/***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2020, Unitree Robotics.Co.Ltd. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************/ #include "unitree_legged_sdk/unitree_legged_sdk.h" #include "unitree_legged_sdk/joystick.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "state_estimator_lcmt.hpp" #include "leg_control_data_lcmt.hpp" #include "pd_tau_targets_lcmt.hpp" #include "rc_command_lcmt.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace UNITREE_LEGGED_SDK; class Custom { public: Custom(uint8_t level): safe(LeggedType::Go1), udp(level, 8090, "", 8007) { udp.InitCmdData(cmd); } void UDPRecv(); void UDPSend(); void RobotControl(); void init(); void handleActionLCM(const lcm::ReceiveBuffer *rbuf, const std::string & chan, const pd_tau_targets_lcmt * msg); void _simpleLCMThread(); Safety safe; UDP udp; LowCmd cmd = {0}; LowState state = {0}; float qInit[3]={0}; float qDes[3]={0}; float sin_mid_q[3] = {0.0, 1.2, -2.0}; float Kp[3] = {0}; float Kd[3] = {0}; double time_consume = 0; int rate_count = 0; int sin_count = 0; int motiontime = 0; float dt = 0.002; // 0.001~0.01 lcm::LCM _simpleLCM; std::thread _simple_LCM_thread; bool _firstCommandReceived; bool _firstRun; state_estimator_lcmt body_state_simple = {0}; leg_control_data_lcmt joint_state_simple = {0}; pd_tau_targets_lcmt joint_command_simple = {0}; rc_command_lcmt rc_command = {0}; xRockerBtnDataStruct _keyData; int mode = 0; }; void Custom::init() { _simpleLCM.subscribe("pd_plustau_targets", &Custom::handleActionLCM, this); _simple_LCM_thread = std::thread(&Custom::_simpleLCMThread, this); _firstCommandReceived = false; _firstRun = true; // set nominal pose for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){ joint_command_simple.qd_des[i] = 0; joint_command_simple.tau_ff[i] = 0; joint_command_simple.kp[i] = 20.; joint_command_simple.kd[i] = 0.5; } joint_command_simple.q_des[0] = -0.3; joint_command_simple.q_des[1] = 1.2; joint_command_simple.q_des[2] = -2.721; joint_command_simple.q_des[3] = 0.3; joint_command_simple.q_des[4] = 1.2; joint_command_simple.q_des[5] = -2.721; joint_command_simple.q_des[6] = -0.3; joint_command_simple.q_des[7] = 1.2; joint_command_simple.q_des[8] = -2.721; joint_command_simple.q_des[9] = 0.3; joint_command_simple.q_des[10] = 1.2; joint_command_simple.q_des[11] = -2.721; printf("SET NOMINAL POSE"); } void Custom::UDPRecv() { udp.Recv(); } void Custom::UDPSend() { udp.Send(); } double jointLinearInterpolation(double initPos, double targetPos, double rate) { double p; rate = std::min(std::max(rate, 0.0), 1.0); p = initPos*(1-rate) + targetPos*rate; return p; } void Custom::handleActionLCM(const lcm::ReceiveBuffer *rbuf, const std::string & chan, const pd_tau_targets_lcmt * msg){ (void) rbuf; (void) chan; joint_command_simple = *msg; _firstCommandReceived = true; } void Custom::_simpleLCMThread(){ while(true){ _simpleLCM.handle(); } } void Custom::RobotControl() { motiontime++; udp.GetRecv(state); memcpy(&_keyData, &state.wirelessRemote[0], 40); rc_command.left_stick[0] = _keyData.lx; rc_command.left_stick[1] = _keyData.ly; rc_command.right_stick[0] = _keyData.rx; rc_command.right_stick[1] = _keyData.ry; rc_command.right_lower_right_switch = _keyData.btn.components.R2; rc_command.right_upper_switch = _keyData.btn.components.R1; rc_command.left_lower_left_switch = _keyData.btn.components.L2; rc_command.left_upper_switch = _keyData.btn.components.L1; if(_keyData.btn.components.A > 0){ mode = 0; } else if(_keyData.btn.components.B > 0){ mode = 1; }else if(_keyData.btn.components.X > 0){ mode = 2; }else if(_keyData.btn.components.Y > 0){ mode = 3; }else if(_keyData.btn.components.up > 0){ mode = 4; }else if(_keyData.btn.components.right > 0){ mode = 5; }else if(_keyData.btn.components.down > 0){ mode = 6; }else if(_keyData.btn.components.left > 0){ mode = 7; } rc_command.mode = mode; // publish state to LCM for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){ joint_state_simple.q[i] = state.motorState[i].q; joint_state_simple.qd[i] = state.motorState[i].dq; joint_state_simple.tau_est[i] = state.motorState[i].tauEst; } for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ body_state_simple.quat[i] = state.imu.quaternion[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ body_state_simple.rpy[i] = state.imu.rpy[i]; body_state_simple.aBody[i] = state.imu.accelerometer[i]; body_state_simple.omegaBody[i] = state.imu.gyroscope[i]; } for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ body_state_simple.contact_estimate[i] = state.footForce[i]; } _simpleLCM.publish("state_estimator_data", &body_state_simple); _simpleLCM.publish("leg_control_data", &joint_state_simple); _simpleLCM.publish("rc_command", &rc_command); if(_firstRun && joint_state_simple.q[0] != 0){ for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){ joint_command_simple.q_des[i] = joint_state_simple.q[i]; } _firstRun = false; } for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){ cmd.motorCmd[i].q = joint_command_simple.q_des[i]; cmd.motorCmd[i].dq = joint_command_simple.qd_des[i]; cmd.motorCmd[i].Kp = joint_command_simple.kp[i]; cmd.motorCmd[i].Kd = joint_command_simple.kd[i]; cmd.motorCmd[i].tau = joint_command_simple.tau_ff[i]; } safe.PositionLimit(cmd); int res1 = safe.PowerProtect(cmd, state, 9); udp.SetSend(cmd); } int main(void) { std::cout << "Communication level is set to LOW-level." << std::endl << "WARNING: Make sure the robot is hung up." << std::endl << "Press Enter to continue..." << std::endl; std::cin.ignore(); Custom custom(LOWLEVEL); custom.init(); // InitEnvironment(); LoopFunc loop_control("control_loop", custom.dt, boost::bind(&Custom::RobotControl, &custom)); LoopFunc loop_udpSend("udp_send", custom.dt, 3, boost::bind(&Custom::UDPSend, &custom)); LoopFunc loop_udpRecv("udp_recv", custom.dt, 3, boost::bind(&Custom::UDPRecv, &custom)); loop_udpSend.start(); loop_udpRecv.start(); loop_control.start(); while(1){ sleep(10); }; return 0; }