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2024-01-28 17:11:38 +08:00
// lcm related headfile
#include <lcm/lcm-cpp.hpp>
#include "leg_control_data_lcmt.hpp"
#include "state_estimator_lcmt.hpp"
#include "rc_command_lcmt.hpp"
#include "pd_tau_targets_lcmt.hpp"
// standard headfile
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
// unitree_sdk2 related headfile
#include <unitree/robot/channel/channel_publisher.hpp>
#include <unitree/robot/channel/channel_subscriber.hpp>
#include <unitree/idl/go2/LowState_.hpp>
#include <unitree/idl/go2/LowCmd_.hpp>
#include <unitree/idl/go2/WirelessController_.hpp>
#include <unitree/robot/client/client.hpp>
#include <unitree/common/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <unitree/common/time/time_tool.hpp>
#include <unitree/robot/go2/robot_state/robot_state_client.hpp>
#define TOPIC_LOWCMD "rt/lowcmd"
#define TOPIC_LOWSTATE "rt/lowstate"
#define TOPIC_JOYSTICK "rt/wirelesscontroller"
constexpr double PosStopF = (2.146E+9f);
constexpr double VelStopF = (16000.0f);
uint32_t crc32_core(uint32_t* ptr, uint32_t len)
{ // 无需更改Unitree 提供的电机校验函数
unsigned int xbit = 0;
unsigned int data = 0;
unsigned int CRC32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const unsigned int dwPolynomial = 0x04c11db7;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
xbit = 1 << 31;
data = ptr[i];
for (unsigned int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++)
if (CRC32 & 0x80000000)
CRC32 <<= 1;
CRC32 ^= dwPolynomial;
CRC32 <<= 1;
if (data & xbit)
CRC32 ^= dwPolynomial;
xbit >>= 1;
return CRC32;
// 遥控器键值联合体
typedef union
uint8_t R1 : 1;
uint8_t L1 : 1;
uint8_t start : 1;
uint8_t select : 1;
uint8_t R2 : 1;
uint8_t L2 : 1;
uint8_t F1 : 1;
uint8_t F2 : 1;
uint8_t A : 1;
uint8_t B : 1;
uint8_t X : 1;
uint8_t Y : 1;
uint8_t up : 1;
uint8_t right : 1;
uint8_t down : 1;
uint8_t left : 1;
} components;
uint16_t value;
} xKeySwitchUnion;
class Custom
explicit Custom(){}
void Init();
void InitLowCmd();
void Loop();
void LowStateMessageHandler(const void* messages);
void JoystickHandler(const void *message);
void InitRobotStateClient();
void activateService(const std::string& serviceName,int activate);
void lcm_send();
void lcm_receive();
void lcm_receive_Handler(const lcm::ReceiveBuffer *rbuf, const std::string & chan, const pd_tau_targets_lcmt* msg);
void LowCmdWrite();
void SetNominalPose();
int queryServiceStatus(const std::string& serviceName);
leg_control_data_lcmt leg_control_lcm_data = {0};
state_estimator_lcmt body_state_simple = {0};
pd_tau_targets_lcmt joint_command_simple = {0};
rc_command_lcmt rc_command = {0};
unitree_go::msg::dds_::LowState_ low_state{};
unitree_go::msg::dds_::LowCmd_ low_cmd{};
unitree_go::msg::dds_::WirelessController_ joystick{};
unitree::robot::go2::RobotStateClient rsc;
unitree::robot::ChannelPublisherPtr<unitree_go::msg::dds_::LowCmd_> lowcmd_publisher;
unitree::robot::ChannelSubscriberPtr<unitree_go::msg::dds_::LowState_> lowstate_subscriber;
unitree::robot::ChannelSubscriberPtr<unitree_go::msg::dds_::WirelessController_> joystick_suber;
lcm::LCM lc;
xKeySwitchUnion key;
int mode = 0;
int motiontime = 0;
float dt = 0.002; // unit [second]
bool _firstRun;
/*LowCmd write thread*/
// DDS相关的底层命令发送线程指针
unitree::common::ThreadPtr LcmSendThreadPtr;
unitree::common::ThreadPtr LcmRecevThreadPtr;
unitree::common::ThreadPtr lowCmdWriteThreadPtr;
void Custom::InitRobotStateClient()
int Custom::queryServiceStatus(const std::string& serviceName)
std::vector<unitree::robot::go2::ServiceState> serviceStateList;
int ret,serviceStatus;
ret = rsc.ServiceList(serviceStateList);
size_t i, count=serviceStateList.size();
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
const unitree::robot::go2::ServiceState& serviceState = serviceStateList[i];
if(serviceState.name == serviceName)
if(serviceState.status == 0)
std::cout << "name: " << serviceState.name <<" is activate"<<std::endl;
serviceStatus = 1;
std::cout << "name:" << serviceState.name <<" is deactivate"<<std::endl;
serviceStatus = 0;
return serviceStatus;
void Custom::activateService(const std::string& serviceName,int activate)
rsc.ServiceSwitch(serviceName, activate);
void Custom::LowStateMessageHandler(const void* message)
// 用sdk2读取的底层state
low_state = *(unitree_go::msg::dds_::LowState_*)message;
void Custom::JoystickHandler(const void *message)
// 遥控器信号
joystick = *(unitree_go::msg::dds_::WirelessController_ *)message;
key.value = joystick.keys();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 线程 1 lcm send 线程
void Custom::lcm_send(){
// leg_control_lcm_data
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
leg_control_lcm_data.q[i] = low_state.motor_state()[i].q();
leg_control_lcm_data.qd[i] = low_state.motor_state()[i].dq();
leg_control_lcm_data.tau_est[i] = low_state.motor_state()[i].tau_est();
// 从IMU读取姿态信息
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
// 四元数
body_state_simple.quat[i] = low_state.imu_state().quaternion()[i];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
// roll pitch yaw
body_state_simple.rpy[i] = low_state.imu_state().rpy()[i];
// IMU 三轴加速度
body_state_simple.aBody[i] = low_state.imu_state().accelerometer()[i];
// IMU 三轴线性加速度
body_state_simple.omegaBody[i] = low_state.imu_state().gyroscope()[i];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
// 足端触地力
body_state_simple.contact_estimate[i] = low_state.foot_force()[i];
// 遥控器按键值和摇杆数值
rc_command.left_stick[0] = joystick.lx();
rc_command.left_stick[1] = joystick.ly();
rc_command.right_stick[0] = joystick.rx();
rc_command.right_stick[1] = joystick.ry();
rc_command.right_lower_right_switch = key.components.R2;
rc_command.right_upper_switch = key.components.R1;
rc_command.left_lower_left_switch = key.components.L2;
rc_command.left_upper_switch = key.components.L1;
// 这里的mode是用来控制啥的
if(key.components.A > 0){
mode = 0;
} else if(key.components.B > 0){
mode = 1;
}else if(key.components.X > 0){
mode = 2;
}else if(key.components.Y > 0){
mode = 3;
}else if(key.components.up > 0){
mode = 4;
}else if(key.components.right > 0){
mode = 5;
}else if(key.components.down > 0){
mode = 6;
}else if(key.components.left > 0){
mode = 7;
rc_command.mode = mode;
lc.publish("leg_control_data", &leg_control_lcm_data);
lc.publish("state_estimator_data", &body_state_simple);
lc.publish("rc_command", &rc_command);
// std::cout << "loop: messsages are sending ......" << std::endl;
void Custom::lcm_receive_Handler(const lcm::ReceiveBuffer *rbuf, const std::string & chan, const pd_tau_targets_lcmt* msg){
(void) rbuf;
(void) chan;
joint_command_simple = *msg; //接收神经网络输出的关节信号
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 线程 2 lcm receive 线程
void Custom::lcm_receive(){
// 循环处理接受lcm消息
void Custom::InitLowCmd()
//LowCmd 类型中的 head 成员 表示帧头,
//此帧头将用于 CRC 校验。head 、levelFlag、gpio 等按例程所示设置为默认值即可。
low_cmd.head()[0] = 0xFE;
low_cmd.head()[1] = 0xEF;
low_cmd.level_flag() = 0xFF;
low_cmd.gpio() = 0;
/*LowCmd 类型中有 20 个 motorCmd 成员,
Go2 12
12 8*/
for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
/*此行命令中将 motorCmd 成员的 mode 变量设置为 0x01
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].mode() = (0x01); // motor switch to servo (PMSM) mode
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].q() = (PosStopF);
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].dq() = (VelStopF);
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].kp() = (0);
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].kd() = (0);
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].tau() = (0);
void Custom::SetNominalPose(){
// 运行此cpp文件后不仅是初始化通信
// 同样会趴下时的初始化关节角度
// 将各个电机都设置为位置模式
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){
joint_command_simple.qd_des[i] = 0;
joint_command_simple.tau_ff[i] = 0;
joint_command_simple.kp[i] = 60; // 关节PD参数有待调整 60
joint_command_simple.kd[i] = 5; // 关节PD参数有待调整 5
// 趴下时的关节角度
joint_command_simple.q_des[0] = -0.3;
joint_command_simple.q_des[1] = 1.2;
joint_command_simple.q_des[2] = -2.721;
joint_command_simple.q_des[3] = 0.3;
joint_command_simple.q_des[4] = 1.2;
joint_command_simple.q_des[5] = -2.721;
joint_command_simple.q_des[6] = -0.3;
joint_command_simple.q_des[7] = 1.2;
joint_command_simple.q_des[8] = -2.721;
joint_command_simple.q_des[9] = 0.3;
joint_command_simple.q_des[10] = 1.2;
joint_command_simple.q_des[11] = -2.721;
std::cout<<"SET NOMINAL POSE"<<std::endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 线程 3 unitree_sdk2 send 线程
void Custom::LowCmdWrite(){
if(_firstRun && leg_control_lcm_data.q[0] != 0){
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){
// 程序首次运行至此的时候
// 将当前各关节角度设置为目标角度
joint_command_simple.q_des[i] = leg_control_lcm_data.q[i];
// 初始化L2+B防止damping被误触发
key.components.B = 0;
key.components.L2 = 0;
_firstRun = false;
// 写了一段安全冗余代码
// 当roll角超过限制或pitch角超过限制或遥控器按下L2+B键
// if ( low_state.imu_state().rpy()[0] > 0.5 || low_state.imu_state().rpy()[1] > 0.5 || ((int)key.components.B==1 && (int)key.components.L2==1))
if ( std::abs(low_state.imu_state().rpy()[0]) > 0.5 || std::abs(low_state.imu_state().rpy()[1]) > 0.5 || ((int)key.components.B==1 && (int)key.components.L2==1))
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
// 进入damping模式
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].q() = 0;
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].dq() = 0;
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].kp() = 0;
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].kd() = 5;
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].tau() = 0;
std::cout << "======= Switch to Damping Mode, and the thread is sleeping ========"<<std::endl;
std::cout << "======= Damping is about to exit ========"<<std::endl;
std::cout << "======= Damping exit ========"<<std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
// 在确保安全的前提下,才执行神经网络模型的输出
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].q() = joint_command_simple.q_des[i];
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].dq() = joint_command_simple.qd_des[i];
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].kp() = joint_command_simple.kp[i];
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].kd() = joint_command_simple.kd[i];
low_cmd.motor_cmd()[i].tau() = joint_command_simple.tau_ff[i];
/*此段代码中第一行首先计算了 CRC 校验码。
lowcmd_publisher的Write() Go2 */
low_cmd.crc() = crc32_core((uint32_t *)&low_cmd, (sizeof(unitree_go::msg::dds_::LowCmd_)>>2)-1);
void Custom::Init(){
_firstRun = true;
// 这里决定了调用lc.handle()的时候,订阅什么消息,进行什么操作
// 订阅什么消息:"pd_plustau_targets"
// 进行什么操作: lcm_receive_Handler
lc.subscribe("pd_plustau_targets", &Custom::lcm_receive_Handler, this);
/*create low_cmd publisher*/
lowcmd_publisher.reset(new unitree::robot::ChannelPublisher<unitree_go::msg::dds_::LowCmd_>(TOPIC_LOWCMD));
/*create low_state dds subscriber*/
lowstate_subscriber.reset(new unitree::robot::ChannelSubscriber<unitree_go::msg::dds_::LowState_>(TOPIC_LOWSTATE));
lowstate_subscriber->InitChannel(std::bind(&Custom::LowStateMessageHandler, this, std::placeholders::_1), 1);
/*create joystick dds subscriber*/
joystick_suber.reset(new unitree::robot::ChannelSubscriber<unitree_go::msg::dds_::WirelessController_>(TOPIC_JOYSTICK));
joystick_suber->InitChannel(std::bind(&Custom::JoystickHandler, this, std::placeholders::_1), 1);
void Custom::Loop(){
// 新增线程可以实现loop function的功能
// intervalMicrosec : 1微秒 = 0.000001秒
// 当dt=0.002s
// ntervalMicrosec = 2000us
/*lcm send thread*/
LcmSendThreadPtr = unitree::common::CreateRecurrentThreadEx("lcm_send_thread", UT_CPU_ID_NONE, dt*1e6, &Custom::lcm_send, this);
/*lcm receive thread*/
LcmRecevThreadPtr = unitree::common::CreateRecurrentThreadEx("lcm_recev_thread", UT_CPU_ID_NONE, dt*1e6, &Custom::lcm_receive, this);
/*low command write thread*/
lowCmdWriteThreadPtr = unitree::common::CreateRecurrentThreadEx("dds_write_thread", UT_CPU_ID_NONE, dt*1e6, &Custom::LowCmdWrite, this);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 2)
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " networkInterface" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Caution: Remember to shut down Unitree sport_mode Service." << std::endl
<< "Communication level is set to LOW-level." << std::endl
<< "WARNING: Make sure the robot is hung up." << std::endl
<< "Press Enter to continue..." << std::endl;
unitree::robot::ChannelFactory::Instance()->Init(0, argv[1]); // 传入benji的网卡地址
Custom custom;
std::cout<<"Trying to deactivate the service: " << "sport_mode" << std::endl;
std::cout<<"sportd_mode is deactivated now" << std::endl
<< "Press Enter to continue..." << std::endl;
std::cout<<"Communicatino is set up successfully" << std::endl;
std::cout<<"LCM <<<------------>>> Unitree SDK2" << std::endl;
while (1)
return 0;