import numpy as np import torch from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def is_met(scale, l2_err, threshold): return (l2_err / scale) < threshold def key_is_met(metric_cache, config, ep_len, target_key, env_id, threshold): # metric_cache[target_key][env_id] / ep_len scale = 1 l2_err = 0 return is_met(scale, l2_err, threshold) class Curriculum: def set_to(self, low, high, value=1.0): inds = np.logical_and( self.grid >= low[:, None], self.grid <= high[:, None] ).all(axis=0) assert len(inds) != 0, "You are intializing your distribution with an empty domain!" self.weights[inds] = value def __init__(self, seed, **key_ranges): self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) self.cfg = cfg = {} self.indices = indices = {} for key, v_range in key_ranges.items(): bin_size = (v_range[1] - v_range[0]) / v_range[2] cfg[key] = np.linspace(v_range[0] + bin_size / 2, v_range[1] - bin_size / 2, v_range[2]) indices[key] = np.linspace(0, v_range[2]-1, v_range[2]) self.lows = np.array([range[0] for range in key_ranges.values()]) self.highs = np.array([range[1] for range in key_ranges.values()]) # self.bin_sizes = {key: arr[1] - arr[0] for key, arr in cfg.items()} self.bin_sizes = {key: (v_range[1] - v_range[0]) / v_range[2] for key, v_range in key_ranges.items()} self._raw_grid = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*cfg.values(), indexing='ij')) self._idx_grid = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*indices.values(), indexing='ij')) self.keys = [*key_ranges.keys()] self.grid = self._raw_grid.reshape([len(self.keys), -1]) self.idx_grid = self._idx_grid.reshape([len(self.keys), -1]) # self.grid = np.stack([params.flatten() for params in raw_grid]) self._l = l = len(self.grid[0]) = {key: len(self.cfg[key]) for key in self.cfg.keys()} self.weights = np.zeros(l) self.indices = np.arange(l) def __len__(self): return self._l def __getitem__(self, *keys): pass def update(self, **kwargs): # bump the envelop if pass def sample_bins(self, batch_size, low=None, high=None): """default to uniform""" if low is not None and high is not None: # if bounds given valid_inds = np.logical_and( self.grid >= low[:, None], self.grid <= high[:, None] ).all(axis=0) temp_weights = np.zeros_like(self.weights) temp_weights[valid_inds] = self.weights[valid_inds] inds = self.rng.choice(self.indices, batch_size, p=temp_weights / temp_weights.sum()) else: # if no bounds given inds = self.rng.choice(self.indices, batch_size, p=self.weights / self.weights.sum()) return self.grid.T[inds], inds def sample_uniform_from_cell(self, centroids): bin_sizes = np.array([*self.bin_sizes.values()]) low, high = centroids + bin_sizes / 2, centroids - bin_sizes / 2 return self.rng.uniform(low, high)#.clip(self.lows, self.highs) def sample(self, batch_size, low=None, high=None): cgf_centroid, inds = self.sample_bins(batch_size, low=low, high=high) return np.stack([self.sample_uniform_from_cell(v_range) for v_range in cgf_centroid]), inds class SumCurriculum(Curriculum): def __init__(self, seed, **kwargs): super().__init__(seed, **kwargs) self.success = np.zeros(len(self)) self.trials = np.zeros(len(self)) def update(self, bin_inds, l1_error, threshold): is_success = l1_error < threshold self.success[bin_inds[is_success]] += 1 self.trials[bin_inds] += 1 def success_rates(self, *keys): s_rate = self.success / (self.trials + 1e-6) s_rate = s_rate.reshape(list( marginals = tuple(i for i, key in enumerate(self.keys) if key not in keys) if marginals: return s_rate.mean(axis=marginals) return s_rate class RewardThresholdCurriculum(Curriculum): def __init__(self, seed, **kwargs): super().__init__(seed, **kwargs) self.episode_reward_lin = np.zeros(len(self)) self.episode_reward_ang = np.zeros(len(self)) self.episode_lin_vel_raw = np.zeros(len(self)) self.episode_ang_vel_raw = np.zeros(len(self)) self.episode_duration = np.zeros(len(self)) def get_local_bins(self, bin_inds, ranges=0.1): if isinstance(ranges, float): ranges = np.ones(self.grid.shape[0]) * ranges bin_inds = bin_inds.reshape(-1) adjacent_inds = np.logical_and( self.grid[:, None, :].repeat(bin_inds.shape[0], axis=1) >= self.grid[:, bin_inds, None] - ranges.reshape(-1, 1, 1), self.grid[:, None, :].repeat(bin_inds.shape[0], axis=1) <= self.grid[:, bin_inds, None] + ranges.reshape(-1, 1, 1) ).all(axis=0) return adjacent_inds def update(self, bin_inds, task_rewards, success_thresholds, local_range=0.5): is_success = 1. for task_reward, success_threshold in zip(task_rewards, success_thresholds): is_success = is_success * (task_reward > success_threshold).cpu() if len(success_thresholds) == 0: is_success = np.array([False] * len(bin_inds)) else: is_success = np.array(is_success.bool()) # if len(is_success) > 0 and is_success.any(): # print("successes") self.weights[bin_inds[is_success]] = np.clip(self.weights[bin_inds[is_success]] + 0.2, 0, 1) adjacents = self.get_local_bins(bin_inds[is_success], ranges=local_range) for adjacent in adjacents: #print(adjacent) #print(self.grid[:, adjacent]) adjacent_inds = np.array(adjacent.nonzero()[0]) self.weights[adjacent_inds] = np.clip(self.weights[adjacent_inds] + 0.2, 0, 1) def log(self, bin_inds, lin_vel_raw=None, ang_vel_raw=None, episode_duration=None): self.episode_lin_vel_raw[bin_inds] = lin_vel_raw.cpu().numpy() self.episode_ang_vel_raw[bin_inds] = ang_vel_raw.cpu().numpy() self.episode_duration[bin_inds] = episode_duration.cpu().numpy() if __name__ == '__main__': r = RewardThresholdCurriculum(100, x=(-1, 1, 5), y=(-1, 1, 2), z=(-1, 1, 11)) assert r._raw_grid.shape == (3, 5, 2, 11), "grid shape is wrong: {}".format(r.grid.shape) low, high = np.array([-1.0, -0.6, -1.0]), np.array([1.0, 0.6, 1.0]) # r.set_to(low, high, value=1.0) adjacents = r.get_local_bins(np.array([10, ]), range=0.5) for adjacent in adjacents: adjacent_inds = np.array(adjacent.nonzero()[0]) print(adjacent_inds) r.update(bin_inds=adjacent_inds, lin_vel_rewards=np.ones_like(adjacent_inds), ang_vel_rewards=np.ones_like(adjacent_inds), lin_vel_threshold=0.0, ang_vel_threshold=0.0, local_range=0.5) samples, bins = r.sample(10_000) plt.scatter(*samples.T[:2])