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2020-07-15 11:21:03 +08:00
Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Unitree Robotics.Co.Ltd. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by the MPL-2.0 license, see LICENSE.
// #include "unitree_legged_control/joint_controller.h"
#include "joint_controller.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
// #define rqtTune // use rqt or not
namespace unitree_legged_control
memset(&lastCmd, 0, sizeof(unitree_legged_msgs::MotorCmd));
memset(&lastState, 0, sizeof(unitree_legged_msgs::MotorState));
memset(&servoCmd, 0, sizeof(ServoCmd));
void UnitreeJointController::setTorqueCB(const geometry_msgs::WrenchStampedConstPtr& msg)
if(isHip) sensor_torque = msg->wrench.torque.x;
else sensor_torque = msg->wrench.torque.y;
// printf("sensor torque%f\n", sensor_torque);
void UnitreeJointController::setCommandCB(const unitree_legged_msgs::MotorCmdConstPtr& msg)
lastCmd.mode = msg->mode;
lastCmd.q = msg->q;
lastCmd.Kp = msg->Kp;
lastCmd.dq = msg->dq;
lastCmd.Kd = msg->Kd;
lastCmd.tau = msg->tau;
// the writeFromNonRT can be used in RT, if you have the guarantee that
// * no non-rt thread is calling the same function (we're not subscribing to ros callbacks)
// * there is only one single rt thread
// Controller initialization in non-realtime
bool UnitreeJointController::init(hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface *robot, ros::NodeHandle &n)
isHip = false;
isThigh = false;
isCalf = false;
// rqtTune = false;
sensor_torque = 0;
name_space = n.getNamespace();
if (!n.getParam("joint", joint_name)){
ROS_ERROR("No joint given in namespace: '%s')", n.getNamespace().c_str());
return false;
// load pid param from ymal only if rqt need
// if(rqtTune) {
#ifdef rqtTune
// Load PID Controller using gains set on parameter server
if (!pid_controller_.init(ros::NodeHandle(n, "pid")))
return false;
// }
urdf::Model urdf; // Get URDF info about joint
if (!urdf.initParamWithNodeHandle("robot_description", n)){
ROS_ERROR("Failed to parse urdf file");
return false;
joint_urdf = urdf.getJoint(joint_name);
if (!joint_urdf){
ROS_ERROR("Could not find joint '%s' in urdf", joint_name.c_str());
return false;
if(joint_name == "FR_hip_joint" || joint_name == "FL_hip_joint" || joint_name == "RR_hip_joint" || joint_name == "RL_hip_joint"){
isHip = true;
if(joint_name == "FR_calf_joint" || joint_name == "FL_calf_joint" || joint_name == "RR_calf_joint" || joint_name == "RL_calf_joint"){
isCalf = true;
joint = robot->getHandle(joint_name);
// Start command subscriber
sub_ft = n.subscribe(name_space + "/" +"joint_wrench", 1, &UnitreeJointController::setTorqueCB, this);
sub_cmd = n.subscribe("command", 20, &UnitreeJointController::setCommandCB, this);
// pub_state = n.advertise<unitree_legged_msgs::MotorState>(name_space + "/state", 20);
// Start realtime state publisher
new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<unitree_legged_msgs::MotorState>(n, name_space + "/state", 1));
return true;
void UnitreeJointController::setGains(const double &p, const double &i, const double &d, const double &i_max, const double &i_min, const bool &antiwindup)
void UnitreeJointController::getGains(double &p, double &i, double &d, double &i_max, double &i_min, bool &antiwindup)
void UnitreeJointController::getGains(double &p, double &i, double &d, double &i_max, double &i_min)
bool dummy;
// Controller startup in realtime
void UnitreeJointController::starting(const ros::Time& time)
// lastCmd.Kp = 0;
// lastCmd.Kd = 0;
double init_pos = joint.getPosition();
lastCmd.q = init_pos;
lastState.q = init_pos;
lastCmd.dq = 0;
lastState.dq = 0;
lastCmd.tau = 0;
lastState.tauEst = 0;
// Controller update loop in realtime
void UnitreeJointController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period)
double currentPos, currentVel, calcTorque;
lastCmd = *(command.readFromRT());
// set command data
if(lastCmd.mode == PMSM) {
servoCmd.pos = lastCmd.q;
servoCmd.posStiffness = lastCmd.Kp;
if(fabs(lastCmd.q - PosStopF) < 0.00001){
servoCmd.posStiffness = 0;
servoCmd.vel = lastCmd.dq;
servoCmd.velStiffness = lastCmd.Kd;
if(fabs(lastCmd.dq - VelStopF) < 0.00001){
servoCmd.velStiffness = 0;
servoCmd.torque = lastCmd.tau;
if(lastCmd.mode == BRAKE) {
servoCmd.posStiffness = 0;
servoCmd.vel = 0;
servoCmd.velStiffness = 20;
servoCmd.torque = 0;
// } else {
// servoCmd.posStiffness = 0;
// servoCmd.velStiffness = 5;
// servoCmd.torque = 0;
// }
// rqt set P D gains
// if(rqtTune) {
#ifdef rqtTune
double i, i_max, i_min;
// }
currentPos = joint.getPosition();
currentVel = computeVel(currentPos, (double)lastState.q, (double)lastState.dq, period.toSec());
calcTorque = computeTorque(currentPos, currentVel, servoCmd);
lastState.q = currentPos;
lastState.dq = currentVel;
// lastState.tauEst = calcTorque;
// lastState.tauEst = sensor_torque;
lastState.tauEst = joint.getEffort();
// pub_state.publish(lastState);
// publish state
if (controller_state_publisher_ && controller_state_publisher_->trylock()) {
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.q = lastState.q;
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.dq = lastState.dq;
controller_state_publisher_->msg_.tauEst = lastState.tauEst;
// printf("sensor torque%f\n", sensor_torque);
// if(joint_name == "wrist1_joint") printf("wrist1 setp:%f getp:%f t:%f\n", servoCmd.pos, currentPos, calcTorque);
// Controller stopping in realtime
void UnitreeJointController::stopping(){}
void UnitreeJointController::positionLimits(double &position)
if (joint_urdf->type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE || joint_urdf->type == urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC)
clamp(position, joint_urdf->limits->lower, joint_urdf->limits->upper);
void UnitreeJointController::velocityLimits(double &velocity)
if (joint_urdf->type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE || joint_urdf->type == urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC)
clamp(velocity, -joint_urdf->limits->velocity, joint_urdf->limits->velocity);
void UnitreeJointController::effortLimits(double &effort)
if (joint_urdf->type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE || joint_urdf->type == urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC)
clamp(effort, -joint_urdf->limits->effort, joint_urdf->limits->effort);
} // namespace
// Register controller to pluginlib
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(unitree_legged_control::UnitreeJointController, controller_interface::ControllerBase);