[flake8] show-source=True statistics=True per-file-ignores=*/__init__.py:F401 # E402: Module level import not at top of file # E501: Line too long # W503: Line break before binary operator # E203: Whitespace before ':' -> conflicts with black # D401: First line should be in imperative mood # R504: Unnecessary variable assignment before return statement. # R505: Unnecessary elif after return statement # SIM102: Use a single if-statement instead of nested if-statements # SIM117: Merge with statements for context managers that have same scope. ignore=E402,E501,W503,E203,D401,R504,R505,SIM102,SIM117 max-line-length = 120 max-complexity = 18 exclude=_*,.vscode,.git,docs/** # docstrings docstring-convention=google # annotations suppress-none-returning=True allow-star-arg-any=True