[tool.isort] py_version = 37 line_length = 120 group_by_package = true # Files to skip skip_glob = [".vscode/*"] # Order of imports sections = [ "FUTURE", "STDLIB", "THIRDPARTY", "FIRSTPARTY", "LOCALFOLDER", ] # Extra standard libraries considered as part of python (permissive licenses) extra_standard_library = [ "numpy", "torch", "tensordict", "warp", "typing_extensions", "git", ] # Imports from this repository known_first_party = "rsl_rl" [tool.pyright] include = ["rsl_rl"] typeCheckingMode = "basic" pythonVersion = "3.7" pythonPlatform = "Linux" enableTypeIgnoreComments = true # This is required as the CI pre-commit does not download the module (i.e. numpy, torch, prettytable) # Therefore, we have to ignore missing imports reportMissingImports = "none" # This is required to ignore for type checks of modules with stubs missing. reportMissingModuleSource = "none" # -> most common: prettytable in mdp managers reportGeneralTypeIssues = "none" # -> raises 218 errors (usage of literal MISSING in dataclasses) reportOptionalMemberAccess = "warning" # -> raises 8 errors reportPrivateUsage = "warning"