import math import torch import numpy as np import os import time import cv2 import glob import pickle import copy import resampy import queue from queue import Queue from threading import Thread, Event from io import BytesIO import soundfile as sf import av from fractions import Fraction from ttsreal import EdgeTTS,VoitsTTS,XTTS,CosyVoiceTTS from tqdm import tqdm def read_imgs(img_list): frames = [] print('reading images...') for img_path in tqdm(img_list): frame = cv2.imread(img_path) frames.append(frame) return frames class BaseReal: def __init__(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.sample_rate = 16000 self.chunk = self.sample_rate // opt.fps # 320 samples per chunk (20ms * 16000 / 1000) if opt.tts == "edgetts": self.tts = EdgeTTS(opt,self) elif opt.tts == "gpt-sovits": self.tts = VoitsTTS(opt,self) elif opt.tts == "xtts": self.tts = XTTS(opt,self) elif opt.tts == "cosyvoice": self.tts = CosyVoiceTTS(opt,self) self.speaking = False self.recording = False self.recordq_video = Queue() self.recordq_audio = Queue() self.curr_state=0 self.custom_img_cycle = {} self.custom_audio_cycle = {} self.custom_audio_index = {} self.custom_index = {} self.custom_opt = {} self.__loadcustom() def put_msg_txt(self,msg): self.tts.put_msg_txt(msg) def put_audio_frame(self,audio_chunk): #16khz 20ms pcm self.asr.put_audio_frame(audio_chunk) def put_audio_file(self,filebyte): input_stream = BytesIO(filebyte) stream = self.__create_bytes_stream(input_stream) streamlen = stream.shape[0] idx=0 while streamlen >= self.chunk: #and self.state==State.RUNNING self.put_audio_frame(stream[idx:idx+self.chunk]) streamlen -= self.chunk idx += self.chunk def __create_bytes_stream(self,byte_stream): #byte_stream=BytesIO(buffer) stream, sample_rate = # [T*sample_rate,] float64 print(f'[INFO]put audio stream {sample_rate}: {stream.shape}') stream = stream.astype(np.float32) if stream.ndim > 1: print(f'[WARN] audio has {stream.shape[1]} channels, only use the first.') stream = stream[:, 0] if sample_rate != self.sample_rate and stream.shape[0]>0: print(f'[WARN] audio sample rate is {sample_rate}, resampling into {self.sample_rate}.') stream = resampy.resample(x=stream, sr_orig=sample_rate, sr_new=self.sample_rate) return stream def pause_talk(self): self.tts.pause_talk() self.asr.pause_talk() def is_speaking(self)->bool: return self.speaking def __loadcustom(self): for item in self.opt.customopt: print(item) input_img_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(item['imgpath'], '*.[jpJP][pnPN]*[gG]')) input_img_list = sorted(input_img_list, key=lambda x: int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0])) self.custom_img_cycle[item['audiotype']] = read_imgs(input_img_list) self.custom_audio_cycle[item['audiotype']], sample_rate =['audiopath'], dtype='float32') self.custom_audio_index[item['audiotype']] = 0 self.custom_index[item['audiotype']] = 0 self.custom_opt[item['audiotype']] = item def init_customindex(self): self.curr_state=0 for key in self.custom_audio_index: self.custom_audio_index[key]=0 for key in self.custom_index: self.custom_index[key]=0 def start_recording(self,path): """开始录制视频""" if self.recording: return self.recording = True self.recordq_video.queue.clear() self.recordq_audio.queue.clear() self.container =, mode="w") process_thread = Thread(target=self.record_frame, args=()) process_thread.start() def record_frame(self): videostream = self.container.add_stream("libx264", rate=25) videostream.codec_context.time_base = Fraction(1, 25) audiostream = self.container.add_stream("aac") audiostream.codec_context.time_base = Fraction(1, 16000) init = True framenum = 0 while self.recording: try: videoframe = self.recordq_video.get(block=True, timeout=1) videoframe.pts = framenum #int(round(framenum*0.04 / videostream.codec_context.time_base)) videoframe.dts = videoframe.pts if init: videostream.width = videoframe.width videostream.height = videoframe.height init = False for packet in videostream.encode(videoframe): self.container.mux(packet) for k in range(2): audioframe = self.recordq_audio.get(block=True, timeout=1) audioframe.pts = int(round((framenum*2+k)*0.02 / audiostream.codec_context.time_base)) audioframe.dts = audioframe.pts for packet in audiostream.encode(audioframe): self.container.mux(packet) framenum += 1 except queue.Empty: print('record queue empty,') continue except Exception as e: print(e) #break for packet in videostream.encode(None): self.container.mux(packet) for packet in audiostream.encode(None): self.container.mux(packet) self.container.close() self.recordq_video.queue.clear() self.recordq_audio.queue.clear() print('record thread stop') def stop_recording(self): """停止录制视频""" if not self.recording: return self.recording = False def mirror_index(self,size, index): #size = len(self.coord_list_cycle) turn = index // size res = index % size if turn % 2 == 0: return res else: return size - res - 1 def get_audio_stream(self,audiotype): idx = self.custom_audio_index[audiotype] stream = self.custom_audio_cycle[audiotype][idx:idx+self.chunk] self.custom_audio_index[audiotype] += self.chunk if self.custom_audio_index[audiotype]>=self.custom_audio_cycle[audiotype].shape[0]: self.curr_state = 1 #当前视频不循环播放,切换到静音状态 return stream def set_curr_state(self,audiotype, reinit): print('set_curr_state:',audiotype) self.curr_state = audiotype if reinit: self.custom_audio_index[audiotype] = 0 self.custom_index[audiotype] = 0 # def process_custom(self,audiotype:int,idx:int): # if self.curr_state!=audiotype: #从推理切到口播 # if idx in self.switch_pos: #在卡点位置可以切换 # self.curr_state=audiotype # self.custom_index=0 # else: # self.custom_index+=1