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49 lines
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class_name: PPO
# training parameters
# -- value function
value_loss_coef: 1.0
clip_param: 0.2
use_clipped_value_loss: true
# -- surrogate loss
desired_kl: 0.01
entropy_coef: 0.01
gamma: 0.99
lam: 0.95
max_grad_norm: 1.0
# -- training
learning_rate: 0.001
num_learning_epochs: 5
num_mini_batches: 4 # mini batch size = num_envs * num_steps / num_mini_batches
schedule: adaptive # adaptive, fixed
class_name: ActorCritic
# for MLP i.e. `ActorCritic`
activation: elu
actor_hidden_dims: [128, 128, 128]
critic_hidden_dims: [128, 128, 128]
init_noise_std: 1.0
# only needed for `ActorCriticRecurrent`
# rnn_type: 'lstm'
# rnn_hidden_size: 512
# rnn_num_layers: 1
num_steps_per_env: 24 # number of steps per environment per iteration
max_iterations: 1500 # number of policy updates
empirical_normalization: false
# -- logging parameters
save_interval: 50 # check for potential saves every `save_interval` iterations
experiment_name: walking_experiment
run_name: ""
# -- logging writer
logger: tensorboard # tensorboard, neptune, wandb
neptune_project: legged_gym
wandb_project: legged_gym
# -- load and resuming
resume: false
load_run: -1 # -1 means load latest run
resume_path: null # updated from load_run and checkpoint
checkpoint: -1 # -1 means load latest checkpoint
runner_class_name: OnPolicyRunner
seed: 1