import rclpy from rclpy.node import Node from unitree_ros2_real import UnitreeRos2Real from std_msgs.msg import Float32MultiArray from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, CameraInfo import os import os.path as osp import json import time from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable from rsl_rl import modules import pyrealsense2 as rs import ros2_numpy as rnp @torch.no_grad() def resize2d(img, size): return (F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(Variable(img), size)).data class VisualHandlerNode(Node): """ A wapper class for the realsense camera """ def __init__(self, cfg: dict, cropping: list = [0, 0, 0, 0], # top, bottom, left, right rs_resolution: tuple = (480, 270), # width, height for the realsense camera) rs_fps: int= 30, depth_input_topic= "/camera/forward_depth", rgb_topic= "/camera/forward_rgb", camera_info_topic= "/camera/camera_info", enable_rgb= False, forward_depth_embedding_topic= "/forward_depth_embedding", ): super().__init__("forward_depth_embedding") self.cfg = cfg self.cropping = cropping self.rs_resolution = rs_resolution self.rs_fps = rs_fps self.depth_input_topic = depth_input_topic self.rgb_topic= rgb_topic self.camera_info_topic = camera_info_topic self.enable_rgb= enable_rgb self.forward_depth_embedding_topic = forward_depth_embedding_topic self.parse_args() self.start_pipeline() self.start_ros_handlers() def parse_args(self): self.output_resolution = self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"].get( "output_resolution", self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["resolution"], ) depth_range = self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"].get( "depth_range", [0.0, 3.0], ) self.depth_range = (depth_range[0] * 1000, depth_range[1] * 1000) # [m] -> [mm] def start_pipeline(self): self.rs_pipeline = rs.pipeline() self.rs_config = rs.config() self.rs_config.enable_stream(, self.rs_resolution[0], self.rs_resolution[1], rs.format.z16, self.rs_fps, ) if self.enable_rgb: self.rs_config.enable_stream(, self.rs_resolution[0], self.rs_resolution[1], rs.format.rgb8, self.rs_fps, ) self.rs_profile = self.rs_pipeline.start(self.rs_config) self.rs_align = rs.align( # build rs builtin filters # self.rs_decimation_filter = rs.decimation_filter() # self.rs_decimation_filter.set_option(rs.option.filter_magnitude, 6) self.rs_hole_filling_filter = rs.hole_filling_filter() self.rs_spatial_filter = rs.spatial_filter() self.rs_spatial_filter.set_option(rs.option.filter_magnitude, 5) self.rs_spatial_filter.set_option(rs.option.filter_smooth_alpha, 0.75) self.rs_spatial_filter.set_option(rs.option.filter_smooth_delta, 1) self.rs_spatial_filter.set_option(rs.option.holes_fill, 4) self.rs_temporal_filter = rs.temporal_filter() self.rs_temporal_filter.set_option(rs.option.filter_smooth_alpha, 0.75) self.rs_temporal_filter.set_option(rs.option.filter_smooth_delta, 1) # using a list of filters to define the filtering order self.rs_filters = [ # self.rs_decimation_filter, self.rs_hole_filling_filter, self.rs_spatial_filter, self.rs_temporal_filter, ] if self.enable_rgb: # get frame with longer waiting time to start the system # I know what's going on, but when enabling rgb, this solves the problem. rs_frame = self.rs_pipeline.wait_for_frames(int( self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["latency_range"][1] * 10000 # ms * 10 )) def start_ros_handlers(self): self.depth_input_pub = self.create_publisher( Image, self.depth_input_topic, 1, ) if self.enable_rgb: self.rgb_pub = self.create_publisher( Image, self.rgb_topic, 1, ) self.camera_info_pub = self.create_publisher( CameraInfo, self.camera_info_topic, 1, ) # fill in critical info of processed camera info based on simulated data # NOTE: simply because realsense's camera_info does not match our network input. # It is easier to compute this way. self.camera_info_msg = CameraInfo() self.camera_info_msg.header.frame_id = "d435_sim_depth_link" self.camera_info_msg.height = self.output_resolution[0] self.camera_info_msg.width = self.output_resolution[1] self.camera_info_msg.distortion_model = "plumb_bob" self.camera_info_msg.d = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] sim_raw_resolution = self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["resolution"] sim_cropping_h = self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["crop_top_bottom"] sim_cropping_w = self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["crop_left_right"] cropped_resolution = [ # (H, W) sim_raw_resolution[0] - sum(sim_cropping_h), sim_raw_resolution[1] - sum(sim_cropping_w), ] network_input_resolution = self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["output_resolution"] x_fov = sum(self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["horizontal_fov"]) / 2 / 180 * np.pi fx = (sim_raw_resolution[1]) / (2 * np.tan(x_fov / 2)) fy = fx fx = fx * network_input_resolution[1] / cropped_resolution[1] fy = fy * network_input_resolution[0] / cropped_resolution[0] cx = (sim_raw_resolution[1] / 2) - sim_cropping_w[0] cy = (sim_raw_resolution[0] / 2) - sim_cropping_h[0] cx = cx * network_input_resolution[1] / cropped_resolution[1] cy = cy * network_input_resolution[0] / cropped_resolution[0] self.camera_info_msg.k = [ fx, 0., cx, 0., fy, cy, 0., 0., 1., ] self.camera_info_msg.r = [1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.] self.camera_info_msg.p = [ fx, 0., cx, 0., 0., fy, cy, 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., ] self.camera_info_msg.binning_x = 0 self.camera_info_msg.binning_y = 0 self.camera_info_msg.roi.do_rectify = False self.create_timer( self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["refresh_duration"], self.publish_camera_info_callback, ) self.forward_depth_embedding_pub = self.create_publisher( Float32MultiArray, self.forward_depth_embedding_topic, 1, ) self.get_logger().info("ros handlers started") def publish_camera_info_callback(self): self.camera_info_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg() self.get_logger().info("camera info published", once= True) self.camera_info_pub.publish(self.camera_info_msg) def get_depth_frame(self): # read from pyrealsense2, preprocess and write the model embedding to the buffer rs_frame = self.rs_pipeline.wait_for_frames(int( self.cfg["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["latency_range"][1] * 1000 # ms )) if self.enable_rgb: rs_frame = self.rs_align.process(rs_frame) depth_frame = rs_frame.get_depth_frame() if not depth_frame: self.get_logger().error("No depth frame", throttle_duration_sec= 1) return color_frame = rs_frame.get_color_frame() if color_frame: rgb_image_np = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data()) rgb_image_np = np.rot90(rgb_image_np, k= 2) # since the camera is inverted rgb_image_np = rgb_image_np[ self.cropping[0]: -self.cropping[1]-1, self.cropping[2]: -self.cropping[3]-1, ] rgb_image_msg = rnp.msgify(Image, rgb_image_np, encoding= "rgb8") rgb_image_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg() rgb_image_msg.header.frame_id = "d435_sim_depth_link" self.rgb_pub.publish(rgb_image_msg) self.get_logger().info("rgb image published", once= True) # apply relsense filters for rs_filter in self.rs_filters: depth_frame = rs_filter.process(depth_frame) depth_image_np = np.asanyarray(depth_frame.get_data()) # rotate 180 degree because d435i on h1 head is mounted inverted depth_image_np = np.rot90(depth_image_np, k= 2) # k = 2 for rotate 90 degree twice depth_image_pyt = torch.from_numpy(depth_image_np.astype(np.float32)).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) # apply torch filters depth_image_pyt = depth_image_pyt[:, :, self.cropping[0]: -self.cropping[1]-1, self.cropping[2]: -self.cropping[3]-1, ] depth_image_pyt = torch.clip(depth_image_pyt, self.depth_range[0], self.depth_range[1]) / (self.depth_range[1] - self.depth_range[0]) depth_image_pyt = resize2d(depth_image_pyt, self.output_resolution) # publish the depth image input to ros topic self.get_logger().info("depth range: {}-{}".format(*self.depth_range), once= True) depth_input_data = ( depth_image_pyt.detach().cpu().numpy() * (self.depth_range[1] - self.depth_range[0]) + self.depth_range[0] ).astype(np.uint16)[0, 0] # (h, w) unit [mm] # DEBUG: centering the depth image # depth_input_data = depth_input_data.copy() # depth_input_data[int(depth_input_data.shape[0] / 2), :] = 0 # depth_input_data[:, int(depth_input_data.shape[1] / 2)] = 0 depth_input_msg = rnp.msgify(Image, depth_input_data, encoding= "16UC1") depth_input_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg() depth_input_msg.header.frame_id = "d435_sim_depth_link" self.depth_input_pub.publish(depth_input_msg) self.get_logger().info("depth input published", once= True) return depth_image_pyt def publish_depth_embedding(self, embedding): msg = Float32MultiArray() = embedding.squeeze().detach().cpu().numpy().tolist() self.forward_depth_embedding_pub.publish(msg) self.get_logger().info("depth embedding published", once= True) def register_models(self, visual_encoder): self.visual_encoder = visual_encoder def start_main_loop_timer(self, duration): self.create_timer( duration, self.main_loop, ) def main_loop(self): depth_image_pyt = self.get_depth_frame() if depth_image_pyt is not None: embedding = self.visual_encoder(depth_image_pyt) self.publish_depth_embedding(embedding) else: self.get_logger().warn("One frame of depth embedding if not acquired") @torch.inference_mode() def main(args): rclpy.init() assert args.logdir is not None, "Please provide a logdir" with open(osp.join(args.logdir, "config.json"), "r") as f: config_dict = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook= OrderedDict) device = "cpu" duration = config_dict["sensor"]["forward_camera"]["refresh_duration"] # in sec visual_node = VisualHandlerNode( cfg= json.load(open(osp.join(args.logdir, "config.json"), "r")), cropping= [args.crop_top, args.crop_bottom, args.crop_left, args.crop_right], rs_resolution= (args.width, args.height), rs_fps= args.fps, enable_rgb= args.rgb, ) env_node = UnitreeRos2Real( "visual_h1", low_cmd_topic= "low_cmd_dryrun", # This node should not publish any command at all cfg= config_dict, model_device= device, robot_class_name= "Go2", dryrun= True, # The robot node in this process should not run at all ) model = getattr(modules, config_dict["runner"]["policy_class_name"])( num_actor_obs = env_node.num_obs, num_critic_obs = env_node.num_privileged_obs, num_actions= env_node.num_actions, obs_segments= env_node.obs_segments, privileged_obs_segments= env_node.privileged_obs_segments, **config_dict["policy"], ) # load the model with the latest checkpoint model_names = [i for i in os.listdir(args.logdir) if i.startswith("model_")] model_names.sort(key= lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0])) state_dict = torch.load(osp.join(args.logdir, model_names[-1]), map_location= "cpu") model.load_state_dict(state_dict["model_state_dict"]) model = model.encoders[0] # the first encoder is the visual encoder env_node.destroy_node() visual_node.get_logger().info("Embedding send duration: {:.2f} sec".format(duration)) visual_node.register_models(model) if args.loop_mode == "while": rclpy.spin_once(visual_node, timeout_sec= 0.) while rclpy.ok(): main_loop_time = time.monotonic() visual_node.main_loop() rclpy.spin_once(visual_node, timeout_sec= 0.) time.sleep(max(0, duration - (time.monotonic() - main_loop_time))) elif args.loop_mode == "timer": visual_node.start_main_loop_timer(duration) rclpy.spin(visual_node) visual_node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--logdir", type= str, default= None, help= "The directory which contains the config.json and model_*.pt files") parser.add_argument("--height", type= int, default= 480, help= "The height of the realsense image", ) parser.add_argument("--width", type= int, default= 640, help= "The width of the realsense image", ) parser.add_argument("--fps", type= int, default= 30, help= "The fps request to the rs pipeline", ) parser.add_argument("--crop_left", type= int, default= 28, help= "num of pixel to crop in the original pyrealsense readings." ) parser.add_argument("--crop_right", type= int, default= 36, help= "num of pixel to crop in the original pyrealsense readings." ) parser.add_argument("--crop_top", type= int, default= 48, help= "num of pixel to crop in the original pyrealsense readings." ) parser.add_argument("--crop_bottom", type= int, default= 0, help= "num of pixel to crop in the original pyrealsense readings." ) parser.add_argument("--rgb", action= "store_true", default= False, help= "Set to enable rgb visualization", ) parser.add_argument("--loop_mode", type= str, default= "timer", choices= ["while", "timer"], help= "Select which mode to run the main policy control iteration", ) args = parser.parse_args() main(args)