Packages Version: v3.8.0 # Introduction This package can send control command to real robot from ROS. You can do low-level control(namely control all joints on robot) and high-level control(namely control the walking direction and speed of robot). This version is suitable for unitree_legged_sdk v3.5.1, namely Go1 robot. ## Packages: Basic message function: `unitree_legged_msgs` The interface between ROS and real robot: `unitree_legged_real` ## Environment We recommand users to run this package in Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic environment ## Dependencies * [unitree_legged_sdk]( ### Notice The newest release [v3.8.0]( only supports for robot: Go1. Check release [v3.3.4]( for A1 support. # Configuration Before compiling this package, please download the corresponding unitree_legged_sdk as noted above, and put it to your own workspace's source folder(e.g. `~/catkin_ws/src`). Be careful with the sdk folder name. It should be "unitree_legged_sdk" without version tag. # Build You can use catkin_make to build ROS packages. First copy the package folder to `~/catkin_ws/src`, then: ``` cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make ``` # Setup the net connection First, please connect the network cable between your PC and robot. Then run `ifconfig` in a terminal, you will find your port name. For example, `enx000ec6612921`. Then, open the `` file under the folder `unitree_legged_real`, modify the port name to your own. And run the following commands: ``` sudo chmod +x sudo ./ ``` If you run the `ifconfig` again, you will find that port has `inet` and `netmask` now. In order to set your port automatically, you can modify `interfaces`: ``` sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces ``` And add the following 4 lines at the end: ``` auto enx000ec6612921 iface enx000ec6612921 inet static address netmask ``` Where the port name have to be changed to your own. # Run the package You can control your real Go1 robot from ROS by this package. Before you run expamle program, please run command ``` roslaunch unitree_legged_real real.launch ctrl_level:=highlevel ``` or ``` roslaunch unitree_legged_real real.launch ctrl_level:=lowlevel ``` It depends which control mode you want to use. Then, if you want to run high-level control mode, you can run example_walk node like this ``` rosrun unitree_legged_real ros_example_walk ``` If you want to run low-level control mode, you can run example_position program node like this ``` rosrun unitree_legged_real ros_example_postion ``` You can also run the node state_sub to subscribe the feedback information from Go1 robot ``` rosrun unitree_legged_real state_sub ``` You can also run the launch file that enables you control robot via keyboard like you can do in turtlesim package ``` roslaunch unitree_legged_real keyboard_control.launch ``` And before you do the low-level control, please press L2+A to sit the robot down and then press L1+L2+start to make the robot into mode in which you can do joint-level control, finally make sure you hang the robot up before you run low-level control.