import time import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import resampy import asyncio import edge_tts from typing import Iterator import requests import queue from queue import Queue from io import BytesIO from threading import Thread, Event from enum import Enum class State(Enum): RUNNING=0 PAUSE=1 class BaseTTS: def __init__(self, opt, parent): self.opt=opt self.parent = parent self.fps = opt.fps # 20 ms per frame self.sample_rate = 16000 self.chunk = self.sample_rate // self.fps # 320 samples per chunk (20ms * 16000 / 1000) self.input_stream = BytesIO() self.msgqueue = Queue() self.state = State.RUNNING def pause_talk(self): self.msgqueue.queue.clear() self.state = State.PAUSE def put_msg_txt(self,msg): if len(msg)>0: self.msgqueue.put(msg) def render(self,quit_event): process_thread = Thread(target=self.process_tts, args=(quit_event,)) process_thread.start() def process_tts(self,quit_event): while not quit_event.is_set(): try: msg = self.msgqueue.get(block=True, timeout=1) self.state=State.RUNNING except queue.Empty: continue self.txt_to_audio(msg) print('ttsreal thread stop') def txt_to_audio(self,msg): pass ########################################################################################### class EdgeTTS(BaseTTS): def txt_to_audio(self,msg): voicename = "zh-CN-YunxiaNeural" text = msg t = time.time() asyncio.new_event_loop().run_until_complete(self.__main(voicename,text)) print(f'-------edge tts time:{time.time()-t:.4f}s') if self.input_stream.getbuffer().nbytes<=0: #edgetts err print('edgetts err!!!!!') return stream = self.__create_bytes_stream(self.input_stream) streamlen = stream.shape[0] idx=0 while streamlen >= self.chunk and self.state==State.RUNNING: self.parent.put_audio_frame(stream[idx:idx+self.chunk]) streamlen -= self.chunk idx += self.chunk #if streamlen>0: #skip last frame(not 20ms) # self.queue.put(stream[idx:]) self.input_stream.truncate() def __create_bytes_stream(self,byte_stream): #byte_stream=BytesIO(buffer) stream, sample_rate = # [T*sample_rate,] float64 print(f'[INFO]tts audio stream {sample_rate}: {stream.shape}') stream = stream.astype(np.float32) if stream.ndim > 1: print(f'[WARN] audio has {stream.shape[1]} channels, only use the first.') stream = stream[:, 0] if sample_rate != self.sample_rate and stream.shape[0]>0: print(f'[WARN] audio sample rate is {sample_rate}, resampling into {self.sample_rate}.') stream = resampy.resample(x=stream, sr_orig=sample_rate, sr_new=self.sample_rate) return stream async def __main(self,voicename: str, text: str): try: communicate = edge_tts.Communicate(text, voicename) #with open(OUTPUT_FILE, "wb") as file: first = True async for chunk in if first: first = False if chunk["type"] == "audio" and self.state==State.RUNNING: #self.push_audio(chunk["data"]) self.input_stream.write(chunk["data"]) #file.write(chunk["data"]) elif chunk["type"] == "WordBoundary": pass except Exception as e: print(e) ########################################################################################### class VoitsTTS(BaseTTS): def txt_to_audio(self,msg): self.stream_tts( self.gpt_sovits( msg, self.opt.REF_FILE, self.opt.REF_TEXT, "zh", #en args.language, self.opt.TTS_SERVER, #"", #args.server_url, ) ) def gpt_sovits(self, text, reffile, reftext,language, server_url) -> Iterator[bytes]: start = time.perf_counter() req={ 'text':text, 'text_lang':language, 'ref_audio_path':reffile, 'prompt_text':reftext, 'prompt_lang':language, 'media_type':'raw', 'streaming_mode':True } # req["text"] = text # req["text_language"] = language # req["character"] = character # req["emotion"] = emotion # #req["stream_chunk_size"] = stream_chunk_size # you can reduce it to get faster response, but degrade quality # req["streaming_mode"] = True try: res = f"{server_url}/tts", json=req, stream=True, ) end = time.perf_counter() print(f"gpt_sovits Time to make POST: {end-start}s") if res.status_code != 200: print("Error:", res.text) return first = True for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=12800): # 1280 32K*20ms*2 if first: end = time.perf_counter() print(f"gpt_sovits Time to first chunk: {end-start}s") first = False if chunk and self.state==State.RUNNING: yield chunk #print("gpt_sovits response.elapsed:", res.elapsed) except Exception as e: print(e) def stream_tts(self,audio_stream): for chunk in audio_stream: if chunk is not None and len(chunk)>0: stream = np.frombuffer(chunk, dtype=np.int16).astype(np.float32) / 32767 stream = resampy.resample(x=stream, sr_orig=32000, sr_new=self.sample_rate) #byte_stream=BytesIO(buffer) #stream = self.__create_bytes_stream(byte_stream) streamlen = stream.shape[0] idx=0 while streamlen >= self.chunk: self.parent.put_audio_frame(stream[idx:idx+self.chunk]) streamlen -= self.chunk idx += self.chunk ########################################################################################### class CosyVoiceTTS(BaseTTS): def txt_to_audio(self,msg): self.stream_tts( self.cosy_voice( msg, self.opt.REF_FILE, self.opt.REF_TEXT, "zh", #en args.language, self.opt.TTS_SERVER, #"", #args.server_url, ) ) def cosy_voice(self, text, reffile, reftext,language, server_url) -> Iterator[bytes]: start = time.perf_counter() payload = { 'tts_text': text, 'prompt_text': reftext } try: files = [('prompt_wav', ('prompt_wav', open(reffile, 'rb'), 'application/octet-stream'))] res = requests.request("GET", f"{server_url}/inference_zero_shot", data=payload, files=files, stream=True) end = time.perf_counter() print(f"cosy_voice Time to make POST: {end-start}s") if res.status_code != 200: print("Error:", res.text) return first = True for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=8820): # 882 22.05K*20ms*2 if first: end = time.perf_counter() print(f"cosy_voice Time to first chunk: {end-start}s") first = False if chunk and self.state==State.RUNNING: yield chunk except Exception as e: print(e) def stream_tts(self,audio_stream): for chunk in audio_stream: if chunk is not None and len(chunk)>0: stream = np.frombuffer(chunk, dtype=np.int16).astype(np.float32) / 32767 stream = resampy.resample(x=stream, sr_orig=22050, sr_new=self.sample_rate) #byte_stream=BytesIO(buffer) #stream = self.__create_bytes_stream(byte_stream) streamlen = stream.shape[0] idx=0 while streamlen >= self.chunk: self.parent.put_audio_frame(stream[idx:idx+self.chunk]) streamlen -= self.chunk idx += self.chunk ########################################################################################### class XTTS(BaseTTS): def __init__(self, opt, parent): super().__init__(opt,parent) self.speaker = self.get_speaker(opt.REF_FILE, opt.TTS_SERVER) def txt_to_audio(self,msg): self.stream_tts( self.xtts( msg, self.speaker, "zh-cn", #en args.language, self.opt.TTS_SERVER, #"http://localhost:9000", #args.server_url, "20" #args.stream_chunk_size ) ) def get_speaker(self,ref_audio,server_url): files = {"wav_file": ("reference.wav", open(ref_audio, "rb"))} response ="{server_url}/clone_speaker", files=files) return response.json() def xtts(self,text, speaker, language, server_url, stream_chunk_size) -> Iterator[bytes]: start = time.perf_counter() speaker["text"] = text speaker["language"] = language speaker["stream_chunk_size"] = stream_chunk_size # you can reduce it to get faster response, but degrade quality try: res = f"{server_url}/tts_stream", json=speaker, stream=True, ) end = time.perf_counter() print(f"xtts Time to make POST: {end-start}s") if res.status_code != 200: print("Error:", res.text) return first = True for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=9600): #24K*20ms*2 if first: end = time.perf_counter() print(f"xtts Time to first chunk: {end-start}s") first = False if chunk: yield chunk except Exception as e: print(e) def stream_tts(self,audio_stream): for chunk in audio_stream: if chunk is not None and len(chunk)>0: stream = np.frombuffer(chunk, dtype=np.int16).astype(np.float32) / 32767 stream = resampy.resample(x=stream, sr_orig=24000, sr_new=self.sample_rate) #byte_stream=BytesIO(buffer) #stream = self.__create_bytes_stream(byte_stream) streamlen = stream.shape[0] idx=0 while streamlen >= self.chunk: self.parent.put_audio_frame(stream[idx:idx+self.chunk]) streamlen -= self.chunk idx += self.chunk