
266 lines
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2024-12-06 16:05:29 +08:00
from legged_gym import LEGGED_GYM_ROOT_DIR
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import time
import torch
from unitree_sdk2py.core.channel import ChannelPublisher, ChannelFactoryInitialize
from unitree_sdk2py.core.channel import ChannelSubscriber, ChannelFactoryInitialize
from unitree_sdk2py.idl.default import unitree_hg_msg_dds__LowCmd_, unitree_hg_msg_dds__LowState_
from unitree_sdk2py.idl.default import unitree_go_msg_dds__LowCmd_, unitree_go_msg_dds__LowState_
from unitree_sdk2py.idl.unitree_hg.msg.dds_ import LowCmd_ as LowCmdHG
from unitree_sdk2py.idl.unitree_go.msg.dds_ import LowCmd_ as LowCmdGo
from unitree_sdk2py.idl.unitree_hg.msg.dds_ import LowState_ as LowStateHG
from unitree_sdk2py.idl.unitree_go.msg.dds_ import LowState_ as LowStateGo
from unitree_sdk2py.utils.crc import CRC
from common.command_helper import create_damping_cmd, create_zero_cmd, init_cmd_hg, init_cmd_go, MotorMode
from common.rotation_helper import get_gravity_orientation, transform_imu_data
from common.remote_controller import RemoteController, KeyMap
from config import Config
class Controller:
def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None:
self.config = config
self.remote_controller = RemoteController()
# Initialize the policy network
self.policy = torch.jit.load(config.policy_path)
# Initializing process variables
self.qj = np.zeros(config.num_actions, dtype=np.float32)
self.dqj = np.zeros(config.num_actions, dtype=np.float32)
self.action = np.zeros(config.num_actions, dtype=np.float32)
self.target_dof_pos = config.default_angles.copy()
self.obs = np.zeros(config.num_obs, dtype=np.float32)
self.cmd = np.array([0.0, 0, 0])
self.counter = 0
if config.msg_type == "hg":
# g1 and h1_2 use the hg msg type
self.low_cmd = unitree_hg_msg_dds__LowCmd_()
self.low_state = unitree_hg_msg_dds__LowState_()
self.mode_pr_ = MotorMode.PR
self.mode_machine_ = 0
self.lowcmd_publisher_ = ChannelPublisher(config.lowcmd_topic, LowCmdHG)
self.lowstate_subscriber = ChannelSubscriber(config.lowstate_topic, LowStateHG)
self.lowstate_subscriber.Init(self.LowStateHgHandler, 10)
elif config.msg_type == "go":
# h1 uses the go msg type
self.low_cmd = unitree_go_msg_dds__LowCmd_()
self.low_state = unitree_go_msg_dds__LowState_()
self.lowcmd_publisher_ = ChannelPublisher(config.lowcmd_topic, LowCmdGo)
self.lowstate_subscriber = ChannelSubscriber(config.lowstate_topic, LowStateGo)
self.lowstate_subscriber.Init(self.LowStateGoHandler, 10)
raise ValueError("Invalid msg_type")
# wait for the subscriber to receive data
# Initialize the command msg
if config.msg_type == "hg":
init_cmd_hg(self.low_cmd, self.mode_machine_, self.mode_pr_)
elif config.msg_type == "go":
init_cmd_go(self.low_cmd, weak_motor=self.config.weak_motor)
def LowStateHgHandler(self, msg: LowStateHG):
self.low_state = msg
self.mode_machine_ = self.low_state.mode_machine
def LowStateGoHandler(self, msg: LowStateGo):
self.low_state = msg
def send_cmd(self, cmd: Union[LowCmdGo, LowCmdHG]):
cmd.crc = CRC().Crc(cmd)
def wait_for_low_state(self):
while self.low_state.tick == 0:
print("Successfully connected to the robot.")
def zero_torque_state(self):
print("Enter zero torque state.")
print("Waiting for the start signal...")
while self.remote_controller.button[KeyMap.start] != 1:
def move_to_default_pos(self):
print("Moving to default pos.")
# move time 2s
total_time = 2
num_step = int(total_time / self.config.control_dt)
dof_idx = self.config.leg_joint2motor_idx + self.config.arm_waist_joint2motor_idx
kps = self.config.kps + self.config.arm_waist_kps
kds = self.config.kds + self.config.arm_waist_kds
default_pos = np.concatenate((self.config.default_angles, self.config.arm_waist_target), axis=0)
dof_size = len(dof_idx)
# record the current pos
init_dof_pos = np.zeros(dof_size, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(dof_size):
init_dof_pos[i] = self.low_state.motor_state[dof_idx[i]].q
# move to default pos
for i in range(num_step):
alpha = i / num_step
for j in range(dof_size):
motor_idx = dof_idx[j]
target_pos = default_pos[j]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].q = init_dof_pos[j] * (1 - alpha) + target_pos * alpha
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].qd = 0
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kp = kps[j]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kd = kds[j]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].tau = 0
def default_pos_state(self):
print("Enter default pos state.")
print("Waiting for the Button A signal...")
while self.remote_controller.button[KeyMap.A] != 1:
for i in range(len(self.config.leg_joint2motor_idx)):
motor_idx = self.config.leg_joint2motor_idx[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].q = self.config.default_angles[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].qd = 0
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kp = self.config.kps[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kd = self.config.kds[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].tau = 0
for i in range(len(self.config.arm_waist_joint2motor_idx)):
motor_idx = self.config.arm_waist_joint2motor_idx[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].q = self.config.arm_waist_target[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].qd = 0
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kp = self.config.arm_waist_kps[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kd = self.config.arm_waist_kds[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].tau = 0
def run(self):
self.counter += 1
# Get the current joint position and velocity
for i in range(len(self.config.leg_joint2motor_idx)):
self.qj[i] = self.low_state.motor_state[self.config.leg_joint2motor_idx[i]].q
self.dqj[i] = self.low_state.motor_state[self.config.leg_joint2motor_idx[i]].dq
# imu_state quaternion: w, x, y, z
quat = self.low_state.imu_state.quaternion
ang_vel = np.array([self.low_state.imu_state.gyroscope], dtype=np.float32)
if self.config.imu_type == "torso":
# h1 and h1_2 imu is on the torso
# imu data needs to be transformed to the pelvis frame
waist_yaw = self.low_state.motor_state[self.config.arm_waist_joint2motor_idx[0]].q
waist_yaw_omega = self.low_state.motor_state[self.config.arm_waist_joint2motor_idx[0]].dq
quat, ang_vel = transform_imu_data(waist_yaw=waist_yaw, waist_yaw_omega=waist_yaw_omega, imu_quat=quat, imu_omega=ang_vel)
# create observation
gravity_orientation = get_gravity_orientation(quat)
qj_obs = self.qj.copy()
dqj_obs = self.dqj.copy()
qj_obs = (qj_obs - self.config.default_angles) * self.config.dof_pos_scale
dqj_obs = dqj_obs * self.config.dof_vel_scale
ang_vel = ang_vel * self.config.ang_vel_scale
period = 0.8
count = self.counter * self.config.control_dt
phase = count % period / period
sin_phase = np.sin(2 * np.pi * phase)
cos_phase = np.cos(2 * np.pi * phase)
self.cmd[0] = self.remote_controller.ly
self.cmd[1] = self.remote_controller.lx * -1
self.cmd[2] = self.remote_controller.rx * -1
num_actions = self.config.num_actions
self.obs[:3] = ang_vel
self.obs[3:6] = gravity_orientation
self.obs[6:9] = self.cmd * self.config.cmd_scale * self.config.max_cmd
self.obs[9 : 9 + num_actions] = qj_obs
self.obs[9 + num_actions : 9 + num_actions * 2] = dqj_obs
self.obs[9 + num_actions * 2 : 9 + num_actions * 3] = self.action
self.obs[9 + num_actions * 3] = sin_phase
self.obs[9 + num_actions * 3 + 1] = cos_phase
# Get the action from the policy network
obs_tensor = torch.from_numpy(self.obs).unsqueeze(0)
self.action = self.policy(obs_tensor).detach().numpy().squeeze()
# transform action to target_dof_pos
target_dof_pos = self.config.default_angles + self.action * self.config.action_scale
# Build low cmd
for i in range(len(self.config.leg_joint2motor_idx)):
motor_idx = self.config.leg_joint2motor_idx[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].q = target_dof_pos[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].qd = 0
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kp = self.config.kps[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kd = self.config.kds[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].tau = 0
for i in range(len(self.config.arm_waist_joint2motor_idx)):
motor_idx = self.config.arm_waist_joint2motor_idx[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].q = self.config.arm_waist_target[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].qd = 0
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kp = self.config.arm_waist_kps[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].kd = self.config.arm_waist_kds[i]
self.low_cmd.motor_cmd[motor_idx].tau = 0
# send the command
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("net", type=str, help="network interface")
parser.add_argument("config", type=str, help="config file name in the configs folder", default="g1.yaml")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Load config
config_path = f"{LEGGED_GYM_ROOT_DIR}/deploy/deploy_real/configs/{args.config}"
config = Config(config_path)
# Initialize DDS communication
ChannelFactoryInitialize(0, args.net)
controller = Controller(config)
# Enter the zero torque state, press the start key to continue executing
# Move to the default position
# Enter the default position state, press the A key to continue executing
while True:
# Press the select key to exit
if controller.remote_controller.button[KeyMap.select] == 1:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Enter the damping state