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202 lines
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import torch
import numpy as np
from go1_gym.utils.math_utils import quat_apply_yaw, wrap_to_pi, get_scale_shift
from isaacgym.torch_utils import *
from isaacgym import gymapi
class CoRLRewards:
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
def load_env(self, env):
self.env = env
# ------------ reward functions----------------
def _reward_tracking_lin_vel(self):
# Tracking of linear velocity commands (xy axes)
lin_vel_error = torch.sum(torch.square(self.env.commands[:, :2] - self.env.base_lin_vel[:, :2]), dim=1)
return torch.exp(-lin_vel_error / self.env.cfg.rewards.tracking_sigma)
def _reward_tracking_ang_vel(self):
# Tracking of angular velocity commands (yaw)
ang_vel_error = torch.square(self.env.commands[:, 2] - self.env.base_ang_vel[:, 2])
return torch.exp(-ang_vel_error / self.env.cfg.rewards.tracking_sigma_yaw)
def _reward_lin_vel_z(self):
# Penalize z axis base linear velocity
return torch.square(self.env.base_lin_vel[:, 2])
def _reward_ang_vel_xy(self):
# Penalize xy axes base angular velocity
return torch.sum(torch.square(self.env.base_ang_vel[:, :2]), dim=1)
def _reward_orientation(self):
# Penalize non flat base orientation
return torch.sum(torch.square(self.env.projected_gravity[:, :2]), dim=1)
def _reward_torques(self):
# Penalize torques
return torch.sum(torch.square(self.env.torques), dim=1)
def _reward_dof_acc(self):
# Penalize dof accelerations
return torch.sum(torch.square((self.env.last_dof_vel - self.env.dof_vel) / self.env.dt), dim=1)
def _reward_action_rate(self):
# Penalize changes in actions
return torch.sum(torch.square(self.env.last_actions - self.env.actions), dim=1)
def _reward_collision(self):
# Penalize collisions on selected bodies
return torch.sum(1. * (torch.norm(self.env.contact_forces[:, self.env.penalised_contact_indices, :], dim=-1) > 0.1),
def _reward_dof_pos_limits(self):
# Penalize dof positions too close to the limit
out_of_limits = -(self.env.dof_pos - self.env.dof_pos_limits[:, 0]).clip(max=0.) # lower limit
out_of_limits += (self.env.dof_pos - self.env.dof_pos_limits[:, 1]).clip(min=0.)
return torch.sum(out_of_limits, dim=1)
def _reward_jump(self):
reference_heights = 0
body_height = self.env.base_pos[:, 2] - reference_heights
jump_height_target = self.env.commands[:, 3] + self.env.cfg.rewards.base_height_target
reward = - torch.square(body_height - jump_height_target)
return reward
def _reward_tracking_contacts_shaped_force(self):
foot_forces = torch.norm(self.env.contact_forces[:, self.env.feet_indices, :], dim=-1)
desired_contact = self.env.desired_contact_states
reward = 0
for i in range(4):
reward += - (1 - desired_contact[:, i]) * (
1 - torch.exp(-1 * foot_forces[:, i] ** 2 / self.env.cfg.rewards.gait_force_sigma))
return reward / 4
def _reward_tracking_contacts_shaped_vel(self):
foot_velocities = torch.norm(self.env.foot_velocities, dim=2).view(self.env.num_envs, -1)
desired_contact = self.env.desired_contact_states
reward = 0
for i in range(4):
reward += - (desired_contact[:, i] * (
1 - torch.exp(-1 * foot_velocities[:, i] ** 2 / self.env.cfg.rewards.gait_vel_sigma)))
return reward / 4
def _reward_dof_pos(self):
# Penalize dof positions
return torch.sum(torch.square(self.env.dof_pos - self.env.default_dof_pos), dim=1)
def _reward_dof_vel(self):
# Penalize dof velocities
return torch.sum(torch.square(self.env.dof_vel), dim=1)
def _reward_action_smoothness_1(self):
# Penalize changes in actions
diff = torch.square(self.env.joint_pos_target[:, :self.env.num_actuated_dof] - self.env.last_joint_pos_target[:, :self.env.num_actuated_dof])
diff = diff * (self.env.last_actions[:, :self.env.num_dof] != 0) # ignore first step
return torch.sum(diff, dim=1)
def _reward_action_smoothness_2(self):
# Penalize changes in actions
diff = torch.square(self.env.joint_pos_target[:, :self.env.num_actuated_dof] - 2 * self.env.last_joint_pos_target[:, :self.env.num_actuated_dof] + self.env.last_last_joint_pos_target[:, :self.env.num_actuated_dof])
diff = diff * (self.env.last_actions[:, :self.env.num_dof] != 0) # ignore first step
diff = diff * (self.env.last_last_actions[:, :self.env.num_dof] != 0) # ignore second step
return torch.sum(diff, dim=1)
def _reward_feet_slip(self):
contact = self.env.contact_forces[:, self.env.feet_indices, 2] > 1.
contact_filt = torch.logical_or(contact, self.env.last_contacts)
self.env.last_contacts = contact
foot_velocities = torch.square(torch.norm(self.env.foot_velocities[:, :, 0:2], dim=2).view(self.env.num_envs, -1))
rew_slip = torch.sum(contact_filt * foot_velocities, dim=1)
return rew_slip
def _reward_feet_contact_vel(self):
reference_heights = 0
near_ground = self.env.foot_positions[:, :, 2] - reference_heights < 0.03
foot_velocities = torch.square(torch.norm(self.env.foot_velocities[:, :, 0:3], dim=2).view(self.env.num_envs, -1))
rew_contact_vel = torch.sum(near_ground * foot_velocities, dim=1)
return rew_contact_vel
def _reward_feet_contact_forces(self):
# penalize high contact forces
return torch.sum((torch.norm(self.env.contact_forces[:, self.env.feet_indices, :],
dim=-1) - self.env.cfg.rewards.max_contact_force).clip(min=0.), dim=1)
def _reward_feet_clearance_cmd_linear(self):
phases = 1 - torch.abs(1.0 - torch.clip((self.env.foot_indices * 2.0) - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) * 2.0)
foot_height = (self.env.foot_positions[:, :, 2]).view(self.env.num_envs, -1)# - reference_heights
target_height = self.env.commands[:, 9].unsqueeze(1) * phases + 0.02 # offset for foot radius 2cm
rew_foot_clearance = torch.square(target_height - foot_height) * (1 - self.env.desired_contact_states)
return torch.sum(rew_foot_clearance, dim=1)
def _reward_feet_impact_vel(self):
prev_foot_velocities = self.env.prev_foot_velocities[:, :, 2].view(self.env.num_envs, -1)
contact_states = torch.norm(self.env.contact_forces[:, self.env.feet_indices, :], dim=-1) > 1.0
rew_foot_impact_vel = contact_states * torch.square(torch.clip(prev_foot_velocities, -100, 0))
return torch.sum(rew_foot_impact_vel, dim=1)
def _reward_collision(self):
# Penalize collisions on selected bodies
return torch.sum(1. * (torch.norm(self.env.contact_forces[:, self.env.penalised_contact_indices, :], dim=-1) > 0.1),
def _reward_orientation_control(self):
# Penalize non flat base orientation
roll_pitch_commands = self.env.commands[:, 10:12]
quat_roll = quat_from_angle_axis(-roll_pitch_commands[:, 1],
torch.tensor([1, 0, 0], device=self.env.device, dtype=torch.float))
quat_pitch = quat_from_angle_axis(-roll_pitch_commands[:, 0],
torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], device=self.env.device, dtype=torch.float))
desired_base_quat = quat_mul(quat_roll, quat_pitch)
desired_projected_gravity = quat_rotate_inverse(desired_base_quat, self.env.gravity_vec)
return torch.sum(torch.square(self.env.projected_gravity[:, :2] - desired_projected_gravity[:, :2]), dim=1)
def _reward_raibert_heuristic(self):
cur_footsteps_translated = self.env.foot_positions - self.env.base_pos.unsqueeze(1)
footsteps_in_body_frame = torch.zeros(self.env.num_envs, 4, 3, device=self.env.device)
for i in range(4):
footsteps_in_body_frame[:, i, :] = quat_apply_yaw(quat_conjugate(self.env.base_quat),
cur_footsteps_translated[:, i, :])
# nominal positions: [FR, FL, RR, RL]
if self.env.cfg.commands.num_commands >= 13:
desired_stance_width = self.env.commands[:, 12:13]
desired_ys_nom = torch.cat([desired_stance_width / 2, -desired_stance_width / 2, desired_stance_width / 2, -desired_stance_width / 2], dim=1)
desired_stance_width = 0.3
desired_ys_nom = torch.tensor([desired_stance_width / 2, -desired_stance_width / 2, desired_stance_width / 2, -desired_stance_width / 2], device=self.env.device).unsqueeze(0)
if self.env.cfg.commands.num_commands >= 14:
desired_stance_length = self.env.commands[:, 13:14]
desired_xs_nom = torch.cat([desired_stance_length / 2, desired_stance_length / 2, -desired_stance_length / 2, -desired_stance_length / 2], dim=1)
desired_stance_length = 0.45
desired_xs_nom = torch.tensor([desired_stance_length / 2, desired_stance_length / 2, -desired_stance_length / 2, -desired_stance_length / 2], device=self.env.device).unsqueeze(0)
# raibert offsets
phases = torch.abs(1.0 - (self.env.foot_indices * 2.0)) * 1.0 - 0.5
frequencies = self.env.commands[:, 4]
x_vel_des = self.env.commands[:, 0:1]
yaw_vel_des = self.env.commands[:, 2:3]
y_vel_des = yaw_vel_des * desired_stance_length / 2
desired_ys_offset = phases * y_vel_des * (0.5 / frequencies.unsqueeze(1))
desired_ys_offset[:, 2:4] *= -1
desired_xs_offset = phases * x_vel_des * (0.5 / frequencies.unsqueeze(1))
desired_ys_nom = desired_ys_nom + desired_ys_offset
desired_xs_nom = desired_xs_nom + desired_xs_offset
desired_footsteps_body_frame = torch.cat((desired_xs_nom.unsqueeze(2), desired_ys_nom.unsqueeze(2)), dim=2)
err_raibert_heuristic = torch.abs(desired_footsteps_body_frame - footsteps_in_body_frame[:, :, 0:2])
reward = torch.sum(torch.square(err_raibert_heuristic), dim=(1, 2))
return reward