# 采用gpt-sovits方案,bert-sovits适合长音频训练,gpt-sovits运行短音频快速推理 ## 部署tts推理 git clone https://github.com/X-T-E-R/GPT-SoVITS-Inference.git 1. 安装依赖库 ``` conda create -n GPTSoVits python=3.9 conda activate GPTSoVits bash install.sh ``` 从 [GPT-SoVITS Models](https://huggingface.co/lj1995/GPT-SoVITS) 下载预训练模型,并将它们放置在 `GPT_SoVITS\pretrained_models` 中 2. Model Folder Format 模型文件下载地址 https://www.yuque.com/xter/zibxlp/gsximn7ditzgispg 下载的模型文件放到trained目录下, 如 `trained/Character1/` Put the pth / ckpt / wav files in it, the wav should be named as the prompt text Like : ``` trained --hutao ----hutao-e75.ckpt ----hutao_e60_s3360.pth ----hutao said something.wav ``` 3. 启动 后端接口: python Inference/src/tts_backend.py 如果有错误提示找不到cmudict,从这下载https://github.com/nltk/nltk_data,将packages改名为nltk_data放到home目录下 管理页面: python Inference/src/TTS_Webui.py, 浏览器打开可以管理character和emotion 4. 接口测试 Character and Emotion List To obtain the supported characters and their corresponding emotions, please visit the following URL: - URL: `` - Returns: A JSON format list of characters and corresponding emotions - Method: `GET` ``` { "Hanabi": [ "default", "Normal", "Yandere", ], "Hutao": [ "default" ] } ```