
dof_state_tensor = self . gym . acquire_dof_state_tensor ( self . sim )
net_contact_forces = self . gym . acquire_net_contact_force_tensor ( self . sim )
self . gym . refresh_dof_state_tensor ( self . sim )
self . gym . refresh_actor_root_state_tensor ( self . sim )
self . gym . refresh_net_contact_force_tensor ( self . sim )
# create some wrapper tensors for different slices
self . root_states = gymtorch . wrap_tensor ( actor_root_state )
self . dof_state = gymtorch . wrap_tensor ( dof_state_tensor )
self . dof_pos = self . dof_state . view ( self . num_envs , self . num_dof , 2 ) [ . . . , 0 ]
self . dof_vel = self . dof_state . view ( self . num_envs , self . num_dof , 2 ) [ . . . , 1 ]
self . base_quat = self . root_states [ : , 3 : 7 ]
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self . rpy = get_euler_xyz ( self . base_quat )
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self . base_pos = self . root_states [ : self . num_envs , 0 : 3 ]
self . contact_forces = gymtorch . wrap_tensor ( net_contact_forces ) . view ( self . num_envs , - 1 , 3 ) # shape: num_envs, num_bodies, xyz axis
# initialize some data used later on
self . common_step_counter = 0
self . extras = { }
self . noise_scale_vec = self . _get_noise_scale_vec ( self . cfg )
self . gravity_vec = to_torch ( get_axis_params ( - 1. , self . up_axis_idx ) , device = self . device ) . repeat ( ( self . num_envs , 1 ) )
self . forward_vec = to_torch ( [ 1. , 0. , 0. ] , device = self . device ) . repeat ( ( self . num_envs , 1 ) )
self . torques = torch . zeros ( self . num_envs , self . num_actions , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . p_gains = torch . zeros ( self . num_actions , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . d_gains = torch . zeros ( self . num_actions , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . actions = torch . zeros ( self . num_envs , self . num_actions , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . last_actions = torch . zeros ( self . num_envs , self . num_actions , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . last_dof_vel = torch . zeros_like ( self . dof_vel )
self . last_root_vel = torch . zeros_like ( self . root_states [ : , 7 : 13 ] )
self . commands = torch . zeros ( self . num_envs , self . cfg . commands . num_commands , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False ) # x vel, y vel, yaw vel, heading
self . commands_scale = torch . tensor ( [ self . obs_scales . lin_vel , self . obs_scales . lin_vel , self . obs_scales . ang_vel ] , device = self . device , requires_grad = False , ) # TODO change this
self . feet_air_time = torch . zeros ( self . num_envs , self . feet_indices . shape [ 0 ] , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . last_contacts = torch . zeros ( self . num_envs , len ( self . feet_indices ) , dtype = torch . bool , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
self . base_lin_vel = quat_rotate_inverse ( self . base_quat , self . root_states [ : , 7 : 10 ] )
self . base_ang_vel = quat_rotate_inverse ( self . base_quat , self . root_states [ : , 10 : 13 ] )
self . projected_gravity = quat_rotate_inverse ( self . base_quat , self . gravity_vec )
# joint positions offsets and PD gains
self . default_dof_pos = torch . zeros ( self . num_dof , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
for i in range ( self . num_dofs ) :
name = self . dof_names [ i ]
angle = self . cfg . init_state . default_joint_angles [ name ]
self . default_dof_pos [ i ] = angle
found = False
for dof_name in self . cfg . control . stiffness . keys ( ) :
if dof_name in name :
self . p_gains [ i ] = self . cfg . control . stiffness [ dof_name ]
self . d_gains [ i ] = self . cfg . control . damping [ dof_name ]
found = True
if not found :
self . p_gains [ i ] = 0.
self . d_gains [ i ] = 0.
if self . cfg . control . control_type in [ " P " , " V " ] :
print ( f " PD gain of joint { name } were not defined, setting them to zero " )
self . default_dof_pos = self . default_dof_pos . unsqueeze ( 0 )
def _prepare_reward_function ( self ) :
""" Prepares a list of reward functions, whcih will be called to compute the total reward.
Looks for self . _reward_ < REWARD_NAME > , where < REWARD_NAME > are names of all non zero reward scales in the cfg .
# remove zero scales + multiply non-zero ones by dt
for key in list ( self . reward_scales . keys ( ) ) :
scale = self . reward_scales [ key ]
if scale == 0 :
self . reward_scales . pop ( key )
else :
self . reward_scales [ key ] * = self . dt
# prepare list of functions
self . reward_functions = [ ]
self . reward_names = [ ]
for name , scale in self . reward_scales . items ( ) :
if name == " termination " :
self . reward_names . append ( name )
name = ' _reward_ ' + name
self . reward_functions . append ( getattr ( self , name ) )
# reward episode sums
self . episode_sums = { name : torch . zeros ( self . num_envs , dtype = torch . float , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
for name in self . reward_scales . keys ( ) }
def _create_ground_plane ( self ) :
""" Adds a ground plane to the simulation, sets friction and restitution based on the cfg.
plane_params = gymapi . PlaneParams ( )
plane_params . normal = gymapi . Vec3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 )
plane_params . static_friction = self . cfg . terrain . static_friction
plane_params . dynamic_friction = self . cfg . terrain . dynamic_friction
plane_params . restitution = self . cfg . terrain . restitution
self . gym . add_ground ( self . sim , plane_params )
def _create_envs ( self ) :
""" Creates environments:
1. loads the robot URDF / MJCF asset ,
2. For each environment
2.1 creates the environment ,
2.2 calls DOF and Rigid shape properties callbacks ,
2.3 create actor with these properties and add them to the env
3. Store indices of different bodies of the robot
asset_path = self . cfg . asset . file . format ( LEGGED_GYM_ROOT_DIR = LEGGED_GYM_ROOT_DIR )
asset_root = os . path . dirname ( asset_path )
asset_file = os . path . basename ( asset_path )
asset_options = gymapi . AssetOptions ( )
asset_options . default_dof_drive_mode = self . cfg . asset . default_dof_drive_mode
asset_options . collapse_fixed_joints = self . cfg . asset . collapse_fixed_joints
asset_options . replace_cylinder_with_capsule = self . cfg . asset . replace_cylinder_with_capsule
asset_options . flip_visual_attachments = self . cfg . asset . flip_visual_attachments
asset_options . fix_base_link = self . cfg . asset . fix_base_link
asset_options . density = self . cfg . asset . density
asset_options . angular_damping = self . cfg . asset . angular_damping
asset_options . linear_damping = self . cfg . asset . linear_damping
asset_options . max_angular_velocity = self . cfg . asset . max_angular_velocity
asset_options . max_linear_velocity = self . cfg . asset . max_linear_velocity
asset_options . armature = self . cfg . asset . armature
asset_options . thickness = self . cfg . asset . thickness
asset_options . disable_gravity = self . cfg . asset . disable_gravity
robot_asset = self . gym . load_asset ( self . sim , asset_root , asset_file , asset_options )
self . num_dof = self . gym . get_asset_dof_count ( robot_asset )
self . num_bodies = self . gym . get_asset_rigid_body_count ( robot_asset )
dof_props_asset = self . gym . get_asset_dof_properties ( robot_asset )
rigid_shape_props_asset = self . gym . get_asset_rigid_shape_properties ( robot_asset )
# save body names from the asset
body_names = self . gym . get_asset_rigid_body_names ( robot_asset )
self . dof_names = self . gym . get_asset_dof_names ( robot_asset )
self . num_bodies = len ( body_names )
self . num_dofs = len ( self . dof_names )
feet_names = [ s for s in body_names if self . cfg . asset . foot_name in s ]
penalized_contact_names = [ ]
for name in self . cfg . asset . penalize_contacts_on :
penalized_contact_names . extend ( [ s for s in body_names if name in s ] )
termination_contact_names = [ ]
for name in self . cfg . asset . terminate_after_contacts_on :
termination_contact_names . extend ( [ s for s in body_names if name in s ] )
base_init_state_list = self . cfg . init_state . pos + self . cfg . init_state . rot + self . cfg . init_state . lin_vel + self . cfg . init_state . ang_vel
self . base_init_state = to_torch ( base_init_state_list , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
start_pose = gymapi . Transform ( )
start_pose . p = gymapi . Vec3 ( * self . base_init_state [ : 3 ] )
self . _get_env_origins ( )
env_lower = gymapi . Vec3 ( 0. , 0. , 0. )
env_upper = gymapi . Vec3 ( 0. , 0. , 0. )
self . actor_handles = [ ]
self . envs = [ ]
for i in range ( self . num_envs ) :
# create env instance
env_handle = self . gym . create_env ( self . sim , env_lower , env_upper , int ( np . sqrt ( self . num_envs ) ) )
pos = self . env_origins [ i ] . clone ( )
pos [ : 2 ] + = torch_rand_float ( - 1. , 1. , ( 2 , 1 ) , device = self . device ) . squeeze ( 1 )
start_pose . p = gymapi . Vec3 ( * pos )
rigid_shape_props = self . _process_rigid_shape_props ( rigid_shape_props_asset , i )
self . gym . set_asset_rigid_shape_properties ( robot_asset , rigid_shape_props )
actor_handle = self . gym . create_actor ( env_handle , robot_asset , start_pose , self . cfg . asset . name , i , self . cfg . asset . self_collisions , 0 )
dof_props = self . _process_dof_props ( dof_props_asset , i )
self . gym . set_actor_dof_properties ( env_handle , actor_handle , dof_props )
body_props = self . gym . get_actor_rigid_body_properties ( env_handle , actor_handle )
body_props = self . _process_rigid_body_props ( body_props , i )
self . gym . set_actor_rigid_body_properties ( env_handle , actor_handle , body_props , recomputeInertia = True )
self . envs . append ( env_handle )
self . actor_handles . append ( actor_handle )
self . feet_indices = torch . zeros ( len ( feet_names ) , dtype = torch . long , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
for i in range ( len ( feet_names ) ) :
self . feet_indices [ i ] = self . gym . find_actor_rigid_body_handle ( self . envs [ 0 ] , self . actor_handles [ 0 ] , feet_names [ i ] )
self . penalised_contact_indices = torch . zeros ( len ( penalized_contact_names ) , dtype = torch . long , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
for i in range ( len ( penalized_contact_names ) ) :
self . penalised_contact_indices [ i ] = self . gym . find_actor_rigid_body_handle ( self . envs [ 0 ] , self . actor_handles [ 0 ] , penalized_contact_names [ i ] )
self . termination_contact_indices = torch . zeros ( len ( termination_contact_names ) , dtype = torch . long , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
for i in range ( len ( termination_contact_names ) ) :
self . termination_contact_indices [ i ] = self . gym . find_actor_rigid_body_handle ( self . envs [ 0 ] , self . actor_handles [ 0 ] , termination_contact_names [ i ] )
def _get_env_origins ( self ) :
""" Sets environment origins. On rough terrain the origins are defined by the terrain platforms.
Otherwise create a grid .
self . custom_origins = False
self . env_origins = torch . zeros ( self . num_envs , 3 , device = self . device , requires_grad = False )
# create a grid of robots
num_cols = np . floor ( np . sqrt ( self . num_envs ) )
num_rows = np . ceil ( self . num_envs / num_cols )
xx , yy = torch . meshgrid ( torch . arange ( num_rows ) , torch . arange ( num_cols ) )
spacing = self . cfg . env . env_spacing
self . env_origins [ : , 0 ] = spacing * xx . flatten ( ) [ : self . num_envs ]
self . env_origins [ : , 1 ] = spacing * yy . flatten ( ) [ : self . num_envs ]
self . env_origins [ : , 2 ] = 0.
def _parse_cfg ( self , cfg ) :
self . dt = self . cfg . control . decimation * self . sim_params . dt
self . obs_scales = self . cfg . normalization . obs_scales
self . reward_scales = class_to_dict ( self . cfg . rewards . scales )
self . command_ranges = class_to_dict ( self . cfg . commands . ranges )
self . max_episode_length_s = self . cfg . env . episode_length_s
self . max_episode_length = np . ceil ( self . max_episode_length_s / self . dt )
self . cfg . domain_rand . push_interval = np . ceil ( self . cfg . domain_rand . push_interval_s / self . dt )
#------------ reward functions----------------
def _reward_lin_vel_z ( self ) :
# Penalize z axis base linear velocity
return torch . square ( self . base_lin_vel [ : , 2 ] )
def _reward_ang_vel_xy ( self ) :
# Penalize xy axes base angular velocity
return torch . sum ( torch . square ( self . base_ang_vel [ : , : 2 ] ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_orientation ( self ) :
# Penalize non flat base orientation
return torch . sum ( torch . square ( self . projected_gravity [ : , : 2 ] ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_base_height ( self ) :
# Penalize base height away from target
2024-01-12 15:41:58 +08:00
base_height = self . root_states [ : , 2 ]
2023-10-11 15:38:49 +08:00
return torch . square ( base_height - self . cfg . rewards . base_height_target )
def _reward_torques ( self ) :
# Penalize torques
return torch . sum ( torch . square ( self . torques ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_dof_vel ( self ) :
# Penalize dof velocities
return torch . sum ( torch . square ( self . dof_vel ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_dof_acc ( self ) :
# Penalize dof accelerations
return torch . sum ( torch . square ( ( self . last_dof_vel - self . dof_vel ) / self . dt ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_action_rate ( self ) :
# Penalize changes in actions
return torch . sum ( torch . square ( self . last_actions - self . actions ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_collision ( self ) :
# Penalize collisions on selected bodies
return torch . sum ( 1. * ( torch . norm ( self . contact_forces [ : , self . penalised_contact_indices , : ] , dim = - 1 ) > 0.1 ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_termination ( self ) :
# Terminal reward / penalty
return self . reset_buf * ~ self . time_out_buf
def _reward_dof_pos_limits ( self ) :
# Penalize dof positions too close to the limit
out_of_limits = - ( self . dof_pos - self . dof_pos_limits [ : , 0 ] ) . clip ( max = 0. ) # lower limit
out_of_limits + = ( self . dof_pos - self . dof_pos_limits [ : , 1 ] ) . clip ( min = 0. )
return torch . sum ( out_of_limits , dim = 1 )
def _reward_dof_vel_limits ( self ) :
# Penalize dof velocities too close to the limit
# clip to max error = 1 rad/s per joint to avoid huge penalties
return torch . sum ( ( torch . abs ( self . dof_vel ) - self . dof_vel_limits * self . cfg . rewards . soft_dof_vel_limit ) . clip ( min = 0. , max = 1. ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_torque_limits ( self ) :
# penalize torques too close to the limit
return torch . sum ( ( torch . abs ( self . torques ) - self . torque_limits * self . cfg . rewards . soft_torque_limit ) . clip ( min = 0. ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_tracking_lin_vel ( self ) :
# Tracking of linear velocity commands (xy axes)
lin_vel_error = torch . sum ( torch . square ( self . commands [ : , : 2 ] - self . base_lin_vel [ : , : 2 ] ) , dim = 1 )
return torch . exp ( - lin_vel_error / self . cfg . rewards . tracking_sigma )
def _reward_tracking_ang_vel ( self ) :
# Tracking of angular velocity commands (yaw)
ang_vel_error = torch . square ( self . commands [ : , 2 ] - self . base_ang_vel [ : , 2 ] )
return torch . exp ( - ang_vel_error / self . cfg . rewards . tracking_sigma )
def _reward_feet_air_time ( self ) :
# Reward long steps
# Need to filter the contacts because the contact reporting of PhysX is unreliable on meshes
contact = self . contact_forces [ : , self . feet_indices , 2 ] > 1.
contact_filt = torch . logical_or ( contact , self . last_contacts )
self . last_contacts = contact
first_contact = ( self . feet_air_time > 0. ) * contact_filt
self . feet_air_time + = self . dt
rew_airTime = torch . sum ( ( self . feet_air_time - 0.5 ) * first_contact , dim = 1 ) # reward only on first contact with the ground
rew_airTime * = torch . norm ( self . commands [ : , : 2 ] , dim = 1 ) > 0.1 #no reward for zero command
self . feet_air_time * = ~ contact_filt
return rew_airTime
def _reward_stumble ( self ) :
# Penalize feet hitting vertical surfaces
return torch . any ( torch . norm ( self . contact_forces [ : , self . feet_indices , : 2 ] , dim = 2 ) > \
5 * torch . abs ( self . contact_forces [ : , self . feet_indices , 2 ] ) , dim = 1 )
def _reward_stand_still ( self ) :
# Penalize motion at zero commands
return torch . sum ( torch . abs ( self . dof_pos - self . default_dof_pos ) , dim = 1 ) * ( torch . norm ( self . commands [ : , : 2 ] , dim = 1 ) < 0.1 )
def _reward_feet_contact_forces ( self ) :
# penalize high contact forces
return torch . sum ( ( torch . norm ( self . contact_forces [ : , self . feet_indices , : ] , dim = - 1 ) - self . cfg . rewards . max_contact_force ) . clip ( min = 0. ) , dim = 1 )