
232 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-01-28 17:11:38 +08:00
import torch
class CommandProfile:
def __init__(self, dt, max_time_s=10.):
self.dt = dt
self.max_timestep = int(max_time_s / self.dt)
self.commands = torch.zeros((self.max_timestep, 9))
self.start_time = 0
def get_command(self, t):
timestep = int((t - self.start_time) / self.dt)
timestep = min(timestep, self.max_timestep - 1)
return self.commands[timestep, :]
def get_buttons(self):
return [0, 0, 0, 0]
def reset(self, reset_time):
self.start_time = reset_time
class ConstantAccelerationProfile(CommandProfile):
def __init__(self, dt, max_speed, accel_time, zero_buf_time=0):
zero_buf_timesteps = int(zero_buf_time / self.dt)
accel_timesteps = int(accel_time / self.dt)
self.commands[:zero_buf_timesteps] = 0
self.commands[zero_buf_timesteps:zero_buf_timesteps + accel_timesteps, 0] = torch.arange(0, max_speed,
step=max_speed / accel_timesteps)
self.commands[zero_buf_timesteps + accel_timesteps:, 0] = max_speed
class ElegantForwardProfile(CommandProfile):
def __init__(self, dt, max_speed, accel_time, duration, deaccel_time, zero_buf_time=0):
import numpy as np
zero_buf_timesteps = int(zero_buf_time / dt)
accel_timesteps = int(accel_time / dt)
duration_timesteps = int(duration / dt)
deaccel_timesteps = int(deaccel_time / dt)
total_time_s = zero_buf_time + accel_time + duration + deaccel_time
super().__init__(dt, total_time_s)
x_vel_cmds = [0] * zero_buf_timesteps + [*np.linspace(0, max_speed, accel_timesteps)] + \
[max_speed] * duration_timesteps + [*np.linspace(max_speed, 0, deaccel_timesteps)]
self.commands[:len(x_vel_cmds), 0] = torch.Tensor(x_vel_cmds)
class ElegantYawProfile(CommandProfile):
def __init__(self, dt, max_speed, zero_buf_time, accel_time, duration, deaccel_time, yaw_rate):
import numpy as np
zero_buf_timesteps = int(zero_buf_time / dt)
accel_timesteps = int(accel_time / dt)
duration_timesteps = int(duration / dt)
deaccel_timesteps = int(deaccel_time / dt)
total_time_s = zero_buf_time + accel_time + duration + deaccel_time
super().__init__(dt, total_time_s)
x_vel_cmds = [0] * zero_buf_timesteps + [*np.linspace(0, max_speed, accel_timesteps)] + \
[max_speed] * duration_timesteps + [*np.linspace(max_speed, 0, deaccel_timesteps)]
yaw_vel_cmds = [0] * zero_buf_timesteps + [0] * accel_timesteps + \
[yaw_rate] * duration_timesteps + [0] * deaccel_timesteps
self.commands[:len(x_vel_cmds), 0] = torch.Tensor(x_vel_cmds)
self.commands[:len(yaw_vel_cmds), 2] = torch.Tensor(yaw_vel_cmds)
class ElegantGaitProfile(CommandProfile):
def __init__(self, dt, filename):
import numpy as np
import json
with open(f'../command_profiles/{filename}', 'r') as file:
command_sequence = json.load(file)
len_command_sequence = len(command_sequence["x_vel_cmd"])
total_time_s = int(len_command_sequence / dt)
super().__init__(dt, total_time_s)
self.commands[:len_command_sequence, 0] = torch.Tensor(command_sequence["x_vel_cmd"])
self.commands[:len_command_sequence, 2] = torch.Tensor(command_sequence["yaw_vel_cmd"])
self.commands[:len_command_sequence, 3] = torch.Tensor(command_sequence["height_cmd"])
self.commands[:len_command_sequence, 4] = torch.Tensor(command_sequence["frequency_cmd"])
self.commands[:len_command_sequence, 5] = torch.Tensor(command_sequence["offset_cmd"])
self.commands[:len_command_sequence, 6] = torch.Tensor(command_sequence["phase_cmd"])
self.commands[:len_command_sequence, 7] = torch.Tensor(command_sequence["bound_cmd"])
self.commands[:len_command_sequence, 8] = torch.Tensor(command_sequence["duration_cmd"])
class RCControllerProfile(CommandProfile):
def __init__(self, dt, state_estimator, x_scale=1.0, y_scale=1.0, yaw_scale=1.0, probe_vel_multiplier=1.0):
self.state_estimator = state_estimator
self.x_scale = x_scale
self.y_scale = y_scale
self.yaw_scale = yaw_scale
self.probe_vel_multiplier = probe_vel_multiplier
self.triggered_commands = {i: None for i in range(4)} # command profiles for each action button on the controller
self.currently_triggered = [0, 0, 0, 0]
self.button_states = [0, 0, 0, 0]
def get_command(self, t, probe=False):
command = self.state_estimator.get_command()
command[0] = command[0] * self.x_scale
command[1] = command[1] * self.y_scale
command[2] = command[2] * self.yaw_scale
reset_timer = False
if probe:
command[0] = command[0] * self.probe_vel_multiplier
command[2] = command[2] * self.probe_vel_multiplier
# check for action buttons
prev_button_states = self.button_states[:]
self.button_states = self.state_estimator.get_buttons()
for button in range(4):
if self.triggered_commands[button] is not None:
if self.button_states[button] == 1 and prev_button_states[button] == 0:
if not self.currently_triggered[button]:
# reset the triggered action
# reset the internal timing variable
reset_timer = True
self.currently_triggered[button] = True
self.currently_triggered[button] = False
# execute the triggered action
if self.currently_triggered[button] and t < self.triggered_commands[button].max_timestep:
command = self.triggered_commands[button].get_command(t)
return command, reset_timer
def add_triggered_command(self, button_idx, command_profile):
self.triggered_commands[button_idx] = command_profile
def get_buttons(self):
return self.state_estimator.get_buttons()
class RCControllerProfileAccel(RCControllerProfile):
def __init__(self, dt, state_estimator, x_scale=1.0, y_scale=1.0, yaw_scale=1.0):
super().__init__(dt, state_estimator, x_scale=x_scale, y_scale=y_scale, yaw_scale=yaw_scale)
self.x_scale, self.y_scale, self.yaw_scale = self.x_scale / 100., self.y_scale / 100., self.yaw_scale / 100.
self.velocity_command = torch.zeros(3)
def get_command(self, t):
accel_command = self.state_estimator.get_command()
self.velocity_command[0] = self.velocity_command[0] + accel_command[0] * self.x_scale
self.velocity_command[1] = self.velocity_command[1] + accel_command[1] * self.y_scale
self.velocity_command[2] = self.velocity_command[2] + accel_command[2] * self.yaw_scale
# check for action buttons
prev_button_states = self.button_states[:]
self.button_states = self.state_estimator.get_buttons()
for button in range(4):
if self.button_states[button] == 1 and self.triggered_commands[button] is not None:
if prev_button_states[button] == 0:
# reset the triggered action
# execute the triggered action
return self.triggered_commands[button].get_command(t)
return self.velocity_command[:]
def add_triggered_command(self, button_idx, command_profile):
self.triggered_commands[button_idx] = command_profile
def get_buttons(self):
return self.state_estimator.get_buttons()
class KeyboardProfile(CommandProfile):
# for control via keyboard inputs to isaac gym visualizer
def __init__(self, dt, isaac_env, x_scale=1.0, y_scale=1.0, yaw_scale=1.0):
from isaacgym.gymapi import KeyboardInput
self.gym = isaac_env.gym
self.viewer = isaac_env.viewer
self.x_scale = x_scale
self.y_scale = y_scale
self.yaw_scale = yaw_scale
self.gym.subscribe_viewer_keyboard_event(self.viewer, KeyboardInput.KEY_UP, "FORWARD")
self.gym.subscribe_viewer_keyboard_event(self.viewer, KeyboardInput.KEY_DOWN, "REVERSE")
self.gym.subscribe_viewer_keyboard_event(self.viewer, KeyboardInput.KEY_LEFT, "LEFT")
self.gym.subscribe_viewer_keyboard_event(self.viewer, KeyboardInput.KEY_RIGHT, "RIGHT")
self.keyb_command = [0, 0, 0]
self.command = [0, 0, 0]
def get_command(self, t):
events = self.gym.query_viewer_action_events(self.viewer)
events_dict = {event.action: event.value for event in events}
if "FORWARD" in events_dict and events_dict["FORWARD"] == 1.0: self.keyb_command[0] = 1.0
if "FORWARD" in events_dict and events_dict["FORWARD"] == 0.0: self.keyb_command[0] = 0.0
if "REVERSE" in events_dict and events_dict["REVERSE"] == 1.0: self.keyb_command[0] = -1.0
if "REVERSE" in events_dict and events_dict["REVERSE"] == 0.0: self.keyb_command[0] = 0.0
if "LEFT" in events_dict and events_dict["LEFT"] == 1.0: self.keyb_command[1] = 1.0
if "LEFT" in events_dict and events_dict["LEFT"] == 0.0: self.keyb_command[1] = 0.0
if "RIGHT" in events_dict and events_dict["RIGHT"] == 1.0: self.keyb_command[1] = -1.0
if "RIGHT" in events_dict and events_dict["RIGHT"] == 0.0: self.keyb_command[1] = 0.0
self.command[0] = self.keyb_command[0] * self.x_scale
self.command[1] = self.keyb_command[2] * self.y_scale
self.command[2] = self.keyb_command[1] * self.yaw_scale
return self.command
if __name__ == "__main__":
cmdprof = ConstantAccelerationProfile(dt=0.2, max_speed=4, accel_time=3)