import sys sys.path.append("../lib") import unitree_arm_interface import time import numpy as np np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True) """ You can use fastapi to encapsulate z1_sdk for http interface call. """ arm = unitree_arm_interface.ArmInterface(hasGripper=True) from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel app = FastAPI() class RequestDataType(BaseModel): func: str # backToStart, Passive and so on args: dict"/unitree/z1") def z1_server(item: RequestDataType): try: if item.func == "backToStart": arm.backToStart() elif item.func == "Passive": arm.setFsm(unitree_arm_interface.ArmFSMState.PASSIVE) elif item.func == "labelRun": arm.labelRun(item.args["label"]) elif item.func == "labelSave": arm.labelSave(item.args["label"]) elif item.func == "MoveJ": if 'q' in item.args.keys(): q = item.args["q"] Tdes = arm._ctrlComp.armModel.forwardKinematics(q, 6) posture = unitree_arm_interface.homoToPosture(Tdes) elif 'posture' in item.args.keys(): posture = item.args["posture"] gripperPos = item.args["gripperPos"] if "gripperPos" in item.args.keys() else 0.0 if arm.MoveJ(posture, gripperPos, item.args["maxSpeed"]): return {"func": item.func, "status": "success"} else: return {"func": item.func, "status": "failed"} elif item.func == "MoveL": posture = item.args["posture"] gripperPos = item.args["gripperPos"] if "gripperPos" in item.args.keys() else 0.0 if arm.MoveL(posture, gripperPos, item.args["maxSpeed"]): return {"func": item.func, "status": "success"} else: return {"func": item.func, "status": "failed"} elif item.func == "MoveC": gripperPos = item.args["gripperPos"] if "gripperPos" in item.args.keys() else 0.0 middlePosture = item.args["middlePosture"] endPosture = item.args["endPosture"] if arm.MoveC(middlePosture, endPosture, gripperPos, item.args["maxSpeed"]): return {"func": item.func, "status": "success"} else: return {"func": item.func, "status": "failed"} elif item.func == "getQ": return {"q": arm.lowstate.getQ().tolist()} except Exception as e: return {"func": item.func, "status": "failed", "error": str(e)} return {"func": item.func} # some function without return state arm.loopOn() import uvicorn, host="", port=12000) arm.loopOff()