
490 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
import json
import os
import os.path as osp
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Tuple
import rospy
from unitree_legged_msgs.msg import LowState
from unitree_legged_msgs.msg import LegsCmd
from unitree_legged_msgs.msg import Float32MultiArrayStamped
from std_msgs.msg import Float32MultiArray
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist, Pose
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
import ros_numpy
def resize2d(img, size):
return (F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(Variable(img), size)).data
def quat_rotate_inverse(q, v):
shape = q.shape
q_w = q[:, -1]
q_vec = q[:, :3]
a = v * (2.0 * q_w ** 2 - 1.0).unsqueeze(-1)
b = torch.cross(q_vec, v, dim=-1) * q_w.unsqueeze(-1) * 2.0
c = q_vec * \
torch.bmm(q_vec.view(shape[0], 1, 3), v.view(
shape[0], 3, 1)).squeeze(-1) * 2.0
return a - b + c
class UnitreeA1Real:
""" This is the handler that works for ROS 1 on unitree. """
def __init__(self,
robot_namespace= "a112138",
low_state_topic= "/low_state",
legs_cmd_topic= "/legs_cmd",
forward_depth_topic = "/camera/depth/image_rect_raw",
forward_depth_embedding_dims = None,
odom_topic= "/odom/filtered",
lin_vel_deadband= 0.1,
ang_vel_deadband= 0.1,
move_by_wireless_remote= False, # if True, command will not listen to move_cmd_subscriber, but wireless remote.
cfg= dict(),
extra_cfg= dict(),
model_device= torch.device("cpu"),
* Must call start_ros() before using this class's get_obs() and send_action()
* Joint order of simulation and of real A1 protocol are different, see dof_names
* We store all joints values in the order of simulation in this class
forward_depth_embedding_dims: If a real number, the obs will not be built as a normal env.
The segment of obs will be subsituted by the embedding of forward depth image from the
ROS topic.
cfg: same config from a1_config but a dict object.
extra_cfg: some other configs that is hard to load from file.
self.model_device = model_device
self.num_envs = 1
self.robot_namespace = robot_namespace
self.low_state_topic = low_state_topic
self.legs_cmd_topic = legs_cmd_topic
self.forward_depth_topic = forward_depth_topic
self.forward_depth_embedding_dims = forward_depth_embedding_dims
self.odom_topic = odom_topic
self.lin_vel_deadband = lin_vel_deadband
self.ang_vel_deadband = ang_vel_deadband
self.move_by_wireless_remote = move_by_wireless_remote
self.cfg = cfg
self.extra_cfg = dict(
torque_limits= torch.tensor([33.5] * 12, dtype= torch.float32, device= self.model_device, requires_grad= False), # Nm
# torque_limits= torch.tensor([1, 5, 5] * 4, dtype= torch.float32, device= self.model_device, requires_grad= False), # Nm
dof_map= [ # from isaacgym simulation joint order to URDF order
3, 4, 5,
0, 1, 2,
9, 10,11,
6, 7, 8,
], # real_joint_idx = dof_map[sim_joint_idx]
dof_names= [ # NOTE: order matters. This list is the order in simulation.
# motor strength is multiplied directly to the action.
motor_strength= torch.ones(12, dtype= torch.float32, device= self.model_device, requires_grad= False),
); self.extra_cfg.update(extra_cfg)
if "torque_limits" in self.cfg["control"]:
if isinstance(self.cfg["control"]["torque_limits"], (tuple, list)):
for i in range(len(self.cfg["control"]["torque_limits"])):
self.extra_cfg["torque_limits"][i] = self.cfg["control"]["torque_limits"][i]
self.extra_cfg["torque_limits"][:] = self.cfg["control"]["torque_limits"]
self.command_buf = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 3,), device= self.model_device, dtype= torch.float32) # zeros for initialization
self.actions = torch.zeros((1, 12), device= model_device, dtype= torch.float32)
def start_ros(self):
# initialze several buffers so that the system works even without message update.
# self.low_state_buffer = LowState() # not initialized, let input message update it.
self.base_position_buffer = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 3), device= self.model_device, requires_grad= False)
self.legs_cmd_publisher = rospy.Publisher(
self.robot_namespace + self.legs_cmd_topic,
queue_size= 1,
# self.debug_publisher = rospy.Publisher(
# "/DNNmodel_debug",
# Float32MultiArray,
# queue_size= 1,
# )
# NOTE: this launches the subscriber callback function
self.low_state_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
self.robot_namespace + self.low_state_topic,
queue_size= 1,
self.odom_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
self.robot_namespace + self.odom_topic,
queue_size= 1,
if not self.move_by_wireless_remote:
self.move_cmd_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
queue_size= 1,
if "forward_depth" in self.all_obs_components:
if not self.forward_depth_embedding_dims:
self.forward_depth_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
self.robot_namespace + self.forward_depth_topic,
queue_size= 1,
self.forward_depth_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
self.robot_namespace + self.forward_depth_topic,
queue_size= 1,
self.pose_cmd_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(
queue_size= 1,
def wait_untill_ros_working(self):
rate = rospy.Rate(100)
while not hasattr(self, "low_state_buffer"):
rospy.loginfo("UnitreeA1Real.low_state_buffer acquired, stop waiting.")
def process_configs(self):
self.up_axis_idx = 2 # 2 for z, 1 for y -> adapt gravity accordingly
self.gravity_vec = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 3), dtype= torch.float32)
self.gravity_vec[:, self.up_axis_idx] = -1
self.obs_scales = self.cfg["normalization"]["obs_scales"]
self.obs_scales["dof_pos"] = torch.tensor(self.obs_scales["dof_pos"], device= self.model_device, dtype= torch.float32)
if not isinstance(self.cfg["control"]["damping"]["joint"], (list, tuple)):
self.cfg["control"]["damping"]["joint"] = [self.cfg["control"]["damping"]["joint"]] * 12
if not isinstance(self.cfg["control"]["stiffness"]["joint"], (list, tuple)):
self.cfg["control"]["stiffness"]["joint"] = [self.cfg["control"]["stiffness"]["joint"]] * 12
self.d_gains = torch.tensor(self.cfg["control"]["damping"]["joint"], device= self.model_device, dtype= torch.float32)
self.p_gains = torch.tensor(self.cfg["control"]["stiffness"]["joint"], device= self.model_device, dtype= torch.float32)
self.default_dof_pos = torch.zeros(12, device= self.model_device, dtype= torch.float32)
for i in range(12):
name = self.extra_cfg["dof_names"][i]
default_joint_angle = self.cfg["init_state"]["default_joint_angles"][name]
self.default_dof_pos[i] = default_joint_angle
self.computer_clip_torque = self.cfg["control"].get("computer_clip_torque", True)
rospy.loginfo("Computer Clip Torque (onboard) is " + str(self.computer_clip_torque))
if self.computer_clip_torque:
self.torque_limits = self.extra_cfg["torque_limits"]
rospy.loginfo("[Env] torque limit: {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}".format(*self.torque_limits[:3]))
self.commands_scale = torch.tensor([
], device= self.model_device, requires_grad= False)
self.obs_segments = self.get_obs_segment_from_components(self.cfg["env"]["obs_components"])
self.num_obs = self.get_num_obs_from_components(self.cfg["env"]["obs_components"])
components = self.cfg["env"].get("privileged_obs_components", None)
self.privileged_obs_segments = None if components is None else self.get_num_obs_from_components(components)
self.num_privileged_obs = None if components is None else self.get_num_obs_from_components(components)
self.all_obs_components = self.cfg["env"]["obs_components"] + (self.cfg["env"].get("privileged_obs_components", []) if components is not None else [])
# store config values to attributes to improve speed
self.clip_obs = self.cfg["normalization"]["clip_observations"]
self.control_type = self.cfg["control"]["control_type"]
self.action_scale = self.cfg["control"]["action_scale"]
rospy.loginfo("[Env] action scale: {:.1f}".format(self.action_scale))
self.clip_actions = self.cfg["normalization"]["clip_actions"]
if self.cfg["normalization"].get("clip_actions_method", None) == "hard":
rospy.loginfo("clip_actions_method with hard mode")
rospy.loginfo("clip_actions_high: " + str(self.cfg["normalization"]["clip_actions_high"]))
rospy.loginfo("clip_actions_low: " + str(self.cfg["normalization"]["clip_actions_low"]))
self.clip_actions_method = "hard"
self.clip_actions_low = torch.tensor(self.cfg["normalization"]["clip_actions_low"], device= self.model_device, dtype= torch.float32)
self.clip_actions_high = torch.tensor(self.cfg["normalization"]["clip_actions_high"], device= self.model_device, dtype= torch.float32)
rospy.loginfo("clip_actions_method is " + str(self.cfg["normalization"].get("clip_actions_method", None)))
self.dof_map = self.extra_cfg["dof_map"]
# get ROS params for hardware configs
self.joint_limits_high = torch.tensor([
rospy.get_param(self.robot_namespace + "/joint_limits/{}_max".format(s)) \
for s in ["hip", "thigh", "calf"] * 4
self.joint_limits_low = torch.tensor([
rospy.get_param(self.robot_namespace + "/joint_limits/{}_min".format(s)) \
for s in ["hip", "thigh", "calf"] * 4
if "forward_depth" in self.all_obs_components:
resolution = self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"].get(
if not self.forward_depth_embedding_dims:
self.forward_depth_buf = torch.zeros(
(self.num_envs, *resolution),
device= self.model_device,
dtype= torch.float32,
self.forward_depth_embedding_buf = torch.zeros(
(1, self.forward_depth_embedding_dims),
device= self.model_device,
dtype= torch.float32,
def _init_height_points(self):
""" Returns points at which the height measurments are sampled (in base frame)
[torch.Tensor]: Tensor of shape (num_envs, self.num_height_points, 3)
return None
def _get_heights(self):
""" TODO: get estimated terrain heights around the robot base """
# currently return a zero tensor with valid size
return torch.zeros(self.num_envs, 187, device= self.model_device, requires_grad= False)
def clip_action_before_scale(self, actions):
actions = torch.clip(actions, -self.clip_actions, self.clip_actions)
if getattr(self, "clip_actions_method", None) == "hard":
actions = torch.clip(actions, self.clip_actions_low, self.clip_actions_high)
return actions
def clip_by_torque_limit(self, actions_scaled):
""" Different from simulation, we reverse the process and clip the actions directly,
so that the PD controller runs in robot but not our script.
control_type = self.cfg["control"]["control_type"]
if control_type == "P":
p_limits_low = (-self.torque_limits) + self.d_gains*self.dof_vel
p_limits_high = (self.torque_limits) + self.d_gains*self.dof_vel
actions_low = (p_limits_low/self.p_gains) - self.default_dof_pos + self.dof_pos
actions_high = (p_limits_high/self.p_gains) - self.default_dof_pos + self.dof_pos
raise NotImplementedError
return torch.clip(actions_scaled, actions_low, actions_high)
""" Get obs components and cat to a single obs input """
def _get_proprioception_obs(self):
# base_ang_vel = quat_rotate_inverse(
# torch.tensor(self.low_state_buffer.imu.quaternion).unsqueeze(0),
# torch.tensor(self.low_state_buffer.imu.gyroscope).unsqueeze(0),
# ).to(self.model_device)
# NOTE: Different from the isaacgym.
# The anglar velocity is already in base frame, no need to rotate
base_ang_vel = torch.tensor(self.low_state_buffer.imu.gyroscope, device= self.model_device).unsqueeze(0)
projected_gravity = quat_rotate_inverse(
self.dof_pos = dof_pos = torch.tensor([
self.low_state_buffer.motorState[self.dof_map[i]].q for i in range(12)
], dtype= torch.float32, device= self.model_device).unsqueeze(0)
self.dof_vel = dof_vel = torch.tensor([
self.low_state_buffer.motorState[self.dof_map[i]].dq for i in range(12)
], dtype= torch.float32, device= self.model_device).unsqueeze(0)
# rospy.loginfo_throttle(5,
# "projected_gravity: " + \
# ", ".join([str(i) for i in projected_gravity[0].cpu().tolist()])
# )
# rospy.loginfo_throttle(5, "Hacking projected_gravity y -= 0.15")
# projected_gravity[:, 1] -= 0.15
torch.zeros((1, 3), device= self.model_device), # no linear velocity
base_ang_vel * self.obs_scales["ang_vel"],
self.command_buf * self.commands_scale,
(dof_pos - self.default_dof_pos) * self.obs_scales["dof_pos"],
dof_vel * self.obs_scales["dof_vel"],
], dim= -1)
def _get_forward_depth_obs(self):
if not self.forward_depth_embedding_dims:
return self.forward_depth_buf.flatten(start_dim= 1)
if self.low_state_get_time.to_sec() - self.forward_depth_embedding_stamp.to_sec() > 0.4:
rospy.logerr("Getting depth embedding later than low_state later than 0.4s")
return self.forward_depth_embedding_buf.flatten(start_dim= 1)
def compute_observation(self):
""" use the updated low_state_buffer to compute observation vector """
assert hasattr(self, "legs_cmd_publisher"), "start_ros() not called, ROS handlers are not initialized!"
obs_segments = self.obs_segments
obs = []
for k, v in obs_segments.items():
getattr(self, "_get_" + k + "_obs")() * \
self.obs_scales.get(k, 1.)
obs =, dim= 1)
self.obs_buf = obs
""" The methods combined with outer model forms the step function
NOTE: the outer user handles the loop frequency.
def send_action(self, actions):
""" The function that send commands to the real robot.
self.actions = self.clip_action_before_scale(actions)
if self.computer_clip_torque:
robot_coordinates_action = self.clip_by_torque_limit(actions * self.action_scale) + self.default_dof_pos.unsqueeze(0)
rospy.logwarn_throttle(60, "You are using control without any torque clip. The network might output torques larger than the system can provide.")
robot_coordinates_action = self.actions * self.action_scale + self.default_dof_pos.unsqueeze(0)
# debugging and logging
# transfered_action = torch.zeros_like(self.actions[0])
# for i in range(12):
# transfered_action[self.dof_map[i]] = self.actions[0, i] + self.default_dof_pos[i]
# self.debug_publisher.publish(Float32MultiArray(data=
# transfered_action\
# .cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32).tolist()
# ))
# restrict the target action delta in order to avoid robot shutdown (maybe there is another solution)
# robot_coordinates_action = torch.clip(
# robot_coordinates_action,
# self.dof_pos - 0.3,
# self.dof_pos + 0.3,
# )
# wrap the message and publish
def publish_legs_cmd(self, robot_coordinates_action, kp= None, kd= None):
""" publish the joint position directly to the robot. NOTE: The joint order from input should
be in simulation order. The value should be absolute value rather than related to dof_pos.
robot_coordinates_action = torch.clip(
legs_cmd = LegsCmd()
for sim_joint_idx in range(12):
real_joint_idx = self.dof_map[sim_joint_idx]
legs_cmd.cmd[real_joint_idx].mode = 10
legs_cmd.cmd[real_joint_idx].q = robot_coordinates_action[0, sim_joint_idx] if self.control_type == "P" else rospy.get_param(self.robot_namespace + "/PosStopF", (2.146e+9))
legs_cmd.cmd[real_joint_idx].dq = 0.
legs_cmd.cmd[real_joint_idx].tau = 0.
legs_cmd.cmd[real_joint_idx].Kp = self.p_gains[sim_joint_idx] if kp is None else kp
legs_cmd.cmd[real_joint_idx].Kd = self.d_gains[sim_joint_idx] if kd is None else kd
def get_obs(self):
""" The function that refreshes the buffer and return the observation vector.
self.obs_buf = torch.clip(self.obs_buf, -self.clip_obs, self.clip_obs)
""" Copied from legged_robot_field. Please check whether these are consistent. """
def get_obs_segment_from_components(self, components):
segments = OrderedDict()
if "proprioception" in components:
segments["proprioception"] = (48,)
if "height_measurements" in components:
segments["height_measurements"] = (187,)
if "forward_depth" in components:
resolution = self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"].get(
segments["forward_depth"] = (1, *resolution)
# The following components are only for rebuilding the non-actor module.
# DO NOT use these in actor network and check consistency with simulator implementation.
if "base_pose" in components:
segments["base_pose"] = (6,) # xyz + rpy
if "robot_config" in components:
segments["robot_config"] = (1 + 3 + 1 + 12,)
if "engaging_block" in components:
# This could be wrong, please check the implementation of BarrierTrack
segments["engaging_block"] = (1 + (4 + 1) + 2,)
if "sidewall_distance" in components:
segments["sidewall_distance"] = (2,)
return segments
def get_num_obs_from_components(self, components):
obs_segments = self.get_obs_segment_from_components(components)
num_obs = 0
for k, v in obs_segments.items():
num_obs +=
return num_obs
""" ROS callbacks and handlers that update the buffer """
def update_low_state(self, ros_msg):
self.low_state_buffer = ros_msg
if self.move_by_wireless_remote:
self.command_buf[0, 0] =
self.command_buf[0, 1] = -self.low_state_buffer.wirelessRemote.lx # right-moving stick is positive
self.command_buf[0, 2] = -self.low_state_buffer.wirelessRemote.rx # right-moving stick is positive
# set the command to zero if it is too small
if np.linalg.norm(self.command_buf[0, :2]) < self.lin_vel_deadband:
self.command_buf[0, :2] = 0.
if np.abs(self.command_buf[0, 2]) < self.ang_vel_deadband:
self.command_buf[0, 2] = 0.
self.low_state_get_time =
def update_base_pose(self, ros_msg):
""" update robot odometry for position """
self.base_position_buffer[0, 0] = ros_msg.pose.pose.position.x
self.base_position_buffer[0, 1] = ros_msg.pose.pose.position.y
self.base_position_buffer[0, 2] = ros_msg.pose.pose.position.z
def update_move_cmd(self, ros_msg):
self.command_buf[0, 0] = ros_msg.linear.x
self.command_buf[0, 1] = ros_msg.linear.y
self.command_buf[0, 2] = ros_msg.angular.z
def update_forward_depth(self, ros_msg):
# TODO not checked.
self.forward_depth_header = ros_msg.header
buf = ros_numpy.numpify(ros_msg)
self.forward_depth_buf = resize2d(
def update_forward_depth_embedding(self, ros_msg):
rospy.loginfo_once("a1_ros_run recieved forward depth embedding.")
self.forward_depth_embedding_stamp = ros_msg.header.stamp
self.forward_depth_embedding_buf[:] = torch.tensor( # (1, d)
def dummy_handler(self, ros_msg):
""" To meet the need of teleop-legged-robots requirements """